Splitting Audio In OBS Has NEVER BEEN EASIER!

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hey yo duckies andy lippy here have you ever been so frustrated in obs when you're wanting to separate all your audio you know from your game you've got i don't know something on google chrome like a youtube tab open or something like that and then you've got your music on in the background and all these different applications discord and you want to separate all the audio you've been using stuff like voicemeeter or i've been using asio link pro well there's actually a plugin that works directly inside of obs i've been wanting to make this video for quite a while but my audio set up our pc has been absolutely crazy i even installing this run into a few issues so i want to make sure you guys don't run into any issues it's super easy to get working all right let's get into it put your rocket for the stone let's go [Music] this portion of the video is sponsored by owned pro owned pro is your all-in-one solution for stream management the free plan is packed full of features such as copyright free music which is crazy with the pro plan you can get unlimited access to 600 plus overlays which install directly into obs with a single click it's super easy you can even save yourself 50 off using my code and the 50 pro and each purchase will support the channel as well i'll leave all the links down in the description thank you very much cookies so the plugin that we're going to be looking at today is wind capture audio it actually came out a little while ago like i say i've been wanting to make this video for a bit um created by buzzfest honestly this plugin is amazing it makes everything so straightforward from an audio perspective like i've not run into any issue since using it and controlling my audio has never been better honestly it is so amazing i'm going to show you a couple of tricks with this as well so let's get it downloaded and installed what you need to do is just head on over to the obs forum page i'll leave the link in the description i'm going to press go to download and this is going to open up um github so this is only available for windows right now hence when capture audio because it's only using windows and this basically taps in to your windows audio uh software so you know when you go down to your little uh your little section down here and you can see all your windows devices and then even if you right click and go to like say volume mixer you can see all the different things that are actually on your mixer at the moment so if you've got like a tab that's got music on it basically anything that windows can register inside of its own system should work on this okay don't hold me to that because it might be a little bit different so basically it's just taking advantage of what windows does and you know how you can actually split your audio as well so if we go to sound settings and open this up you'll probably see that you can actually manage all your sound devices and app volume and everything like that so if we go to that you can see how you can route all your audio around your computer for each different kind of program basically this is going to work but just inside of obs so let's get it installed so i'd always recommend using the exe to download and install it all you need to do is download the exe and go next next next you know how it is point to the location of where yours is installed i'm gonna download the zip uh for now and show you where to install it manually we can open that file up and that will actually have two folders in it this data and obs plugins we're just gonna copy both of them so we can copy and then you just need to go to where obs is installed so it's usually in your c drive and then either in program files or program files 86 minus in program files and it's obs studio or lowercase and you can just paste it in there like i say i do recommend using the exes when installing plugins but if you use multiple versions of obs like me you'll have to know how to manually install okay once that's done we can open up obs so i've got a blank obs just here i'm going to open up a couple of different programs to show you the audio working okay so i'm going to use discord as an example and i'm also going to use a youtube tab so now i've got youtube and discord open i'm going to go to my settings in discord so i can actually set up a loopback so you can actually test if the audio is working so my input device is just on um default and my output's default as well i'm going to press let's check and now this is checking my microphone to make sure it's working but that's actually playing through my speakers at the same time so now in obs i can actually start adding these sources manually so if i go to the plus sign on sources and we'll add in application audio output capture if you're not seeing that it means you've not installed the plugin correctly okay so go back a few steps get it installed and then open that up and i'm going to call this one uh we'll call it google chrome for now because i'm that's what i'm gonna be using for this press okay and if you've used the um the window capture uh source you will have seen this kind of thing previously uh this is basically what you want to capture audio wise usually the defaults like this are absolutely fine you'll know whether or not you need to change it for what you are using it's just all about how it matches what's open so if it's a certain website and things like that then you can make it only match when that's on uh different things like that but normally i just have mine split up anything in chrome anything in like discord anything in any other audio software as well and i'll post it through there so this one's gonna be google chrome so i can see chrome.exe runaway widow is being played just there on youtube i'm going to select that and you can see it's coming through already you're not going to hear that on the video uh for obvious reasons i just didn't want it to blow blow your brains out so i'm going to press ok and you'll be able to see that this is actually google chrome i can turn this up and down there's no other audio coming through there okay so i can add in another source now doing the same thing we add an application audio output capture and this time i'm going to call it discord and then we're going to capture a specific window this is exactly the same for if it's a game as well like if you've got an exe of a game open you can do the exact same thing so i'm going to select discord and you'll probably see every time that i'm actually talking you'll see that this is going up and down if i go silent you can see that google chrome is still playing in the background so right now it's took me two minutes and i've separated discord and google chrome so that's pretty much all there is to that plugin pretty much anything that's inside of windows and it's being captured by windows you can put directly into obs and split it and to be honest that barely any latency it's really really useful there are a few limitations like if you're say using some music software or something like that like a digital audio workstation uh a dar uh you'll basically know what that well hopefully you'll know that it might use like asio and stuff like that depending on the drivers and how audio is rooted in your select program but if you obviously know about that you should know that that is going to work and you should know a little bit about rooting audio around your computer and that's the only limitations that i've kind of found at the moment if there's any applications that you've noticed that don't work please let me know in the comments below uh as well and obviously feed it back to the developers too but i'll show you a cheeky little uh secret that i kind of learn from by accident so a really useful thing about uh voicemeeter is that you can have different audio levels for you and the stream really easy on little audio sliders but say if i put this on maximum this google chrome one i'm just going to mute the discord one for now so you can see it's on here but if i say turn it up by going to my volume mixer if i turn this up and down this is my output of it it's actually turning it up and down on here as well as you can see which we don't want so if i turn that to zero because i want to mute it for instance the stream can't hear it now so i'm going to leave it on max and i'm going to show you a cheeky little hint so this is why i left all my voicemeeter cables installed because i can change my output to something i'm not using like voice meter input for instance i'm not using it for anything at all so i'm going to select that and then now if i turn my speakers up i can't hear anything coming through at all so what i can do is use exceljo's audio monitor plugin so if i go to this little card here on the audio i want to put it on and go to filters i can add the audio monitor plugin like so press ok and then the output i can send it anywhere i want so i can send it to my speakers and then now you'll be able to hear that a little bit so i can turn that up and down here and you'll see as i turn that up and down it's not affecting the stream's audio but this is actually affecting my monitor of it and it's not that let's barely any delay it's really really useful and you can obviously put that into its own mixer as well which is really cool so if i close that uh right click and i can add in a audio monitor like so put this down here and i can have it wherever i want doc here i've done a full video on the audio monitor plug-in which we have to have a look at as well so you can see now i've got my monitor here which as i turn up and down it's not affecting the stream the stream can have a different audio as well but the way that that is working is we have to make sure it's not being doubled up by changing the output if that makes sense and you can do that across all of your things that you want to monitor and it means that you can have completely different audio levels to your stream and it's all just directly inside of obs no other third party software and things like that you just have to have obs open which is super useful and then even if you've not got obs open i used to find problems with voicemeeter sometimes and monitoring but all i got to do is change my output device back to my default output device so when we go down here i can just change it back to my default device which is my speakers and then that's it everything goes back through the speakers easy as that so it's so good such a great plug-in so make sure you do leave a review for buzz bears on there alright guys if you do have any questions i do reply to all comments on the youtube channel so just fire them down below if you want to support me then consider joining patreon or channel members just here all right and yeah i'll see you in the next one all right pretty rock with the stone much love i just want to say a huge thanks to all my patrons that help make this content full-time make it free for you guys and also a huge thanks to all my youtube members you you guys are legends thank you so much for everything that you do for me and the community keep it up guys [Music] you
Channel: Andilippi
Views: 1,976
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Andilippi, Andi Stone, stream aid, stream doctor, obs audio, obs audio settings, obs audio settings for streaming, obs audio settings for recording, obs audio filters, obs audio problems, obs audio mixer, obs audio input capture not working, obs audio setup, obs audio monitor plugin, obs audio plugins, obs split audio, obs split audio tracks, obs split audio sources, obs split audio discord, obs split audio recording, split audio, how to split audio in obs studio
Id: EqG6YupZQ-I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 15sec (675 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 16 2021
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