Splinter Cell Conviction CO-OP FULL Game Movie | Realistic

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so construct go for archer yes we'll go all right gentlemen we have a situation over the last 48 hours third echelon has learned that a rogue element within the russian military has obtained a small number of advanced warheads and is preparing to sell them on the black market third echelon has shared this information with the russian government and they're determined to prevent the sale at all costs andre koben a third echelon asset with contacts in the black market has identified a russian gangster named valentin lesowski as the broker for the sale according to cobin lesofsky makes most of his money trafficking drugs and young girls but recently he's been using his military connections to corner the illegal arms market archer kestrel we need you to shut him down before he finds a buyer for those warheads our orders are to terminate lesofsky and his associate boris saichep and to obtain lasaski's contact list so we can determine who he's working with inside the russian military lesovsky likes to entertain matthew chiefs his bathhouse will be growling with potential witnesses big risk taken care of the saint petersburg police have been instructed by the svr to move up a planned raid on the bathhouse that'll divert lesofsky's people and provide a cover story for the operation so what is this hanson we're cleaning up trash for the russkies now no you're not cleaning up trash for the rascas you're helping us maintain regional stability kestrel's right archer those warheads in the wrong hands are a threat to us all that's precisely why we've agreed to this joint operation between third echelon and four on our counterpart in the svr they must be neutralized we can't risk when shouting we'll need to drop them at the same time it sounded like it went off where did he go doors on the ground the svr reports that lesothsky's installed commercial-grade security throughout the building you should be able to take out the whole network with a pulse from your emp units look for the security control room security controllers upstairs goes to the entrance hall follow the cables and take us right to it over and over again i'm guarding the door standing in thick inky blackness uh feeling something closing in there's the security room we set up our emp units inside to disable the systems fine we need intense emp pulses to permanently disable the security way to tap into the building's electrical name emp set firing security is down good let's move out first target is boris the svr's file on sidechip notes that he spends most evenings in the steam baths proceed to the saunas locate sci chef and terminate him understood about time we got to do something interesting oh stop this you're getting on my nerve i'm not killing anyone i can watch holding position you gonna hear me you think you could do something like that would you pull the trigger on me i cannot say why do you ask such questions because you know my whole family you're my son's godfather i have known you 10 years that's last three when you get there don't try anything abramov says we've got a couple of new girls coming in later this week americans pick them up in prague turn light back on swatch where's we reach the doors together and move with speed we will have no problems eliminating sideshift hubris chief hubris way for me archer kestrel you need to locate lesofsky's contact list according to surveillance his bagman sergei oversees things from the kitchen whenever there are guests he'll know where the list is hang on we've got a slight hiccup zyches entourage is showing up early to pick him up they're heading for the sauna now stop wasting my time with that governor quit wasting my time with that sugar but keep looking in case it comes back you think you can fight for me i'll find you and kill you is everything okay when i find you i'm going to give lesotovsky your balls in the box i think this area is come on motak come out and play if all right i'll take care of it something's happening noise hey and they look heavy hostile neutralized what no i'm not i require help with this door you're a dead man shut up and listen sergey i want your boss's contact list where is it nah it's on the where is this office and downstairs it's in the vip area where he entertains the fat cats and keeps an eye on the girls that's it i swear ah look for a single reinforced door leading from the kitchen to the vip area right now lesovsky's in another part of the cellar so you shouldn't have any problem snatching the list understood i'm holding the key to the door now [ __ ] unlessofsky will kill you both you hear me you cut your [ __ ] hearts out open the door sergey are you dying what do you want open the door i've got to talk to the boss the cops are coming guys standing by [Music] someone shut those trunks up [Music] no way we can compete doesn't matter how much [ __ ] product he brings in here we have ten times the muscle he does if he doesn't respect contact list secured waiting instruction the cops are going to raid the bath house any minute you need to move on lesoski now proceed to the adjoining warehouse and secure lasaski then await further orders copy is [Music] of course that's what women do [Music] imposition here everything is going in here here all right i'll take care of it okay let me know if you see anything call in your position a lot of noise together [Music] repeat hold for kill order a call is being routed through the office phone now when it rings put lesofsky on the line what the hell is this about anthony take the phone take the phone now corbin what the hell how did you no no listen to me little [ __ ] i don't care who your new friends are when i get out of this i'm going to hunt you down and cut off your [ __ ] face you hear me are you listening to me see if you can hear this you son of a [ __ ] [Music] what the hell just happened archer kestrel what's your status it was nothing there was trouble but now it's over the st petersburg tactical squad is moving in now all objectives have been completed there's a freight elevator running from the basement to the street level that's your exhibit they don't know you're in the building and will assume you're hostile you're dumber than i thought you want to die you better stop screwing around somewhere i can feel it watch your back according to information obtained from lassovsky's contact list the frontman for the cabal is a former gru colonel named leonid baikov we suspect that the network he represents is run by some of the highest ranking officers in the russian army if so there's no weapon in the confederation's arsenal that's safe from baikov was added last minute to a trade delegation traveling to azerbaijan for the upcoming victory day celebration they're inaugurating the new russian embassy there we believe that baikov is using the trip as cover to conduct a major arms deal for the network archer kestrel will be inserting you into the embassy to gather intel on vaikov's activities it's imperative that we locate and recover those stolen warheads before it's too late be advised that the perimeter and the embassy's public areas are patrolled by azeri nationals you are not to target them under any circumstances both the u.s and russia stand to lose face if this operation goes south how is it that bicops are using your embassy for an eagle arms deal a gru colonel like baikov could make use of the embassy's high security areas with no questions asked there is no safer place to do business work your way across the embassy perimeter and enter the building via the second floor oh i'm waiting for you what is going on i thought we were just here to hand over merchandise the colonel got a call from moscow just before handover something's happened so what is deal off i think that depends on what the azires have to say be ready for anything they know not to discuss business over cell phones or internet chats they know not to get drunk and brag to their friends my source at svr said their information is very specific they probably have agents crawling all over baku right now what is this cover some attempt to jack up the price at the last minute do you think i am some third world peasant you can push around i represent the government of azerbaijan you cannot talk to me like this mr tugzad please this isn't productive can i talk to you privately for a moment i don't have time for this tags ad the transaction has been compromised you and i have nothing left to discuss don't turn your back on me you arrogant son of a [ __ ] you took our money that you're going to give us what we promised or so help me you'll pay for it archer baikoff's deal just went seriously off the rails hanson do we intervene or not as of now baikoff's security detail are valid targets engage if necessary quickly back at the airport in an hour we need to trigger a security lockdown to trap him and his men inside the embassy there's a security control room on the other side of the ambassador's offices third echelon can use your op set to hack the system via wireless uploads or is merchandise it's not either or baikoff has the location of the organization's headquarters but we also need to know what he was trying to sell to the azeri's they could be more wmds i suppose someone taught you how to shoot security room up ahead lots of guards got it what is your location quiet dog i'm ready to engage the enemy prepare yourself control we're ready to begin the uplink will connect remotely to the security network via your opsat one of you needs to remain within emf induction range of the network port while the intrusion routines hack the system's firewall it should take about a minute so happy times [Music] [Music] contact you may have [Music] we have all days you're [ __ ] up [Music] so let's get this over is [Music] in my life this isn't going to work i know you're both here [Music] um [Music] uh what are you afraid of [Music] okay [Music] oh [ __ ] [Music] uh listen up we've kept the embassy on full lockdown the men carrying the crate were cut off before they could reach bicop and right now they're stuck on the second floor terrace connecting the main building with the embassy annex archer kestrel it's now or never secure that crate keep an eye out watch it we're picking up emf traces use your goggles to spot the lasers if you start hearing a tone on your headsets it means you're getting too close unit five yes sir yes sir i understand we're trying to get through to you now what is your location over there kill the battle i think it's the americans are you always thinking of the americans it's the hey azerism conditions there the great got it the package is intact what the hell this isn't even russian it's a smart bomb guidance package yes it's the block 2 jayden kid these kids are cutting edge technology kestrel what's colonel baikoff doing with one i secured them months ago months ago you stole them secured them and now we're destroying them i guess that's an age of our business right kestrel what is your orders it is what it is i owe you no explanations never ask crew one chief we'll verify the contents of the crate later archer right now we've got a bigger fish to fry get to the banquet area and interrogate baikov before his men can break him out move star target down is got to be behind those doors we need to get them open fast you with me so right sorry to interrupt whatever you're doing but i need help here with a door [Music] son of a [ __ ] you're finished colonel baikov it's over you've got no idea who you're dealing with no then tell us who is in charge of the organization you know the name he's got half the army in his pocket even the gremlin fears him where can we find karzakov answer the question in a fortress buried under red square you'll never get within a hundred meters of him archer kestrel we've secured the intel we need to identify the network and possibly to locate those wmds now i need you to clear the area before external security forces arrived aviation assets are on orbit just beyond the embassy perimeter make your way to the roof for extraction copy that hanson we're on our way god damn it kestrel we've got movement what do we do find them and kill them now standing by radio check get down taking out the trash we're picking up emf traces on the roof the russians may have laid laser triggered mines up there okay i'll check it out units tonight quiet dog threat neutralized enemy down oh shirt dies [Music] hanson we're on the roof where's the helo is inbound now secure the lz and standby don't show your face to me come on fight me you beat i want you to lock it and keep one minute to extraction count all you like in the end it won't make any difference sounds like rotors we've got to hold them off a little bit longer that shouldn't be a problem heber's my friend hubris come on out what are you afraid of me ten seconds let's go go go people let's get out of here people welcome to moscow gentlemen my name is valentina i've been assigned as your handler for this phase of the operation based on the intel you secured in baku we've id'd kurzakov's group as the so-called the astrib network and we've been able to locate their operations center it's based in a converted civil defense shelter below red square right in the shadow of the kremlin we trace the lot number of the j dam kit you found in the embassy the svr has learned that yashdram sold the rest of the kits to the iranians and they are set to be delivered any time now officially your objective is to infiltrate the astreb complex locate the rest of the smart bomb kits and render them inoperable unofficially we still need to locate the wmd's to ensure they don't fall into the wrong hands our sources have identified the weapons as four tactical emps each one small enough to fit in the back of a delivery van you'll find the location of those warheads somewhere in yestrep's data network according to svr blueprints the only way into the complex is through the outer wall of joining this old service tunnel you'll need to breach with explosive charges and make your way inside questions yeah what happened to agent hanson agent hanson was reassigned for security reasons that's all i'm at liberty to say there the wall that runs along the old shelter place the charges there first charge ready second charge set move back looks good let's move the bullet bureau were diffused these railcars to flee moscow in the event of atomic war no one noticed kurzakov sitting at his clubhouse right underneath moscow there are dozens of shelters like this all over the city archer why should they care it's probably [Music] we've got a bridge fan out and secure the area i call it in don't hide like a whipped soup haven't found anything yet i've got here stay sharp i've got to be here i'm going to stay here and keep watching put an end to this i know this area better than you they must be somewhere in the area i'm going to stay here and keep watching it looks like they managed to slip away stay sharp and keep an eye out for further activity show yourself anything you're in over your head just give up it sounds like yesterday's security forces think the blast was caused by a gas leak that should buy you some time to reach your first objective proceed into the office area and locate a gru major named rebco you'll need him to access the high security intelligence archive understood we're on the way until we get the all clear any word from control are we supposed to stay here or what no nobody gets through until we get the all clear you die he's better now flute attention all personnel this is a stage one alert remain at your host and secure all classified data sources until the all clear is given security teams are conducting sweeps through the area at this time this is not a drill repeat this is not a drill you know what happens at stage what is your location are you serious we're 50 meters on the red square some clerk probably got careless attention all personnel this is a stage one alert remain at your post and secure this is not a drill roger checking in heading down oh dog attention all personnel according to the blueprint the door to the intelligence archive is secured with a biometric lock system it's not enough to get a key code out of repco you're going to have to force him to open the door for you needs to focus one thing at a time one thing at a time security security we want access to the data vault major now i am now you need one of your eyes and half your fingers to get through that door repco [Music] stop i'll do it have another the vault is compromised just unlock the door we'll take care of the rest good night well i'll give you something what do you say major is that the magic door i'll take that as a yes no one authorized you to terminate reb coke he was a high value asset what the hell were you thinking kestrel he's up valentina it's not his fault i let rebco get the drop on me and kestrel did what he had to do it's my mistake not his clear the loss of rebco's intel is on your head then archer listen carefully we can't afford any more missteps archer next time i can take care of myself listen carefully this is our best chance to gather intel on the emp devices you'll have to be careful if kurzakov realizes we're looking for the warheads he'll panic and destroy them before we can act understood you'll need to download the data in pieces from four different data ports located in the archive and agents you'll need security network picks up on the intrusion got it make a sound and i kill you radio check automated defense systems have been activated remain at your post until further notice anyone attempting to enter or leave a secure area will be met with a lethal force hang on i'll be right there keep it up give me a trailer [Music] the only way you two are getting out of here is proving i'm going to stay here for a bit and keep an eye out i've got to be here somewhere i'm going to stay here and keep walking you wouldn't have the stomachs for real soldiering would you you're sick i haven't found anything i've got here great that's one down three more to go just a matter of time what will you do about it come on they must have left the area stand down but keep your eyes open that's two two more to go we're almost there gentlemen hey the intruders are trying to sabotage us find them and kill them before things get any worse i'm on my way stay here for a while and keep one dead no sign of them yet keep alert look at the intruders and neutralize before they can cause any more here i trouble come and get me i can't see your eyes i'm on i'm going to stay here for a bit and keep an eye out haven't found anything yet i've gone here [Music] attention all personnel a stage 2 alert is now in effect automated defense systems have been activated remain at your post until further knowledge anyone attempting to enter or leave a secure area will be met with a default how's that show yourself i never seen two bigger cowards in my life i can't see them but i got their bad feelings don't be a coward enjoy yourself i have no movement yet outstanding you copy that valentina download's complete awaiting further instructions now you need to take care of those jdm kits they're probably being stored in the special collections room on the other end of the intelligence archive locate the kits and fry their cpus with an emp burst you're both damn cowards whoever you are you can't hide forever come on out you don't know who you're facing no keep alert whoever you are you might as well give up now idiot sooner or later i'm going to find you you like to play hide and seek fine here i come what are you two going to do when i catch you get down on your knees and beg it will be really funny when i put a bullet in your head find these [ __ ] fast over there i'll bet you a beer that's the control room tankers castro quiet archer if this is the room we should find an access point attention all personnel a stage 2 alert is now in effect automated defense systems have been activated uh okay oh base security has been compromised we are now in still safe mode evacuate the facility immediately he's better now there the guidance packages how do we disable them the block 2j dams are hardened against rf energy i need to hit them with a dually mp to make sure they're fried the mp is installed charge set guidance them kits the iranians like their new olive draft paperweights archer kestrel stand by we're picking up flash traffic from the general's personal troops what are they seeing you need to get out of there right now there's a maintenance shaft next to the special collections vault move unit 5 conduct security sweep of your sector and report units sweep and report in unit 6 what is your location me yes oh what is your location okay now based security has been compromised we are now in still safe mode evacuate the facility immediately all security protocols have failed and the base have been compromised first and procedures are in effect to keep state secrets out of enemy hands self-destruct charges have been armed all personnel are ordered to evacuate immediately that is not good there's got to be at least a couple hundred people down here hurting everyone else it buys a little time the only person the general is worried about is himself he will ignite the charges the instant he is safe there's no time we must move position archer kestrel be advised the whole site's buzzing like a hornet's nest i'm seeing lots of private cars speeding away from the area top side and there are trucks loaded with security troops entering the rail tunnel general kurzakov has gone radio silent i'm not getting anything on him or his men he's dropped off the grid [Music] this is going to get ugly for you mudaki nothing i'm going to stay here for a while and keep one don't make me track you down like a dog show yourself they're gonna try to maneuver on what happened intruder you get drunk and fall off the metro too bad nothing yet but they can't be far i don't know who caused that but they're long gone if anyone sees anything sound off no sign of them yet keep alert don't be a coward show yourself buddha they broke context but they've got to be nearby show yourself either they have to be in the vicinity you're kissing me off i don't like trespassers and i don't like foolish whoever you are when i find you i'm going to break you up come on out you little [ __ ] stay alert the longer you keep this up the worse it is when i find you and i will find you nothing here but they've got to be close whoever you are you can't hide forever come on out let's move on to the next one [Music] need help with this door no one is going anywhere [Music] you hear me now keep this guy fed i'll shoot you myself thunder dispersal you're ready to move in hmm [Music] get out of here okay i've got this cover me while i get this container into positions [Music] don't make me track you down like a dog kill yourself the only way we're going to pancake general [ __ ] if we fire at the same time you got that chief general he won't be the only one if we don't get the hell out of here come on up what are you afraid of me i've got to stand won't you germany [Music] the intel you recovered at the yastreb complex allowed us to pinpoint the exact location of the emp warheads gentlemen they've been hiding in plain sight all along stored at the mosdog proving grounds in north ossetia unfortunately the surviving members of yastreb have already found a buyer for the emps and plan to fly them out within the next 24 hours that's precisely why our asset android coven and his men are currently securing the antonov cargo plane that jastrep chartered for their little venture kestrel archer we need you to take mozdog off the grid in order to prevent local air defense from interfering with our operation in other words we don't want to be shot out of the sky when we fly off with their precious warheads once you've taken out the comms hub on the other side of the vehicle garage proceed immediately to the cargo hangar and rendezvous with game for extraction by then they should have loaded the warheads onto the plane agents one more thing it's imperative that you avoid contact with enemy troops at all costs one alone mission goes south got it vehicle inspection detail we'll need to circle it up good plan manifest checks out it's clear all right let's see what we've got you hear about the embassy stormed the place during the victory day celebration i'd like to see someone train it here they wouldn't even make it best all right let's see what we've got please advice what was the name of that the police shot him cold side chef two they say it was all right let's see what we've got did you bring it to the lab not yet but i will try to do it by the end of the day don't forget no no of course not perimeter united states from the supply convoy their hmm is heavily shielded we'll need to use the julian peoples i was just thinking the same thing let's get it done emp is installed archer i'm standing by emp set here we go just dropped off the regional defense net make your way to the hangar for extraction hoban and his men should be finished loading the warheads by the time you arrived this is going to get ugly for you with that government you're not supposed to be on this channel cobin what's the problem there's only three [ __ ] emps here what do you mean there's only three i've looked over every inch of this hangar and there's only three warheads reed expects four emps i only get paid if i deliver four through the [ __ ] math coman assist director tom reid calm down we'll get this under control whatever you're gonna do do it quick i'm twisting in the wind out here director reed this is archer kestrel and i are standing by sir changing plans gentlemen it appears that the russians are running behind schedule so the last device is probably still down in the tesla make your way to the there's a door off the main corridor that will get you into the base engineering section you need to secure the device and use the facility's crane system to move it to cobin's hangar before someone sounds the alarm they must be somewhere in the area you get the [ __ ] out where i can see you i will not warn you again do not drop your car when i catch you spallage you'll wish you'd never been born listen to me you [ __ ] we can kill intruders for free what is this idiot sooner or later i'm going to find you i can tell you that oh it will be really funny when i put a bullet in your head you want to use my cell phone to call the watch officer i'm still getting a signal you're not supposed to have personal phones in secure area give me that is oh oh oh okay oh oh do you have a visual oh ah trouble [Music] 39. we haven't had a single incident for almost 773.77 130. 11 02 15 check 17 83 70 check 43 79 26 check 39 26 38. 46 29 63. double oh 28 96 17 33 92 78 7 1 8 it's 5 15. 43. threat neutralized threat neutralized what can you try so there's no way we can move it like this we'll need to discharge it first the faraday we can't risk this thing going off in flight and flying our getaway plane [Music] how long until the freight system resets several minutes that's several minutes longer than we've got that crane's got to have manual controls one of us needs to get up there and get it running what's the matter can't summon up the guts to take on one man report it immediately what are you going to do when i catch you get down [Music] you're going in now i am according to the base schematics the cargo rail is blocked at several points by heavy blast doors each door is controlled by a pair of axis panels you need to enable both of them to open it to find the two safety panels and access them at the same time copy that i've seen this before we need to wait for the emp to reach the doors before we can use those panels ready open sesame better tedious and safe and easy and dangerous first panel accessed your turn kestrel archer doors opening now [Music] the area feels clean i'll guard you don't be a coward enjoy yourself whoever you are you can't hide forever come on out you don't know who you're facing look i'm ready to clear the area targets acquired when i catch you spallage you'll wish you'd never been bored they must have gotten away keep your eyes open tango's lined up ready to engage sooner or later i'm going to find you they're not far i can tell you that whoever you are you might as well give up now preparing to clear [Music] no [ __ ] contact level you like to play hide and seek here final access waiting for you yeah you brought yourself some trouble friend all right we're good to go [Music] i don't have time to chase idiots i haven't found anything yet i've gone here sure i know this area better than you i don't know who you are but you're not too bright panel activated waiting this is going to get ugly for you that key security doors open empty [Music] [Music] now i'm coming for you guest room the other panel anytime now good let's go thanks you need to start giving me a chance panel accessed waiting for you all right we're good to go that's up gentlemen you've got reinforcements on your heels they're tracking to intercept you before you can reach the hangar now nice let's get this emp into the antidote gentlemen we're almost out of time someone noticed that mozdog has gone dark and the fighter regiment at astrakhan has gone on alert we're also getting indications that the base's surviving security troops are gathering a few hundred meters from the hangar it's only a matter of time before they try to storm the place and retake the plane copy that moving now over here come on you took your goddamn time getting here another 10 seconds you would have been walking home money or no money how long until we can get this bird off the ground colin we got the engines lit okay you just keep those goddamn russians off long enough for us to get the emp strapped down then we're out of here i'm heading up to the flight deck cover me archer kestrel listen carefully that turret's a hardened target emp grenades won't finish it off the only way you're going to neutralize it is by using the main power bus in the control room to overload both of your emp packs come on out you little [ __ ] you wish you'll never before [Music] keep your eyes open guys destroy that goddamn turrets i'll guide watch [Music] yeah i don't have time to chase it nothing yet i'll just watch here nothing here move on to the next area i'm going to stand watch here for me you've got to be here somewhere i'm going to stay here and keep watch you need to destroy that turret before you do that oh here we go good job now return to the antonov asap for exfiltration [ __ ] goddamn rampant you need to get back here and find a way to raise the ramp ready you need a ramp short archer answer your calm [Music] so uh [Music] it is as it is right my true [Music] [Music] you
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Keywords: splinter cell conviction, splinter cell conviction coop, splinter cell, splinter cell convicition walkthrough, splinter cell conviction realistic, splinter cell conviction co op, splinter cell conviction stealth kills, splinter cell conviction realistic stealth, splinter cell conviction coop full game, splinter cell conviction co op walkthrough, splinter cell conviction co op no commentary, splinter cell conviction coop 100% realistic, tom clancys splinter cell conviction co op
Id: 4fDnFJiyShI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 118min 48sec (7128 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 28 2022
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