This Light Novel Does Not Exist.

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I read the behemoth cat

dunno why i did that

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 4 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/BarioisDerplord ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 08 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Not there yet but almost. Now if he could have used the next version of it, I wonder what would have come out.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 4 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/slimes007 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 08 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
this video is sponsored by hong kong impact third from the makers of genji impact mihoya are back with another update from their other game hong kong impact third honkai impact is an action rpg that you can play on mobile or pc and plug i don't need to say much more mihoya have been pushing the boundary for mobile games for years now the combat system is fast paced highly satisfying and i mean just look at how good it looks right now the captains of the global server are welcoming you with an anniversary celebration you can get amazing rewards of over 40 supply cards and also receive the hershey of the void and her exclusive weapons for free she's one of the most powerful queens in the game and all you have to do to get her is just participate in the event not only that but honkai have also added another character the herscher of sentience she's got a sword whip and spear that you can swap between and her old does massive aoe damage while activating a special form where she can unleash a barrage of blows which can stun her targets and also she's hot and lastly the developers have given everyone a gift for the lunar new year in the form of this beautiful new skin it's available to everyone participating in this event which only lasts for a limited time so if you haven't tried out hongkai impact third already then all you need to do is click the link in the description to give it a go today and with that said let's get on with the video live novel titles even if you've never read a single light novel you definitely know when you're watching an anime that's adapting at light novels because the titles are [ __ ] stupid that time i got reincarnated as a slime reborn as a vending machine now i wonder the dungeon well damned what will you do at the end of the world will you save me well you i can't actually remember the title name that's so [ __ ] stupid most people think that when making a good book or movie title you should think of something short snappy and memorable that encapsulates everything that the story is about that's the smart thing to do right [ __ ] that trying to be intelligent that's pretty cringe bro why would you want to waste brain cells thinking of a clever title when you can just make a sentence long synopsis and just make that the title and that's exactly what light novels did i remember a time when light level titles weren't like this when it was normal to have titles like barcano and spicenwolf and the word isekai wasn't invented yet but over the years they've just gotten progressively longer more ridiculous and more stupid so stupid in fact that you know what i bet even a [ __ ] robot can make better titles [Music] now look i know meaning on light novel titles is not a new thing for the anime community there's just a certain way that light novel titles are structured that makes them sounds like light novel titles as opposed to titles for any other medium like can you imagine if george orwell's 1984 was actually called i'll rebel against the totalitarian states but anichan is watching me or if the bible was just called the melancholy of jesus christ oh man i'm definitely going to hell for that one my favorite part of that series was the last book the reappearance of jesus christ that volume's a [ __ ] banger right i'll [ __ ] stop but what is it about light novel titles that make them sound like light novel titles like i'm sure i'm not the only person who's been describing themselves or their day and in the process just accidentally made a light novel title something like i was filming a youtube video but then i realized i hadn't done the washing i told you to do that yesterday one easy way to think about it is that you can just make some kind of stupid sentence in the first person perspective and just fill in the gaps with different words so you can theoretically make a light novel title generator using this theory all you have to do is create a basic sentence structure like my adjective family member can't be this adjective or i was verb as a noun and now i live as a job title in this place name and then all you have to do is fill in the gaps with words like another world princess dungeon reincarnated and bam you've got a brand's new eso guide there's already a few mimi light novel title generators which i think use this basic principle but the only reason they work is because i recognize the sentence structure because well i'm a human what i wanted to see is if an ai could essentially replicate this without having me telling it this is what a line level title sounds like and going further beyond that would an ai be able to make a title that could fall a real human into thinking that this was a real light novel so here's the plan number one make some kind of ai learning program that could make convincing light level titles without having me or any other humans telling it how it's done number two find some lab rats i mean friends and then test them to see if they could tell the difference between a real human made light level title and an ai generated one i thought this was a fantastic idea that was super interesting and i couldn't wait to try it out i had just one small problem i know absolutely [ __ ] all about ai luckily by complete coincidence i asked my patreon discord server to see if there was anyone who could help me out and by complete chance one of my patrons happened to be a software engineer who specializes in ai man i really wrote the ssr catcher on that one say hi fabi hi all right enough about him with this help we decided to use gpt2 as a base an ai made by openai a research organization founded by elon musk so why gpt2 well gpt2 is a highly complex ai that can translate texts summarize passages answer questions and even create text outputs that can sometimes be indistinguishable to a real human and also it's free so how does it work well the gpt architecture implements a deep neural network in which input is processed by multiple layers of neurons whose weight determines the activation patterns of subsequent layers and the final layer of neurons constitutes the output of the network this means absolutely nothing to me i'm just reading the wiki article basically you can think of the ai kind of like a brain with it being just a highly complex statistical model that's made up of millions or billions of parameters that kind of acts like neurons in a brain is that right fabie i mean that's a very of a simplified way of putting it but as long as it makes me sound smart now gpt2 was trained to learn english by feeding its millions of data sets from around the internet from wiki articles to reddit posts to news articles to tweets too i really hope they didn't feed it for jan oh god can you imagine if an ai realized its own sentience through the internet and his first thoughts were pain peko so you have this very complex ai model that theoretically knows english and english grammar and sentence structure and what are we gonna do absolutely [ __ ] ruin it because we're going to feed it light novels man imagine firing up 1.5 billion neurons to learn english only to be taught how to make shitty isekai titles so on top of the base program we can train it with a specific data set to see if it can replicate any patterns within that data set in our case we took the entire bookwalker dataset and just fed it all the light novel titles within that data set this video isn't sponsored by bookworker but thank you daddy bookwalker and thus she was born the title recommendation autonomous systems hierarchy trashbot and here she is trashbox 3000. i said trashbox tonight but yes this is it i don't know what you're expecting you know i have this image that i said i was making an ai program and the first thing people thought was oh god giggles making the next skynet that will bring about the end of the world through anime titties no guys it's a [ __ ] exe program that outputs text files it's not that exciting but yeah this is the first time i've seen it i haven't played around with it at all yet fabi did say and i quote i can't be asked to fix this user interface so you're stuck with this window size he didn't really say that i'm just [ __ ] with you so instead we are just going to copy all the titles this makes to a text file where we can read them all now like i said i haven't played around with this at all yet so this could just output complete gibberish really hope it doesn't because then this would be a really boring video but yeah i don't think there's anything more that needs to be said so let's just jump into it you know i did trust fabby a lot with this he could have just put a virus on my computer and i would be none the wiser all right let's uh let's let's see what we got let's see what we got what the [ __ ] is this first result sister wolf in the closet how to become a molester i'm so good what oh god what have i created i don't even know how to describe that is god even a real word or did the ai just make this up let me let me check nope it literally just made up a word you know i'm really glad that this has been made by an emotionless ai because i already could see twitter cancelling this light novel already even though it doesn't exist brilliant off to a great start you know this one doesn't actually sound too bad tales of the magus and the beast lord of the bizarre kingdom awakening of the seven stars this sounds almost generic enough that i would ignore it if it was an anime adaptation okay this one actually legit almost sounds like a real light novel title sorceress summon in another world my little sister's marriage is a dream to reincarnate as an elf you know what that's pretty damn good unfortunately one dead giveaway though is when the ai obviously took one of the big franchises and tried to make its own title the hero's tale of the commonplace demon lord the ancient magus of harahi suzumiya i think this is three different franchises stitched into one this is literally just a frankenstein light level title and then there are some which just make absolutely no sense like in another world a certain magical index item is become unique in another world kyoto princess which is the magical index item [Music] i am the strongest in the world as a villainess a fake detective agency i tried to pick up girls at birth good evening pedophiles what the [ __ ] i tried to pick up girls at birth [Music] oh god i didn't think we could find new levels of illegal but i think we just did you know where'd you even go after this are people gonna be exposed and you twit longers in 10 years being like yes your honor i was still a single-celled organism when he tried to slide into my dms [ __ ] did i just describe cells at work you know one thing i'm noticing is that i don't know why this is but it seems to have a problem with repetition sometimes because you've got titles like cold focus black clover black clover black clover clover black clover no it's not even quite clover it's black cover all right let's try this again cold focus black cover black cover black cover cover black cover blue cover black cover blue cover and then it's something like this kuma kuma kuma bear kuma kuma bear to the lost world does someone want to tell the ai that kumar literally means bear literally just made a title called bear bear bear bear bear the lost world but you know what if it keeps it simple enough then it can actually find a pretty generic title sometimes like my big sister lives in another world and just adding a [ __ ] ton of exclamation marks and question marks at the end now i think we succeeded in making some pretty stupid light novel titles but we can do better i want it to be able to make really convincing titles so even though we can't affect how the ai program learns we can fine-tune it a little bit so we can edit things like the minimum title length it needs to be in the maximum title length it needs to be and also we have these values called top k and top p now to try and explain this in the most simplest of terms you got top k now with top k you know the function on your phone that sometimes recommends the next word it thinks you're trying to type out and it gives you a certain amount of words to choose from that is the top k so the higher the top k is the more word choices the ai has to choose from when it's constructing a sentence and then you have top p and this chooses the quality of the words and i'm not really sure how to explain it simply without losing a bunch of you but to put in the most simplest terms the higher the number of top p the less likely it is for the sentence to be grammatically correct that's a very oversimplified way of looking at it but i'm going to try and fine tune it to see if we can actually get some good light novel titles alright you know what just by fiddling around with it i've already gotten way better results already it's not completely off the rails but some of these could pass as real light novel titles i swear to god i mean you got pretty generic ones like the world's finest shooter again good i feel like this just needs a bit more fine tuning with there i'll be the master of death survives in a leading character of average sex i've read some stupid light novel titles like that i don't know if i'd be able to tell the difference between this and a real light novel title you know i'm actually going to start a new notepad of titles that i think might actually sound like real lightning titles yes just like alice in wonderland the story of a magical girl and her princess you know what that's that's that's going on the list that is going on the list you just made the list my little pony series the miss cat of the seven deadly sins where the hell did they get my little pony from where they gotta check is my little pony on the line novel list that we fed it how the hell did this ai come up with my little pony god this actually makes me a bit worried because that means how many my little pony articles did gpt2 have to go through when learning english oh god i'm so sorry oh my god valvrave valverie what are you doing here how did palfrey find its way here all right dynmachi fans we found the newest dunmati spin-off this time following the villains pov i'll never let you try to pick up girls in a dungeon all right gentlemen you've heard of interspecies reviewers well get ready for inter-species catastrophe all right we've gotten to the point where i think we can make some pretty interesting light novel titles that don't actually exist because now it's giving me stuff like classroom girl the strongest little sister lives in a fantasy world which sounds stupid and generic enough to exist okay so getting to the end of this tweaking what i've noticed is if the title has a reasonable word count in it it makes some pretty damn convincing titles crazy in love with another world's hero yup that could be one you just made the list the secret of 6 trillion years in the fantasy world honestly this actually sounds like an isa guy i would like to watch you just made the list if you're in a relationship with a girl you've got a really nice girl okay now we're just getting into basic sentence construction this isn't a light novel title this is just the most ai generated compliment i've ever heard this shouldn't be a light novel title but it should be at least a fake quote people die when they are killed the archer class is really made up of archers if you're in a relationship with a girl you've got a really nice girl like it'll sometimes [ __ ] out things like papa molesta part 2 the world's strongest and most interesting fake friends which i'm not gonna lie just sounds like an ugly bastard isakai hentai god i didn't need to put that in my head i was reincarnated in another world now i became a villainess isn't that an actual title oh okay that's what it was called [Music] i literally can't tell the difference between real existing light novel titles and ai generated ones now you know i'm actually going to put this on the list i'm going to see if people can actually remember that this isn't a real existing light novel title now another thing we can do is we can choose what word the title should begin with so you can put any word you want or more preferably you can even put your name and see what titles trashbot comes up with with your name inserted so let's give that one a go oh my god well i think i found a small hitch in the program um it'll only take the first word and put it in a title if it actually recognizes that word as a word so i guess most of this is just the ai trying to figure out what do you do with a word like giggup giganagatri so it's somehow just taken my name and put it as one of the monogatari series gigan's big brother lives in another world as a child is this why i'm an only child gigguk you've got sober girls in a dungeon what are you insinuating that i do oh no sydney sunny come here what do you think of this title as a light novel no no i wonder if it recognizes garnet's name let me see this all right it doesn't seem to recognize gantt as a name either great i wonder if he'll recognize his name if i put grant i hate my life of course it recognizes grant as a name that's what everyone thinks my name is every time they first hear my name anyway all right so apparently my real name is useless to try and make a light novel title out of using this ais but luckily i have two friends who have way more common names who will also be judging the validity of these titles so let's try them joey the anime man let's see what it comes up with well of course it knows joey's name doesn't know my name but of course it knows joey's name alright joey's apparently comes up with some of the most generic sounding light novel names i've heard of joey and the wholesome princess i don't think that's how you spell wholesome joey's big sister is a girl the archer class is really made up of joey bisner isn't that really close to joey's actual name did trashbot just figure out joey's name joey biz how i got naked in another world that's just joey's name oh joey i always knew you were a fan service harem protagonist all right let's see what connor comes up with of course it recognizes conor's name as well connor and the killing of the clumsy kid oh god connor what have you been doing you know i'm actually a bit salty that most of these actually make sense and most of them is actually really on brand for connor as well connor is a catastrophe in another world yeah he definitely [ __ ] would be connor and the harsh mistress of the city that doesn't sound like a title that just sounds like a chapter in his life connor and the dopist wives of harsh mistress summersex oh no he's actually found his dream title he's the main character for milf hentai connor wants to be a hero but it's actually a dick [Music] part two i'm not the world's strongest gamer how is that so accurate but so stupid all right we're stopping there we're not gonna get a better one than that how does trashbot know that connor's such a toxic gamer look at this connor humanity's strongest gamer part two it recognizes conor as a gamer but not gant as a name and i think that's everything now i have my list of light novel titles from trashbot that i think sound pretty decent in different levels of complexity so the next step is to actually test these with connor and joey so here i am now with the boys hey guys future giggup here so i actually made this experiment a full quiz for the boys but it goes on for a full 26 minutes i'll be releasing that as a separate video but for the purposes of this video these are clips from some of the questions which i think highlights the full results of trashbot's efforts so basically what we're going to be doing today is we're going to be playing humans versus robots you both are on one team so if you guess correctly then the humans get a point oh okay if you lose then the ai gets the point right we have to like agree yeah well that never happens so first one is uh real or fake so you're gonna be given i have a bunch of titles and i chose like simpler sounding titles so this is more on concept right does this concept sound like a real light novel title okay i was born as a dragonite but i am your maid oh sorry i was born as a demon knight but i am your maid that sounds fake am i going to be doing this again right again there's one point about this where i'm thinking that this is real but this could also easily be the ai just learning and that's the fact that it ends in a period because there's been like this common trend recently where light novel titles especially it's like it's not just a title it's a [ __ ] sentence right and it ends in a period i i think this is too real it's not it's not weird enough oh i mean i think you're like you're giving too much credit to libels i feel like a lot of them have even weirder things than this and this is too straightforward no i think i think the quirk i think the quirk is the fact that like you know he was born as a demon knight this really powerful thing but at the same time it's a demon knight well it's like it's a knight that also has demon powers right and i am your mate i could see it being real i could also see it being fake but i think i don't know i'm really like this period man like you're also fake no i'm gonna say it's real it's fake the ai is too smart it's too normal that's what i mean like there's no like i [ __ ] my my ten-year-old sister on a trampoline you know your view of lionel was just [ __ ] whack that's what they all sound like to me you know the unwanted virginity of a genius i want to read this if it's real what does this mean what does this what does this mean this doesn't make any sense i don't know wants to no one wants his virginity wants his virginity because he's a dick maybe uh i i feel like this is real or or or either the protagonist is is like you know has a friend who's a genius and doesn't want it it's just insanely enough or i'm like japan would make this yeah this this seems like a real one it's fake [ __ ] honestly i've i've read this title i i've read this i'm like i want to read this yeah this this actually sounds this is a super legit title right i mean can i can i write this down because i read this i'm just like that sounds like a really unique like rom-com right yeah it's like a genius and he's he doesn't want his virginity that's that's how i took it yeah yeah yeah right yeah he's a genius and he doesn't want his virginity because but but none of the girls won yeah but none of the girls won him that's that's how i read this yeah so we're changing up the game a little bit okay so those were the um those were like the shorter titles right those i i shortened the titles yeah those those were the shorter titles okay yeah i can believe that so now i tried to train the ai to make longer titles you see some of the like longer more convoluted light novel titles i wanted to see if there was a method to the madness if there was any logic between some of the really batshit crazy stupid titles right so you're gonna be given two titles and you need to tell me which one is the fake one and which one is the real one okay okay seriously seeking sister ultimate vampire princess just wants little sister plenty of service will be provided that's gonna be safe gravitation war chronicle an exiled wizard princess another chronicle for raising mobs that's gotta be fake that's rad reads too poorly which leads me to believe that that's real vampire princess just wants little sister semicolon plenty of service will be provided what the [ __ ] is you you i feel like you underestimate the stupidness of life titles i do think that's real i this one this one reads so bizarrely the thing is though when i look at both of these and i'm thinking of like the japanese cover of it yeah i see this being more of a reality than this one all right i'll go with your gut then i'll okay if i'm wrong then i revoke everything i just said but i feel like the left one is the real all right fine we'll hear that then you're right yes it's so dumb i like how the i like how you got to this by saying which one makes the least amount of sense yeah you know but this one makes too much sense that's what i'm saying i feel like i feel like it's hard to teach a computer to make just the right about yeah that's i mean that's that's kind of why i wanted to do this because i'm just like it's such a specific kind of broken reading that isn't broken but it it's just nowhere near natural crimson princess is not a witch too a night at the end of days the complete story of the world's strongest dungeon okay i'm a behemoth an s ranked monster but mistaken for a cat i live as an elf cat elf girls pets yeah i just read so like so many light novels yeah this one's this is really like yeah this reads like a lie no this is fake the bot deserves a very big one of applause this is so good that i would believe this is a title crimson princess is not a witch a knight the s-rank monster is what's really convincing yeah it's real i think that that's something that i would be super that is a hundred percent anesthetic yeah i would be super impressed if the bot knew how to do that yeah all right yeah god feeling i'm gonna say that right one is real me too okay um you are correct but yeah you're correct yeah ranked monster thing seems like such weird because it's yeah it's such bizarre knowledge that only like a gamer would use yeah yeah and that was it thank you very much joe and connor for helping me out with that if you want to check them out i mean come on you know you know it is you know who they are already links in the description so what did we learn well first and most importantly a highly complex and sophisticated ai doesn't recognize gantt as a name [ __ ] my life but also an ar is more than capable of making convincing light novel titles and concepts as long as that title is confined to about a sentence or so and it can make some pretty interesting ones as well like the unwanted virginity of a genius someone needs to make this a real thing this sounds like an amazing harem rom-com i would pick up from title alone like i need to know how this genius goes about losing his virginity however what i find interesting is when we get to the more longer and convoluted titles there's this really subtle method to the madness that we see with real light novel titles and whatever that convoluted logic was and ai wasn't able to grasp it like if anything the ai made titles made too much sense which i find absolutely fascinating if i had more time to put into this i would love to see how the ai handles japanese names because then we'd have a far larger database to feed it and also we wouldn't have to worry about weird translations being a factor and secondly we use gpt2 when gpt-3 exists but this is only available to a select few who actually apply for it and um i don't know if openai really wants their hard work to be used for making shitty sakai titles but if we were able to get access to it it's meant to be a way more complex ai that's way more sophisticated that uses a far larger number of parameters than gpt2 so maybe just maybe it'll actually acknowledge my [ __ ] name yeah conor gets to be an epic gamer and joey gets to be a harem protagonist and what do i get a [ __ ] auto correction thanks skynet [Music] hey guys hope you enjoyed that video again thank you to hong kong impact 3 for sponsoring me today if you want to try out their game and get all the good freebies that you can get by trying out their event you can click the link in the description to download it today and also i want to give a huge thanks to fabi for helping me create trash bots and really making this video possible you're the real mvp today fabi i really don't know what i would have done if you weren't a patron of mine this is also a completely new style of content that i'm trying out so i really do actually hope you enjoyed what you watched and hopefully i want this to be just the beginning i have way more wacky ideas that i don't have the expertise to be able to make happen so if you are some kind of expert in your field whether that be in the sciences like physics chemistry biology or whatever or just engineering or you know what even if you're someone working in the fashion industry i'd love to actually hear from you so you know what if you are some kind of expert in your field whether it be in the sciences or the engineering or you know what even if you've like worked in the fashion industry before or anything else wacky i'd love to hear from you because i don't know how to make some of these ideas i have a reality and honestly in some cases i don't even know what kind of skill sets i'm looking for that was a vague enough shout out right like i don't even know if this is going to lead to anything but anyway that's it from me for today i've been giggup and i will see you all next time
Channel: Gigguk
Views: 1,624,807
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Anime Zone, Gigguk, Top Anime, OP, ED, Light Novels, Top Light Novels, Top Isekai Light Novels, Light Novel Generator, Top Isekai, Isekai, RomCom, Harem, Anime, Manga
Id: 21zDl4sX3nE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 44sec (1724 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 07 2021
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