Platinum Refining Complete Process by Sreetips

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hello YouTube viewers welcome back to my channel I'm three tips and I had a decision to make do I want to process the Palladium that I recovered in part 15 or do I want to go ahead and try to recover the Platinum from these platinum salts that I've been saving and I've already done palladium in several other videos so what I'm gonna do today is I'm gonna process the Platinum salt that I have here stored up and trying to get some pure platinum metal in this video before I go any further boats we got it we received it Thank You missus three tips was delighted and I'd like to extend a thank you to all of those of my viewers who have chosen to make a contribution to my paypal that has helped out tremendously I don't like asking for handouts but it does help out and it enables me to continue to make these videos so I just wanted to say thank you through all those who have made a contribution alright that's it let's go let's see if you can find some platinum here is our platinum salt from several videos I think some catalytic converter material was used to get some of this platinum and then I got a little bit of platinum out of some other rot vitamins from previous videos what we're gonna do is we're going to put the platinum salts and this beaker here and then dissolve it with aqua regia I'm gonna use hydrochloric acid to rinse it out of the container here here we go I've got all the platinum salt into this beaker here now what I'll do is add a stir bar and when we turn the stirring on and I'm gonna start put some heat to it and now what we'll do is start adding small doses concentrated nitric acid so that we can get the salt dissolved back into solution [Music] remember the dosage of three ml of nitric acid this platinum salt is going to be contaminated with other platinum group metals so what we're gonna try to do is dissolve it put it back in the solution and precipitate it with ammonium chloride one more time all right that's six milliliters of nitric acid so far solution has started to turn colors here it's turning a darker looking color [Music] okay this is my first time doing this reaction I've never dissolved this platinum salt before if you're watching me learn how to do it the first time right here I'm going to add a little bit more hydrochloric acid about 50 Nullah leaders I'm going to let this cook for a while see if I can get that platen to go back into solution here alright I've got about 200 milliliters of hydrochloric acid in here I've added six milliliters of concentrated nitric acid set everything up here out of the way because what I'm thinking may happen since this is such a finely divided material is that once that nitric kicks in it could cause a runaway reaction because the material to boil up and possibly boil out of the container we've got this standing by over here I'm gonna watch this like a hawk I see any kind of runaway reaction begin I'll take the lid off and transfer it over here into this container so it will catch any anything that boils over it's been on and out for about 35 minutes I've been slowly increasing the heat just now I started to see a little bit of fuel production in here what I'm gonna do is get a temperature reading [Music] like we've got one is 60.5 Fahrenheit 71 point four so see us now what I'm gonna do is I don't want to put too much in at once but I'm gonna had about another or is that that's about 1.5 milliliters concentrated nitric I'm just going to drip it in real careful here what I'm watching for is a delayed runaway reaction here I don't know how this stuff is gonna react this is my first time dissolving this kind of stuff and I want to do it nice and slow wrap the heat up slow add the acids in real slow just take my time with this because it's all brand new to me all right there's all the nitric [Music] that's about 7.5 milliliters of concentrated nitric acid in there now the solution has been on for 55 minutes now quick temperature reading here we've got 189 Fahrenheit 87 point to Celsius now what we'll do is I'm going to add another 1 point 5 milliliters concentrated nitric acid here do it real slow because that's hot down there I don't know how this is gonna react just drip it in drop by drop [Music] alright that went in there painlessly we've got 9 ml in there now okay right at one an hour I just added that one point five milliliter dose of concentrated nitric acid what I'm doing is adding small doses of nitric and then letting the yellow atmosphere in there clear up until there's no more fumes another dose concentrated nitric acid [Music] it's been on the heat now for 1.5 hours let's get a temperature reading here got 193 Fahrenheit eighty nine point four Celsius add another couple ml of concentrated nitric acid here [Music] that's about two two milliliters going in concentrated nitric adding it real slow [Music] or there we go we're starting to get some reaction now my fear is that it will take off on me [Music] and create a runaway reaction that's what I'm trying to avoid it's why I'm putting it in real slow here I've got eleven milliliters in there now concentrated nitric acid the solution has been on for about 2 hours and 15 minutes now I've been adding more nitric off-camera I've got 15 milliliters of concentrated nitric in there now our solution has turned from the yellow color to an orange color but wait for these fumes to clear out beam here and then we're gonna shut this down and let it cool off and subtle and see what we got right at three hours with this process what I'm going to do is turn the stir bar off and the heat off and we're gonna let this subtle and see we got inside that beer now [Music] [Music] okay to verify the latinum in solution I'm going to take this piece filter paper on the end of a bamboo skewer dip a little bit of our solution on it we're going to do a stannis test here dude as you can see I've got a dark rangin stain which is positive for whitening solution if you look here I've gotten plenty of solid material on the bottom of the beaker that's settled out I don't know if that is the filter papers and just papers or if that's for the Platinum salt that has gone into solution yet I think I'll do is put this back up on the heat start to stir bar ads for nitrogen series for production [Music] for our experiment back up on the heat here and I'm gonna turn the stirrer back on I'm gonna turn some heat back on crank the heat up and we're gonna add some more concentrated nitric here see if we get some more material to go into solution if there's any in there there's three ml going in three ml of concentrated nitric see what happens [Music] okay it's been about 25 minutes since I added that last dose of nitric and I turned the heat out doing this I've got it the 195 Fahrenheit 91 Celsius as you can see there's still some fumes being produced in here looks like the solution is starting to boil I'm gonna let this go until all these fumes disappearing here [Music] okay it's 6:20 I started this process yeah it's been going now for almost four and a half hours temperatures at 80 5.8 Celsius 180 6.5 I've got 18 milliliters of concentrated nitric in there turn the heat off turn the steering off we're gonna pull this down off the heat I think I've got everything in solution now pull this down off the heat and let it cool down [Music] and go from there I've got our solution here it's cooled down to ambient temperature there's not very much stuff down there that all looks like filter paper to me so what I'm going to do is send it over here to the side I've got a little filter set up here and we're going to go ahead and filter the filter papers that are in our solution out of that solution as before I've got a magnet here get our stir bar attached that's what those fly out of the beaker as I'm pouring the solution into the filter here [Applause] okay I'm making this up as I go as I was rinsing the filter I realized that in order to go to the next step I'll need to cement the metals out on zinc so that I can get a weight on them I've got our solution down here in this flask what I'll do now is transfer it into this flask and I've got a stir bar in there ready to go here I was setting up to evaporate the solution to a syrup but I suddenly realized that I'm gonna need to cement the metals back out of that solution on zinc so that I can weigh them but I went ahead and evaporated the solution down to concentrate it since I had it up on the stir plate there okay I've reduced the amount of liquid we have here but take this off the stirrer and they ate let this cool down now I will precipitate out the metals want some zinc so that I can see how what kind of weight that I'm dealing with you this next step I realized I needed a clean dry beaker with the weight written on it so I got three 46.2 all right here we go we're gonna take and transfer the solution into this beaker that last operation was a bit of an exercise in futility because I really didn't need to evaporate this solution down we go ahead and put a magnet on that stir bar it's getting late I'm getting tired I'm making this up as I go and I realized I didn't have the weight of the metal that I'm dealing with here so I need to cement it back out on sink and that's what I'm gonna do right now you've got some pieces of sink over here it's gonna drop these in and cement the metals back out on this sink so that I can get a weight on the metals [Applause] this should go quickly this is a concentrated solution so I should make a nice fluffy precipitate of black metals that subtle quickly that piece is already gone just to show you how quickly this zinc is reacting in here [Applause] [Music] shouldn't take very long [Applause] you you okay I've been cementing the metals out with zinc this is only taking about five minutes to do this you should produce some nice fluffy black precipitate it's going to be easy to rinse and then I can dry it out and get a weight on it so that I can proceed to the next step [Music] okay here's our solution I've let it settle overnight I went and got me some rest and now what I'm gonna do is I've got a vacuum device set up here I'm gonna suck all the solution off here into this waste container here's our black metal cement it out on sink and what I'll do is add some hydrochloric acid and a little bit of heat and burn to read those excess pieces of sink out of there I'm gonna put our platinum up here on the stir plate and a stir bar start stirring and add some heat and I'm gonna put some hydrochloric acid in here now burn out the rest of that sink [Music] you you and they had a touch more hydrochloric acid here get the rest of the st. burnt out of here [Music] either way I tell them all the zinc is gone so turn a stir bar off and then I look for that bubbling reaction right there that tells me I still have Saint dissolving in the solution in fact I can see a piece of sink in there so I'll just go ahead and let this react until they get no more bubbling and that will tell me that I've got all the sink dissolved out of the black PGM powders it's been on stirring now for about 30 minutes or so got all the zinc rinsed out of there or burnt out of there with the hydrochloric acid our black powder is nice and fluffy go ahead and get that stir bar out of there now not what I'll do is I'll rinse the powder off get all the zinc Vincente off of it I can just pour this off now because the powdered metal stays together nicely I'm just using some hot tap water multiple small rinses of hot tap water here [Applause] and just try to rinse all those ink that's on it off [Applause] I'll just pour these rinses off it's my waste container here so quickly it settles [Applause] [Applause] just do this over and over and then I'll check it with some pH test strips to make sure all they ask that has been rinsed off of it and then it's probably fairly safe to conclude once all that acid has been rinsed off of it that the zinc is gone as well alright I'm using Pisa pH test drip here this is about the 5th prince and I've got it down around between 4 and 5 it's starting to become finely divided in there so I'm gonna quit rinse in here and we'll go ahead and dry this out now pour this off you'll dry this out get a weight on the metal but putting on slow heat here and dry this out so we can weigh the metal all right our powder is bone-dry now beakers dried out the powders dry it off their want them to do here i've got a scale and we'll weigh the beaker with the powder we've got three 54.9 the beaker weighed 346 - so that's gonna give us about eight grams eight point seven grams of platinum right that right on here 350 four point nine all right the desired concentration here with this much metal it's going to be eight point seven grams times 20 ml so we want this solution to be not more than 174 milliliters put it up on the stir plate here drop in a stir bar start stirring and then we're going to add hydrochloric acid remembering not to exceed our 174 ml target all right I've had this on here heating up now for about five minutes and if you look I've already got the solution boiling but something has gone in the solution here and caused the positive to turn pink don't know what that is get a little bit of it on my piece of filter paper here I'm gonna do a stannous chloride test so we've gotten in solution right there that's just hydrochloric acid in there it looks like that's orange so it's a little bit of platinum going into solution with just hydrochloric acid boiling hydrochloric acid I guess has enough oxidation from going on in there to put a little bit of the platinum in solution all by itself [Music] okay there's a lot going on here I'm going to turn the stir bar back on get it stirring then I'm going to add some doses of hydrogen peroxide here and we're gonna get this platinum metal back in solution so that we can precipitate it with ammonium chloride here's the first dose of hydrogen peroxide going in right now and see the metal dissolving soon as that hydrogen peroxide it's the solution turning more of an orange color now [Music] alright that was one dose of hydrogen peroxide one dropper full of hydrogen peroxide here goes the second one and I'll keep track of it by putting those little tick marks on the beaker there is our second dropper full of hydrogen peroxide going in right now [Music] all right our target volume is 174 ml here I've got less than 100 ml of liquid in there so what I'm gonna do here is an ad about 50 milliliters of hydrochloric acid will make it 40 instead of 50 I'm just gonna pour this right in so we get the level up I think the a solution can be over concentrated as well as under concentrated for the precipitation phase of this so we got to get the concentration bottom correct okay I've drawn the line back here in the back of the beaker that's the level we want to try to be at that'll be our 174 ml of solution there and it's kind of low what I'm gonna do here is an add some more hydrogen peroxide the nice thing about dissolving the Platinum with this hydrogen peroxide is by the way I've got eight of these droppers already in there I did some off-camera but the nice thing about adding me how does your product side is I don't think you can overdo it here if you add too much it's not going to be a problem number one and number two there's no excess nitric acid it has to be dealt with when we go to precipitate okay here's our little mark in the back there I'm going to turn the stir bar off and see what we are relative to that mark we're significantly below that mark so what I think I'm going to do is turn the stir bar back on I'm gonna keep adding hydrogen peroxide this will get the level up close to this mark we're we don't want to be over it but we don't want to be too far under it either so what I'm gonna do is keep adding hydrogen peroxide until I get closer to my mark there right now I've got eleven doses hydrogen peroxide in there just really do two things for me this will guarantee that everything has been put into solution and it look at the level of the solution up to where I needed to be [Applause] I'm topping this thing off hydrogen peroxide a bit at the time we give them to our target mark there [Music] just a touch under that mark back here and I think that'll be just fine so what I'm going to do I'm going to take I'm gonna take it off the heat here and let it go off and then we'll filter it and precipitate the platinum the morning fluoride is coming up next allow the solution to cool down to ambient temperature and now what we'll do is or through this filter I used a little bitty filter here so as not to tie up very much metal in the filter paper this is gonna take a while got justified everything through the filter now got down to the bottom of the beaker if you look down there you'll see that there's a little bit black metal left of that beaker I'll get everything filtered now here's some metal that's left in the beaker that did not dissolve that might be another one of the platinum group metals maybe iridium or something like that just gonna set this up out of the way this will get added to my stock pot I'm gonna get the filter out of here now then what I'll do is transfer our solution from here into this speaker we can take the Platinum with ammonium chloride here we go I've got some ammonium chloride I'm gonna make a saturated solution and add it to our Platinum concentrate back there in that tall 600 leap ml beaker [Music] it's still water to it mix it up real good then we're going to add it to our concentrate in the back back there and precipitate our ammonium or black okay I think I'm ready I've got my ammonium chloride solution here saturated that's undissolved ammonium car at the bottom there appears the dissolve that's ice-cold that's an endothermic reaction it gets real cold when you mix those two together I've got a stirring rod here to help me pour it in there we go we're gonna precipitate the Platinum [Music] love the platinum to settle I'm gonna draw off liquid the top of it now you slip what's gonna have ammonia in it so I don't want to add it to my stockpile what I'll end up doing with this is putting this in a separate container and then cementing the metals out with some zinc I'll save the metal and add that to my stockpile and then I'll add the waste ammonia solution to my waste treatment buckets let me get a little bit of that solution on a piece of filter paper here and we'll do a Stannis test on this you can see we've got a little bit of platinum left in solution makes a little bit of orange but most of that is going to be palladium you can never get a 100% precipitation with platinum group metals so most of that solution is going to be delayed okay here's the status test of that solution on the top you can see it's green that tells me we got played human that solution so this the Platinum will be contaminated with some lady 'm if I wanted to give it a little bit more pure I could read azov' that salt and precipitate it one more time every time that that happens the Platinum would get a little bit more pure but I'm not going to do that this should be about 99% pure I've got some ammonium chloride water I'm putting it to the funnel here to dampen it and I'm gonna filter the Platinum salt out of the beaker here now into this filter we use [Music] ammonium fluoride water to rinse it into the bottle here into the filter and out of the beaker [Music] got to use a solution of ammonium chloride here rinsed this precipitate out Lane water will cause it to dissolve and go back into solution you use the mone employed water to rinse the beaker down and then I'll add the the rinse to the bottle try to get some more the Palladium rinsed out of that platinum salt [Music] [Music] while I'm waiting for this to filter but take my remaining ammonium chloride that I used to precipitate with and add it to my 15% Jarre here so I can use that again sometime in the future here's our nice platinum salt and as I mentioned earlier if I wanted to I'm rinsing this town with some money employed water to rinse more the plate iam out there if I wanted to get this purity up on this what I could do is we dissolve this Andry precipitate it for some more morning applied every time you do that purity goes up I don't think I'll be able to get it three nights fine using this method but this should be very close to 99% pure 98 to 99 percent okay my next step here is to get that powder in a confused courts dish runoff the ammonium chloride make the Platinum sponge before I do that I've got a slight vacuum I'm pulling on this thing trying to get as much of the liquid out of there is possible all right now it's time to burn the pure platinum solve here I've got a fused quartz dish and this thing is very pricey yet the company the hotter bucks for it it's down him here very nice fused quartz will take a direct flame now what we're going to do is I'm going to transfer the [Music] filter and the flattened salt into this fused quartz dish here very carefully this off like that went pretty good okay we're gonna transfer the platinum salt over here into our eye a little dish and I'm gonna have to start to eat real low because I've got some solution in there yet so I put it on the low and just let this evaporate down and start burning it to make the pure platinum you you add this on burning now for about 1.5 hours we've got 300 or what is that 435 Fahrenheit 224 Celsius what I'm going to do is I'm going to swap out cameras and let the other one run for about 15 minutes see if we can catch this catch this thing burning pretty good and speed the footage up [Music] you you we're coming up on two hours 45 minutes here and I've got 577 Fahrenheit 303 Celsius and this just about quit smoking here I'm gonna break this up a little bit to see what we got going on underneath this little crust I can still see some yellow right there so we're not quite done just yet there's some yellow colored material we could let that go ahead and burn a little bit longer [Music] right at three hours now now going around and poking all these little yellow pieces here trying to get this to burn okay I'm poking around in here and I don't see any more yellow that gray material right there is the pure platinum sponge everything has been burnt now I don't see any more yellow here what I'm going to do now is turn this off and we'll let it cool down a little bit and I'll transfer it into a melt dish and we'll melt it up into a button right here we go this is cooled down to ambient temperature now what I want to do is bring it over here to my melt table and we're gonna go ahead and get it into this crucible right here right it's just loaded into the crucible terribly and try to get everything down at the bottom there nice volunteer - ponch all right I cover it with borax hopefully that will help glue it in so it doesn't blow out I hit with that oxy acetylene flame and this shot I just wanted to demonstrate show here that I've got two forms of eye protection to protect my eyes from the brightness of the platinum melt that platinum will get just about as bright as the Sun and also I'll put a welding helmet visor over the camera lens to protect the camera this was my first time melting platinum I started out with the torch set way low just barely enough flame coming out of there and then as I progressed through the melt I kept adjusting the flame higher adding more acetylene and more oxygen until I got the flame to where it was starting to pop almost coming out of the nozzle if I knew the platinum formed up into a nice little bead and the rest is history here it is bright shiny button of pure platinum very first one I've ever done put it up here on the scale and we've got six point six grams six point six grams of pure platinum well this will conclude the platinum refining video I had those salts saved up from the catalytic converter videos the Palladium refining video I've got a little bit of platinum salt during that video I had the platinum salt from stock pot video number fifteen I had that all saved up in that little container and I finally finally got me a little bead of pure platinum it's gonna probably be close to 99% pure it weighs six point six grams well I put this on the eBay store and let it go for bids that'll conclude the video thanks for watching
Channel: sreetips
Views: 17,173
Rating: 4.9558825 out of 5
Id: VtC-j2wbuus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 14sec (3314 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 09 2019
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