Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War | Realism/No Damage | Full Game

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foreign [Music] we cleared a move on the target is in his apartment but he's well protected and keep my men out of the area for 15 minutes I hope you brought an army we brought enough pleasure doing business thank you come on Woods are ditching for the dust we don't want to let him down [Music] we're on the clock hey Mace party favors are in the trunk [ __ ] probably thinks he's safe that piece of trash is a lot of things safe really need to take the son of a [ __ ] alive Adler museum has info we need everyone else can take a powder Apartments just up ahead 's only bought us 15 minutes we need to hit casim hard and fast let's go foreign [Music] [Music] received can't escape finder move it I'm moving [Music] go go foreign foreign foreign go go hurry up nowhere left to run we can work some pop oh you're up Mason wait wait wait wait I just handle the money I have no idea where arashi is I don't think you understand the situation you have rules you took hostages the rules changed is it turkey anything someone interrupts on Earth tomorrow oh I swear I swear I don't know they only communicate with coded messages all right let's load them up they'll find his voice soon enough let me know if you need some help looking for it Hudson we're bringing you a present he's in trap zone turkey kasim is out of the picture how long how long has Arash the team arrived in Turkey a few hours ago they should be in position shortly [Music] airfield's just up ahead let's go find this [ __ ] priorities to idea Raj before thank you check it out inside garage that's not him incoming truck left side the positive ID that's okay thank you foreign [Music] take out the landing here [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] hostages his plan is already underway won't be able to stop him this time stop who passes [ __ ] versus death all this time that you didn't even know precious will watch The Whisper I don't want to hear about this let's sweep the tarmac for survivors and get the Langley [ __ ] is Percy's 1943 detailed it Mrs Hudson how long until we have a lead on Perseus they're about to get started adlers in West Berlin he should be at the safe house soon yeah trust him I'm not the one you should be asking black what about his team foreign Belle it's time to wake up welcome to another day in the life of Camp hazards little Oasis in the middle of this God first sick and [ __ ] you're pretty safe here butcher how's the arm open at least I can move it they Sims you know reading that shit's gonna make you go blind yep that's why I want it all up here belt here with Sims usually bring out the best in each other the ripcord is holding the final asset Charlie Watts real bad what kind of asset are we talking about the guy you don't ask about ripcord has been taking a hell of a beating so it's our job to secure the asset and get the [ __ ] out relax we got fast Flyers provide combat air support for this Mission it'll be a walk in the park headsets on all birds check in when ready Badger Niner one good to go imagine 902 clear to go Birds go go go crank up and pull pitch all birds are in the SE you're all sitting comfortably oh man why do I get the feeling you about to give us some bad news cause you're a smart guy Sims but the news isn't bad in fact it could be very very good the outside of ripcord is gonna have to wait a little while Source took this off that there may be a heavy hitter in town a Soviet operative known as Perseus oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] Sims bar source is right be looking at an Intel gold mine first time Perseus pinged our radar [Music] approaching the village now downtown foreign [Music] idiot foreign [Music] thank you very clear okay get inside see what we got foreign [Music] [Music] foreign good job and we confirmed it Soviets on site you sure well I'm staring at two bodies that sure as hell don't look Vietnamese to me Belle grab that comms log let's see who the [ __ ] they've been talking to [Music] mission accomplished we have the Intel let's bug out good work hang on to that Intel we're coming in to pick you up all right let's go rejoin the Armada get this [ __ ] asset thank you there's ripcord we are still under heavy fire BC are breaching the perimeter what is your status we're inbound now ripcord get that asset ready for transfer Roger that 901 Rim core now [Music] foreign foreign [Music] we got the Intel or RPGs [Music] [Music] all right thank you foreign foreign thank you gorgeous Badger Niner one setting down still hot to watch yourselves Roger that ripcord you ever Mac V Sugg yeah yeah just hurry the [ __ ] up already yes sir thank you don't thank me thank you phone book full of Soviet Intel let's go now godspeed Commander [ __ ] nope are you [ __ ] kidding me Adam it's Fail-Safe that's all you need to know I mean that desperate already not yet [Music] foreign [Music] foreign foreign wait here we go still with us you think we can call this a success Sims at least the nuke didn't go off more importantly we got Intel on Perseus told you we had a job to do it ain't done yet not by a long way get ready citizens as soon as the train slows down you and I'll jump off part Bazaar wait till the next station Bell and I'll track down Krause all right Train's slowing down let's go to work all right here we go careful these German guards still Patrol these abandoned stations control ahead use a train to slip past moving on the platform foreign CC guy let's clean this up [Music] crowd should be coming through the checkpoints soon let's get to the Rooftop Park Lazar we're almost in position copy that come on this way be careful with the spotlight you know how to lock a place down I'll give them that [Music] keep an eye on that checkbook brows have been coming through anytime look across with your camera down security is even tighter than usual they detained Krauss he could miss his meeting with falcon job that's our man that's Krause on me apart Krause just crossed the wall what's your status awaiting your arrival Roger that our Intel says Krauss and volkov will meet at the bar across the street beat Hudson's contact inside she'll have a blue umbrella I'll stay out here foreign [Music] audio was loud Hudson didn't reveal much he said you're after work who knows that the man's like a ghost I would guess no more than a day house is like she doesn't so don't let us hold some appearance fool you the man is a killer one of my informants was picked up in a fandom Suite just two blocks from here the nearby I would ask a favor of you he will not hold up under torture for me we need him rescued silenced thank you no response well we got trouble there's two stars entering the bar let's get out of there now our ticket to bulk off careful [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign foreign stay quiet don't want the locals writing us out foreign Explorer right across the street from across this place I'm gonna pick up some Networks the park is just up ahead we're back A car pulled up near across this building a few minutes ago but I didn't have a good angle crash on the telephone belt get his own cross what do you think Liza sounds like World Cup once krauss's briefcase we place a Tracker in it the case will lead us straight to vote one of us can sneak into class Department avoiding Krauss and his wife might be the great challenge Bell volunteers while Belle's doing that I'll check around the exterior for any unwanted guests Park you can keep an eye on us from here Spotify Grouse or his wife the mission is over you can track the wife if you have to but Krause must go to the meeting I'm about to phone across the positive hey look now find the briefcase hello Newton yeah don't let grass see you foreign foreign foreign foreign she gets it easy do not tempt me to bring up my toys Alaska game who do you work for India what makes me suddenly worthy of your attention what kind of fool do you think you will die with dignity here you are damaged it's great foreign foreign thank you thank you get up your vocals watch it Bell take them out so I lost Bell on behalf of MI6 thank you volkov is ours more than he deserves let's get the hell out of East Berlin copy that part stay on comms keep Mason and Adler on standby let's go foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] oh yeah we're coming to shoot like that take points [Music] patrols approaching my position now are at the quiet for now but I still know where from Woods stay the course and get inside foreign Bell found his way inside but we don't got a lot of time no arguments here I'll move to the lower deck and engage in your mark all clear moving up don't think that qualifies as Intel [ __ ] be ready to be a thousand Reds on the other side of this door cover me not a [ __ ] word Bell that was his place that's not a train of course it's made to look like [ __ ] any Town USA foreign [Music] [ __ ] let's move they want a live fire drill let's hook these [ __ ] up [Applause] thank you [Music] foreign foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] cover me [Music] give me some contact on the rooftops [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] ER leads straight to the control tower foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] let's do it one spell I'm picking up a ton of radio channel what's your status we got caught up with some kind of live fire drill place his crawler with Reds we're still looking for Intel I'm putting Mason she sounds mad does she sound mad foreign let's see what the reds are really up to Bell hop on that terminal start poking around practical Urban combat statistics restricted access that's good stuff keep looking practical Urban combat statistics restricted access that's good stuff keep looking practical Urban combat statistics restricted access that's good stuff keep looking practical Urban combat statistics restricted access that's good stuff keep looking Urban combat statistics restricted access let's get stuff keep looking practical Urban combat statistics restricted access that's good stuff keep looking operation green light restricted access what the [ __ ] is Operation green light bill can you hack into that of course there's a password look around these Reds ain't that smart maybe there's something on the desk s come on Belle you're supposed to be this master code breaker [Music] nice I'm grabbing a copy this doesn't make any sense Percy's infiltrated a CIA nuke program codename operation green light run by Hudson so a nuke is American and Hudson [ __ ] knew [ __ ] [Applause] what are you talking about we talked about green light that's what Perseus is after yeah Prince all over it once you're breaking up just get the hell out of there up ahead they're trying to cut us off foreign [Music] [Music] thank you cover me [Music] look I found with a red story punch down [Music] blocking the exit we're gonna have to punch through them foreign [Music] yes you're good [Music] let's go [Music] check it [Music] look at it nice work Val looking [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] so far [Music] gear shift all right let's roll hold on children that put up some goddamn street signs gather everyone Park it's the whole team button has got a [ __ ] ton of explaining to do the first building is just over that Ridge thanks Dmitry Well Radio we found the Mainframe what you know what the KGB does to double agents yep if they win this season it's almost worth facing the fighting Squad hey I have only one hour of fuel so after that you find yourself a new ride come on let's get moving Mason that's our Inside Man don't let the smell of cheap vodka caviar throw you Bella cough is the real deal he knows where all the bodies are buried well you buried Adam foreign oh I hope this holds Still Standing after all these shoes foreign look at this place I think they said they're prepping the Mainframe for distractions [Music] good night grenade foreign age before Beauty [Music] [Music] lost my damn gun a tunnel down here you'll have to find another way inside what damn it huh crossbow I mean it is number 18 [Music] . foreign [Music] foreign yeah I read you you got to be close foreign [Music] foreign foreign foreign Soviet Union ain't up our ass you've been busy that's what they pay me for in here chief dick sites [Music] if I'm reading this map right swing a few degrees to your left more North there what's that Bingo have you found the Mainframe there's a big crane on the west side of the base have your winch ready sorry you're breaking up crane like your 4th of July you're welcome [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] all right [Music] another one [Music] [Music] let's go [Music] foreign sit we gotta get down there now is the Mainframe big because if it's too big we can't lift off no it's regular size moment what's up whoa [ __ ] careful up there come on come on pick up the base foreign foreign [Applause] that's what I like to hear not yet I know you have this under control we'll meet you at the basement entrance once you have the bunker key you've been summoned to the conference room upstairs secretary Gorbachev is here from the Central Committee [Music] a receipt General Secretary Brezhnev has taken an interest in the new security development there is a mold within the KGB the committee wants someone from the first Chief directorate to oversee Colonel kravchenko's investigation if you've not met him already this is Imran zakayev thank you secretary Gorbachev and thank you all for welcoming me with open arms I can think of No Greater tragedy than a home violated from the inside trust and love within a family is sacred apparently not everyone shares your beautiful sentiments comrade belikov is head of security I understand you've practically exhausted yourself trying to unearth this move I was that gone [Music] what a patient Man Billy golf or a compassionate one until the mole is found I want security increased around the bunker zakayev do you have any recommendations we should restrict Banker access we also want to cultivate closer relationships with all of you I want to know your hopes your fears your Ambitions be thorough but we don't want any significant disruptions and you helicopter who do you think should retain bunker access during the investigation [Music] of my apologies even your Banker access has been revoked we can't be too cautious can we secretary Gorbachev I believe it would be best if only General charkov retains his Banker Key for now very well see to it worry yourself no longer I've already ordered the bunker Keys collected from the men comrade belikov we are in grave Danger from the capitalists our Collective our very way of life is at risk traitor will be caught pay a high price for his betrayal balikoff you are dismissed foreign first I'll have to kill the cameras the series thank you now I need to hide the body how about one of those locals [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] I have to get a bunker key for other I needed to access the vault an unfortunately Jacob now is the only one if I'm seeing this would be treason foreign [Music] foreign foreign [Music] [Music] foreign in that entry I could program this blank key cut into a blanket key yes thank you [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] okay now I need to head to the basement and let Emma stay in Italian how can I help you sir London will need uniforms to get persecuted alluding Two Soldiers send the security detail to meet me in the furnace room immediately foreign wasn't sure you'd come through I don't have much Choice do I [Music] this key card gives you elevated access to the bank what about uniforms sounds like they're here loud okay I will lead them through any struggle you two do the rest take cover keep it clean you Norms are no good to us bloody [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] all right come on this way let's run the bunker on Earth eat ing storage [Music] thank you no metal detectors for us we're going around [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] take us down [Applause] elevator conversation always gets awkward Gear Up they won't be happy to see us down here wait for my word just wait in the ball [Music] keep moving foreign now we're getting it foreign hurry up and set the gas foreign foreign [Music] [Music] thank you don't have much time before they get through hurry up and get the Intel [Music] foreign copy it to a disk [Music] not enough time now cut through [Music] get ready here they come I'll give you guys let's go foreign foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] time for Plan B activate the gas what's the situation up top down we'll have to fight our way out we're gonna need some heavier gear I know just the place my friend foreign cylinders and explosives gear up though [Applause] [Music] let's get up top bizarre immediately Southwest Courtyard for five minutes once we get off the elevator just keep moving towards the courtyard get the charge ready though let's go bill foreign foreign we're heading back be ready to move [Music] [Music] faddler's late no love where Ally Adler should be checking in right about Park we're in position copy that we're moving to flank [Music] all teams Fast and Loud find Hastings grab the new get the hell out boys light up this joint without [ __ ] time go go do the honest Bell what a [ __ ] Clockwork foreign [Music] foreign foreign [Music] foreign [Music] Mark take your team right coffee they've got 12 second cameras we could use them to locate the nuclear bomb contact [Music] give up moving up [Music] foreign [Music] what do you say we finally grabbed that drink when this is over [Music] foreign behind the counter keep looking hold it Adler we have eyes someone's killing the scientists where second floor room 27b [Music] second floor Center room upstairs crude but effective can't keep your eyes off me huh Park Bell use the C4 Adler we're moving to the second floor move ahead we'll catch up foreign please they're shooting ahead stay away [Music] foreign foreign Bell canvas the room Hastings stop talking Perseus was here shot us Escape pessius would never leave his precious nuke behind forced us to reverse engineer the detonation codes they give him full access to Green Light what are you telling me Percy's can detonate multiple nukes in Europe [Music] how many green light devices can Perseus detonate with those coats he can detonate all of them he'll wipe out half of Europe touch ah badler recognized on an hbt self-proof top could be Perseus he's climbing into a chopper take him out the window Bell let's go the wind I'll be that take out those snipers controlled I think I'm ready for that drink now but we'll have none of that horse piss you cold feet get ready here they come don't tease me part but what happened at that post piss you call [ __ ] Get ready here they come [Music] foreign getting low on ammo where's that plane one minute bullseye a team we only got enough fuel for one more pass be ready for extract you will not get another chance copy that Skyhook I could see the plane Park we need to hook into the line now we'll do it in tons Bell you haunt us up first we'll cover go foreign [Music] during a mission to investigate reports of a Soviet bunker your chopper was hit by ground fire according to your debrief you woke up in the middle of a firefight the crash survivors were defending against a VC attack [Music] you ran forward and picked up an M16 [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign oh God the remaining VC fled into the tree line it was then you realized you were the sole survivor you set off to locate the bunker the path Split near ruined so he took the Right Fork not the trail to the left I gotta reload ments for a month come back here I'm not done talking to you you heard Russian voices from a cave across the river so you went to investigate foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign yes bill that was the door into the Soviet bunker foreign yes good the bunker now tell me about Perseus ah we almost had it let's run six okay ready Belle we've got a job to do according to your debrief you woke up and the rest of your crew was missing the VC were on the ground searching for survivors you ready your bow to take them out silently [Music] foreign all right the pass Split near a ruin so he took the well-traveled trail on your left not toward the waterfall on the right [Music] foreign [Applause] at the fork you followed the road right toward the sound of gunfire the firefighting Reddit two minutes foreign foreign foreign foreign [Music] foreign [Music] thank you yes this was the bunker entrance you described in the report no don't stop Bell [ __ ] [ __ ] hand me the fallback scenario manual here it is Belle we've got a job to do foreign to your debrief you woke up in the middle of a firefight grass survivors ready to grenade launcher and charge the head foreign [Music] foreign [Music] thank you the pass Split near a ruin so he took the well-traveled trail on your left not toward the waterfall on the right [Music] foreign [Music] few allies were pinned down on a ridge you readed your sniper rifle to assist ready to deliver Roger here we go get your people back and hands down inside the house hit my neighbor and find a hidden bunker door [Music] yeah I don't care if the door was [ __ ] stuck open it Park give Bell another injection do it now heart rate is spiking I'm not sure how much longer belts last everything is coming down oh yeah no stop speaking [Music] what the lab what the hell is Belle doing in the lab well forget about the damn land I need to know about the bunker comrades the United States and its allies slowly [Music] foreign can Bell survive another round now you're asking me do it we're not leaving empty-handed script 17. ready [Music] we've been over this already skip ahead the bunker door was right there at the ruins belt you went in Bell go into the bunker now [Music] you're the only one who knows what Perseus is comrades the United States and its allies slowly consumed that which is dear to us our leaders continue to weaken under this threat it is the moral duty of verses to act when they will not soon we will possess an American nuclear bomb the key to unlocking their entire green light Arsenal once we control the green light arsenal we will detonate them all from the safety of solovetsky foreign Bell no more [ __ ] around what did Perseus say where is he your disoriented belt we'll explain everything later right now we need to help each other [ __ ] is what your whole life will amount to if you don't come clean tell us where Perseus is we gave you a second chance when you were [ __ ] out of luck now we just want some assistance Phil you were one of perseus's Agents his associate Arash kadava turned on you at the airstrip in Turkey left you for dead when the plane leaves trap zone is stopping in Dover this you know here's what you don't know Perseus won't be there none of these Hired Guns are going to lead to her life well don't have bodies in the forest and we will move the weapons to bulk of in Burnley there we fly to solubetsky but I have other plans for you versus thanks to high lift I don't want a competition we were there we found you after everything went down [Music] the CIA reinvented you Belle we needed to give you a new identity to replace the old in the end no specific background really stuck with you resisted everything we tried so so and we were able to utilize your language and cryptography skills as an added bonus [Music] bigger challenge was your question CIS MK Ultra program used Atlas missions in Vietnam as a template we needed you to have that shared experience that lifelong bond to establish Trust are your hands clean Belle [Music] no got yourself lucky you've only had those memories for a few months me I've been living with them for over a decade interrogation didn't work with you but thanks to MK ultra's research we had a backup plan you believed you were someone else we could lead you to a place where you'd give everything up [Music] I don't think so you're still holding back on us and we are gonna get it out of you [Music] we have a job to do well we've gotta come on we've got a job you've got a job to do got a job to do the trigger phrase kept you in line but it didn't get us everything we needed your innermost secrets were always locked behind a door Bell I realize you probably hate us right now what we've done to you I just need you to fully understand the stakes here what you do right now is not about me it's not about you it's about millions of other [ __ ] people it's about stopping someone who in the end has no true allegiance to anyone other than himself so tell me where is Perseus once we control the green light arsenal we will detonate them all from the safety [Music] this is your chance where is Perseus [Music] Sims get Washington on the line everyone else gear up we're leaving now you made the right choice Bill come on you're still one of us Adler right now foreign [Applause] there's nothing here this can't be the right place we didn't see anything on our side either I knew it fell [ __ ] lied to us that true bill pull us out to the middle of nowhere rushes so Perseus can detonate those nukes no no I'm here taking cover we'll cover you on your face contact we're actually put our little retribution foreign here we go [ __ ] I can't [Music] over here foreign Legacy is still care mind giving me a light no hesitation I always love that about you you remember my face don't you solovetsky stand by for the detonation order I think you deserve this moment [Music] I wish we could return to solovetsky to watch it all unfold but that chapter is closed now we begin the next one together you did well and to think after all this time they still believe I'm Perseus as if Perseus could ever be an individual working alone so American ah we'll need a new home now the Central Committee will be more surprised in the CIA even if we made the best choice for the future of our homeland yet for Humanity their eyes will be as clouded as ours once were come there is still much to be done my God how many green like nukes did he detonate all of them Mr President does anyone know the bombs were ours materials related to operation green light were anonymously released an hour ago presumably like Perseus calls are beginning to come in from across the globe that son of a [ __ ] you and Vice President Bush are to be moved to secure locations immediately I want any business related to this thing erased forever everything can you make that happen of course it's already begun we will watch Europe burn we will watch the Empire of the United States collapse under its own weight [Music] a world with two superpowers will become one the Soviet Union and if the leaders of this new world order squander the opportunity we have provided them [Music] and they too will be replaced [Music] kasim javali he fell into the hands of your former CIA friends kasim is too soft I will need you to personally supervise his Erasure foreign [Music] [Music] if you can locate him bring him back to us if they have broken him he must be eliminated [Music] foreign [Music] his interference with our Middle East assets will be a distraction no more as for the rest it was a pleasure eliminating them by your side [Music] unfortunately our key asset within the U.S Robert Aldrich was killed by aspiring that is still intact but we will need to rebuild and find new leadership [Music] [Music] the death of major valeem Rudnick is a terrible loss for post-nuclear Europe he was to help Shepherd in the Soviet online future hopefully we can still move forward without his presence there the CIA also managed to eliminate one of rudnick's key assets the other two will help fill the void left behind but I have no doubt these are the temporary losses we are just getting started my friend [Music] coming up on your right helicopterly came through into Soviet armored I'm talking about no way I'm missing it [ __ ] solovest who's two clicks out Transit starfish will have 12 minutes past where the radio towers come back online our job is to knock out the AAA guns and give our work in a clean shot let's take mercies off the air [Music] watch the bad guys thank you Straight Ahead RPG foreign foreign foreign Belle take out that AA gun fire in the hole Adler this is Hudson have you cleared the AAA guns we need to launch these bombers we got 188 clear you know that's not good enough I can't risk an early strike we only got one shot at this you don't think I know that just be ready to launch when I tell you I said [Music] thank you [Music] contact me quickly [Music] [Music] we got five minutes before [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] like that mg well the bombers will be here any minute foreign Earth clear all friendlies repeat clear all friendlies no we gotta go they did it Mr President they stopped the nukes thank God and the CIA did they get Perseus no sir his whereabouts are unknown and a Russian response nothing yet we're seeing signs of confusion it's possible this was all a rogue operation Perseus may not have been following orders from Moscow well I'll be damned maybe we have something in common after all those towers are history what's your situation down there come in Woods have you found them yet over here give me a hit take my hand bill we did it this is a message to Perseus and those that'll follow him we don't just sit back and hope for the best we'll make the best happen this is how Wars are won Bell do you have an update on kasim Giovanni yeah after capturing kasim javadi we've convinced him he's better off working for us rather than against us the death of Arash catavar opens a path for kasim to take control of their Network he'll give us deeper insight into Soviet activity in the Middle East and with our resources behind him he should be able to influence Regional Affairs for years to come thank you what about Anton volkov volkov has become a prime source of information since his capture after interrogating him MI6 quickly established a series of listening posts in East Berlin they've already intercepted messages from the KGB to Essence throughout the city where poke and holes in the Iron Curtain how did the cleanup in Havana go we were able to recover agent azalez body from the compound in Cuba President Reagan personally reached out to his family in his caskets in transit to Tel Aviv as you know Helen Park returned to London she'll continue to recover from her injuries there afterwards MI6 plans to give her a task force dedicated to finding Perseus but about the rest of the team they got off slovesky before the Soviets could send in forces to investigate we'll take some time to heal up then it's back to work we may have stopped Perseus but his rats are still nesting all around us thanks to the help of of Our Own well we did finally get Aldrich what's up [ __ ] process network is still in techno the Dell eventually rebuild what about Europe not only did we stop a nuclear attack we managed to take out major fadine Rudnick that should be a significant blow to perseus's European Network we also flushed one of rudnick's key assets down the shooter there's a couple left and eventually they'll hit the sewer too well you're a word Smith accent and Bell [Music] Arctic air there's the head doesn't it Bell you made two extraordinary sacrifices to stop Perseus one was without your knowledge the other you made that decision a year on Accord [Music] I just want you to know that this little thing that's happened with you and me it was always for the greater good you're a goddamn hero you know that kid Heroes Have to make sacrifices that's why when I ask you for one more I hope you understand it was never personal [Music] foreign radio tower and create a distraction we'll find out it's time for a little hide and seek all right we're in position Roger that there's an airmail package ready for delivery Towers foreign coordinates coming your way Roger Roger now get down there and eliminate Roofing Before You Escape down [Music] oh my God all right but you getting it foreign tonight [Applause] oh building clearance [Music] [Music] foreign foreign foreign [Music] foreign thank you [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] I hope I got rude Nick we need kill confirmation yo confirmed we got the pick to prove it maybe next time we can draw pictures for the two nice work to mark your location smoke out Chopper's just a few minutes out time to raise some pain attack it's an [ __ ] parade nice on smoke touching down soon [Music] thank you nice work down there babe I can't believe Alders portrayed the CIA but trade the whole [ __ ] country 624 this is Phoenix 2-1 30 seconds out we're up Mason locked and loaded Shin man steak they can hide from us time to send a message [Music] foreign come on you get eyes on the target s foreign foreign [Music] foreign moving up to that hotel let's go foreign come on fresh the party Mason 2-1 going up Roger then I'll see you gentlemen afterwards for extraction foreign [Music] foreign foreign thank you foreign [Music] I'm funny how about we get this thing moving
Channel: Suvres
Views: 25,375
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: suvres99, suvres, Faze Suvres, Le Suvre, Brotmeister, Call of Duty®: WWII, cod ww2 world record, cod ww2 most kills, cod ww2 high kill gameplay, cod ww2 highest kills, cod ww2 multiplayer gameplay, cod ww2 multiplayer gameplay hd, cod ww2 vicious medal, cod ww2 shipment 1944 most kills, cod ww2 shipment 1944, cod ww2 shipment 1944 best class, cod ww2 shipment 1944 tips, call of duty ww2 gameplay shipment, cod ww2 best shipment class setup
Id: geCzHyADt9E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 196min 8sec (11768 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 29 2022
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