Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory - Game Movie

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[Music] s [Music] foreign spee [Music] foreign looks like a Chinese xiangu class cruiser with a North Korean Destroyer [Music] Escort events in the Yellow Sea took a turn for the worst today when North Korean and Chinese forces blockaded and boarded a Japanese cargo ship the North Korean government released no official statement and their Ambassador remained out of contact while at the UN Chinese Ambassador long Dan urged the US and her longtime Japanese allies to remain calm calling the blockades a legitimate response to what the rest of Asia views as a possible remilitarization of Japan this blockade is an act of war the NSC is working on a formal response and they've ordered the USS Walsh to close at flank speed the Walsh is the most advanced spy ship in history my best man will be on board what do you know Chinese and North Korean ships working together again it's what we expected that's a 056 prototype chese exactly how are you sea legs I haven't lost them good because the 056 prototype isn't the only new fish in the pond Admiral toshiro otomo head of Japan's newly formed information self-defense Force had this to say this is another distressing attempt by China and North Korea to further depress our fing economy the isdf and Japan appear to our allies for the m Military Support promised us under the postwar constitution of 194 the fact remains that in the eyes of many in Asia the isdf itself is a violation of the postwar Constitution prohibiting Japan from maintaining a military force capable of striking Beyond its borders in Asia the memories of Imperial Japan are still [Music] fresh been a long time boy when's the last time I saw you I'm afraid I have no recollection of that Senator that's right it has been a while nice cond of you got here thanks I got a space set up for you in the fol you can make yourself your home and uh heck no one will even know you're here Fisher an American engineer named Bruce Morgan holdt has been kidna AP by a Peruvian separatist group called The People's voice their suspected leader Hugo Lera is a hardcore revolutionary preaching information Warfare is the only realistic means to achieve revolution in modern society we need you to get in there and recover or destroy any information Morgan holdt may have been forced to divulge and if possible rescue him as for Lera he's just been bumped onto our Target of opportunity list so if you have a shot take it hostage rescue isn't normally our bag but Morgan hold was part of project Watson the UN committee that studied Philip Mass's handiwork after Georgia some people are worried that this kidnapping is just a coverup and that Morgan holdt is being interrogated for classified information about the mass kernels fact is that some of the tricks Mass came up with could be used to do a lot of damage we need to contain that information at all costs the target area is a lighthouse attached to an abandoned Spanish colonial era fortification and some nearby structures we don't have an exact location on Morgan Holt so you'll have to find him yourself insertion will be at Night by zodiac onto the beach beneath the fort thermal imaging shows that there are some old natural and semi-natural caves under the fort so you may be able to use those for infiltration all right Fisher the helicopter will drop you a few kilometers offshore in the Zodiac you'll have one of my Zodiacs and logistical support in and out of the target area extraction will be by a helicopter from the top of the lighthouse this place international holds the contract with Wright Pritchard Technologies to protect their VIPs in potentially hostile situations we did a thorough threat evaluation for their project in Peru and we accepted the VIP detail on Morgan hold the guys who came after him knew what they were doing this was not a tourist grab I lost three good men in the snatch and I'm currently preparing a rescue plan for approval from Morgan Holt's family and Wright Pritchard this is going to cost this place a lot of money I'm hearing gun fire down there fisher everything all right it's coming from up ahead but Lambert and I think gorilla I think Kalashnikov what do you mean I've had enough AKs fired at me in my time to tell you that wasn't one all right see if there's anything unusual going on with their equipment keep us post of you know I heard that Smugglers used to use these old cares Smugglers see they probably had all sorts of secret passages and tunnels down here come on R careful it's safe don't worry where are you going careful maybe it's not safe don't be a fool old caves like these are danger injury I'm not going any further fine do what you like you okay where did you go didn't anyone ever tell you that spelunking is dangerous oh no you are going to kill me right only if you say the word monkey now tell me something I want to know ammunition and medical supplies check around inside the K they have have tons of stuff in there some of you guys are real helpful why do you have to work for the bad guys you're the American oppressor you're the bad guy are you going to say monkey what then this conversation is over I think you're right about the equipment Sam yeah they got themselves a little stockpile of high-tech kit here try and find out where they got it see if those crates have sscc barcodes on them and scan them with your eev the sscc code is lot one of five see if you can find the other four I'll do my best no don't you think he's had enough he's had enough where he can't talk talking mad he hasn't been able to speak for an hour he could be faking it no no Jesus see I think he's faking faking his tongue is a l of cold he's enough sa give him more it's already at the maximum what should I bring down another battery what do you say Amigo you want another battery wait a minute he's sir his ears look smoke I think I'm going to be I think he's there only one way to be sure uh I'm going for a work it doesn't sound too good down there fisher the sound isn't the problem you should smell it you're sure he's dead deader than us all right leave the body we still need to recover any traces of the interrogation Grim we'll call you back I already don't like you don't make it worse for yourself who who are you shut up why did you torture Morgan H hold Lera told us to why what does he want to know math problems programmer stuff I don't get it you're just the stupid one who likes to hurt people huh exactly can you think of a reason why the world wouldn't be a better place without you please I I didn't think so Fisher I said leave the body you don't have the means to extract just because he's dead doesn't mean I need to leave him here hanging like a piece of meat don't get too connected Fisher I need you to stay rational you can spare 30 seconds for some simple dignity Sam it's Grim we need to make sure that whatever Morgan hold might have told them about Mass's algorithms never leaves this site okay I detected a wireless link coming from the technician who left the room before you entered so I'll need to recover any data he might have uploaded to their servers exactly Northern IR from the looks of it these gorillas have a pretty temporary setup seems unlikely they have any kind of alarm system loc local government buildings destroyed in hi there you look important I am loyal you will get no information from me really H it looks like you forgot the shave this morning let me help you out a bit huh you can't hey what are you doing okay okay what do you want to know I'm looking for lerta he's been behaving very badly lately well you're wasting your time American he left about an hour ago he could be anywhere by now I guess I'll just have to follow him then don't worry he won't slip away I think that confirms it Fisher yeah seems like ler is long gone we'll see if we can track him through echa don't worry about him for now we'll keep you posted so hey why did you torture more Lela he wants algorithms some kind of computer algorithm what does a second rate communist revolutionary want with a computer algorithm I don't know I don't even think Lera dos I think someone might have hired us what makes you think that I don't know Lera he's been making lots of deals something's going on I don't know what but you don't know who he's been talking to no and you're not much good to me anymore that server is the one that the tech transferred the interrogation record to you'll need to access it good work Sam that wiped whatever information Morgan hold might have given them don't they wonder what happened to it it was easy enough to make your little intrusion look like a memory allocation era don't worry we give you the best to good work Fisher we can analyze the intelligence you gathered from those crates you can make a lot of people's jobs a whole lot safer how come best thing to make my job safer if you want me to hire some more analysts to interpret information for you I can do that second thought the D is not so our cre support we have affirmative Maria Nar you're not trying to set me up on another blind date I hope the Maria Narcissa is a boat so was the last girl you said Fisher sorry the Maria Narcissa is a cargo ship owned and operated by celesia Inc Portuguese Shipping Company registered in the Philippines cross-pacific Freight contracts lots of details missing sounds suspicious sounds like I'm setting you up for another date after all can't wait to meet her F sure your primary objectives are complete can extract you whenever you're ready you'll need to signal for a helicopter pickup from the top of the lighthouse make sure the light is out first we'll [Music] do [Music] the body of kidnapped American computer engineer Bruce Morgan hold was discovered in a village in Peru this morning implicated in the kidnapping and failed Ransom attempt is Hugo Lera alleged leader of the people's voice a newly formed Guerilla organiz ation here we see the USS Clarence E Walsh on route to the Yellow Sea for her first assignment amid Rising tensions in the region dubbed the flagship of a 21st century Fleet by defense secretary Mason who reaffirmed America's commitment to our Japanese allies it is our hope that the presence of the Walsh now the world's Premier electronic and information Warfare platform will help diffuse the tensions in the region information you recovered in Peru makes it look like hug laera was contracted by a third party to kidnap and interrogate Morgan Holt his payment was in weapons he appears to be using those arms to equip his own men and pay off debts to other gorilla groups maybe Lera is a nickel anti- loser but maybe he's learned some things from Morgan Holt that we don't want anyone to know Maria Narcissa is out to see so there's no Escape board her search her find out who lasa has been dealing with and then make sure he doesn't have an opportunity to spread what he knows fifth Freedom what Morgan hold knew about the mass kernels recursive computation and weaponized algorithms is akin to what Oppenheimer knew about Adams or what Turing knew about digital computers project Watson the United Nations investigation into the mass Colonels will be remembered for centuries alongside the Manhattan Project as fundamental research that changed the nature of warfare forever imagine if Chua had kidnapped and interrogated Oppenheimer in 1959 and you have a pretty accurate parallel of the situation we're in right now we're going to send the helicopter out about 40 clicks ahead of the Maria Narcissa and leave you in the water on her course you'll board covertly onto the bow search the ship and the holds find out what you can about the arms shipments and who Lera is dealing with satellite imaging shows the Maria Narcissa racks a small launch on the stern that will be your primary extraction if things go badly we might be able to arrange to pluck you out of the sea we'll keep the Walsh inside a helicopter range of the target vessel at all times if something goes wrong we should be able to assist an extraction if you play it safe we'll recover you when the ship's launch from Open Water once you're out of visual range of the ship Fisher we just pulled up cia's last dry do report for the Maria Narcissa they have a newly installed Central alarm system don't tell me three alarms and the mission is over of course not this is no video game fisher but you don't want the whole place alerted to your presence keep it under control nice night what are you here sh it's the roster how many men are B total there is 36 of us I think but that's including Lera and a couple of me looking mercenaries he brought with him but those he was just here 20 minutes ago complaining about his quarters he said he wanted another another room you won't find lerda where there is work to be done Fisher it looks like ler is spreading around his new found wealth paying off debts with some of the arms that were delivered to him you want me to scan any more weapons crates better idea plant tracking devices on them and we can see who they end up getting delivered to okay good job Sam that's the first crate keep your eyes peeled for any more all right fiser we just intercepted a radio call from the Maria Narcissa she's reporting a hull leak and asking for an escort the ship is sinking no but apparently several compartments are flooded you'll need to activate the Bild in the forward machine room to access all the cargo holdes Fisher those compartments are flooded you need to activate the emergency build pump to drain them noisy down here oh my makes it easy to sneak up on people what is this hold the auxiliary pump is here there are some flooded compartments the pump should be able to drain them thanks for the [Applause] information good job that'll drain the flooded compartments now you can search for the bill of lading attached to Lera ship all right I'm betting that leera's shipping container is somewhere in this compartment the bill of lading should be mounted on the side I'll have a look around good work Sam it looks like whoever delivered These Arms to Lera was operating through a proxy who mer Panama offshore Bankers yeah the cigar chomping kind great I love bureaucrats you still need to recover the transit ledger so we can figure out who else the Sera is dealing with try the ship's office they should have that information sensors in your suit are detecting a lot of fumes down there yeah I can smell it some kind of gas leak could be enough to be a serious explosive Hazard we can't have any firing in the engine room wonderful and don't expect the enemy to be smart enough to realize that they might still open fire on you if they see you I get the message I'll be discreet stay calm we don't want to make any Spar who are you I'm the fire inspector and I'm worried that you or one of your stupid friends might try and squeeze a shot off of here why can't you smell the gas but but but I didn't think it was dangerous imagine you needed to sto your ammo to prevent any accidents where would you put it uh uh the men bunk up port side just turn left out the back of the engine room they've got a crate full of new guns back there maybe some other stuff too I'm not sure Sam you're near the ship's office this deck starboard side I'll find the transit ledgers there that's where they should be keeping them the transit ledgers are forged they say lerus container is full of sugar cane and coconuts from a man named ncar akov in Malaysia ncar aov I remember that name necakov is a code name that Philippine drug dealers use to indicate arm shipments so instead of nuts from Malaysia a c have got guns from an imaginary Russian exactly now why don't you go find out where Lera is hiding the captain probably knows where he is good idea why don't you head to the bridge and ask Helm see me capan make your heading 88° 6 minutes maintain speed see seor Scopes are clear see gracias I hear you have a special passenger tonight what that who I'm the guy who's here to cash the checks lerta has been writing where is he that son of a he was provoking my men so I gave him my own cabin to shut him up that's very kind of you be careful he brought some personal bodyguards they look dang dangerous I'm not afraid of Laser's thugs no they're not Peruvian they're Europeans I think Bros thanks for the tip the pleasure is all mine so Lera is hold up in the Captain's Quarters where's that third deck port side the two interior stairwells are the only access to that deck I tell you never never in my life have I been so insulted I don't see why you're so upset he got you past the inspection you think it's easy to get through the canal Zone with all the crackdowns these days I don't care if it's hard you think my job is easy no but this insult forcing me to bribe an inspector out of my own pocket no this big shot this vice president seor Segundo Ru deos I'll show him fine mark my words I'll make him pay I'll make him pay double or my name is not ug lasera great I need another drink now where would that fat pig shh don't make a scene not exactly but if it makes you feel better to pray please don't kill me please let me go I won't tell them I saw you you don't understand what's Happening Here do you Morgan hold your goons tortured him to death and I'm holding you responsible oh no it's not my fault the only thing worse than a coward is a liar you gave the order and now you're going to die for it please first tell me who contracted you to kidnap him I I don't know I swear I was cont contacted indirectly I was warned not to try and find out I'm sorry it's not my fault good job Fisher I'll inform the Joint Chiefs that Lera is no longer a threat your primary objectives are completed we can extract you whenever you're ready with still no word from the North Korean government China's long Dan again urged all sides to come to the barain we have now a late response by admiral toshiro otomo of the Japanese isds despite the ambassador's efforts nothing has changed the Japanese people must continue to endure harassment and humiliation we eagerly anticipated the arrival of hey I hear you leaving us heading back for Panama he and run sir we have a few loose ends to tie off before we can rejoin well you can make it back for the Fourth of July I'll show you one hand of a good time boy wouldn't miss it for the world Fisher the arms that Lera had were purchased by someone using a Panamanian offshore Bank as proxy I want to take a peek inside their records unfortunately it's not as simple as that this op can't look like a US intelligence gig so to cover it up you'll need to crack the bank's Vault and lift some bearer bonds property of the French government I hit the bank's servers last night but I didn't find much all their workstations run drivers for plug-and-play hard drives I'm guessing they secure them physically every night crazy world we live in where electronic intrusion is more of a threat Than Physical intrusion anyway they probably store the drives in the main Vault meaning they're not going to be easy to get a hold of first the good news you've been in this bank before you were part of a CIA raiding team that went in in ' 89 looking for some of Nora's Drug Money most of the intelligence we have on the bank actually comes from your team the bad news is that we have a lot of physical security lasers motion sensors locked doors cameras the whole lot and none of it was there in ' 89 we've also contacted a a specialist to help crack the Vault you better talk to him look I don't know who you are or why I'm helping you other than it's better than steering at the ceiling of my cell I yeah you have to face some Mason Wells 88 well it a a one man job but they tell me you can do the work of five men far I says I had you mate Willie make a little deposit for you you'll be needing some things from a safety deposit box in the little Vault that we can use to crack the main one we'll continue on our course for the Yellow Sea and send you back by helicopter to Panama City I have no authorization to act inside Panamanian borders so you'll be operating covertly out of the embassy you and your partner will be on your own in Panama Fisher I just synced your offset with Intelligence on the bank that you and your team gathered back in ' 89 uh the memories yeah judging from your report sounds like it was quite a vacation it was actually I spent most of the rest of that year sleeping in a ditch on the road between Baghdad and Kuwait oh well if it's any consolation I had a bad year that year too what you weren't working for the government during the Gulf War no I was in 10th Grade oh right yuck Darkness tell me something about your security systems okay we have motion sensors out here newly installed motion sensors see they turn on the lights oh no alarms just lights like for your garage not for my garage are you kidding those things are expensive Hightech uh yeah whatever Fisher I've got a copy of a work order here that the bank filed with their insurance company it says the Dome Windows over the lobby are magnetically locked see if you can find a breaker or junction box up here and power down the locks right good work Sam that shut down the magnetic blocks on the Windows hey wait a minute power power Spike the lobby it looks like a laser grid just came online lasers lasers are so '90s I was going to say' 70s can you please stop making me feel old got bad news for you Sam you are [Music] old Fisher here's our advisor he'll walk you through the steps that'll get you into that vault be patient with it oh he's one of those right hello this thing on then it's on I'm here have you been briefed whatever listen this is the m worlds 88 each one is unique you want to get a butes up the SK skir first thing you need to do is authorize an opening how do I do that the bank president and the treasurer will each have an authorization lock in their office there'll be another one in the security office you need to disable all three okay [Music] I didn't disturb your rest did I shh I'm here to rob the place the Tor throwers each one maintains an overnight float of of a thousand balboas I'm not interested in petty cash you'll never crack the main Vault it's impregnable then you won't mind if I try no no of course you're the boss whatever you say what can you do to help me the retinal scanner here I can unlock it that's very kind of you looks like more lasers ahead Sam this whole place is singing with photons there's a guard who seems to be walking around here no problem maybe he has some kind of Beacon get close and you can stay in his electronic Shadow that's a neat trick you do with the lasers okay what oh the Grits they detect some kind of signal emitted by a transmitter is stitching to my uniform give me the transmitter I don't know where it is I swear it's just a stitch into my uniform somewhere that's bad news for you because I still need to get past the lasers and since I don't want to undress you that means I have to take your body my body you you mean my unconscious body I hope either way works for me oh God no are there any other ways in or out of this room that you might want to tell me about uh birds birds what do you mean birds the vents above the fan I think they lead outside I can hear birds nesting in them well that is useful information does that mean I get to leave let me think about it right that's authorization done the outer cage to the Vault should be opening as we speak great just inside the cage there's a small Vault full of safety boxes you mate dropped off some kit for you in one of them all right I'll let you know when I'm there Sam it's will Turtle said one of these boxes had some equipment in it chest level right hand side number 1024 careful with that gear what is all this stuff it charges for the Vault and the other thing of me Bob is a telemetric lockpick a telemetric lock pick head down to the main Vault we'll walk you through it there all right next you need to pop both of these locks at the same time that's what the telemetric pick is for exactly it reads your movements in one lock and mimics them in the other lock real time you guys use some cool doors right now once you get the feel for each pin you have to wait a second for the telemetric pick to syn up once it beats Bob's your uncle you can pick the pin and move to the next one don't try and pick a pin before your ins synct or you'll have to restart right all right now place the charges over the main pins once they're all in place well I'm sure you can fix out and open we're in great work Sam get in there and find those hard drives I have fragments of a message here from someone named dor Eon doesn't have a file on him wait that's weird what the deleted messages they're 512 encrypted I haven't seen 512 since Philip MX I killed Mass outside several mors I remember and it's confirmed so this is someone with access to is some seriously classified information who I'm not sure I'll get back to you great work Fisher now any investigation into the robbery will only point back at the investigators so the Panamanian government will end up sending some innocent Banker to prison innocent if you don't count providing arms to revolutionaries oh right I forgot Bankers evil good job Fisher now the whole mission will look like a robbery they'll never know why we were here Lambert now that I'm holding 50 million bucks I think we need to talk about that raise again 25 cents an hour and not a penny more deal all right fiser we'll extract you as planned from the same location you were inserted over the wall from the front Courtyard that's right reading will be waiting for you nearby on my way so zesi and Morgan hold are the only two people who ever saw those algorithms and Morgan Holt is dead and zesi is connected to a mystery guest we know nothing about dorak Morgan Holt and zesi are Geeks not terrorists maybe this dorak is some kind of Puppeteer no hitter with the 2 New York in the eight is on the P concentration P [Applause] [Music] Focus this is no coincidence you're on your way to the Big Apple Bruce Morgan Hol and abim Zaki were partnered together on Project Watson the UN committee that cracked the mass Colonels they're the ones who discovered 512 encryption the same encryption used in the messages you recovered at MCAS bank if this so-called Dvorak person has somehow gotten his hands on mass-based iwos we're in a world of hurt I've been trying to penetrate zi's private Network since we connected him to this mess I've seen some tough network security before and I expected zeri to have top of the line Tech but this is crazy zesi server isn't just impenetrable or invisible it's like it's like looking for a shadow in a pitch black room it's driving me crazy things are turning sour in New York it's been 24 hours since the blackout and no one has a clue when it might end we've got sporadic reports of unrest all over Manhattan but it hasn't started started to spill over yet word coming down from above is that the National Guard will be deployed within the hour we'll need to insert you into an alley behind a building adjacent to the Target building watch out for civilians Fisher the National Guard was deployed into Manhattan about an hour ago I feel safer already watch your fire Sam those boys aren't expecting to see you in they'll attack on site do not I repeat do not kill any of them I'll be careful good stay calm we're on the same side Jesus who are you I'm the monster in the closet and I'm going to let you go back to sleep as soon as you tell me how many men you have deployed out here there's there's just eight of us in the squad but there are more on the roof how many I don't know I swear thanks for the Intel Fisher looks like the National Guard are trying to restore the power to the building's elevator that's probably your best way to the top I'll see if I can hit you ride it'll be a long climb if you don't what's the status on that elevator I'll have it running in a sec we'll speed it up we need to get some more equipment up to the roof I'm going as fast as I can for Fisher satellite shows you reach's buildings County clerk's office has construction permits on file for the floors below the penthouse and in the neighbor instruction any plans or blueprints on file I'll have grim look into it but with this blackout I understand I'll see if I can dig up some plans down here good idea Fisher that's a Hired Gun if I've ever seen one he's no night Watchman either he's a Merc he's got the same kid as the guys who were protecting the Serta this whole situation is getting uglier by the second see if you can find out who these characters work for we'll do what are you doing down here who the hell off to a bad start talk or die okay we're on VIP need protection this floor we need to secure it because we can't lock it off from the penthouse does the architect or engineer keep an officer a desk down here yeah of course West side of the building since you're doing so well why don't you tell me the name of the PMC you work for I I work for displace displace International this place that's Doug shetland's company I know Fisher if Shin turns out to be crooked if Shin is crooked I'll take him down myself but I have a feeling there's more to it than that good be see if you can find out who's in charge of this protection detail maybe someone inside dis place is playing both sides you got it work permits architectural plans interesting zazy has a hardened Panic Room off of his bedroom I'll check it out looks like he also filed plans for construction in the next building over the next building I'm no architect but if I'm reading these plans right both buildings are connected across a rooftop I'll leave the relevant data on your offset should help you navigate thanks give me a Fisher zari's cameras project an infrared beam so they can see in the dark if it's an infrared beam I can see it in my night vision exactly and listen it would help us keep tabs on zeri if we could use these cameras against him gotcha I'll try and run some Taps Fisher looks like ciri has these doors mag locked on a remote switch you'll need to find the computer that controls the mag IC lock where would I find that it's probably in that Panic Room he keeps hidden behind his bedroom stay quiet it's a long way down to the street oh God please don't sounds to me like you know who's in charge of VIP protection here yeah it's milon n was he in charge of the protection detail on Morgan hold in Peru as well yeah milon handles all displ VIP protection contracts well he's not very good at it is he please don't throw me off this roof wouldn't dream of it myON n echelon's got nothing he doesn't even exist whoever is he's playing both sides we need to inform shad no can do Sam we can't compromise OBC for private interests fine if I find nage it would be less of a problem admirable of you to protect your friend but you said he doesn't exist I'm just correcting a bureaucratic ER that pretty much confirms it these records shows he has a long history of transactions with the MCAS Bank in Panama is he the one who shipped the arms to lerta goons it doesn't matter much now we'll need to bring him in for a chat either way all right how long have you known him a long time a long time since before this place since before Bosnia before Bosnia good Lord I knew he had connections but uh yep know him a long time he treats us good good we do what he says yes yes well he sure treats us well now you know too now you work for him do what he says yes well certainly worth my while now isn't it more than worth your while it'll keep you alive man pick a number between 1 and 10 what oh oh crap three lucky guess you get to live now tell me something useful or we'll play another round oh God uh the the mag lock the locked door to the roof what about it uh I think the computer that controls it is in the master bedroom on the top floor do you want me to pick again uh four no no no wait wait seven gotcha who D'Or where is he according to this he's in the building next door you can get there across the rooftop through the magnetically locked doors how do I get through the doors they're not magnetically locked anymore thanks for the help what are you doing out here all by yourself guarding the roof from what let me go and I'll show you feisty one how about I cut your ear off see how tough you are there the elev go ahead I have two how many men do you have out here I'm alone on this roof alone huh lousy way to die we all die alone nice place you got here decorate it yourself Who Who Are You The Landlord rents overdue what do you want where can I find Dvorak I don't know any Dvorak if you mean zy he's gone you must be Dvorak uh well deor I had thought this area was well off limits you're not dor well since we're being blunt well no then who are you such a rush you're in fancy some tea do you Lambert something weird is happening I'll say what do I do the old man seems harmless indulge him see if he knows anything reminds me of poor old jiggers oh jiggers we hardly knew you who are you what are you doing here oh well one might ask you the same I'm looking for a man named Dvorak ah dorak yes well you're not going to find one this way yes here we are then this is theor Jesus I think I just figured out why you couldn't hack any here Grim uh yeah no kidding what the hell do I do now uh hold on while I find a slide rule see what the old man knows Fisher okay if this is Dvorak who are you um I am dvorak's keeper thank you most kindly for asking and what is this this Dvorak dorak is well you likely wouldn't understand I'm sure you're right but let's have it for the record anyway dorak is a mechanical representation of a self-referential axium of number Theory dorak encodes its own logical structure within its own executable cycle and recursively deres a more accurate representation of itself with each success of execution right Grim did you get that my God it's an infinite State machine fine what do I do if zesi is using this Grim sorry uh Sam we're going to need a copy of dorax output so we can work out the algorithm it's built on how do I get its output it runs on Punch Cards Punch Cards you'll need to restart the sequence and initialize each Tower in the right order and then retrieve the output stack how do I know the right sequence you'll need to hit the switches in order as the tubes start to heat up ask the old man for help I need your help indeed what can I help you with my good fellow I need you to help me initialize the vorak so I can retrieve an output stack ah vorak well that is certainly something I can help with why don't you restart it I'll initialize the towers on this side and you can do the other side Miss RQ better restart from the top there Chum there you go mhm your output stack should be ready mhm all right I got the stack good work Fisher time to make yourself scarce get to your primary extraction point on my way now coming to you from our New York City broadcast Center we have Patrick Dunn of watershed electric on the line Mr Dunn what do we know at this moment all we know so far is that this was not an accident if it's not an accident then it must be intentional both us and the Japanese have been hit by this thing I think it's pretty obvious who's responsible here's a Tomo it appears we have something in common Admiral our analysis of the informational footprint shows that the pressures which collapsed our power grids appear in many ways similar to those that corrupts our markets I am certain the Koreans and the Chinese are involved let's not jump the gun here Admiral we've had our microscope on a man named zi he had access to weaponized IW Algos following that business in Georgia he was also a major doe consultant after the blackouts here in 2003 yes we are aware of this connection has Zari been found not yet but it won't take long I'll keep you posted fiser I'm afraid we might be facing an orchestrated attempt to push the world into a major crisis cazi might know more about information Warfare than anyone on Earth and the fact that this place is combat ready essentially stateless and better equipped than most governments we need to find out fast whether this is a coincidence or whether someone inside this place is making a major move that said state department has several very significant contracts with displace this thing is extremely political I hate to do this to you but keep it clean Recon only no fatalities dis place's offices are on the top three floors of the Hand Center Tower in downtown Manhattan recent financials indicate that they have invested heavily in their local infrastructure in order to maintain full operational capacity following even a major terrorist incident satellite confirms Grim's data this place is up and running at near to full capacity it looks like they might be holding a meeting with members of New York City Council possibly making a bid for protection or policing services to supplement the National Guard they're prepared and opportunistic that's for sure but I wouldn't expect anything different my money says they're playing fair but if the boss wants to take a closer look then that's what we'll do fisher we need to find out if displace and Zi are working together but until we know you want me to keep it quiet don't kill anyone or I'll abort the mission Pentagon has contracts with this place all around the world president will have puppies if he finds out we're doing this hey Marco asked me to ask you when you'll be finished getting the ventilation system running I don't know you know while well Marco says hurry up says the air is getting stale inside what the hell do I care what Marco says I don't even know it I'll tell him you said that huh go ahead boy are you in trouble whatever something going on with the ventilation system no hey who are you pretend I'm Harry tutle oh oh I'm an ill-tempered and heavily armed heating engineer who's asking questions about your ventilation system I guess I I guess it's not working properly since the blackout so it shouldn't take much to shut down that big fan if I wanted to I I don't know why would you want to do that the adventure the travel did I did I hear something maybe not you're certainly entitled to request protection at that level from the National Guard I agree but let's face it the National Guard is a massive cumbersome organization sure that's what we need a presence on the contrary the people want protection they need protection but they don't want to see protection it frightens them having the National Guard on every corner will keep the peace but at what cost they'll get over it Julian in the end the thing they'll remember is that the National Guard is cheap I'm dealing with taxpayers here the last thing I need is another fiscal accountability Scandal what come on I want to show you something Fisher that executive he probably has the daily access algorithm for the display Central servers stored on his laptop Lambert gave me pretty strict non-lethal parameters if you stay close you should be able to hack into his laptop wirelessly I'll give it a whirl Sam each of display's different divisions seem to have their own server Farm I put a program on your opat that will build a little back door into their networks you want me to upload that to each division server I would appreciate it since you ask so nice good work Sam that's the first of their servers if you can upload that to each of the other ones I'll be able to Snoop around as much as I please I'll see what I can do good work Sam now you'll be able to access the central server on the first floor this Wireless stuff makes life a lot easier yep welcome to the Wi-Fi era remember you're saying that to a guy from the era of high-fi high-fi as in like high in fiber don't put me in adult undergarment yet [Music] kid good work Sam upload that program to the last server and you'll make me the happiest girl in the world you're easy to please access is a Girl's Best Friend small problem Sam a couple staffers got locked between the double doors leading to the server room that kind of makes it hard to get through yeah there might be another way looks like there are some heat exchange vents in this part of the building you might be able to find a way out there if you head to the R&D section I'll Snoop [Music] around it's a pretty cushy posting that's for sure but I heard the guy was really annoying the guy isn't there anymore he's out of town what so you're just watching his stuff yeah emptying his liquor cabinet and playing video games he's got the new princess persion yeah I heard it's awesome going to be the game of the year man can't wait to play it thanks Sam that's the last one I can't wait to sniff around and displace this laundry basket H what laundry I totally forgot there's got to be a way through to the server room from this area firing ranges usually have ventilation to clear the smoke it probably ties into the AC system for the server room good thinking damn it looks like someone has shunted the data we need off the server log in name m n milon nedich that name is coming up an awful lot but we still don't have anything on him probably a pseudonym I'll see if I can find out who he really is in any case we need to get access to his computer his office should be on the Upper Floor somewhere uh sorry to interrupt but I see it power's coming back on I see it Grim you got company you might want to I see it check the server and make sure nothing got fried when the power came back on okay give a shout out you need anything we'll do zeri the wacko and the penthouse Uptown well it's perhaps best not to refer to our client as the wacko but yes him or rather his Penthouse Milos Noak is uh who milon milon nedic crazy Slavic names I always get them confused anyway zery is out of town so there won't be a VIP just the property okay sounds like a breeze well it hasn't gone perfect perfectly smooth so far you'll get the full VIP rate and you'll be on duty as though there is a package on site okay got it good you reported 1300 tomorrow okay I'll be there got you hey you're not supposed to be here tell me something useful and I'll leave ah forget it I won't tell you anything are you crazy we're on the 60th floor what what do you mean you know it's not true that you go unconscious before you hit the ground You See It Coming the whole way you you wouldn't you want to convince me not to uh door code to the Executive offices is 2 3 4 6 nice suit Italian oh no Italian yes the Florentine silk Andre who's andred andred the famous designer men suits tuxedos I'm not a tuxedo kind of guy but but you are some kind of spy yeah I'm the real kind not the tuxedo kind I'm the kind of spy who gets blood all over your andred unless you give me information oh God please don't ruin my suit how about a door code CEO's office 2609 Hokkaido Hokkaido isn't that basically the Alaska of Japan yeah looks like milon n has secretly relocated zi there interesting now we definitely need to talk to Shetland will at State Department handled that mess you're going to Hokkaido we're sending a helicopter to Evac you from the roof [Music] as happy as we are to be back online here in New York our thoughts turn to our loved ones who are defending us on this beautiful 4th of July we go now live to the Yellow Sea where Sailors aboard the USS Clarence E Walsh are celebrating we have Sean Anthony palmiera from Brooklyn New York tell us Sean palmier how you'll be celebrating independence day well the captain's going to have a big Barbecue on De and tonight we'll have our own [Music] fireworks talk to me Captain all of our Command systems crack nothing responded sah can you tell us what's happening [Music] there sit tight Sam I'll call you back it's the Koreans Mr President I recommend that we declare war immediately if it was Korea there would be 200,000 men coming over the DMZ right now now maybe it was an accident maybe an exercise a test launch gone wrong that's impossible the Koreans can't even detect the Walsh never mind track it on radar and sink it with a 30-year-old Chinese anti- ship missile I have reason to believe the ship was crippled with an information Warfare attack not a chance the walsha systems are unhackable the Walsh's ew Suite is built on Colonel's first identified by two of the world's leading computational theorists one one of them was found dead in Peru last week I'm about to pick up the other one ladies and gentlemen I I'm not sure what we've just witnessed here but I'm afraid something terrible God amazing what they show on TV these days huh Sam world's gone crazy I guess you're in the right business then Doug what do you you doing here I'm looking for a guy named milin nedich heard he works for you lots of people work for me haven't you heard First Security Company to make the Fortune 500 if you're looking for a job I'm not is that so you keep doing what you're doing you'll just end up another Unknown Soldier I'm not in it for the fame your buddy netage is dirty cut him loose unlike other employers I don't cut people loose if you got evidence against one of my guys I'll help you bring him in but I'm not going to send a man up the river because you say so fair enough just stay out of my way thanks for the advice in case you change your mind fiser if I can't throw the joint Chief saone we'll be at war in the next 24 I need you to bring in zeri for questioning milon nedich has moved him to Hokkaido for protection I have no idea if Shetland is aware or involved but I'd like to find out however it turns out don't let your personal concerns get in the way in my opinion there are too many coincidences here zesi is the only living person who could have orchestrated the sinking of the Walsh even if the Koreans did launch the missile it would almost certainly have required zi's help to actually hit the ship and this business with displays I know you don't want to hear it but I think shetland's dirty the kidnapping of Morgan Holt the protection of zeri relocating him After the Blackout it stinks looks like displays ranted out the entire Retreat it's low Tech and quiet don't expect servers in security expect aware guards in tune with the environment you're going to need to rely on more traditional methods up close and personal Japanese isdf conducts a ro Revel monitoring of the activities over anyone employed by a PMC for as long as they are in the country we discovered yesterday that this press has rented this Retreat and a number of our agents printed microphones in the location unfortunately we were not adequately prepared for the increased importance of the location the microphones are detectable using standard tools needless to say it would be best if this place did not find them Fisher remember I need you to bring in KY alive what about netage netage is another story isolate simplify complete we're on the same page affirmative there's nothing nothing but look let's just forget it happened hey hey what's up nice Wheels oh crap think the trunk is big enough for a body oh forget it I don't want to find anything anyway tell me where nage is or we'll find out in the centeral palace I think he's meeting with some of the senior officers thanks Sam use your eev to scan the license plates on those trucks I might be able to dig up some info on our friend n I'll give it a [Music] shot no dice nothing suspicious about wait a minute the Bosnian Barber I already have a barber but I think he's Italian that place next to the donut shop the leasing company papers list a dummy Corporation created by one Milos Noak AKA myON nedic Noak is a suspected war criminal from the Bosnian conflict he's known as The Barber of Bosnia because he allegedly scalped some of his prisoners well I guess he won't be making an appearance in the heg anytime soon guess not Fisher looks like this place has kept a small staff on to to take care of the retreat civilians that's right don't let any of them get killed I won't hey Wendell have you seen milon milon yeah he just went through here with some of the guys I think they're in a meeting why I just heard that Carl was looking for him Carl I thought he was looking for microphones he is I guess but you know Carl yeah good point tell me where I can find Milan nedic he just went through here a meeting room in the central Palace a meeting with who cazi that geek no he was just with some of his guys how many guys three I think all armed of course my lawn is always armed so we can reschedule this to there yes right ah well I'm not sure we can do it yeah but if he says that's true South Africans all right listen up that was Doug he's on his way and he's not happy what do you mean he's on his way here our offices got turned over in New York and he's worried about a leak he's coming up here sorry tie up they're only Yen not worth anything since the market crash not even worth the effort to pick them up and sa the officers got hit by who the feds who cares about the offices what's this tie up Loose Ends thing not exactly sure but this thing with the ship maybe someone's on to us but what if look never mind all that the boss is on his way and things are heating up we knew that would happen so just stick to the plan get this place tightened up and make sure that this little visit goes off with a hitch get moving tell me everything you know and you won't die nothing here but G Shadows I don't want to limit your options just spill it uh n he he's protecting this guy Circ casing some kind of think I know that already chatland chatland is on his way here why I'm not sure nedic and Shetland it's between them are Shetland and nuch end this together or is nuch acting L I don't know n is nuts who knows what he's capable of shh let's not make C who are you what do you want I want to know why your protecting ciry how displace is involved I won't talk you're going to make me cut your throat and look for the words inside your neck oh God please let me go you're not leaving here alive nage but if you tell me what I want to know I can make the end a little easier for you the black out wa we we needed to keep Ziri safe after the blockout and what about the Walsh I don't know anything about the Walsh you'll have to ask Shetland Shetland yeah he needed more data from zi after the blackouts but we have everything we Shin knows what you're up to yeah yeah he's the boss he gave the order to bring zeri here where was now he's on his way here now by helicopter that's nit out of the picture but we have a complication there's a helicopter inbound Shetland is aboard Doug why is he coming here either he was coming to see what Nish is up to or our assumptions are wrong you still think Shin's crooked I still don't know and that's what bothers me find out what shin and zesi are meeting about Fisher satellite imaging shows you're nearing some kind of tea house Z Kies inside that's our best guess gather as much info as you can before making your move we might only get one shot at this yes uh Douglas what the Koreans they they couldn't have Douglas I need to know the truth the truth did Oppenheimer know the truth what about Roosevelt Abe truth is what we needed to be and the truth is we did the right thing what do you mean proof of concept worked it was ugly sure but it's over now you mean you mean there will be peace well peace isn't something that just happens a it has to be enforced just like in the old days you know sheriff wears a shield sure but he also wears a gun gun that's right oh my God and we can't have that gun falling into the wrong hands can we now a what what are you no fer kill Shin damn that's why I'm worried there's no way you could have stopped it complete the rest of the mission I'll see if we can track him that's all your primary objectives Fisher we can extract you at any clear all right today Ambassador long Dan announced Chinese support for the North Korean CL that they did not intentionally launch the missile that sank the Walsh we are monitoring these developments while continuing to seek a peaceful resolution make no mistake the Chinese People's Republic will employ all means at our disposal to protect our interests in the Asian subcontinent our intelligence estimates that the current number of Korean troops masked at the border runs as high as 200,000 men Monty Montgomery Lewis the times do we know what the possible North Korean strategy will be if diplomatic efforts fail we've known for decades that the nka would move to capture Soul as quickly as possible regardless of the cost that is how our defenses are structured but with the capital less than 40 mi from the border and well within artillery range of the big guns it is clear that war would be catastrophic in terms of damage done and lives lost Fisher I know you think the shortest distance to solving this problem is to go after Shetland you might be right unfortunately the Diplomatic situation surrounding the Walsh incident is not softening we are less than 24 hours from open war on the Korean Peninsula we've located the battery that launched the missile against the Walsh if there is any Credence to the North Korean claim that the launch was unintentional we need to prove it and fast I've been reverse engineering the data you recovered from zi's computer in New York zari's algorithm is an advanced extrapolation of the mass kernels made infinitely more complex by recursion through dvorac I think that if you can access the BIOS memory of the missile launchers at the battery I should be able to idea fingerprint that the algorithm would have left on the system you'll be doing a Halo insertion into a forest two clicks east of the battery you'll enter the battery's secure perimeter and infiltrate via the main air shaft the battery itself has been around since World War II but in intelligence and satellite imaging show it's been retrofitted several times since then we have some limited mapping data we don't know what you'll find since the destruction of the Walsh the USS Ronald Reagan has assumed CNC duties for the battle group in the Yellow Sea our Fleet is on Red Alert in case of War we are prepared to conduct Precision sorties against high value targets aimed at reducing North Korean Coastal defenses for insertion behind their advancing front if intelligence indicates that the Koreans are picking a fight then it's a fight they'll get anyone in that battery when the whistle blows better find himself a tin hat and a Bible Japanese isdf has been instrumental in determining that the missile that St the war was indeed filed from this battery you have the complete support of all branches of the Japanese selfdefense force in order to determine the rationale for this insane move by the the Korean aggressors we do not have the capability to strike the facility directory but isdf will use any means at our disposal to interfere with their capabilities in the event that our Great American Aries are forced to declare war Fisher it's starting to look like war is unavoidable jcos is asking all sources for current Vision level intelligence so besides stopping World War I is there anything else I can do for this evening the base commander should have upto-date Intel about nka divisional strength down the Kong moonsan approach I'll try to schedule an appointment with a secretary fiser since everyone is asking everyone for Intel I'd love to have a few chips at the big table what can I get you will looks like this battery has repair and maintenance capability for mechanized Warfare support any shipping or repair logs you can recover would be a big help I'll find what I can tell me something useful and I won't stuff your corpse inside one of these crates the door code to get to the offices is 1879 what that's it no resistance no whining uh you're the one with the knife all right well thanks for your time then good work Fisher looks like they track shipping and repair through four separate departments got to love military bureaucracy see if you can get the logs from the other three now serving number 67 what's in all the boxes oh my God no yeah yeah shock and a just answer the question what's in the boxes I swear I I don't know it's just my jump to guard the room fine then tell me something you do know there is a a hatch in the corner it leads to the subfloor under the loading dock really all right well that's our we're done let the control room take over who's in the control room how should I know so what we're just going to leave the missile hanging there orders deliver cargo to Ling Bay at facility 27-29 nothing in there about working a bunch of cranes that we're not trained on fair enough you know any Elvis what how did you get here you're spoiling the mood I'm not here for chitchat oh shut up anything of interest in here we keep our repair log on the computer over there I like repair logs next keep quiet or it's bad news oh God please I'll cooperate good I'm looking for senior officers a command center there's an elevator just there it leads up to the command center the base commander should be up there thanks I see what you're thinking Fisher if they're just going to throw protocol to the wind and leave the Warhead case unlocked even detonating them won't destroy the battery no but it will make an awful big mess good work Fisher I'm uploading the arming sequence codes for Grim Lambert if worst comes to worst and I'm still here you don't even need to say it Sam and what is your report captain we did every test we could sir and and well there was no malfunction sir no malfunction H curious there is an80 billion warship on the bottom of the sea sunk by a missile that left this battery the world is less than 12 hours from a war that will kill millions of people and you're telling me that there was no malale function we we checked everything sir sir I assure you well Captain the only two people in this building who could authorize that launch without approval are you and I I know I did not do it so if it wasn't a malfunction I want you to run every test again then run whatever test the captain forgot until you find out what the hell happened with my missile sir yes sir get out of my sight that seals it the missile came from here but they didn't launch it intentionally so that's a good thing we can avoid a war problem is that someone launched the missile intentionally isn't that someone Doug shatan using Z's algorithms that seems likely but I still need to see if there's a dvorac fingerprint on the bios of the launcher that fired the missile did you open this why okay I got your point just keep Co what's going on where are you good work Sam one more shipping log to go and we'll have an accurate picture of their mechanized capabilities in the region I'll find it don't bother with the who are you crap we're too old for children's games fine what do you want American this battery is on the logistics drained on kaisong munan what's the divisional strength why should I tell you you'll kill me anyway it's a game of position Colonel and you've already lost do you need to condemn 50,000 men as well they'll be your men American not mine they're not my men Colonel and they're not yours either they're just men husbands fathers Sons same as you and I do they need to die for our mistakes we have a21 Force ratios against your second Infantry Division in armor artillery and infantry down the length of the approach 8 to one you cannot win kesan Mudan will be the breach point and soul will fall inside of 72 hours good Lord fiser those numbers triple our best estimates damn I know a lot of guys in 2 ID Lambert they're good men but I hope their life insurance policies are up to [Music] date I've been waiting before you can tap into the bio you'll need to open the casing I didn't bring my crowbar whatever crowbars are for geeky video game characters put the launcher into its maintenance position there should be a switch in the control room directly beneath [Music] you good job Sam from the parts and transport requests it looks like this facility is significantly more important than our latest estimates where you know more always where the action is all right that opened the casing you can access the motherboard on the launcher itself and recover any routing data from the buy off good work Sam I'm scanning the BIOS now yeah that's a dor fingerprint where did it come from okido the displace offices Soul what as in South Korea are you telling me the US just got drawn into a war protecting the people that sank the Walsh I can't trace it back farther than Soul well what do I do sweet Jesus Fisher the nka just committed they're coming across the DMZ we're at War why we just found proof they didn't launch the missile good Lord speaking of missile launchers that battery just lit up like a smoker getting off an airplane they're not targeting our ships are they Active Radar is up it looks like a launch is imminent Fisher you need to abort that missile you got a bu lack hell you're too late the Warhead won't arm until it's a few hundred meters from its Target if I can dig up the abort codes good thinking check launch control directly under the platform I'm on my way make it fast Fisher flight time on that missile is 3 minutes all green s to track 1 through 12 1 through 12 confirmed engagement inter fire circuit shows green check Cod Lo circuit shows green check primary target tracking readback start ready for readback primary target carrier bearing 218 range 120 km your readback is correct confirm what the that good work Sam those are the abort codes I still need to bypass the override circuit from the missile control room hurry the missile is closing on the USS Ronald Reagan at top speed uh hold on did you just tell me I need to win one for the Gipper uh dude what does that even mean never mind you're right Grim I am old good job Sam missile aborted that's it it's dust no but the Warhead can't arm even if it gets past the Reagan fance it'll hit the hull and crumple like a beer can crumpling beer cans that's what Sailors are best at I guess very funny you need to make your way to extraction right I'm on my way initial estimates placed the combined casualty count for the first 24 hours at oh my God 6,000 is this a typo 90% or more of those are enemy casualties estimates put our losses at less than a th000 men less than a thousand you say that like it's a good thing sir it's paranoia our saber rattling has their leadership in a panic it's a preemptive strike our own intelligence indicates that they didn't launch that missile intentionally until we can prove it soul is on the Block what are our military options for holding the city no reasonable strategic assessment has ever claimed it was possible without nuclear capability and if that's the way it has to be 38 hours ago the nka committed to open war on the Korean Peninsula we've known for 50 years that their OB objective would be to capture Soul within 72 hours it appears they have a real shot at it South Korean and US forces are using orchestrated retrogrades to channel individual nka divisions along discreet corridors 6 hours ago the first of those divisions reach soul and is seeking to capture critical infrastructure high on their list is a telecommunication switching station North of the city unfortunately the IW attack that sank the Walsh came through this switching station if the nka gets their hands on that information they'll be able to justify their Invasion and possibly Force the world to allow them to hold the country we need to get that information before they do the information Warfare attacks that launched the missile that sank the Walsh came through soul I wasn't able to trace them back any further than the switching station and I don't even know for sure that they didn't originate there it's entirely possible that South Korea has manipulated us into war by forcing the north to attack the US I would just try and hack my way in but this is a fat secure data pipe and damage caused by the fighting has already isolated most of the entry ports you need to get in there and recover the data manually then broadcast it out point to point so we can take a closer look CIA maintains several safe houses in Soul to facilitate insertion of agents and recovery of possible defectors usually they're set up to look like ordinary residences I'm currently working out a plan to have you forward inserted into one of these safe houses before 2 ID performs another major retrograde once you're in our boys will Retreat and the nka front will overrun and bypass your location leaving you in the wake of the main Force but still in advance of the support troops you'll have a small zone of comfort and I would strongly advise you not to stray from your AO you don't want to encounter a battalion-sized force the USS Ronald Reagan is ready to launch an EA 6B Prowler rigged with a point-to-point laser receiver rig Your Man will be given a special transmitter that will track the plane and transmit the data this Comm setup is 100% secure nothing is broadcast so nothing can be intercepted never mind he crypted once your man is in position we'll send in the plane and get the data but this is still a highly risky operation whatever you're promising me better be worth it these planes are worth $60 million you know welcome to the three block war Fisher the main Advance is bypass your position it expects sporadic fighting among units separated from the main Force whose side am I on here your own you're not a legal combatant anyone who sees you will attack on site Friend or Foe listen there aren't any alarms to worry about but anyone you encounter will probably already be alert I'll be careful Fisher critical update I have other assets on the ground not not far from your position another Splinter Cell Splinter cell's in training they're on a black bag up their target was just relocated by nka Special Forces so I need to bring in the Target no you need to interrogate one of those special forces to find out where they took him okay don't kill them before you talk to them or I'll pull you out here we were here and we crossed the line of the South here that puts us in I know where we are I was looking at the map while you were driving well you were not looking very closely were you look fine you think you know where we are you navigate I'm going to take a leak don't get lost shove it stay quiet and you might live what who shut up Lambert I've got one good job Fisher I'm going to patch you through direct hold on stay calm this will just take a sec okay all right Fisher go ahead I've got someone who wants to talk to you Roger ask him where they took Jong where did you take Jong I I don't know what you're talking about he's not answering should I kill him negative negative all right they say I should kill you so wait okay J we moved him to a cyber cafe just off the fish market by the river is that what you needed to know guys uh affirmative thanks a lot sir we owe you one welcome to the team you want to tell me tell me what's going on Lambert sorry Fisher but you're getting too old for this kind of work stop listening to Grim if you go by her definition of old you need to issue diapers with every set of goggles if I listen to you much longer be adult undergarments that was Sam a predator drone just spotted a mobile command center in the area up ahead see if you can tap it for intelligence you don't want me to take it out no we could have done that with the Predator nice truck it it's not mine so you probably won't mind if I access it for a second well I won't mind as long as you don't kill me I'll think about it good job Sam it's an inside line on the nk's command Network we should be able to funnel useful intelligence to the regs always have it to lend a hand Fisher those are the main servers for the National Data trunk every bit of data that moves through here gets tagged in transit it's smaller than I thought there and getting smaller every year listen you need to recover the main Drive so I can see if the attack that launched the missile came from somewhere else first good now get that drive up to the roof and we'll transmit it to the e6b why can't you just read it from here it'll take too long to guarantee a secure link and if the dprk intercepts it idea then this mission is a waste of time shh quieter I'll have to hurt you oh no what is your mission we're here to secure the structure and tap into the South Korean national data trunck what are you looking for as far as I know nothing specific but since you're here maybe we'd like to look for whatever you're looking for I guess I have to make sure no one knows you saw me oh God please don't kill meing up nice Sky beautiful where they looking at boring old Stars that's what you are and kind of a a do yourself constellation I'm yep player I'm going to check on bong and F see how's coming with that door they probably do themselves out yeah see you later later next stop top floor once I transmit the data I'm on to extraction that's the plan if we can confirm the LZ is safe we'll exract you directly from the rooftop and if it's not safe Lambert I'm in position Mrs Moon begin transmission now weird did the laser trip that eject eject we got to dump this [Music] data Lambert we have a problem problem fer the plane went down before they could Purge the data we need to get to the reage and make sure the North Koreans don't recover it NK regulars are setting up Portable radar reconnaissance receivers see if you can take them all out is that someone there good job Sam RF monitoring indicates at least four more P3 RS active in your AO Sam we have RF confirmation that there are only two P3 RS left in your area uh yeah what did I found out what that beeping sound was is it is it a d I don't know check it you check it okay easy take I want my Mommy we're still alive easy look let's just take that Patrol data into the UAV and get out of here before it does go off good idea whoa good grab Sam looks like the complete technical specifications on North Korean uavs so what we can just switch them all off now h no but we can pass it up the chain and inside of a few months find ways to disable them well that's not much help to me then is it what are you doing here wait you're American I am South Korean we're allies I can see that from the uniform what are you doing here I'm the advanced Scout for my unit they're not far behind how many four four allies allies we're badly reduced can you help us I'm afraid I'm a little busy who are you I'm the guy you never saw one more p3r to go Fisher I'm fine good job Sam never hurts to have another line into the nka command Network what's off the light the plane is too badly damaged to recover the data you'll need to fall back and designate the target for an air strike use the structure down the street for your platform let me get the pilots to safety first we don't have a lot of time Sam an nka recovery team is on Route are you ordering me to leave these guys here and call in an air strike I'm telling you what the objective is trusting you to complete completed you have your orders Fisher if you compromised this mission for those men save it Irving you gave me my orders already all right Fisher good job you should be safe from the blast here designate the wreckage with your eev from the roof I saw something here sure there's nothing here God forgive me all right Fisher have an f17 inbound stand by Roger Target is B hello there paper boy this is Postman we have your glare stay on target affirmative post man and there you go paper boy the package is in the M on the have a better man out [Music] what do you mean the attack came from Japan there are allies Mr President these attacks represent the most sophisticated application of information Warfare ever imagined the missile launch came through Japan yes but it seems likely it was triggered by elements of a private security operation displ International dis place that's Doug shetland's outfit we have tracks with them who's [ __ ] former Marine Recon among the very best he was one of my top candidates for third echelon a few years ago no love loss for the military or the United States rumor is that we hung him out to dry for political reasons over an incident that wasn't his fault can only speculate as to what his agenda is well how do we diffuse the situation until we know maybe the Chinese can help gotcha Echelon Tracked Down Doug Shetland in Tokyo six hours ago he's mobile and he's Wireless and from what we've managed to decrypt it looks like he's about to wrap up his business with whoever his Japanese contacts are from what we've managed to pick out of the air it looks like he and his men are about to converge on a bath house in the middle of the city we need to find out who shedlin is meeting with and do everything we can to prevent him from closing his deal clearly the attack that crippled the Walsh and force launched the missile from the battery went through soul but it originated in Japan shin has something to do with it and my line into the display servers shows that he's definitely profiteering on this war in order to shut down his operation and prevent any further escalation we need to ID his business partners and make sure they don't leave there with any more of zari's weaponized algorithms fiser the bath house where this meeting is going down is a semi-public place there will be civilians in there and probably a boatload of goons shetland's men seem to be popping up all around Tokyo in the last hour or so and converging simultaneously on the location Francis Cohen has been in Asia for the last few months and she's found some ties between the bath house ownership and a Japanese criminal organization known as the red n it's possible that they are shetland's partner Fisher I just got a request from Francis Cohen what does she need she's been trying to get a man inside the bath house for a long time to keep tabs on the redn she wants to know if you can tap the phone lines in and around the building Francis of course I can what are you doing back here oh my God we're supposed to check the DSL connections make sure there's no interference why is Shetland setting up a network yeah something he calls a shadow net portable wireless network operates between standard Wi-Fi frequencies almost impossible to tap thanks for your help no problem next good work Fisher that's the first phone line see if you can tap into the rest just a reminder Sam you'll have some civilians in the bath house do not I repeat do not kill any of them I'll be careful be more than careful be gandi yes sir Fisher those guys don't don't look Japanese to me yeah expensive suits cut wide in the shoulders they're packing for sure exactly I make them for displace trying to keep a low profile makes sense Doug knows how to stay discreet when it's necessary Fisher in order to figure out who Shin is meeting with you'll need to head up into the private offices check upstairs to the north of your your position and P reception on my way I don't like this at all really put the pr probably sh everyone else seems to be where is he he's meeting someone in the private baths at the back not sure who not exactly sure when but soon what's his escape plan if something were to go wrong I don't know but I'd bet on helicopter extraction from the roof I don't want to hurt you so tell me something useful I know lots of useful things fantastic run down the list not doode do the owner office is 3 6 5 Zer good there are some men barric in a room next to the owner's office there is a vent in the wallet join the rooms very helpful it is my pleasure to serve you please come again got it Shin's meeting in the private bath in the back of the bath house in a little while who's he meeting redn from the looks of it Cohen was right the bath house owner is pretty high up in the Japanese mob I don't know that doesn't sound like shovon style well unless you find something to the contrary it looks like a solid lead to me I'll keep sniffing around Fisher those two aren't this place they're isdf assault troops what is isdf doing here maybe the red n is sold shuttling out to the isdf E drop on that meeting and figure out what's going on before isdf blows this up how are we going to stop them I'll get on the horn with Admiral atomo and make sure we're all on the same page should we tell can wait what are you guys doing here how did you get here I ask you answer we we are here to monitor the meeting with Shetland who gave the orders I am following the orders of a man named caneda but he's someone PA he's not even a real military Canada huh thanks you're going to take a nap now quiet tell me something about the owner what the owner yeah I hear rumors that he's red n if he is and I talk what do you think will happen happened to me I don't know why don't you tell me he'll kill me if he finds out so basically you're saying he is redn I never said anything please no one here no signs of disturbance gotcha damn I knew I'd get caught in here tough break pal tell me something I don't know well our thermal vision kit didn't get distributed yet so we can't see for crap but some of the guys that came in with Shetland I think they're fully equipped shetland's personal bodyguards at thermal I think so not that it does much good in Steam steam isn't fog like in an abatar or something the steam is warm just like human bodies good point thanks for the explanation anytime what are you doing here what are you doing here are you stupid I have a knife to your throat my skin is impenetrable to steal I am Fearless I am red n what you're a member of redn no one here would dare harm me they would see everyone they've ever known slowly tortured to death before meeting the same fate okay fine just tell me one thing what does red n mean n it's a kind of fish a small silvery fish very tasty one pickled you mean a herring yes yes that's it that's the word red hering next way to go Sam Cohen says there's one more phone line she'd like you to tap was that the cander not burning earlier you find anything what did you find anything what you mean in the vents no so there's no reason to expect anyone is spying on Shin's meeting no I don't think so well I guess I'll have to do it then good night good good night Lambert isdf is in the building are they making their move it's all clear I haven't been able to contact otomo I don't know what's going on wait a minute yes this will do just fine I told you I've taken care of everything we're secured Jesus leopard SDF isn't here to take shuton down they're meeting with him they're his Partners my God St we need to hear the details before we go to the Joint Chief's witness you did not bring them we not going to follow you across Tokyo relax canade I'll just download them and burn you a disc huh you take me for a fool you are not stupid enough to download them over a public network what are you up to I said Relax you're right I'm not that stupid my men just finished setting up a shadow there completely secure Wireless discreet from the web now sit you'll have your algorithms in about 4 minutes call it Lambert let him go Fisher we know the truth we'll pick up the pieces after the dust settles canade I've seen it before you're defending your honor to cover up your lives should I check the account or should we start shooting and see who walks out of here can that's St no no no please we can work this out we're switching the fallback the Chopper's on its way good secure this area no one comes through yes sir sir kill Shetland I know okay everyone [ __ ] that one bean me [Music] man down what's going on here this is pointless Sam you won't know what to do if you catch me why bother chasing my God Fisher Shetland has rigged the place to blow there are bombs hidden in the furnace room you'll have to find them all and fast Mason and Lambert have you wrapped around their fingers Fisher you know more to them than any other [Music] weapon give me your hand well that's not going to work again you've made yourself the instrument of a policy you don't believeing Sam walk away no one here no signs of over there Roger that we're going to try something different fall back he's taking shots blood is thicker than water and you and I have bled a lot together you're trading your honor for their agenda [Music] it doesn't have to end like this Sam no but it does have to end on that we agree we've been fighting their dirty little Wars our retire lives and where do we end up staring at each other down the barrels of our guns nothing has changed fish and it won't change by degrees we have to tear it down and start over it's the only way your own little Chaos Theory throw the world into war and hope that what comes out the other side is better it will be better because this war will change things s every other War has been about keeping things the same but the stat status quo doesn't work anymore America's sick Sam she's dying the politicians the bureaucrats the whispered back room deals it's all life support for a sick old lady who was dead a long time ago the only back room deals that I've seen lately were made by you You're a murderer and a war criminal those are the only names the state has for the Revolutionary s you only become a hero after the war is over you know the truth the world is built from the bottom up not the other way around honor courage Fidelity we don't inherit these things from the world Sam we build the world from them I know you you believe in these things more than any government and I know that because of it you wouldn't shoot an old friend you're right Doug I wouldn't shoot an old [Music] friend events today jeopardized diplomatic efforts when North Korean armor encountered a so-called self-healing Minefield while attempting to withdraw from the area North Korean forces were adequately cautioned that self-healing minefields along the DMZ should not be considered cleared obstacles we're back at the brink of war and now we find out it is the Japanese the Japanese are allies I don't care if they're the Christmas elves they sank the Walsh we don't know that their government was involved we know Admiral Oto was involved and we know where the gentleman is we have to go in now immediately the fact is we don't know how far the conspiracy goes if ato's actions are sanctioned by the Japanese government then the only solution is military but if he's acting alone your man again he's already in position send him in the state department has lost contact with all of the US officers who work at the kokubo soo with the Japanese self-defense force it looks like the SDF have taken them prisoner and the refusing to answer our calls in typical fashion the Japanese are circling their wagons either they're afraid to admit they've lost control of Oto or they're actually sanctioning him if that's the case we'll have to come clean with North Korea which will spark a massive war in Asia if not we need to find out what our officers know and figure out what to do about otomo before North Korea finds out what's going on Sam even if the Japanese government is not sanctioning him otomo still clearly has the capacity to strike if he's still in control of the information arm of the SDF you'll need to deal with him very carefully there's no telling what kind of Havoc he could unleash last contact we had with any us Personnel in the kokubo Soho was a fragment of a phone call from major Harper a logistics advisor to gsdf from the sounds of the call the room he was in was raided by Japanese troops and he was is taken prisoner it doesn't sound like anyone has been killed and if there's any hope of maintaining peaceful relations with the Japanese you're going to have to keep it that way Fisher I can't stress this enough if one Japanese soldier dies we risk World War I any fatalities and I abort the mission immediately I understand locate our officers and find out what the hell is going on there I'll find them hey excuse me I need directions what okay I'm the good guy who's here save the world I I thought I was the good guy no no you're on the team with the super through underground base I'm the guy breaking into the base that makes me the good guy now tell me how I get in there's a rad in the electrical room you can probably find a way in from there into the bathrooms to all inlisted personel l in nice building I'm going to suggest they hire your designer to do some work on the Pentagon what do you want a news update what's happening here tonight I know nothing you probably know more than you think just talk some men have been moved around guarding inside a Captain was here earlier getting volunteers not sure what for some suits and officials came in for an emergency meeting what was that I think I saw it too damn am I seeing things not good let just a stay on why are you what's going on where are you answer the question those are my orders whose orders the general General don't you mean Admiral what do you mean your orders do they come from Admiral Tomo or not there is nothing here no they're not hostages we're just detaining all right guys what's going on thank God America ready to go with you slow down I'm not your baby s tell me what you know and maybe somebody will come get you later well SDF rounded up all the US personnel and locked us up we saw some generals and ministers being brought in earlier where did they go into the War Room in the suble level door to the lower levels you see a captain was just up here looking for combat ready volunteers to go down there maybe the doors are open now thanks for the check Sam we need to record everything that happens in that meeting so we can present it to the Joint Chiefs it would speed things up if You' let me remove some of the threats we get it fer until we know who the enemy is there is no Enemy No enemy means no kills deal Fisher from the looks of it these guards are LTL equipped less than lethal why there's only one reason I can think of that they'd issue them to combat troops they'll want to interrogate anyone they C well I'm not talking nice toy what kind of ammo does it use how about you let me go and I'll show you don't get smart okay it's some kind of shock round electric interesting you have any extra it's not like you can shake me and make my ammo fall on the floor to pick up you're awfully flipping for someone with a knife to his throat all right I think they keep some extras in the store room Fisher GPS shows you're nearing the War Room intelligence says it's a tempest Harden Cube the only way you'll be able to record what's going on in there is to find some way inside Tempest hardening might keep out electronic Intruders but I'm betting the room isn't airtight probably not Sam I've got some details on the building's infrastructure this vent should come out directly over the war room I'll try and Laser Mike the meeting from there good we'll let you know when we have enough to make the Joint Chiefs happy we cannot but if he has control political suicide we have already taken the Americans hello sir he is Admiral Oto Admiral what is the meaning of this you will repar the post-war Constitution you will order the immediate remilitarization of Japan and return control of our nation to the order of the emperor the United States will support this act politically and militarily to release themselves from further financial and Military obligations thereby concluding our relationship ship in Asia this is impossible even if we repeal the Constitution the emperor would never the emperor will do what the military tells him I am not an unreasonable man these efforts will take time I have faith in your honor and Prudence so I give you 96 hours 96 the people will never allow it if in 4 days these demands are not met I will initiate the launch of a North Korean ballistic misser and sacrifice a Japanese City over my choosing regretably this will kill Millions but it will steal the we of the people if your appears cannot for the sake of your honor and for the sake of Japan I plead with you do not force my hand in this matter that it he caught the signal my God good God Fisher that confirms it oo has been manipulating the Japanese government the entire time at least they're not sanctioning his actions what's the next step how do we stop atomo if we're lucky we might not have to what do you mean Grim I'm worried about that General Fisher he's been awfully quiet working on his laptop access it from here let's see what he's planning we'll do my God we are doomed we cannot do that we cannot tell the Americans he cannot fail he has lost his mind you are G I'll repeat you on come on open the door the bo got it back up clear goar clear clear we're in what your fire in there Roland affirmative for up keep it tight watch your angles Ronin Ronin come in Ronin oh come in run up runin is lock we're done the Admiral again sir Admiral we fool you waste your time to SK like a dog if you are unable to act honorably then I will force you to act you will not be able to deny the demands of the people after North Korea destroys one of our cities you will know which one when it is annihilated what are our options 72 hours how do we contact the emperor good Lord Oto was going to launch a North Korean missile at his own country what's the time frame could be hours could be minutes get down there and destroy his servers what about extraction if you can't take out those servers before otomo forces a launch there won't be any reason to extract and if I do take out the servers we'll make that part up as we go that's half a plan if I've ever heard one Mr J report to rece I just got off the horn with the Joint Chiefs I'm lifting the non-lethal mission parameter fifth Freedom with everyone except otomo you're kidding me we need to capture him alive his profile is pretty clear he won't lie to a war crimes tribunal in the face of the evidence Rend his sense of Honor you need him to take responsibility so the rest of Japan is off the hook with North Korea exactly if otomo dies we're right back at square one bring him in breathing to the [Music] elevators Fisher North Korea just contacted NORAD and the president they report that they've lost control of a launch facility they can't abort and they're not sure that they can destroy the missile on time how long they say 3 minutes until it's away I think I can reach the server in time hurry up [Music] they say 60 seconds until it's away good thinking Fisher any line on what's going on in this place can only help Absol absolutely thank God Fisher that aborted the launch yeah but I think it woke up the neighbors get through them Fisher then bring in otomo alive my pleasure tell me how to get into oto's office never I have orders to take him alive but it's a different story for you please no you're getting closer and closer to dead under the floor I think there's a way buto will never surrender we'll see about that what have you done American give it up Admiral it's over H you you think that I will surrender to you you think that I will allow your people to strip me of my dignity throw me in Chains No I think not my people have endured your Charming oppression for more than 60 years you say tomato Americans always turning to their jokes when their hearts are full of fear and you should be afraid I may be defeated but I am a man and ideas are stronger than men you may even prevent this war American but the dragon has awoken and he will not be so easily sedated this [Music] time now what I think someone is taking himself a bit too seriously we can't afford to let him die Fisher get in there and stabilize him fast good work Fisher he's stable but we still have to get him out of there you're going to have to blast your way out we're over 100 ft underwater you're not pressurized Fisher it will be a shock but you won't get the bends next time you're going on the mission and I'm making up the crazy plan [Music] [Applause] a Admiral Lomo former head of the Japanese information self-defense force made a surprised confession today on the witness stand at the ha war crimes trial atomo openly admitted conspiring to instigate war between the koreas and the United States claiming that the in other news China's ambassador to the United States long Dan received the Nobel Peace Prize today for his efforts in diffusing the Korean conflict president Bowers today addressed the nation following the crisis that brought us to the brink of war finally I want to take a moment to thank those unsung heroes in the intelligence Community who may very well have saved our nation and the world from certain disasters thank you Mr President the boss seems happy how about that raise the guarding us back you'll have to settle for a vacation yeah right
Channel: Gamematics
Views: 235,041
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Splinter Cell, Chaos Theory, Machinima, Splinter Cell Chaos Theory, Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory (Video Game), Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell (Video Game Series), Sam Fisher, Ubisoft, Gamematics, Game Movie, Xbox 360, Xbox, Playstation 3, playstation, Video game, Video Game (Industry), Gameplay, walkthrough, Ps3, xbox360, movie
Id: 5L84_5amCbg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 156min 24sec (9384 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 25 2013
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