HOW TO CLIMB EACH RANK & ESCAPE YOUR ELO! (Apex Legends Tips & Tricks to Climb Every Rank!)

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while we all share the same ranked grind every season we all have those specific things holding us back from reaching our dream rank by the end of each split while every player in a specific rank will never fit into the same exact mold there are common play styles strengths and weaknesses that tend to be common among each rank what's going on guys my name is valued and by the end of this video you're gonna have some solid tips to set you up to rank up in split two whether you're stuck in bronze or diamond this will be a good one so buckle on it [Music] and speaking of bronze where better to start than from the beginning most players in this rank need to just work strictly under the fundamentals of the game while each player is going to have their own weaknesses if you find yourself struggling to get out of bronze or any rank for that matter the firing range is your best friend at this stage in your progression as a player each minute in the firing range will give you 10 times the returns and that's not an understatement often players in the lower ranks have a hard time improving in the heat of the live matches it can be tough for a player to perform well in a high stress environment and also be able to identify what goes wrong when they don't exactly know the reasoning for this is they're still uncomfortable with the core fundamentals of their game and as a result they tend to have a harder time taking valuable things away from their losses and learning from every game trust me guys everyone knows very well it's easy to just hop on apex play a couple games hot drop and die and then hop off this could be a great time and if this is how you enjoy playing the game more power to you but if you want to improve you have to be honest with yourself and put a focus on the areas that need improvement at this stage in your journey it's likely every area and that's okay rather than hopping right into a game when you log on take 15 minutes and practice some weapons you should be able to pretty comfortably one clip a dummy with every weapon in the game so make sure that's your focus each time you pick up these guns and guys just practice we can make an entire video about how to escape bronze because honestly when you're there it means that you're newer to the game so there's a lot of things to work on focus on the biggest things that you're struggling with watch our videos and take away the key things that you notice in your own gameplay and i promise guys you will see meaningful improvement so silver is similar to bronze but if you're looking to climb to gold there are some pretty key differences that you should keep in mind a lot of players here still have big holes in their gameplay from a mechanical perspective so don't let your mechanical practice slow down if you're consistently landing your shots using movement well to avoid damage and use cover and have a good understanding of your legend you're already gonna have a good time in silver this is where you should shore up your knowledge making sure you have a good understanding of every legend in the game however what's really gonna help is having a good early game plan so as we probably all know in bronze and silver matches most games half of the lobby will drop to literally two or three pois understanding what drop locations are going to be highly contested and finding safe locations for your team to get off to a good start is one of the biggest pieces of advice that i can give to any player in this elo silver is where you start losing rp when you enter matches so if you're dying off drop regularly you're gonna keep yourself from ranking up if you were recently bronze you could play enough games just to hit silver no matter what but here in silver you've gotta start playing to win instead of looking for those early kills instead look to survive as long as you can it's literally possible to make it to gold without even firing a single bullet and if you happen to get some kills along the way then you'll be having big point games but seriously guys if you just survived the initial 10 minutes of one of these bronze or silver lobbies you'll often be in a position to get some serious rp because the teams that hot dropped will take each other out of the game so to all my silver friends out there keep practicing your mechanics learning about the game and being smart about your drops and you'll find yourself in gold in no time and if you're looking for an exclusive chance to learn tips even more advanced than these then make sure to check out this message from tsm's own imperial how hey what's up everyone i'm imperial howe and welcome to my brand new apex class this class goes over everything you need to move shoot and think like me whether you're silver or diamond controller or keyboard you're going to be the one carrying your friends i typically can't get to all your comments but this course is actually going to help you guys so much in all your questions you're serious about becoming a better epics player join me for the next 30 days and commit to improving all right guys so moving into gold lobbies this is where you've got to start taking your game to the next level a lot of players you run into here are pretty good mechanically it's going to be pretty rare that you get bailed out of a bad situation because enemies just whiff every shot while these lobbies aren't just going to be full of b-hopping or tap-strafing mad men they are going to have their fundamentals pretty well down and the same should go for you all that time in the firing range and reps in your games should have you at a comfortable state with the game where you're ready to start thinking about the game in a bit more of a complex way and that tip we just talked about in silver is still important here hot drops are dangerous in gold and they're very popular in this elo and players here are usually good enough that you'll have a hard time taking out more than one squad off drop unless you're not supposed to really be in gold however in this rank depending on how late it is in the season a lot less teams are going to be dying off spawn and the mid to late games of these lobbies are a little bit more competitive this is where you need to start having a bit of a game plan when you're entering your matches beyond just your drop it's obviously good to do this prior to gold elo but this is where not having a plan will come back to bite you try to have a couple possible rotations in mind as you're dropping to your poi make sure to be free looking while dropping to map out where enemies are dropping nearby gold is where your decision making and movement on the map really starts to affect your rp gains by losing 24 rp each game you really want to try to shoot for top 10 if you're looking to rank up and this gets tougher and tougher the higher elo you go you'll notice in a lot of your gold lobbies with a lot less people dying off drop that the whole map is more populated and dangerous this elo is really where you need to start having a good grasp on rotations not just moving mindlessly throughout the pois with good loot the timing and speed of your movement across the map begins to set you up for success or sets you up for failure understanding where the dead side of the zone is and knowing how to effectively path across the map to reach power positions within the ring becomes a staple for your success in these games alright now we're moving into the fun stuff talking about platinum at this point you're starting to get pretty dang good at the game and the same goes for everybody else in the lobby at this elo every player is pretty comfortable with the game having solid mechanics all around this is also where you're gonna start to see a lot of advanced movement start to make its way into your games while you don't necessarily have to have advanced movement in this elo you don't want to be caught without it because you will get punished for it here being able to b hop wall bounce tap strafe and just overall use any movement in the game is one of the last mechanical humps that most players have to climb and this is generally the elo that you want to make sure that's happening a lot of plat players are very confident in their play and will attempt to capitalize on anything they see as an opening this leads to a large percentage of the lobby being pretty aggressive while they won't hot drop as much they will look to loot fast instantly rotate and take any fights that seem nearby in third party this is where you should do things a little bit differently most plat players get stuck here because they're honestly just too aggressive nearly every octane is good at wp it's rare to see a team in lethal range and have them not instantly push you and the thing is most of the times the teams in this elo are skilled enough to take out other squads in these scenarios but since there's so many of these aggressive teams in the lobby so many squads will go down from third parties so where lower elo players lose to hot drops plat teams lose to the early mid game third parties but every team isn't like this there is a minority in each game that does play for the ring rotates early and only fights when they need to and this is the type of squad that you want to be if you could be as mechanically sound as those other teams padding on anyone they see while also being smart about your rotations and playing to win the game rather than just taking fights i promise you are gonna be raking in the rp the key here is to remember you're not playing safe because you're scared or feel like you have to it's more that your focus should be on staying alive with you only using your well-practiced skills in combat when absolutely necessary or when the time comes because guys let's face it sometimes there's a third party that's too good to pass up so guys to summarize platinum you need to avoid getting third partied and avoid those early to mid game fights that way you could find yourself climbing out of platinum in no time alright guys now we're moving into the big dogs diamond at this point you're getting pretty high in the ladder as you reach the top of diamond you'll have a lot of pretty good players in your lobby so this is where every mistake you make can cost you did you miss a bunch of your easy shots are you over pushing a squad solo maybe you're being too greedy to try in third party a nearby fight outside of the ring in this elo you need to assume that every mistake you make in a game can and will get punished almost every player in these lobbies is capable of seeing your mistakes and capitalizing on them so you need to limit your own mistakes and wait for them to give you windows to capitalize on this is why there's such a heavy emphasis on rotations and ring placement because if you're the one to be set up first you have the freedom to watch for mispositioned enemies or mistakes and punish them for it on top of this your rp commitment is a whopping 48 per game this is where getting top 5 and having as many shots at a win as possible is key you can make it through basically every rank in the game without getting into the top 5 aside from diamond and above as you reach these higher elos you really need to be abusing that placement multiplier to get some big rp gains on the games that are going well for you the bottom line is you are gonna die early in a lot of these matches so it's important to get high placements and even win a few of your games to have a shot at making it to the top of diamond and onto masters alright now we're going on to the top of the food chain masters in masters you have a firm grasp on the necessary game knowledge to win games and have the mechanics to back it up at this stage in your rank grind you're competing against the best players on the server trying to make it to that top 750 spot and claim apex predator this is where you need to be analyzing every single death and really honing in on the small mistakes that lead you to losing when you've reached this level it's no longer about overarching gameplay approaches but more about working on very specific weaknesses that you can identify learning more about the game from a decision-making level by having a ton of reps and learning a lot from those reps also in masters vader viewing is your best friend and you really need to keep a learning mentality if you truly want to join the elite top 750 if you're a really good player it's pretty easy to make it to masters and if you think your journey is over think again in reality if you manage to make it here this is where the real game begins suddenly you're matching up with predator players every game these could be streamers pro players or even aspiring pros these games are what you've been grinding for because now you have access to the most competitive matches that you could ever hope for and have more knowledge to gain off the players in your game than you ever have before if you made it to masters then guys i'll say it firmly you're a great apex player but i personally want to see you become one of the best by hitting that predator goal that i know you have so guys some final personal tips going from masters to pred honestly it takes a lot of games the people at the top especially in split 2 will get to like 30 000 plus rp and that means you need to have a consistent squad you're playing with and win most of your games you also need to put in a decent bit of time but if you check all the boxes that i just said you can make it to apex predator so put the grind in i have nothing but faith in you so get it already guys every player has a different skill level in different parts of their game that have a hand in what rank they're able to achieve and every single one of you guys watching this video can work on the areas that are holding you back and get better than you ever thought possible hopefully today helps shed some light on the common struggles that different ranks have and you can use this knowledge to help you climb your way to the rank that you've been grinding for let me know in the comments down below what rank you want to get to this season anyway guys my name's been valued and i'll see you guys in the next one peace [Music] you
Channel: ProGuides Apex Legends
Views: 1,399,444
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to climb apex, how to rank up apex, how to rank up in apex legends, how to rank up in apex, how to climb in apex legends, how to rank up fast, how to rank up fast in apex legends, how to win games in apex legends, apex legends tips and tricks, apex legends tips, apex tips, apex tips and tricks, apex legends, apex shortcuts for ranked, how to get gold in apex, how to climb ranked, ranked guide, apex ranked guide, apex legends ranked guide
Id: iN63Gg8vO0w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 29sec (809 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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