SPLINTER CELL: BLACKLIST All Cutscene (Game Movie) 4K 60FPS Ultra HD

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[Music] [Music] uh [Music] we will hunt every single one of your sons of [ __ ] down [Music] you think america can't find you no need general we're coming to america [Music] contract says no weapons not on this kind of who needs to know general mcgowan but this might make you feel better little souvenir i picked up in indonesia thanks vic but if i need a karambit for aerial recon we've got bigger problems can't hurt where's charlie with that cyphon hey sorry just putting the finishing bits of awesome on this puppy signal skips bass combo completely what for keeps the dod types from backseat driving that's why you're here kid sam let's move [Music] uploading we're in teams this is king we are go pawn says go bishop says go night cesco brooke's go [Music] queen says go anything else chief let sarah know i'll be offline for a few days sarah she's still single right no that's i'm gonna take that as a no stop hacking base i.t we're guests here yeah but they make it so easy [Music] videos up engaging two hostels [Music] i've got it site f encryption case 40 days until expiration hostiles are down let's go jam everything and move out the blacklist is live now anderson tower this is paladin zero two requesting permission to lift off do you copy radio up ray is working fine anderson tower this is paladin zero two requesting permission to lift off from chopper pad alpha niner well we're behind [ __ ] the protocol need to make it back in time for mcgowan's texas holding game how do you think i'm paying for the chopper leave him [Applause] [Music] bravo team report move in holy [ __ ] mayday mayday mayday paladin02 we're going down hang on [Music] we make the base just outside the perimeter shake a light we're a big target out here vic give me a hand i'm stuck charlie shot phone yeah oh [ __ ] you guys okay what the [ __ ] is that chopper's down we're fine munitions depot must have been hit where are you hiding under a truck with my laptop listen guys all the radio channels are down it's gotta be an rf jammer there's a signal north west of you all right you sit tight we'll find the jammer come on [Applause] yo i'll bet those sons of [ __ ] are using one of our jammers it makes you say that that's what i do eyes open sam the guys behind us are pros we're not even pack inside eyes open sam the guys behind us are pros we're not even packing sidearms drainage ditch will give us some color jesus that's not mortar fire sounded like katushas she's right there i'm on it everyone vic don't move oh [ __ ] okay all clear quick give me a boost up copy they're bringing him down now good good this one won't last much longer let's get that camera going yeah just give me a second they need to get that corporal down here this guy looks dead already yeah hold on okay ready rob trolling hey come on he's bleeding out but it's not going anywhere all right good luck but they can die like anyone else all right are you trying to get yourself killed what should i be doing them there all right so take it friendly you know how to disable that thing i'm working on it as a kid don't ask charlie we're in all right all right all you need to do is disable the voltage oscillator and disrupt the competing signal just hold still no talk okay charlie how about an on off switch uh do you see a boot button yeah hit it what are you saying what are you telling me buddy what are you telling me geez jammers are blind vic you can't stop the blacklist word of a stunning attack on the massive us military installation on the island of guam the deadliest strike on a us base since pearl harbor a group calling themselves the engineers has claimed responsibility released an internet video complete with chilling footage from the attack to lay out their demands they're calling the attacks the blacklist the blacklist [Music] we have one demand you have soldiers in 153 we will not countries you will not stop the blacklist you have seven days until the next attack the choice is yours what's our status paladin one and the fourth echelon team are ready madam president but we can't locate mr fisher his friend is fighting for his life find victor cost you'll find sam dead in guam a count down to more attacks targeting america the world is looking for answers mr fisher and i don't have any fourth echelon needs to find them and i can't do that without a leader it's destroyed vic one of vic's men comes with me no questions asked you can have charlie cole [Music] and grimm's daughter has recruited one of the cia's best for mission support isaac briggs and grimm is out she didn't want you on this mission either sorry sam that's a non-starter nobody works better with you than she does welcome to fourth echelon mr [Music] fisher it's pretty sweet right first time in the plane no how deep are we with this engineers organization nothing yet rigs in our contacts are isolating probable candidates what about the names american freedom american blood potential attacks each with a timer yeah five days before american consumption and counting we're running analytics to find the target locations as we speak [Music] i'll get you up to speed on the plane prototype military transport loaded with custom modifications armory infirmary holding cell every resource that you'd have on the ground fully mobile it's like the good old days problem breaks just got my subdural radio put in felt like someone used a jackhammer this puppy makes air force one look like a paper airplane hey sam do you want to discuss potential upgrades later walk me through this news and internet data mining predictive analytics photo and video forensics plus backdoors into foreign e-lens systems and facial recognition integration from the cia nsa dcs fbi all in real time this is what you were bragging about yes am i strategic mission interface we've made significant improvements since the early system charlie worked on i'll let him get you up to speed the best thing is you can control everything from right here or from your ops at when you're on the ground impressive okay well let me know if you need anything i'm gonna check out my new digs thanks charlie hey sam i almost forgot you're upset new and improved it's sort of like your smi light when you're on the ground data transmissions drone controls scanning gotcha all you got to do is slave it to the smi do a couple of calibrations and you're good to go thanks charlie a protester outside a u.s military installation in onslaught germany was shot and injured this morning by a sentries who thought the man was a possible threat gunther schmidt 34 was hit twice in the leg as he approached the base's front gate despite repeated warnings to stop us bases around the world have been on high alert following the so-called blacklist attack what do we have in benghazi my contact is at a cia safe house they've detained a subject with intel on guam but no one gets to ask questions until they're done with them how'd they nab them they didn't he just walked in their office look how do we know he's in some psycho with a sick sense of humor there's something you're not telling me dude's name is andrea cobin does that mean anything [Music] sam but wait we know this guy what we need to know is what would make a wanted arms dealer turn himself into the cia right after guam all due respect why don't we just leave the interrogation to the cia forget the company man [ __ ] breaks you're on our team now you understood am i missing something he's our only connection to the engineers we're not trusting this to someone else who is andre coburn andre cobin pretended to kill my daughter to give someone leverage over me whoa how is he even still alive good question what's our move sam [Music] show me the safe house really no that's a bad neighborhood i know weird right because usually the cia tries to keep their middle east ops super obvious focus your best approach is through the bazaar here you give the signal my contact departs a safe house it'll be a clear run at copen it always looks easy on a screen to be clear sam we are talking about an extraction not killing him you're up show me viable positions for overwatch best sight lines are here and there looks good grab a suppressed sniper kid am i providing cover am i taking out the target sir charlie rustle us up some transport would you it's me a blends panel van you got it you didn't answer my question sam you just worry about a viable spot for axe phil something here everyone clear let's make this prep quick flight deck we are go for benghazi [Music] you have a visual on the safe house i just got here it doesn't look good i've seen militia all over the place i'm entering the pleasant mosque is blocking the front door access damn meet you on the ground good eyes from the southwest corner of the plaza copy moving now grim keep trying to reach our contact let me know if you get through copy bathroom you got one in the alley [Music] she'll cry the update from your contact negative delicious everywhere sam told you this would get messy bricks status still moving sound i'm seeing a lot of militia down there might get loud we'll keep it quiet as long as we can move into the side entrance aren't you the funny one how long do we wait out here as long as we have to we watch the exits anyone [ __ ] with us is shot no questions or prisoners too much trouble especially landmark americans and with me i think i did something to my back you try carrying mr fat ass usa down all those stairs all right all right stop complaining [ __ ] you've got multiple targets ahead one on the balcony is a viable stealth approach go into the room to your right out the window and traverse the ledge nice work roger there did you get anything out of your prisoner yeah yeah no nobody's come looking yet hey hang on one second working with idiots here we didn't get anything else we didn't want to talk yeah they're searching the rest of it now no trouble should be nice work securing the package roger that it's not him you confirmed cobin was in here briggs right place right build i assume assumptions when i'm on the ground clear sam talk to me your contact's been made he's dead you got more militia in ralph's suffice to move out sir all right i need options now would be good give me a minute oh yeah it's all me baby pass the phone through the op set i can hack this cheap bootleg crap easy all right charlie i'm patched yes yes come on charlie done wow there is a lot of freaky porn on here looking for a location right i traced the call pushing the location to your offset now whoa uh not good it's a police station breaks prep for fast evac roger that i like enemy transport dropping hostiles at least a dozen moving now i'll cover your exit i'm uploading a shortcut to the police station it'll be on your offset roger that sam i'm seeing a high value target single digits on langley's most wanted if you capture him we'll arrange for pickups hvt secured local authorities are alerted graham what's the best route to coven head down towards street level [Music] what is it you said something sam what's your status i'm inside making sure i'm not followed you have a lot from cobin's location extraction goodness one more time why did you run to the americans i told you it has nothing to do with you nothing i swear to god you are saying we are not important enough to turn us in is that it no i'm not saying that no no no no no no what i'm saying you talk too much i thought you wanted me to don't think it gets you in trouble oh god okay okay [ __ ] told them everything okay for now [Music] what the [ __ ] [Music] what the [ __ ] is going on thank you thank you uh who are you c.i.a oh you have got to be [ __ ] [ __ ] me fisher this is about what happened in dc shut up no no no no no [Music] you're here to save me [Music] i'm here to save what you know sit sam it's about to get ugly local talent's closing on your position packages secure briggs what's your 20. inbound with the van holy [ __ ] he is here to save me move now ow let's go you'll keep me safe right are you kidding me i'm not even wearing shoes what the hell man grab on why do it now talk all right uh six weeks ago a client contacted me he wanted uh small arms katusha's a [ __ ] missile launcher you name it he was willing to pay top dollar too it was a good deal it was just he was too good you supplied weapons for blacklist zero hey i spy a lot of people okay they don't usually go around targeting us bases who was it all i know is that they were talking about the attack on the embassy in vienna like they were [ __ ] proud of it hundreds of innocent people died in that attack yeah no [ __ ] that's what i'm saying this guy is a monster he's a [ __ ] cool okay and he he doesn't leave loose ends yikes shitty weak am i right this guy oh what who the [ __ ] is this guy so you turned yourself in for protection keep you idiots from killing me over guam yeah briggs how do you feel about storing our new cargo my pleasure what does that mean graham you and charlie try and dig up any information you can about cobin's mystery customer it's time to go hunting how bad is a blowback from benghazi we have to promise to bring cobin back in one piece when we're done is it useful he's strung out pissed off in a major pain in the ass but i think he's got some intel we can use keep me posted by the way sam let me know if you want me to upgrade the plane there's a lot of room for improvements around store owners here reporting record sales on some items supermarkets here can't keep basic staples like bottled water milk and canned goods and stock other retailers they've sold out of camping gear guns and ammunition one supermarket manager said it's because of the blacklist folks want to be prepared and speaking of the blacklist there is a booming market of speculation as to what the mysterious blacklist attacks might be phrases like american consumption and american blood have brought out guesses from everyone ranging from the man on the street to beltway analysts it's clear that american consumption means they're going to do something to attack the american food supply something which i called out as a major vulnerability in my book america on its knees last year you know i was asleep you ever hear the geneva convention i got frights look i'll tell you what you can find a payphone i'll let you call your lawyer did you get anywhere with the recon i'm still trying to build a workaround and grab a feed just give me two minutes sorry to interrupt the president's office confirms three dev group teams are prepped and standing by thanks ali make sure they're ready on our go you know what just give me this that's where the cash dropped into my account it was a wire transfer you guys have any updates on that potential fourth location we're just completing the trace now looks like the transfer came from mirwa eastern iraq grim i'm not getting any images okay i've got it you just pull onyx satellite time from the nro looks like the largest of the four camps we've found heavily fortified listen up our best bet for cobin's buyers marawa i want to be on the ground an hour ago charlie protect the satellite feed map every weapon vehicle and man in that camp there's a kid with a cap gun i want to know about it we'll do breaks prepper drone for overwatch grimm coordinate with dev crew we're gonna have to hit the other sites when we move on marawa we don't have enough time to prep sam i need to be on the ground as soon as we're over the camp you're going in a low it's nothing personal but we had some bumps in benghazi i want you on the chopper for extraction not that anyone asked me but uh these guys are scary [ __ ] right if you want him dead so bad why don't you just replace her mormous that's right nobody asked you need information not a body count get him out of here let's move i'm just trying it okay deployed breaks can you hit the hostiles with no witnesses clearing your approach hostile's down you're clear to advance sam copy that brakes nice shooting grim i'm on the ground sam thermal on the uav shows a cluster of hostiles they're meeting in a house upriver charlie i need recon options we need to find common fire before i get spotted a rig for eye rotor with some basic facial rec capabilities better than what we had for been here order the magnitude just get within 50 meters to launch and it should do the trick hey sam it looks like you're in a sweet spot to launch the tri-rotor deploying now okay sam get the tri-rotor in a little closer and we can do a clean voice match that's it streaming audio now just keep it going [Music] not good enough sam i hear facial recognition is way more reliable cobin senses regards hey just hang on a second i stop stop stop oh are you [ __ ] i'm mi6 three years three years deep cover and you just [ __ ] racist what's your activation key seven five seven bravo victim nine oscar nine eight for [ __ ] sakes i think you broke it graham did you get that got it sam all right who's pulling your strings cia it's an outdated clearance get me a retinal scan i want to talk to the man in charge come on let's go you're talking tom what the hell are you doing his name is janeed haidos he was mi6 not anymore he was burned five years ago and they made him as a double agent always playing cowboy quit stalling you're too late sam they're sending a large data transfer from the compound above you what are you planning oh we're past planning we want to execute it i need a location the data is outgoing from a communications hub in the upper village look for a large satellite array get a uav over that building i don't want any surprises the road up that mountain is heavily guarded what's our plan of attack sam i'll climb from here get the chopper prepped for extraction and standby i'm on it sam i've got the co at site delta online actually grid iron this is paladin give me a sit rip over our ao is flooded with contacts foot mobiles and victors i'm taking ground fire as we speak break fortifications coordinated counter-attacks our boys stirred up a real [ __ ] storm over you think they knew we were going to hit them over affirmative don't worry we'll give them hell grid iron out i'm right on top of the communications hub charlie data's still coming out of there still streaming it's got some crazy ass encryption going on it'll take me at least five ten minutes to know what they're sending out we can't wait this is it briggs get the chopper off the ground on my way just a few minutes out compound scene heavy combat looks like a drone it definitely got hit but not recently i'll see what i can find out what are you seeing looks like a kill room they executed a soldier miguel garcia 36 he's from l.a 23 years old went m.i.a during the attack on guam why kill a kid he taped it jesus that's the data they're sending let's shut it down we're still recording trace it on it you left a tablet behind don't be afraid i know why you're here believe it or not i once walked in your shoes before i fought for a world i fought for a nation please i'm sorry i just want to go home i want you to go home i want all your troops to go home but your country they just refuse to listen if a kid he's two years old please i was raised to believe that one man could change the future do you believe that i do and i think that you could be that man you could change the world by becoming an example no i wasn't talking to him my friend i was talking to you why leave us a warning it's not a warning it's a message engineers are waiting for someone charlie where's that trace i'm still working on it sam are you engaging the drone no someone's hacking it that's what you need was stalling it's a trap get out of there now i'm okay lz's are too hot we can't put her down hurry up three two one now or whatever data you can office now come on the chopper i'll repair it on board to save time sam engineers were two steps ahead of us our only lead on the blacklist and all we got was a message briggs already grilled cobin about his intel but when he's too stupid to set that trap too smart to risk his own life sending us into it agreed his intel was supported by other sources the engineers left out a breadcrumb trail of false information sent us running into a minefield let's hope the dev grew teams found something we should be back by now charlie's following up charlie charlie the other teams all the camps are trapped you're the only one that made it out alive the engineers knew the government would disavow the operation that's why they recorded it they just released the footage online sam we pulled an id off the hardware you got on the ground we know who's running the engineers that was fast it was easy too easy almost like they wanted us to find out who he was sign of confidence he's taunting us now we have our target majeed sadiq xmi6 agent that's how he knew what everyone would look for after guam now to force feed it to them madam president glad you're still with us mr fisher i'm sorry for your loss we know who we're after majeed siddique the man behind the engineers we'll forward our analysis to your office good work does this get us anywhere with american consumption not directly no but i pulled the new data from your office your people are highlighting dallas as another possible target yes and homeland security's already spread thin covering five other cities our best shot at protecting dallas is to send fourth echelon in to head off any attack before it happens can you make it in time consider it done we'll stop the aftermath of what may be one of the bloodiest days in american special forces history as video showing elite us troops being gunned down by members of the engineers is now available online due to its graphic nature we will not be showing you this video president caldwell has vowed to avenge the deaths of those fallen and to continue the fight against terror but there is skepticism on capitol hill about her ability to lead the country through such a crisis we cross-checked nsa's data with e-lint from three other sources everything shows dallas as a target but nothing specific probability points to here and here stadium and aquarium we're all clear to land at love field instead of fort worth it'll save some time when we hit the ground we'll keep you updated by the second any questions yeah why is charlie pacing i already told her so tell me i pulled the nctc data on all major u.s cities to scope out any hits in the no-fly list what's this nothing a whole lot of it chicago tsa was down today the no-fly registry was offline for a five-hour window system maintenance they confirmed let them finish i ran the passenger names of incoming flights against the missing no-fly list manually six names popped now check this out security cam fee from o'hare airport those six guys left together i'm not saying it's nothing but it's not a priority we have intercepts from multiple agencies confirming dallas totally proves my point nobody said [ __ ] before guam the last time the engineers barfed info all over the net a bunch of special forces teams got slaughtered i'll first chicago if we divert our flight that's too far sam we only get one chance and if we come up blank in chicago we don't have time to make dallas sam we'll go for chicago just because charlie sees dots does not mean they connect the president gave me full authority to run this operation and she can take it away if you disregard her order to go to dallas a direct attack doesn't make sense not after what sadiq pulled in marawi what's that uh chicago swat they are responding to a hostage situation get the chopper ready sam the kidnappers have been in contact with chicago pd demands negative the only thing they want is to make sure the police steer clear of the area why take hostages if you don't want anything could be in over their heads this might not be the engineer sam dallas is still a primary for half the agent timer's at zero we're not turning back now i'm in no sign of civilians looks like they're searching for stragglers i'm looking at the blueprints now only place they could have taken them is the basement they cornered themselves amateurs can be just as dangerous as the real deal listen up you want to live you do exactly what i tell you to do you want to die you pretend to be a hero you play a hero you know what happens you die and you die and you die and you die because i'm going to kill every single [ __ ] one of you if i have to anyone still want to be a hero or is that c4 we strapped you getting a little heavy yeah yeah yeah i thought it might be so you all just stay there and don't talk and don't [ __ ] move or i end you all of you okay sam you're entering an old sewage tunnel looks like it heads towards a water filtration plant could be their actual target [Music] [Music] no the drone isn't responding hang on setting another one your men are after the water filtration plant why go to hell biological weapon they're using a disease the boys in the waters fly how do i get the bombs off the hostages the code flash drive on my belt i told you everything you wanted i helped you you can't kill me please grim we heard it all sam give me a flash drive connecting it to my offset now related to chicago swat tell them thanks for their patience bam surveillance footage shows the vans charlie tagged at the airport arrived here an hour ago [ __ ] too late we don't know that yet hurry sam i think i've got confirmation this is the engineers why the flash drive it's using a variant of triple des military-grade encryption protocols it's a direct match to the encryption used by sadiq and mirawa good work charlie i can see you closing on the filtration plant there's roof access if you can get up there i'm dealing with pros now they did a clean take out on the planet's it's security just the security it's all the systems i'm gonna have to unhack their hack to open that door or you're not getting to the gunk they're putting in the water work fast [Music] got it you're good to go sam [Music] [Music] i'll take care of them we can keep the contaminated water inside the plant i can try and shut down the outflow valve do it we've got 10 minutes before the levels in the water hit critical first pumps offline charlie how's the valve looking i don't know the guy's good keeps locking me up but i got a few more tricks up my sleeve it's good work but it's too late [ __ ] what now the pathogen's already had infection levels in the water and the main outflow's still open maybe not look he's locked me up from the valve but i've unlocked the manual override get there and you can shut it by hand on my way facility contained i think we can officially call american consumption of failure good work sam let's get you out of there brakes chopper's on the ground let's go the engineers redirected a shipment from a level 5 cdc containment facility at northwestern weaponized plague bacillus yeah that would have pretty much wiped the whole city out you located curia your test results came back negative for infection just got the official all clear from chicago hey you're welcome don't pat yourself on the back charlie we got lucky we slapped together a mission based on hunches you're right that's why we won't waste time playing defense we have another option defense is what sadiq's expecting what he's planning for that's why we go on the attack how we don't have any targets and we can't afford to split our focus from the blacklist we keep playing ketchup with the engineers sooner or later we're gonna miss we hunt him down force him to make mistakes [Music] the white house is urging americans to remain calm in the wake of the blacklist attack labeled american consumption the first action taken by the engineers on our nation's soil according to the cdc the attack was biological in nature with the potential for over 2 million casualties in the greater chicagoland area only the quick action of a handful of swat officers prevented what would have been the largest terrorist attack in american history uh sam we got a problem the net's crawling with info about cobin people think he got scooped to cut some deal with uncle sam what'd they find out from us us grim didn't tell you saving chicago didn't get us any leads you told us to hunt sadiq we needed bait you didn't clear this with me so you can call audibles in the field all day but we aren't allowed to execute a plan what's throwing coleman to the dogs get us rezza nori an hour after i leaked the cobin intel my email was forwarded to him dozens of times tracking software single pixel web beacon it's the best picture we could dig up the intel we pulled makes up for it nsa suspects nuri has ties to red images are uploaded grim thanks this estate is a fortress cutting edge security ex military guard it's all good sam you want to bust into a fortress i got exactly what you need what you want you want it now because i mean it's not finished per se i i'll just i'll just get it what's our move [Music] knows you've been caught thinks you've turned informative [ __ ] how do you find out bad luck i guess i want to know why he's worried i don't know i supply materials he supplies the muscle we have a lot of mutual friends i rigged a high energy density capacitor and emp into a tri-rotor i'm still working out the bugs but if we're talking about trash in a security system what's in the case thermite escorted for some friends who do b and e uh go on missions sometimes add it to my loadout anything else you may want to tell me cobin uh look i i might have a guy who did some work on newer security i could find out what he knows make it happen coleman cough up any info believe it or not yes nuri had a panic room installed there's one hitch though koben source doesn't know its location within the estate brilliant do you want to hold off no could work to our advantage no need to chase nuri down if he backs himself into a corner how do we force nuri into the panic room we knocked the power out give me access to the sex station to find the junction box and we're golden location head towards the main gate uploading directions to your offset smi was right i'm at security monitoring station never met one i couldn't hack if you patch charlie through we can funnel the video feed into the smi i can run facial recognition to locate nuri got him sam he's heading inside balcony door looks like a security soft spot confirmed few shadows might make for easier access and we need to kill the power any cameras give us a wide view of the estate sending it to your offset now the utility shed by the pool pulls a lot of power must be connected to the main breaker box underground heading there best roots at the back window unlocking that for you now you are go [Music] before you enter the mansion charlie try rotor online telemetry's good no lag on the data transmission all right here we go [Music] be careful sam it still makes a bit of noise and the empire rigged isn't gonna help don't worry i'll take care of your baby you have to go up it's like two potential routes into the mansion balcony access and side door uploading to your offsite now damn it we've got a problem power's out check the basement [Music] fmi shows a black truck driving past nuri's estate several times i'm hearing farsi on military grade radio frequencies [Music] so if i wanted money i'd break into a bank american the iranians didn't send you what does iran want with you perhaps we should address our more immediate problem sam trucks outside it's a hit squad they're kicking in the door my money's on cudd's force if you can arrange my safe exits i promise i can't reward you every man has his price i want information regrettably even if i knew this man i couldn't tell you my business depends on this rule and every rule has its exception i'll give you siddique good thinking follow me i built an underground escape tunnel below the mansion it leads to my private dock you take care of them stay right here until you do be ready to move go [Music] i see them i'm dead right here right here stay calm [Music] we're clear let's move where's this tunnel nuri we're close we're almost at the entrance grimm we're approaching escape time give me options options the river's your only one i see a boat at nuri's private dock i can get the gun from the weapons cache ahead no if i get shot it won't be in the back you want out of here then start talking about sadiq it's a simple arrangement he gives me cash and i send him soldiers now we're the soldiers for let's move not stay quiet it'll be easier for both of us [Music] this is a bad idea fizzing off cuz force is a bad idea this is what comes after i see an suv of hostiles inbound sam get to the dock quick copy ah i want names here here this file contains the names and passport numbers of all the operatives i sent siddique scream i'm sending you a file from nuri's phone verified for me copy we don't have time you expect me just to trust you sam you've got to move they're almost on top of us yeah sure sounds like it doesn't it nuri's file checks out get out of there how useful is the intel from nori we're having a look at the passport numbers now with any luck we should get a trace on savings people soon hey how come you let him go but i'm stuck in here with you idiots cause you're useful in here he's useful out there dc suspects iran may have a hand in the blacklist nuri could be one of their operatives and you just left him on the ground it's called turning an asset it's a mistake the situation with iran is too volatile it sounds like you've been chatting with the president next time you two talk be sure to mention this charlie tracker i got an idea from your email trace and install the virus on nuri's phone we got gps voice data and there's a good chance he'll infect his computer before he swaps phones we're gonna get way more out of nerdy this way than if we had him locked up with cobin um i disagree you don't care i got it i'll shut up look all you're getting out of washington is maybes i'm getting us into you're gambling with a war it's a deke already started a war it's up to us to find a way to end it let's keep working on those passports we need a lead and we need it now the subject is a known arms trafficker and personnel broker for non-governmental groups who can meet his fees we have used these services before to ensure deniability in providing material support for certain organizations he has always maintained a care for political neutrality and shown a willingness to deal with all sides taps on his voip indicate he began dealing with the engineer two years ago this has been confirmed by close referencing the sources of deposits in his offshore accounts against what we believe to be engineer activity at this point we have no choice but to consider annuity compromised and wholly in the engineer's camp he is to be terminated on site here's that update on big cost just forex you know we wouldn't have to jump through all these government hoops to tracy if you would just let me hack an mi5 and we have an international incident and you rot in belmarsh prison the rest of your life not if i don't get caught someone's gonna fill me in we've been chasing those passport numbers you obtained from nuri network analysis travel heat maps financial transfers bag budding analytics just tell me what you dug up nothing proved positive that i shouldn't be wasting my time pledging through data mining routines [Music] holy [ __ ] the engineers are in london still hate analytics nice work are all these people connected to sadiq and each other it's a sleeper cell was they've been activated so how do we play it we only have one choice yeah tap mi5 see what they know let it go charlie we can't risk it city because that's uk intelligence he may still have friends on the inside we sound an alarm and he'll run before we get close looks like they're holed up in an abandoned mill it's right on the water multiple points for sniper cover i'll pull a plan together charlie back her up brakes right here we got a mission i want you on overwatch bravo are hold up inside [Music] sam i'm seeing plenty of grass floor activity hitting the roof is still our best option graham headed up the factory wall breaks you got my six copy breach position bravo i've seen a truck heading out looks like they're moving cargo copy damn 12 o'clock [Applause] you okay shot hanging [Music] what sam i don't like this we already demand nuri sent here and they aren't just mussels can you give me specifics we're looking at specialists chemical engineers snipers tech operatives sounds like an all-star team i guess you can add professional drivers to that list smi has been tracking the truck since it left the mill hit every tunnel in the city and swap vehicles more than once we lost it their cargo must be connected to the next attack it's like in the central office whoever left here did it in a hurry a false moran looks like kudz force might explain why they had eyes on nuri now who wanted evidence iran was behind the blacklist we just found it get these over to caldwell asap [ __ ] grim take a look at this they're mapping projected killzone for an it nuke dirty bomb hard to say i'm sending you a shipping manifest is this the last loss yeah that's all of it right rally everyone pulling the block looks like the last shipment is about to leave reposition brakes have him disable the truck negatives this could be our only chance to learn their destination you put a tracker in their cargo they're in hazmat suits you don't know what you're dealing with probably trained with worse if a single guard spots you it's all over forget who you're talking to [Music] sam wait that shipping manifest you found components to make a chemical weapon vx nerve gas derivative how did you know lucky guess the bomb containment unit i'm opening it up sam if it's in a containment unit then they're worried about passive exposure for this to work they can't find this tracker it's our only shot even a few micrograms of vx could be lethal sam camp tracker's in place moving out [Music] wait a second what i've been scrubbing the calls funneling through the cell phone tower near the factory it's dirty but listen bring it to the west side switch with the other driver under the bridge then move on a partial voice recognition hit there's a chance siddique is at the facility send the location to my offset i'll do the rest will do sam you're still not in the clear until that truck leaves i'll keep it quiet it was just fine when you drove it in this morning i don't see what would have changed if you're scared to drive it i can find someone else damn tracker is online we can follow this baby across the ocean if we have to so what he saw in vienna did sam i'm watching your vitals here you're not looking so hot man just give the word and i'll move it negative i need you covering my exit i'm not the priority siddiques elevated bp tachycardia sam it's all consistent with symptoms of nerve gas exposure and i'm fine [Music] oh [Music] just he's responding i'm moving in [Music] stop it not much of a welcome party did i give you an order ah i just thought now you'll remember nuri led you here didn't you so you still have friends in intelligence congratulations answer the question give up and i may let you live so what's your story an american obviously but oh what's this karambit picked up some training abroad did we the special ops but nothing my friends know about you're a mystery who are you man who's gonna kill you why because i'm above the law because i kill for a purpose then i'm no different than you humor innocent people because your president sends men like you to countries where you don't belong where's your team [Music] that's a macro you've only got one shot left you better make it count are you sure because one is all i need taking hot bricks that's a negative sound take the shot kill break you have to do something since vitals are fading you were wrong sam needs a lot more than atropine if he's gonna pull through get to the roof now [Music] let's just get out of here [Music] they must have thermal sam there's too many to take head on i'll draw their fire you flank them and take them out clear all clear grip buy our beacon out chopper is on its way here's your knife sam we could've ended this we had sadiq what you want me to do finish the job bricks nothing comes before that not me not you nothing get off of me [Music] that was your last mission our account balance has been updated thank you just send the numbers down to me what are we looking at you're not out of the woods yet but your vitals are stable not me siddique gone but the tracker is live so we got a line of the canister sam don't you need rest what i need is to go through the intel we got on the right the president went public with it last night the country's howling for blood so why are we still standing here because grim doesn't buy that it's iran don't you have a systems calibration to run what every time the engineers leave until laying around it's to set us up could be they panicked sadiq wouldn't have been there if he knew we were coming we can't be the reason the country gets into the wrong war you're right can't make a bad call on this which means we have work to do hey dad you all right you sound tired yeah our day at the office look i got some bad news uh i'm not gonna make it home for thanksgiving this year i wasn't expecting it they cancelled the big parade in new york anyway probably a good idea some guy decided he wasn't gonna wait for the blacklist and shot at fifth avenue nobody died but there's gonna be more i hate to say it but i think you're right just stay safe i know i know or you're gonna kill me i love you dad i love you too all right won't open those doors who gives us boo hoo kick the goddamn dory guys all lies once again the american bullies are crying terrorists what the hell did we just do we found documents we didn't prove iran was involved with the blacklist well they don't seem to be too concerned with the details bogus documents are not congress wants blood and all they can see is iran the caldwell's gonna declare war unless we can give her another solution that means we don't have one no we have this the old u.s embassy in iran isn't that kudz force hq now hell of an ambitious up for caldwell it isn't her op it's mine so what well we just don't tell her that we're going into iran the president of the united states this is your plan this is risky grim even for us it's the only way to stop a war yeah start one this operation has to happen fast so fast our own government doesn't know we're on the ground i think i'm gonna be sick focus charlie we get a drone in the air without it attacking us i killed the exploit the engineers used last time i added a verification layer and i threw in a hardware kill switch yes would have been fine charlie where do you want brakes he's out you're gonna do this alone what's her weigh-in show me not what who i'm sending it to your upset this is one of the most secure buildings on the planet there is no way getting in isn't going to be the hard part the good servers are air-gapped we have to physically pull the data i'm sending the hardware specs to your workstation we can't just let's know more go charlie [Music] he's taking a nap good to meet you general i don't talk to american spies not even when they have a targeting solution on your wife and child i mean that is them that just came home from the market right looks like gourmet sapsi for dinner tonight take a deep breath and think this through i need to get inside qf headquarters i need answers we have nothing to do with the blacklist it's gonna take more than your word to stop a war get me inside put this in your ear i want to be clear if i see you harming a single one of my men my cooperation ends i'm not here to hurt anyone keep moving sam it looks like the bluff worked confirm we are go go is that for me or your american minders it's for you to know i'm not wrong kind of you can't when you get inside access their servers plug in that flash drive i gave you it's tricked out to pull everything they've got on the blacklist copy it's been a long time since an american had the nerve to set foot here love what you've done with the place yes we've made some improvements huh you see that parking garage that's your way in i'll take care of the car the cameras are your problem head down to the garage and i will meet you there foreign [Music] i don't like this sam that last phrase the general used in the security room isn't consistent with his usual addiction could be a code smi gives it a 37 probability watch your back still with me until the job is done how very comforting wait don't go any further general worldwide [Music] m follow me quickly the surveillance will need to cut through and the rfid chip i'm carrying only disables it for a short time why are you taking me through heavy surveillance because you've left me no other option it's our only way through through where holding cells where we would keep people like you interfering in our affairs i'm here to stop a war between our two countries says the man with a uav flying over iranian airspace and sometimes there's no time to negotiate spoken like a true soldier just past this door we're almost there stay close why'd you stop because i would rather have my family die than to have them live as traitors there's a fine line between stupid and brave general americans you think you invented bravery you guys must be the cleanup detail racing around pointing your guns threatening innocent people you have no idea how to stop the blacklist do you i will teach you how to deal with terrorists grimm now window to reach the server vault before backup generators kick in okay i see an elevator but it's sealed off you don't have the rfid tag to get through what the guards do [Music] oh grim heading to vault level sit rep monitoring their combo they're calling in a quick reaction force they'll be sweeping the building for you floor by floor copy that charlie walk me through the decryption vault there's a search algorithm on the portable drive i gave you it'll find and pull anything they've got on speak or the blacklist plug it in and it should rip the data should will it will sam you're coming up on the signals vault you got a couple of options okay quiet you go through the cooling system underneath the vault loud you go through the terminal at the back of the room and hack the vault door open i'm checking it out drive is live perfect sit tight till the transfer is done got it chance was complete grab the drive and get out of there graham schematic show what i'm walking into negative sam it's drawing blank on the smi i'm in the foyer headed out of the building sam there's a security gate on your exhale route through the gardens you should be near a security control room access the terminal inside and we'll override the doors let me take a look and see what it left me access oh nice all right i got this sam just give me a minute and i'll open up an exit for you graham where are we with hexville still working on it what's happening we've got even more reinforcements inbound charlie you need to move faster i'm working on it anywhere from the iranian military that's what's odd channels are clear to avoid embarrassment you still need to get out now sam you're dealing with iranian special forces and you're out of time talk about timing all right you're clear sam security gates are open on my way keep working on how i'm gonna get the hell out of here we'll fight about it after he gets you the hell out of there meet him on the far side of the exterior another wave of enemy vehicles closing on you ah can you find a way around them the only way out is through them what do you mean bring in the drone lower radar i'll pick it up that's the least of our problems missiles online negative repeat negatives i'll trace it back to the u.s weapon's hot on the uav grimm i hope you know what you're doing vehicles are jammed up you're clear i'll see you back on the plane i know that an unauthorized drone strike there was no drone strike there was a very unfortunate drone malfunction of course there is a reason you're on that plane i need you to be my eyes and ears on this mission i am madam president not if i can't trust you come on you couldn't have been expecting a thank you you would have done the same thing in my position gambled with the war to save your life i did what i did for the sake of the mission this president's not the only one with a good cover story the data we found clears iran of any involvement with the blacklist not my point i know your point you think i made a bad call just like briggs did in london right the decisions we're forced to make are not always black and white sam they just can't be personal really then lead by example we both know damn well you'd risk everything that fixedlife had been on the line luke has nothing to do with this he's the only reason you're on this plane the only thing you value more than the job the team crime thank you you want to thank me talk to briggs we need him if we're going to pull through this one hey guys that tracker on the chemical weapon it's almost on u.s soil hey essay how's it going man charlie i told you a hundred times don't do that you sound like an f sorry uh sorry anyway look i was wondering if you wanted to do a little you know quick pro quo i got primo iranian special forces security protocols for you to practice on if you've got what i need hey i got source code bro now if you were willing to swap me some of those sweet cracking subroutines you're so good at i could maybe see my way clear to sharing a little what i got this better not be like that time you said you had root access at the bank in sweden no come on now why why you gotta go bring that up all right listen you have any updates ollie the track is still moving south on the i-95 i pulled stills from the surveillance cameras along the route get those to charlie anything changes tell me when we gonna drop you in new york things change we pull the partial license plate start digging on it the tracker on the chemical weapon is just outside philadelphia we should have never let that shipment get stateside what if we can't stop it in time we're not gonna stop this attack we're gonna stop all the attacks i've been monitoring dcs interrogations coming out of chicago sadiq has a trusted inner circle of commanders dcs thinks they're responsible for coordinating the blacklist attacks we can take a commander alive we could uncover plans for all of blacklist picked a hell of a time to double down the van they're in is rented along with five others using the same bogus credit card number the tracker it's slowing it's on east oregon [Music] turning down south columbus to city train yard pull the security cam seats the other engineered vehicle is already there the bombs could be armed land the plane philly international gave us the all clear to set up on their turf flight deck complete final approaching any specs on that device we found in london standing by i've confirmed a simple disarming procedure good charlie i'm gonna need something to jam the radio in the area we can't risk remote detonation you bet brakes you're with me on the ground we move now hoorah isolate the hostiles in the back of the lead take them out before they trigger that bomb ready in position good visual driver's marked copy three two one sam get to that first bomb before it detonates engaging targets area is clear sam coming down to meet you with the van graham sailing the first bomb now copy deploying rf jammer cool signal is good we have the positions of three other devices sam one in the tunnel near you one in the maintenance yard a third in the roundhouse we got a ticking clock that's too much ground to cover we need to split up sending their locations to your offset starting to sound like grip all clear graham you got a line on the leader i sent our best guess to your offset based on servant analysis he's the engineer's point man on this attack let's go ask him break a leg breaks fish around what the hell did i just get myself into hurry you need to stop that bomb before they move it copy that find the van you find the nerve gas find the nerve gas you shut this thing down are you finished yet jesus keep sneaking up on a gun that was a wow grip i've reached the bottom rim brakes hey i got the full bomb schematic here from the shot sam took of it in london it's using an aerosol dispersal system now i think that's how he got poisoned it should be fine all you gotta do is slide the casing open no no i need grim on the line now yeah well she's busy with sam tracking the leader look you think working with you is some kind of treat for me suck it up briggs just send the details to my offset [Music] device is offline reach the next location sam engineers are priming the bomb on the other side of that viaduct you've got to move i'm on it hey sam smi's guessing the area around the bomb is mined so we're good to go load up any time we want number one checking in all clear [Music] he's knocked down shutting the device down like that on my first rodeo breaks device deactivated that was fast copy at the round house negative charlie's still triangulating his position i'll keep moving gotta get to the roundhouse before whoever's on the other side of that laser pops my head off i'm at the roundhouse where the hell is the ball engineers are mounting it on a commuter train brakes come on come on you've done this once before hey charlie i've reached the last device gotcha you need me to walk you through it no i'm good breathe easy one shot bricks piece of cake oh [ __ ] charlie i think i pulled the red wires that bad oh what oh yes get out of there gotcha [ __ ] sam all devices disabled yeah coming up on the leader get down stay down if you don't want to get hurt escape right where you are oh [ __ ] please don't move i'll shoot i swear to god yes this is gareth officer 34 there's another one i need back up now easy easy everybody just relax let the hostage go you idiot don't be a hero i just got your buddy huh freeze don't move you gotta be kidding me drop your weapon drop it now grimm hazmat team scooped the bombs and sam's back from the philly cop shop yeah i heard look thanks for your help all right what oh nothing i'm just enjoying this little moment camaraderie it's nice nice work out there thanks first time i beat you back to the plane huh vx and terrorists my biggest threat turns out to be a trigger-happy subway column that didn't sound good the engineers don't like to lose bad news the engineers released another video you will not stop the blacklist bring your troops home now we will not negotiate they sped up the attacks i'm coming to you live from the state capitol where governor rozinski has declared tomorrow to be officer gareth devon day across the commonwealth officer gareth heroically foiled an attempted gas attack on the philadelphia subway system saving what experts estimate to be well over a hundred thousand lives the festivities will include a parade lunch at the governor's mansion and the presentation of a medal on the floor of the pennsylvania state senate when asked about the honors devin said and i quote i'm just a guy who was in the right place at the ringtone murray just showed up in gitmo damn it what's wrong the cia just hauled resinuria into guantanamo it's been questioned about iran's role in the blacklist attacks nori had blacklist intel we need to find out what angle he's playing well now he's playing dress up in a prison jumpsuit exchanging intel for clemency you got something to say say it okay grim was right you made a bad call fast and loose cowboy [ __ ] now we've got to clean it up hey whoa didn't we just clear iran doesn't matter if the intel's legit nori running his mouth could have the u.s staring down the barrel of a war with the wrong enemy exactly who's the one person who would want that deek and maybe he's pulling their easter why because sam's got a hunch there's no way to find out we screwed the agency in benghazi and chicago so they've locked us out on this that's right you burned every intelligence contact you've got i still love you what's that supposed to mean i need you to sync up with grim and charlie how's charlie gonna help me he's not you're gonna help him we're breaking in break in to gitmo charlie's gonna need to run down a security protocol so he can plant clearances in their system it's not that easy you'll need paperwork key cards piece of cake i can dummy those up this is insane not for us [Music] uh when you need stand up you are now a detainee of camp seven detention facility at guantanamo bay nod if you understand me stand up now detainee you are now under my control and will comply with all instructions not if you understand didn't think you were gonna make it yeah lucky for you i still got some cia clearances and some friends easy brakes gotta make it look good for the cameras your gear is in a field office just past the wreck area i'll kill the power give you some shadows for cover where's with cia special interrogators you're on a dinner break so you've got some time rendezvous if i can get one if you pull the trigger last minute i gotta make plans in the trenches [Music] [Music] you'll pull it off what makes you so sure you have to i'll see you on the other side wait [Music] go find our way out [Music] got yourself locked up something like that so dick made me do the same so he didn't put me in prison no here you are behind bars my guess is he's the reason the next blacklist attack talk i'm sorry my words are reserved for my new cia friends not you you'll talk only choice you have is how much it hurts please stop i beg you sadiq sent me here to distract america make them make them target iran i asked about the blacklist quit stalling they wanted to hijack a ship that provided the men to operate it where i don't know i don't know that's all i know about the attack iran isn't backing the blacklist who is sadiq working for nothing more to tell you what's going on here hey you lunatic no one's coming to help you nuri no please don't you want to keep your hands i want names i'll give you names i'll give you names sam fisher hannah crimson's daughters isaac briggs charlie cole your team you're playing fourth echelon he knows all of it do you want to find siddique he's right behind you said you will know i talked death by his hand won't be quick i have no more information just kill me please i deserve that much mercy nice work bricks roger took some doing but i secured a crc head south on the shoreline copy be careful emergency power is live and it has to happen fast it's only a matter of time before they discover what's left in hurry sam if it comes down to it the crossbow's got non-lethal bolts if i do this right i won't need them remember sam the guards are friendly any fatalities and i may have to scrub this mission i'm leaving the camp keep following the shoreline briggs is standing by with your ride out on my way nori was a plant by sadiq misdirect to keep the u.s occupied while he hijacks a ship the next blacklist attack american fuel must be we have another problem sadiq has a second target us coming in off the water tonight look about what i said skipped the apologies that was out of line everyone gets out of line he breaks in and out of get mom one night i don't think we can tell anyone and get used to it yeah we're not out of here yet break you've got a narrow gap in the patrols it's now or never copy [Music] more money in the bank shot at some shut out before the next stop you're just lounging on a beach in cuba now you're in mexico getting straight by patrol boat isn't exactly my idea of rir please tell me you got an update on the ship the engineers hijacked the airfield staff just packed up and left five minutes ago no warning no word sounds like there's a fight headed our way we tried to get the drone up for aerial surveillance but someone's jamming our video feed we need to get this plane in the air now we've got quick mobile's flanking our position all right you're three fortify here lay down suppressing fire grim we can't get airborne if we're under attack i'll get us prep for takeoff [Applause] um looks like a small force keeping an eye out for the rest of them i've got movement behind the hangers trucks up the middle now left side it's all edges online i think we're clear confirmed let's get everyone on board and get out of here roger that kyle graham we need paladin off the ground now we'll have to clear the runway exam i've unjammed the uav slave it to briggs offside sneak's gonna want to take the plane intact only way to keep us on the ground is to knock out the engines roger that slaving into my offset is more trucks incoming we need to get off the ground now roger that freaks what have you got tracking tanker movements in the gulf coast guarded the fly in a replacement pool on one of the ships cause of food poisoning charlie you guys are gonna want to see this i got some help from the peeps over at fort meade and backtracked the ip addresses that were tagged the guys in philly you're looking at the guts of the server the engineers used for the us ops i've got ids addresses it's details what do you mean this is just white noise we ran thousands of hits like this before blacklist zero it's how the engineers operate and it's not telling us what sadiq wants from the blacklist i thought it was to get u.s troops off foreign soil that's never going to happen sadiq knows him briggs is right we're not asking the right questions if siddiq's not working for iran and he doesn't care about getting the troops home what's his real plan charlie connection everything we have here could be compromised work with brakes focus on the tanker and that replacement group that's a solid lead you got it i think everything we got feed into the smi see if we can figure out what the engineers are really after stopping fuel doesn't get us any closer to knowing what city wants no but grabbing one of his people on site does very astute amen they took the bait the kid can cut anything he wants but as a five minutes ago paladin was mine good eta on the table offshore rendezvous with echo team in two hours target and impact site and store status of cog preparation site f is a yellow alert dc's already sent emergency intel packets from jsoc nsa and state good they just need one more push now we go for fuel launch it i want the entire coast burning by the time i touch down let's start with fish's plane he wants to know what we're after let's give him a taste time to move come on man you gotta talk to me negative on that briggs you have any idea how many bridges you burn without gitmo stunts it was necessary are you arguing with the results not about the results and you know it you pulled agency favors and made the agency look bad you took the star witness out of play even if he was chicken feet langley doesn't like that what are you saying i'm saying don't call anymore you might want to think about making that transfer permanent riding broke out today in the streets of st louis where demonstrators clashed over the so-called blacklist a planned rally for peace in forest park by home first who want to meet the blacklist man was interrupted by violence counter protesters chanting no surrender set up a neighboring protest and soon slogans turned to violence the fighting quickly spread into the streets with police unable to contain it similar violence is now broken out in six other cities including colombia jefferson city and branson thanks let me know if ollie needs anything apart from some cosmetic damage it looks like the plane is fine it's good to hear charlie what any update on that hijacked ship we're after i'm still working on it they named the attack american fuel a loaded tanker would make one hell of a weapon what the hell just happened don't look at me graham the smi isn't responding i'm locked up charlie trying a workaround breaks you got anything nothing all i got is lighting and internal cons this is the flight deck we're looking engine power how long can we glide we're talking minutes navigation systems are down we have only manual flight controls we're gonna check the rear panel i can't get us up and running that fast i don't even know how they got control of the plane to me buddy damn it flight deck what's going on this is the co-pilot we need a medic what's wrong the captain cracked his head when the plane dropped it's bad he's unconscious repeat the pilot is down is the plane under control [ __ ] all the engines are dead trying to restart i'm locked out of the navigation controls can you fly yes i mean no i can try to keep it together manually keep her in a glide but i need another pilot it takes two people to properly work the controls greg's check on the pilot where are you going to get covey try and get the backups online access again pull the hard drives from the smi and be ready come on charlie hey don't i guess we're totally [ __ ] and i'm the only one who've been underfocused right pilot's unconscious [ __ ] whatever the co-pilot is flying manually i get it it's a two-man job dump the power kill the backup generator reboot the system okay i gotta get to the flight deck let me out here fisher let me out of here let's take care of the power hey dump some cargo while you're down there i'll buy us some time brakes head to the back of the plane we need to lose cargo fast on my way i'm leaving a message on the flight recorder in case we don't make it sam i've got the cargo bay door open we need to operations weight dump the chopper guys we're about to hit some rough air you better trap [ __ ] rick's gonna be late on that you think you can hit it from up there i guess we'll find out almost there sam just a little further hang on the reboot console is under the subfloor below the smi access hatch to the electrical bay is there moving generators offline all right good now hang on guys get your ass to the cockpit sam hurry sam we're losing altitude fast the hell is taking so long what's the problem he wants to reinstall the whole system mid-flight yeah i'd be done by now if this jackass would get out of my way they'll crash the plane what the [ __ ] do you think is about to happen let him at it exactly all right okay for sure you gotta pump fuel back in the engines all right if i get this thing back online we're gonna have seconds to fire it up manual fuel pump controls are in there all right once i reboot you gotta pull back hard okay we're gonna get one shot at this three two one now oh come on come on come on come on you [ __ ] pull up pull up pull up hold up what's our status the main systems are back online she's flying but we're flying blind graham internal cars work but the other communication systems are still offline hey guys what the hell just happened we were hit with a steps net style virus i rebooted the smi from backup did a full system scrub with clean how do the engineers get a virus on my plane we'll do the forensics and get you some answers oh [ __ ] what now it's a communique we received right before the plane went dark the white house activated continuity of government what does that mean it means all the top military and government brass were sent to protected bunkers to make sure they survived last time that happened was 9 11. oh my god do you think that last blacklist attack i don't know that yet charlie let's focus on restoring communications so this thing looks like modified stuxnet modified modified adaptable to new hardware configurations just on the fly sends new specifications back home and then gets reconfigured remotely to match the new system this is just beautiful work i mean you know it sucks but it's beautiful one of your people did this hell no i was thinking it was one of your buddies yeah well this is very elegant very dangerous can shut down any system and get them to learn that the hard way if i were you i would get across the atlantic in financial news natural gas futures rose sharply on the international market today with non-governmental actors buying heavily many analysts pointed to speculation as the cause while others refer to the mysterious american fuel terror strike that is anticipated any day crude oil and coal also showed increases but they were relatively small compared to that shown by lng i want you to keep cycling the frequencies and don't stop until you get through okay breaks any word on that hijack [ __ ] outside communications are almost entirely blacked out can't sync up with anyone yet but the crew's working on it charlie the virus i found the source it was executed when we gutted the tablets and picked up a mirror that's impossible this is i streamlined a couple of security protocols i was just trying to boost operating speed you let it infect the system that's how they found us in mexico no it wasn't when we were on the ground i contacted a former associate with the cartel the engineers have a bounty on us he must have rolled on me for a cut charlie the american fuel attack was successful that must be why they activated continuity of government what was the engineer's target sorry say i'm still getting flooded with intel got it looks like louisiana sabine pass a natural gas tanker oh my god it's a mean pass that's the biggest fuel facility on the gulf coast the engineers hit the facility with a computer virus right before the tanker hit security systems fail safes everything was disabled the virus operates exactly like the one they hit our plane with oh [ __ ] every fuel facility on the coast has been infected that fire spreads they'll all go up one by one approaching jump run sam ready pilot is dropping to half an angel reducing [Music] here we go brim i'm on the ground headed towards a down chopper sam the seals look like they're taking heavy ground fire engineers affirmative they're pinned down not sure how long they'll hold out [Music] chaos how do you know the counter sign you're not gonna pull the trigger stop pointing that thing at me i'm here to help who said we needed help where did you come from off the books they tasked you to secure the facility they sent us to stop the fuel tanker but they sent us too late we got here after the crash then tailed the squad put mobiles we almost got their leader then everything went to [ __ ] graham got a high value engineer target on the ground give me a location keep moving toward the main facility same find me the lead engineer as fast as i can chief you're all clear jamaica get back to work thanks for the help goodbye enough time to evacuate there's got to be a way to stop this fire lane gasoline dumping gas directly onto the fire spreads to the pipeline and blam might as well be pissing into the wind how's he doing we copy sam finding an exit for you now no i mean wait if you can find me in terminal i can nuke the virus clear their system chief where's the control room top floor of the terminal building but it's too dangerous i'll be all right i got backup good luck chief anyone needs luck in this mess it's you if you can make the run to the terminal building sam charlie can shut the flow of gas down hang on all right i got it [Music] pulled it off charlie i have control of it all lights doors security feet wait i think i might have the leader he's disguising himself as a paramedic sending you the location i'm moving i'm opening the door fastest way to get to him stay sharp up there the engineers are gonna know we're here now got your back understood the systems are back online they must have retaken the facility lock this area down watch the east i'm on updates by the minute go should i have a visual on the leader now sam got him moving in he's making a run for it i'm after [Music] we're escaping him an ambulance [Music] [Applause] help me you first [Music] siddiq's plan talk you are too late what have you done your president she handed your people to sadiq on a plate denver the bunker sadiq was waiting for them it's over no did we raise the president yet still trying we've got an update on the seal team they're all okay we're gonna finish refueling be back in the air at 20. hey appreciate your help back there yeah thanks you got a sec wait it's nothing big we'll catch you up later grim the virus mexico i gotta tell him no you don't i screwed up you think then why are you covering for me i mean why would you even want me here i never did thanks you asked you don't listen to anyone you think you know everything you treat your work like a game are we done no we're not you know what bothers me the most about you charlie you're good at your job the only thing standing between sadiq and the world is this team i can't afford to have sam throwing you off this plane i'm sorry then find a way to make it up to us we recommend that the growing instability inside the united states due to the blacklist works to our advantage we intend to escalate operations particularly in american client states who may be looking to detach themselves from their wounded ally intercepted communications from their sakura military network indicate some form of attempted cool or hostage scenario at the secure site we will continue to monitor events personnel list for sight f confirmed sec deaf senior senator wyoming senior senator colorado governor colorado junior senator utah exec confirmed diverted to site d congressman colorado fourth district congresswoman colorado 9th district fema regional coordinator congressman nebraska first district regional bureau head fbi mayor city of denver additional personnel still being tabulated at this time i will update the security checks and personal clear in the wake of the catastrophic terror attack on america's energy infrastructure the president has instructed me to activate nspd 51 to ensure continuity of government key government and military personnel will be reporting to secure sites around the country many of them on a rotating basis to provide resources to keep our government military and services functioning as needed in the face of the upcoming american blood and american dust events the president will not be taking any questions at this time thank you so that's the only entrance check secondary defenses grim you'll line open to the president yet yeah but uh they won't take our call they what hang on i got the president's aid i'm sorry the president is occupied with an urgent matter and won't be able to speak with you tell her it's fourth echelon she knows sorry look i know you think you're special because you sip lattes with the potus but i have a lot of friends on capitol hill are you threatening me no get me the president if you ever want to work in dc again now i'm threatening you [Music] president caldwell we believe the site f bunker under denver airport is siddiq's target was he had sleeper agents at the bunker sadiq has control of the bunker and he's claimed it's wired with chemical weapons we can be there in two hours no i'm sending you home what we have the situation in control delta set up a perimeter around the bunker sadiq is receptive to talks if we meet his conditions since when does the united states negotiate with terrorists he has captured top government and military officials including the secretary of defense extortion is isn't sadiq's end game it's too simple too small unfortunately the free world isn't run on instinct your hands are tied mine aren't i did not give you the fifth freedom to engage in a personal vendetta we have the situation in hand you're walking into a trap let me be very clear all planes including paladin are grounded the air force has orders to fire on anything on approach to denver [Music] we have to get to denver and take city gown and i can't do this online go for denver go for denver go for denver grim where are our chances against denver's anti-aircraft defenses they're getting heavy snow we'll use it for cover and spin in steep on approach i'll need charlie's help with countermeasures sure graham whatever you need what repeat there sam the pilot's refusing to fly again leave him of duty bring coleman up koben is closing on our position and ready for a fight well that could be a problem you locate the secondary targets yes there's a control area with access to environmental communications and defenses i tweak the engineer virus and make copies in the flash drives i gave you plug one into each system and the bunker will lock down we also have a lead on city's real target their system is totally self-contained except for one thing when continuity of government is triggered all key military and government intel is backed up to the bunker that's what sadiq's after we're trying to get word to the president they could be monitoring radio traffic we do this silent buckle up kids we're under their radar they're going to get us killed now for the fun part lights out i'm dropping the gear good to go let's move 100 feet 50 feet what do we do now hope [Music] hey it's charlie listen delta's boarding the plane and i don't have long we need to head for the fake weather station it handles the bunker's climate control find a way to cut through the vent and you'll be inside the bunker then plug in those three flash drives i gave you get the virus into their systems after that you got to get into the crawl space under the wardrobe you can activate the lockdown sequence from there hey guys [Applause] [Music] sam briggs it's grim we're back up someone in the bunker is trying to access the secretary of defense's account if he gets to the secure files you have to stop him now whatever it takes oh god [Music] freeze hold it right there why isn't there circulating do you copy don't give me problems give me solutions give me an update on the hostages now we both know that you will give us what we want i'm not giving you access you could destroy america start a world war but i'm not interested in wars i'm after the only weapon that matters anymore information just relax relax [Music] it's not your decision to make the only thing you have to choose is how much it hurts before you do what you're asked screw you you've got someone in the bunker these special forces [Music] take the ring finger no no no no no [Music] you are very tenacious where's fishing right behind you you're gonna take me hostage in the war room communicating with your team would you take me for hold him still i was never one for subdermal radios too invasive i have your colleague mr fisher leave us to our work and i'll see that he lives bring him fisher will never leave him behind get the hostages ready to move brother we're bringing the hostages to the tunnel oh oh god oh please help me what is wrong with you he's gonna bleed to death pass me that tunica go to work on the other hand no no no please please stop he will stop when you want him to or he will take those fingers he will take your toe he will take your teeth i could have saved yourself a hand now transfer the files don't you can't i'm so sorry you have not thought this one through you won't risk shooting him why because you're gonna kill him we both know you don't have that in you [Music] i'm sorry no you're taking us to your plane yes get him up this is majit sadiq leader of the men in control of the bunker at site f we are exiting with our hostages they will be released if we are allowed to leave safely any aggression on your part will result in executions given to me careful there are snipers out there just waiting for you to make a stupid mistake [Music] i know you can't respond sam but if they leave denver it's all over stop him any way you can i want a full sweep of the plane when we get there execute anyone on board [Music] [Applause] finish the job sam [Music] [ __ ] graham can't break the man we are just getting started [ __ ] where are you where the hell is he ugh [Applause] youtube [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] it's over [Music] you think this ends with me there are 12 nations that stand behind the engineers behind me are you ready to fight 12 wars kill me kill they those nations will rise up put me on trial and i will spell every secret i know i've already won there's always another option so how many rounds does this thing hold it's 20 rounds in your basic magazine get your finger out of the guard you got to put a hole in the plane relax hey brakes what's that uh my gun [Music] yeah what's he doing out of his cage thanks nice to see you too bricks just give me some weapons intel it's like i'm part of the team now huh yeah you keep telling yourself that kobe welcome back brakes good to see you grim so what's up they're making it official that the united states has conducted an operation that has killed majid sadiq the leader of the terrorist organization known as the engineers first time i talked to a dead man who are you we're gonna start from the top we give thanks to the brave men and women who work tirelessly to bring these terrorists to justice [Music] the world will never know their work their names will be lost to history but their sacrifice will never be forgotten back [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Gamer's Little Playground
Views: 57,429
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Keywords: gamer's little playground, gamers little playground, game, SPLINTER CELL: BLACKLIST All Cutscene (Game Movie) 4K 60FPS Ultra HD, splinter cell black list all cutscenes, splinter cell blacklist game movie, splinter cell blacklist full story, 4k, 60fps, ultra hd, game movie, all cutscenes, splinter cell blacklist gameplay, splinter cell blacklist walkthrough, splinter cell blacklist ending, splinter cell blacklist pc gameplay, splinter cell blacklist pc max settings
Id: SNx8IDqcAHc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 158min 3sec (9483 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 03 2021
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