So... Here's the thing with Destiny 2...

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here's something for you destiny 2 is but one of the best games ever for new players coming in and probably one of the worst games for veteran players of the franchise now i'm not saying this for some clickbaity youtube title because this is just a one-off video and i don't want people to follow me for ranting about a video game i used to love but now don't really love anymore i guess i just want to talk about where destiny went wrong for me because like a year ago which is not too long ago i guess i made that video on how destiny became my new favorite game and now i'm at a point where i really don't know what bunchie could possibly do with the witch queen dlc to get me back despite how good that dlc may actually become i think bungie in a way is suffering from success in my eyes because bungie has this formula for dlc and the content they release with destiny that when it's done properly it just works and so many people just engage with it i think the problem for me is though is that i'm at a point where i've seen that same formula over and over and over too many times and i'm just i just don't really care anymore and if i feel that way i figured there's gotta be a lot of others out there as well who've been you know playing this game since the very start that might also feel the same way surely a lot of you are probably still enjoying the game to a certain degree but one thing you cannot tell me is that this game still feels fresh to you we're at a point where reddit is starting to make predictions of the exact camera shots and player abilities that we'll see in the next trailer and my guess is that they're probably going to be correct on at least 80 of these that's honestly how predictable this game has become now this is not a bad thing per se of course and while destiny may be a bit confusing or even daunting to get into at first there's just so much to explore and so many different experiences that new players could have and for new players more of the same is probably a good thing they drop in there's four raids now you want to have a fifth rate to try out awesome so more of the same is really not a bad thing and the same goes for dungeons i would not hate to see another dungeon with the witch queen dlc i still very much remembered how much i loved the raids in the dungeons when they first came out because everything was so fresh seeing the type of content that bungie would put out and the extent that they would go to to create experiences that are so far from the normal gameplay and yet still so good that's what got me excited for this franchise and that's what got me invested now i know that since then five raids have been removed along with the secret missions i really used to love and that was kind of a blow i think for the part of the game that introduces and sells the game to the new players because those type of one-off experiences you could only get those in destiny and if i mean honestly if it weren't for those i would have never kept playing destiny so long to begin with but to be fair you know bungie has been replacing that content with new content in the same fashion we have the deep stone crypt rate vault was added and then the pre-sage mission or presage or i don't know how you call that throw in another raid dungeon and secret mission with a witchcrane dlc and honestly we're almost back at full strength as that the game was before beyond light regarding unique experiences for new players but here's the thing though again i think i'm at a point and i guess a lot of other players might be at this point as well where even if we get this brand new raid and a new dungeon i don't think i'll be that excited anymore simply because i just know so well what to expect at this point the first and the second time i rate it in destiny it felt like a true adventure like you're young again a kid again playing a game but now that i've rated so much i can kind of predict what the rate will be like how many encounters we'll see you know how the mechanics are laid out how the raid works and with that i mean things such as remembering the mechanics that you'll learn in the first couple of encounters because you'll need to apply those for the final encounter and the boss or the fact that between encounters there's going to be a jumping section with very likely a hidden chest or the fact that encounters with bosses always have one certain thing you have to do to unlock the boss face and then go into a dps phase where you'll just stack up in a well and do as much damage as you can rinse and repeat usually that's three or four phases with contest mode or one or two phases without the biggest surprising garden of salvation for me was that on the first real boss the guy actually starts walking backwards so he can't stand in a well or in a bubble that's the thing that threw me off the most in that raid now you could argue of course that the mechanics and the environments themselves that is what make each raid stand out and i agree all of what i just mentioned those are the same things that last witch does the thing with last wishes maybe it's a bit longer and it throws in like a red herring right at the end but lastly she's in my opinion still one of the best pieces of content in any game ever or you know close to it at least and i'm also not gonna sit here and pretend that i didn't think that the deep stone crypt wasn't a good raid because it was a very good raid despite it being a little bit easy once the contest was removed but as someone who's rated a lot now and has probably played the dungeons and secret missions a bit too much for my own good i really don't think that adding yet another piece of content following the exact same formula would really get me all too excited and then i'm not even talking about the actual storyline that would come with the dlc i'm afraid that the witch queen storyline the whole story thing is going to be set up in the exact same way as beyond light and shadow keep and forsaken with the leveling system you get geared to the level up and then there's the powerful grind and then you're ready for the raid not exactly the most fun thing to do so what should bungie just change everything because i'm getting too tired of the same old same mold with a different paint job no that is of course not the answer because again the formula is obviously still working very well every time a dlc comes out sure there are some veteran players that say that they were hoping for something more and that the next dlc is probably going to be make or break for them and even though they're right for every person that feels like that and kind of dips out there's another one coming in that is just in sheer all by the amount of high quality and varied content that the game has for every player dipping there's probably one or two players joining the game and checking it out and being really excited for it this is why you see every destiny youtuber grow in size over the years more subscribers all the twitch streamers get more followers but then you look at the view count per video or the amount of viewers that a certain streamer is getting year by year the numbers don't really seem to grow that much so we're getting a lot of people joining in and subscribing to all these youtubers and then we have other people dipping out and not unsubscribing it's a nice balance of new people coming in and old people leaving so here's the thing that i was thinking the other day and i think that this is pretty interesting and this is actually where the meat of the video is because i feel like a lot of people might already know all of what i just said so here's two things right i'm going to make two pretty bold statements uh first up is that a lot of players still playing today right now know that destiny is uh quite still and feel this pain but they keep playing the game anyway because they're hopeful for the future of the game because you know destiny to edit score it's a really great feeling game the shooting mechanics the movement it's all really good so even if the game is still right now people are hoping it will be better in the future that's statement one here statement two i think that bungie has pretty much gone to a place where this is where they want destiny to be and they're not looking to evolve the game much further they've probably realized that with the peer-to-peer network system pvp will never be anything bigger than it is right now and they've also realized that the formula they have been using for pve content such as the story missions the raid the dungeons it all works well enough to keep a steady and sturdy core player base so there's not really a need for them to do things different in the future again these seem to collide a little bit with each other and they can sound a bit contradictory but i also think that both of these statements are at least for a big part true now obviously bungie still cares very much about destiny 2. the developers are still very passionate about the game i'm not saying anything else otherwise we wouldn't have seen all those engine and back end changes that came with beyond light etc etc so they're in it for the long haul but the developers have also realized what destiny is and what destiny isn't and they aren't taking or ever going to take the required steps to take this game to a level that a lot of players still playing today are hoping for it to become and that's where i think the issue is you know if you look at it bungie took half a year to finally fix stasis a tiny bit since it ever came out and fully destroyed the pvp experience bungie still hasn't fully worked out the issues in trials yet and you know things such as the holiday events they have been unchanged or removed entirely year over year we still don't even have things such as loadouts in the game and and you could say that all of these things is because they lack the manpower or because of covid which is probably true to a certain degree or given the benefit of the doubt but i also believe that destiny simply isn't that much of a priority anymore to the point where everything just has to be awesome about it bungie is currently developing another unannounced game which is said to be a competitive pvp arena shooter so i'm sure some of their best pvp stuff is really busy there and who knows what else they might be cooking up and what lead game designers might have to work on that of course i'm not saying destiny 2 will be neglected because it's a cash cow it's a very very lucrative game very popular and very far away from dying but i'm also pretty sure it's not going to evolve much more beyond this point a couple of subclasses and exotics aside and i honestly think that expecting destiny to evolve much more at this point would be too much to ask because how big would the changes need to be to satisfy the group of players that feel the way that i feel and would that even be destiny anymore at that point would it not just be easier to make a new game to satisfy that crowd and yeah okay you see where i'm going with this they are making other games it's gonna be a hard pill to swallow for some of you but what destiny is right now is probably what it will be in one year or in two years or in three years and i think for many players that will be great but for me uh i don't know it's not it's not too interesting to me anymore it's become very still kind of like my own youtube content right pushing people off a cliff is fun once or twice but i think we've all seen that now i actually had the same problem with the division back in the days many will say that the division died with division 2 because of its poor post-launch updates and bad pvp and sure there's some truth to that but the vision for me died exactly one year after its launch when they had this big stream to celebrate the one year anniversary and the game director got on stream to announce that there would be no more content updates for the division going forward this was of course later reverted because of the huge outbreak it cost among the player base and we did get a patch 1.7 and a patch 1.8 with with a map expansion and some other cool stuff but the fact that the game director came out and said that there would be no more big content updates that just showed me how little ubisoft was still invested in division one and that division one would never be that next big game it would never evolve to the point that i would hope it to evolve to and and that was just that that's the moment that the vision died for me honestly of course i still rode out all the waves but that's that was it for me yes the game had many cheaters just like destiny right now yes the game had bad unbalanced pvp maybe even worse than destiny 2 right now and the game had a plethora of other issues maybe even more than destiny 2 right now but many players including myself always kept playing hoping for things to get better because we lost the core of the game that was underneath that time never came for division 2 and if you're in that camp with destiny 2 right now i also have to say that i think the time will probably never come for destiny 2. it's a good game now it will continue to be a good game in the future but if you're still holding on for it to become something more i just think that's not going gonna happen and that's also why i'm simply no longer that invested in destiny 2. the formula they have is great it's awesome for new players but as someone who's seen that now and played that now i'm just tired of it i am going to check out the witch queen dlc and participate in the raid race that's always a fun thing to do i'll check it out because you know again by no means destiny 2 is a bad game but if it once again fails to mix up the formula i don't think i'll be down for it in the long run and i'm afraid that you know a lot of other people are gonna feel that same way especially because it's gonna be a while until this dlc comes out with no other content drops other than the new season inside i of course could also be very wrong and the situation i just described might not apply to a lot of other players unless they're also content creators but i wanted to share this regardless because it's my channel and before i make a full transition to another style of content i have yet to announce and i'm excited to show you guys i wanted this to be my sort of exit letter to anybody that really cares enough so yeah thank you all for watching all my destiny content over the years i really appreciate it and maybe i'll see you all soon bye
Channel: MarcoStyle
Views: 170,341
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: destiny 2, season, of, the, splicer, witch, queen, dlc, gameplay, review, impressions, destiny, vault, glass, day, one, pain, funny, moments, marcostyle, best, 2020, video, highlights, raiding, undercover, zero, hour, new, player, experience, whisper, exotic, missions, beyond, light, absolute, worst, lfg, players, going, in, raid, discord, as, tries, shattered, throne, dungeon, time, real, worm, fails, compilation, stream, duo, playthrough, nerf, buff, pve, pvp, update, exploit, secret, mission, exploration, jumping, puzzle, world, twitch, i hate doing tags
Id: OwFbcWm8jfQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 15sec (795 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 11 2021
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