Do NOT Trust Shrek

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hello friends it's me and we're down the street is that shrek opened up a new hotel and i'm going to be his first guest we're going to be playing a game called five nights at shrek's hotel oh there he is i hope they didn't decapitate him for his own hotel sign for some reason you left your house and you have moved to a new city to live you have a job but don't have enough money to buy a house yet you decide to stay five nights at shrek's hotel so maybe you can afford the money you needed for a new house their new job because staying at a hotel for five days will save me enough money to buy a new house the economy is just great oh i've checked in beautiful place we have here we got the checkerboard floors we got shrek himself checking me in oh what's up oh hello there welcome to shrek's hotel how can i help you hi can i get a room for five nights please sure we have an empty room on the second floor so do i just go up there do i pay for it or you're not gonna take my id my credit card no room key i'm just gonna go up to the second room that's not sketch or anything hey that's not even a real tree just pictures of leaves stuck together to look like a plant i have a good feeling about this place it's cheap saving me money what does not to like okay this door is locked so i'm guessing it will not lead to upstairs oh hey wait bro why are you looking at me like that am i going the right way stop where's your round i'm gonna turn around better not be stop okay that one's locked this one is also locked how do i get upstairs sir maybe he's just excited to see me i said we have an empty room on the second floor okay how to get to second what floor that [Applause] [Music] what was that forgive me i'm committing a crime playing on a mac keyboard these are the directional buttons i'm working with in the corner right here don't do that again because i'm actually trying to play this game okay shrek please stop trolling i'm trying please bro where's my room how do i get upstairs why aren't you answering my questions idiot don't do that again i swear i'm gonna have a heart attack okay this one opened it was the one right by him what are all these barrels you know if i had a gun right now i would blow these up hey hey i didn't close that door who closed that door oh this one opens oh donkey is that you i don't want to turn around if i turn around he's going to be behind me he's behind me isn't he oh oh the door's closed the doors just closed by themselves don't they oh is this my room this is the second floor i'm on the second floor okay where's the bed there's no bed no table no bathroom maybe it's in here oh there's more there or something there there was something there i saw something there oh what a gorgeous picture of the man himself shrek maybe i should step away it's not a very flattering photo up close kind of look like a turd okay is this my room this one's locked there's already a guest staying there i like what you've done with the place you got the rug you get the pixelated wallpaper okay this one opened must be my room oh a bed we even got a heater slash ac unit nice no pillows some suspicious stains i need to go to the bathroom before i sleep yes okay we have a perfectly good corner right here because shrek was too stingy to hook me up with a bathroom you know what you could go right on the bed that's what all the other guests seems to have done okay i guess we are going to go back and find the bathroom um check both ways before you cross in a scary game okay nobody behind me nobody in front of me was that chest there where's the bathroom oh we have a vending machine nice i can get some snacks oh anyway can i interact with a vending machine i can't even interact with the chest i feel like something's gonna pop out shut up and go to the bathroom where's the bathroom i checked all the doors didn't i whoever's in the bathroom needs to get out i'm gonna be knocking this door all night they're gonna hit me with a jump scare if i don't hurry up and go to the bathroom can i press like p to piss on the floor i really gotta go all the way back downstairs hello shrek where is the bathroom you have scammed me excuse me where's the bathroom the bathroom is the first door on your left side there was somebody in it oh my god i gotta go back upstairs they're gonna do the jump scare again okay it's this one they'll let me go in it now it's locked what do you want me to do hello excuse me i really have to pee i mean we only got one bathroom in this entire hotel i really gotta go check with him again hey i said the toilet is behind you oh so here behind me first door on your left this one it's locked oh it's right here maybe i'm just stupid and shrek is a nice helpful fella okay okay i mean i guess you really couldn't hold it huh we're gonna wash our hands no we're disgusting pig i'ma wipe them on the stained sheets thanks buddy took the best dookie of my life and i'm not interacting with shrek anymore uh oh that means bedtime okay nothing unusual i can sleep now finally oh what a relief made it through the night okay day two come back from work hello big guy welcome back what were you doing today if you don't mind me asking just working hard on the new job i have there's not a lot left to buy my new house you know staying five nights at a sketchy motel will save me thousands of dollars to buy a house allegedly nice by the way i have some cleaning stuff to do that i don't have time to do myself that sounds like a good deal nice can you see the boxes on your back please take them upstairs to the first room that's not how shrek talks okay i'm a strong fella bro you go make me do them one by one i really thought i was staying here for free like i really thought nope everything has a price do i put the box here oh okay why do we have axes in the hotel this is not a headboard maybe he just likes collecting axes so we're just gonna do this over and over again [Music] can i just like go to sleep now is that it like the end of the night bedtime or you're going to want to pee again i need to tell shrek that i have done the task oh why like the task is done could you send him a text message or something i have done what you asked well done go and sleep now i'll pay you tomorrow good night oh you're paying me i i thought i was gonna just like sleep here for free but okay cool oh and you go to the bathroom before going up awkwardly walk past track i'm going to use the bathroom now you don't have to give me that look like you know the deal you saw me sticking up the place yeah last night no difference okay it is time for bedtime maybe i got the jump scare first because i looked him in the eye for too long maybe i'm not allowed to look him in the eye i'm just going to shut up and go to sleep now i don't even want to look down that hallway i don't even want to get anything from the vending machine i just want to go to bed okay time to sleep oh good night oh i thought we were going to sleep with we get a cutscene i guess that was a nightmare or maybe a pleasant dream okay shrek hello what's up what's up buddy my pal welcome back how'd you sleep last night not good i had the nightmare last night oh very sorry to hear that i hope you are okay now because i have a new job for you tonight i want you to take the broom from your room you put the boxes in yesterday and start cleaning i said take the room and start cleaning yes sir you know if you don't wander around in scary games and do things that you're not supposed to do it's not so bad it's not as scary you know good thing i'm not exploring and doing things that i shouldn't be doing like taking multiple dumps a day and barging into the other guests rooms where do you want me to clean room service is there anything to clean here no i do not think so sir i have brought you your broom i said take the room and start cleaning clean way here [Applause] okay house clean are you going to make me clean the bathroom oh okay yay i'm basically cleaning up my mess i feel like i oh where did he go he's not here anymore where did shark go there's a key does he want me to meet him in his room i wonder where this key leads to dunky dirty nice is it time for bed like do i have to go to the bathroom or oh there's that locked room right here am i going in here no it's still locked okay don't let me check's in my room he ain't in my room okay whoa feels good uh run and don't look behind you wait i have to play in my dream um oh oh the hallway is longer nice okay i cannot look behind me what if i look behind me what do i look behind me it's a dream he was going at me you said don't look behind me so there was nothing behind me the whole time and he was in front of me oh no why did i wake up during midnight bro go back to sleep just had the worst nightmare ever i can't sleep now why not so you're gonna go downstairs and tell shrek about your horrible nightmare you asking for trouble oh what does that mean don't walk what do you want me to do crawl awesome no it's midnight sir why are you still awake we just had a nightmare again by the way where were you you were gone after i cleaned the toilet is there supposed to be another line of text that i'm missing i'm sorry i had to go do something and i have checked the toilet it was very clean thank you yeah the broom really cleaned the toilet i did a great job go on sleep now it's midnight okay i'll really be getting all my steps in for the day you slept night three time for night four okay shrek oh no looks like we have an electricity problem oh he's looking angry today is everything okay yes yes everything is okay there is just a small issue with lights which will be fixed soon okay is there anything you want me to do for you today no i mean yes oh what do you want are you scared of blood no why are you asking go and take the broom again and clean the mess in the bathroom um okay maybe i should have said i was scared of blood but i mean they didn't give me an option i don't want to see the mess in the bathroom was it that time of the month was it really bad i mean if i'm just using a broom to clean it then then i can't be that bad not a clorox wipe in sight yeah we do things the good old-fashioned way with a broom this place is so sketchy and next time i'm gonna stay at a motel eight oh shrek there's literally like a murder like this is a crime scene bro you just want me to just wipe this guy up like what you want me to do what the frick is going on here i should get out of here now oh he locked me in here okay you know what well where do you want me to mop him into you got a central vacuum what do you want me to do it's not letting me interact should i interact with the toilet so i just flush is your plumbing good enough for me to like flush him down the toilet like what does it look like ketchup dude massacred a burger i mean i said i was gonna clean it so i'ma clean it it's not giving me the option to clean it i would have done it oh dude i said i was gonna clean it i said i was gonna clean it uh oh i'm next oh it's night five this is the last night i must have slept real good through the night what was good i i said i was gonna clean it and you literally like knocked me out bro maybe i do not want to interact with you oh did we like redo the place it looked nice you got a new wallpaper new carpet how long i've been knocked out for let me freaking go you fat green fat green what i'll let you go if you win my challenge collect 40 onions for me or else i will make a rug out of you 40 onions that's all you want bro i run to the store right now i come back you never see me around these streets again you have one minute one minute for 40 onions where the freak am i gonna get 40 onions in one minute bust them out of my bowels move your butt or i'll kill you oh freak um onion 40 second onions where the where is the onion hey where's onion are you gonna spawn me some onion this is just turned into oh there's one i thought it just turned into a game of mario okay we collected onions like it's nobody's business mario with death penalty is there one in this corner i can't see it's too dark [Music] there's too many onions left i have to get like multiple per second i'm not gonna get these the onions are so cute though these are not for eating why must i collect so many onions oh my god there's too many this is impossible this can't be possible this is a fever dream i have failed the green man oh my god they gonna make me do the onion thing again monkey man coming after me no no no no i'm collecting onion i'm collecting onion well my camera died and it was way past my bedtime but anyways that's all for today i hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did make sure to hit that like button in the and make sure you turn on notifications click click and subscribe to the wolf pack i love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 11,785,303
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, shrek, scary game, shrek game
Id: hdGntNG6n4o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 6sec (906 seconds)
Published: Thu May 26 2022
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