Genius Inventions And Gadgets You've Never Seen Before

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hello friends it's me today we're checking out some really cool inventions that is a dangerous game you're playing that looks slippery hey y'all they're gonna fall non-slip oh they weren't kidding they really made non-slip shoes how is this possible you can now trample through a liquid incline and these are kind of like next level i'm amazed is that a lightsaber it really is it is not complete yet y'all are gonna have to wait a few more years are you telling me there's gonna be lightsabers in my lifetime i need to see this happen i grew up with water guns next generation gets to grow up with lightsabers not fair so i don't know if you guys have this problem too but every time i try to listen to music in the shower i can never find a place that my phone stays still or dry at the same time and even when it seems to work out it doesn't stay still for long enough bro you better stop before i call applecare for abusing your phone how many times you gonna drop it before the whole thing shatters so he 3d printed this device well you just slide on your shower door put your phone in after all that iphone torture just put it in jail and force it to play music while you shower torture device no no no no apple peeler this seam is very inefficient i rather just take a knife and just i mean with a knife there's a greater chance of hurting myself oh wait it's not just a peeler it's a spiraler it's made a spiral out of an apple and it takes out the core okay you know what sign me up this is lit i would eat more apples if they look like that but i like the apple skin that's where the fiber's at what is she clipping onto her hair are those jewels jewels and you could just like clip them onto your hair it's like bling for your hair why have i never heard of this so they're just like rhinestones and then you have a bedazzler and it just sticks how do you get it off is it like sticky like a sticker like a hair sticker oh my goodness this looks gorgeous it's so fun you know back in the day we had a bedazzler you could like bedazzle your clothes your shoes your socks but your hair it looks magical 10 out of 10 purchase random amazon finds it just slap this tape looks like regular tape but it sticks only to itself and nothing else it's stretchy reusable and perfect for organizing loose items like charging cables playing cards and even arts and craft supplies tape that only sticks to itself but like is it sticky imagine if it's not sticky but it knows to stick to itself that's kind of crazy it's much better than rubber bands and zip ties plus it doesn't leave any residue like regular tape is it like plastic wrap plastic wrap isn't sticky but plastic wrap like sticks to itself and other surfaces so they made like plastic wrap tape is my guess i don't know that's pretty neato though after 420 prototypes i finally created the world's first reusable water balloon oh so you just fill them up with water it takes less than three seconds just dip them in the water and then oh these are genius they're called aqua balls i mean that's what they are but do they hurt as much as water balloons will my opponents suffer the same fate you know the worst thing about water balloon fights is that you gotta clean up all the rubber after but with this you just pick it up and reuse it genius things i didn't know existed until my girlfriend bought it this is an automatic can opener i do not trust these things i like the good old manual one but you just pop this on top of any can it doesn't matter what shape it is here's a rectangular one i mean it has a tab that you can pull off for a reason and then i might just try it out they can open any shape weird even after seeing it in action i still don't trust it you have to put batteries in it i feel like there is a chance that it will malfunction and it's like what is the point when i can grab a normal can opener and just there's no problem sometimes i just don't trust technology stuff on amazon you might actually need this is a laundry turtle and all you have to do is just place it in the laundry when the laundry is dry rotate it around and then you can easily take it out without having to put your whole arms in and most likely lose the stock once you're done you can easily fold it up and store it out of the way what that's sick i take all the laundry and i just like throw it out onto the ground and then i just fold it on the ground but if you have to pick it up and take it somewhere i feel like it's not gonna get everything there is a chance you will lose a sock or two but now he got everything in one fell swoop now i would not easily fold it and store it out of the way because i'd be doing laundry every other day okay this is pretty neat though i didn't even know this thing existed be putting the dollar store laundry baskets out of business what is this funny beetle looking device oh it removes your boots it's called a beetle boot jack and you basically step on it to remove your boots this whole time i've been asking my friends to take my boots off can you pull these off when there was a device for it i will be purchasing one i saw this on tick tock somebody has a real life jet pack like they exist it straight out of advanced warfare go ahead try it out oh he's flying over the water okay now do a flip it's actually working no way he got on the boat what okay that's sick now put on an iron man suit best invention ever typically if you have a dirty glass this is what they got at starbucks for the baristas to quickly clean everything you just put the dirty glasses over the device and it blasts them with water clean cup this dude unzipped a hidden pocket hey yo what is that please don't tell me this is a portable toilet brother's just gonna squat down in the middle of the street corner no wait is that a dog did you just put a dog in there why would you let a dog in there i thought he was just gonna like let it rip why'd you put the dog in there free him he can't breathe literally trap them next door to your fart box i don't know who thought this adult diaper looking luggage was a good idea they got self robots now okay but let's see what he can actually do i thought he was gonna make a perfect circle but nope even the robot couldn't do it it's trying to bear no it's a piggy this is what you humans look like to me have you ever seen a human draw like this with two hands just i think he's onto something a portable fan y'all brought it to the lake for what you can put water directly in the fan and it'll blow cold air at you all right i don't know why all fans aren't built like this it's like if you put water in it you will be even cooler a fan companies listen up put some water with the air it blows cool air haven't y'all watched frozen start taking notes hey where was this when i was a kid so you paint your nails and then put it through this funny little guy who looks like that one pokemon chansey mother always warned me about putting fingers in holes but if you put your finger in this hole you get a little stamp on your nail all right pretty neato don't you hate when you open the yogurt there's so much stuff stuck on the lead no i actually don't mind it at all usually the yogurt that's on the lid is hard and it tastes significantly better than the rest of the yogurt in the cup so i like licking the yogurt off the lid but anyways in korea they made a yogurt phobic lid no that means no matter how much the yogurt touches the lid it will not stick even if you put it upside down shake it up a little bit it's not gonna stick there's not gonna be a single drop of there you have it not a single drop of yogurt was it really that much of an issue like we got hundreds or thousands of karen complaining on the daily that some of their yogurt has been stuck to their lid and they're like okay we will devote all our time and resources to making a yogurt repellent lid and they did nice it is boring when we poop so i made a fitness toilet are you bored when you poop i got my phone i'd be scrolling through tick tocks now i'm having a great time do some people just stare at the wall like wow i'm so bored when will this pain and suffering be over anyways they made a fitness toilet you need to pull hard to get it right it can not only exercise our body but also bring us fun oh no you're playing a dangerous game here you're sitting on the toilet waiting for the poop to drop but the toilet is like moving away so you have to time it perfectly like pull the rope make sure your hole is aligned with the toilet hole and then let it drop i'm have to pass on this one tell me you're lazy without telling me you're lazy i have programmed this robot slave to press the backspace every minute so i constantly show as online they made a robot slave so i could sit here and watch tv while the teachers think i'm online doing my homework like a good diligent student kind of smart though omg where was this when i almost swallowed a bug it closes your lid wait how did it close the can you just slide it onto the lid and then rotate it closes the hole so if you'd like to sippy sip your drink you cannot just chug the whole thing in a few seconds it'll protect you from things getting inside your drink i always be walking around like this with my hand over the top of my drink until i finish it i think it's more efficient than remembering to bring a whole device to seal my drink with let's be real i'll probably forget it on the can and then just end up throwing it away and i'm like oh now my bottle topper this bed is so cool what's it made of it's like a stuffed animal upholstered bed it's like a noodle box so you can choose to sleep with the walls up or the walls down what's the point of even having it down just leave it up we'll feel like you're asleep in a cup of noodles i would feel so safe no fear of rolling off the bed no monsters they will not be able to get you you are safe in this bed but anyways that's all for today i hope you guys enjoyed this video comment below which one of these was the coolest one and if you guys enjoyed make sure to hit that like button and make sure you turn on notifications click click and i just released some new merch we got hoodies shirts tank tops at og i'll link it below and subscribe to the wolf pack i love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 11,369,403
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, inventions, diy, genius inventions, ideas, genius inventions you didnt know existed, gadgets
Id: dh9Nj9GpNmw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 13sec (613 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 17 2022
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