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hey guys today I am here with Yesenia I know she a messy still Oh thick thick with three C's she's Yessica secret half-sister she was the product of yes ACCA's dad and a hooker from Milwaukee comma who you like better yes a cut or Yesenia but anyways today I've got a wild video for you I have a goal to have the world's because bum I'm sorry watch it now Mike so you know everybody has hopes and aspirations big goals but this woman's goals is to have the biggest booty in the world let's watch to begin with you were exercising exactly was just exercise yeah exactly so it was growing naturally with the exercise then it kind of got to a level where it's got to grow it stopped growing yeah all right so first of all the title of this is a gorge on chocolates to get the biggest bomb and then I'm talking about exercise like yeah I was doing squats and my butt kept getting bigger and bigger and bigger and then it stopped also you trying to fool saying that's from squats and that booty is from squats yesenia is from my natural hair follicles so I was born with so you thought right well the only option here is to go and have surgery of course if you want to have a bigger bump this merger is the next step okay so let me get this straight this woman thought it out as a wholesome Fitness Instagram you know doing squats to build that booty and then she could only build this so much and then it stopped growing and so she's like haul up my booty and stop growing trying to get surgery the next step okay but still it says I'm gorge on chocolates to get the biggest bomb so first we got squats then surgery where's the chocolate why did you want to fake a Boston ah yeah that's a good question our comments here most people who are watching that question is why why because I have a goal to have the world's because bombs you trying to get the world's biggest bomb but she already got the world's biggest bumhole unfortunately it's in the wrong place it's on her face girl I know everybody like the booty but you don't gotta have a booty hole on your face ain't nothing wrong with lining your lips but there is something wrong with lining until here look at her lips from the side you got a little lipstick over here people that oh my god words because Dom I was like no I have so it was like the people who like were like pumping me to like have bigger one the people my fellow Americans they was pumping me because she was saying I have the world's biggest bomb they're like nah yeah I got the world's biggest bomb damn she might have the world's biggest bump oh no has gotta be heard all right first of all that's getting way too out of hand how do you even sit on a toilet and I always wondered this ever since fifth grade my vice-principal in my school she had the biggest booty I ever did see in my life like when she walked down the hallway her booty would take up the whole hallway and I always wondered ever since I was a kid I'm like how do you fit on a toilet how do you sit down you got to get like a throne a regular chair attaint cut it anymore what about an airport bathroom was especially a bathroom on a plane or like the seats on a plane how does it work it's the way it is accomplished that is yeah you know is dangerous I mean this is the this is the Brazilian bum lift so so won't call it danger because it's my old fat okay so there has been a lot of controversy about this Wesley you take fat from one area and inject it into another and that's what a lot of people do it's called the Brazilian Butt Lift they like take fat from your stomach and then put it in the booty and this supposed to be one of the most dangerous surgeries that there is a few weeks ago I saw somebody on the news that died from doing this there's so many complications that can happen where it's like the fat isn't injected right or it could like leak into the blood and I've seen so many like horror stories and pictures I like looking at that stuff okay but some things I saw were really crazy like I don't know people jet crazy things into that but but girls out here I ain't even gonna say girls boys do it too I seen some beauty boys you know they got that Brazilian butt lift they just got those like nice perfect bubble butts with girl I'll see you on now I mean it's dangerous cuz it because it's killed many women all over the world so what what what essentially happens is you will have a diet yeah the pre surgery done exactly so you put on a lot all registra fat and then they suck that fat out yeah and then they then pump that into your entire box just because that's your own fat doesn't mean it's like a hundred percent safe I'm not expert on this or anything but isn't that bad if you just gained a ton of weight before surgery and they're gonna use those fat cells into your butt what if you lose weight uh I was a long time ago in school it's like I don't know something about big fat cells and small fat cells so if you lose weight those fat cells will die probably do my research on this but last week a British woman died while she was having that this bum lift all that worry you when you read stories I mean no she had like bad luck I think so woman died getting was surgery does that worry you no she had bad luck not all her doctor must have not known what he was doing or no there could have been another problem or any logical explanation it's just no bad luck well according to um so it happened a one-in-a-million what a million people go get the surgery as the highest death rate of all procedures due to the risk of you know I don't know due to the risk of injecting fat into the large veins in the buttocks that can travel to the heart or brain and cause severe illness and death in 2017 692 surgeons from across the world found that 32 patients had died oh yeah I got bigger booty people do that research he bomb here dying dying for bigger booty it is dangerous it surprises me that the surger how many procedures have you had I have three so far and have have the surgeons that have performed these not told you how they have but it's it's my own risk you know so it's my own choice he is telling me like this can happen if it goes wrong yeah I feel like every doctors got you that like give you a contract like this can happen this can happen you couldn't get mesothelioma or you could die I've got a facial the other day right and in my contract it was like talk about stuff like this might give you a herpes outbreak I'm like what's from a facial and then I asked the lady to clarify and she was like so if you already have it this might give you an outbreak so I'm like okay thank god I don't mind if you stand up to sue at the moment your bottom is 80 inches girl what is that of all the colors she could be wearing she's pretty daring wearing white pants like that this is after one surgery is it too late to get a refund that don't even look like a butt well if it is 84 at the moment the current record is 84 inches and that sarah massey he's in the u.s. in there i think she doesn't care about the shape she just wanted to be wider so she could have the world record that's the only explanation doesn't look like a but it looked like her pants is her luggage and she stopped all her clothes inside there but by the time you have your next lift what are you hoping to achieve you've nice yeah hope I will reach like 90 inches what are you gonna do with it shake dance you gotta appreciate her honesty though so you finally have the world's biggest booty what are you gonna do shake twerk dance you could do all of that right now why does she need another five inches on that booty circumference to shake twerk and dance for Instagram to grab yeah which is that one for each procedure it's the people who follow you there they're obviously fans of the bigger bottom you have like heroes and you have fans yeah so I think I have more haters than I have fans I feel like when your Instagram is devoted to your booty you're just gonna have thirst ii dudes on there leaders and maybe a couple of like-minded girls master demographic to make money acting of Courtney so how do you make her away job I have my own website and I have like my fans is there my own website oh I know exactly how she make money y'all gonna pay for my private snapchat how much y'all want to bet she sells pics oh my lord this girl is 24 she younger than me oh here we go photo sets she sells videos okay I had to stop learning money of this I'm like traveling roll around bingo show so yeah and does it fit your day-to-day life I mean when you say you're traveling the world you know getting in an aeroplane see we have no seats for you we have to book two seats for you is that to first class or to like regular seats a fleshie no whole damn wrote to herself and put the arm rests up the difficulty is I can't run number one it's so heavy I've tried just up and then I need to see that she told me I can't ride this all I guess the ends of the world someone chasing after me like swiggity swoogity I'm coming for that booty what you gonna do you can't run they gonna get that booty I would not feel safe like not being able to run yikes yes leaping I had she's not I can I can't sleep on the back because yeah it's really wrong yeah yes she like on the side on stomach I wonder if sleeping on her back is like laying down with like one of those big exercise balls on your butt who's gotta be it yeah okay that would be how long comfy so when you are in that pre procedure done I just want to explain forever because people think like I'm gaining all the time and I'm not I'm gaining like two months before the surgery how much do you gain in that two months I'm gain like 20 to 25 kilos mm-hm what do you eat I eat everything haha me when I'm sad I everything like food that contains a lot of carbs yeah it's a pasta hamburger waffles Nutella everything do you not worry the impact that is having on other areas of your body for you like dude surgery they are testing like everything they test everything to see a few good sheets some of cases they don't do the operation if you are like bad results other tests but so far so good this interviewers phase like I can't believe this girl right now she gotta eat everything is you gotta have a booty I can't get over how this girl's 24 that booty hole on your face let's gotta add 10 years it reminds me of Big Ang she makes she rest in peace anyways that's all for today I hope you guys enjoyed this video come on below what do you think y'all think our booties big enough now man I think she got enough booty for her and her whole family I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did make sure it's not like my number and subscribe to the wolf pack well I love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys [Music]
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 8,679,417
Rating: 4.940609 out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, reaction, funny, squats, work out, diet, healthy, sniper wolf, girl
Id: 2h-PpgN_uZE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 37sec (697 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 12 2018
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