SPLINTER CELL: CONVICTION All Cutscenes (Full Game Movie) 1080p HD

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[Music] just do what you haven't I always do soon I always do [Music] the thing you have to understand is this the Sam Fisher you know is dead America killed him asked him to make one sacrifice too many cross one line too far a drunk driver killed some anonymous [ __ ] ran down his daughter and vanished she was the one thing in his life that humanized him and his agency killed them set him up turned him loose and told him to pull the trigger on his best friend in a dirty New York City basement Irving Lambert died by Sam's hand that day [Music] and so did Sam so he left left there Daschle on left the life he knew left America and mom and apple pie I left it all behind he hopped off the grid and went walkabout looking for a reason to go on living eventually he found it he caught a whisper in the wind that may be his daughter's death hadn't been an accident the heir to name and he found somewhere to go look at a city Marie called the letter it's in Malta excuse me sir yes phone call for you please accept these compliments Sam who is this how'd you find me give me a little credit Sam don't tell me you don't recognize my voice even after all this time yeah what do you want to save your life we can go from there the team of armed men just entered the marketplace booking warning they're closing in under position unless you do exactly what I say this will be a very short conversation I'm not doing a damn thing until you tell me how you found we're third echelon we've got an eye on everyone look up you'll see it I see it then I can take it back up to save altitude and you can move it still haven't told me how you found me you've got multiple hostiles inbound on your position and from where you're at you're a sitting duck now get to that group of stalls in the market there's a lot of cover for America it's like the old days huh just like the old days Sam are you carrying yeah but I'd rather not risk a firefight when there's civilians around it's very noble of you but right now what matters to me is getting you out of there in one piece so get to that group of booths right now or I can't help you Sam target's right don't cover to cover hang on you'll be good tapping into the city's power grid gotta love you overload transformer God's lights down here [Music] hey there kiddo what's wrong I don't like the dark it's scary come on sweetie there's nothing to be afraid of in the dark sometimes darkness is a good thing like when you want to go to sleep I could go to sleep with the light on when it's light you can't see into a place that's dark but when it's dark you can see what's around you much better really so if there's monsters are bad you can see them but if you're in the dark they can't see okay how about this there's one really cool thing okay here it is when you're in the dark and your eyes get used to that you can see all sorts of things around you really well and then you can do stuff with I'll take a look at your mobile you can see it really well right if there were monsters stamping underneath it because I can see it maybe I could make it fall away daddy needs you to stay in bed now okay he's gonna shut the door and be back real soon all right okay Jerry stay in bed there you go Sam nice and dark just the way you like it [Music] [ __ ] you got no balls man would be I he's over there somewhere what do you got man you gotta have been good places [ __ ] you picked it [ __ ] you said we'd get a couple of thousand here in those medals and [ __ ] with good fencing here the lady the lifts here is hot maybe we could wait for her to come home take it out and trade here talking dad what did you jump dead sir baby don't what are you doing Sam talk to me Sam Sam are you there come on don't check out on me yeah there you are they brought in some reinforcements in the man calling the shots is with them get a hold of him all idea and you can figure out what questions to ask looking for me [ __ ] you're not playing around who sent you I'm not telling you a goddamn thing okay enough you want to know send me it's Coleman Andriy Kobin runs trucks guts anything people why he can't afford not good enough Bart is Cobra Walking Dead please [Music] until the conjugate your daughter used to brag about it Jenova heard you coming so you hired me to kill you before you kill them you should refund his money where do I find him you don't understand kill me in the city the old museum on King George Street it's his place now guards out fun and on the sides I told you oh I'm not gonna tell him a damn thing don't tell him I told you but I knew all along that's where Sam would be going anything dirty and Malter ran through that mansion Colvin's whole operation was based there and he turned the place into a fortress which to be fair it pretty much was to start with and that was before he filled the place with jumpy guys Toton automatic weapons but Sam knew Hoban was in there and then he might know something about what happened to his daughter so Sam was going in no matter why [Music] [Music] take them down Thanks gun we better keep an eye on boss what if it comes through the window then you shoot [ __ ] the question is that you get this straight nobody is going anywhere until Fisher you ready I'm ready I'm ready right now I'm ready are you idiots ready I'm ready I'm ready right now I'm not hearing anything are you hearing anything [ __ ] you go check it out and Rico bit were you saying something about my daughter oh god no yeah I was just messing with you man I didn't mean it I swear I didn't mean it to make it up to me tell me why you killed her I can't tell you all you can do is tell me Oh there was just a job it just gave me a picture and told me to provide a body it's all it was a dump job they isn't good enough who were you working for I can't tell you I'm still working for them they'll cut me if I tell you you'll kill it for sure you're bigger than you they're bigger than me don't you see they told me you were coming they need to go without the hell are you to trust and this one if you're talking to the ice cream Fisher add advisor listen she knows all sorts of things what's your to some [ __ ] mom man this is go talk one we've secured Panther and are ready to return to base all right you get this one but if it's a setup I'll be happy when you drop off speaking Ubese ovo free i saw his people up by his chopper ready to go he's probably impatient look Colonel Prentiss I got it here as fast as I could yes you did Oscar Tom Murray it's just not a patient man curly I don't maybe be pushy on this one but I do need to talk about my pay I was told Coburn was handling there well yes they're sensitive these changes and seeing extra passengers with extra gear and a longer flight plan they wonder take it up with Colonel Reed he'll take care it was clear someone wanted to talk to Sam that's why they went to all the trouble was setting among Colvin's that's why they tranq them and flew by they needed in the saw the offloaded them at their private airstrip up in the Blue Ridge because of they had he would have taken that place upon with his bare hands he's away fuel is at three man Colonel Prentiss major Robertson we don't have time to chat our timetable says your men need to move everything is operation director Reid we started plumbing at nine hundred hours this morning good keep things going on your I'm heading back to third ash lawn to prep things there Oh are people just fun I never had any doubts now gentlemen if you'll excuse us I need a minute with mr. grim starter here there's a loose sentence tying off of course major right Fisher's all yours Hannah you package them for us in Malta you get to unwrap him here find out what he knows about the emps how he knows it and why he's been hunting our friend mr. Kovac might take a while Tom he's been trained to a different arrogation I'm authorizing you to use whatever persuaders you need chemical or otherwise get the answers and disposable just don't be as messy this time well I keep that in mind anything else just get to it and call me when you have something I'll be at HQ Cleveland's meeting I'm working for president called well as a mole inside Third Echelon reads the new director and he's working hand in hand with our hosts here a PMC called black arrow they're running a pipeline for stolen Russian EMP tech through Malta and Reid stonewalling any kind of investigation into him Reid stonewalling the president he's got serious political coverage from somewhere and the president isn't getting anywhere through channels we know they're in the final stages of prep for something very ugly but what we don't know is what it is or where it's going down really then again you see more interested in fieldwork these days stop it I need you to do this the second I make a move my cover is blown but you're on the outside now you are free to act I don't do this sort of thing anymore tell that to the men you killed in Malta no if you don't make it look like you escaped and attacked me I'm dead so make it look good Sam hit me do what you have to do grim let me remind you I'm out of the game you're not out all it took was one hint about her only one hint about Sara and you dove right back in would he know about her I know she's alive how's that for starters she's dead Lambert told me she was dead and I take his word over the doors she's alive Sam and I know where she is I've known all along you're alive why should I believe you because my people have her if you help me you get to see her again if you don't it's out of my hands you're not lying about this you understand me I will kill you damn I've been my cupids for years okay okay that'll do good work shut up here my car's just outside their security gate it's a red tee 208 I disabled the GPS locator chip so third Ashlyn's birds can't find it and take this snake ham it's linked with this phone the signal is encrypted they should get longer so I can set up a call with Sarah to prove to you that she's alive and unharmed now we need to get you out of here without them coming after you c4 should help with that there's some right outside get it and call me back I don't get the gun just point it at the right people I will hmm grim I've got the package now here's the plan they may not be able to track my car by GPS but they've got a chopper on site that means they don't need to just blow me off the road we're far enough out into the sticks that no one will notice you need to disable that chopper but you're not going into my garage of that that would be better to hold off on the destination I guess all the training Grahame I've taken care of the chopper now I need to take down the fields electrical pretty good call black arrow jury-rigged the hell out of the original system when they converted the airfield from civilian use so it's vulnerable the power relays their property the weakest point where do I find them one of the barracks had one put in exposed inside the building that's my best battery anybody else nice job now my car is parked just outside the gate off the main block but as things stand you won't get far what haven't you told me there's a satellite dish on site with an uplink to a private spy bird you support a ticket thought your car was clean it is but if they get a visual lock on the stat it won't matter why don't you go see if there's anything else you forgot to mention come on I'll search this whole damn airfield if I have to hey catch whoever did this swear it [Music] grip the dishes taking care let's get you out of here bad news Sarah's fine but I have to push back the call I promised you stop playing games and don't call me again unless you've got my daughter on the line Allanon nine security Victor Costas speakin thick it's Sam I'm in town and could use a little help if you are asking for help we better do this face-to-face and what the hell is going on back there I thought you'd recognize the sound remind you of anything yeah yo Sam little girl doing fine I got a picture from her in the mail I think I'm mom how's it run all right my kids don't draw me pictures or write or anything they don't write you can't [Laughter] you're going to kindergarten you know I hear they got entrance exams in kindergarten now Sam I don't know if fix can make it [Music] Sam trusted me because of what we've been through together in the Gulf [Music] that's why he called me after Third Echelon did their little number on he needed someone to watch his back I was the only one who would but Kita's Wofford name we got a UAV showing cumin down your squad leader missing and resume kie my cover and hold your position limiting tell me the name of your unit is son-of-a-bitch a tell me your honor you piece of [ __ ] where are you throwing your heart tell me your dirt [ __ ] if you don't tell me what I want to know my friends gonna have a little game with you yeah don't thank me till arathi [Music] Ren's back of the question waffle face this is hot ski I got two for a ride out of here for me you are one lucky son of a [ __ ] we'll have a bird here dude we can pinpoint your location [Music] [Music] sorry Sam [Music] Tuffy's involved with you still down there final you boys sit your asses down and we'll come get you we're not going anyway damn we got out of here thanks for coming back that up started a change in Sam one that would take years to really show itself years a figure now what that changed men but Sam's deal with Grimm meant he needed intel on emps black arrow right now Sam never asked for the little things which meant this was big the other question was where to me we picked the National Mall public space lots of crowds for cover or open approaches it made life tricky for the spotters I could dodge him Sam he could find them and he did [Music] hey I'm being tailed here black arrow wants to crash on it's not a secret that we know each other trick they're watching you hoping to catch me I think I'm insulted you better take them out quietly so we can talk to get back what else is new or the crowd does too much heat why are you following me I wasn't I wasn't following you I swear talk to me about Victor Christ just this guy I swear I don't know anything else Oh tell me about your plans for me and their cost Fisher I was supposed to call it in when we saw you backups waiting ready to take you in time for a change of plans that thick of taking care of your admirers then we got a window beforehand the street if we're gonna do the face-to-face things we got to do it now you know the area around the monument yeah there's a standalone booth right in front beat me there I'll let you yeah yeah yeah put this on we don't have a lot of time those spotters had to have backup so go over the basics here cover the rest by phone sounds good look in the bag to find your favorite pistol I didn't get you anything shut up Sam there's no time you'll also find something my borrow from a buddy over at DARPA it's portable EMP generator low intensity short range the bag shielded so you can stash your gear in there but if the trigger you'll fry everything around you to use this juice nice what else do you have for me there's a fire in the bag but here's the short version there's an R&D house called white box a DoD contractor that does work on EMP technology so so six months ago they suddenly contract out all their security those [ __ ] over at black arrow I have to break in pattern for them they don't do corporate security and based on what you told me about them it might be a connection bingo it's slim but you've gone fifth freedom based on laughs all right time for you to go and you ping me when you reach safe distance and we'll talk more about white box before you go in we'll stay safe all those years you were lying to me it was for the greater good Sam and I would do it again in a heartbeat for the same reasons yes I never did no no you didn't and you still don't [Music] when Sam came to me for help I wasn't gonna say no he'd always been more the lone wolf type and he needs a little reminder on the value a sticking your neck out after the fun and games at the monuments and headed to white box the goons who bought the place that I already gotten what they wanted out of it were moving it off site but he didn't care what they were taking out he wanted to get here not the double-walled EMP containment structure has a lot of back doors he just needed one [Music] so Vic how do I get in this box look for an industrial air exchanger on the side of the building breach it didn't go for their security monitoring setup downstairs the next objective should be easy to pick out once access to the camera feeds famous last words [Applause] on the bright side coffee got better let's see armed guards posted throughout the building Oh grow up bought out the new owners brought in their private security it happens all the time particularly with projects of this security clearance I just don't trust this gal your guy I mean yeah we got bond down you didn't lay anybody off but still bothers you just don't like the fact that his guy Robertson's holding all the data exactly we can't cross reference we can't collaborate what's he doing with it probably nothing thank you better switch to decaf I'm telling you we're not getting the amplification effect that we're looking for what about the reading some run 1994 Robertson Akina Robertson isn't qualified to interpret the data even if he is collecting all of it I'm thinking those were statistical noise I think you're being too quick to dismiss the results I think I've been working here 18 hour days for the last month and a half and I'm not gonna wish cast results because I want to wrap up and go home whatever you're leaving half the results on the table we're meeting our deadline deal with it come on people you said you'd be done two hours what we're not working fast enough for you you think you can tell me how to do my job I'm going to tell Lucia Scalia that you are interfering in our work what do you think about that you hear that I did what he doesn't realize so we work for gallier - you can't if you just I just did no choice get back to work not this one he heard the Bravo site you could have the other as long as it's useful finish it start finding fast and aggressive the building you keep or Nancy here working I gotta clean up don't kill don't kill me answer my questions we'll see what are you working on the requires this kind of lockdown electromagnetic pulse countermeasure stuff for DARPA mostly the only were since Robertson got here it's been all project driven Robertson what's his deal you mean besides letting black ro take over the lab he collects all the experimental data and wipes it off the rest of the systems it's bad for workflow and only he can see the big picture of what we're working on what about lucious Galliard where does he fit in he's my boss the owner of the company and the guy who hired black arrow and Robertson to do security I'm thinking it might be a good idea to relieve Robertson of that data can you get me in I could get you into the elevator good do it then get out I think I'll stay some of my friends the money might help me maybe I can good luck [Music] I know you're inside white-box I can help just let me know when you reach Robertson system so you heard everything what a surprise but now you're supposed to have good news about Sarah she's on the line that's why I called make it quick dad Sarah are you okay you told me you were dead dad they told me that you've been killed they told me the same thing about you I am alright sorry Sam time's up Quran later you've got work to do I can see Robertson's system from here dr. McGrath good now think about making this room a hostile environment for uninvited guests I might need you to be on that system for a while and I don't want you interrupted remote detonation mine should do the trick Sam here I'm looking at Robertson's system perfect can you get me a back door just like old times you've got rude access in the socket address Thanks I'm setting up a capture so I can download everything he's got all of the EMP data is on there a couple of analysts I trust are looking forward to seeing it okay Sam the link is active and the pipe is fuller I'm done here not quite I need you to babysit this from your end if the connection goes I can't reestablish it from here so nobody else gets their hands on this bond I'm seeing that system could be used to shut down the site's connectivity I'd be locked out and we'd be out of luck and I'd better get ready company's coming 20% off go [Music] 40% done come on out [ __ ] you're just all clear on this after I can't say the same someone's booked a trace on to my download I can't cut it and if they find me my cover's blown and so Sara's where's it coming from looks like inside white box first floor blueprints show a large space probably a test lab right I went through it they start their test EMP there you might have to use it do whatever it takes but cut that trace you think I think I'm done here Grimm maybe I'll look for this galleon everyone's talking about Lucius Collier you know him not directly but let me get back to you on this don't go after him until I do in the meantime we'll have an analyst working on Robertson's data how did Sam get on-site at the Lincoln Memorial easy Secret Service acting on orders from the president god of man why'd they do that that's a little trick here you see the name Lucius gal we've got Grimm's attention she knew he was a businessman Reid was working with Reid kept things compartmentalized and that was one of the aspects was operational him had no access to it pissed her off what Grimm did know was that read was meat and Galliard at the memorial in the morning right after some [ __ ] photo on speech TV was GALEX people are handling event logistics which was why he'd be there Grimm took it to the president who didn't like the coincidence she wanted to know what they were talking about Matt meant getting Sam on-site for audio surveillance and more if necessary I'm inside what now the president's on the line Sam we need to eavesdrop on the conversation Reed's about to have with Galliard so [ __ ] the memorial we thought of that mr. Fischer Galia two people scrub the site in preparation for my vice president's charming little speech there was no time to get new equipment in place what's plan B you are this morning's camera equipment is still in place get to the control booth pack the camera controls to record the conversation and uplink the feed to us just like that all right I'm on it all right grip I'm in the camera booth now what you need to sync the feed from the console to me so that I can see what we're getting it should be easy to hack hang on that's it now I need you to get comfortable with those camera controls we're dealing with directional mics here high-end but they're integrated with the camera focus get read and Galliard in the shot and we'll get the audio miss them and we get nothing and here they come now I'm glad you can make it we've got some last-minute logistic issues to discuss there are 24 hours out and you want to talk paperclip requisitions here now the site's clean and I knew you'd be here since your company did the setup on the Samson speech one of my companies yes I have several which includes black arrow which I assume is what you want to talk about we can talk about black arrow shortcomings later I want to talk about what I need to make this go off smoothly do you know I was impressed that he said that what did you think of sepsis speech was a nice piece of grandstanding he should give his riders the rain he swears he writes all the speeches himself I'm sure it plays well for the folks you don't like Samson Samson but a better tool might be using it which is incidentally something you should keep in mind my my are you actually threatening me I thought we were both more civilized than that this is what your people want the people I represent want you to deal with Bishop stop wasting time stop wasting their money if Maggie dose getting cold feet let me make this clear Megiddo planned this operation the you know paid for this operation and Makita would be very upset if anyone were allowed to interfere with it he's not going to interfere because my men will deal with him since black arrow wasn't able to I'll worry about black arrow you stick to the plan like I was saying it's interesting that you chose this path to mute of all things why would you say that the eyes of history are upon no mistake I'd rather keep our pardon things out of the history books thank you really I thought you enjoyed the spotlight more than that I'll do the song and dance when I have to but the man on stage is the one with the least cover who covers important especially a time which would explain why you're still here executive oversight I hate leaving things to chance or third party you're supposed to be in Paris all hell's about to break loose my men will be very busy so I cannot guarantee your safety I'm not asking you to are you sure this is to protect you and the operation some things require personal time now if that's everything we're done here I'll see you when it's over goodbye Lucius let's go after read no the smart plays to talk to Galliard we can find read later I concur I want to know more about Megiddo and looses Galliard is the only source we have okay go I'll freeze gal you're in place mister Galliard sure my name is Ana Grimm's daughter I'm calling on behalf of Tom Reed at Third Echelon I know who you are I just finished talking with your boss what does Reed want now director read about that the resolution that you two came to probably wasn't satisfactory for all sides and was wondering if you'd be open to further discussion on the matter oh how very thoughtful of him the answer is still no you'd like to know if there's anything else that could be put on the table to get you to reconsider Frye mr. Galliard I think you're misunderstanding the purpose of my call you really shouldn't talk about that guards where the hell are my guards it's just you and me Lucius what's your connection with Reid if you ask nicely I tell you if he's just hired help god you're thick this is bigger than read because in Third Echelon they're just convenience why does read want you out of town dark nor enhanced interrogation techniques need work he wants to run the show with the emps are triggered there's three of them scattered around the city in a few hours they go off that he gets to play commando there are people he wants to impress the EMPs where do I find them say I don't know that's part of the plan you see you can't stop it Fisher it's too big it's too late the people I work for this is just part of what they've got going on Megiddo who are they try harder Fisher Megiddo who are they they're the ones who run this town in Moscow and Beijing and any other place that matters they're the ones who are going to get me out of this one piece and once Reed is finished at the right what's happening yeah you're dead the shooters running we need him alive he may be our only link between there - Ilan Megiddo I've got a visual he's on the stage killing presidents workers jump down keep going dead ahead the location any idea why I'll tap into there como to find out [Applause] [Music] [Applause] alright theory put it into practice there are multiple Third Echelon squads converging on your position right now but the cops Third Echelon called them off when they were on the shooter my gloves are on The Secret Service agent who tried you mean is on his way to extract you but until he gets there you're on your own Sam a second wave of operatives is on its way time to go Sam your bride is here where [Music] [Music] it shows you how much Sam changed that he would even think about going after Third Echelon he'd been a company man boil to home but now here he was ready to rip the guts out of the beast buildings weakness was in the power supply the main feed and primary backup ran through the basement parking garage with a little c4 in the right place as Sam could cut the power to the building long enough to slip inside for the - Ilan that was good enough for Sam he was going in and he wanted them to know he was coming Sam are you in the garage it was the best way now I need you to use the c4 you packed to take out the building's primary and secondary transformers do it simultaneously when you reach the front desk and you'll have a short window before the emergency power put security back online but both on the parking level right right but in two separate rooms and don't be seen are they're gonna seal the security doors and you're done and don't give those surveillance cameras a show look what knife thus an one thing Third Echelon had always been about was the truth even after everything that happened he'd held on to that but now he was coming back as the hunter as the enemy as the one thing he'd never thought he'd be and the truth it was waiting for [Applause] [Music] I'm sorry we're closing the office early for some routine maintenance please try again tomorrow thank you I'm sorry sir but I'm afraid the office is closed for the evening I'm here to see Tom Reid mr. Reid is currently unavailable but if you'd like to make an appointment mr. Fisher I used to work here two-one-zero security doors Oh we're hearing locate the target and eliminate them are you over here are you fry a minute yeah yeah your fish sir right Anna told me that you were coming I was a big fan II respect when you worked here was a big fan I'm touched what do you have for me I've got those ultra high-frequency sonar goggles better than the stuff the new splinter cells are getting and try them on voila with these babies you can see in the dark you can see through walls what are you name it it's not bad plus I so you can see the security system laser break trip the beam and a turret targets the break nasty stuff I programmed the algorithm sorry just one thing the top-of-the-line guys are are packing similar gear so if you can see them they might be able to see you thanks now you better get moving I'll be fine I'll just tell the security guards that I was reading in the can you know they'll walk me right back to my home see you on the other hand it's good luck Dutcher could be in the shona rolling I want everybody there ASAP put an end to it [Music] targeted could see something about raise a security level do something he's gonna kill me nice to see you again look Fisher I can explain I've got stay back stay back nobody's coming to save you this time no no tell me what the hell is read up to he's working with Megiddo he's using Third Echelon to get EMPs into the country and sited in DC I helped set it up it's what I do why does we get out of this the president they're gonna take up the president up to the emps go up to paralyze the city useless cover for the tonight why go after the president I can't tell you [Music] she won't play ball but the fee fee is already in mijitos pocket Reed gets a medal and it baked that promotion after it all goes down that son of a [ __ ] last question this is the important one who do you know about my daughter if I tell you you're gonna kill me I don't know anything about her sure like I said they gave me a picture told me to provide a body that match I get a lot of jobs like that for Third Echelon anything they needed ask your friend Grimm's daughter I work for a bunch of times still alive yet I think Grimm I just had an interesting discussion with your friend cope it reads in bed with megiddo they're going after the president and playing king maker with a VP the emps are recover of course aid won't be able to get there in the afternoon and they'll have a convenient terrorist attack as cover for everything open at a few other things to say I'm headed to your office Grimm what am I gonna find there something long overdue about me through and telepresence when you get there no sign of Fisher could have been anyone scared by the power wrench [Music] so tell me about Sarah Grimm tell me why you admired to me it was Lambert's call Sam he thought he was protecting you he had a recording system set up in his office everything that went on in there he saved before New York he gave me the access codes the files can only be triggered on site and only by me this is what he had to say then use that despicable creature kovin to provide a body that could stand that I lied to my best friend told him his daughter was dead took advantage of his grief induced into Third Echelon services the saddest part of this I never uncovered the whole the danger to her and the sound is still out there which means this has to stay you and I that's all [Music] [Music] have to listen to me what's done is done but right now I need to I need the Sam Fisher I worked with haven't you heard he's dead just ask my daughter Sam please my analysts have worked through the rest of the data that you got from Wade Fox we know what they're doing and we can't stop it what do you need me for they've got three directional EMP generators in place when they go off the pulses will blanket the entire metro area the optimal coverage pattern predictions place one of those three at the old City reservoir site you need to go there and disable it why should I because that's the one that will hit Sarah's apartment and if you stop it you can save her from what's coming after [Music] and the other two there's only time to go after one so go save your daughter I was never holding her that was just a bluff to get you in the game and for whatever it's worth I'm sorry what about you I'm going to the White House with Tom Reid and I'm going to try to save the president maybe I'll see you there so now Sam knew everything knew that the best friend he'd murdered have betrayed him for the best reason knew that the thing about Lambeth build needed to be utterly destroy he was his own man all his ties to his old life for God except for Corinne she called me calling fame it was too late to go for the other EMPs but she did want me to go get Sarah Sam deserved that much at least meanwhile she'd be at the white house doing whatever the hell she thought she could do there so I said yes no way I was gonna move Sarah down there for when the [ __ ] hit the fan and I wasn't gonna walk behind in her father not even when he just waded in and started beating answers out of people then again and I was pure Siam you're Sam when he got mad almost did off more tell me what I need to know it I might not snap your neck RQ I'm not afraid of you commissioner oh that's that's a weaponized EMP over there how do i shut it down I would tell you [ __ ] funny now tell me what I need to know I don't know anything else I swear stop wasting my time [Music] if you don't know who does [Music] [Applause] Sciences brought over my friend Jess inside the warehouse could it be disposed of after the EMP pop you know you don't say did you really send up with real issues sabotage no systems you know what Fisher you're too late too late for her and too late to stop Lee so intense you might as well come up with died just like your little girl did but don't worry I'm gonna send you right to her God - Jesus Christ goddamn stupid are you did you really think I wouldn't notice you sabotaging those systems weren't doing your job your job is the only reason you're still alive I'm sorry to because you're at a chances please kill me one horse take one more reason and you're dead do you looks like an ambush come on what are you afraid of stop playing games Jeep engine operator baby hold position come here Victor he's waiting for you areas compromise getting little cocky there I don't know who you are or what you're doing here thank you there's a weaponized EMP slung up a hundred yards from here it's gonna be activated tonight tell me how to stop you can't there's two generators on site when that are activated they'll juice the EMP and then it'll discharge what's the catch if you take out one generator the other one automatically flashes each of them alone is enough to trigger the pulse so I need to hit both at the same time yes who else it goes off are you with a friend otherwise there's no way there's always a way now you'd better go things are gonna get ugly around here it's going to get ugly everywhere right about then things started getting complicated for some reason Sarah was suspicious but I'd managed to talk her into climbing into the chopper and a gone airborne to rendezvous with Sam but there were too many moving parts for things to go smoothly and Sam didn't know what he was really up against tagging the generators that fed the EMP so I could take them out from the air that was the least of it no science dick I've got bad news and water remains wet what do you got there are two generators powering the MP I need to take both out simultaneously and I'm all out of c4 mark the GPS coordinates for me I'll see what I can do when I get there Roger that [Music] remove very simple some of you may have heard that Sam Fisher is somewhere around and by God take priority do you understand me but if you see Fisher you bullets in them now hurry it up the clock is ticking people I don't like the time and religious being thorough or they're dead you hear any shooting I don't hear any shooting hell is that supposed to mean that's bad not good he's gone [ __ ] gotta be here soon Fisher my employers have put too much time and too much money and on this for you to [ __ ] it up now sorry soldier [Music] Grimm had me picked up Sara to get her out of danger she's on board dad what's going on mr. [ __ ] explained some of it but I don't understand just sit tight sweetheart it's gonna be all right but I need the second generator I can patch into Frances car oh boy [Music] what about the scenery not a good time victim taking fire from that chopper you'll think of something but I need those coordinates or [ __ ] manga Vic got it yourself Sara [Music] sorry but if I hear that black arrow radio chatter right we are all tired ah let's see everybody strapped in next up 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue it's grim they're nice contact I had with her she totally where to find Sara then she said she was going in to stop Reid haven't heard from her since we got going to help her right dad she looked out for me when you she could have just dumped me with a new name and walked away and she did it I'm not going to walk away from her not now don't worry skidded we're on our way just gonna take a while gotta make sure our flight path is in the EMP clear zone until the policies she thinks she's supposed to be pleased those people down there will know what happened what the hell did you just do so if foul Hey defenses set up come on gotta get up thank God you had me worried there for a minute by you've got us down to one piece here my shoes were down I think you'll need that more than we will where'd you get the best I was in the chopper that crash wrecked everything else Jesus I'm not leaving my daughter here Vic Sarah can you work your way around yeah it's all right she'll be fine Sam with six blocks my office my people are coming to meet us Grimm needs your help now Griffin can wait I'm not taking any chances with Sarah dad he's right go do what you have to do trust me don't be fine I'll see you again good now take him out [Music] they wouldn't let us do it was a bad day to work at the white house black arrows out of perimeters there prevent accidental witnesses then it was the inner cordon around the white house to make sure nobody bothered read while he did his dirty work after all the arming was eventually gonna get its ass in gear and start airlifting people into the city damn there was gonna be some explaining to do read solution was brilliant if the cavalry showed up after he'd taken our president then black arrow was there to help secure the White House and our new president if not black arrow would be the scapegoat and their resistance would buy enough time for him to finish the job [Music] Sam where are you coming through the front door negative locked it down [Music] [Music] they're gonna kind of tour move it to the green room go keep moving what was going on inside the White House made the stuff in the streets look like a body reads people were in there not black arrow and they were clear in that room my room read it disabled most of the security from Third Echelon the EMP had taken care of the rest all the president had left was Secret Service and they weren't enough Sam was in trying to make his way through the white house while the people he trained tried to kill asked for grim well she had the hard part [Music] if I catch a bullet sir directory just called he's almost secured the president everything's going according to schedule really stay down fellas you didn't run Mart you don't get it do you you can't touch me I got protection of attempt one so whatever you think you're gonna do to me mister has been mr. rogue agent mister washed-up spy we can forget about it right now cuz I'm bulletproof goddamn bullet proof here oh really Oh for whatever it's worth Sam I am so sorry for everything I thought we were in a hurry right we need to get you clothes to read and we need to do it in a way that doesn't make him DoubleTap the president immediately got any ideas one but it's gonna hurt just do what you have to do I always do soon I always do Tom I've got Fisher I'm bringing him in don't do anything drastic until I get there sorry Sam you're going to the Oval Office you've got a dress properly for the occasion hands comfortable get up got an appointment the president all those years you were lying to me it was for the greater good Sam and I would do it again in a heartbeat for the same reasons I guess I never didn't know you and you still don't [Music] I was wondering when you were gonna get here nice work Anna I see you got some payback in for the stunt he pulled at the airfield well he put up a little bit of his fights of course and now he's here the famous Sam Fisher just in time to be useful so how does it feel Sam knowing you're gonna go down in history as the man who assassinated president Caldwell [ __ ] you of course will be just a little too late to rescue her and you'll be shot multiple times trying to escape it's classic but it's clean you don't honestly believe that this is gonna work the surveillance cameras footage is gonna show your cameras we own them your security measures we made sure the pulse fried them for Third Echelon Madam President we own every bit of information that goes through this town and if I want you I can make it look like you were assassinated by two circus clowns and a golden retriever so shut up and you might live a few seconds longer that's not Third Echelon it's not Lambert's Third Echelon last time I checked he was dead and guess what Third Echelon nearly died with homme you see the president decided the agency wasn't justifying its funding anymore she was gonna shut us down leave America vulnerable to the sort of attacks you spent so many years stopping Sam that's not what you had plenty of chances to talk ma'am Megiddo was willing to play ball this is on you and yes it is really that simple Caldwell's policies didn't match Megiddo almost got it go when you set off your emps murderers City and assassinate the president who's dead yes it's a hard decision but the right one a wake-up call to the country proof that it can happen at any time to anyone a reminder that we need to be vigilant at every moment that we need Third Echelon to keep us safe president be alright yes I'm fine thank you you've got maybe two minutes before the army takes back the White House make them useful how did Megiddo get to you you don't want to know about Megiddo you want to know about your daughter you don't get to talk about my daughter still don't get it do you sir didn't matter threatening her was just a way to get to you and leveraging you was a way to get to third Ashlyn and Third Echelon that was the way to get what they wanted out of the White House you're the mom they're the one Lambert was worried about you very good Sam you finally see yes son of a [ __ ] you cost me three years of my life three years when I thought my job and will stand on the floor now captain thank you for rescuing me now I don't see anyone else here but us and I'm sure you don't either man let's get you out thank you Oval Office is secure we have the president POTUS is safe and secure I've talked to Sam once since he left he told me that he and Sarah were gonna take some time to catch up he talked about learning and who was really important to you while you always had to come back for him he talked about family and you know what the last thing he said to me was just before he hung up Vicky said thanks for everything I love you like a proper brother that's fab my thoughts all [Music]
Channel: Gamer's Little Playground
Views: 196,548
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: machinima, splinter cell all cutscenes, splinter cell conviction all cutscenes, splinter cell conviction game movie, splinter cell conviction movie, splinter cell conviction story, splinter cell convinction campaign, SPLINTER CELL: CONVICTION All Cutscenes (Full Game Movie) 1080p HD, splinter cell double agent all cutscenes, splinter cell 1 all cutscenes, splinter cell chaos theory all cutscenes, splinter cell pandora tomorrow all cutscenes, splinter cell, splinter cell conviction
Id: 7EU8jDzpeHc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 52sec (5872 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 01 2018
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