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Look at these shoes. No. No, do you have these shoes? No. hello friends, it's me I got a juicy video for you guys today. Juicy. Dr. Phil drama llama I mean, I don't know how he manages to do it every time. Where are you finding these girls? Cuz Dr. Phil manages to outdo himself every single time. Here we go. My goal is to be a skinny legend and Instafamous. I'm funny, I'm hot, I have a nice body Okay, why is she on Dr. Phil seems like you have the perfect life! money, hot, a booty what happened to going on Dr. Phil cause you got like actual problems. Like now he's just milking this for views 2019 problems I'm trying to be Instafamous Well, at least she's smart enough to take the first step, you know and go on Dr. Phil cause he's made several girls into millionaires they made a whole career out of being on Dr. Phil and now so many people are trying that thinking they're just gonna blow up overnight The only reason you're on TV is because you are a mildly attractive female and you know, Dr Phil he is a sucker for that anything he could clickbait he is down just send Dr Phil a sod story like.... I hate my parents! I like to rebel! I skipped school! I like to party on weekdays. Oh my god. I should actually do this. I should actually try to get on Dr Phil to let you guys know how easy it is you think dr. Phil knows who I am, right? Have almost 40,000 followers, which is kind of bothering me. I need at least 40 million followers, but, we'll get there one day. 40,000 to 40 million, who got 40 million on Instagram besides the Kardashians and like Selena Gomez and Ariana Grande. There's not a lot.To get to that level You gotta have like some kind of talent something to offer You see these selfies that dime-a-dozen how many girls you got on instagram that do the same exact thing? I was bullied going up until my senior year of high school. The teasing was immense as soon as I decided to get hot I started really getting , uh,a pickup on the follower account and that's kind of when it all came together Since I decided to get hot, you know, I was ugly my whole life and then I just one day woke up I was like, okay. I am done being ugly. I'm gonna be hot now. Thank you. Okay relatable Nah, but for real though in high school, there was like this thing where people can ask you questions anonymously some girl Hella roasted my eyebrows and it also made me realize like oh my God, my eyebrows are bad. Why has nobody told me this?! Someone told me anonymously how horrible they are. It was like I had an epiphany I can't have these ugly-ass eyebrows anymore. They just like got hot. Yeah, if only life works that way. look at me now. I'm hot. I'm on Dr. Phil, you're not on Dr. Phil. You're all sitting at home probably eating. What? what do you mean? Listen here little girl, you know what you're right. We're not on. Dr. Phil, but we also didn't ask to be on dr Dr Phil AKA didn't want the easy way out. I ate diet pills like tic tacs and I don't regret it I mean, I'd rather die hot and live ugly. Whoa I don't want to be old anyway, rather live stupid then die ugly. Rude. Old people are so ugly But that eyeshadow is ugly. You know, she is the embodiment of the American dream I was fat and lazy. I didn't want to work out. So I just took diet pills and you know body ready Instagram followed Dr. Phil Hotel trivago time to get famous No, it's like the cash mail side girl She started this she was the one who? Started this trend of girls thinking they could get a free pass through life All it takes is a little drama next thing. You know you drive in a Lambo I still have to get some calories in cause you know, gotta keep the ass fat the boys out there Do you think it would have been filming this scene like jaws, dr Phil camera crew make sure you get that gotta get some calories keeping my booty fat. This reminds me of whoa Vicki You know same with Kylie Tama Kylie it's that Kardashian effect I love having a Saudi you think booties matter more than the small booties. You've your tiny booty I don't want to see you. You hear that. You got small booty. Chilly. Want to see you? I'll use small booty folk. It's your lucky day Cuz I'm sure y'all don't want to see her either as long to that boys out there Living breathing in boys this booty gotta stay back each month I spent about twenty thousand dollars on hair makeup clothes shoes accessories anything's more perfect $20,000 $20,000. First of all, you lyin look about with his money coming from $40,000 go you got your Balenciaga bag on sale for under $1000 look like what is she spending? Twenty thousand dollars on that look like a $30 blowout go whoever does your makeup fire then get a refund I don't know where you spend $20,000 from but you're not getting your money's worth, you know, your girl should do that put some money into his hair I probably spent like 20 bucks from my shampoo and conditioner and this girl like $20,000 this dresses Alexander Wang These sunglasses are Fendi to match my Fendi boots the more labels the better because I like shoving it into our faces That I've got the double absolutely. They're probably putting forever 21 don't even lie don't even lie you wait forever - what you want - all of these girls who flex their stuff like I wait $10,000 this and thousand-dollar that $5,000 here $2,000 shoes. You all wear forever 21. Don't even why I'm wearing a black dress Nothing special nothing fancy. It's Alexander Wang girl, you might as well be wearing Walmart. Nobody cares Literally nobody cares and nobody gonna look at you and feel bad. I have no talent I went from being 200 pounds and the loser that everyone hated to someone everyone wants to be whether they want to admit it or not who wanna be? This girl literally who anybody does anybody want to be this girl comment below I want to know if anybody wants to be her if you don't want to be like her, hit that like button in the face! Like what do you bring to the table? What do you bring to the world? Sure, you lost like 60 pounds, but like do if it's that haven't eaten diet pill like tic tacs Wow, somebody give her a Nickelodeon Kids Choice Award. It's per rationale. I love going to the club I usually get into every single Club. I mean, I'm not 21 yet. That's never been a problem for me Of course you do, you know a dr Phil troubled teen will not be complete without a party problem Blocking out and peeing on your Louboutins is never good. I'm gonna have to buy a new pair. Oh nasty I've locked out. I'm peeing on my $600 shoes buying new ones now bra my dog has peed on my thousand dollar Miu Miu shoes. You know what I do I take some cleaner. I spray the shoes. I wipe it. I'll rinse it under the water we Gucci dr Phil you know what to do ranch how many followers forty thousand after two years? Yeah, it's not bad. When you put something up on Instagram. How many people look at it? Well, I'm usually got like at least like 26,000 and that changes your lives. Yeah. Oh my god. Okay. Dr. Phil. Okay, like right now he's just taking the piss you got 40,000 followers after two years. That's when you should probably quit, you know, we got a dr Phil not only just a doctor but he's a social media start to music had way more like just today like like almost 67,000 people like this week looking at my profile. She's like today I had like 67,000 people again this week this week this day or this week. Which one is it Ashley? I don't even know her name but was she again? I have a YouTube channel and Last year, I had 2 billion views and it didn't change my wife Casually flexing my 2 billion views, of course, it didn't change your life. Dr. Phil You are already a millionaire with a couple more million from YouTube that's peasant money for you. Huh? How does it change your life? I don't know because then people got to see my face and it makes their day better. So it makes me feel better Like I'm doing something good for the community. You know, I feel very philanthropy. Cos out the word charitable. You've gotta be a troll I refuse to believe that this is legit. Yeah I'm very Philanthropy I'm like, I'm giving back to the world who's when they see my face It makes their day better good you're talking about like 40 some you're all dudes following teenagers on Instagram Commenting kissy face. Emoji is saying things like damn so bootiful you are angle. Is that what makes you feel good? Cuz that ain't it when you're popping on social media like you get all kinds of stuff like I get re laxative teas I just got free sunglasses the mail the other day Just like I said, I had 2 billion views and I didn't get a single laxative tea Wait, so those like fifties are like laxative teas. Is that what it is? Oh who knew you're still friends? I assume likes a little bit y'all come up, please Just stop Ava Places young celebrities on Instagram like all their pictures and so they noticed her. Oh my god let me like all of this famous guys pictures and DM him the guys are not gonna see her DMS guys will Money or to take her shopping so is not even her money kinda reflects a six thousand dollar Outfit that you didn't even buy like my sugar daddy bought it for me a random dudes on Instagram taking me to Rodeo Drive Buying me some Fendi it's not even your money. You didn't even make it who pays your bills. How do you pay for food? What is your current living situation? Like if somebody's giving you money? You're not a lot of flex it don't become Instagram doing this. What are you gonna do? There's by a rich man out there. There's probably a rich man out there. I thought she was gonna say commit toaster bathtub Okay, she ain't the kind of girl that I thought she was able did something called. No eat November She literally did not eat a single solid food for an entire month. Oh, wow. That's no eat November What does about food is good you crazy? Who's gotta be something my tumblr thing? Would you say that you're one of those people that has a need to be loved by strangers? Yeah, I mean, there's really no reason not to love me. So I love being loved I love being loved by strangers because there's no reason not to love me I guess this is fine. If somebody loves you so much that they could not be one day. Yeah, because I wouldn't love you What's awesome about you? I'm high and I'm funny. I'm a skinny legend skinny legend. I'm a skinny legend Jenny legend. Okay. She's trolling. She's 100% Trolling. Why do you want to be famous? I want to be famous not because the world deserves me cuz it doesn't okay Thank you. Send her to the ranch You know what? The world doesn't deserve you, please leave Mars can have you send her to space? What a blessing that would be I admit that I've missed your spectacular innocence until now That's unfortunate I swear this girl has got some balls like imagine being this outgoing like this confident in yourself like that is the only thing that she got going for her like just going on TV and just saying what you're thinking just like put it all out there things that us only have the courage to say behind a camera or with a Headset on you feel me or just typing on the internet. I feel like with my Instagram I have influence like a lot of people to be hotter. I've made all my friends lose weight and like be better looking No, no, she didn't do anything she a liar her friends out there and the audience call her out. Why do you need to wear? $6000 outfit if you're so special Let me look at these shoes. No. No, do you have these shoes? No, why would he have pastel? Rainbow Chanel shoes. This is dr. Phil. You see she got some balls. Do you have these? No, but he sure as hell can buy them if he wanted to. No, I don't have those What are my shoes already no idea I couldn't tell you they're black I couldn't tell you mine. $1,000. Okay. Oh The ignorance see what y'all don't know is dr. Phil is a low-key baller. You see his watch. He got a nice watch collection It's like a low-key flex. Yeah, see that watch just casually flexing a $34,000 watch. Dr. Phil. Oh, I see you I see with those expensive suits I see with those nice watches I see you with those probably nice shoes. You just playing off when I'm humble. I don't know what the shoe brand is Okay, if you're so special why do you need all of the prompt there's six thousand dollar outfit I just want them could put on a st. Bernard that doesn't make the st. Bernard St. Bernard hottest wife. Dr. Phil coming out of st. Bernard leg is the ugliest dog in existence Oh put Chanel on a st Bernard oh I didn't make him high. I don't even know what's going on here anymore Do not disrespect my platform by dropping. Oh You know what when dr. Phil doesn't have our apply don't disrespect my platform by cursing How dare you there are Christian ears listening? I'm from Jersey! How we doing in Jersey? Back on a bus to Jersey if you do that. All right. All right, I'm serious I can't literally can't let me know what you guys think she doing this for attention or Followers are perhaps. Both some people wanna be famous so bad school? Nah. bills? nah sugar Daddy may be selling people pics on Instagram Perhaps but getting a real job?HELL NAH! Anyways, that's all for today. I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did make sure that like button PEW and subscribe join the Wolfpack. (Disgruntled wolf noises) Love you guys so much. Thanks for watching. Bye guys!
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 18,152,930
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reacting, reaction, dr phil, spoiled, girl, rich, sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, spoiled girl, funny
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 47sec (827 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 30 2019
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