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You get five views on your snap started Like I got a social media marketing degree. What do you have? I already know this is gonna bother you guys So as I was perusing the internet, I found some more spoiled b****es for you You know, I'm the type of person that just like keeps all my stuff tangled all my headphones my wires I don't care does not bother me. So I have had numerous complaints So I took the time and Liberty to fix it for you because I'm a good friend. Bro, an hour later That's upgrade my recording software cuz they downgraded the last version so I couldn't record audio So you buy the newer version y'all scumbags? Okay here we got this rich, New York Mom who's complaining to our restaurant? They gave her green peppers instead of red peppers customer: i'm really glad if you wanna be polite to the customer, then you speak english to the customer in america me kids don't eat GREEN THINGS! she's literally over the counter screaming at them like what do you do? If they can't speak English are people really this dumb there are people in America who don't speak English You can't just tell them grow some damn English, okay okay, usually you make with green peppers i ordered it with red peppers what're you gonna do about it? employee:if you want we can make you a new one customer : okay well how long is it gonna take? employee : fifteen minutes. customer: fifteen minutes, i don't have fifteen minutes for youm not to know englishm not to get it right the first time Horrible all of this over a color of a pepper if that ain't firstworldproblems. I don't know what it is this is America and you get it right the first time you get it right the first time Get it, right the first time get it right the first time. Okay. i Wonder if she ever made a mistake in her life, okay Well, you see that started when her dad decided not to wear a condom and that's the Tea. this next girl over here was at an airport and she was very very upset about the $50 baggage fee She said she already paid it online and that she paid it and then she had to pay again and she's complaining I got like literally 56,633 like people watching here right now, bro. We just getting started and she gonna bring out the followers. She's like I got literally 56,000 people watching me right now spoiler alert. That's how many followers she has total and she's like Oh, 56,000 people are watching me right now why you lyin' ? either Give me a refund for the unnecessary charges that you have given me I would like a refund now The woman is obviously working on your issue. She's on the phone. She's calling them She's working hard to make sure your duck gets a refund. But now she just gonna sit here Recording her and she's gonna keep running her mouth. Give me a refund now. Tell them I would like my refund Yeah, you you are more than welcome to see my idea I'm an Italian citizen. You are more than welcome to see my Italian passport. I would love to show you this my passport There you go my password italiana guys Do something American what bro like, why is she being so rude? Nobody gives it if you got an Italian ID? She's like, I'm Italian you can't do anything to me bitch isn't even done anything to you I mean, I've been to the airport. I've gotten really feeling mad been in some awful situations Where American Airlines literally just closed the door in my face? And would not let me on the last flight of the day. I had to buy a $400 hotel ticket last minute and stay there until 4:00 in the morning to take the first flight That was any situation. I didn't even blow up on the people like that this woman trying to get her a refund She's sitting here calling her a bitch, dude Refund me now better not walk off with my passport. That's my possession And I technically could call the cops on right kidding me Ha like you're literally like do you think it's funny when people make fun of you? Would love to kick you out of this Airport that I'm not a man. I Would love to kick you at the club the people start hearing here being rude to the employee for absolutely no reason And he starts to talk back to her and now she picking fights with everybody at the airport like this is awful how are you just gonna sit there and Record somebody like just talking about them while they're trying to fix your issue If I was the girl that looked at you like nah, okay. Here's your ID. You get the hell out of here? I am not refunding you. Why would somebody even work towards refunding her after all the stuff she said? Great like what's going on? I literally made a whole scene. Don't miss me off. I'm like shaking My mom's a dermatologist and my father is a professor of physics It's not about the money you've done it's not about the money I flights out that oh my god She is literally picking fights with Everybody now while she's waiting because people here are giving the employee a hard time now, everybody's trying to start with her My mother's a dermatologist and my dad is a professor. Look at all the people who give up Like what do you want them to say? Oh my god better not with her or her mom might squeeze my blackheads and fix my skin more her father Professor physics. Oh, he would school me better not mess with her. Okay It's about respect and it's about values and is about morals and this airline has got none Know I'm being respectful to myself Yes guys put some respect on that and by Respect I mean spoiled last bet they can have fun being charged an extra 50 bucks on their bags But I won't I won't pay $50 and then an additional $55 this airline didn't even have Wi-Fi. They even have free water They charged me three dollars for an Aquarius water that you can purchase at the 99-cent store DISA Airport I will go to a airport. I'd pay $8 for water. Do I have a choice? Well, yeah, I can go to the water fountain and get water or I could get a water for $8 Nobody's forcing you if you're being charged an extra $55 just when you get home go to dispute it with your bank write them an email But you don't have to cause this whole damn scene over $50 you tell them I paid twice They will gladly refund you. It's not that hard that like you get five like views on your snaps target Like I got a social media marketing degree. What do you have? I bet you didn't have a bachelor's degree guys are high school kids. Oh my god this really called somebody out ID how much snapchat views they get only in 2018 Could somebody wrote somebody based on their views? I bet you get five Snapchat view that like you get five like views on your snap started. This actually came out of somebody's mouth Social media degree like I got a social media marketing degree. What do you have? This is a real thing The only one that's laughing is me and that college what a joke But are you gonna stream you talking about your college when they scammed you out of how many thousand dollars for a social media? Degree, what's next YouTube creator to I'm gonna be famous You guys I'm gonna be famous yeah I'm gonna be famous like oh my god. She's so annoying. This is a real person Literally in the nose like right here Because the husband was like he talked too much and I got in his face I was like don't tell me what I am and who I am and she literally went BAM. No, no right here It happened right here. Everybody saw everybody witness it she's actually Reporting it to the police because somebody punched her in the nose. Oh that sweet sweet fist of karma If you're gonna get up in somebody's face and start screaming at them you 100% deserve to be smacked in the face I would love you to press charges on her and I would like to press charges and spirit for Disrespecting me the entire time. I've been here. She's saying that airline has been disrespecting her this whole time I didn't hear one negative thing come from the airline. It's been her this whole time Like a hard person to handle. I'm just a logical person It's not like a hard person to handle. I'm just a logical person. Okay moving on So this is a towing repo shell South Beach tow. That's what it is. So she tolling somebody's Cadillac Car oh dami jefe was a jefe. What does half a mean my manager look lighting on speak? No Spanish you speak English then you wanna uncle Keith Oh, but I don't know if you understand what the words that are coming out of my mouth, but it's 115 So she $115 why she's towing the car? I mean, what are they gonna do if you just stand in front of the thing like that? I can't do much then go run you over What are you doing? Why is my car being ho yo D cousin anything? I don't know my Digimon. She's my boss Oh, okay. So it's the blonde girls car? Why is she gonna go to hurt you like I need it Why is my car being towed why you park it there? Why don't you go to the person tow in the cars and y'all parked in the lot is closed It's 115 to drop the car or 250 when I get to Tremont. Oh my god, there's like this girl It looks like little way it's great Girl, that looks like Lil Wayne. Yeah. Okay, man. Listen Bernice don't have time for this man Let me get my money. I need up pay the girl like this is ridiculous money Nano sent you what he's thought than anything my mom just gave you $200 cash this morning, then your teeth. I know so let me think. I'm not 200 per week. What is this? Rich girl over here. It's like I need to pay her my mom gave you money, but the money is like hers for working What you just went shopping you got a hell of money. Why don't you pay up? You know why? My daddy will send you a one-way ticket back to Ecuador like oh my god I am from Colombia are there really people like this that have money that are gonna be that cheap and that Entitled really you thinking you can speak to me like that. He's my your own home I need I can't eat. What are you doing? She quit now you got a maid and your car is getting towed sweet sweet Instant Karma Okay, she got a good so somebody is hollow spoiled and entitled I feel like this is the best thing you can do for them. They need a reality check and buy a reality check I mean for somebody to knock their head into the pavement, but anyways, that's all for today I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you want a part to make sure you hit that like button the and comment below Which one was the worst and make sure you subscribe to the old pack? Well, I love you guys so much. Thanks watching. Bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 14,487,921
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, spoiled girl, spoiled, girl
Id: PYrdIm1IU9U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 12sec (732 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 16 2018
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