Splitgate Tips & Tricks that helped me Improve Fast

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hey everyone this is a little bit different than my usual videos nowadays because i'm here once again talking about split gate this game came out two years ago and then it kind of died really bad but it recently exploded again in popularity i think with the console release breaking all of its concurrent player records tenfold basically the devs even managed to claim a fat 10 million dollar back to further develop the game so it's probably a good guess to say that right now there are going to be a lot of new and returning players i'm actually a returning player myself as well i love the game when it came out two years ago i even made a video about it which kind of flopped so here i am making another video about split gate two times as a charm right and this time instead of just introducing everybody to what split gate is because i'm sure you can probably figure that out i'm just gonna give you a whole bunch of tips and somewhat hidden gameplay mechanics that i picked up on either back then or more recently with me trying to get back in it so let's just get right into it starting with the weapons now it might seem obvious but headshots in this game they always matter if you're coming from something like halo where a shot in the legs would be the same as a shot in the head as long as the shields are up and then only after shields are down the headshot matters that's not something that's the case in split gate a headshot always matters even if it is the first bullet to hit on somebody so it's totally viable to just hit him once in the head and then twice in the body afterwards with the dmr for example to still get the optimal time to kill also if you're coming from halo millies are a little bit different because if you hit somebody from behind that doesn't necessarily mean you instantly get a kill amelie always does 50 damage if it's a normal melee however you can increase the damage up to 100 which means it's a one-hit kill you'll need to get a lot of momentum going to have that happen though it's like a momentum melee the faster your character is moving while you melee somebody the more damage it will do one more thing about weapons before we get into portals and this might also be a bit obvious but i just wanted to mention it it is that weapon swapping in this game is extremely quick and so if you're using slow rate of fire weapons such as the sniper or a shotgun and also have a dmr or a battle rifle you can shoot the sniper or the shotgun once and then swap to your dmr and then swap back to the sniper and then swap back to the dmr usually swapping weapons is faster than just waiting for the next shot to be ready and in some cases this also means that you can get the max rpm out of your sniper rifle while still using a couple shots of your other weapon in between obviously this is a lot harder to do than just keeping the sniper or the shotgun in your hands but it can more often enough mean that you'll get the finishing kill on somebody before he kills you now i am gonna assume that you know how portals work on the basic level i don't think there's anyone that hasn't played the portal games by now and it is very much like portal you go in fast one way you come out fast the other way but there are a couple of mechanics that you might not be aware of for starters you only need to have a very tiny part of a blue wall on your crosshair to place a portal on that blue wall so yeah blue walls you can only place portals on these blue walls but you don't need to be looking at them dead center this might sound obvious but when you keep this in mind there are a whole lot of portals on all maps that allow you to get across the entire map in an instance that you might not have thought possible at first i've got a couple here in the background that are considered somewhat good i don't know all of them obviously but you can get an idea of how powerful these can really be when you can just change position so drastically on a map in an instant of course the enemies will also have their portals and if they have been playing for more than an hour they will use them too the thing is though is that you can only see through your own portals you cannot see through the enemy portals and also not the teammate portals for that matter but you can still shoot bullets through those portals and also get kills now a good way to tell if an enemy is behind one of his portals is by aiming at that portal and then seeing if your cross hair turns red i've only got a dot for crosshair so in hindsight i probably should use something different for the video but you can still see it it turns red that means i'm aiming directly at the enemy so if i hit him it will kill him also if an enemy is close to his portal like on the other side you will hear the enemy portal making a specific noise this is that noise [Music] it's a it's very slight but you can definitely hear the difference between when dany is walking away from the portal and is closer to the portal so whenever you hear that make sure to look around or look behind you because chances are that someone is about to gank you this mechanic can be turned around as well though if you want to maybe bait or let someone panic let's say you have a portal looking at the enemy you don't want to go through but you still want to see true but you're afraid of getting shot back through your own portal what you could do is you could place it somewhat at a level above you and then kind of crouch at the bottom so that only your head will stick out on their feet level there's a good chance that if your enemy is somewhat new to the game he might be panic shooting through the portal at like body level which means all the bullets will go right above you and you won't get hit back oh and one more thing i don't know how useful this is but if you kill an enemy his portal will stay open for a few more seconds and you can just shoot through or even go through it again i don't know how many times this comes up in actual games but it's something to keep in mind now to close enemy portals you also have grenades these grenades do not do any damage they instead to destroy all the enemy portals in a fairly big radius and the cool thing about these grenades is that they also go through walls sort of like an emp actually i think it is called an emp grenade i'm not sure but this allows you to mess up the portals of other players quite a bit in ways they might not expect however one thing to keep in mind is that the travel time of the grenades is fairly slow so destroying these portals across the map it might take some time to master it's not as easy as just placing a portal across the map which i think is in a straight line and hit scan if you're afraid of enemies portaling behind you you can also place your own portals on the walls because enemies cannot override your portals with their portals they're gonna have to throw grenade first and then place their own portals which means that you have two fairly significant sound cues to know when you're about to get flanked this is especially useful in game modes like domination and king of the hill where you kind of want to block off certain bets or at least make it a bit harder for enemies to get to where you are you do only have a limited amount of grenades though you spawn with two so do be mindful on how to use them oh and one more thing it's kind of a pet peeve but if you have two portals open that you're not using for anything just consider closing them closing portals is of course a mechanic you can use which is very useful when you're being chased someone's trying to run behind you you can just close the portal on them but i also see a lot of players not using their portals and leaving them open this is kind of like a new player thing to do the thing you have to keep in mind is that teammates cannot destroy your portals because emp grenades do not work on friendly portals and they also cannot overwrite your portals so if you leave them open you might be kind of messing up your teammates rather than the enemies so yeah that's just a small thing to keep in mind so that's really it for using portals in combat but arguably the most important thing is to use them to move fast around a map much like in cs go at the start of a round you will start off in the same spawn area but your spawns can differ from player to player it's kind of random so where you exactly spawn will differ but these small differences can be quite significant in getting a head start to a power weapon for example instead of running out when the round starts like in most shooters the first thing you probably want to do in a lot of cases is find a wall to portal to not all maps and all spawns support instant portals but a lot of them do and in the cases that they do you want to shoot the firewall with the portal first because that's usually the harder one to hit and then turn around to shoot a portal on the wall close to you you can even pre-aim the far portal by looking at the countdown numbers you want to aim right in the middle of where those numbers appear because that's also where your crosshair is going to be when the round starts a good general way to move around a map as well is to never fully exit your portal and use the portal as a platform itself you can take just one step through your portal and then portal to another wall while you're still in the portal sounds confusing right but it's really not that confusing it just takes a while to learn because you kind of have to know the map layout but just to show you how useful it is let me take the example of the sniper tower in wind gate a lot of new players might find themselves just running up the staircase trying to get into the tower then some more experienced players might try to shoot a portal next to one of those billboard walls and launch themselves into the sniper tower to be a bit faster but what the very experienced players might do they might still put that portal on one of those billboard walls but then instead of just flying through they would take one step through place the other portal in the sniper tower and take a step back which is by far the fastest way to get into the sniper tower the same technique can be used on many maps to close a lot of distance really really fast and this is why i think split gate is one of the fastest fps games i've ever played really because it pretty much is as fast as you can place portals around the map and with that i think i'm just going to close the video it wasn't too long didn't want to make it too long those are the tips i have to share that i felt relevant i'm sure as the game evolves there will be many new things that are going to get discovered maybe there are already a lot of tricks that i'm unaware of that i maybe should have put in this video i know there's a lot of map specific stuff that you can do like every map has their own sight lines and like secret portals or like things that people just don't know about from the start but i felt that's a little too much to get into now especially because i don't think i know a lot of the new maps introduced either the way i should if i really want to make a dedicated video on those so i'm going to play the game a whole bunch more and then if this video is interesting or helpful then i might make some map specific videos with all the shortcuts and intricacies and all that stuff so for now thank you all for watching i hope it helped and uh good luck on improving guys i'll see you in the next video
Channel: MarcoStyle
Views: 293,702
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: splitgate, tips, tricks, gameplay, pro, portal, movement, aim, mechanics, how, to, maps, that, helped, me, improve, fast, secrets, 1047, games, skins, weapons, halo, legacy, beta, open, closed, servers, full, 10, million, deal, funding, console, release, tournament, get, better, top, advanced
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 34sec (634 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 28 2021
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