Sport Copter Looping, Rolling, and Floating

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[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] just shut the engine up to about ten miles an hour and as you can see the runners are very effective [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] standard on the vortex model a sport copters folding mast with the rotor blades and a few fasteners removed the mast falls to 6 feet 7 inches this means you can save the money you'd spend renting a hanger during construction winter maintenance and storage sport copter has earned a reputation for quality and maintains quality control by doing critical machining composite work and painting in-house you can fly these machines with or without a pod experimental or legal ultralight no single place kit is available with more factory options for power features and instrumentation than sport copter in addition to the design fabrication and testing done here customers are offered flight training maintenance and repair services and final inspections and test flights of completed kits service on Rotax and other engines and high-quality sport copter parts are available and custom work and prototyping can be accommodated with appropriate scheduling one of the keys to the performance of sport copter gyroplanes is their rotor blades over the past 10 years sport rotors have become the world standard for quality and gyroplane rotor blades starting with premium alloys sport rotors are assembled using aerospace adhesives bonded in precision ovens producing a blade which is stronger and has less drag than older riveted designs sport rotors are supplied with a multi coat finish ending with an extremely durable urethane epoxy outer coat to resist moisture and allow easy cleaning our rotor heads are the strongest in the industry and have exclusive replaceable polymer stops at contact points this eliminates metal on metal contact and avoid stress and wear every set of rotor blades is test flown and disassembled before shipping even the packing crates are special and make generous use of foam to ensure your blades arrive intact your new sport copter can be ordered with engines ranging from 52 to 100 horsepower or more allowing you to customize the machine to meet your needs and dreams hi I'm Jim Vanek and this is sport copter vortex I show you some of the features the nosewheel on the vortex is a casting nosewheel with suspension trailing suspension system the vortex has a polyurethane main gear suspension very durable and long-lasting suspension system the vortex is tail wheel is also a urethane wheel with an internal suspension system and this arm will deflect up and down and make it feel like there's a pneumatic tire the seat on the vortex is one of its best features standard four-point restraint a con 4 foam cushion to conform to fit to your body shape and aids in pilot protection one of the machines best safety features were not sitting directly on the fuel our roto molded fuel cell is seamless and shock isolated from the aircraft the control system on the vortex is geared down with lots of travel for a very humanized response this is the throttle pre rotator engagement and kill switches for the aircraft to engage the rotor brake on the gyro lift the lever and locks in place the rotor brake as you can see engages right here and each of our rotor heads are all anodized and weather protected our upper pre-rotate our drive gear is adjustable the folding mast on the vortex increases structural integrity adds in your suspension and it folds by pulling this fastener here the vortex is instrumentation ricard compass airspeed vertical speed altimeter engine tach with our meter rotor rpm Dulli GT aircraft radio water temp voltmeter skin indicator master switch landing light nav light strobe light breaker panel instrumentation lighting and push the talk switch on the control stick vortexes rudder pedals are not connected nosewheel for steering we have differential braking tow brakes tow brakes are connected directly to our standard hydraulic braking system all of our tail surfaces are made from 2020 43 Hydra form ribs and a large horizontal stabilizer our new sport rotors have superior performance each rotor system has the ability to adjust span-wise balance with these vented tip caps this rotor system has dampened lead lag with ground adjustable pitch many of these features are only found on sport copter tower planes recently testing has been conducted on a sport copter vortex equipped with floats a gyroplane in theory should make an ideal aircraft for operation off water due to its capabilities for short low-speed takeoffs and near zero speed landings the gyro plane creates much less environmental impact it can fly from smaller bodies of water with less noise and wake than a seaplane and without the heavy rotor downwash of a helicopter in most experiments to date in which gyro planes were equipped with floats use of a pre rotator was abandoned due to the problem of rotor torque causing the machine to spin in the water the retractable rudder on the sport copter vortex eliminates this problem whenever the machine is moving forward even at low speeds the ability to pre rotate gives a sea gyroplane nearly the same short takeoff performance in the water that it has on land [Applause] [Music] while floats create an aerodynamic compromise on any aircraft the lower air speeds at which gyroplanes operate compared to fixed-wing planes lessons that penalty you're watching Jim Vanek flying his personal sport copter vortex adapted with special suspension full Lotus floats and a retractable accessory water rudder slaved to the main rudder all up weight increases by about a hundred pounds but even with the standard Rotax 582 the vortex is capable of graceful takeoffs and landings it's full range of standard maneuvers and a cruise speed of about 55 miles per hour [Music] unlike making a landing in a fixed-wing seaplane when your sport copter vortex first touches the water cut the throttle pull back on the stick and you can get a near zero landing distance [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the full Lotus floats combined with the impressive aerodynamic authority of a standard vortex main rudder even allows limited maneuvering on beaches and small peninsulas if you carefully select your destination you could fly a sport copter vortex in taxi right up on the beach enjoy the day turn around take off all without ever getting your feet wet [Music] [Music] because a gyroplane flies using relatively high wing loading compared to a fixed-wing aircraft it is somewhat less disrupted by wind gusts a headwind can actually allow an experienced gyroplane pilot to takeoff at zero ground speed with zero ground rule emulating a helicopter like some earlier parts of this video the footage you're watching show some maneuvers which should be attempted only by experienced pilots Jim Vanek is taking advantage of winds over 20 miles an hour at Scappoose Airport to demonstrate the impressive capabilities of the sport copter vortex [Applause] [Music] [Applause] okay watch carefully it's small and high but you'll see them go completely up and over backwards picking up speed now [Music] here he goes and now a barrel rolls will immediately follow [Music] and when the machine pulls extra G's you can hear the blades slap a little harder [Laughter] and the machines start slowing down then I can come to a complete stop on touchdown [Music] there you go ladies and gentlemen stop by CG vanity tickets for copper display asked all the questions you want the effective pre-rotate Iran the sport copter vortex allow spinning the rotor blades to more than 70 percent of flight speed allowing takeoffs to be accomplished in less than 100 feet with a light headwind [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: sportcopter
Views: 119,934
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gyroplane, Gyro, Gyrocopter, Rotorcraft, Sportcopter, Vortex, Flying, aerobatic
Id: fuQhzy4YzSg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 34sec (1234 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2019
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