Computer Scrap How Much Gold In A Scrap PC

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this is my eBay buyers account and what I've done is typed in the words computer scrap trimmed fingers into the search block and let's see if we can pull up some fingers for sale there's some there $26 for five ounces of them here's some that I was looking at earlier $800 for six pounds here's uh see what here's one here a big one twenty-four pounds four and they get they're very accepting bids on this one here this one up here the one I'm interested in it's just a Buy It Now price which means there's no bidding you just pay that price and that's shipping and they send you two fingers I think what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go ahead and go with this like the total was eight eighteen so what I'm gonna do is hit confirm and pay and bang those are coming my way hello YouTube jurors welcome to my mythbuster edition today what I'm going to do is I've got a package sitting over here behind me that contains six pounds of trimmed circuit card fingers what I'm going to do is I'm going to show how to extract the gold from those fingers and then how to refine it into pure gold the gold on these trimmed fingers is not pure gold its karat gold and once we get those foils off those fingers those the foils must be refined before we have pure gold I found that those fingers are about 50% or 12 K gold so 50% is gold the other 50% is base metals there is a continuing myth out there about computer scrap the myth is there's a quarter ounce of pure gold in every scrap PC just waiting for those who can figure out how to get it out because of this myth the folks who sell computer scrap online can charge and get anywhere from four to ten times the value of what the scrap is actually worth in terms of the amount of gold that can be extracted from the scrap what I intend to do today is prove that there's probably less than one tenth of one gram in any given scrap PC computer I don't know what it is it's people's wanting to believe that there's gold in these scrap computers there is but there's so very little of it and I intend to prove that to you today with this video oh and one other thing I do not intend to make a profit from refining this scrap in fact I intend to take a loss here I paid nearly four times more in terms of the amount of gold that I can recover off of these trimmed fingers so that I could have them to make this video so if you're watching this video to see how to make a profit from computer scrap I do not intend to make a profit from the gold that I extract from these trimmed circuit card fingers my goal here is to make a video showing how you can get the gold and then to show exactly how much gold can be extracted from this type of scrap ok to begin this process what I'm gonna do is open this box here and we're going to weigh the material that we got in here's our circuit card fingers looks like some good material that trim nice and tight looks like a good batch here now I'm gonna try to get a weight on it here okay there were so many fingers there I had to weigh them in increments I got these weights which adds up to be twenty seven oh seven point five grams total one pound is 454 grams so if you divide this the total that we got by 454 I get five point nine six pounds all right now what I'm going to do is I'm going to borrow the bubbler down here on my stockpot and my waste treatment bucket for this experiment [Music] all right I've got all the trimmed fingers in two beakers back there now what I'm gonna do is add some muriatic acid which is hydrochloric acid 31.4 5% I got hydrogen peroxide here from the dollar store and 946 ml 3% hydrogen peroxide and what I'll do is I'll just add half of this bottle to each beaker okay what's going to happen in here is those solutions the hydrochloric acid and the hydrogen peroxide will dissolve the base metals underneath each of those gold foils and release the gold foils from the circuit card boards that they're on the bubblers keeps the solution mixed up and stirring as the acids act on those base metals so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna let this go until I get 100% every scrap of gold off of each one of those trim circuit card fingers and then we'll recover it and refine it both of the beakers have been bubbling now undisturbed for 24 hours it's going to get in here and I see some oils coming loose there so we're getting some oils to come loose with this solution and bubbling air through it leave this set for another 24 hours and come back to it I ain't with this it's a nice gold foils coming up off with those fingers now so we'll just let this set continue the perk light and from there [Music] the experiment has been an operation now for about 48 hours and I just want to go in here no no yeah they're coming off nice now the foils are coming off feel good I'm just gonna let these bobble until I get 100% of those foils off of those fingers that was looking good okay these foils have been on bundling now for 72 hours I'm really starting to see some of the oils come off and fingers now see a bunch of Camila up you lay down at the bottom there this is going real well coming off in this one not quite is good I think I'm gonna add a little lord how You Brock sighs decide this Baker the solution isn't quite as dark and the foils aren't coming off quite as well as it the smaller beef we have got a fresh bottle of 3% hydrogen peroxide here I'm gonna add about another 250 ml or so to this jar and I see an instant color change there we'd get them foiled off just as well you cannot this far smaller beaver [Music] it's about 1 p.m. on Monday day 4 of the experiment here as you can see I'm getting quite a few foils coming off these fingers there's some that are still sticking pretty good but they let go for the most part so what we're going to do now we're gonna strain these fingers out of these solutions and a recapture the fingers that haven't released their foils and we're going to get the foils into a filter and then I'm going to continue with the process [Music] [Music] what I have here is a five gallon bucket regular old plastic kitchen strainer a glass rod a pretty thick one we use that to prop my kitchen strainer up and then what I'm going to do is I'm going to pour each of these solutions into this strainer here and try to strain out the large chunks of circuit card fingers that have not rendered their gold foils yet all right I'm just going to take these beakers here form right into the strainer there I want this the foils that have come off I want them going through the strainer and into the bucket and I want to capture the pieces of circuit card fingers in this strainer so I can return them to the beach there's all our gold foils down in the bottom of the beaker there [Music] okay you can see here that there's plenty of gold foils left on these fingers so I'm gonna go ahead and put these back in the beaker and try to get the rest of this off of the boards that they're attached to so we can release the gold foils and then capture them all in a filter and refine them okay here we go I'm going to try to get these foils back in this beaker now [Music] now I'll rinse these gold foils off my hands off the strainer down into the bucket here [Music] she's into Stillwater here I'm gonna do the same thing with the other beaker [Music] mad I've got a bunch of gold foils did spill try to wipe these up carefully with a filter paper that's why can we cover them [Music] now I'm going to get these fingers back into the beaker so that I can continue the process getting these things off of the painters now I'm just going to use the still water to rinse the gold flakes down into the bucket here I don't want any of those fingers going down into the bucket but if one does it's okay I want those fingers to stay out so I can put them back in the beaker and finish extracting the rest of the gold foils from those pieces of fiber board down there now what I'll do is filter the gold foils out of this bucket to a fresh bucket [Music] [Music] now I'll pour the solution through the filters capture the gold foils in these filters here you [Music] okay here's our gold foils that we've captured in these filters I'm gonna go ahead and just watch this up transfer it by hand over into this beaker and we'll save this for later this is the dirty solution that I filtered out of the gold fingers there I was gonna try to reuse it but decided not to it's all going to be waste it's about two and a half gallons all right in this beaker I've got the foils that I just extracted I set this aside for right now and these two beakers are still the fingers each of them have lots of foils I was going to reuse the solution that I took off of there but instead I'm gonna add fresh acids and fresh hydrogen peroxide here and continue on so people get this stuff fully extracted now while I have hydrogen peroxide each one [Music] and we'll let these go ahead and bubble away [Music] it is 6 a.m. on day five of this experiment I pretty much got just about I there's still a couple of pieces down there it's got some all coils lat/long not a whole bunch [Music] today is Friday about 5:00 p.m. these things have been on bubbling now for over eight days what I'm gonna do is separate the the pieces of fiberboard from the solution and the foils and then I'm gonna isolate the toils and you're refining on [Music] okay for this first operation I'm gonna take this beaker here pour it through the strainer strain out the stripped off pieces of fiber board and capture the gold foils in the bottom of this bucket [Music] not gonna rinse the acid peroxide solution off of the pieces of fiberboard here with some water I'm using distilled water but tap water would be just fine here okay now I have a clean bucket I'm going to go ahead and put these fingers in here and we're gonna rinse these off with some hot tap water now I'll use some hot tap water to rinse all the gold foils off of the fiber boards now I'll set up another filter for the gold foils that I just rinsed out with tap water here's our gold foils I siphoned off most of the water and now what I'm going to do is filter it through these filters [Music] and through these fingers each one by hand and I've got 100% of the gold foils off to each of these there's a few more that I picked out that didn't come out with the first rinse I'll go ahead and pour those through the filters and I got to tell you I don't ever want to see another batch of these things again they're just too much of a pain in the butt take too long there's not going to be very much gold here and there's going to be a ton of waste that has to be treated [Music] I'm going to pour the rest of these off oils into the filter and get them in here [Music] I'm gonna strain the the acid peroxide solution through the same filter here to get those foils out of here I've got all the gold foils in the filters here now what I'm gonna do is wrap these filters up put them in the beaker now I'm going to take this and repeat that entire procedure with that second beaker full of foils this is my first bucket of waste when I add the rest of this this bucket is about two and a half gallons so far that brings it up to at least three right there so it's three gallons of waste it's going to have to be treated with this so far now I'll go through the same exact process with the second beaker [Music] rinse them down with a little distilled water [Music] I'll put everything in a second bucket here and rinse this with some more tap water I've set up a filter here and I'm gonna go ahead and pour our goal is get it out the tap water here this is our gold foils pour that through the filter filter out the foils [Music] now I'll pour the acid peroxide solution that I drained through the strainer has got some oils in it I'll pour this to the filter now all righty here is our foils from our second beaker I'm gonna gather this up and add it to the other filters in this beaker here so now I've got all the foils in this beaker [Music] okay now I'm gonna add the waste from that second beaker to my waste bucket here [Music] they'd like to do a quick little review here with where I am this is my five gallon bucket full of waste it's got to be treated that's not going to be poured down the drain what I'll do is add sodium hydroxide precipitate out of all the metals so a pH of nine filter out those metals treat the liquid and then we can dispose of it when everything has been properly neutralized don't pour it down the drain nothing ever gets poured down the drain here here I've got the fingers I was able to leave that in there long enough to leave these fingers in there long enough to get about a hundred percent of all the foils off of them and then in this beaker I've got all the gold foils and filters so now what we're going to do is go ahead and put this tamakwa region here dissolve the gold filtered out and precipitate and see what kind of yield we give them these six pounds of trimmed circuit card fingers I'm going to begin by adding some hydrochloric acid here I'm fill it up to the 500 ml level in the beaker with lid on put it on the heat about medium heat now I'm going to add about 10 ml of concentrated nitric acid [Music] you I'm gonna add a little bit more hydrochloric gas in here bring it up to about the 750 ml level on the beaker and I actually took it up to the 1000ml level and I'm gonna give it a quick stir we'll let that cook [Music] you I'm gonna give it a quick stir here oh [Music] yeah our filters are breaking up now that's good I can still see gold foils down in there [Music] [Music] I'm gonna add just a dash more nitric acid here maybe 1/2 ml at the most [Music] fairly certain that all the figures have dissolved i'ma go ahead here okay the experiment has been on boiling now for about an hour temperature is 2:09 go ahead and pull this off the heat now let it cool down have allowed this beaker here to cool for a couple of hours it's down to 67 degrees when I open it up the look see a bunch of gold crystals floating around on top of the solution so I'm gonna have to put it back on the heat now adds more night ghasts you might get the rest that gold go back in solution I'm going to add a few more ml of nitric acid here cover it up put it back on the heat [Music] I'm gonna add about another hundred ml of hydrochloric acid just to make sure I got enough hydrochloric in there get on cooking for about a half mile right now temperatures at 199 according to this machine I'll pull it off the heat and let it cool we reach in here and get a little bit on a piece of filter paper do a stannous chloride test you can see we got it's rich in gold there's lots of gold in there okay I don't have any more gold particles floating around on my solution got it cool down to seventy eight point five degrees we've got a filter plastic set up here but go ahead and filter the solution now you it took me about nine minutes to do that filter operation there and the drops coming out at the bottom of the funnel of crystal-clear now so I've got all the stuff rinsed out of the the cake up here in the filter funnel the solution has been completely filtered now what we're going to do is go ahead and transfer this into a yacht another beaker and precipitate the pure gold so the amendment now I'll add the sodium metabisulfite and will precipitate the a pure gold out of his solution golden star come on a solution that a little bit there it looks like I might have a little bit of excess nitrogen there so I'm going to add a little bit of salt Bama gas in here now I really get much for reaction so I'm just gonna keep adding some sodium metabisulfite get all that gold to drop [Music] I'll do a quick status test here to see if we got anything to drop be sure all the Gold's out of solution now and as you can see by that test really don't have anything in solution now after waiting a few minutes I noticed that the piece of filter paper that I put the stannis on turned a little bit dark there so I'm gonna go ahead and add just a little bit more SMB and see if I can get everything to come down Tannis test after that last edition of SMB and i got nothing in solution now that's been sitting there for about two minutes it's been two minutes since I did this test so everything is dropped now it's been allowed to settle now for about half an hour I'm going to go ahead and fill this little tube full of water and I'm a sight from the waist into my stock line you now I'll filter out the goal [Music] I'm gonna rinse the goal while what's in the filter with a little bit of hydrochloric acid you now we're going to transfer the filter and the gold or melt this year [Music] take it put it over here on the table and melt it up into a button you you [Music] here's our little gold button gonna put it up here on the scale and see how much we got eleven point three I'm surprised I was only expecting about one gram per pound we got eleven point three grams from the six pounds of trimmed circuit card fingers okay YouTube doors that will conclude this video on the six pounds of trimmed circuit card fingers I got eleven point three grams of pure gold button of eleven point three grams of 24k I'll have that for sale on my eBay store my eBay user name is baffle Asst baf al o u s it took me over a week to get those fingers all stripped off with the acid peroxide solution it was a long process it was messy I didn't make any money on this of course I wasn't trying to make a profit with this my intent here was to make a video to show how to get the gold off and then to show exactly how much gold can be extracted from these fingers and what I found here is I've got I got eleven point three grams divide that by six pounds so I got one point eight eight grams of pure gold per pound of trimmed fingers I paid $118 divide that by six pounds that means I paid 136 dollars per pound for those fingers well if you take and multiply one point eight grams with spot gold at 1330 it equals less than $80 so I definitely didn't make any money with this but again my intent was not to try to make money it was to show how to get these fingers stripped off and then how to refine the gold into pure gold think I did that so now we have something if you look at this video before you go out and plunk down your hard-earned money to buy some computer scrap now you have something to a reference so that you can determine how much return and you're going to get on these these trimmed fingers other computer scrap other forms of computer scrap yields even less for example like motherboards and pens and so forth those have even less than these pure gold foils so you can expect a yield that's much less than these the trim circuit card fingers and the Pentium pros have the highest yields of all the computer scrap in my experience so that'll do it for this video thanks for watching
Channel: sreetips
Views: 473,183
Rating: 4.8107395 out of 5
Id: 4gINnj0O0w8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 12sec (2892 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 18 2018
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