Funny Tik Toks I Watch On The Toilet

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Hello friends it's me I don't know how they can call it a restroom when I've been fighting for my life the past few hours but I did find some tick tocks to show you apparently if you can touch your elbows together you're flat oh no oh The Forbidden clap also ladies don't do it it's a trap trap she doesn't have an eyeliner tutorial right the palettes go for a makeup tutorial to summoning a demon I'm terrified of this when you get the eyeliner pen and then even if a little bit gets in your eye you blink and then it spreads into your entire eye and the next thing you know you're strapped to the bed and mother's calling the church every time I turn my back I don't even understand French what's her hair she dyed her hair to look like a dang weather map you know let me pause this video and give you today's forecast oh God got two sausages on her face column lips oh and we're gonna need a whole entire Paint Bucket to fill these bad boys oh juicy but why she look like her lips bricked up you know one makeup application is the whole entire tube of lip gloss like does she have to be careful around Forks could she safely put a fork around her mouth without just I feel like it is just one fork poke away from deflating hahaha you go from hahaha real quick oh the tables have turned a balloon for every occasion so if he tells you anything different he's a liar and a snake oh she just launched it out I would literally dying so if he tells you anything different he's a liar and a snake just smack them across the street also is this audio from Euphoria I have not watched it yet but every time I hear this voice I'm like this sounds like somebody in Euphoria I don't know how to explain it it's like how I heard Alana Del Rey song for the first time and then I didn't know it was Lana Del Rey but I guessed it was Lana Del Rey and it was because it sounded like it would be her even though I've never heard her is that called intuition I don't know maybe I'm flexing too hard he cracking an egg we gonna cook it on the car oh where did he just went in the engine I slid right in never to be found again check the exhaust hole hello how are you you're being hacked at the moment don't worry the kid actually fell for it like if I end this right now I can't be hacked because you know I'm not supposed to be on Omegle anyway Hey There Brother do you have time to talk about Jesus Christ today oh you're dead okay well you have yourself a blessed day Okay YouTube she said you deaf oh you're dead also how did he hear her knock on the door okay she just woke up with 12 missed calls and 15 texts from their EX my ex Stephen please take me back I miss you we can work things I was like wait a second anyway Steven she sounds very humble and sincere I am asking that you take her back I just found out thank you for nothing is mean I thought you were supposed to say it when someone tries to help you but it doesn't work out can I borrow a pencil I'm sorry I don't have a pencil it's okay thank you for nothing I I didn't know it was mean I've said that to so many people great congratulations that they probably think you're a big butthole I get where she from but yeah like thanks for nothing you did nothing to benefit me it's always used in a sarcastic manner never in like a oh what's up what sounds for nothing you're supposed to say thanks anyway oh [Music] is that all it takes I can't believe I've been using the dropper this whole time where I gotta just pour the entire bottle in that ain't no Visine that's holy water oh man what I feel like doing after seeing some nasty stuff on the internet so the first one you get is gonna hunt you and the second monster you get is Gonna Come save you give me some weed please oh okay that's easy class we're gonna protect me yeah yeah I'm safe all right your turn smash [Laughter] King Kong Smash down bad for a monkey this gotta be worse than people smashing their past and Disney characters stop now no time Grandma chill people handle their grief differently Grandma finds peace and shrieking oh is that a crab it doesn't even look real it's covered oh oh what the you see what it just did it brought his eyes down to wipe them like those claws put the little windshield wiper oh it's just so tiny and cute both of y'all cannot fit on that those I thought the whole thing was gonna collapse what the heck decapitated the horse me kicking my cat out of the room at 3am open the door or I'm gonna throw rocks through your windows you dumb sleep with cat like you gotta kick them out they're not like dogs they're disrespectful they don't care if you're asleep I think I'll be jumping all around the place just because you asleep doesn't mean I have to be asleep dogs are different human is asleep oh I guess it's time for me to sleep too we're cats at 3am [Music] okay all right y'all what is it [Music] hey wait that's not a stomach the baby where are you also y'all having a the baby's stretching readjusting you know stretching his feet out trying to get comfy pregnancy scares me when I'm cashiering and I see apparently their kid in the line alone better hurry I'm gonna check out everything really fast I don't care how old you are if your mom doesn't come back in time you're gonna have to pay for all of this you don't have money yes you're not getting your groceries guess I have to start getting the next person you are an evil person how to give children anxiety excellent I thought he was singing when I woke up but he was snoring [Music] oh anybody snoring like that around me I'm waking them up unless it's my dad oh my god when you gotta share a hotel room with your parents and you gotta listen to your dad snore all night and you can say or do nothing except get so angry you start crying hard-working duck look at him go to squeeze the lemon the music is perfect too if somebody give him a raise he's the only one doing any work around here no wait oh no oh no I know I know just kidding good thing I'm skinny skinny oh that's a skinny privilege you walk past few people easily slide right through that doesn't even look real is this edited was this the proof that she's not photoshopped or something because this does not look real she looked like a one-piece character me deleting an app on my home screen all the other apps no very annoying and then I go slide one to the next page and I'm like no wait go back to first page I need you on the first page also why they gotta vibrate oh human basketball I was not expecting the basketball to stand up grow some legs and I have evolved I am no longer bald step one grow legs step two enslave the human race when subtitles say people speaking in another language that's a really good point Diane thank you so much for bringing that up thank you you know I'm not a genius or anything but the whole kind of subtitles is to know what they're saying people speaking in another language like you know what I'm saying yeah I got that part but what are they actually saying I'm missing a very valuable piece of information in this movie I can't believe I accidentally did this on live TV on the job or something like how you gonna go into news and just be like honestly I would do the same it's just so unprofessional gen Z given the news y'all gonna do an intro too like hey what's up with your girl on the weather forecast today some body oh she saved that baby quick you know good thing the song started playing so she can catch the baby before the Beat Drops some body how did that even happen that paper just was like bye oh and go get it cannot do simply not fluffy enough it's giving the worm from Bug's Life oh this guy I love this guy he was a delightful shape this Gap right here because of that I'm able to tell that this car's been in an accident but oh well you don't say you know thanks for the advice next time I buy a car I'm gonna check the fender you know just in case you take one look at this and I was like oh it's a little deconstructed but it's okay drive's great we'll get you from point A to point B car is car [Music] no do you know what that is I watched another stick talk they said the foam on the beach that's whale sperm whale sperm sperm of a whale and you got hit frolicking in it like that was so fluffy it's like a clown I wonder why nobody's touching it your dog is literally covered I'm not gonna say it again hey I would have ran too like what was that you think the guy is blind I would be running too have you not seen shows like this like parasite like somebody fall into the flip like this I'm assuming the demon has taken possession of their body not a prank a heck yeah POV your sister made cookies why are they so hard oh they let that grease stain oh those are the worst cookies the worst the hard ones you call this fresh baked can deflect the bullet with these bad boys but anyways that's all for today I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did make sure to hit that like button in the and make sure you turn on notifications click click and subscribe to the wolf pack oh I love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 11,562,978
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, tiktok, tik tok, tik toks, tiktok meme, funniest tik toks, tik toks worth watching, memes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 20sec (680 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 05 2022
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