10 Splitgate Weapon Secrets You NEED to be Using!

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This was really informative, thank you!

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/DTL1of1 📅︎︎ Nov 08 2020 🗫︎ replies

Thanks. I have been meaning to get back into Splitgate and this did the job :)

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Wonkadonkathon 📅︎︎ Nov 09 2020 🗫︎ replies

Well done Endo 👍

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AcheronBiker 📅︎︎ Nov 16 2020 🗫︎ replies
splitgate arena warfare has been released for about a year and a half with season three well underway and a possible console release looming it's time i deliver more tips and secrets to you guys my plan is to share my knowledge about splitgate through my youtube channel so if you want to see more make sure to subscribe there's a lot to learn about the game so let's start with talking about the weapons don't be surprised if you already know a lot of these but also make sure to have an open mind if you don't today i present 10 weapon secrets and tips that you must know about to be competitive first up br punching the battle rifle is my favorite weapon in the game and for good reason it can be used effectively at long and close ranges one bullet does 15 points of damage and 25 points if it's headshot with no range drop off remember the bxr glitch from halo 2 br punching is kind of the reverse of halo 2's bxr instead of meleeing and then shooting at basically the same time we shoot and then melee at almost the same time as you know a normal melee hits for 50 damage so if we do the math we only need two br headshots or one headshot and two normal hits to deal at least 100 damage for a kill here's how it works when you fire a br all three rounds of the burst will fire even if you initiate a melee before the burst finishes the best part is the melee's lunge which will automatically help line up your aim to your target it won't matter if your opponent is strafing or moving a lot the lunge will usually stay focused on its target so if your crosshair is already on an enemy's head you basically have an automatic kill if your crosshair is at least horizontally aligned with their head firing and meleeing should still land you two headshots because of the launch next up plasma cooldown the plaza rifle can shoot 20 continuous bolts in a row before it overheats when you're in a fight with an enemy there's no reason to space out your shots to extend the 20 shot limit so just let it rip if you do happen to overheat just switch to another weapon while your weapon is swapped the plaza rifle will be cooling down on its own just as if you are holding it out if you come from halo and have used its plasma rifle you probably instinctually do this already bfb lunging chasing someone with the bat and barely being out of range can be very frustrating luckily there's a way to extend that range even further for some reason the lunging range grows in a ring around the enemy we know this is the case if we look at when the bat glows versus when it doesn't the same thing happens with normal melees but to a lesser degree so next time you need to close the distance a little more target your enemy off center you will need to practice this to get used to how this works so hit the practice range and try it out for yourself shotgun spread when i was researching the shoddy for this video i was surprised to find out that it was even more lethal than i thought the shotgun consistently shoots seven pallets in a hexagon shape making it more reliable to kill enemies than shotguns from other games with a random spread each pellet does 25 points of damage within seven and a half meters meaning you only need four pellets to meet your target for a clean kill when shooting beyond seven and a half meters the damage begins to drop off so make sure at least five pellets hit for reference this is what seven and a half meters looks like now this is the part where i was surprised doing some experiments in the practice range i found that it's possible to do a full 100 damage from pretty far away obviously it would be extremely difficult to pull it off in game but it demonstrates an important point the most ideal spot to aim at any range with the shotgun is at the stomach the bottom two pellets will hit the legs while the top two pellets will hit the head giving you maximum damage even if you are out of range for a one shot kill it's actually not a bad idea to start a fight off with the shotgun and then finish them off with your other weapon sniping hitbox you should almost never no scope with the sniper if you do you're giving up a huge advantage when compared to scoping in take a look at this when i aim next to the head of an enemy while not scoping the crosshair doesn't turn red meaning the bullet will miss but when i scope in then the crosshair turns red what's happening is the bullet grows in size effectively increasing the hitbox of enemy players instead of no scoping practice quick scoping to improve your chances of hitting your target using the pistol properly at the end of the day it doesn't matter how you kill your opponents as long as you're consistent in doing so the pistol might be the first thing you drop in favor of a different weapon but in the right situation it can turn a fight in your favor let's say you're fighting someone and you shoot them three times with the carbine naturally you'll continue to fire the carbine to finish the kill alternatively you could switch to your pistol and finish the kill with just one more hit since the pistol does 11 to 15 damage and it fires quicker if a teammate calls out a specific enemy having only 10 to 15 health left it might also be wise to hunt them down with your pistol keep in mind you could also use the ar in smg in a similar way rocket damage radius have you ever shot a rocket at someone only for it to partially damage your enemy and leave you wondering how they didn't die the tight explosion radius can explain why that is the rockets do 150 damage up to 4 meters away and then it begins to drop off take a look at how much the damage counter changes when i only slightly adjust my aim at first the damage still exceeds 100 damage making the effective kill radius larger than 4 meters but it quickly drops below 100 beyond that the good news is the damage drops off to a minimum of 50. so if you got a hit marker but no kill with the rockets a couple hits with a carbine or a melee will guarantee you a frag using the railgun this is more of a tip than a secret but when using the railgun don't be afraid of wasting ammo in the past the railgun had five shots and a bigger hitbox now it only has four shots and a smaller hitbox it's harder to use but in the right hands a lot of fights can be won ideally you want to get all four kills however making sure the railgun is empty so the other team can't steal it from you can be even more important let's say you only get one kill and miss three times with the real gun those are three shots of a power weapon you're depriving the other team of honestly this strategy can pertain to any power weapon but it applies to the railgun especially because players tend to conserve the railgun more than other weapons emp grenades like the rocket launcher emp grenades have an explosion radius but unlike rockets its effects can go through walls and other collision take this cube for example a portal on the other side is closed even though the grenade detonated from the other side so don't feel like you have to directly impact a portal in order to close it and lastly glowing portals yes portals are a weapon and you should consider them as such one of the first concepts the split gate tutorial teaches new players is the warning of glowing portals if you see a glowing portal an enemy is on the other side what doesn't get taught is that an enemy doesn't have to be standing right behind a portal for it to glow in fact there is an area around all portals that detects any enemy inside of its radius use this knowledge to your advantage to make enemies think you're going through on the other hand if you stand far enough away from your portal so that it doesn't glow your enemies will have a false sense of security while you shoot them through it so there's 10 weapon secrets and tips i hope you guys can use to get better at split gate don't forget to subscribe and if you want to ask me any questions about the game feel free to leave a comment or ask me live while i stream on twitch every monday wednesday and friday see you guys soon in the next video
Channel: End Of Forever
Views: 443,675
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Splitgate, halo meets portal, secrets, tips, halo, portal, arena warfare, end of forever, endo, pro
Id: D2winy5MJl0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 52sec (532 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 08 2020
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