Why I Love Bad Anime

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My biggest takeaway is gigguk uses light theme on discord.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 656 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/WhiteVans_FreeCandy πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 17 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I really need to stop stressing over how to spend my free time.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 248 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/camthegodoflol πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 17 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

This man really hasn't watched Fullmetal Alchemist?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 272 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/HitPiggy πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 17 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

It's interesting how similar every anime In the thumbnail looks.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 126 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Karma110 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 17 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I also have a confession. I too didn't watch Full Metal Alchemist. I read the manga.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 89 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Bad_at_Jund πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 17 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I think that people should enjoy whatever type of show they enjoy, but if you ask me... if you genuinely enjoy something just argue that it's good or in favor of its positive qualities outweighing the negative ones. People might disagree but fucking hell I know i'm going to respect someone who says: "Actually I think SAO is pretty good despite the lows it sometimes hits, I like the romance between Kirito and Asuna, and I think the Mothers Rosario Arc was genuinely touching"

More than someone who says: "HEH fuck yeah it's trashy, I love to eat up that garbage. Anime is trash and so am I!"

You know what I mean? There's nothing really wrong with what he's saying, I just hope it doesn't feed into the reductive "Being critical of an animes writing is silly and people need to loosen up" opinion that sometimes appears in this sub.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 253 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Mystic8ball πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 17 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

It always makes me laugh when I see people complaining about how the anime done nowadays is worst than what we had ten years ago, and he explains it perfectly here. The difference is that, since now the amount of good animes we have every years, and even every season, is much bigger than before, it stands out less than it did when there were only 4 or 5 noteworthy animes in an entire year. It makes us appreciate it less simply because we're used to it.

He also makes a point I really can relate to when he says that he gets stressed out when he hasn't picked up every single 'good' anime from every season. It happened to me until very recently, and now I'm little by little finally just focusing on enjoying what I'm seeing instead of what i've missed. After all, you can always watch it a year after it's aired and it will feel the same. For example, I watched Made in Abyss this year, and when I finished all I could think of was "why didn't I saw it while it aired?" but honestly there are many animes that are enjoyed more when you watch them at once instead of one chapter per week.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 57 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MadJoker94 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 17 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Gigguk is right on the money about that feeling of being unpopular in school staying with you. It’s a big part of why I still love silly power fantasy shows. Like, I binged Arifureta in a night and quite enjoyed it, even tho it’s laughably terrible.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 41 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/shadyhawkins πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 17 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Don't really get why people need to play off watching "bad anime" so much. It's all made for a reason, a lot of people watch it.

It's getting akin to denying IRL that you look at porn or fap.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 41 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DSerphs πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 17 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
can we all agree for a moment that anime is gotten pretty damn good in any given season now pretty much everyone is guaranteed to find a handful of shows that appeals to them which are pretty good quality I mean this season we got my hero be star's babylon hoshi no sora or a tsuki cautious hero no guns life i'm not forgetting dr. stone and villain saga being carried over from last season that's a pretty strong lineup which just seems like the norm nowadays so it should come as no surprise that the only shows I'm up to date and have religiously kept up with is SEO and assassins pride wow I didn't realize your taste with so [ __ ] gigaku random comment to respond surprisingly to the man that openly endorsed domestic girlfriend as of late I think I've cultivated this reputation as they go on YouTube that likes and celebrates trashy anime I don't know how honestly just kind of came out nowhere and today I just wanted to ramble a bit about how it got this way why it's kind of half a meme and half actually true and why as counterintuitive as it sounds you shouldn't always feel so pressured to go out and find good anime this is doctor trash love or how I learned to stop worrying and enjoy bad animal probably the thing I love the most about the medium of anime is just how wide and varied it is I've been watching anime for a pretty long time now and I'm surprised even myself by how many shows I've been able to enjoy in just about every spectrum and genre even though the main reason I got into it was just to see some big muscly dudes scream and punch the [ __ ] out of each other animes provided me with such a perfect vehicle to expand my horizon and explore new facets of what I find entertaining there have been shows that have pushed the boundaries of creativity in a way you just don't see anywhere else and to this day I've not experienced anything like that honeymoon period when you first discovered anime every new show was a new experience a new discovery about what you could find enjoyable and the possibilities seemed endless through this journey I found shows I love shows I hate shows that are so weird I still can't comprehend whether the emotion I felt towards them counts as enjoyment and show so God or they made me want to go home and commit either guy but I feel that does come a point after seeing enough that you kind of get anime you get the intricacies and the tropes you get what makes each genre tick you see the nuances and what makes some shows better than others you've seen that critically acclaimed classics and understand why they are so well respected you see what makes good anime good and bad anime bad but most importantly you understand what your own tastes are and once you reach this point I find that people mostly go in one of two directions either your tastes have been forever changed and you can't enjoy the same things that used to tickle your fancy or you regress to that same bright-eyed newbie you could find the simplest cliche [ __ ] entertaining and I remember the exact goddamn moment I realize which direction I had taken because it was when I first watched r-mo major spoilers for the ending of war emo if you really care about that now this may come as a surprise to many but there was a time I thought I would hate or emo aka my little sister can't be this cute because it seemed weird back when only season 1 was out my initial impression was man I really don't want to watch some weird incest shits but to my surprise it turned out to be an entertaining look into otaku culture through the cynical eyes of an older brother who had no interest in it with a brother-sister relationship that actually seems like a brother-sister relationship yeah I know Heinz laters hilarious everything but I'm being totally serious I got surprisingly invested in it and then season 2 happened and the series shifted from this slice of life comedy to more of your typical harem anime where every girl started falling for the main character it started to turn into everything it had previously been satirizing which put many people off but for some reason I was still very okay with it and then knew the ending happened and he chose his sister and I thought to myself man I initially didn't want to watch this because I was afraid he was gonna go this direction and here we are now so where the [ __ ] am I still okay with it this was not only the exact point when I first realized that I was a [ __ ] the ditch in it but also that even though I could tell there were so many problems with the direction the show went as it started to appeal to the lowest common denominator I still wasn't above enjoying it the spy the fighter went down the more generic harem routes I was secretly glad it did even if it did have the opportunity to make a much more meaningful statement about her taku culture as a whole and my desire to see a tsundere as the winning anime girl apparently trumped that little awkward fact that they were you know once I realized this the Giga Kai knew was never the same again I threw myself back into the dumpster I was born from and haven't found my way back out since what I learned is that despite having brought into my tastes and gained a deeper understanding of what makes good shows good it didn't stop me from gravitating to the same surface level [ __ ] that appealed to me as a newbie when I didn't know what bad anime was and yeah I know I'm using the term bad anime loosely here but please don't worry too much about the semantics of what that actually means people normally associate bad anime with things like using an abundance of tropes and cliches having one-dimensional characters or having an uninspired story that does nothing to really push creativity or say something unique and if you've seen enough anime that's totally true but I've often found myself wondering what makes certain animes such popular guilty-pleasure shows why does something like highschool DxD seem so universally loved when on the surface it just seems like a lot of tits and yeah I mean it's just a lot of [ __ ] tits and I think it's because shows like these are so good at understanding how to appeal to a very specific target demographic even though to anyone not in that demographic it just looks like basic fanservice trash if you like highschool DxD you know exactly you like highschool DxD even if it's not exactly for a reason you'd lie to your parents about which brings me back to assassin's pride I'm just a sucker for the cliche underdog power fantasy stories as shallow and predictable they may be probably because I grew up as a scrawny ass nerdy wasn't the most popular kid in school and I can feel way more empowered here than I ever did back then because that [ __ ] stays with you and something like assassins pride is a show that excels at scratching that very specific story itch even if Bry pretty much every other standard it's just a generic adaptation of a generic light novel with generic characters and though I would never actively recommend this to a wide audience there are a few aspects I can say certain people would definitely enjoy if you were looking for this type of story this is a show that is so unapologetic and how many tropes dumb cliches and nonsensical developments it can ham fits into a story that it does this 118 becomes this beautiful car crash you just can't help but admire kind of like what era manga since they did to the Yamoto genre that's right this is basically the era manga sensei of power fantasy shows don't quote me on that and you know what it's probably this exact mentality which was the reason I found myself go through a bit of a nice acai phase could you tell I know have helped to propagate the idea that a lot of ISA Chi look and feel exactly the same but when you look past the surface you can see that a lot of them actually do have their own unique appeal and even some of the most generic looking ones can do something unique enough to retain my interest the reason I ended up finishing Ken Jong imago a few seasons ago despite trashing how uninspired it felt was because I kind of found it interesting that the reason the protagonist was Opie was because he was the only person with knowledge of science from our world so he managed to apply this to the magic systems in a way no one else could really comprehend the spacing marriage of science and magic was a subtle enough difference that I could still find enjoyment sitting through the exact same story beats I'd seen a million times before sure that's not exactly a big enough reason to convince anyone who doesn't like Issei Chi to watch it but it was enough for me and I'm guessing this this reason why Issei Chi is still thriving despite the perception that a lot of it just feels the [ __ ] same this is what it means to be Issa Chi trash for some the final form of an anime fan is being able to recognize and appreciate truly great shows with the ability to quantify what makes them so special but for me it's being able to do that but also knowing you can make a four-hour around breaking down while this trashy anime sucks ass yet still being able to enjoy the spite of that and I can respect any person who has that ability okay congratulations king uh it took you years to discover that you do actually have [ __ ] tastes um so what exactly made you feel like telling everyone about this so like I was saying I feel anime is good right now like pretty [ __ ] good I don't think there's ever been a time in my fandom when I've literally had seasons I couldn't keep up with all the shows that sounded interesting yet I don't know if I've been the only one who's recently gone through this phase when I was so paranoid that I was wasting my time when watching a new show is this really what I'm in a mood to do right now is this the best show I could be watching at this exact moment is this the best way I could be spending my time instead of just trying to get absorbed in the experience I was worried that there was something new or better I could be watching that I would constantly be second-guessing if I had made the right choice to watch it and I think this is less to do with having watched too many anime and morph just how much choice there is nowadays have any of you ever wanted to chill after a hard day's work and then go done [ __ ] decision fatigue just scrolling down your Netflix or steam library I spent more time deciding what you want to do instead of you know actually doing something oh my god why is there just nothing to watch this is how I felt scrolling down the seasonal chart sometimes I honestly think we've been spoilt with not just the amount of choices but the amount of good choices we have and it doesn't help that I have this irrational fear of missing out so I found this huge problem for me when I first entered the seasonal cycle is that I would find myself what she shows I wasn't in the mood for but did so anyway in fear of falling behind or missing out on something good which made me just enjoy everything less and it remained this way until I fully accepted that I'm never in my life gonna be able to catch up to everything I want to and the reason that took me so long to realize is because it didn't always feel this way okay so small little tangents I have a confession to make I have not seen Full Metal Alchemist original or brotherhoods I know I know just hear me out so there was a time when I legitimately thought I would run out of good anime like that was a in fear after watching a few hundred shows that there was this finite spool of anime I would enjoy and I was nearing the end of the road I was finding less and less shows that really appeal to what I was looking for and newer shows just didn't excite me as much I was scared that there would be a day where I lost this passion for this medium so I took Full Metal Alchemist a show I knew I would love I knew I would get obsessed with and shelved it purposely didn't watch it saving it for a day when there was no new good anime coming out and I needed a reason to regain faith in the medium this was complete [ __ ] of course now not only did that day never come but at the point where out now I don't have the problem of worrying that I'm gonna run out of good anime I have the problem of finding enough time to watch all the good anime out there and now I have a whole patreon discord service worth for people who just pay me so they can hurl abuse at me for depriving myself of one of the most basic and most well respected anime hey guys how you doing right now there will always be something good to watch your plan to watch list is an endless abyss that you will never reach the bottom of and will only continue to grow with every season and that's only if you watch anime that doesn't include games movies or books which by themselves have exactly the same problem and I think this is why for a while bad anime became infinitely easier to watch there was comfort in the predictable and familiar with the knowledge that I wouldn't have to invest or challenge myself too much as opposed to loading an episode of a show that was actually good it's the same reason why sometimes a 20-minute anime episode sounds like a massive investment yet somehow I have no problem clicking on an hour-long Mario Sunshine speedrun that hour just put on in the background while I do some holy [ __ ] [ __ ] I'm 30 minutes in and I've just sat here watching it all well nothing this far in Mars well watched no 30 minutes I truly value finding anime that gives me new experiences great storytelling unique ideas and just losing myself in a show and if you're getting into this medium as well I implore you to go out of your comfort zone because you'll probably discover something completely new you had no idea you'd like but there are also times when I just want to shut my brain up and watch some black haired generic Kirito looking mane cow overpower a bunch of dudes once you accept that you won't be able to see everything you start feeling less overwhelmed and anxious about optimizing how to spend your free time and just doing things you actually feel like because let's be honest you're always going to be behind you're always gonna have another anime you have to watch or another game you have to play and once you get around to finally finishing that show there are 10 more that have been added to your list in the time you took to finish it so if it's gonna be like that anyway [ __ ] it give me those big titty anime girls thirsting over Nathan no personality let me relax - another mindless Issei Kai in between my viewings of legends of the Galactic Heroes hey maybe even give that old anime a rewatch instead of feeling pressure to always have to watch something new there's too much [ __ ] out there right now for you to be doing something you don't enjoy and the last thing you should be doing is stressing over your [ __ ] entertainment I guess all I'm trying to say is guys don't worry I'll watch for Metal Alchemist one day seriously let me just watch a bit more of SEO though and maybe finish Assassin's fried alright and just one more Issei Kai hey guys hope you enjoyed that video I know this was a bit more rambley than my usual fare I just wanted to try something a bit different and just chill a bit and write down the contents of my mind without too much thought into the structure and you know just have a casual chat with you or if you did like it then leave a comment and who knows maybe I'll make more videos like this as that said thank you very much to BD D in your life Walt Oh Nikolas Tatum Mike elfin sisters one zero zero eight six Ella four and everyone else on page one for supporting me this month and helped me to not watch Full Metal Alchemist you can also join in hurling abuse at me for not watching your favorite anime by checking out my patreon if you'd like it's coming up to not only the end of the year again but it's gonna be the end of the decade and I have some content plans for just that so hope you look forward to it until then though no further updates today I've been Gigot and I'll see you all next time
Channel: Gigguk
Views: 1,636,723
Rating: 4.9461322 out of 5
Keywords: Anime Zone, Gigguk, Top Anime, OP, ED, Bad Anime, Worst Anime 2019, Top Bad Anime, Top 10 Worst Anime, Top 10 Worst Anime 2019, Anime Rant, Bad Anime Rant
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 11sec (851 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 17 2019
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