SpongeBob Games on Nintendo DS | Two Screens, Nine Games, Much Pain

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[Music] did you know that randomly in 2021 one of these spongebob mobile games krusty kook-off released on the switch did you also know that when it did release on the switch they took this free to play mobile game and charged 30 dollars for it before immediately buckling under pressure i guess and then dropping it by half and would you believe me if i said the game is garbage when all is said and done i think i would honestly say that spongebob's adventures on the game boy advance were a pleasant surprise actually some of the games were terrible you know why bother sugarcoating it but the movie game creature from the krusty krab and hell even super sponge they weren't the worst things i've ever played which for portable versions of licensed games i gotta tell you my expectations were really really low and then the ds happened what you thought seven gba games were impressive oh that's nothing spongebob managed to grace the ds with a total of nine games and now i have to play all of them i went to college even going beyond the ds the 3ds had some love too remember squiggle pants on the wii with the udraw tablet well that was also released on the 3ds so you pop that cartridge in and you get to experience this decent 30 minute long warioware clone without needing that stupid tablet accessory cool hero pants released on the 3ds as well and it's just as terrible as it was on the vita good to see we have all the bases covered here we are nearly finally done taking a look at all of these spongebob games that had the audacity to be released to the public more or less just gotta do this disclaimer one more time we're not gonna be talking about any of the nicktoons games that may have spongebob as the star hero we're not gonna be doing that maybe in the future not now because even still we got nine plus games to look at here how did this happen i am rapidly approaching the state of advanced darkness here so why not come on in and join me for the ride this is the final stop of the spongebob video game retrospective the last one i promise you i won off this ride so badly taking a look at these games really brings me back to yet another odd era in gaming a time where nintendo was pretending like both the gba and the ds were going to co-exist rather than the reality of the ds being the obvious next step in the handheld gaming timeline you see the final gba game atlanta squarepants released in late 2007 and while that title did also release on the ds it was actually the third sponge game on the console the first being the yellow avenger releasing two years prior in 2005. well we start this journey one year into the ds's life cycle let's see if spongebob made the jump to two screens gracefully considering that unlike the gba there is no spongebob themed console to play these games on chances are that's a big ol no i'll have you know i played all nine of these games over the span of two weeks and only cried for about 20 minutes mermaid man and barnacle boy's evil nemesis the dirty bubble is at it again he stole mermaid man's special belt oh that dastardly villain well just before spongebob resorts to violence and attempts to stab the villain to death that is pretty extreme in all honesty the bubble gets himself into a washing machine causing him to split into a ton of bubbles so now it's up to spongebob to i guess run around the city and stop a bunch of villains wreaking havoc in bikini bottom huh weird okay so like the opening cutscene almost has no bearing on the entire game aside from the fact that hey there are going to be these tiny little dirty bubbles around the city so they're a little collectible now uh have at it and also now spongebob isn't a bad mermaid man cosplay have fun whatever gets the spongy one to go into a two-dimensional plane and do some platforming i guess right one hour later i have no idea what this game is alright so you are regularly working on objectives to help out some residents of bikini bottom but like it's all just done in the most mundane platforming i've ever experienced exploration is clearly the focus here but it all just feels so aimless the controls are incredibly slow and floaty any touchscreen mechanics feel totally shoehorned in in that vintage early ds styled way there's a there's a jellyfish milking mini game oh i don't like this this is on me you know thinking that this is gonna be a 2d platformer here but in reality it's just a non-stop barrage of busy work that happens to take place in only two dimensions i'm here to go and fight some villains and use superhero moves and whatnot to defeat them but 30 minutes in i'm doing food delivery is this false advertising can i sue the low poly models are something special though i like these a whole lot i don't know man i do have the game on the psp as well and that console's a bit more powerful so maybe the game fares better there no no no it's it's exactly the same and the worst part i actually thought it was going to be kind of different i'm really losing it aren't i breacher from the crusty carb this time on the ds hooray so if you remember correctly while this game has always been a massive fever dream in an interactive form i thought the console game overstayed its welcome while the way forward developed a gba game was a surprisingly fine time and thankfully wayforward also helmed the ds version alright then time to get my expectations way too high once again make spongebob walk by swiping over him in the direction you want oh oh sweet mother of pearl it's a touchscreen game yeah sure enough it's mario vs donkey kong style lemming style that sort of game you gotta draw over the characters in order to get them to do anything i can see the designers now they were thinking to themselves you know the one thing that holds platformers back being able to actually control the characters we got to eliminate that part on top of losing direct control there are also fetch quest mechanics this is disgusting there are some fine enough touchscreen minigames now though and there's also some animated cutscenes so that's you know that's that's kind of cool but man you know what i can only pretend to give this game merits for so long this is this is bad once i got to the part where jellyfish started invading plankton mid-dream and i had to blow into the microphone to get rid of them and i also knew to do so because the game features the most generic aerial font i've ever seen this looks like a fan game from the early 90s i hit a breaking point alright i was done in the previous spongebob video i did say that wayforward is actually a company that provides mixed results rather than certified bangers and hey this is a perfect example of that look no further than the gba and ds versions of the same game and we have such a drastic difference what a bizarre timeline we're in but then atlanta squarepants for the ds now thanks to all of the suggestions i've gotten these spongebob videos over the years i came to one solid conclusion really early on that the console version whatever the gba version also whatever it's the ds version of atlanta square panthers that's the one to check out so you guys have an expectation set way high and that's never done me wrong before i'm i'm ready i'm ready i'm ready oh oh oh oh that's why dude the the ds version is a 3d platformer oh wait on on the ds a 3d plat what oh yeah oh yeah this is this is my gym right here oh my god all right you know what this feeling of joy and happiness that i'm currently experiencing i had almost forgotten what this felt like i can't believe it was atlantis squarepants on the ds that makes me feel this way didn't like the console version didn't like the gba version but this one this is a good one so yes this is a 3d side-scrolling platformer with a partner mechanic letting you swap between two characters at the push of a button combine unique abilities when necessary like spongebob being able to inflate on demand you know good good for him i guess and also it forbids you from progressing too far without making sure your partner is right beside you that part is a bit annoying but overall it's not that bad and best of all it's actually kind of enjoyable to control you gotta keep this in perspective 3d was hardly the ds's strong suit so the fact that we got this is really impressive like genuinely and then you stand on the back of a boatmobile and you start up an arcade shooter segment dude what is this game why is the ds version of this special episode tie-in the only one that felt competently made the environments are nicely varied the combat is so nonsensical that i am honestly okay with it any touchscreen gimmicks happen very quickly and do not bog down the overall experience listen here okay in the grand scope of platformers and the mountain of quality titles on the ds i'm not gonna lie to you and say this is some crazy hidden gem and mario really needs to watch out for himself but you know what i'll be damned if you're into licensed games at all especially if you're nostalgic for spongebob this is a good game by god it's enjoyable and the real kicker and this is a bit of a spoiler but this is not even my favorite 3d platformer featured in this very video but hey like i said i'm getting way too ahead of myself here that's a spoiler you know what you all steered me in the right direction with this one genuinely atlanta squarepants pretty good game didn't see that coming so thank you so much for that this will stay in the collection no matter what but uh what's what's next oh my god i get to talk about drawn to life finally oh man okay i will keep this brief because this will take over literally the entire episode but i love the drawn to life series if you've never given these games a shot well essentially drawn to life is a series of incredibly simple platformers that will you draw a ton of the in-game assets as you're playing if you need a platform for example well the game will stop you you draw whatever you want in this little box and then boom i made that that's my creation that's mine as long as you don't go in expecting some sort of platforming masterpiece here but if you have a baby brain like me and get serotonin by seeing your creations play out in real time these are good fun and up until you get to the second game's original ending it's a charming series overall no no i don't want to talk about the ending clearly these games were popular enough to have a spin-off within the world of bikini bottom drawn to life spongebob squarepants edition doodlebob is back that's a big nihoy minoui moment right there and i guess since sponge and pat just can't be bothered to deal with him today leave it to you the player the omnipotent god in the world to save the day this is my spongebob by the way this is why i have someone else do my thumbnails okay time to draw my very own hero alright who who should be the ultimate bikini bottom hero to save the day when our mightiest heroes just don't feel up to it um [Music] this is my fan fiction don't shame me did you have spongebob being terrified of a poorly drawn sonic on your bingo card for today don't lie to me of course you did so yeah like the rest of the games in the series this is a pretty unremarkable platformer but you often run into these drawing segments where you get to draw in-game elements like checkpoints and bubble platforms when you go back to the hub world you can draw things like houses and furniture four set houses and i don't know considering i'm sticking to this whole sonic thing making a bed with a chaos emerald blanket i am enjoying this immensely every level also has multiple hidden chao in them to find which is crazy since sonic adventure taught us that chao can't swim yet they're all over the water here that's crazy that's where they go when you mess around and put them in the pool in the chow garden they end up here drawn to life can realistically be the dumbest game you want it to be and i couldn't appreciate that more drawn to life is good but it is very much a what you see is what you get kind of game you know but hey at the end of the day two good spongebob games back to back that's really cool i didn't think that was gonna happen here but i really just hope we can keep this train going so uh what's next it's it's a cooking game spongebob versus the big one beach party cook-off rolls right off the tongue i will say this much aside from drawn to life this is the only game in the franchise to be a ds exclusive so yay by this point in the series timeline i no longer was watching the show but i guess there was an episode where this absolute hunk of a fish voiced by johnny depp showed up and it was a big deal i guess certainly how the game makes it sound jack kahuna laguna is in town hosting a beach party and he demands there be a contest to decide who will cook for it well spongebob likes to cook let's go immediately after starting this game up this interface is really bothering me honestly all these cutscenes look like they're from an old pc game from the early 2000s it looks like a flash game here these guys should have had a decent budget right use it taking one look at the box art the expectations are set up pretty clearly this was gonna be a cooking mama clone right there's a bunch of cooking games on the ds with mama as the character spongebob likes to cook this is a perfect combo and wouldn't you know it it is like that oh oh i am so tired things are slightly more complex since you have like a little freedom in when you get to perform the tasks and rather than simply finishing when you make an item and give it to a customer you just keep going until you satisfy a set number of customers in that way it's almost like a restaurant manager like diner dash i didn't think they could make the cooking mama and or diner dash format feel a lot more tedious than they already do but major congrats to beach party cook-off they achieved it and also there's not a single holographic meatloaf in sight terrible obvious fan service you could have had that one for free you know what would have been a really good idea for this they should have used spongebob's mother for this one trying to teach a young spongebob how to cook that way we could have a legit cooking mama crossover the same way we have a drawn to life one but whatever you know i won't be mad about it i'll just stop writing these perfect fanfictions now next up we have truth or square ds okay now here here is where the real money is so a quick refresher course on this one as well i wasn't huge on the console version it was developed by the battle for bikini bottom devs so that's cool but it was easily their weakest work with the property although every version of the game also has a different yet equally creepy zoom in on spongebob's face as the box arch so you know that's something however with the ds version we have another 3d platformer and it's actually pretty good too oh my god that's crazy had to jump back to the opening credits for this one now to see okay altron can't say this is a studio that i've really heard of much before but per their wikipedia they're responsible for just a ton of licensed games but more importantly atlanta's square panties ds truth or square ds and drawn to life spongebob edition oh criminy jim jim we did it we found the good games here way forward may have had the most interesting trilogy on the gba but i think altron are the ones that provided the most interesting trilogy on the ds this is this is really exciting so essentially truth or square on the ds is a more refined version of atlanta's square pantas it controls a bit better it looks a bit better the exploration is a bit more rewarding the team up mechanic is totally gone making progression a lot more seamless you can still become a big shot after getting happy enough by god this may be the definitive truth or square experience there is some touchscreen and even microphone mechanics here there and that stuff isn't all that great but man this was overall a genuinely enjoyable game and one of my favorites in the entire spongebob franchise didn't see that coming the entire concept of going through spongebob's memories is still not all that fleshed out since it never really feels like you're reliving the moments from the show but unlike the console versions the levels here actually do end with segments that make sense you got jellyfishing the fry cook games where you go one on one against patrick the talon show where squidward tries to be a big deal but spongebob the janitor is getting a whole lot more applause that's here too damn it i i actually really love this that is all i wanted with truth or square man the accuracy you know at least i don't really remember the giant submarine robot trying to actively kill spongebob with these giant spiky side wheels but hey like i said before i fell off the show for a while maybe robots trying to murder our heroes actually was the theme of an episode i don't know i'm way out of touch and yes we even have the jiggle me handles line two perfect and all this praise i have for random spongebob games is all fine and good but you know what that means being that this is the end of the altron trilogy and we still have three games to go oh but don't you worry if you thought the rest of this episode was gonna be all happy and cheery until the end credits roll no absolutely not boating bash on the ds i'm so tired so the wii version of boating bash was honestly kind of okay a car destruction game fits spongebob a whole lot more than a traditional racing game would and the developers did a pretty decent job getting a fun time out of it but if you were wondering if it were possible that cumbersome touch controls for a racing game on the ds would make the game incredibly unfun then good job you nailed it all you do is hold on the touchscreen in the direction the road is maybe bump into another driver if told to do so and i mean i i guess this is the only way to get it done since it's not a traditional racer like mario kart but this game also didn't need to exist in the first place we're back in licensed game hell surf and skate road trip all right this one is a little bit more interesting this does have a console version but yes as you can see it is exclusive to the xbox 360. and say with me children and is not going to buy an xbox 360 for a couple of spongebob games thank you so much you've all been paying attention that's great you mean to tell me they added two spongebob games to the backwards compatibility program just to mess with me including one game that i haven't talked about it's not gonna happen oh on top of that it's also a connect game that's a double negative right there hey with that knowledge i don't even need to play the game to know it's not fun this one was obvious well last time i checked you can't hook up a connect to a ds so we're golden now oh oh oh no no your eyes aren't deceiving you this is the game's actual frame rate this is one of the choppiest games i've ever played oh my god how did this get past quality assurance and since we got all these trick challenges for all these board based events the game has the audacity the goal the barnacles to ask you to be precise with this does it even matter if the game is fun i mean of course not because the game is terrible but i'm just saying would it even matter oh but at least the ds version has additional snowboarding gameplay included i take it back clearly the game is good [Music] no questions [Music] what the f what's that last up the final spongebob game 2 quote grace of the ds plankton's robotic revenge oh god we're really here again aren't we well this isn't the first time i've played this game i did play the only spongebob game to release on the wii u a while back and uh yeah i absolutely hated it just this repetitive and tedious top-down shooter it was one of the most boring games i've ever played and regarding somehow squeezing that entire experience to the ds oh yeah man this this is going to be good oh wow yo yeah man oh dude what oh whoa this this is crazy man yeah yeah this is uh this is horrendous loving the spongebob model by the way this is basically what my brain is reduced to at this point you know what like i said with the previous games i guess this is the best you can expect for a ds version of robotic revenge which at the time was a next-gen type game but did they really need to waste resources on this in the first place they released this on the 3ds at the same exact time i don't know maybe the higher production values of the 3ds version provide a better experience [Music] wait i hate this game why did i buy it three times considering the ds is more powerful than the game boy advance it's at least notable how much more variety there is to be found here so that's interesting but three good games in a sea of nine the three games on 3ds aren't all that good either it is really telling that the further along the spongebob video game timeline we got outside of a few special circumstances i won't deny that things just got worse and worse and worse and we ended with total rock bottom praise be to wave forward and altron if not for you guys the franchise would be batting a damn near zero this entire retrospective really makes the release of battle for bikini bottom rehydrated and the announcement of the upcoming platformer the cosmic shake all the more impactful there is good to be pulled from this franchise but a lot of companies have no idea how to get it done and we got to see it firsthand hey did you also know that they released rehydrated on mobile devices man that's weird isn't it you could argue that after the original battle for bikini bottom spongebob squarepants video games weren't bad they were just simply misunderstood it would be a dumb argument to make but hey you can still make it of course these games are bad but now you know what time it is it's time for the spongebob ds tier list let's go of course at the very top we have truth or square then atlanta squarepants and then drawn to life altron that trilogy you guys did really good awesome stuff after that god just just like the rest of them honestly they were all really really rough and then put surf and skate road trip and robotic revenge right at the very bottom in the trash bin where they belong god what were they thinking and with that being said we're done it all started with battle for bikini bottom but then one eternity later the spongebob video game retrospective is completed now yes of course we have the cosmic shake coming out soon that should be really cool inevitably more games will follow after that and yes once again i know we haven't talked about every single game out there there's web browser games there's flash games there's all the nicktoons games like i mentioned earlier underpants slam is now an xbox backwards compatibility not talking about it there's that weird plug and play where you hold spongebob's nose in a potentially demonetizing way probably not going to touch that one either but for all of the games that released on consoles that realistically matter let's be honest here i'm done nearly 40 games that have spongebob in the title have been taken off my backlog and i am a much lesser person as a result but genuinely i want to thank you all for the support on this little adventure that i went on i did not expect the reception that i was getting for all these spongebob videos and he really kept me going to get through to the end no matter how dark things got so with that all being said go and play battle for bikini bottom jiggle me handle spongebob enjoy a nice holographic meatloaf on me find your nearest copies of plankton's robotic revenge and throw him in the trash so you can make the world a better place and with that i'm gone goodbye everybody i'll remember you all in therapy [Music] you
Channel: AntDude
Views: 426,500
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AntDude, AntDude spongebob, SpongeBob DS, SpongeBob Nintendo DS, SpongeBob DS Games, SpongeBob NIntendo DS Games, spongebob atlantis squarepantis, spongebob atlantis squarepantis ds, spongebob truth or square, spongebob truth or square ds, drawn to life spongebob, spongebob drawn to life, plankton's robotic revenge, spongebob boating bash, spongebob on ds, spongebob the yellow avenger, spongebob surf & skate roadtrip, spongebob beach party cook off
Id: vG3VmsF1MA0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 23sec (1403 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 20 2021
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