VANDALIZING RENAISSANCE ART!? - Timeless Masterpieces violently violated!

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hello this is a quick little disclaimer to let you know this video will be something called suck religious that is not intentional but it is because all of the paintings around this era very religious i don't know what my accent is now i am german for some reason anyway my point is if you are easily offended go away g'day ladies and gentlemen welcome to draw with jazza i'm jazza i'm hans i don't know why he's he's he's just just decided because every accent i ever do slips into german for some reason now as i disclaimed i'm going to disclaim again everything in the renaissance and in that era is religious and in this video i'm going to get up to all sorts of shenanigans and uh that will mean shenanigans with images that are probably going to be religious in nature so if that's something that you're not a huge fan of don't stay and complain just leave i'm just this is my respecting you but if you like shenanigans you're in for a good time isn't that right jesus yes you're so cool jazz why am i german now i am german jesus i warned you we're essentially going to be playing around with images from the renaissance period and we're going to be bestowing upon them the gift that all renaissance painters would have killed to have access to and that is the power of adobe photoshop oh trust me you're gonna love it we're going to be playing around with imagery that is from an era where pretty much everything was commissioned by the pope or pdizzle as we like to call him i'm just google imaging renaissance images for really high resolution images that i can play with and i'm just going to go from there but i just wanted to disclaim that but i have just claimed it three times so now we can get stuck into it this looks like lord farquaad might as well get started with him no one's gonna be offended by lord farquaad are they oh my god i just realized farquaad that's like a rude name but it's pretending to not be i can't believe that i'm i'm just realizing that now here is lord farquaad let's give him the makeover he truly deserves this is the realism lord fireboard let's please flip it flip him over here there we go so i'll pop you in put pop pop you in there so let's just grab this jaw and warp it and uh let's let's make you magic there we go and this is the uh photo reel renaissance lord farquaad look at that it's amazing there we go off to a fantastic stunning start this girl looks like she's got some attitude maybe let's uh let's see how much we can give her some more attitude let's attitude her up give her a real tude that sounds weird what is this lady's name flanders florence flanders her name isn't her name's not flanders surely or is that a place in florence i think this piece is called marcus ampy's space all right milady how would you look if you were a modern instagrammer let's uh let's liquify this lady every lady loves to be liquefied we're gonna get the basics in there so let's start off with uh a bit of a tweak of the eyebrows oh no the veil the veil is ruining my illusion can i like gently gently pull up the eyebrow without interrupting the veil i mean that sort of works thing about liquefying and photoshopping is you got to be subtle you want to keep it realistic so people believe that it wasn't photoshopped there we go we have our subtly liquefied lady very luxurious there she looks a bit like queen of hearts let's uh let's just take that all the way to the bank get a bit of a paintbrush and what does the queen of hearts looks like i know she has those weird lips which are like they're like sort of like they get the lipstick which is like so if we add an overlay is that how she does it put in some of that lovely blue eyeshadow she has an otherwise very pale face and uh makeup technique wow it's it's terrible but we can do better than this i mean we could go like super classic i've done a few games with the mona lisa but never with the original so let's copy our our friend mo monna or lisa how can we paint on top of our friend here well let's uh get our paintbrush and i'm just going to alt click to select some of these areas and just gently tweak the appearance now obviously i'm not going to get the original textures or whatever but i'd like to push things in the direction of uh i don't know let's go horror let's make this a horrific version of the mona lisa i think an easier way to do this would be liquify but i'm not taking any shortcuts this time i want to make the old masters proud if leonardo da vinci watched this video you surely wouldn't be horrified at the future of humanity i use a little trick i'm going to select the nose and the mouth right click and fill and check out this feature content aware this is where photoshop uses something that i could only refer to as dark magic to completely remove anything filled in with that and you can obviously fix up some spots where it's not perfect it's sort of like this spot heel removal tool but i don't know it seems to do bigger areas a bit better there we go we've got a bit of a blank canvas to work with i'm going to see if i can work from scratch and make something worthwhile again i'll be using the tones on the piece itself to get the colors right it's you know obviously working for perfection here the warm tones of the deep areas and the shadows now i find when doing like mouths like horror mouths to make them like super creepy you've either got to go way bigger than you expect or way smaller than you expect so uh let's just rough in both and see what we feel a mouth bigger than you expect what's that like okay what about smaller perfect so we'll come coming here we're going to add some details so we're really going to spend some time refining our artwork and making something really special this looks so creepy now again like the liquifier you want to be subtle you don't want to do anything that looks too silly and i think it's only appropriate that we uh derpify her expression a bit so to do this nice and simply let's just copy this eye i'm just gonna paste it and then flip it horizontally oh yep perfect see art can be fun and easy if you give it a go and i think i want to make her have some creepy little teeth that are just slightly visible just alluding to it we're creating a sense of teeth again subtlety is that clearly is the key here just like that we have some pretty special magic i think you'll agree wow i love that i think leonardo would be proud what else have we got ahead of us with all those disclaimers i find myself really not wanting to be too offensive but he looks like he's just sort of i'm sorry i have to i will make this quick and painless i swear [Music] now here's a little trick if you want to tweak the eyelids without uh squashing the eye or the iris or the interiors of the eye you just copy and paste the eyelids onto a top layer and then you can just liquify and you just pull this down okay there you go magic i'm going to hell for this [Laughter] and a couple of subtle overlays here let's just flip this upside down and then just a uh subtle touch on top of this let's just uh go through some overlays and ding two things first of all don't say i didn't warn you second of all don't act like this isn't absolutely perfect oh okay let's uh quick something else what is this that's not a real renaissance picture if it is i was born in the wrong period of history uh hey hey that's not rene that's just a photoshopped picture of what's her face from spider-man that fuck-ward guy again is lord farquaad a historical figure why has no one told me about this this guy was born into the wrong century let's uh let's bring him into his uh proper comfort zone first and foremost with a fedora so we'll bring in the uh the tips fedora meme because the only thing that can improve medieval art are memes but not just any meme they have to be well thought out memes appropriately incorporated here we go we have our fedora let's bring it back into its rightful place he's a thinker he's a brooder this one now again we're gonna go for subtlety we're gonna gotta make this work so i'm gonna hide the hair behind it and we're gonna make it like look seamless so we're going to need to add some shadow to really sort of blend our fedora in here oh look at that that's looking that's looking pretty good except that he now needs a neck beard again we're going for realism here we're going to mix it in subtly he's definitely romantic let's give him a rose we're almost there he just needs a little more love and there we go give him a rose there we go we have a lovely neck beard all right what do we got next the world is our oyster there are lots of options here we got a grumpy man oh there's another grumpy lady uh oh uh he's a grumpy man he's another grumpy lady oh and we have a grumpy mac good lord i don't think this is a legitimate relationships painting i think that is something i probably couldn't make look worse wait wait i've got the perfect combination start off with this guy and then we can grab this guy and he's just like uh hey uh hey check out this guy checking out what the hell happened here all right here's a little trick for those of you who want to know how to do a little bit of crappy animation i've obviously done the mouth thing that's that's pretty impressive in its own right but actually you can uh you can use the liquify tool and uh you can go in here and just just tweak just tweak make a little bit of motion just uh move it like that and now you just hit undo and you've got a little emotion [Laughter] you impressed don't act like you're not impressed what else have we got how long are we gonna do this for how much am i gonna drag you through this crap so let's just let's just take this and let's let shameless capitalism change the message of this beautiful artwork we're going to really create a beautiful billboard and uh this lady who who is it is this uh oh it's probably the virgin mary great more offending people whoo that's what i was going for all right mary in today's day and age here's how to work if you were an actress hired to do a paid ad for subway what we're gonna do we're gonna we're gonna go for the gold here we're gonna make it as uh as well integrated as we possibly can so hide the hand there you go that's what it looks like with the content-aware fill with something a little more complex which allows me to push this book here now it's not perfect but with just a little bit of tweaking and polishing there we go okay so and this now can go behind that hand and we have this lovely double handed sandwich oh that works way better than i expected and let's uh let's make her face a little more advertiser approachable she's gotta look intrigued she's gotta look uh hungry let's tweak the expression uh to add a little bit of curiosity bring this eyebrow up a touch now a smile doesn't always look like a great smile if you just move the eyebrows and the mouth sometimes it requires moving the whole face a little bit because when you smile your cheeks lift so you know you want to lift the cheeks a bit make it look a little more genuine like the whole face is popping in there ready for a delicious bite of a delicious sandwich there we go look at that look at that oh oh wait wait wait wait wait oh i'm so sad my hands are so empty if only there was something to quench my deep hunger for oh oh oh did i lose everything i just did i've lost everything i just did no that's what happens when you try and do it animated story in photoshop that's right let's do it again screw subtlety we're gonna really sell it this time i'm really hungry for a software sandwich and i'm german again why does this always happen oh the plans i have for you delicious sandwich that's it i'm done i can't do this anymore ugh let's recap we have the mona lisa then of course let's not forget doobie jesus sounds like there should be a theme song there dooby dooby we have the modern fedora oh i've got his mouth it's because i did the talking thing because i was like aha it's a talking gag you haven't seen these before throughout the whole bloody video and let's not forget this guy ladies and gentlemen we have been on a fantastic and magical journey today thank you so much for watching this video make sure to like it if you like it hit the dislike button if you dislike the video which let's face it you'll have already have done without watching the video and getting up to here anyway if you were offended but if you like having a bit of shenanigans with art and creativity make sure to subscribe to draw with jazza for more fun with art thank you so much for watching and until next time i will see you later god damn it make sure to subscribe to my channel to see more of my videos and while you're at it check out my shop where i sell ebooks brushes photo references video courses and more there's another video you might enjoy from my channel over there and you can also check out my behind the scenes daily vlog channel daily jazzer that's it for now and until next time i'll see you later
Channel: Jazza
Views: 1,449,901
Rating: 4.8627143 out of 5
Keywords: josiah, brooks, jazza, jazzastudios, animation, game design, media, newgrounds, armor games, flash, humor, drawing, how to draw, adobe, photoshop, cintiq, 24hd, Adobe Flash (Software), tutorial, Artist, Painting, Educational, Software Tutorial, CS6
Id: 69jO0Xr7-jY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 37sec (877 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 11 2018
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