SPOILED GIRL Gets a LAMBO for her Birthday...

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hello friends we are here today because I have found the absolute worst most spoiled child yet like y'all remember this girl I'm young I love to shop and let go ow I love to buy nice thank me and I gave it a very much she was spoiled no y'all remember this girl I need my G Wagen there's no question I need it my mom was buying a Bentley for herself why can't I get a G Wagen she wanted a G Wagon and she got her G Wagon but now we got this girl who wants a lamborghini aventador she won a half a million dollar car from her parents Jasmine's 16th birthday got her little Lambo she wanted an Aventador but it sure did get some older and like a Countach to start with so let's go surprise okay so you know the irony of this whole video before we even start keep in mind a Lambo Countach koonta Countach I always thought it was Kunta Natasha is a very expensive car shall we mosey on down oh my god a used one cost as much or even more than a brand new Lambo bro a brand new Aventador cost like four to five hundred K this old Lambo used from the 80s cause about the same like this is a very rare car it's jazzy do you have a second honestly me in the morning before I've had my breakfast like excuse me Father you've disrupted the ogress from her bowl of oatmeal you know how you're peeing too much free birthday pom his kids like this we bought you something but the shipping company was late yes like um my kind of give it away okay I'm ready I figure this is hello fishy like does anybody gonna really act like this like she's 16 years old part daddy damn lights with new car keys you got least show some enthusiasm imagine if you're 16 and your parents just got you a new car you asked for a Lambo and your parents told you they got you a car you're gonna be like busting out port and idea zoos all the way to the door but no she just like yeah a new father will get me a car and he got me it like da already I'm like I'm grateful yeah mom knows a bit you gotta go out backwards happy we so chill about like oh there's my car outside of the driveway for me I will be hella saying like peeking through the windows oh my god I will run outside before I even said anything but now she's just like I'm tired almost all the time but never this tired that I wouldn't be excited for our car and my first car you know that's exciting those are the dates that I could actually feel excitement I don't feel it anymore it's weird I don't know what it is but like growing up or whatever I don't know it's sad just a little buddy turn around what what is that what's it's your car my laughs what a face man her faces what is that if you want a dumb little B word you would know what that is what is that looks it's your car that's not ya know you wanted a Lamborghini soon all right Aventador what is that means bien but I'm just saying it how it is her parents don't look like they're loaded unless you live in LA or New York an Aventador is gonna cost more than your house like how you gonna ask your parents for an Aventador when they're probably making a Corolla money I don't mean that to be a lie guys but you can't ask your parents for a $500,000 car unless your parents are millionaires or billionaires it's just not gonna happen you're setting yourself up for disappointment if you want to limbus a bad wound she'd just be a youtuber ha how old is it it's not even new is it oh my god and I wanted it white oh my god she wanted it why she wanted an Aventador and white something tells me if you got her a red Aventador brand new she's still want to complain about it because it's not white this car it's a beautiful classic car I mean that just annoys the hell out of me like that car is beautiful it's very rare it's expensive as hell I don't know where her and I got this offer from but I would be so happy man I would have been happy if my parents got me any car I didn't care I wanted something with four wheels that would take me from point A to point B I didn't care I just learned to drive I didn't get a car until I was like 20 years old couldn't even get one thing well I wanted it look why I'm come with it look at white look at what is 16 Aventador no you hadn't get me freaking dinosaurs in the 1900s a good cars the dinosaur from the 1920s this is the car from the 1920s I mean it could have been worse you could have got you a Saturn there really fast has it b12 come look what does that even mean well ah haha she wants a Lambo but doesn't know what a v12 is literally what is the point why the more I watch this is like the faker it get it's like I can't believe somebody is actually this dama well looks like engine stays fine you're taking this back okay we'll just rappers are gonna make fun of me this is trash so what makes fun of you no that's really cool look I know they have like nice Ferraris but this is a really in the middle of farm bill act away my friends all Ferraris laugh at me look what I was figuring is you could learn to drive on this and then when you're you're comfortable with it we'll get you an Aventador okay go get in and go get in open the door the condition of my car immaculate it's so nice some youngsters they can't appreciate the good things well I know but the red and tan is like a really really popular is iconic I just have red Mustang with tan interior okay red red and tan is a really popular color combo from yeah you got one thing right you'll get you'll get a lot of attention you don't get made fun of I can't believe your dad right now like I want to smack that girl across the face when she said that single look at dinosaur oh okay you know what you could wha take your bike this is mine I'm gonna drive it now you can save up for a car you ungrateful little bit I can't fathom yes we bringing out the big words how hard father is acting right now like just so calmly still convincing her like this is a great car you're not going to be made fun of it's a very popular color combo it's a classic it's gotta be 12 it's fast you will like it you'll learn how to drive it some people wear a spanked as a kid and it really shows lift it up there you go it's even got the Lambo doors can you really complain get in it like try and start it something come on girl you live on a damn farm you should be right in a horse but no daddy actually got you a Lambo and she taught me so much anyone gonna get in it like the disrespect that's when you know you done messed up as a parent throw the whole child away it's never too late to say Gita's to the fetus okay you'll like it it's fun they're fun to drive I drove it a little bit how far did you drive it dad okay maybe 200 oh my god he drove hella far to get this car she looking at the mileage I specifically asked for a brand new Aventador under 20 miles you couldn't even get 120 miles in under 50 miles if you buy it from the dealer like you buy a brand new car ain't gonna come with 20 miles no no you don't like it no well okay how about you just try it try it for a little while you don't have your license yet so just learn on it and then once you learn how to drive this then don't get like an Aventador it's hard to tell if the dad is trolling or not like you know just let me drive and then we'll buy you an Aventador like are you for real are you for real going to buy this spoiled little girl a $400,000 car excuse me sir are you stupid is something wrong literally buy another house with that money throw out the child away then you won't have to deal with this you'll have your car and you can buy yourself an Aventador one day this is insane I need it by the end of Christmas break dad Wow I thought you'd like this no you said Lambo yeah but this is pretty good whatever this is it scoot - this is like an icon from wind oh my god if this little girl would just pull out her phone Google this car real quick this videos driving me insane like I I can't believe it I can't believe this is real and it kind of got the eighties eyebrows going on there Oh Rose dead man small-time I thought Danny was a he's roasted her entire existence you don't mess with a girl's eyebrows okay give me the wrong part and then you my eyebrows why does he keep doing that I've got my Kylie lip kit on my lip so dry just try it No can I have it then no we're supposed to burn it this is trash earlier I kept for this bird it is I'm not gonna be like bro got out of this car this past me like 300k if I can't have it no one can like I feel like the concept of money does not exist to this girl she need to go to work y'all need to make her get a job you know even if it's like cleaning horse dung out of the stable or whatever the neighbors are looking at the neighbors are looking at you Wow if you had a Lambo Aventador the neighbors would look at you - are you trying to embarrass me okay we'll return it how about a like an Audi like an r8 those are cool I'm so done whose girl I bet you don't even know what it is Christian Grey from Fifty Shades of Grey got an Audi r8 everyone wants an Audi r8 okay she looks a little basic so just get like a Corolla or something play I'm get it this car is just it's way too good for her that is a cool daddy it's even worse than this well there goes any future Audi partnerships out the window for you honey your future is canceled it's a box on wheels all right electron Aventador they yeah and I want it by the end of Christmas break because I'm not going to school in this okay I saw I thought a nice pink one on the DuPont registry pink no I told you I wanted a white white white okay sorry he's gonna apologize oh my god hey does man Oh how was her dad she ain't got no car she walk into school every day I don't care how cold it is she won't get a job at your local McDonald's or Taco Bell and she can't kick down on 18th birthday we need to fix it oh okay I'll fix it can I keep this one though no I'll keep this one for me so his Aunt Becky the one giving them all this money she's like I'll live it Aunt Becky okay I'll be like okay bye you know why is he gonna be ungrateful you can go beyond grateful with Aunt Becky ain't nobody gonna miss you and that's it and I really really really would like to know if Jazmin got hurt that's the door dance oh I'm looking it up and people are like it's a car kit it's not a real car that car cost more than their house and they have a tourist in the background maybe they rented it was it a fake prank we'll never know all I hope is Jazmin never gets her ventured or finalized that's all for today I hope you guys enjoyed this video of this girl's more spoiled than you'll ever be make sure you hit that like button and comment below your dream car if you had infinite money what would you buy and make sure you subscribe to the wolfpack y upload new videos every single day I love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys [Music]
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 16,774,619
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, spoiled, girl, spoiled girl, spoiled kids
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 29sec (749 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 15 2019
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