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[Captions by Y Translator] What do you do on the guys on Snapchat? I finesse them. Bonjour! It's me, your favorite French YouTuber. So get ready to yeet that wheat, 'cause I got another Dr. Phil video for you guys today. Let's watch. Hannah has gone from being the perfect daughter to a parent's worst nightmare. Growing up, Hannah got great grades. She was a cheerleader. Whoa. Whoa. So we got Hannah over here, doing all these accomplishments when she was a kid. But what went wrong? Mom and Dad, what happened? When Hannah was about 14 years old, Hannah was failing school. She was drinking. She was partying. I did to go to juvenile detention about six times. Six times? Imagine being 14, 15, 16 going to juvie 6 times. I mean, at least you get it all out of the way, when you're a kid, right? What is you doing that you get arrested every other week? You would think she would learn after the first one, two, three four, five times. Or maybe they didn't punish her hard enough? With all my daughters, I told them about sex. I had a really beautifully nice package, and I used it as a visual to help the girls understand how to present themselves. Oh, we got Betty Crocker over here. Wholesome white mother. See this perfectly wrapped present. This is you, before sex. Rips it all up, opens the box, tears it up. There's dog shit in it. This is you after sex. Don't do it! Because you will get pregnant, and die. I told her that this kind of represented her body, and her self-worth, and what happens if some of it became torn. Just kind of asked her, would you like to receive a present like that? Oh, so this was for her future man's. Would you give this present to your future man's? He don't care as long as he getting the present. Well, it's what's on the inside that matters. Isn't it, mother? Maybe that presents been through a lot. I was 15 when I lost my virginity. Mom, I'm telling you it's because you did the present thing, and that just set her off completely. Completely 360-ed her life around. She went from being a good kid that gets good grades, just being the perfect daughter, to becoming torn up wrapping paper. Maybe because she saw her mom doing that presentation, and was liked, it's what I wanted to be my whole life, a torn-up present. The minute I turned 17, I got the hell out of there, and I moved in with my boyfriend. I never thought Hannah would leave at 17. We only had very few rules we asked her to abide by. She decided she didn't want to do those and wanted to live her own life. To me, it doesn't seem like this family has very little rules. You gotta be home by 9:00 p.m. sharp every day. 10 p.m. on weekends. We have to meet all your friends. They have come over and talk to us. We gotta talk to their parents if you want to go to that house, and you have to get straight A's. Those are the only rules. We don't even have that many rules. I spent about three years in jail. Hannah has a string with felony charges from resisting arrest, assaulting a police officer, and even stealing a car. Oh, imagine that. How old is this girl now? She was 17 when she moved out, and now she's 21, and three out of four years after she moved out of her parents house, she spent in jail. Like are you dumb? Who would rather go to jail than live comfortably in their parents house? It's like a no-brainer. Some kids are just so IG. I don't want to listen to your rules. I rather be in jail. I don't have a regular job, and I'm technically homeless. We're not really sure how Hannah supports herself. I have seen her social media posts. There are very provocative pictures of her. Guys, I know what she doing. She selling her Snapchat. $40 for my private Snapchats, and the IRS is coming for you. I swear, biggest scam of 2018. Girls selling pictures, Snapchats, and who's paying for it? Come on! Dudes really out here paying $40 a month. That's half a phone bill, for some girl's private Snapchat. You could probably find those pics somewhere else on the internet, but no, you gotta pay $40 a month subscription. Some pictures, I've seen she's just been wearing her underwear, and taking pictures in the mirror. I suspect it's possible that Hannah could be prostituting herself. Mother, it is 2018. Girls don't do that when they could just post pictures on Snapchat and Instagram. They don't even gotta show all the goods to make more money than your local hooker. I'm not kidding. Yep. And that's the tea. You know, there's girls out here posting provocative pics, making tens of thousands of dollars. Hmm. She's not allowed to come to our house. We don't give her any money. I'm torn between wanting to help Hannah, and just walk away from it all. I mean, y'all so concerned about her behavior and everything, but I feel like she's only doing this because she doesn't have a source of income. She doesn't have a place to live. Y'all kicked her out. Oh no, they didn't kicked her out. She left, and went to live with her boyfriend. Her boyfriend yeeted her out of the house, and now her parents don't want her. And her dad have seen her in her underwear. Big yikes. I love that. Who came up with that, Dr. Phil? From Christian cheerleader to car-stealing criminal. That's a great title. Here's what you said. You said, she was perfect as a child. She was quiet. Quiet. Perfect child. Basically. How did she go from quiet and obedient to these mug shots? And as you look at these mug shots, what do you think? This [bleep] has got 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. 8 mugshots! 21 years old, and got eight mugshots. If at first you don't learn your lesson, you definitely won't learn it the next seven times. It's so sad to think that somewhere deep inside of her, there is so much pain that she doesn't know how to deal with. This is what she does. Well mother, you talking about all this pain? She probably be like, nah, there ain't no pain. I just wanted a car, so I stole one. What do you do on the guys on Snapchat? I finesse them. See? What I tell you? Before I even watch this video, I knew she selling her Snapchat, but she's talking about finessing them. Girl, go on. I asked for the money, and then they send it to me. Like this one guy sent me $600 one week for pretty much nothing. Just waiting for me to send him pictures that he never got. Dumbass. See, all you guys working hard to give money to girls like this. She ain't even gonna send him pics. I mean she got no problem posting pics on her Snapchat, on her Facebook, wearing like nothing. But she gonna finesse the dude that gonna send her $600. Girl, you the dumb ass, because if you send him pics, he gonna pay up some more. Or he just gonna PayPal dispute it. Get his money back. Some of your social media post, in your comments, My body is your dream, baby. Followers comments, $500. This is a commercial enterprise. You sell the pictures? Dr. Phil, this is a commercial enterprise. Are you reporting your income to the IRS? Are you paying taxes on this? How much do you sell them for? And where can I get these pictures? Why do they not just do screengrabs? Why would they buy the picture? Because I'm not clothed. Well, that's what they think. >> Okay, so you-- >> It's gonna happened. So, these are just teasers, and then you sell them other pictures. I don't know why Dr. Phil is acting like he has no idea what's going on. Like oh, so these are the pictures. You know, guys could just screenshot them? You know he's done that before. Dr. Phil has done that before. But he'll be like, no, I'm 120% faithful to my wife. You know, she's out in the audience right now. She's watching me. She always watching me. By the way, make sure you buy her skin care line. What do they pay you $600 for? Nothing. Like I said, he was an idiot. So she really out here lying. I don't know if she's trying to start drama. She trying to be famous. Like every time she calls him a dumbass, she just like looks over at the audience. Got to make sure they're laughing. Gotta make sure I'm going to be famous after this. You know, I'm out here finessing these guys, but then she's saying like I send them naked pictures. I sell pictures for money. Some guy will message you and say, you know, send-- I don't even use my photo half of the time. I have other people's photos that I use, and you send them the picture. And what I do is I tell them to send the money first, and then I just never send the pictures. Girl, this story don't add up. First of all, she's saying, I don't send my pictures half the time. What you do the other half the time? And then she's like, Sometimes, I just take the money, and finesse them. Like, like, like, like, like if she's lying. I think she's lying. Past probably two or three weeks, I've made over $1,000. She talking about making money, but she don't even have a place to live. But she making a thousand dollars past two-three weeks, just selling pic. We don't know she got a side business. We don't have a lot of repeat business. True. Correct. You do want to be careful about that because penal code in your state... Dr. Phil, he pulling out the penal code. So basically, he's saying, a person with intent to fraud somebody or cheat them or finesse can get jail no more than five years, or fined not more than $10,000 or three times the amount that she finesse them for. So they can sue her, and she could go to jail and get a fine. And she all here bragging about it. Like yeah, I finesse guys on Snapchat all the time. One idiot gave me $600 for nothing. They can prosecute you for that. So you want to be careful about that. I just wanted to say it. You do whatever you want. >> I just want-- >> Another Felony. Another felony. Okay. Put it on my resume. I mean, at least you can become a YouTuber. She's just gonna take 'em like felony, on felonies on felonies on felonies. Girl, you better get more felonies than you make it money. She acting all tough now. We know on the inside she's shaken, when Dr. Phil pulled out that penal code. Anyone who wouldn't want a relationship with their parents, someday, they're going to be dead, and I'll probably regret this. But I've been raising myself since I was 16, so they can't change me anymore. This is who I am, and they're going to have to accept it and love me still, or they can just block me out like they always do. I don't know. I feel like we haven't heard much from the parents about what they've done, because it seems like she has a very stable household. Like it just seems like an average family. They don't abuse her, they don't yell at her, they don't like do anything horrible. At most, they'll have rules that she probably doesn't want to follow. But other than that, like her parents seem like very fine. It's not like a dysfunctional family, like a lot of other people on here. What have you had to learn on your own? Well, I still don't know how to drive, obviously. Right? So I crash into a mailbox when I stole that car. Oh my God, what an idiot? I don't know how to drive. So I'm just gonna steal a car and learn. Knowledge. It is not hard to drive a car. What happened to the money that we had saved aside for drivers training? Did it or did it not-- You guys kicked me out of the house when I was 16, and then I went to juvie. We did not kick you out of the house. Girl, just want to tell you, this girl is lying. Just lying, lying, lying. She left to go live with her boyfriend when she was 16-17, and she's like my parents kicked me out. And then after she went to jail for three years, she goes back to her parents, and they're like, nah, we don't want you. No criminals allowed. >> Did that money not have to go-- >> You've never been kicked out. >> to your juvenile charges-- >> If I had messages when I was 16, I would bring them on this show. Wow. She is so [bleep] rude. If that was my kid, I would smack her. She needs to be disciplined. Leave a like if you would smack. There is nothing more annoying than somebody talking over you like that. So the mom had saved up money for her, for drivers ed, and she used the money to pay the fine. She gonna be so disrespectful to her parents. And this girl got no manners, no respect. Someone need a smack some respect into her. What do you want them to do different than they're doing now? I don't see any going back at this point. I'm 21. I'm already in adults, it's too late. I'm not going to change. Well, okay then let me ask you this. What's your long-term goal? Uh, social media? I don't know. I want to look her up. Hannah, where are they now? Your local street corner, selling Snapchat subscriptions in real life. If you know what I mean. Hannah, you had your chance. I mean if you ain't blown up on Instagram after going on Dr. Phil... Dr. Phil has made careers out there. You got Cash Me Outside girl. She a millionaire now. You got that Beverly Hills brat. She a YouTuber now. Like Dr. Phil is such a crutch. Like anyone could go on Dr. Phil, cause a [bleep] storm, and become famous or go viral. It's as easy as 1, 2, 3. And somehow you just managed to [bleep] that up too. >> All those pictures. >> The drugs. All the mugshots, it's all an act, right? >> The quote unquote, Sex for money. >> No. Right now is the act. Sex for money? So I'm a prostitute again? What do you want to be famous for? Dad with the roast. He know what she really want. I know what you want, what you really really want. I want to be famous on social media. But anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed this video. This was super fun for me. I hope Hannah is a famous YouTuber now. Make sure you hit that like button in the face if you want more Dr. Phil videos, and make sure you subscribe, join the wolf pack. I love you guys so much. Thanks for watching. Bye guys.
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 8,981,437
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Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, dr phil, girl, lying, caught lying
Id: R2q_Soo88kc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 21sec (801 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 01 2018
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