Sprite Fright - Asset Modeling Live

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hello hello hello hi everyone welcome to another blender studio stream i'm gonna wait for maybe a reaction maybe the audio is gone maybe something is wrong ah hi andy okay so uh last time uh i was working on characters when i basically last week when i was giving the last live stream and there it was about retopology and that was actually the last task i had if at least in the foreseeable future for the movie on characters i can open the file right here so this was the final result from that uh i got to like i went in and worked on this a bit more afterwards uh tweaked the topology a bit it's still not super amazing but luckily this character is uh only really for one shot uh doesn't move much so this was just about getting all the forms so that's this is basically the final result of that so this is going to get further rigged and shaded and in the meantime i can just continue with environment assets and props and so much stuff that's left to do so this is an interesting example of basically uh the shots that we're gonna work on the forest that the movie is taking place in and you can already see that in this like pristine little environment there's a lot of different assets floating around we got the most obvious ones the trees which also have like all of these leaves scattered on them and moss we have the bushes which are also made out of leaves and then a lot of more smaller elements like mushrooms like all of these tote stools that are scattered around and and other types of mushrooms that are growing on the trees and various other plants and flowers that are scattered around and of course the grass so there's plenty of assets where and you as you can see already some of them built so i can also go into the file of this and we can just float around a bit in here so this is pretty interesting to look at there is it is this is basically a simplified version of the rendered scene the grass is missing the moss is only really these blobs which are like an estimation of where these uh where are they are going to be spawned and yeah a lot of this stuff is going to be scattered on top to get more detail but you can already see like these ink caps that toadstools which are scattered around and like clay and all kinds of stuff so we're using a lot of geometry notes for this project to scatter these around and do it do it in a more fast and procedural way but for example for the for the toadstools over here these are just all manually placed to get a bit more of a nice arrangement um but most of this is basically done by uh andy gorhalcik and simon thomas they did amazing work on these assets for example this is the sort of selection of the original toadstools and these were made very early on and they're very recognizable i love the shapes and the stylization but the problem we ran into suddenly was that they are too recognizable and we don't have to too much variation of them and once you start scattering these around you will notice how uh how much they stand out that it's very obvious suddenly that all of this is just copy pasted um but the model itself is actually very simple like it is mostly just like an extruded cylinder and this as well just like a half of a sphere and then with shaders uh materials on top that are creating like these this fresnel effect the glossiness and the the dots a lot of this is procedural so they all share the same material and these dots are just kind of procedurally placed and also this gradient from top to bot from bottom to top is procedurally made so if you want to know more about procedural material making you can check out the course by simon thomas he does an amazing job of showing how to make this sort of stuff in blender all procedurally but to scatter these around in the environment i went in and made more variations of these and there was also a note that these are a bit busy uh not too much they're very stylized and simplified but still it's they can't get they can be simplified even more uh their shapes and how much they're breaking up so i went in and i made different variations of toadstools and then variations of them as well so this group over here with more rounded uh almost spherical toadstools then these ones which are more flat and low to the ground then these ones over here which are which are supposed to resemble the sprites more so there's a bit of plausibility of them mixing into them then these tall ones uh which can stand out in the center of a group so you can like kind of arrange them in a nice way and then these uh kind of sticky uh kind of like uh very long and thin ones with mostly a stalk and then like this tiny top so this already gave us a lot of variation to kind of place them around without it looking too copy-pasted then you can also rotate them around scale them a little bit and you get enough variation out of this even if you place it procedurally so it doesn't look too um yeah copy-pasted and this is basically the goal with all of these different plants so if i open i have the plants file open over here and i can just give you a bit of an overview of this so there's actually let me just um go in here and there's this nice render which is like an overview of all of these plants it's a bit outdated there's some there's some flowers and plants that got like removed but this is sort of oh yeah this is a lot of stuff happened here uh but this gave us a nice overview of what we were going for uh by the way if you have any questions along the way you can always tag blender studio in the chat and i will more easily see it and then i this is also a bit of a hangout space a bit of a q a so ask away and then basically we have all of the same sort of flowers in here uh if i just click through these there are the little daisies there are hair belts there are blue belts st johnsworth cow parsley clover bracken and uh then little dandelions over here there's also grass moss and all kinds of stuff but i'm going to focus mostly for this live stream on these flowers because i don't have a huge amount of time i'm going to restrict the time limit of this stream again to like one and a half hours which should be enough to at least give a bit of a breakdown of how we make these environment assets and maybe also do a little bit of progress on improving them further what is interesting about them like first of all again credit to uh andy goralczyk for making these in the first place these are not modeled by me some of them like the blue belts i tweaked them a bit afterwards and adjusted them and now i'm going to work a bit more over them but this is very much a collaborative effort so this is not just all made by me um oh yeah i have my i see a question why is the blender interface so it has such a rounded layout this is like a custom theme i made it's basically the default theme but uh in the preferences you can you have like a roundedness slider for a lot of the interface elements so that's why it's so rounded and then i change the the accent color from from blue to a turquoise but yes these like i said these are the only ones that i adjusted so far and basically what i did is um they were originally a bit more like scattered around so uh uh it was a bit more like uh they were like more separated and the shape was a bit more yes no andy you make beautiful art we all just collectively make it better but yes basically what we noticed when we were looking at renders of all of these assets together scattered around is that it was looking basically too realistic it this is the same sort of method how we created things in the short movie spring but if you look at the character designs of sprite fright you notice how much more simplified they are and uh rick the production designer ricky nieva he um really uh stuck this design philosophy on top of the project of uh simplexity which we just kind of simplified to just always saying simplify and chunkify everything but essentially you start out with something more simple like if i just i'm just gonna bring back the tool settings make like a little annotation layer so i can draw over this so basically you start out with the most simplest shapes like something really simple and that works really well from a distance and just in a silhouette and then any detail you add on top afterwards is just going to complement the original shapes they are not supposed to obscure the design so if that is very much what we up upheld for the characters um if you look at rex for example the uh one of the main characters his head and his body shape is basically just made out of cylinders and even with all the extra complexity on top you never really lose the sense of the simple shapes that this character is made out of and i think it's very important that we uphold the same sort of design philosophy for the environment so this is basically what i did over here i kind of like bunched these flowers a bit more together so you always get like this clear read of like simple blobs and of course this might get muddled a bit when you rotate around and look at it from different angles but that's 3d for you it's always going to be a bit difficult to maintain the shapes that you're building from all angles but yes this is one of the main goals i have for the plants to simplify them from a distance without removing detail and then we need just like with the toadstools we need more variation these five uh different variations of blue belts might be fine but uh if they're scattered around a lot in in like groups you will probably notice how much they copy and paste it so ideally you want to make a lot of variations and the easiest way to do that is with making like some basic components that everything else is made out of so what we generally do is we start building like these reusable objects so uh for the uh hair belts and the blue belt we have like these flowers which is basically like a simple like in this case just you start from a cylinder you extrude it upwards and then you split these um these sort of edges off and create these petals out of it this can be quite crude and then in the middle there was just like this um this uh little piece for yeah the i forgot the name of it uh right now the the middle piece of the flower um but yes and then you we add like simple modifiers like subdivision surface modifiers to get a bit more a rounded shape out of it and this is basically how all of these are made so you get pretty quickly like you can start with like one of these and you can duplicate it just move it to the side and then adjust the model a bit further and then you get very quickly like some variations that you can scatter around and the same thing for leaves really and this is how you save yourself a bit of time of constructing these plants and flowers um and they don't need to be super complex especially i mean even even if you go realistic if the shapes and the model is relatively simple you can still add a bit of like a realistic texture on top and you still get the sense of like realistic leaves and flowers in the distance it also depends on like how close you see these assets in spring for example a lot of the flowers and plants we made are actually very simple and even on the material side it's super simple um because we were very aware how far away that would they would be visible so and they are also often like in the in the darkness in shadow so uh you get away with a lot of stuff but oh there's only a couple shots where we see like a specific plant or flower up close and those are then specifically modeled for that shot you don't need to model everything with like a super high amount of effort for every shot mostly you can just like repeat reuse a lot of stuff and scatter it around um so if i now for example look at the hair belts so let's just look at this basically uh how this is made is for the stock it is just as simple as having like a a curve that's just going along here a simple bezier curve and then in the geometry settings you can define depth which is basically the thickness so you can say that it has a round profile add a bit of resolution and then you can increase or decrease the thickness of it and then you add a really simple material on top which is basically just the starting material the principal bsdf you define a bit of the color and a bit of the specularity roughness and so on and so forth and then you already have like a basis to go on from and then for the flower buds over here these are the same components from over here which are just duplicated with alt d and scatter scattered around that way basically so if i go into edit mode over here um actually let me just go shift l and then object data and you can see that these objects all use the same geometry they are basically the same object and you get to just like select one of them duplicate them with not shifty but alt d and then there if you change one of them in edit mode it's going to change all of them in edit mode and that's how you save yourself a bit of time the only way how these are actually made to look different is by just rotating them around scaling them and also we added a bend modifier because these are individual objects they can all have their own modifiers and in this case you can like add a bit of a bend to each of these individual objects even though they use the same geometry and that's just adding a bit more variation how do you render an animation with audio hmm we generally don't render with audio audio gets added on top later on but yes so the same thing with the leafs really this is uh all of these leaves use the same geometry and then with some modifiers you get a bit of a variation out of it there can be like a smooth modifier to change the tips a bit and a bend modifier to bend them more than other leaves from a positioning pov do you have a particular method to scatter the flower flowers around the desired position or is it made by hand sometimes we basically use two methods mainly to scatter around these assets in the environment and that is um either we use um geometry notes which is now actually a part of an official release which is amazing and this is a really strong feature for actually scattering assets grass plants whatever you want um and then but that is more random you don't have like fine control over it if you want a lot of fine control in the placement then you should place them by hand so that's what we did for like the grass is going to be scattered with geometry notes and the toadstools over here are placed individually by hand but still linked to the original assets so uh they are uh you don't need to manage a lot of like individual totes tools suddenly you don't you just need to manage the placement uh can you tell us your computer preferences i don't have any particular preferences as long as it's running to be honest uh sometimes i'm working on even like with uh with an os system i'm mostly using linux for work but i'm also i also like to use windows i'm not very familiar with mac unfortunately is there any limits to the number of vertex for the assets or does it not matter uh generally you you try to stay low uh in terms of vertex count for these assets that's a good decision but we can at least try to keep them like very unsubdivided in the viewport because you have like different sliders for the viewport and render and then for the render it can be more high-res to the detail level that you want and usually in render it doesn't quite matter how high the vertex count is cycles can pretty much handle anything as long as you have enough memory on your computer to render it but yes i already adjusted the blue belt same principle over here a simple bezier curve for the stock it's the same leaf over and over used over here and the even the same flower and then always with a different bend with a simple deform modifier and that's how we got like all of these variations already um and then really i mean you can see that these assets are like side by side and they are individual collections over here um and these can then be linked in as a collection into the set file so in the collection you also need to define like um where the origin point is that's a bit obscure but you can just select like the the point where you want the origin to be of your flower because it's not going to be the world center it's going to be over here and then you can go in an object that belongs to that collection and set the position to the same to the same spot and then you can be sure that when you link this collection into some other file it's not going to be offset or way over here to the right it's something to keep in mind but i'm first going to drink something hmm and i would say i would just uh get started so the main flowers we're still kind of worried about that needs that need a bit of reworking are the hair belts which are a bit busy and there's not a lot of variation on them so if you would scatter them around it's actually they're very recognizable so you would notice this one is just duplicated around a lot there's the saint john's worth which is supposed to be giving like this bit of a shrub of yellow splotches but it is very busy it's there's a lot of detail in here a lot of uh leaves a lot of fi a lot of small shapes so it would be nice to actually rework this a bit oh there was also the fox glove which kind of gives me flashbacks to spring but we're not going to use them anymore there were also other uh plants that were kind of removed from the film because their shape language or just how they look didn't quite fit into the scenes uh there's the cow parsley and this also needs a bit of reworking and more variations right now there's only three variants of this flower and then there is the bracken same thing here only two variations these are only components um basically which these are then built out of it so yeah uh time to get into that i think i'm going to start with um the hair belts there's oh there's also the daisies but to be honest i would just leave them as they are they are most they're already simple enough and mostly they're just like supposed to be white dots in in the distance on the ground we don't really see them up close uh yes so uh let's get into this i'm just gonna open this collection over here and without when i control actually let me uh turn on where is it um did i actually i need to find the add-on um actually let me go into preferences add-on and screencast there we go oh no it broke ooh oops um let me actually check if i still have it over here screencast keys from 23rd of february that should be like a recent version nah it's broken should have checked this beforehand sorry about that that means i'm gonna describe which shortcuts i'm pressing more often than not um but yes i'm just gonna hide all the different hair belts except for this one the first thing i want to do is to simplify these five variations a bit more before i make more variations so this is pretty interesting i would like first like to kind of hide the leaves and focus more on the general shape so if i go into edit mode over here also i'm gonna turn off fade inactive geometry i don't want to use this right now so with the tweak tool i can just like immediately click and drag again for anyone who hasn't joined the any live stream before i'm using a custom key map that is basically just uh that i made myself so the shortcuts are just switching to the tools because i kind of like to use them um but yes basically i am going to move some of this stuff around and my goal is to just kind of simplify the shapes uh not the shapes the the flow of um of this stock from various angles there we go so from whatever angle you're looking at this it's like this really smooth curve oh yeah andy thank you for answering questions in the comments um but yes this is essentially what i would like to aim for same thing over here i think like uh mostly i would like to just kind of go for like it can escalate a bit on top but then i would like to this to kind of go into like these really wide s-curves to be honest i think i could even like do something more like this where like down here it's like this really wide arc then it gets smaller and smaller until it gets kind of finicky up here so it's kind of what i'm going for um i can just hide my annotations again and then i think if i would just draw again yeah the annotations appear immediately again that's amazing okay so i'm just gonna continue fine tweaking this curve so let's actually i think i am actually just going to select this object press shift h and then i hide everything except what i have selected and then i can go in in a bit more detail so let's just go into orthographic i'm going to select this entire curve invert my selection and hide everything else so i can focus a bit more on this specific curve like that [Music] um a bit more like this and then of course this needs to work from various other angles as well so i'm gonna just hide annotations again and check from the side view how this looks this is actually quite nice yeah and i will this will be a lot of rotating around just to get everything right um i personally to be honest don't really like uh how bezier curves work i wish there would be like an a way of switching between like an automatic method that's working quite nicely i don't i also don't like the automatic handle types it's always a bit finicky um wait a moment oh right so this is already pretty nice wait aha to be honest i would just like to take this one over here and delete this one just to keep it a bit simpler then again hide the rest over here i can also use proportional editing if i wanted to and then like grab areas over here to move them around a bit more smoothly especially in this case i think i'm gonna do that just to get a bit more of like a smoother fall off like this like a bit more smaller arcs big wide arcs wide arc it's kind of what i'm going for like this but i think i'm also going to make the stock down here a bit more straight uh awesome like that oh oh god okay i'm going to bring back the rest and i'm going to [Music] now this is tricky i mean all of this is tricky how exactly these shapes relate to each other and work together i say shapes but it's more like the silhouette the flow kind of like this yes hmm yes oh yeah i wish there would be sculpt mode for curves um there is like a bit of a way around that you could convert a curve to a grease pencil object and you can sculpt on grease pencil i mean i call them curves but they're not really curves but that's at least one way of getting around it i used it a bit but it's uh it's it's a bit of like you need you need to go out of your way to actually uh sculpt on curves that way it's not working for best ear curves sadly there we go like this maybe and then i can just oh actually i'm going to switch to active element yes i change the pivot point to active element instead of median point so that way basically the last uh point that i select over here that's the point that's going to rotate around just going to make it a bit easier yes like that sculpt mode for grease pencil curves in for bezier curves that sounds interesting i can't wait there we go hmm oh like this from this angle it looks a bit slim so i'm gonna rotate this around actually like this yes nice i'm gonna save and i think i am pretty happy with this uh to be honest i wish i would have made a duplicate of this so i can actually like show uh back and forth later on i think i'm gonna render like a like a comparison between the old and the new um later afterwards for now i'm just gonna completely work over what was there um but yeah i like this uh i'm gonna bring the rest of the objects back uh okay yes nice so the placement changed a lot oh wait are these actually parented i forgot about that yes oh my god thanks andy saved me a bit of work so i was expecting to reposition these back onto the tip of these curves but they're actually vertex parented to the curves so now i can just like repositioning repo position them a bit like scale them or like rotate them around yes they are vertex parented so i mean this is basically like a really neat trick that we use to parent stuff you can parent things to objects by just selecting the objects you want to parent selecting another object ctrl p and then you can parent it but let's say you select this object you go into this object and you go into edit mode you can select a vertex or in this case like a curve point and this one is now selected even if you go into object mode it remembers what was selected and if you then go ctrl p and say set parent to vertex it's going to parent it to that specific vertex of that object so if you then move this stuff around you can see the objects are actually moving with the point really useful of course this is not going to relate to rotation of the of the curve handle but only the position but yes this is already going nicely um of course this was not the case for the leaves so these need to be handled manually afterwards there we go nice is this also yes okay here we go okay and then the leaves are a different issue so actually does that does it work with snapping nope not on curves um wish i could just snap them onto the curves ah interesting there's like little flowers over here on the bottom but to be honest i would just like to get rid of these oh oh oh they were parented probably to one of the stocks that i removed that's why they are there um thanks for the tips about parenting you're welcome um that's generally what i'm hoping from these streams that like i get to work a bit while showing off maybe some interesting tips on how to use blender but this is not wait heads up if you add more curve points the vertex parents could get a bit messed up aha thank you i will keep that in mind um i don't think i need to add any more curve points for now so that's a good thing but it's good to know nice okay i think this is kind of working nicely um i'm always a bit nervous about like how exactly this is gonna work um from different angles but it there's always going to be some angle where it's not gonna look that great i think that's just something i need to embrace with this let's just put the lease into the right positions and then the only other thing i want to do is just to as much as humanly possible at least avoid overlap between these different elements so for example the the leaves they all kind of have their own angle and spots so if you look from a certain direction you don't get the sense that it's a bit too chaotic but i think in general i'm more happy with this another thing i can do is change the width of some of these curve points so this one for example was just now a bit too wide so i can just scale it a bit down uh but this is actually kind of looking nicely so i can just bring this back hmm yes it's a marginal improvement i think um yeah i should have left a back and forth comparison because otherwise it's kind of hard to tell i'm going to hide the leaves over here as well again and i'm going to actually change into proportional editing um actually not connected proportional editing maybe maybe yeah actually connected proportional editing and then get to move some of this stuff around a bit more here we go i kind of like how it looks like from this angle but uh to be honest i'm again going to just hide everything over here i don't like how much this stuff is overlapping i'm gonna if we erase this curve again uh but this sort of curve is super nice i like this and then this curve that comes out of it so i would like to i would really like to keep that as much as possible um but yes from this angle it is looking a bit straight so maybe i can fix that hmm i'm gonna save again the paranoia on saving hmm this is tricky but yeah i don't really like uh what's going on with this one i think that can be improved and also a bit simplified and like how wobbly this is um let's see oops wrong curve there we go hmm what's your auto save time i said to two minutes but i'm still saving regularly i think that's a bit of a habit that's coming out of um uh staying a lot in a certain mode it's not happening right now but if you're always just in scope mode and you're never changing modes it's actually not going to auto save as far as i know so uh something that is a bit ingrained into my uh workflow of how to use blender that i'm always constantly auto constantly manually saving uh i think i actually want to move this a bit higher up or at least move these curve handles a bit down just so i gain a bit more distance between these two curves and then if once the flowers are added on top it's actually no longer competing but also let's see yeah using alpha versions yeah it's a bit crashy sometimes uh it's something to uh to be aware of when using the latest latest versions of blender sometimes i'm also using like very experimental feature driven builds so like the sculpt development branch and oh boy you can never be sure what's gonna happen in there let's bring everything else back oh wow um i am really not sure with a lot of these flowers being like on the same level over here let's just bring back this one i think i can move i could move this a bit more up so they're not really competing in terms of in terms of depth and not overlaying each other it's still something that's going to happen but i don't want to i want this to remain as clear as possible from various angles so these little flowers shouldn't really mess that much with each other like that maybe this one could be moved down generally like this oh then we have this one now i see the mess that i've created in this case i would like this to be pointing a bit more towards the side like this it's a lot of fine tweaking that's a lot of moving stuff around but that is kind of what modeling is after all most of the time and i think even though it might not seem that way this is going to improve the quality of the shots where we see these plants is going to be noticeable it just it's just going to feel more designed like that oh like that okay cool cool cool i'm gonna scale this flower down i like this bud over here this is cute maybe make this a bit more of a downwards angle yes this is nice then this one over here maybe this can actually like point back upwards just makes it look a bit more happy and that is a general note for the forests um in the movie that we're trying to make it look very much more positive so any flowers that were like like we had like bell flowers that were pointing downwards very much and we just noticed how much of a downer they were like quite literally they were like blue flowers that were just pointing downwards and you just need to be a bit aware of what kind of mood that's going to sell in your movie yes there we go i like this still not sold on this curve maybe if i can just do it like this yes yes ah this is this is nice and i like how like all of these different leaves have like their own space which of course is going to be different from other perspectives so that's what i'm going to tweak right now like this huh yes oh this is nice ah i'm relatively happy with this i think i'm still going to move this stuff a bit towards this side so this is going to be a bit more of like a seamless line yes this is nice uh let's actually try it in evie oh there's some a little bit of material issues in evie um uh but yeah maybe cycles just out of curiosity aha nah this is nice a bit viny a bit like going all over the place but it has a it has a nicer flow to it uh let's just move on to the next one so again this one also already looks pretty good uh i like it but there's like a little a little bit of these like like bends in here and again like elements kind of overlapping each other a little bit but i think this is already kind of good but i just want to tweak it a bit further so i'm again going to hide everything for the main stock so i can work on that a bit more focused and again i want to make the base a bit more straight um oh ah hmm oh yeah this could be a bit more clean from the side like this yes i am changing uh from time to time to orthographic view but um in the end it's not how they're gonna be perceived like i mean they're gonna be proceed from far away in perspective but also maybe a bit from above that's something to keep in mind i'm mainly looking at them from from the front from the side from the back but i should also look at them from the from a bit from the from above it's actually a good thing to do hmm okay hmm still this band over here that i don't quite like but overall i like the flow that was already there i think this was already really well done [Music] just needs a bit of tweaking oh are you ever tempted to use the randomize function with design variation and then start tweaking it um i mean i if it's not obvious from how i'm handling these plans um it is uh i'm very much a person who's gonna find tweak until the end of time so uh i i i can see it like being randomized at first but i like to have full control over this and just do it myself to be honest which might not be the best workflow but in this case and for this project i think it's giving some really nice results there we go okay i'm gonna bring back the the rest i actually like to have a bit of a size variation between these buds and i would like them to very like a lot more come out of the stock directly and kind of look so that it looks like it's continuing the flow that is already there like this uh-huh okay this is uh to be honest i would like to remove this flower this one over here uh it's not really adding much to it and there's already so much going on that having it removed probably going to avoid a bit of overlap between these elements yes hmm see can i rotate these in this way so they're pointing up that would be nice something more like this and then still saving a million times um actually i don't quite know why i'm switching between object and edit mode so often just to look at my model because to be honest i could just like in edit mode uh switch uh overlays on and off uh which with a pi menu edit with a pi menu it's actually quite fast to do at least with uh if you if you enable the option and the keymap to have a bit more stuff in here but i also think there's a shortcut for enabling and disabling overlays by default um i am not aware of it anymore because i removed it but yes if you want to get a quick preview of how something is looking like and it's relatively simple not too many modifiers you could just disable overlays and have a quick glance at your object see this leaf over here is not really adding anything for me maybe if i put it over here on this side like this nah maybe if i scale it down let's do it like this maybe i don't want to necessarily remove it i don't want to remove too much stuff um but yeah cool uh two more to go and then i can start making some variations which would be nice to do maybe maybe i can like uh go a bit over time that would be nice just for the sake of showing creating some variations even though that is basically the same workflow just uh there we go moving this i wonder can i just kind of grab this and create something more like this just trying to find an interesting flow of these curves more i'm almost creating a little bit of a heart shape here it's actually kind of cute hmm maybe something like this hmm okay i'm gonna bring back the other objects um let's just arrange the leaves again for the leaves it's really the same thing i don't want them to overlap that much with the with the shape of the stalk um i want them to kind of stand on their own be attached to it the rest but not to create too much noise there we go i hope i didn't miss any questions i haven't looked at the chat for a while same thing over here like you get this i want to get like these kind of nice curves over here and then it like kind of going back up generally with these little swoops on the plants i want this to have a bit of a happy feeling dynamic but not ending on a little on a little sad note um it's not looking that great see hmm if i wanted to i could also go into the modifiers from time to time and actually change the bend a bit there's plenty of options to customize the look a bit more hmm not quite sure about this curve over here maybe if i like move it a bit higher up uh do something more like this man i think i need to tweak this leaf a bit oh it's getting a sidewards bend that's actually i think that's actually kind of useful ah see yes that way it's getting out of trouble a bit there we go that's nice only this one is like it's unfortunate how much it's pointing down but i like the the kind of how much it's twisting maybe i can add a bit more of a bend to it that would be nice so it's at least like curling inwards it kind of gives it a bit more energy i think i'm pretty happy with this uh let's just continue to the last one and this is now this shouldn't be too complicated this is really okay really simple curve i want this to be as simple as it can be pretty much hmm i'm gonna bring the rest back now i can place this [Music] i think i should rotate this up way it's not going to compete with the other flower that much like this this can be a bit more like that yes i like this oh god this is nice okay i'm going to bring back all the other ones it's interesting to see now see it all together to be honest um because i'm still not exactly sure like i simplified the shapes a bit so everything is a bit more readable but it's also everything is kind of calling attention to itself which i still prefer over what was there before where things are competing so much with the each with each other that they're kind of overlapping um but maybe there's something that can be done to make this even better i don't know ah i think i'm happy with this for now so now i got updated blue belts and updated hair belts which uh for the remaining time i have i would like to just make more of them um with this uh especially one small one and one big one that we could add to this i think that's that could already be enough variation with this pretty much the same i think um so yeah let's do this so i got the hair bell 05 over here so what i could do is i could just duplicate this collection entirely and then we have a hair bell ah 006 i'm just gonna rename this to six um interesting like uh as an experiment we marked these as assets but i don't think we're using the asset li the asset browser right now it's still an experimental feature but we're just testing it so ignore this icon um what's important is this empty over here which i oh which i added so that it's all parented to one another um i guess it's no longer doing that that's fine i can also just grab everything in here and just move it over to the left like that okay cool i'm going to select this empty over here and set my 3d cursor to it because i want this collection to actually have its origin over here so i can just select one of these objects and over here in collections in the object tab we can see um en plans hair bell 6 and i can click on this icon here and set offset from cursor and then this number over here updated which is basically just the offset in the x-axis so now if i would ever let's actually try this i'm gonna go in here and say instance to scene now i made an instance of this object and which is basically just an instance of this collection so now this collection is like an object over here it's floating around and because i set the origin of that collection to be right here this object also has the origin right here let's say i would change this and the origin of this collection would be at zero then you would have something like this because the world origin is over here but the plant is over here so if you duplicate the collection it would look exactly like this with this huge offset so keep in mind to change this number so that the offset is actually correct um i remember this being a bit of a mind-bending uh logic when i started on i think actually on spring it was the first time that i really started to ins instantiate a lot of stuff around and do a lot of set dressing so this was a bit new to me but uh you you get into it um so yes now i have this exact copy and i would like to change it a lot um i'm just going to shift h this object and then i can heavily modify it so let's actually uh bring back everything else for a moment so we got over here kind of like this flow over here got this over here with this little twirl and this is also much more complex but you can see that a lot of these it's a lot of these repeating s-curves which is really nice um just drawing all of these out for fun but this should be different um i could like let's just start making something like this i like these twirly lines and i think that could actually still be something fun to add um something more like this again uh i'm i'm not sure about making something that's super recognizable because then you just run into the issue of you you instance this around and then suddenly you have a lot of the same things that are immediately noticeable as the same ones but yes i'm just gonna uh no way new feature i didn't know uh just recently we just like uh gave feedback on the annotation to on the annotations that you know the thing that's really missing is an opacity slider and apparently this was a thing at some point but it got removed uh the grease pencil team added it back this is amazing it's so cool so now i don't need to increase or decrease the thickness of the lines to make them more or less readable and not blocking that much other stuff i can just increase and decrease the opacity i love working in the alpha build it's worth all the crashes i'm gonna delete this okay now the thing that andy mentioned that like okay if you increase if i subdivide this it's gonna mess up the vertex parenting ah-ha because now it's gonna take this point over here interesting i don't quite know why it does the wire does the same thing over there um um yes that's kind of weird uh maybe i can parent it back let's see oh hey go into edit mode yes like this and ctrl p vertex and they flew away okay let's actually set the 3d cursor to this position and selection to 3d cursor and now it should actually work no it completely lost the vertex parent make vertex parent no it lost it um i'm going to clear the parent and parent it again to this point vertex now it works again that's a good tip andy i should have just like uh i should have just unparented them before adding extra points and then they are not flying across space um but it's interesting it's really interesting that it's uh choosing the uh like the second to last point then as a vertex parent didn't expect that um so now i can just snap it back to this point and make a vertex parent and now if i move this around it is exactly where it's supposed to be again awesome um so let's just uh continue with this i'm gonna shift h hide this just so i have a bit more of a visual on how this curve looks like from different angles i'm actually going to disable the annotations again they are a bit distracting oh wait uh first i should get everything roughly into position then i'm going to disable them again like this yes i shouldn't have deleted one of the curves but i can bring it back i can make a new one there we go uh but yeah this is a lot on like uh modeling these plants but of course there are more assets in the movie than just this um it's also at some point going to be a bit of a focus on creating rocks boulders maybe that's for that could be for another stream that could be interesting potentially hey just arrived here why is the channel under the name blender studio it's a blender animation studio oh yeah uh it's actually like uh the name changed a bit it's nothing new um we kind of rebranded it to just blender studio um as it's a bit complicated with the whole rebranding originally it was even like just blender foundation and then it was blended institute and then it's an animation studio and now it's just blender studio um i'm a bit confused about it myself right now so i am maybe not the most reliable source of info um but yes it's a bit of a name change makes it simpler because we're not just working on animation essentially like we're just kind of the art studio of blender exactly we don't just make animations it's a lot of stuff so essentially the blender studio is still tied to the blender cloud making content on that platform and then the rest is more geared towards development and the pro the blender project itself yes there's also blender development in the studio and i mean in the end the artists working for the blender studio are working for blender we're testing the latest features and giving feedback also proposals and design on features so it's very much integrated into the software development i mean to a certain extent but yes uh i think i'm just gonna keep it like this it's not i i don't think it's very obvious that uh the blender studio or like especially blend that blender animation studio implies that we're actually also um uh actively working towards improving blender too that's like i love it's uh it's kind of interesting how much uh it's like divided between two things almost like you got the blender development fund and you got the blender cloud and the blender development fund is very transparently for developing blender but it's interesting that the blender cloud is also uh you could you can see it as an essential part in the development process of blender because we're actually stress testing the features and providing day-to-day feedback which of course other people are also doing it's an open source project but yes think i'm a bit rambling um i'm gonna keep this right now let's compare it to the other ones and hide annotations yeah i like the swirl actually i'm not so sure about this curve maybe i can like push this further up and then also from the side i think it could be improved like this it's a bit weird um maybe i can scale this down because i do like this little swirl maybe i can put this one on the other side actually maybe i should put it here but yeah i'm gonna bring back the other hair belts um and then essentially i am going to do the same thing again oh my god i would like to scale one of these down there we go to be honest i think i would like to remove this one yes something more like this makes it just a bit simpler and then uh i would create one more variation of this um ah whatever i'm just gonna duplicate this collection over here and now this is gonna be seven but i'm going to move it over here to the right [Music] selecting all of this moving it over to the right again making sure that [Music] the offset is correct and even though this is on seven uh this is named seven um and it should like theoretically be over here i think grouping these more by uh by height is a bit more interesting uh to be honest i would like to just like select all of this and make it a bit more straight i think that makes sense otherwise it's too recognizable almost you just really notice this one in the environment that should be a bit better there we go i'm going to increase the opacity again just so i can see this one is nice there we go kind of like this then i need to come up with something for this stock hmm i wouldn't make something too crazy like suddenly like the like a fully divided one that's like has two main stocks or like something really crazy i think it's just about adding a bit more variation on it i wouldn't make it taller than this one um yeah so maybe maybe it could be interesting to have something that is a bit more straightforward and then it becomes um a bit more curved towards the bottom um that's maybe a bit too extreme but you see where i'm kind of getting at this at with this so um and i do kind of like the idea of this sort of like helix pattern i tried to avoid a lot of overlap but it still could be interesting if there is a little bit to be found um but yes you get the idea like trying to keep this relatively simple but still make it interesting um i think i want to go for something like this it's maybe a bit busy maybe i could like do something more like this and now it is actually it is extremely one-sided that's what i'm noticing all the branches that are coming out are like actually coming out on the on the right so i think actually it's very important that there's also a bit of something coming out from the other side but i noticed that i'm also pretty much out of time i'm at some point going to continue with this and basically do very similar things with a hair belt this is going to be the most complicated task we have like a geometry node set up in here where we could like at least simplify uh the leaf arrangement a bit that's what i would like to try out and just trying to avoid as much clipping as possible and for the cow parsley i and also other uh things like the dandelions if you look at it from one side it like appears a bit like more like more varied shape but i would like this to be like a really simple circle with a little bit of breaking up on the sides so there's a lot lots to do but um nothing really on like uh com like completely reworking anything like for example with these ones i would like to also group these flowers closer together like kind of nudge them closer together and scale them up so this can also be perceived as more of a solid circle and from the side more like this half sphere so it's just to build everything in the environment more of simple shapes so once you see everything together and everything placed in this environment you have the feeling that it looks natural like naturalistic to a certain extent but also still minimalistic very very designed but that's it at least for today uh i hope you enjoyed this and i'm going to continue to try to do this as a weekly thing and just give a bit of insights in the production and show what i'm doing and yeah i would say i'll just see you next week okay see ya
Channel: Blender Studio
Views: 14,460
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: -14rrmzm2aA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 6sec (5586 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 11 2021
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