THE DIVISION 2 - All Cutscenes (Game Movie) 1080p 60FPS Xbox One X Enhanced

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[Music] see to those barricades have someone bring out the trailer be on the lookout for stragglers some of those bastards got away I didn't expect you back so soon okay this keeps up we're gonna have to relocate come on help me with this we're stretched too thin to protect everyone here they can't be ready this is a distress code the coordinates for Washington DC how's as possible someone has to say we can't just leave these people whatever happened it needs to be fixed or it's all over you go I'll do what I can here we took things for granted we expected coffee in the morning we expected free Wi-Fi when those were taken from us we survived when communications broke down the trains stopped and the internet went dark we survived but when the pharmacies were looted and hospitals shut down asthma became lethal and with no police to protect you did you own a gun did your neighbor survive we are a resilient species when our society collapsed we found ways to go on and now for the first time in centuries what we want is also truly what we need in the face of disaster we helped each other we built new communities and the ruins of the old we adapted we survived established a new normal but there are also those who build nothing create nothing hyenas preying on the weak they've made our world bleed but we don't stand alone a brave few have sworn to protect us and save what remains they unite us remind us that we are one people they are our shield and their light but if that light goes out who can save us then in seven months since the outbreak we still live in fear of the virus the green poison the real danger is out there waiting here [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] incoming alert on the shd emergency channel flash priority the base of operations is under attack hostile forces have reached our southern perimeter we are in need of immediate assistance repeat need immediate assistance from any nearby ages I've got eyes on a division agent heading north toward the White House looks like they've cut down a group of hyenas and are headed this way agent if you can hear us on this frequency keep pushing forward and blindside these bastards [Music] you're right this is you welcome to DC a Manny I run comps I'm guessing the division alert brought you here damn glad to see you let me show you exactly how screwed we are ever since the JTF imploded the city's become a playground for murderous [ __ ] heads there are several main factions and a whole lot of bottom feeders sucking up whatever the big dogs miss a few civilian settlements are still holding out against all this villainy they need more help than we've been able to provide especially since the division network went dark um that's Kelso she's one of the last surviving agents in DC she's operating at the théâtre settlement on a priority mission you should go check in with her if anyone knows how to get these systems back online it's her oh and um introduce yourself to the locals while you're at it it'll come for them to know there's a new sheriff in town by the way agent head downstairs and chicken with a quartermaster you can get you set up with some division tech you're gonna need the edge the neighborhoods you'll be moving through our hyena territory they're a bunch of vicious [ __ ] who prey on the weak and vulnerable and kill for kicks and they destroy whatever they can't steal for themselves they've been an especially serious problem for the theater settlement given a situation we need the help of the settlements but they can't do much of the struggling to survive so see what you can do to take some pressure off them but don't forget that we have to get a shade network back to full strength and a lot of places the division has been the only thing holding people together but when DC is the priority most agents are completely cut off they're not gonna last long without support now hold up they're still too spread out this is gonna be good narsing notice us first keep your goddamn head down no [ __ ] idea get your [ __ ] head down if you're expecting candy you're in for some disappointment the candy isn't the fun part the fun part is seeing it fly everywhere when you watch the [ __ ] out of the pinata I don't think I'm gonna be too disappointed nearby echo detective I gotta get back to work thanks for the movie money any time of year you're coming over for dinner not tonight that'll meet with some National Guard buddies there were that can call the health of quarantine in New York okay this is serious you remember swine flu everyone freaked out for nothing you'll see in a couple of months no one will even remember what the dollar was like y2k y2k you really know how to make a guy feel old I'm just messing with it I don't know this doesn't feel like it's just gonna blow over people are scared and you know what happens when people who scared too much stay with me coming up in the theater settlement the woman who runs it is named Odessa Sawyer try to stay on her good side if you're looking for agent Kelso she just left I should have gone with her but I'd only slow her down I know you got your own problems to deal with but the hyena [ __ ] took my little girl get to me if you can help out beyond your debt and I always pay my debts no so what's your status I'm inside the hotel no sign of Eleonora I'm making some preparations while I wait for the new agent to arrive what kind of preparations they usually remember the point is to rescue a hostage and not bring down the building I'm capable of restraint oh yeah you're right next to the grand Washington hotel okay head to the service entrance on the east side of the building once you're inside final way to the atrium house now radio intercepted everybody get to the atrium thanks here know hyena big shot real unpleasant we need to kill this [ __ ] I just found an ammo stockpile I'm gonna detonate it sons of [ __ ] that lasted a lot of damage I'm on the roof holding for backup you see st. I don't know what he looks like but there are plenty of hostiles up there Eleonore your mom sent us to bring you home are you hurt who are you what's going on she's in shock I'll bring her down when she's 15 let's meet at the theater later [Applause] whatever he's only gonna do [ __ ] often puffle it's worse than ever Otis so we're barely holding things together what am I supposed to do help us I am helping I am helping just not the way you want me to we need you out there again your leg wouldn't stop you it's not about that I know it isn't but if we fail all right all right we could probably spare some people I'll be outside she said you did your part I won't forget it [Music] last radio contact with Espinoza there's hyenas all over the complex any idea what they're doing there not a clue I'm gonna try to bypass them and get down to the sublevel maybe you should stand by and wait till we find you some backup you're worried about me kills oh of course I am you're barely competent oh that's cold relax I'll be careful we're under attack they Trudeau's in the east entrance then kill them what the [ __ ] it's a division so [ __ ] kill them look for a way down to the garage and see if you can pick up Espinoza's trail he tends to leave a mess you're near Espinoza's last-known position the shade node should be close Prudential there should be a terminal that'll let you reactivate the node authorization granted please stand by in tangent system analytic computer reactivated all Isaac subsystems operational that was the last step to getting Isaac fully restored locally but we have a ways to go before we can celebrate and a missing agent to locate continue your sweep of the complex house now radio intercepted hello division looking for someone who is this how are you in this channel front yard gave me a real nice wristwatch he's right here want to talk to him if you want him back you make a seal you back off we'll deliver him unharmed mostly they'll keep him alive they aren't stupid just find that hyena piece of [ __ ] and waste her hey guys I'm still willing to deal but you better decide fast I don't know can take she's goading you to try to make you reckless just stay focused agent vital signs zero he didn't have to die here meet me back at the white house I've got some new Intel I want to share with you and Manny look there is nothing you could have done for that [ __ ] hyena was toying with us I hope she suffered a bit before you finished her off anyway thanks to you were an important step closer to getting the shade Network back to full strength you did good Ozzy around agent thanks to your hard work we've been able to make some critical upgrades to the base of operations we've restored access to the city CCTV cameras and updated our maps of DC in the Situation Room the mess hall is proper food prep and cooking equipment the comfortable places to sit and have a hot meal give him a staff a place to relax as boosting morale we're getting an influx of food water and medical supplies some of these will remain here to create a stock on the surplus will be redistributed to civilians in need it's hard to believe we have a surplus of anything right now the wait house is coming back to life [Music] if I can't get more pieces from the toy store I'm not gonna be able to finish my [ __ ] math right man well the sheriff here was busy waking up Isaac I kicked in a few doors did you learn anything some new cards anything useful I know where we can find out where the cure was sent the capital we can't get past those defenses not yet but once we reconnect to our satellite network and get the main shade node online we should be back at full strength then we'll be ready okay well in the meantime we have Intel President Ellen survived the crash he's being held by one of the factions locating him should be a priority oh that there could be another major outbreak anytime soon we don't need some politician we need that cure it might need him to access it it'll be somewhere secure all right let's see what we can do I don't know whether to be flattered or offended many I've got movement on the roof near the radio mast agent it looks like they're doing some kind of maintenance on their comm system we might have an opportunity here true sons have been using the broadcasting capabilities of the VuPoint museum to coordinate motivate their troops we have word that going offline for maintenance meaning they won't be able to call for reinforcements taking the VuPoint uzm away from true sons will make it a lot harder for them to coordinate their troops and spread this information all communications coming in and out of the building will be controlled from the production studio on the top floor so you'll need to find it now style Riccio intercepted this is wait so the divisional thinks they can just come in here they don't know who they're [ __ ] with go dark wait for the signal then corner and kill go go get out of here there must have been Wade would it be nice to bagging but it's not your primary objective get to the TV studio and get these guys off to here for good the transmission control module it handles all communications going in and out of viewpoint if you reset it you'll lock out the true sons and we could take over the channels ok stay by the module and make sure it completes the reset sequence [Music] [Music] all psych facilities are reset to defaults or under direct shd to trouble it's good to hear a comms are coming online and the true sensor in the dark fluctuations in local power - ticket communications facilities multiple hostiles on the roof they're setting up EMP jammers around the rear left it swayed sort of sabotage the mask without it no one to broadcast review points agent get to the roof you gotta stop him from taking out the mast electromagnetic charge detected wait is using EMP jammer to overload the radio mast take them out before the mast is destroyed system structural integrity at 75% agent you've got to stop will be at least jammer is active take it out it is ours true sons just lost a powerful tool for coordinating their troops and spouting their horseshit unless we get the radio mast repaired and operational we can extend the reach of our old Springs over in American history go ahead bricks a hyena big shot who's been spilling all kinds of interesting stories over well it's a her but that's beside the point I'm sending over a nice long list of targets mostly hyenas supply stashes but I also have something to pull on a few ops the [ __ ] are planning against us us and the chicken shits up a theater which whatever let them eat the crap out of each other but I figured y'all might want to set up a nice little surprise party for where the hyenas come for us abso-fucking-lutely during the crisis JT have set up a temporary stockade of the base for the American History Museum and now true sons runs the place Odessa says there's a treasure trove of high value until in their transcripts and notes from the interrogations of true sons prisoners mostly hyenas which is why Odessa is so interested if you can release the prisoners true sons will have their hands full with a full-scale riot giving you an easier shot at the prize your goal is a collection of transcripts and notes from months of prisoner interrogations the information stored on the military-grade laptop kept in the main holding area the Southside you just become an Intel is gonna be a whole lot of help to a DES in the short term but to all of us in the long run you also effectively put just a little out of commission next run it's pretty well filled up how much cargo are you talking about four containers of shells six rounds each about 60 pounds of container probably gonna have to wait a few more days in that case ordinance requires an extra care in that case hope you don't mind if I direct any complaints your way the true sons took over an old jtf Depot Deere and Space Museum they've turned it into some kind of factory for improvised munitions we need to put it out of commission one of the perimeter guards turned on the true Sun so you'll have some help getting in they'll let you through the gate after that it's up to you to breach the armory took you long enough here's the deal I let you in you let me go okay there's ordnance in there that crosses the line if I don't want any part of this [ __ ] guns are one thing that this this needs to be shot down the ramp to the parking garage looks like your best friend to figure out what they're doing here see if you can find any intel on their operation seems like these guys are salvaging and repurposing anything they can from this place they're crafty bastards get man take anything useful announce that in a recovery team later now blow the [ __ ] out of anything too dangerous mechanical components to take it agent have Isaac scan the parts setting a recovery team link up with them and you'll be done their components identified suggested use missile construction in the kids museum's collection they can rig it with a warhead they wouldn't even get a guidance system they the White House or a settlement kind of goes without saying but if you see any missile lying around database match indicates designated 90 that would be the missile and please neutralize that [ __ ] thing by any means necessary dammit Salvage we just ran into those reinforcements they need backup factories out of action and they lost a big stockpile of ordnance throwing the fact that the summons can scavenge those weren't benches and tools and I'd say it's been a pretty good day hey I just got a message from Odessa she wanted to meet with you in person and thank you for what you've done the detective control point we got an SOS from the castle settlement and have been able to re-establish contact get over there when you can true sons tends to harass them quite a bit so they may need help mortar attack chemical seven survivors yes mani seven total the sheriff just came in can you get these people to safety I'm gonna go kill the bastards that did this you're safe now promise the attack came from Jefferson Plaza you know what to do Hey kill them all hey sugar it's good to see you you know you've done something unthinkable you're giving us hope I think Kelso and I both lost sight of how important it is I hate to ask more of you and you've already done so much but if you find yourself in the vicinity of the police headquarters over on Indiana Avenue I could use your help with a personal matter it's nothing urgent but it would mean a lot to me site looks like it's in good condition I'm not seeing a lot of activity up front seems pretty quiet eat it we can use this facility to re-establish our connection to the division satellite network if we want to get Isaac back online across the country we need to reconnect the local system into the satellite network we should be able to do that at the NOAA headquarters building get to the control room I can walk you through the process from there with the main terminal down we're gonna have to walk through a bunch of extra steps see if you can find a working computer we're gonna have to manually establish a connection we need a good antenna and a better radio this place has both get out there and align the satellite dishes there should be a console at the base of each dish for the dishes to rise it it shouldn't take too long to line gonna have to adjust each dish but this will speed up process transmission signal is insufficient [Music] reloading here bingo that coms module has a transmitter we need to finalize communications with the satellites agent activate the crane sequence and we're in business but that's it we should be able to extract the radio once it's docked alright this will extract the transmitter from the module and connect it to the rest of the facility then we can link up with the Division satellites [Music] alright sounds like you've got company [Music] satellite network is back online I'll send a team to secure the transmitter for safekeeping good work agent watch out there's a little problem now you're kidding me [ __ ] these people are dumb alright switch to chemical munitions and fire for effect let's see what these shells can do copy that I doubt they're gonna enjoy this next one as much as the last one they won't but I sure as hell will according to Kelso the chemical attack against the castle came from the plaza not exactly a surprise considering the area's heavily contaminated with DC 60 to DC 62 is a chemical agent that was intended to stop the spread of green poison but it turns toxic in certain conditions true sun's seems to have figured out how to weaponize it where they're using metro trains to move chemical munitions around the city so your first task will be to deal with that threat you'll also need to sabotage their operation and neutralize the commander some guy named Wilson we need to prevent true sons from using the Metro to transport chemical weapons so start by disabling any operational trains you find you can't let those munitions be distributed you saw what they did to the castle scanning operational trades agent find a way to put that train out of commission hey eyes on Wilson outside near the main entrance to the mall we need to terminate this son of a [ __ ] there's no direct route from your position so you'll have to divert through the hotel and into the mall [Music] an elevator that should take you to the mall Wilson is still by the entrance we've spotted a mortar team with him these are probably the [ __ ] who attack the castle DC 62 toxin detected contamination level lethal what the hell these readings are insane they must have a lab nearby for weaponizing mission [ __ ] make sure you put it out of operation sending the team to dismantle the rest of that crap once he cleared the site great work Wilson's unit is out of action and you [ __ ] true sons chemical warfare efforts also Kelso just reported in to confirm the survivors from the castle settlement as safely reasonably there's no one doing what happened to them but at least you made sure it won't happen to anyone else we've made some incredible improvements lately White House hasn't felt the secure since the lockdown the basement has been converted into a workshop fully equipped with drills saws and metalworking tools the mechanics and crafters are using the tools to construct new gear recovered munitions parts and tools are available to equip the agents with better gear and weapons we'll need to recruit some staff to organize the growing armory shade network is almost fully operational and I'm hopeful we can reconnect to the national network the White House is starting to feel like a beacon of hope instead of a reminder of how far we've fallen [Music] agent requesting backup we're barely hanging on it's hard to motivate people to fight for their lives when their lives aren't worth fighting for good to meet you Henry Hayes look I sympathize Henry but we have our own problems and they are big problems maybe we can help I know you need people telling me you can't spare anyone not right now but if you guys can take some pressure off of us we're already doing what we can are you because outside those walls it's perdition we let our guard down just for a second and it's over all of this whatever you're doing out there we're not feeling it in here well sheriff I hope you're ready for some extra work buildings a wreck someone drove a semi through the front lobby the side entrance is looking like your only way in naima a defector has alerted us that they recovered something from the wreckage of Air Force One the hiatus been keeping them fall to the worldbank whatever they stole must be important if they go into this much trouble our informant tells us that one of the hyenas should have the access codes to the vault I need you to get in get the codes open the vault and get back what they stole you're gonna need to get the access codes to the vault to recover the item the hyenas stole from Air Force one rie an insider says whoever's posted in the old CEOs office will have a key card it should give you access to the vault for the keycard let's lick that key card we were looking for holy [ __ ] they put the president out of the wreckage agent you've got a new assignment find out where the president is being held and get him back think Isaac with a basic security system it should be a data center near the vault search query finished subject located down procedure that doesn't sound good [Music] we out of the vault searching for way out of the moment zero matches the [ __ ] wristwatch okay let me see you can punch through the west wall doesn't mean it's tunnel running alongside your position it's a long shot but it's dealing when we got Isaac plot a path to the presentation highlighting most expedient I'd son of a [ __ ] it actually worked thanks Isaac it's me I need a helo scramble to buy positions now Roger that mr. president we've already got a bird in the air then blow the damn roof off [ __ ] get me to the atrium that job we're inbound okay [ __ ] I want the daddy or it got arrested that we lost the president get it man [ __ ] are going anywhere but down hey there president Ellis wanted to talk to you I think he wants to say thank you for saving him go see him when you get a chance you're a credit to the division agent I look forward to working with you once you get back to base 50 for us good to have you back mr. president ah there we are I wanted to thank you personally it wasn't for you I'd still be at the mercy of those hyena [ __ ] we all owe a debt of gratitude to the division and the sacrifices you've made to keep our country together you're the doer of Deeds as Roosevelt once put it now it's my responsibility to direct those deeds toward an even greater good as aging Kelso suspected samples of a broad-spectrum antiviral medication were sent to DC as a continuity of government measure let me be clear we're talking about a way to combat viral infection polio influenza dengue fever common cold green poison not a vaccine a cure I know where the package is located but to access it I'll need the briefcase I was carrying aboard Air Force One we believe the briefcase is with the true sons in the Capitol oh and get it back I don't care how you do it just get it done if we're going to get this country back on track we have to be willing to do things that won't be popular but I'm not here to woo voters I'm here to get [ __ ] done and I expect you are too oh yeah yeah okay just hope I can get to the gates before any symptoms start to show what are you being sent campus I hope you infect every last one of those [ __ ] yeah Henry's worried about outcast activity at that abandoned Disease Control Department facility patching him in now either Henry yeah we've been keeping an eye on the old DCD site people leave they're infected with green poison and have started heading toward the campus we're getting reports that they're headed to other civilian centers we need to shut this site down looks like they're coming from the dct complex whatever is happening over there we need to shut it down connection established DCD dentistry enabled all right let's see what we got there's an active lab on the north side close to you your first priorities should be to shut that down it's like the best way to take the lab offline as a decontamination protocol that's just a fancy way of saying everything gets sterilized Isaac's not detecting the gas needed for the decon process they must have disabled a line get the main fuel line in the basement that should get it flowing again the decontamination protocol can be initiated from a panel in the lab above you stay put once you pull the trigger and you should be safe top floor you can't miss it it's right in the middle of the lab [Music] she'll be able to access the Borg at the far end of the West Wing construction site if they haven't been disposing at the corpses properly we could have another outbreak on her he is do what's of an asymptomatic terrier somebody is infected but doesn't show symptoms if I'm right there weaponizing green poison and turning it loose on the city destroy anything that might be contaminated another agent is now the leader you have been promoted to group leader if she's an asymptomatic carrier they've got an endless supply of the virus to play with agent your route out is gonna take you into the DCD resource library hey while you're in there do me a favor recover everything you can on broad-spectrum antivirals we're here to get out of there the lab at samples destroyed I don't think the outcasts are gonna be able to do much else from here thanks for getting me that data to play with hostiles are moving to your position suggest an egress to the courtyard to avoid getting boxed in here they come be careful great job in there we've been analyzing the data and it looks like it's gonna make Kelso very happy even if it's gonna take a while to go through it hopefully this lab out of commission the outcasts will be able to send anymore other people to try and infect the settlement last thing thanks agent got a call for assistance from a division agent named Andrew Edwards last on location inside the control point agent I need you to head in there find Edwards and offer support if needed [Music] age into your rice was contact for a while we're rich reading his biometrics his last hours were not pretty we'll set a team up to bring home that's for you agent I'm glad you're still standing let's keep it that way he's patrol all clear where's patrol all clear [ __ ] guard duty you got a problem soldier nah this is just just so boring no one's got a clue or even here and we want to keep it that way true sons have taken over the Lincoln Memorial they're keeping a low profile right now and not directly threatening to campus but it worries me that they might be here to recruit civilians or planning an attack probably better to push them back into their own territory before the secure an outpost this close to civilians we need you to secure the memorial and remove the true sons forces they maintain its outpost the true sons will be a direct threat to the campus you'll need to find a way to open that gate active terminal detected perfect sick their system with Isaac and hopefully we can get a better idea of what they've been planning Dennis the church does have turn the memorial into a base there's an area beneath you with increased security Isaac can access data on this location stay alert I don't know what you're walking into careful with those rounds DC 62 detected heads-up Isaac just ID'd those shells as chemical weapons we can't afford to let the true sons escape with those you've got to find a way to close up that tunnel towards the schematics Isaac pulled upstairs we can lock that tunnel door from their control center that should keep them from being able to transport those borders load of DC 62 Debu division [Music] that should keep them from getting more of those mortars [Music] you wanna hit Becca the tea from the campuses take a position inside the memorial if you hadn't stopped them I know they would have used those weapons on us we would have bend it up like Castle I can't tell you how relieved I am to have you on our side thank you today we've done a great blow to the true sons infrastructure we confiscated a massive cache of chemical weapons and eliminated a stronghold near the campus seems a lot of lives today more help to you here the divisions back they took over the White House it's only a matter of time before they come for us we have to stop them from getting to the island do you understand yes of course I understand we've got confirmation the outcasts chief strategist is inside the Potomac Events Center if we can capture him we can interrogate him and figure out what they're planning Kelso will set up a diversion you go for the target you'll need to cut off any escape routes and box this guy in before you can bag him we need you to secure the outcasts strategist I'm set up at the main entrance agent head for the northeast gate when the northeast gate and main inch was covered he won't be able to leave the center without running into one of our teams there's a vehicle parked on the retractable bollards in front of the gate you might be able to raise the ballers and use the car as a battering ram stay here I'll go check it out I'm in main entrance is clear age you need to cut out the primary escape take out the boats I got dog southwest of your position I've seen a lot of hot dogs by the dock they're securing the boat they must be waiting for the order to launch if the strategist gets on one of those boats we'll lose our chance to bring him in keep moving you're almost there [Applause] okay slight change of plans where the boats out of commission the target should still be inside we have to make sure he doesn't slip past us also Kelso [ __ ] either Kelso's not responding without counsel capturing the strategist won't be easy [Applause] don't everyone share it once wait does that kill soo [Music] now that we have this strategist the outcasts are gonna be in disarray and we could probably get some useful info out of it bastard I'm pretty sure Kelso can persuade him to cooperate come on in got another favor to ask you about a month ago some people that weren't happy with how I was handling things decided that they wanted to take their chances on their own the outcasts had been harassing them but you got a reason to believe there's gonna be a major attack I've sent people to provide security but division agent make a big difference not just for the added firepower you've done so much for us already but maybe with your help we can convince them to come back give a settlement another chance before it's too late sanket man there's a lot of interference it's gonna take days to go through all this maybe blanks you're really cutting out do you copy Wyatt do you copy that's the shade network went down we sent a team to see if they could bring the main node back online they missed the last chicken and I can't reach them through Isaac or they ran into trouble the node is located in an old federal emergency shelter beneath Washington Circle we need to find out what happened to the team that went to try to repair the main shade node the federal shelter should be beneath your composition find a way down there but proceed with caution [Music] online computer detected great you can use the computer to sync Isaac with a comm system hopefully we can get a 20 on our team if there's any shape to answer connection established hello can you hear me this is many ortega with the division manny thank god it's Maya I'm all that's left on our team we couldn't get the noble line I found some equipment that will get the White House note connected to the national network but before I could get back those crazy [ __ ] showed up you gotta get me out of here I'm safe for now but I don't think they're gonna stop coming after me I don't know what I did to make them so mad you have to stop them [Music] if you hadn't shown up when you did I'll head back as soon as the escort team arrives you can restore the shade network across the entire country I'll send a team to assist Maya retreat the area your hard work has really improved our communications security and medical infrastructure the Situation Room has a surveillance team additional radio coordinators and a staging area for patrols we're running cleaner ops managing resources better and limiting collateral damage the sickbay started to feel less like a field hospital more like a clinic the new ICU and surgical suite you could start healing people instead of having to prioritize who can be saved the shade network is prepped to be reactivated nationally once it's up and running we can communicate with agents across the country I really don't know how to thank you for everything you've done without your help I don't know that we would have survived let alone thrived Thank You agent keep up the good work just a few moments ago the shade network was restored nationwide for division agents still struggling to hold this country together and all of you fighting alongside them or laboring day and night to support them from here this is the turning point where desperate hope becomes bold conviction you have already overcome impossible odds thanks to you good people in this city are starting to feel safe again and our enemies are running scared I say it's time we kicked them out of their castle to make it clear to those who stand with us and those who would stand against us that you will not hesitate we will not compromise we will never surrender we will bear any sacrifice and secure victory in one place I tried to only meant that the argument is strength in numbers we don't want the division picking us off one by one that kind of [ __ ] Jesus the fish don't want to be in the barrel we've got the hyenas spooked their entire councils gathered at the stronghold you sure were ready to take down the council there's we've done a lot of damage already we can neuter them for good this is the chance to wipe out the hyena leadership in one decisive blow get in there and hunt them down every last one of them I told you there will need more people guarding the entrance [ __ ] about it if we all live through this right now I need you to do whatever you can but whatever you've got all right I'm on it [Music] because I inna leadership leaves a faction disarray I'll send teams start securing the supplies and the equipment those bastards rewarding desert him the theater settlement will be able to rest a little easier now hostiles along the shoreline by the bridge but there's activity around the wreckage of a cargo plane a little further inland that c5 was carrying supplies and equipment for the JTF went down right before all hell broke loose in the quarantine zone the outcasts probably made good use of all that stuff the outcasts built up their stronghold and the remains of the quarantine site where they were held to be here a long time and know the area intimately we believe a capturing Roosevelt Island and neutralizing Emmeline Shaw the outcast leader will seriously weaken the faction and may even cause it to disintegrate taking down the outcasts stronghold of neutralizing their leader Emmeline Shan will do serious damage to the faction also Henry has Intel that a mechanical engineer from the campus settlement was brought here recently so be on the lookout for campus it might be nothing but it might be something is that supposed to be helpful oh because it isn't shut your damn mouth before I shut it for you both of you shut up maybe you're not much used to us after all huh maybe you'd be more useful as fertilizer I'm working as fast as I can I have to get me out of here if Emmeline gets away finding her isn't gonna be easy you've got to stop that boat find a way to the shore and make sure that boat doesn't get away what's going on with that boat looks like they're in the process of fueling it there are those pigs our primary target what about emelina already aboard the boat assuming that was her [Music] it's right for the picking let's do this the outcasts are gonna be much less of a problem than before you know what happened tonight was horrific but what they did was even worse I just hope they're finally a piece true Serbs have transformed the Capitol building into a fortress I've got an autocannon covering the entire Western approach it's not gonna be easy to reach the steps we got two goals here one is to keep it true sons out of the castle just as president else put it but more important than that we need to get back his briefcase which has to be somewhere in that building the case has an RFID tag that Isaac should be able to detect when you get close to it Ellis says that briefcase is the key to retrieving samples of a medication that's supposed to cure viral infections so we'd never have to worry about something like green poison ever again that's a pretty big deal taking the capital will deal a huge blow to the true sons but the priority is to get back the briefcase president Ellis was carrying aboard Air Force One Kelso's waiting aboard a helicopter to extract it as soon as you secure it if what Ellis told us is true a lot depends on getting that case to him he'll have civilian assistance to get you through the perimeter will you be on your own once you're inside smoked out smokes real cover you most of the way fast alright push forward it's time to get in there and finish this does the RFID code we're looking for the briefcase must be close copy that Kelso why the briefcase head to the roof of the rotunda and wait for the helicopter understood they'll need to be cleared before the helo can approach [Applause] about of them here copy that those anti air defenses have to go to our trailers on the east front must be guidance for the sands tape him up by any means necessary so the Gila can approach [Music] [Music] way down standby to attach the ring the briefcase is secure true sons lost their stronghold in general Ridgway has been neutralized of all the toys of my map everybody the knock over that [ __ ] was the one a lot of good people from my old dealer to that because of him some even went over to his side set up a flare from the front steps to signal the all-clear and come on let's celebrate [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Gamer's Little Playground
Views: 428,176
Rating: 4.7027822 out of 5
Keywords: machinima, the division 2, the division, the division 2 ending, the division 2 final mission, the division 2 movie, the division 2 all cutscenes, the division 2 full story
Id: 7Npst-d_Myk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 7sec (5347 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 14 2019
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