CounterTop Transformation the Rust-Oleum way

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hi Steve with suffix comm I'm no today is going to redo countertops it's a rust-oleum product it's supposed to be a real good product it's very reasonably priced and you can resurface your countertops make them look like new for a small fee so that's what we're going to do this time one do today is I'm going to do a new countertop system it's a three-part you put on the adhesive you put on a gravel type substance and then you put a top coat on it first thing I'm going to do and it's made by rust-oleum so it's got to be good rest on them I think is the only company that's allowed to make any oil-based products first I'm going to do is I'm going to start getting everything masked off and then we'll do each step and I'll will go a long shot to do it and I've never done before so it's a learning experience but I watch the video so with it I'd be good but first I'm going to do is start getting everything asked tough and ready ready okay I got everything masked off I got this plastic up like this and then I got the back splash all masked off now what I'm going to do is I'm going to take what they call a diamond a diamond sand sanding block it's some kind of I guess it has diamond in it and start sanding and roughing up the top of the surface and then I'll get the front edge as well but it seems to be cutting that Formica really good so I'm going to get it all sanded down it will go step the next step the best way I've found to do it is a circular motion and the goal is to remove all the shine off the top of this leave a coarse surface so when you put the next the next step is putting on the adhesive and then you're going to put the granules on but but I think it's important to spend a little extra time stretched into the cracks to really make sure you dig digging that crack really good otherwise it's not going to stick and you'll go through all this expense and effort for nothing since the area behind the sink is so small and the sponges is a good sized sponge I went ahead and cut a piece off so it'll fit behind the sink that way I could just sand back behind there and even though it's buying the sink you still got to get it just as good as everywhere else so I would recommend doing that put this on here like it's like you're putting icing on a cake what I'm going to do here first is cut it in and I'm putting a good thick coat on it because those granules have to sit on top of that and embed into that adhesive so I'm just going to get it on like this and I'm going to get a roller and I'm going to start rolling it on it real heavy there's plenty of adhesive it does 50 square feet I think it is I don't have 50 square feet so I'm going to have plenty of glue that I'm going to make sure I get plenty on on the countertop so now what we're going to do is we're going to come over here and make sure everything's all cut in before we get to get the roller out these white areas like this you don't want to see that you you want a good thick coat just like this it needs to be heavy otherwise it won't build ahold of granules once when you go to put the granules on it this is what the glue light looks like when you get it on on the countertop and now what they now what they have is is a agent that will keep it wet until you get so you can get the granules on and all this basically does is activate the glue so I'm going to put this on and I'm going to go go around get it all since I get this on I'm on I'm going to get the granules and put the granules on it and all this does is activate the glue this is the messy part as you go around keep on to this peg shirt it's funny even as far as the color that you're looking for you you want to make sure you're hitting that front edge Oh okay now we have all the granules on what I'm going to do is I'm going to take a vacuum and just vacuum up all the excess and there's not as much excess on there as I thought there would be I think over night it still absorbs the glue will absorb these granules so you want to make sure that you use a good amount of granules on it so you get a good thickness then I'm going to go around here I'm going to cut all this tape before I put on the top coat because I want that to be able to release easier now from from put on top coat I don't think it'll release as easy so I'm going to cut that make sure it comes off easy and then I'm going to put on top coat and I'm just going to paint the top coat on so it seals good into the cracks sure how they told to do it out on the video but I notice when you sand the way I've done it is when all this big stuff gets loose I'll sand the whole area when that look big stuff loosens up it's better to vacuum that up and then just come behind it and sand it again because otherwise you're just trying to sand you're just trying to sand through all that big the big pieces of it of the granules so sand it loosen all them up a vacuum it and then sand it again I think it's you get a better result it's easier all right I went ahead and pulled the tape off I just chose to do that I think in their video it says to leave the tape on it till you get the top coat on but I didn't want to get I want to make sure none of those little the sanding granules I wanted to make sure all that all that stuff was gone I want to make sure the cabinets are real clean before I put the top coat on so I went ahead and pulled all the tape off and it left a real good clean clean line but I'm going to go I'm going to go ahead and take black silicon and put a bead of caulking back there just to clean it up so far everything they said I mean it's seems to be pretty straightforward it seems to be pretty easy to do I mean it takes work but it looks pretty good I have everything clean and dust free which is very important wipe the countertops down several times to make sure all the dust is off and any of those granules just make sure any of that stuff is out of the way I mean you don't want to get anything in this top coat now I'm getting ready to do the top coat quite a bit of this a little bit of this seems to go quite a ways so what I'm going to do is I'm going to roll on a good heavy coat just let it set up a little bit and I'm going to put on another coat it isn't going to protect it it's a top coat it's a protective coat it's not going to protect anything if it's in the can so I'm want to try to use up all I can to give it a good a good a good solid top surface so we'll just see how it goes as we go along all right I got the protective coat on now it looks real shiny and it looks real good I I think it's done everything that they said it would do I don't know about durability that's just something I'm gonna have to to check with later but everything looks good came out nice and I think it's going to be pretty durable I went ahead the silicone the edge looks nice and clean and I think the counters came out pretty good this is the countertop this is we resurfaced it I think it did exactly what they said they were get was going to do I think it came out pretty nice I don't know about the durability side but for $200 we resurfaced about 20 running feet of counter space it looks a lot nicer if you were to get real granite you're looking at $40 square foot so you know it's a big difference in my opinion I think it came out pretty good for what and it did just what they said it was going to do I picked this up at Sam's they have it at Home Depot and at Lowe's so if this is what you're looking for I would say give it another hive side for more how-to videos at Woodstock fix it comm or you can find me on youtube appreciate all the hits and all the visits and all the subscribers
Channel: WichitaFixIt
Views: 3,224,077
Rating: 4.784934 out of 5
Keywords: Countertop, Transformation, Rust-Oleum, laminate, Formica, diy, how to, wichita fix it
Id: o4282m_LbrU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 57sec (717 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 14 2013
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