It's Time To Move To OBS... NOW! - Streamlabs Fail... AGAIN!

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so i wasn't expecting to wake up and see that on twitter this morning let's talk about [Music] it hey yo duckies andy lippiers so yeah streamlabs is trending all over twitter all the stories are coming out it's absolute popcorn material get sat there i'm not gonna go into all the different tweets uh just because there are so many just go search streamlabs it's beautiful if you wanna chuckle it is crazy the amount of shenanigans that has been and is going on so here on the channel i've always kind of spoke well about third parties and i always believe that there is a reason for each piece of software and stuff like that but streamlabs has never been really one of those things that i've ever tried to support just because i've always tried getting people to move to obs because stream love is so locked down it's all about making money over there and all these different things are behind paywalls that are really like bro that should be free a lot of their wording on products and stuff like making it prime like making you feel like it's connected with amazon and stuff like that when it definitely isn't they are very sneaky when it comes to advertising tactics for instance if you just google obs their ad comes up before obs mind blown basically the thing that got all this started was a new product that streamlabs were creating well new products uh this is something that livestream has been doing for a long time this is everything that live stream focuses on this is making console streams better by adding overlays alerts and everything like that and they dropped a cheeky little tweet as you can see here and yes both of these websites look exactly the same the product is exactly the same but streamlabs does it again copies pace and you can clearly see it on this website i mean look right down at the bottom look right down at the bottom read those read those reviews that is crazy that is literally copy paste and their little comeback to this was uh we we made a mistake text online page was placeholder text and it went into production by error but this isn't the first time that they've done something dodgy like this this actually got obs to uh quote the the tweet and actually put something that i never knew i always thought obs and streamlabs had um not necessarily a healthy uh relationship but just above board relationship but look at this near launch of slobs streamlabs reached out to us about using the obs name bearing in mind i just want to shout out obs stands for open broadcasting software what about streamlabs obs is open can you just answer that for me okay we kindly asked them not to they did so anyway and followed up by filing a trademark that is insane just take the name and then trademark it why not all the guys at obs create obs for free they never ask for a penny obviously you can go and support them on patreon all the different ways to support github you guys should know your money is well spent supporting some genuine content creators that are giving everything away for free sounds like stuff i do on this channel like you don't need to pay to get a premium product at all everything is available especially for streamers like we want to make the best content creators out there why would we charge them a ton to do something they love doing it i don't agree with it and that's exactly what obs do it is crazy this is literally sent everything huge on twitter you've got some big big people dropping in on their big streamers pokemans thinking like yo you need to start sorting this out otherwise you're taking my face off your website just go and look through all the tweets that's pretty much what is going on there is a lot of other shady things that have been going on in the past with streamlabs but i don't want to make this video all doom and gloom and negative i actually want to welcome new streamers to obs so obs is kind of like my bread and butter on this channel i want to teach people how to elevate their streams take them to the next level there's literally like 260 videos at the moment on this channel that are dedicated to making your streams awesome and none of them are focused around streamlabs maybe one and that's me trying to convert people from streamlabs to obs so if you do need to help moving all your scenes and everything across to obs i'm going to leave that video down in the bottom and also probably bring it up there that's if i'm actually not going to be lazy when i'm editing this so there are a lot of benefits of moving from streamlabs obs to obs and some of them are so in your face and huge and i cannot believe they've not been a part of streamlabs like they are so important to everybody's streams biggest one plugins the fact that you can use plug-ins we talk about them a lot on this channel the move transition plug-in literally the best plug-in stream effects plug-in literally the other best plug-in there's a lot of best plug-ins because literally i don't know how i use obs without them at all shady filter crazy there are so many things out there your world is about to get absolutely blown wide open a lot of people used to think it was quite complicated but again you've got tutorials here you've got loads of content creators out there for resources and guess what every single one is free utilize that information it's free there are other benefits as well such as the program using less resources on your computer and also the support center is so good like there are so many people out there that are using this software they're all like-minded creators that want to help each other you can jump into the obs forums you can jump into my discord there's loads of people in there that want to help you jump in the stream up discord the obs discord you see you see what i'm saying here all these tools and services are free we're here to help each other and obviously there are even more out there more benefits and the biggest one probably is the fact that it's open source and obs team have got nothing to hide they're there everything they wear their heart on the sleeve they tell you what they're thinking they just add as many features as they can and remember these guys do it for free obviously with streamlabs there are a lot of other services that they add in there which they've copied and pasted from other companies out there as well luckily you've got plenty of people like stream elements for example whenever i first started streaming i preferred stream elements over streamlabs and that was just because they looked more of a genuine company and the beautiful thing is a lot of you are probably saying like yeah but the stream elements have got an ob obs as well no they actually worked hand-in-hand with obs just to create a plug-in basically that's all that obs dot live is it's basically a plugin for stream elements to add their ui and different elements into obs to make it easier for you creators and obs we're cool with that so you can obviously use your alerts and everything like that you can also easily convert your alerts from streamlabs over to stream elements it's super easy to do stream elements i've got a tool over there uh if i can find a nice tutorial i've not done one myself but i will leave a link down in the description below on one that i do recommend as well and not are you just moving over to obs you're actually opening yourself up to more third-party products that are free may i add to support your stream you've got things like the aurora board we talk about that tone on this channel streamer bot again another tool that we talk about ton literally gives you full control over every single thing that goes on on your stream and make it more interactive for your viewers and i'm gonna say the word again it's absolutely free i feel like i'm an advert you buy one you get one free let's say you buy one you get one free but everything's free you don't have to buy nothing that was that was a atrocious attempt at doing a funny and i actually want to use a little bit of this time to talk about stream up so stream up is a a company that myself waldo and silva have created and it is literally next generational like you've never seen this kind of stuff done before little products widgets games everything like that on there that are completely free to download it's all just donation where if you want to support us then feel free to do so but everything is free and literally it's so far in the future like you guys aren't ready for it and hopefully you guys moving from stream labs to obs will be able to get a nice taste of it and guess what i can hold your hand on the way there you got any questions you bang it in the comments down below on whatever video i always do my best to reply to every single comment okay so don't feel left out in the dark about this whole stream i've seen going on because we have got your back guys like we all welcome you with open arms there's a ton of us creators that we've known about this shady stuff for quite some time we've known about the software not being great and we've always celebrated how good obs is and we love having you on board so any questions i'm guessing they're exactly the same you've got uh eposvox you've got naughty d frag there's so many of us that literally will help you out if you've got any questions at all okay so do not feel like you are alone we love having you here enjoy your streaming and enjoy freedom freedom you are free i think that is the word of this video free remember it guys you want to support me consider joining patreon channel memberships all that stuff down below let me know your thoughts as well in the comments about the shenanigans because it is insane i i cannot believe a company can do these things so many times insane i don't think they're gonna get away with it for much longer though all right put your over the stone much love i just wanna say a huge thanks to all my patrons that help make this content full-time make it free for you guys and also a huge thanks to all my youtube members you you guys are legends thank you so much for everything that you do for me and the community keep it up guys [Music] you
Channel: Andilippi
Views: 2,558
Rating: 4.9810429 out of 5
Keywords: Andilippi, Andi Stone, stream aid, stream doctor, stream labs, streamlabs obs, obs studio, streamlabs obs tutorial, obs studio tutorial, streamlabs, streamlabs obs settings, streamlabs obs setup, streamlabs drama, streamlabs settings, obs, streaming news, streamer news, streamlabs new, moving from streamlabs, slobs, slobs news, slobs vs obs, obs vs slobs
Id: n-sooQel9OU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 41sec (701 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 17 2021
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