Spying on our Pet Alligator with a Security Camera!

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as you probably already know ed and i just bought a new building to turn into a reptile store and educational center so we're trying to figure out what to do for security or cameras for the building and that's when real link just actually recently reached out to us asking if we wanted to try their products or try their security cameras however we don't need it quite yet because of kovid kind of postponing our construction plans so we asked them could we use it on rex our alligator cause we've always wondered what she does when we're not in her room and they were all for it so we are going to set up the security camera in spy on rex as you can see behind me rex popped yet another one of her pools and drained it much to our delight she also had some sort of temper tantrum and threw her tree on the ground and she's unplugged her lights a couple times i think she's bored and she's really excited as are we to get her moved into our facility when her new enclosure is ready but for today we are going to clean up her entire room set up a brand new pool for her hopefully she won't pop it it just has to last what three more months something like that yeah three more months and then she can move so we're going to get that all set up today and then install the new security camera and while we're at it we're going to clean out our snapping turtles pool because they're all in the same filtration system so it's going to be a big day today lots of cleaning yes it will okay rex are you ready are you ready for a new room guess we better start cleaning [Music] all right so you can't see it on camera around the time-lapse camera because that's right there but rex oh she got up she was using this as her new cave that's not your new cave rex sorry you know you're probably upset oh she is not happy with me being in here oh are you so scary hey girly oh look at that raspberry all sorts of funny noises good girl did you lose a tooth yeah going to settle down big scary girl okay yep that's all i had back to cleaning i'm currently going through rex's pool to find teeth look at these little teeth that she loses all the time but look at this monster tube right there that's huge look at it compared to the other ones look at that tooth holy crap wrecks that's what that big hole in your mouth is yeah now i know what that big hole in the side of your head's from it's a big tooth good job all right well the search continues for rex's teeth [Music] [Music] welcome to rexpool version 8.0 this one just has to last long enough until she moves to the facility so what ed did thanks to a wonderful idea from our friend nick that weird goat guy if you remember there's that weird goat guy we put sir ed put like seven layers of truck bed liner on the outside of this pool in hopes that not on the other side yeah that's just one layer so peeled right off oh yeah this is one layer seven layers because it's on the sides that she pokes it right yep so we're hoping that this helps prevent rex's tooth from going all the way through because with rex's condition her teeth kind of stick out sideways and that's why she had poked all of her previous pools but this one should last longer kind of you want to explain yourself it's like a truck stuck on a log kick four-wheel drive in there you go time for chloe to go back smile for everyone chloe that's a big smile i don't think that whoa yeah she's in a mood right now not a smile say i haven't done programs in three months i'm so angry with the world your tank is clean doesn't that look inviting go check it out there you go came down and she disappears oh we replaced her old basket with a new one and she's trying to figure out what that is what do you think rex you can't eat the basket was it worth putting up with us for don't go up to the house don't eat the hose no yeah just focus on the basket not the hose don't eat the hose she's got the hose she's like oh it's so fresh the fresh water oh i feel so good at my skin okay now that this is done it took about half the day let's move on to the second part of this video with the camera second part that was like gonna be like five minutes of this video the whole rest of the parts it's gonna take like no time at all that's true this took us like so many hours to do don't get a pet alligator guys they're way too much work like literally six hours right now anyway camera installation i think we're gonna put the camera up here so that it can look down at rex right in her pool and if she moves around a little bit what i like about this camera and what i'm really excited to try out is the fact that it swivels around so we can actually control where it's looking and move it around to look right at her so it's the argus pt which i think stands for pan tilt and it can record at 1080p so high definition not 4k but high definition oh that's going to be perfect so this camera is battery operated or you can plug it into a wall or my favorite option is you can actually have it be powered by a solar panel the solar panel actually comes with the camera does it really yep oh cool i didn't know that obviously in rex's room we're not going to be able to use the solar panel but we're going to use the battery and just recharge it as needed oh cool it's swiveling do you control it on the phone control it right here so that's what i'm seeing right now and i can just boop and i can go up and down yeah it's like a joystick that's cool so probably i think that looks pretty good i'm gonna mount it right there oh that's so cool it's rex camera's being added in three two one it's mounted hooray and that's what it sees that is going to be perfect you happy rex you're happy chloe's happy everyone's happy rex is gonna be even happier when i give her all of her toys back oh my gosh she hasn't really had her toys in a while because she popped her pool and so she couldn't play with her toys i should say yeah give her the okay yeah so everybody remember the jolly ball we got her uh she likes it she destroys this thing she grabs it by this handle and just death rolls it for minutes on end yeah but we don't usually see her playing with it because she stops by the time we come down so i think we're finally going to catch her playing with this toy on camera rex look yeah it's your favorite toy well one of them here's your hold oh wow it's not food yeah she loves this toy oh she improves and then her second favorite toy kill the ball it touched me go bowie poop on it it's like residual sticker from something fyi it's not when i try scrubbing it off it's not poop all right rex have fun with your your toys we're gonna leave and not see what you're doing for the next couple hours so do what you normally would do wow i only caught the tail end of that yes it will see this is what happens she's playing and then i come over and turn on the camera and she stops so i'm so happy to have that time to spy ugh rex has flooded her room already has she really look at all the standing water oh my gosh it's a swamp it hasn't been 10 minutes oh how do i get that on my phone by the way oh yeah i can show you i haven't got the real link app yeah i'm logged in but i don't have anything all right you have a qr code yes let me go down to share camera here and then all you have to do is scan it and then you just got to put in the password which we're not going to show you guys there you go and now you have the camera oh my gosh it worked setup was actually really easy can i control the camera from here yeah go to the bt oh ptz okay cool she is going after the ball oh my gosh right now she's playing with her ball okay so oh my gosh she just rolled over a single roll i've never seen her do that before all right what were you gonna say uh so if you want to deposit on something you can pause it play okay the next one to it is the like if you want to hear into the room so now if she's making a lot of noise you can hear it over your phone okay the next button next to that is single take so you can take single screenshots okay the next one is record so she's doing something really cute and you want to record the entire thing that'll record it to your phone oh cool yeah it's recording though on the camera right now right yeah it records whenever there's motion we had did have to get a an sd card and put it in the camera just an fyi and then the next one i think that's if you want it to like it's different lower quality mode yeah okay probably save on space yep and then the one next to that is full screen mode oh my gosh oh i'm not gonna get any work done anymore just wait till we go to tinley oh we can watch her at tinley show people what rex is doing oh that's gonna be so cool okay so if you see it see us out of tinley ask us how rex is doing if we still have this up we'll show you oh yes that's such a great idea okay let the spine commence the camera has been set up for two days now and we have been hearing a ton of splashing downstairs so i it's time to see what rex has been up to do you have just a charizard baby i do it's my barber oh your baby charizard you can't watch don't watch this yeah try to get ideas from rex so i've gone through some of these i was the one who downloaded this just so everybody i didn't watch them all but i downloaded all of sunday or monday when we did it yep and tuesday so this first clip is at 7 41 and it's when we were giving her back her toys yeah it's your favorite oh good quality on the camera yeah wow the quality looks really clean oh geez wow it's not food yeah she loves this toy she went straight for her she did that was cute she immediately started playing which i mean we saw that yeah we saw that one yeah so that's just a kind of test security camera works yep security camera works it records when there's motion oh that's right so when there's any motion in front it starts recording for how long uh i think it's set for 30 seconds okay so we'll have 30 second clips yep as she moves it'll start yep okay gotcha oh my gosh geez okay we were there for this one i remember this oh my gosh look at this look at that flood that's happening in our basement this is when she immediately flooded it all right let's check it out wow i remember that yeah and there's the next death roll i guess wow go rex go go rex go oh my gosh she went for so long yes she did now look at the floor oh my gosh she totally flooded with that death roll so maybe her pools weren't being popped maybe it was just her flooding the pool dropped maybe look at the water level's down like an inch yeah we started it and look at all the standing water everywhere else oh my gosh rex oh so we gave her back at 7 41. it's 7 53 right now and she's done that much damage to the room in 12 minutes 12 minutes she had it flooded like that in 12 minutes oh my gosh rex i don't think that's the last barrel roll for the night oh no she just slowly wants to kill this thing yeah she does notice how the jolly ball which is the blue toy is floating right now what what was that what a lazy death roll that was just a single spin she's killing it i guess look at how fierce our alligator is oh is she already tired i guarantee you she's already tired from just that big death roll so now we're at 806 she's moving around i want to know when the ball's gonna what what are you doing rex look at my back it took so much effort for her to flip that can everyone with arrows okay let's watch this again i need to kill it i need to kill it oh there we go oh my gosh your eggs i've never seen her do something like that so i want to know when she's going to kill the bull so the bowl is still floating oh she hates that bowl oh next one okay so 2009 okay so it's only been in there for 30 30 minutes yeah oh my gosh another one oh two this time you could do it right now nope that was too much i love these like half attempts to kill the ball yeah kill the ball yeah i've never seen her belly like that before so this is stuff she's doing when she's making small splashes downstairs she's trying to kill things and failing that makes sense just a little splash it's her doing a half roll yeah this is also why we put linoleum all the way around yeah really oh okay so 811. and so she just constantly had the jolly ball in her mouth guess that's it wow turbo mode holy moly she quit halfway through she's like oh wait i like how she start you should rewind that uh okay should we watch it again she started fast and then went faster sped up and then oh my gosh okay hang on okay fast faster stop stop oh look at all the water on the ground ah now she's killing it she's just just chewing on it it's a lot of work to death roll she's gotta switch back and forth she's been holding this ball for almost 40 minutes you're right it's 8 22. that she has not let go of that ball that's really cute it's her favorite toy in the world i think i'm so glad we got that for her squeezing it and chewing it again yeah she looks so happy look at that happy face yeah look at that toothy smile she's getting tired now she's lazily oh never mind oh geez this is still not even an hour since we left she does a lot in her pool yeah she does oh uh oh is it the bulls time no no no jolly ball i bet it's because it's got a handle yeah that's perfect for her to grab onto oh poor charizard oh get it oh she's trying to grab the whole thing in her mouth we i hear her go down there so i think she does get it she squeezes it really squeezing that air and water out of that little teeny hole that's right there yep there there's the hole so that's how she sinks it yeah so she squeezes it and then when she lets go it sucks in all the water that'll do it oh she's got the handle again oh oh the bowl sunk whoa when did you kill the bowl i don't know what's that in the last clip okay so it's alive there yeah we missed it 852 the bold eyes oh she sinks it maybe the camera didn't pick up on something or maybe wow it has been about an hour and a half and she has almost solidly been playing with that ball yeah oh she's just thrashing it around look at those teeth oh her teeth have gotten so much bigger since we've gotten her well do you see that one yeah earlier in the video i found that big tooth that she lost she's got that hole in her jaw right now that's right she lost that one big honking tooth i think that was going to go to a patreon backers you want to patreon that's cool okay so our basketball is out now because it's past nine so we just left the room light on but you're probably getting pretty close to turning the room light off oh cool okay you should rewind that and watch your eye as she chomps down like there watch her like she's got the oh you can see the nicotine memory puts the nicotine membrane out that's cool she kind of protects while she's playing i remember we first threw her in a pool she didn't even use that thing oh she didn't realize how it happens she would just close her eyes all the time and she just plow through things under water and now she actually knows how to use it rex must have added oh what was that that was her being mad at that ball she thrashed it and then death rolled yeah did you see that i think we should go back i think she's trying to rip that handle off oh my gosh you know i give credit to the jolly ball that is a sturdy toy yes it is if it can withstand an alligator doing that to them good job jolly ball i don't know who makes them but jolly corporation the jolly corporation they live up in the north pole i didn't realize she was such a playful alligator just wait till tomorrow oh cool emily has entered the scene why must you do this to us this is the first time we saw the damage that was it oh emily's turning off filming lights oh and we're gonna switch to light mode oh that's that is cool there's a night mode i wonder if you can see her uh to petum lucidum i think you can you can see it look at her eye it's already glowing i like how her spots and stripes like shine into that mode you think that's something for like moms to find the babies at night maybe i mean she does still have baby stripes for whatever reason watch playing playing in the dark oh look at that eyeball that's so cool she lost the toy it's escaping her so the topeda lucidum is a reflective piece of tissue in the eye that cats have which is why you can see their eyes shine at night and alligators and several other animals that's why they're so slowly capture light so they can see better at night yup yup helps them see at night oh that's scary does she have one eye that's bigger than the other i think she does oh that's right we looked at that oh look at that bright eyeball wow it's weird she kind of becomes a little bit subdued at night i think she's just getting tired i think she's getting tired too that was a lot of deaths hours of playing that's got to wipe her out so this is the last clip we have on monday she played a little bit at 1103 monday night so she's playing here she kind of lets the ball go so now she's done she sits like this till from 1 30 to 11 58 a.m on tuesday so she sat there she sat in the pool for 12 hours for 12 hours not moving not moving enough for the real camera to actually pick up that she's moving that's how tired she was she took a 12-hour night she took a 12-hour nap from all that work she did so then here she's getting basically a little restless and she wants to go warm up but she's still not moving much no she's still tired she pooped herself out and then now she's so now it's 1 14 on tuesday 1 14 in the afternoon so she sat in the pool for an hour just doing nothing she was so tired and now she's like i guess i'll go bask and warm up oh oh look at her she's gonna go bask for the day she's gonna rest her head on there oh yeah that's her favorite spot to rest her head she loves sitting like that she moved that came over there by herself too yup i remember that there's a ceramic heat emitter in the black dome and there's just a high wattage uh it's a power supply oh and now she's back to playing she warmed herself up yeah she sat there for about an hour was it it was 1 30. so yeah about an hour she sat there for about 45 minutes yeah so she really just leaves the pool to quick warm up in some nice hot temperatures yeah and then she goes right back well in all fairness her uvb is over pool so she doesn't need that i mean it's in her heat bulb too but yeah she's got uvb right there [Laughter] this is six o'clock six o'clock that evening she was still tired from playing ah oh she's got her feet kicked back she's laying in the in the filter oh yeah that's where the water comes out it's like she's hungover from playing too hard the night before this happens when i play too hard i can't do anything the next day right yeah i understand she's older than both of us she is she is she's 33 now yeah can you believe that and that's it that's all she did on tuesday she just sat there all day she partied so hard on monday night that she had like five clips on tuesday that's it that's it so hard that was really cool to see though those are some amazing death rolls yeah they were should we should we go see her let's go see her rex we saw you playing hi cutie oh my gosh look at her water wow her water level's even lower now oh we did have the camera off for a little while you cannot eat the camera no i'm sorry we're using this to spy on you yes yes you were adorable the way you played even though you spilled water like everywhere look it's already dried up though yeah for the most part if you stepped in it it would be a little damp very damp that's not bad though no it's not standing water anymore but you can pellets no i'm not beating you rex yeah i'm actually i would i had my doubts at first i don't know why i didn't think it would work as well as it did but i didn't think the picture was gonna be as good like i thought it was gonna be like the old school or like most security cameras where it's kind of glitchy yeah and it doesn't look very good but it did a really good job though really thank you so much for sending us this like that was a great opportunity to try out i mean first half a camera that we will probably end up using at our facility and also giving us a good chance to spy on our alligator yeah exactly we'll put a link to it in the description below for anyone interested i may or may not be getting a discount code from them i'm not sure if there's a discount code we'll have it in the description if not there'll just be a link to it yeah it's all good look at how she's squishing her pool rex rex you're chunky now well she's got like she's there's fat alligators and then wrecked yeah she's creeping up on there she's not she's not obese she's just well-fed she's a little hefty right now i'm not feeding you this camera i'm sorry husky husky there we go that's rex that's perfect turn for it thank you guys so much for watching a spy on our pet alligator this was so much fun i can't wait to continue doing so eventually we will have a 24-hour stream on her i know a lot of people want us to do that but our internet connection just isn't quite strong enough to support that where we live which is like in the middle of nowhere in wisconsin so when we have her moved to her new enclosure at our facility that's when we'll be using something like this and having a 24-hour stream for you all to watch her throughout the day and night so this just gives you a little teaser as to what it'll look like i suppose except it'll just be mostly her just sitting there like that doing nothing yep it might be kind of a boring stream yep and then there'll be brief glimpses of thresh killing your toys the ball is sunk oh she killed them yeah she completely killed it good job rex thank you again everybody for watching and thank you to our patreon backers for your amazing support on the channel i think what we'll do is if we find some more particularly like cute clips of rex because we're going to keep this going i'll just like throw them on patreon so that you can watch them too but they might just be random 30 minute clips i think people will still like that i think okay yeah that's what we'll do then if we find any more if anybody doesn't want extra footage of rex let us know because you know oh she knows we're not feeding yeah she's like fine if you're not gonna feed me i'll go back in here i guess i have to top off her pool already yes you do well thank you again everybody for watching and i think i'm gonna screw this back into place so that we can continue spying on her okay we're gonna keep spying we'll see what she does tonight and guess we'll see you next time bye rex what are you gonna do tonight yeah you gonna kill your ball again probably you
Channel: Snake Discovery
Views: 7,308,578
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pet alligator, rex the alligator, alligator rex, american alligator, pet crocodile, pets, animals, reptiles, alligator at pet store, rescued alligator, snake discovery rex, rex, rex crocodile, crocodile, exotic pets, alligator, alligator playing, alligator death roll, alligator barrel roll, crocodile death roll, crocodile playing, jolly ball, alligator swimming
Id: -FOj_5ylmNY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 25sec (1585 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 24 2020
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