Splitgate Ultimate Portal Tutorial – Portal Tips and Tricks

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[Music] compared to normal shooters the portal mechanic in split gate is just about the only major difference but the difference it makes is absolutely huge learning how to use it is just about the single most important thing if you want to improve and it's also the most fun there is nothing more satisfying than portaling behind a camper and shooting them in the back or shooting someone then portaling somewhere else and shooting them from there the amount of big brain plays this game has is insane and it makes the game exponentially more fun so to help you guys start using these portals to your advantage i've collated my top portal tips into this tutorial to make your portaling so good even glados would blush also if you're below level 10 and want a 350 split coins be sure to use my referral code on screen now also join my discord if you want both my code and the discord link are in the description below anyway let's begin firstly you can't just throw down portals anywhere only on what me and my friends call portable land which is a floor wall that you can place portals on these are denoted by being blue with this pattern you realize pretty quickly what is actually portable anyway each map has a ton of portable land and you should be using it the fastest way to do this is to go into training and do the stadium races a couple of times on each map it will help you learn the crucial spots and some common routes and to just familiarize yourself with the map in general when you hop in a game you'll be in a position to realize wait a minute i know where to go from here because you've done it in the races they essentially just speed up the rate at which you can learn the maps and portal rotations which is our second tip [Music] knowing portal rotations and angles on maps are what separates the good players from the bad this is how long it takes if you do a full circle of the top artist stadium by running and this is how long it takes whilst portaling it is a massive difference and if you need to get a hill or domination point faster then it could be the difference between a cap or even a win and a loss whilst there are a lot of obvious portal rotations there are also a lot of angles that you can snipe a portal through there are so many variations and combinations of these rotations and angles way too many to name but i'll cover some of the more common and useful ones firstly you can go around these maps here on oasis stadium foregone destruction club silo atlantis and lava well there are still plenty more but these are some of the main ones and here are some of the good angles you can snipe [Music] oh [Music] next up we have triple portaling now i know i covered this in my last video but i will go over it again and in a bit more depth triple portaling effectively gives you an extra portal compared to the usual two on a very basic level this is what happens you throw down both portals like usual and after you walk through the portal you throw another one down and then walk back through the original portal to end up over there this is because you've got one set of portals from a to b and then a second set from b to c as you move your portal from a to c it allows you to travel quickly double the distance and can quite often get you from one side of the map to the other the hardest part about this is getting the right portals down and doing it quickly so before we continue here's the next tip to help you out when you are triple portaling you can often go through the first set of portals like normal then throw the wrong bottle down meaning when you turn around you just walk into a wall there is one simple thing you can do to avoid doing this when you are walking through your first set of portals remember which one you walk through because that is the one you put down when you triple portal next for example when i walk through my yellow portal here i put that one next and when i walk through my purple portal then that is the one i use you can also keep alternating to chain triple portals as well this simple trick makes it super easy to keep track of which portal is where and makes it so much easier now back to triple portaling you should know how it works on a basic level by now all you need to do is just practice going into the practice arena and just spamming triple portals anywhere helps you get the muscle memory down real fast additionally try figuring out some triple porter routes and maps some of my favorites include this one on helix this one on oasis or this on club silo they let you get from one side of the map to the other in a matter of seconds and there are so many more than just these routes now to take your triple portals to the next level you can use something called pixel walking which is the next tip basic triple podling can involve walking far out from one portal to throw another which is safe but also very slow and you can risk any shot all portals have a small ledge on either side of the portal which you can walk on without falling off it is pretty small which is why it's called pixel walking as when done incorrectly you can end up in bad situations what it does allow you to do however is drip a portal from high places without falling off you can throw your portal up real high then pixel walk to the other side and triple portal elsewhere again it does take a bit of practice to get down and you will find yourself falling off a lot at the start but it opens a lot more triple portal possibilities and lets you do the triple portals on oasis and helix a lot faster and easier next up we have something called an anchor portal which is extremely important in objective based game modes if you're alone on a hill or domination point and two or three enemies roll around the corner you are not winning that gunfight and likely not killing any of them you're screwed so what you should do before you go in the hill is throw an anchor portal somewhere away so that if you do get pinched on the hill you can pull a quick escape and regroup with your team and push together or capture another point the same concept applies when you've just captured a point you can leave a portal there so that if they do begin to capture it you can quickly get back there and contest it so unless you're using your portals having an anchor to escape and enter gunfights quickly is a really good idea i'm not sure how many people know about this but close your portals you can both shoot and walk through enemy portal so don't think you're safe if you've escaped to an anchor portal because someone can still kill you make sure you close it behind you on controller it is bound to left and right on the d-pad and on kbm i buy mine to my thumb mouse buttons so it lets me close them real quick however don't always close them as if you puddle into multiple enemies and you do close it well you're as good as dead again if you aren't using your portals close them as you can quite often screw over teammates and not allow them to portal somewhere if they need to because your unused portal is blocking them the split gate maps are built in a way that allows you to throw portals over a long distance even across the map which is the next tip knowing the cross map and long-range portals can allow you to cover a vast amount of ground so here are some really good ones on olympus you can cover both the top parts as well as the middle area which is a common camping spot and also the shotgun spawn you can see the smg from one side and the sniper from another so you're pretty set if you lock down those rotations on oasis you can cover legit the entire map with these two portals and on craig you can look down over the b flag and first hill with this wall there are again too many to name but keep looking for those long distance portals that will help you get across the map faster and can cover the distance that multiple triple portals can in one hit the next tip is to use grenades and portal blocks to lock down objectives you are never safe on a hill as in a split second someone could portal behind you and kill you before you realize but what you can do is block them with your portals no one even your teammates can override your portals with theirs so if you and another teammate block four walls with your portals it makes it a lot harder for the enemies to come in and if they do well you know which walls they're going to come through what they can do however is throw a grenade to destroy your portals so be ready to quickly replace your portals if they do or throw a grenade of your own if they get their portal down before you do portal blocking can be the difference between getting time on a hill or not so use it next up we have using portals in a gun fight if you've ever played cod apex or just about any other shooter and get into a gunfight you're not winning you're screwed split gate is just about the only game that can counter this instead of shooting portal somewhere behind or next to the enemy and you can shoot them in the side even if they land a few shots on you you'll probably be able to hit them more before they realize where you are now it won't be long before people start understanding what is occurring when you do this so you can take it to another level and fake it if you threaten the portal mid-gunfight and they realize and turn around you can just not go through it and shoot them like normal this is a pretty big brain play and only really works if the enemy is smart enough to see your portal but it's still good nonetheless and finally for the people who played portal 1 and 2 you guys know about the crazy momentum and eating you can get with the portals when you jump from a high place and put a portal beneath you and somewhere else you can send yourself flying which is just super fun and if you have a stopper or railgun it gives a great opportunity for a trick shot my personal favorite is probably this spot on olympus but just about every map has at least one so go try to find them anyway that wraps it up guys cheers for sticking around and be sure to join the discord if you're new and pop a cheeky sub as it would help out a ton let me know which tip helped you the most and share any others that i've missed but most of all i hope you guys learned something new and can go portal like a pro in your games cheers guys [Music] you
Channel: Helical
Views: 56,053
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Keywords: splitgate, splitgate tips, splitgate tips and tricks, splitgate gameplay, splitgate tips xbox, splitgate tips console, splitgate best settings, splitgate portal tips, splitgate portal, splitgate tips for beginners, tips splitgate, tips and tricks splitgate, splitgate ps4, splitgate xbox, splitgate arena warfare, how to improve splitgate, splitgate ranks, splitgate tips ps4, splitgate tips pc, Splitgate Ultimate Portal Tutorial – Portal Tips and Tricks, portal, portal splitgate
Id: s9w4bmhkk_4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 41sec (581 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 13 2021
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