Blender Animation Tutorial - UI/UX Animation - How to Animate in Blender

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hey guys welcome back to the channel i hope you've been well in today's video i show you how to animate this little ux ui animation in blender so if you're interested in learning something new start a blender follow along with me and let's jump on into the video okay so to start as per let's go ahead and delete those starting q because we're not really going to make much use and let's do shift a and add in the plane i will scale this to five so s5 tab into edit mode press 2 to select edges i'm going to select both these back edges and just extrude these out a bit ctrl b to bevel scroll your mouse wheel a bunch of times about they will do me right click shade smooth and now let's make a start on the initial platform on the phone that we see in the scene there so how to make the platforms gonna add in a circle so shift a circle scale this down a little bit then i'm gonna tab in the edit mode and press f to fill and then easy to extrude this up just a little bit and then i think what i'm going to do is i think i'm going to hold shift to select this bottom face press 3 to select faces and then that's looking pretty good and then just ctrl b to bevel this ever so slightly and i'm going to scroll my mouse wheel down just to add one bevel cool and then let's go ahead and add in a subdivision surface modifier on top i'm going to bring that to three right click shade smooth and there we have a nice smooth little platform so i'm going to scale this up slightly to make a little bit chunkier i don't want to spend too much time on the phone side of things because i do want to make this primarily about the animation so let's do shift a add in another plane i'm going to go with the top view initially let's scale this down as a whole then do s and x to thin this out then what we're going to need to do is to tab back into object mode and do control a apply a rotation scale then in object in edit mode sorry we're going to press 1 to select vertexes make sure they're all selected and then we're going to use ctrl shift b and this is going to let us bevel those corners i'm going to scroll my mouse wheel up just to put some extra vertexes in there and i just quite simply want something you know sort of iphone shaped to give us a nice little bit to work with it's easy to bring this up so i can see it a little bit better tab back in the edit mode three to select this face and then easy to extrude this up and then i'm gonna press two to select edges hold alt click this edge here it's gonna select the entire loop and then hold shift and alt and click this lower one and that's going to select this lower edge too then we can use control b to bevel you can scroll your mouse we'll have to control how many loop cuts you want to add in there i think around there looks pretty good then we'll do the same old right click shade smooth okay it's looking good and i think i just want to go into a right view mode and then you can see our point of origin is still with the plane noise so into object set origin origin center of mass and then let's do shift s cursor to selected i'm just going to add two little buttons on the side just to give this phone a little bit more detail but everything is very minimal in this design so shift a add a cube so i'm going to scale this down into my right view let's scale this along the y axis and scale this in a little bit here s and z to bring this down and then let's go ahead and press g and x to bring this out back into my right view let's do ctrl a to add a rotation and scale before we do some beveling and then let's tab into edit mode press two to select edges and hold shift and select these four outer edges back into my right view mode control b and just bevel those out slightly and then i'm going to do gy to bring this up shift d y to duplicate another one over here tab into edit mode press alt z to go into x-ray mode one select vertex is i'm going to select all of these do g y to bring this down and then we have two side buttons i might want to bring these in slightly too using glx here i don't want to protrude in quite as much and then with these both selected hold shift click on the phone ctrl j and they're all nicely now one object if you do have any shading issues just make sure to come into your object data properties here and turn on our older smoothing but this phone is looking pretty good i like it it's going to scale it down to rx 90 degrees it's easy to bring this up and then we have the nice phone to be the base of our design here and now i want to go ahead and run this cable that you sort of saw in the design so we're going to dive in to using curves here if this you know this is the first time i'm really showing curves on this channel but if this is new tube don't worry it's going to be nice and easy and should be easy to follow along so in order to add curves let's do shift a and i'm going to go into my curves option here and add in the path path is nice and basic initially it's just a nice straight line but i'm gonna do r z 90 degrees to rotate it this way and then let's go ahead and tab in the edit mode and what are we working with here so let's go to top view and all a path is it's a bunch of vertexes connected by some edges and what it's doing is calculating a nice smooth curve in between where you move these edges these you know these vertexes so all i'm going to do is from here i want to create a bit of a sort of a wavy line to simulate some sort of you know maybe a charger cable and you can press e to extrude these out to keep on moving them around and maybe to around here something like that i think that looks pretty cool and now to add some geometry to these sort of things all we need to do is come into our data properties on our object here and into geometry what a coincidence hey and you can either extrude this out but that's going to be quite flat what i tend to do is to go straight into my bevel here and then to bring up the depth of the bevel you can see it's giving us a nice cylindrical shape i'm also going to just gz to move this up you can hold shift to make this very fine adjustments so the cable is nicely nestled on the plane here and we've got this cool cable effect i think what i'm going to do here is just scale up my platform a little bit just so it's containing the end of that cable but that's looking cool all right so we've got almost got the general scene set up now i just want to add in some of those spheres you saw floating around so let's just line up my camera initially so i think i'm going to go for something that looks maybe like something like this so from here we've already got a camera in the scene using the default camera so i'm going to go to view align view and align the active camera to the view there we are and now we can make some fine adjustments by tapping into the end menu here so press n go to view lock camera to view and then just adjust these final bits until you get something that you're generally happy with i think that looks cool okay i'm gonna go with that i'm gonna stick with it i'll be playing with this all day all right then press n to close that menu and we've got the nice basis of our design here what i'm also going to do is do shift right click here i'm going to add in a uv sphere scale this down and just move this over here somewhere add in a subdivision surface mod modifier on our sphere here right click shade smooth and i'm going to duplicate one over here scale this down shifty duplicate again scale this down to maybe around here and i also want some just outside of the camera view so shifty to duplicate scale this one up a little bit just so it's sort of just outside the scene it's still viewable and shift d to duplicate this one again and i'm going to move it here and then g shift z to lock the z axis to bring this one over here and we've just got this nice balance to the image now which we can really play around with and if he was going to use this for perhaps a website backdrop i always like to leave these generally as clear for a perhaps a navigation menu or some call to actions over here but of course you can use these designs in any you know application or design project of your choice so let's go ahead now and add in the general ui that i'm going to be working with so in the front view let's do shift right click i'll tell you what i'm going to do shift s because it's selected on our phone here then shift a add in a plane now this is going to be the basis to the general ui interface so i'm going to do rx 90 degrees straighten this up s to scale this down and i'm going to do s and z because i want to like sort of thin this out to the point where it's kind of like the you know 16 by nine dimensions of a youtube video and then g and y to bring this out time to edit mode i'm going to extrude this out just a little bit and then i think i'm also going to do ctrl a in object mode apply rotation scale back into edit mode and let's select all four of these edges here these corner edges and then just press ctrl b give these a little bit of a bevel so nicely rounded okay i think that's looking pretty cool to me and now we can go ahead and start adding some color before we move on to doing a little bit of animation so let's jump on in to our materials preview tab and do some coloring okay so here we are everything is bright and white initially but i'm gonna go into my drop down here click on my htri and i like this one i really like this two-tone effect um i just like to use this while i'm adding in some colors and you know because it's pretty and i think it looks nice so in terms of the base of the design i'm going to click on my backdrop and i'm going to go for a purpley blue color mainly blue because i try i'm trying to stay away from purple guys because i realize you guys have told me you know i'd use purple a lot so maybe i should try doing something a bit different and you're right i do i use it all the time i suppose it's one of my favorite colors so okay i'm going to bring my roughness up to maybe 0.7 okay that's cool i don't want i don't want the scene to be too reflective i'm going to call this material base and i'm going to use the same material on my phone and on my backdrop there because i want it to sort of all blend in to an extent and then i'm really going to use the lighting to create that distinction okay i know i want these parts of the phone need to be a different color so time in the edit mode on the phone just hover over the um the shape here press l and l on this one now we just press plus on the drop down click assign just so we've got these you know we've captured them press new i'm just going to call this white and then perhaps lean this ever so slightly into the blue like a really tiny tiny bit just so it's a bit of an off-white and then i'm also going to put a roughness to 0.7 and then we've got some buttons on the side of the phone cool and i want these orbs here to be a bit of like a shiny gold um so in order to achieve that i'm going to click on one orb here i'm going to create a new material called this gold or capital gold apparently and then let's give this a metallic one because now it's metallic and i'm you know gold tends to be like a yellowy orangey reddy brassy color at times i'm no gold expert here i think i'm gonna lean into the yellow oranges around there and then you can adjust your roughness if you wanted something really shiny to the point where you can see your hdri there bring it right down but i i'm still keeping mine very sort of stylized as i'm sure you've noticed with most of my videos so around 0.4 is good for me i don't i don't want it to look like a realistic gold just something you know shiny pretty and you know stylized cool but i like that i'm happy with the general look there and then i'm just going to click on the rest of my orbs and apply this gold color until we've got a nice gold in the scene because i think blue contrasts nice with the gold there and then i'm going to click on my white areas here too and just apply that white color that we created and there we have the initial basis to our design for jumping to my camera view you can see how all this is lining up and i think it's looking pretty good so now i want to go ahead and hide in oh i missed i missed an element here let me go ahead and add this in so i'm going to do shift right click here i'm going to add in a cube and what i'm going to add in is a nice little golden youtube play button because do you know what that that's ambition right there or at least maybe i should make this silver but i'm going to um press ctrl a quickly apply rotation and scale time to edit mode once again press two to select edges and select these four edges back into front view control b to bevel and just put that there then shift s cursor to selected and in order to make the play button i'm going to do shift a add in a plane our x 90 degrees whoops our x 90 degrees to flip this up scale it down until it's relevant time to edit mode press one select vertexes i'm gonna need to come back to my solid view and press alt z so i can see inside here i'm going to select these two vertexes press m to merge at center now we've got this nice looking play button i'm going to press g gy to bring this out maybe around here tab into edit mode press three select this face and just extrude this out quickly and gy to bring this back inside okay and then hold shift click them both control j to join them up right click shade smooth turn on our auto smoothing and we've got a nice youtube play button here cool i think it's a little bit wide but you know what too late we're sticking with it i'm just gonna press r twice give this a bit of a interest in rotation and let's go into materials give this also a gold color time into edit mode hover over the play button in the center press l plus go into our drop down white assign and now we've got a nice youtube play button too cool i think around there will do that's looking funky that's ambition right there ladies and gentlemen okay one day we may or may not see the youtube play buttons maybe silver that'd be nice so let's go ahead now and move in to our rendered preview and everything's really of course because we you know we're working with you know like one light but i want to use a hdri today because i also wanted this video to be a little bit of a eevees tips sort of thing so in terms of working with evs because we are going to render an eb's today which is going to make sure that our render our entire video animation render is going to be a lot quicker because if we're working in cycles that's going to take my computer so long to render i just don't fancy making one of those so to get the most out of your eevee renders what i like to do is take advantage of hdris so in order to add a hdri which is a big 4k resolution image which is going to simulate real world lighting i'm going to jump on over into my shading view and you can see now we got access to some of the nodes if you can't see these just make sure you've got use nodes enabled here and i'll leave a link in the description where you can download a bunch of free hdris from hdr haven basically all you need to do once you've got one is go into a shading tab change into our world options here in the drop down and we're going to plug an environmental texture into a background so i'm going to do shift a and i'm just going to search for enviro environment texture put this here and then open and then wherever you've saved your hdris i've got a couple here that i use quite regularly i'm going to use this for under 4k i'll leave a link in the description too if you want this exact one i'm going to open and then click and drag oh node plug it into the color then back into layout and you should see now scene is much brighter because we've got this big hdri in the background that's doing its thing it's really doing well to simulate all this real world lighting and that's looking really cool a couple of things i tend to do is to just perhaps add in a little bit of extra light over on one side but really because of the hdr i don't need a lot so i'm going to just drop this to 200 just to really make this only a slight bit of lighting just to give us a bit more of a shadow and soften that up by increasing the radius of the light here like that that's looking pretty cool and you may or may not want to decrease the strength of your hdri by going into your world properties i'm going to do 0.8 something like that and now let's just add some extra settings to our render to really make the cv render nice and crisp so some things you can do is enable ambient occlusion you can you can see right here this adds a bit more darkness and depth to those shadows and adds a bit more realism and i just think it's really nice bloom you can't really see much in my scene here but what it will do it will add a bit of a glow where that natural light is hitting and bouncing off objects so you can just enable that and then adjust your intensity you know depending on how much you want that to be you know present in your scene and then i'm also gonna go into enable screen space reflections you can you can or cannot you know or may you may or may not want to enable this this is just going to try its best to simulate those real world reflections they're quite prominent here on a goal object so i don't know if i'm going to have them enabled for this you can and you can also adjust but um i think i'll try them for now but if i don't like them you can always come back in and just turn them off and then lastly i'm going to go to color management and i i always tend to go for a high contrast and look because it just really makes those colors pop and you know makes them look really vibrant as i'm sure i'm something like a pirate at this point but yeah that's what i like to go for and okay so now i think we're in a position we're ready to start anime so let's jump on into the animation pane and get some anime on the go okay so now we've clicked into our animation window over here and initially it's gonna look well it may look quite confusing but all blend has done is give you a nice little setup which is really useful to start some animating you've got one view port over here which is set up to just look directly from our camera view and then this is just a general layout area which we can do some modeling and moving and then lastly down here is our dope sheet which just lets us set up some keyframes you know to adjust you know the animations and we you know where we want everything to move to so the first thing i suppose we can do is to adjust the phone here so i want this to rotate in and you know just do you know do some pretty stuff so to start i want to come into my output properties and i'd like to set this now to 30 frames because we're rendering in evs it's not actually going to take very long to on you know to render maybe a couple of minutes so 30 frames should be fine for me it's just going to make sure this is nice and smooth and looking beautiful in my camera view over here i'm also going to throw that into my render view so i can see how that's looking so let's go ahead and add some animation to our phone here to start we're going to do a scale because i want this to be invisible and then the pop into view so if we come down into our object data properties here you can see in our transform this object has a scale of 0.774 i want this to be a scale of one to one because i want this to be the max you know scale of the phone so let's go ahead and press ctrl a apply rotation and scale now this is all been reset and this is the default position of our phone so at frame zero what i want is for this to be zero so if you click and drag over these three here and then press zero you can see your phone now has no scale i'm gonna press i which is gonna insert a keyframe and we're gonna insert a scaling keyframe and now you can see we've got dots down here this is nicely set up and you can see the this is now yellow too to let us know that there was a keyframe here okay so if i drag this along at around the 20th frame i want this to be at its max scale again so what i'm going to do is i'm going to click and drag over these three again press one and press enter and then press i scaling and now we've got this nice little animation where this phone appears into the frame just like that but i also wanted to have a bit of a rotation so what i'm going to do is when we get to frame 20 i want the z-axis of the phone to be at 360 degrees so it's done a full 360. so what i'm going to do is i'm going to go ahead and just click on this here and do 360 degrees and then let's go ahead and press i and instead of rotation and what i'm going to do here is use the autokine function this is just going to speed up our general animation process so if i turn this on by clicking the dot and what this is going to do is whenever it detects a change in the the general properties of this object it's gonna automatically add in another keyframe at that point in time so i'm gonna move this back to the start here at zero and then i'm gonna change this to zero and that's gonna automatically know you can see here it's turned yellow it's gonna automatically key in a keyframe for the rotation now if i drag this across my timeline you can see we now have this scaling rotation animation how cool is that right it's all about those sound effects cool all right so that's looking really nice that's in the initial part of our phone set up and of course i want this to also animate out at around the 70 frame mark so all we need to do is you can treat these very much like objects in blender so let's go ahead and just do shift d to duplicate and i'm going to bring this over to 170 and then copy these frames over here too and do shift d bring that to 190 and now if we watch it all the way to here you can see it it'll also animate out so now we've all now we've already got the intro and the outdoor animation for the phones done and we'll end the animation at 190 so what we can also do is set the end frames here to one knight d okay cool and that's just like a nice loop now which will loop forever cool looking good now i want to animate in this section right here but i'm also going to do one little bit of extra modeling here to give us a nice little scrolling screen effect so what i'm going to do is i'm going to go into my modifiers here and i'm going to add in an array modifier i'm going to change my offset to zero for the x and just adjust my zx and z axis offset to maybe around minus point one uh one point two and then i'm to increase the count to around 10. so they're going to come right to the floor right now so what i want to do is i'm going to press shift s to move the cursor to the phone so it makes you click on the phone there and then i'm going to do shift a add in a cube scale this down in my front view whoops can't really see that there the side view alt z so we can see inside s and y to shrink this down and i just want this to generally line up with those little video modules that we made so it doesn't need to be too big and then s and z to scale this down on the z-axis slightly and we also want to do s and x to bring this in on this side okay that's looking pretty good and now make sure you're in x-ray mode because what i'm going to want to do is to click on my outer box here and then shift-click on the the inevitably just press h to hide the backdrop because it's getting in the way and then click on the cube shift click and click on the inner section here i'm going to come up to object into a bool tools and select this brush boolean intersect and what that is going to do it's going to let us if i press gz to move these it's going to give us a cool scrolling animation because the only thing that's visible is the areas that are intersecting with our cube here so now we can create these cool video effects it's cool you know screen sliding effects don't have the blue tool enabled make sure you come to edit preferences and then just in your add-on search for bool and just make sure you enable the bool tools and then you will get that tool for use cool so now i can press alt h to bring our plane back okay and that's looking pretty cool now if you look in our preview over here you can really see we can get this cool scrolling animation so what i want to do is when our phone gets to frame 20 i want to animate in this plane right here so back into our object data properties and at this point let's make these a zero so i'm going to do zero on all our scales and then by the time we get to 30 i'm gonna make sure we add in a keyframe here so i scaling and then when we get to 30 set all these back to one and our automatic keyframer is still enabled here so that should be automatically set so if i press play here you can see this works really well cool that's looking pretty good and now i want to do some of the general scrolling animations so it's going to get here and then at around 40 frames perhaps i want to do a bit of a scrolling animation so initially we just need to add in another keyframe i'm going to add in the location keyframe so press i and just click location and now i want this to go around 20 frames and move in the z-axis so we just press gz to bring this up and maybe to around here and now you can see this is automatically keyed in and i wanted to sit on this frame for maybe around 10 frames so what we can do is make sure you click off any of the other frames highlight all of these frames here do shift d and i'm going to bring this out to 70 and you can see we're getting this line here which is saying these are the same key frame and then when we get to 90 i wanted to scroll even further so i'm going to press gz to bring this up again to maybe around here and now you can see if i play this we're getting this sort of nice scrolling effect and all i'm going to do is continue to duplicate this and do the same sort of fashion until we get to around say 140. move this across shift d to duplicate this out so we're going to stay and wait here for 10 frames and then go ahead and scroll this once again so it's easy to bring this up and we've run out we've run out of video space here you can either increase the amount in your array modifier or you can end it here i'm just going to end it here for now so if i play this back i'm happy with that and then here from here i want it to stick around to 30 frames and then scroll all the way back to the top so i'm just going to do gz to bring this all the way down to around here cool now this does its thing cool all right that looks great now what we're going to do we're going to go ahead and animate this out and the easiest way to do that is to just duplicate these first two frames to shift d and then let's go ahead and start to animate this out at around 60 i think so i'm going to put this around here because remember this is the zero scaling and this is the scale of one so i'm going to highlight these g to move and put these here and this should animate out then at this sequence right here cool so now that's the general phone itself animated and now we can move on to doing some of the general other scene objects so let's start with the orbs i want these to sort of bounce in so let's go ahead and just animate this in in the very same fashion i'm going to go ahead into my object properties make sure you if this isn't a one-to-one scale just do control a rotation and scale and then at around when i want this to come in don't want these to come in at the exact same time so maybe as this reaches its max point at 30 i can animate some of the orbs so at frame 30 i'm going to do zero for my scales press i into its scale and then have this come in within five frames so relatively quickly and then one so this just pops in and i'm going to do the same again for this one just following the sequence for 35 it's going to be at zero all right insert scale in and that 40 is going to be at one and i'm just going to do the exact same thing for all these other gold object objects in the scene but following a sequence of five frames every time so i'm going to skip ahead into that okay so if i just play out our animation here you can see everything pops in nicely if i just enlarge this for you so you can see this so everything animates in nicely and these all pop in in a very sequential order and all you need to do is play around with your frames till you get that general style oh and before i forget to mention when it comes to the orbs i've just done the exact same thing as we did with the phone i've duplicated the intro animations and use them to animate them out when i feel they should disappear so don't forget to add those in too okay sorry if that little jump cut there i just had to grab myself a coffee i realized this video was getting quite long and there's only so long a man can go without his hot beverage hope you don't mind so but the next topic of discussion to really finish this up because you could render it as is right now and i think it would look pretty good but what i want to do is jump into the graph editor now this has been another big request is how do i adjust those little intricacies of the animations to get them looking a bit smoother so in order to achieve this i think we can probably go back into layout layout here layout layout layout window and let's just drag up our playback you know key frames and dope sheet down here okay so what we're gonna do initially to be able to see the graphs if we go over here and click on drop down in the animation area go into a graph editor now we can't see a whole lot right now this is just a graph and it but if we click on our phone alexa stop always interrupting my videos so if we click on the phone you can see now we can see the key frames you can see this is the start and the scale to one and this is the scale to one and zero but if we just scroll on mouse wheel up so i can have a nice zoomed in look at these two keyframes over here also in your drop down you can drop down our object transform properties and the only thing i want to see is the scaling so just click the eyes here let's not confuse ourselves and so now we're just working with the three scales and you can see this is where the general scale will end i'm going to control the z there because i don't really want to move this point i just want to adjust these little curves in between of course when you initially click on one of these make sure you drag over all of these points here because technically there are three scaling nodes here but when you drag over them you can see you get these anchor points and when you adjust these anchor points they will adjust the general look of your animation so if i bring this up here this is going to be a sudden spike in speed and then it's going to go a bit larger than we want but slow down to the scale that we're after so if i just play this back you should see this should just it might just be a little bit if you'll see the general difference in animation yeah so you can see it's a bit quicker off the mark now but what i want is a bit of a quirky bounce so to keep this nice and simple blender has actually got a bunch of presets that we can use so i'm just going to highlight both of these i'll just highlight this one here right click interpolation mode now i like this dynamic back effect here if i click this this is pretty much doing what i want and that's quick off the mark a little bit above what we want and then slowly down into the final size so cool there we are so it's got a little bit of a smoother effect you may or may not see that if you want to extra you know make this a bit more exaggerated feel free to adjust using the anchor points to your heart's content but i'm just going to stick around with some of the basic interpolation modes initially just to keep this tutorial nice and straightforward okay so that one bounces in and then let's do the same with some of the other ones now so if i click on our videos here and zoom in i want to do the same here so i'm going to click on the first one right click and i want this to be a back and you can see it goes up if we watch this one back yeah see now it's got this nice almost like a almost like a spring it's a boom boom you see that nice i love that nice look to the automation of the videos there it's exactly what i'm looking for beautiful and i want to do a similar sort of thing with all the orbs too so all i need to do is the exact same thing click on a rope if you click on the first keyframe right click interpolation mode to dynamic effects back and this will do the same sort of thing you can see it's almost like it bounces in like a spring you know so but feel free to play around with these to your heart's content i'm just going to go through now and for every object that bounces in i'm going to use the exact same interpolation mode just because i like it and i think it fits the bill for most of these animations so just one more time click on the orb here hover you know makes you highlight the first keyframe right click interpolation mode back and that's gonna add a nice bouncing sort of appearance so i'm just gonna skip into the next bit now okay i think we're there so if i just play this back for you quickly you're not going to see a whole lot of difference but i feel like the animations do look a little bit smoother and more quirky you see so they're a little bit bouncier am i right now all that's left to do really is to jump in to our output properties and configure this so this is going to render as an animation so let's jump on into that okay so in our output properties in order to get this to render as a video you need to come down here into the output drop down open this initially this is where you can set where you want the video to save to i've just got mine in my ux animations folder and then in terms of file format all these ones on the left over here as you can see labeled are images so over here where it says movie i'm gonna use f peg video you might be you might be familiar with like mp4 and such so i'm going to use fpeg there and then you've got some color options black and white black and white rgb of course i want color so i'm going to keep mine in rgb now to encode i'm going to use mpeg-4 which is mp4 probably one of the most universal and easily accessible video formats so i'd recommend that the video codec hitch .264 is fine and in terms of output quality i'd go with perceptually lossless i wouldn't recommend lossless because i don't know if there's a bug right now but mine renders blank so perceptually lossless is my preferred encoding speed for good is fine and i think that's looking pretty good in terms of our animations all that's left to do is come up to render click render animation and i'm going to skip ahead into this to get the finished animation and there we have a rather successful blender animation that's going to bring us to the end of today's tutorial i hope you've enjoyed today and leave a comment below for any future video you'd like to see but my name has been keelan enjoy the rest of your day and i'll catch you in the next one [Music] you
Channel: Keelan Jon
Views: 38,286
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: q6i1AH4uPuw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 57sec (2277 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 16 2020
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