Squishy Makeover: Fixing Your Squishies #14

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[Music] hey it's me today is another squishy makeover we're doing this again as always today's victims were selected based off of your comments on my most recent unboxing video can you stop that I'm getting nauseous I got so many broken rejected squishies I'm gonna try to save three of them today what is that what is that the first squishy you guys chose was this one a little unicorn hugging on the moon and it's a little um but cute well that was mean next is this cat who's you know great and all but I'm pretty sure it got chosen for its tail and finally is this super ugly one who in the world designed this I mean look just kidding I painted this one last episode but the house is not a home unless someone's home or something like that I don't know today I'm gonna create a little Resident for this cottage oK we've made our choices let's get to swishy roasting starting with this guy I think this is overall really cute it's a nice color cute face cute toes arms are a little short but hey that's fine but there's one problem the tail it's it's in a position that's a little distracting also it has a nice big rip across its neck doesn't really have a neck actually but you know but other than all that it's just you know pretty plain so let's see if we can add a little more personality I'm gonna start with some sandpaper which still has the guts of the last squishy on it I'm just using the sandpaper to rip it up a little bit so that the paint is sure to stick see that texture that's what we want now I'm gonna do something about this tail I had to find just the right tool for this job I'm gonna work my way all the way around slowly and carefully trying to cut as cleanly as possible until I've completely removed that thing today is not your day bud here we are you I'm not just gonna take his tail away completely so let's just reposition it but that open wound is looking rough so now I'm just gonna trim around the edges to try to smooth it out as much as possible now I'm using some fabric glue to reattach the tail rubber band it on there until the glue dries wha-wha repositioning surgery complete I feel like he still needs something though ah yeah there we go a half-eaten donut gee thanks he likes it I think he should hold this donut forever so let me just glue that donut onto his belly and oh okay moving right along I'm gonna take some slick paint and fix all the rips cracks and secure the donut on there which by the way has sprinkle scars oh the tragedy the injustice the sheer evil and securing that tail on there as well as covering the raw squishy flesh in his little area down there and as you can see there's still some substantial scarring so I'm just gonna put another nice thick coat of paint straight from the bottle it's like recreating his skin a new skin of paint a paint paint skin once that dries I'm gonna start painting the cat white finally starting to clean this up a little bit except for the doughnut which actually looks like it's rotting from the inside and after a few coats of that it's looking so bright its blinding me so I'm going over that with an off-white color to make it look a little softer yeah that was me purring now for his backside I'm doing the same thing over again oh and once we get that blinding look it's time for the cream painting that on yes yes okay cool okay all right the whole cat is painted wait not the whole cat they're still cat in the hole let me just paint in that hole real quick next I'm gonna be sketching out a pattern to give this little guy some more detail and character [Music] and I'm using a kind of orange e brown with a chocolate brown for the spots and trying to figure out where I want each color to go don't rush me it's a big decision I did end up switching the colors around I want the spots and the colors to look random but not actually be random which means I have to balance the size color and positioning of each spot so that it has an equal visual weight to the opposing color which creates the illusion of randomness but it's not actually random it's not random at all I believe they call this type of cat a calico kind of looks like a cow calico cat look ow huh I've always liked these because the colors kind of remind me of s'mores I should have made him a s'more to hold instead of a donut no no no regrets I donut regret this moving on to the back the spots on the back are kind of odd this one looks like a tall chicken nugget I'm hungry once I've gotten the spots under control I'm gonna start finally painting that terrible little donut so I'm using a cakey color and going around the edge was very tricky ooh and now for the face I think the pattern was throwing me off I could not get these eyes lined up but then again that's very typical for me uh-huh nose number one nope nose number two you think I would be better at this by now and back at it again with the eyes some thick whiskers I don't know why I painted them so thick but that's fine I can't forget those little toes that is an essential detail and back to the eyes yes I'm doing the eyes like this I can just hear the comments now I hate the ears a crate you learned it with normal early maybe I'm just terrible at painting eyes or maybe I have bad taste I actually like this style of eyes genuinely I'm sorry if it enrages you i frosted the doughnut which matches his eyes okay stop with the eye thing now hello my dear friends yes so here we go alright so here's the before and after this one was difficult because other than the inappropriate tale situation there really wasn't anything wrong with the design but it definitely does have a more unique look in a lot more detail now I don't think his stubby little arms can reach that donut sad just look at the hunger in his eyes let me just help him out there I think the donut is eating him but yeah I think the tail surgery was a success that's a weird angle what looked to me he kind of looks like he's floating on a river on his back casually with a donut [Music] okay moving on it's time to find a resident for my house nobody's home I did find this dolphin seriously okay no not a dolphin how about this little kitty no he's so um eager he's also too tall to fit through the door this weird thing no yes please no yes perfect I believe it's a bear in a bunny costume this is one of those super cheap squishies that you get in like a bag of 3000 for a dollar the edges are super messy holes everywhere limbs ripping off and the design it's just a spray of lime green and three dots but I think with a little love and patience we can make this work Oh watch it watch that leg I'm gonna start by ripping out that big fat plastic piece and then trimming up those terrible terrible edges and now he has a void so I'm gonna stuff some memory foam in there also in the hole in the ear and cover all of that up with some puffy paint just slap it on there okay now that he's all repaired I'm gonna start painting wow that was fast that repair process actually took me like an hour the power of editing I am keeping this a bunny costume so I'm going white with this bunny costume perfect timing since it's Easter this wait yeah must be an Easter thing I can I don't want to wait until Easter to decorate this I'm sorry my heart just broke into a million pieces let me pick that up I was planning on doing that squishy in time for Easter but it is most definitely too late now because I've got a lot of editing to do before Friday oh oh this is when I realized I forgot to cut the nose off of this thing wonderful so even though I had already painted it I decided to cut off that nose anyway which is a risky decision because the paint will give the cut very sharp edges that can be very difficult to cover up do you see what I mean so I started trying to fill in that gouge with slick paint the reason I wanted to cut off the nose is because I actually wanted to make this into a person wearing a bunny suit this is not the first bunny costume squishy that I've done what but I do think this is the first human being human being squishy that I've done unless you count the mermaid but they're half fish I'm adding little hairs coming out of the costume some nice rosy cheeks and the face that needs some work I also added some little freckles just to make it interesting I tried making his tail gray I thought because gray bunnies have white tails maybe white bunnies can have gray tails kinda just looks like a turd so let me just forget about that one I had my little signature okay done here's the before and after I think it's a huge improvement from what it was and I'm quite happy with it it's interesting because he looks so worried hey hurry maybe he's worried because he looks like an idiot okay so little dude welcome to your new house [Music] what am I doing with my life so I did try to match these two by using the same colors but I really have no clue what a bunny costume has to do with the cottage in any way he's just a weird little dude with a weird little house all right go back inside the last squishy I'm doing for this week is the unicorn how could you call that a unicorn it has wings therefore it is an alicorn so obviously we have issues here we've got what looks to be a Lisa Frank sticker on there and a fair amount of glitter stuck to it there's one eye on the moon and one eye on the the alicorn can I just call it a unicorn please it's either like they're eating each other's faces or they're sharing a face let's just see what we can do with this one I'm gonna ditch the stickers sorry then I'm gonna take some fabric fusion and glue up this ginormous rib match it up and rubberband it nope I don't I don't think that one's gonna work there we go boom we're back in one piece there are still surface cracks so I'm gonna seal all of that up with a bunch of slick paint and using a paint brush to kind of blend out the edges so they aren't too bumpy done and once again I'm painting this white I'm gonna be using metallic fabric paint which has zero coverage power whatsoever it's really difficult to get them to show up on any other color other than white okay prepping my metallic paint and now I'm going in on the moon one small step for man you see what I mean about zero coverage power these are super transparent so it takes like a million coats to do anything I was actually really surprised that so many people requested to see this squishy get a makeover most of the time it's the huge one or the super damaged one or the really ugly one but this one is just kind of normal but I'm here to do what the people ask except when it comes to eyes that's finally looking good so I'm going in with white again and I'm touching up all of those areas where the blue is encroaching and it's interesting because the metallic paint is so see-through and week but once it's there it's so difficult to cover it up nope nope oh oh that's that's wet paint I'm gonna try something a little different oh boy this is a glitter fabric paint which I have a ton of but never used so let's give it a chance so I thought I could do like a multicolored hair basically what it had before but just in glitter and I thought that that would look cool it doesn't maybe it's just too many colors so let me just get rid of the lime-green and just stick to these colors once it dries you can't really go over it with regular paint I had to decide while it was still wet whether I liked it or not after considering I decided I hate it it's awful so just know so now I have to go over the remaining glitter that didn't come off and cover that up so I can try a new idea this time I'm just gonna paint the hair with metallic yellow I was thinking you know moon stars and stars or shiny stars are yellow it's Star unicorn or sorry alicorn and I made the wings blue to kind of match with the moon and I went for metallic gold for the details so you know we've got a yellow and gold star theme I guess and I did keep the body white which I kind of regret because I think I could have done something a little bit more interesting since the old body was white but that's what I chose to do I'm gonna give glitter another chance I really wanted this unicorn to be shiny so I just used this glitter overtop of the wings and the mane and all of that which I think turned out pretty well the only problem is with all of the coats of metallic paint and then the glitter on top of that I lost a lot of the definition in the hair so it looks a little blobby now I'm adding some of the finishing details the ears the eyes which look so dark so harsh so strong it kind of looks like a ghost and then some stars because the moon looked a little plain that looks like a person and then I decided I'm gonna go back in and try to outline some of the areas to bring back the details which kind of worked I covered the stars and glitter signed my initials and that was it I will say I like it better than the original I don't hate it but it's definitely not one of my favorites it's nice it's pretty I think it's a good change super-good squishiness and you know the rip is gone of course so that's a good thing the wings look kind of weird to me now they almost don't look like wings anymore they look like some weird kind of backpack or like a saddle hey how's it goin yeaaaah so that's it for today I feel like you guys chose two really hard ones in this episode there wasn't that much repairing or altering that needed to be done but I had so much trouble coming up with a creative way to make these different than the originals but overall I think they came out well so I am happy with them I hope you guys enjoyed this episode and I'll see you next Friday bye [Music]
Channel: Moriah Elizabeth
Views: 12,873,112
Rating: 4.8763337 out of 5
Keywords: squishy makeover, things to do when youre bored, how to paint squishies, squishy deco, homemade squishy collection, how to make squishies, painting projects for adults, teen creative activities, adult art beginner, funny art videos, modern bob ross, soft n slo, cute squishies, cheap squishies, how to fix squishies, cat crafts, easy crafts for adults, 5 minute crafts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 23sec (1043 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2019
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