DEEP CLEAN WITH ME | 3-day apartment reset *EXTREME* , organizing for 2024 & cleaning motivation

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welcome back to my Channel today I'm doing a very much needed deep clean of my apartment from top to bottom so if you're interested please stay tuned and I hope you enjoy first I'm going to make some coffee because it's going to be a very long day 3 days at that it did take me a really long time to clean my house from start to finish so I'm just making coffee to give me some energy to tackle this house before we get into the cleaning I do have a quick word from our sponsor today's video is sponsored by Squarespace Squarespace is a website platform created to make it easy for entrepreneurs to easily build their own website whether your goal is to make a blog or sell products you can make a beautiful website customized to your brand one of my goals for 2024 is to get more serious about my brand and career and Squarespace is going to help me organize all of my content and portfolios into one place they have so so many cute website templates making it easy to start designing right away and you can customize anything to make it unique to you I easily got started with two super cute templates and I'm so excited to be keeping you updated along my website building Journey so whether you need Squarespace to sell custom merch products or making appointments you'll find it super easy to get started and customize your site to your brand so you can head over to for free trial and when you're ready to launch go to Renee and use code T Renee to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain so let's start cleaning I always start with my laundry because it takes so long and I like to wash the smaller loads first so that I can keep the dryer empty and ready for the next load so those are the products that I use I'm not going to go into detail about laundry in this video so let's move on to my kitchen this is the room in my apartment that takes me the longest to clean I did start kind of late in the day around 4:00 but it took me the entirety of the first day to fully deep clean it my kitchen is always the dirtiest so I like to really take my time and make sure I'm getting it squeaky clean as you guys saw I had a lot of clutter on the countertop so I like to do a pre- clean and put everything back where it's supposed to be before cleaning the dishes and countertops so again I had some cleaning products that I bought on the floor so I'm just going to put those things where they belong and I'm picking up this rug so that I can put it in the wash I do usually wait to sweep my entire house once everything is clean but the rug had so much dirt and stuff on it so I wanted to just get that out of the way so that I wasn't stepping on all of this now that I've done my pre- clean I'm going to unload my dishwasher so that I can clean the inside of it and start the next load cleaning the inside of my dishwasher is something that I personally forget needs to be done so my filter was really dirty like please judge me but let this be a reminder to y'all and myself to clean your filters because I was shocked at how gross mine was and this is where I'm washing my dishes like I'm disgusting but all I did to clean the inside was take an allpurpose cleaning spray and my Scrub Daddy and scrub it down and then I added in a fresh dishwasher cleaning tablet and ran a normal cycle to clean out the chemicals before loading dishes in while the dishwasher was running I decided to go ahead and clean my microwave again just using a regular all-purpose cleaning spray and wiping it down with a paper towel super simple but also very necessary because the microwave does get pretty dirty with all the food popping everywhere I don't use my microwave a lot so it never gets out of hand but this is something I have to do every time I clean my kitchen it's super important and I also like to clean the cabinets above the microwave because it gets really greasy up there from all the cooking so once it's done I am going to run the microwave for 1 minute I don't know if this does anything but I feel like it kind of zaps the chemicals out so that I'm not heating up food in cleaning spray I don't know if that logic makes sense but tell me if that's something y'all do or not okay so moving on I'm cleaning out my fridge next I barely had any groceries when I filmed this so there wasn't a lot to take out but I always start by taking everything out and throwing away expired and old food before going in and wiping the surfaces down and I'm still using my allpurpose cleaning spray you don't need a lot of different cleaning products to clean your space like I use this on the majority of the surfaces in my apartment because it disinfects and it gets the job done it gets everything nice and clean so so as you can see all I'm doing is wiping down the surfaces I'm taking out the glass shelves and wiping those down you can also take these into the sink and clean them with soap and water and that would work just the same but mine weren't that dirty so I didn't have to do that this time all right so everything is nice and clean and back in its place and for my freezer it never really gets dirty cuz it's everything's frozen so I just take out all of the old meat trash I like to keep it in my freezer so it doesn't sink before I take my crash out by now the dishwasher was finished running it cycle so next I'm going to load it back up and run another one I use the Cascade complete detergent for my dishwasher it's really good at removing grease and food and it's my Holy Grail I've used other ones but I find this one to work the best so I also filled up the Cascade power dry Rinse Aid this is going to help to minimize the hard water stains on your dishes when they dry so if that's a problem that you run into try this out sometime and see if it helps and always remember to run your garbage disposal for a minute before starting your dishwasher I tend to have a lot of dishes that can't go in the dishwasher like wine and cocktail glasses so I'm going to get started on the water for that and before I hand wash anything I have to clean out the sink so I'm taking a Scrub Daddy in an allpurpose cleaning spray and scrubbing it down I'm going to follow up with an antibacterial dish soap to wash away the chemicals and then make my dish water using the same soap the Palm Olive antibacterial soap is my personal favorite I use it for a lot of things because the idea of bacteria freaks me out so it just gives me peace of mind that everything would hopefully pass a microscope test I don't know though because products lie but anyways let's finish up washing these dishes I put off cleaning my house for a minute so I had a lot of dirty dishes but once I was finished I felt so much better and now we can move on to other things so I like to clean from top to bottom so that the dust that falls can still end up getting cleaned so I'm going to start by dusting my cabinets with them being so dark they can look dirty really quick so it was time to clean them so super simple I just used the pledge spray and I'm wiping them down with the microfiber towel and then I'm going to clean the countertops using my allpurpose spray and Scrub Daddy combo and I get the Scrub Daddy really sudsed up with the cleaner and scrub the counters down then I wipe it dry with a paper towel so super simple and this never fails to leave my counters squeaky clean every time next I'm going to clean the stove top I would say don't judge me but this is an exception because why did I let it get this bad but I'm just using the same technique that I use for my counters and I also take the knobs off and wash them in the sink and then replace them when they're clean next I'm going to clean the outside of my dishwasher and fridge once I get to this part I know I'm almost finished and it's such a gratifying feeling because I just went to war with my kitchen and so I'm happy to almost be done but I'm using a stainless steel spray and a microfiber towel and wiping the product in until there's no streaks now once everything is clean I then go in and clean my sink one more time I'm just using the antibacterial soap right now to do this and then I'm going to take some vinegar and baking soda this is my first time ever doing this so I'm not sure if I did it right but I just poured the baking soda first and then the vinegar and flushed that out with some boiling hot water and then finally I'm just going to wipe down surfaces that are touched a lot with a Lysol wipe all right y'all day two of cleaning let's go I mentioned earlier it did take me 3 days to clean my apartment the kitchen took about 7 to 10 hours I don't remember but we're moving on to the living room so I'm going to first start off by dusting my ceiling fans if you have allergies like me this is probably the most important step other than making sure to change out your AC filter I took an allergy test when I was younger and I was allergic to a lot of things the main one being dust and I'm not going to lie I usually slack off really bad when it comes to dusting and making sure my ceiling fans are clean so it had been a minute and the dirt was piled on this is probably why I'm always feeling sick and congested but I took care of it today day so I just got the layers off with my duster and then I went in with a pledge spray and going back to my cleaning from top to bottom I'm going to dust off the mirror my TV and all of the decorative pieces and things that I have in my apartment including the surfaces you want to always get dust off before you go in with cleansing sprays so that's the order that I do it in now going back to the mirror I'm just cleaning that with a glass cleaning spray and a microfiber towel super simple and after that that I'm going to clean off the surfaces with an allpurpose cleaning spray make sure you use a clean towel if you're going to be using reusable towels instead of paper towels my paper towel usage has gotten very out of hand so if it's not somewhere like my kitchen or my bathroom where bacteria and germs build up I'm fine using microfiber towels to clean and it does help so that I don't use too many paper towels because I'd go through a literal entire roll when I clean and it's a really really bad habit that I'm trying to fix this is also a good time to clean any big windows that you have so I have a lot of windows in my living room so I'm just going to make sure those are clean um I'm using a glass cleaning spray and this is going to make the overall look of your apartment even cleaner now I'm going to vacuum my couch pretty self-explanatory but I did get a new vacuum you guys this is the shark something I'll look up the name and Link it in the description but I got this from t Target on Black Friday for only $100 which is really good because it suctions amazing like my old one didn't suction at all and so the first time I vacuumed with this one there was so much dust and dirt it was very satisfying but also kind of disgusting um but this is a really good vacuum I do highly recommend it if you guys are looking for a good powerful more affordable vacuum so definitely check it out once I'm done with that I'm going to put the pillows back on the couch and I also washed my pillowcases that's really important to make sure you're doing that every time you do laundry and then I'm going to go in with this F Breeze air freshener this is the scent fresh baked vanilla and it smells really really good I'm obsessed but finally I'm just spraying Lysol on the door knobs and light switches and then putting some carpet freshener on the rug okay so now we're finally getting somewhere two more Rooms To Go and I'm starting off by dusting and spraying down down my ceiling fan you guys can see all the layers and layers of black dust and it's disgusting but it's also very satisfying to get rid of all of it and like I said it helps so much especially with my allergies next up I'm going to be cleaning off my desk I think this is the first time y'all have seen it but I finally got one I haven't had one since I moved out of my mom's house so this was very long overdue but I love my little desk she from Ikea and the chairs from Amazon but um I just cleaned up everything off of it and wiped it down with some allpurpose spray and a paper towel and then I'm going to be cleaning off or cleaning out the inside of the drawer by taking everything out and using this tiny computer vacuum to vacuum up any dust that's in there and then I'm just going to put everything back where it belongs okay so same from my living room I'm dusting everything um all the decor pieces that I have in my room and then I'm going to take them off of the console and wipe that down with an allpurpose cleaning spray and then Place everything back once that's done I'm going to clean all the mirrors in my room so I have three these two oval mirrors and my regular rectangle one finally I'm vacuuming my bed frame all the dust from the ceiling fan was on it and there's also hair and dirt buildup I desperately need to clean this bed frame but that was way too much to add into this video so I'm going to be doing that that soon because it is actually disgusting but yeah it's very hard keeping this bed frame clean but I'll get to that another day so for right now we're just vacuuming it and making my bed and after that I'm going to lice all the door handles light switches and I'm going to finish off by spreading this carpet odor eliminator everywhere I did let this sit on my carpet and rug for a full day and it smelled so fresh and clean finally we've reached my bathroom this is the second hardest place to clean besides my kitchen but it is significantly smaller so it goes by quicker but first i'm going to be um taking my makeup brushes and hair brushes and soaking them and um I soaked them in antibacterial soap and hot water I just saw on line that soaking makeup brushes isn't the best cuz it might cause bacteria in the handles but I didn't know that prior so I probably will never be doing this again cuz it's bacterian just like I said freaks me out but I'll figure out a different way to do this but for now all I did was fill some cups with water and antibacterial soap and soaked the brushes and cleaned them off the next day moving on I'm going to take this drain cleaner and put that in my sinks so it can sit a while while I clean my countertops now I'm just a girl so of course my countertops are always full of makeup and products and stuff it just is what it is so I'm going to work on clearing the counter but before I do I'm going to take Lysol wipes and wipe off any makeup products that look too dirty I'm not going to do all of them because I have a plethora of makeup products and I'm going to be doing a decluttering video because I need to declutter my space desperately but yeah any makeup products that have excessive buildup of makeup I'm just going to wipe them off and after that I'm going to be putting all the makeup up back where it belongs which is in my Len closet I'm going to go ahead and clear off my countertops so that I can clean my my mirror I'm just using the same glass cleaner and once the mirror is clean I'm going to run some hot water for a few minutes just to rinse out the drain cleaner and then I'm going to go in with a Scrub Daddy and an allpurpose cleaner and clean the countertops the same way I did in the kitchen and I do use a different Scrub Daddy in my bathroom for the products that sit on top of my counter I'm just using a paper towel and some cleaning spray and wiping them down I feel like you should wipe and disinfect everything that sits on your counter and out in your bathroom because of all the germs of course the toilets in there so once everything is wiped down and disinfected I'm just going to put it back on the countertop where it goes and once again I'm going in with the pledge and wiping down my cabinets just like I did in my kitchen after my countertop area is clean I go in and clean my shower so I'm taking everything out and these are the products that I use to clean my shower so first I'm going to spray the walls down with water before going in with with the cleaner and spraying that and scrubbing until it's clean and I'm going to repeat that on the tub of my shower as well now for the products that are in the shower I like to give them a nice little bath because they do get really dirty with the hard water and product buildup so I like to get them nice and shiny and clean so I run some hot water and add some antibacterial soap of course and scrub them down with a washcloth the final step in my bathroom is to clean my toilet I first start off by spraying the outside of the toilet and wiping it down with a paper towel I do prefer to use paper towels for this because the toilet is one place in your house that collects a lot of germs so I would prefer to use something disposable after that I'm taking a toilet bowl cleaner and cleaning the inside um and then once the toilet is clean I spray the scrubby with a disinfectant and let it sit in here for a while until it dries and you always want to clean the sidewalls or your toilet because they collect a lot of germs as well and you can just use Lysol but I wanted to use an allpurpose spray for the cabinet and Lysol for the wall with paint I find that all-purpose cleaner doesn't clean paint very well so this is the last step in my bathroom and finishing up this is the best part because that means I'm almost almost done I'm just going to vacuum my entire house plain and simple again I love my new vacuum it's super cute small and easy to use and while I was vacuuming I did get two pots of water boiling so I would have enough to mop my entire house and so it would be ready by the time I was done vacuuming I do still use my o Cedar whatever it's called mop and I'm going to use some Pine salt at the bottom until it covers the entire bottom of the mop bucket and then fill it with the boiling water mopping is such an art to me I love it I probably already told you this but I used to work at a daycare and this is the mop that we had which is probably why I'm so emotionally attached to it because this was my favorite task to do it my job I just feel like it's so satisfying it makes me feel like I'm in such a clean environment and it makes your house or apartment smell so good so that's all I'm doing I'm just going to mop the floors of my apartment and that is the almost final step in my routine once everything's dry I'm going in with some air fresheners it was Christmas time when I filmed this so I have this pumpkin spice air freshener and for my bathroom I just used my eucalyptus and lavender spray and I went back and used some of the vanilla spray on the chair and we're finally done cleaning so I'm going to light this candle and that does end today's video I forgot to get before after footage so I'm really sorry for that but I did film this a minute ago so I'll show you guys next time I love you so much if you're still here thank you so much for watching and I can't wait to see you in my next video [Music] bye
Channel: Tea Renee
Views: 281,327
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: LP3KCd6xuw8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 47sec (1667 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 30 2024
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