Sonic The Hedgehog 2 | The Completionist

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I love Johnny! I like his reviews, and he's funny.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/akimbocorndogs 📅︎︎ Jul 18 2015 🗫︎ replies
okay huh but you know I've already words with protonjon before but sure yeah it's a pretty good idea I'd love to have him back oh you mean jontron well I've worked with him - he's a good friend of mine from high school so yeah sure you go oh my god what do you want tails for 86 okay look there's just too many jobs in the YouTube space okay fine I'm in I'm in if he's in oh god oh god they're everywhere there's to me tweets there's two retweets why is it retweets bah oh I mean he's got a point great hey man it's Gerard so do you want a guess great uh how about uh sonic two in the capital of capital of Indonesia shark honor oh you're good you're damn good I know do you want to start this thing yes you hey everyone and welcome back to another episode of the completionist this week special guest is someone who I've not only admired for a long while but someone who by accident had the exact same upload and schedule as me for quite a while we did reviews that we're sometimes released on the same time of day or even the exact same game and our fandoms have blended for years so ladies and gentlemen please welcome finally some call me Johnny to the show cool rings ladies and gentlemen I'm glad to be here to our thanks again for inviting me and I'm hoping we can deliver all the goods today so it's to my understanding that you're a huge Sonic fan but lately between second not showing up at e3 and the recent announcement of sonic boom fired I for the 3ds it took my recent playthrough of Sonic 3 & Knuckles with the game grumps to realize that we're running out of Sonic games to enjoy well there's only so many Sonic games you can enjoy I've seen you tackle Sonic 3 & Knuckles I've seen you tackle the adventure games and I've seen you even tackled Sonic oh six which you and I both know is anyway so why not Sonic 2 hey that works great for me Sonic 2 is my very first Sonic game so hey let's get right to it doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo it's hard to address the iconic blue hedgehog without talking about sega mario nintendo the console wars and everything of the 8-bit / 16-bit era and in my case I've tackled some of the more popular Sonic games out there already so today I just want to try and sidestep all of it as much as I can Sega broke into the home console market with the Sega Master System in 1985 at the time their unofficial mascot was the weird monkey devil Alex Kidd and so understandably they did need someone new to shake things up a bit and give their competitors a run for their money enter a new console the Sega Genesis with its new Attitude Era icon Sonic the Hedgehog at the time this wisecracking blue blur changed the gaming space with its high speed platforming and off-the-charts coolness factor Sonic the Hedgehog was packed in with practically every Genesis ever sold making it the most sold game in the lifespan of the Sega Genesis so naturally a Siebel was inevitable and Sega just dove right in firing on all cylinders a year after its inception Sonic the Hedgehog 2 was on the docket the original team that worked on Sonic 1 came back to work on Sonic 2 - the man that designed sonic and dr. Robotnik themselves I'm gonna ruin this one his name was NIDA Oshima that's okay because really it's Yuji naka that was really considered to be the main contributor for the direction of Sonic and went on from the first inception of Sonic all the way up to Sonic the Hedgehog 2006 Yuji naka swan song was Sonic go6 a horrible way to go out well naka has gone on record to say that he left Sega because he knew he was going to be making sonic games for the rest of his life so that sounds horrible professor pickle has been kidnapped that's actually a pretty good point look at guys like Miyamoto and Kojima yes they shaped great franchises but to be working on the same games and characters for so long must be exhausting if literally every game they made wasn't an instant masterpiece it'd probably get pretty soul-crushing but eh before I get sidetracked anymore let's take a look at Sonic 2 the simplistic plot of Sonic the Hedgehog one returns with sonic the hedgehog 2 sonic the hedgehog must use his speed and jumping abilities to stop dr. Robotnik from world domination period slash semicolon to achieve this Robotnik with his precious army of enslaved animal robot pilots wants to harness the power of the seven Chaos Emeralds and build his dream Space Station the death egg which let's be real is just one mustache away from being a lawsuit with Disney now for starters in the original Sonic there's only six Chaos Emeralds so apparently for some reason they add it one more in this game and speaking of adding one more how can we forget Sonic's brand-new borderline vegetative sidekick everyone knows him as tails the Fox with two tails but his full names actually miles tails Prower like you know miles per hour you get it yeah put it up look I know we sound stupid and repeating this stuff to you guys since let's be real most of you know all this information already but that's kind of Sonic two's enduring purpose these days just reminding you all what was so great about these games back then and reforging that old emotional connection well said Girard anyway tails was the perfect number two for Sonic and the fact that this game allowed for real-time simultaneous co-op made it even better could Mario do that I think not me this game was the perfect little brother game and I for one was one of many little brothers that got to play as tails and that's alright I know it's kind of lame for a seasoned player and that it's super confusing and that you die a lot but for a young boy at the dawn of the video games Golden Age it gave the illusion that I helped and looking back now if you're a competent player too you can definitely carry your team so a quick summary stop dr. Robotnik by defeating him save animals 7 Chaos Emeralds must get tails the Fox at your sidekick gear a blue hedgehog that blue stuff and chemical points on a super cool looking pretty straightforward right now I'm sure a lot of you Sonic 2 veterans out there or anxious for us to go over the gameplay of Super Sonic but it's gonna take you a while to get all that I got super sonic you already got super sonic we haven't even gotten past the first level got him you are good got him so I guess that means you guys are gonna see a lot more supersonic than usual considering that Gerard already got all the emeralds early we'll get to that in just a sec really got him yes you said that already I'm a supersonic supersonic racing got a kid my feet off the ground the supersonic it's Who I am first yeah you sure did kiddo Oh the first thing you notice when you turn on the game is how much this games first level emerald hill zone looks a heck of a lot like a somewhat updated green hill zone the first level from Sonic 1 and actually that's a perfect sort of poetic reflection of Sonic 2 in general it's everything great about Sonic 1 again with a better coat of paint way sexier graphics and an absolutely next-level soundtrack yeah man the soundtrack in this game totally kicks ass emerald hills own chemical plant zone casino night zone almost every single track in this game sets the bar for all the great funky music we've gotten from all the sonic games over the years and along those same lines Sonic 2 starts to underline a lot of serious visuals themes to our Deco architecture gambling in the evenings crazy futuristic tube worlds you get my drift the legacy of the sonic franchise started within the first two games and have just sort of been repeated ever since don't believe me count how many Sonic games end up in space you'll be surprised I swear it's like 30 or 40 maybe like 120 there are more Sonic games end up in space than there are Sonic games in general how is that possible can we get a math check Sonic 2 lays the groundwork for another legit series staple branching pathways no one path is the right way and as the game gets harder the paths get more broad allowing for each player to have a unique fast platforming experience that almost feels customized to you like you're discovering the pathways yourself as you go even as a big Nintendo kid at the time song and 2 came out I was pretty darn impressed by it and I also remember that the game got really damn hard and nowhere is this scene better than in the bonus stages the genesis showed off a lot of its cool 3d capabilities but they were also super hard to beat especially since most of us hadn't seen anything like this before overall it's incredibly impressive for the time and it holds up well plus the sonic game maybe one of the most easily accessible game to download today so you know get on it young retro gamers you pro fans of the original sonic not much has changed here in terms of actual gameplay we still find ourselves in control of our favorite blue hero running as fast as we can through levels with loops corkscrews moving platforms and various other obstacles that were so familiar in the first game along with all the same great power-ups we know and love this time though rather than anything game defining all the new features come in the form of subtle improvements just take a look at the addition of the super Spin Dash on paper it's pretty much exactly the same thing as the Spin Dash except that you can now rev it up from any position instead of building up speed and purely from this fun driving action Sonic ends up feeling more powerful and yes even faster in fact sonic feels pretty fast in general in this game and whether or not it's actually physically true maybe this is where the popular sonic is faster than mario idea got started if Sonic 1 felt good sonic 2 simply felt better it's a perfect example of a game sequel that doesn't try to reinvent the wheel and instead keeps doing what works and sprucing up what didn't and along those lines replayability still comes from trying to find all the checkpoint posts in each level so that we can be sent to the bonus stages and collect the Chaos Emeralds and hilariously enough the game gives you enough chances to find those as you can literally get supersonic if you're talented enough by the end of act 2 of Emerald Hill Zone yes that's the second part of stage 1 but the developers were confident that you're probably going to mess up a ton which as we have already discussed earns you supersonic we know we know so these bonus stages are awesome awesomely hard the illusion of speed is infinitely present as you run for collecting rings there's three checkpoints in this never-ending hallway and you move around collect the Rings but beware there's bombs all over the map so one wrong move and boom you want right into them if you manage to collect all the Rings you'll be allowed to move on to the next checkpoint and beating all three gets you a Chaos Emerald the multiplayer here is kind of a blessing and a curse a blessing because your partner can get rings but a curse because you're twice as liable for getting hit once you collect all seven Chaos Emeralds you can collect 50 rings jump and then transform into the invincible super sonic who looks awesome even if he does bear a strange resemblance to a certain super warrior race this addition to the gameplay really adds something special to Sonic 2 as it makes you want to collect everything so that you can completely destroy bosses and levels yeah dude and destroying levels and bosses feels awesome super Sonics so cool dude oh and also there's actually a multiplayer mode we already talked about how co-op single-player is weird but kind of cool for the little brothers and sisters of the world but the split-screen racing stuff is just flat-out bad yeah I can just imagine the meat bag hey sonic runs great anti system no be even better making the graphics worse and doubling the amount of stuff on screen so it runs more slowly is there a cool idea here yes does it work mmm yeah but on the flip side no one's playing Sonic 2 for the multiplayer anyway so I'm not really going to give it much weight when forming my opinion on otherwise almost perfect Genesis game well plus I got the Emerald super fast so you know super sonic racing that's what I'm gonna do right now super shiny grace okay haha next section after destroying a crazy huge flying airbase it's time for Sonic to hitch a ride to Robotnik's crazy huge flying space base and because Sonic's so 90s cool he doesn't Marty McFly style sketching on the back of Robotnik's own Rocket Man what a great time to be a 90s kid are you a kid or an echidna I know right but once you get to the death egg that's it there's no level up here just two bosses no rings and that's all she wrote wait no rings but that means that right however much work you put in to get all the emeralds Sonic 2 is pretty serious about wanting you to take on the last level the way they intended blue kind of punchy and definitely not Super Saiyan but you know I actually kind of prefer it that way yeah I guess you're right besides the bosses are super cool first up we got mecha sonic not to be confused with Metal Sonic who looks awesome and is awesome even though they look exactly like each other and once you figure out his pattern he's pretty awesome to fight to not unbeatable but just challenging enough that you never feel stupid thanks in large part to his nasty jumping spiked mood thing still he's down after eight quick hits and after a brief chase it's time to take on the confusingly named death egg robot not to be confused with the death egg space station which just in case you weren't paying attention looks exactly like the Death Star but with two eyes a mustache and not Disney or Lucas whatever don't sue them or me the death egg robot is basically just a giant robot version of Robotnik himself because apparently this guy has some kind of narcissism complex except that this version has rocket arms and a jetpack lay careful learn the pattern dodge liberally and 12 hits later victory is yours the space station explodes around you sonic escapes through a nearby airlock and for a single in arguable moment tails actually proved himself useful by showing up and catching you in his airplane the tornado thereby saving the day all as well the animals are safe game over unless oh boy here we go unless you collect all seven of the Chaos Emeralds which in this case tails is totally useless because just as all seems lost Sonic turns himself into Super Sonic thereby saving himself from danger ashtag tails is useless hashtag Super Sonic is BAE hashtag really which other than going fast and beating levels easier pretty much sums up the entire completion bonus in this game and normally I'd be ok with this except that for Gerard getting all the animals seemed to be pretty darn easy it was yeah I did it is it too late to back out of this collab yep we're almost done alright well in that case we might as well tell you about the few extra levels and things Sonic 2 has to offer through lock-ons and hacking just in case you're a black hat style completionist and it was a bad movie obviously the biggest thing is that locking this cart on top of the Sonic and Knuckles cartridge pack makes Knuckles the Echidna which is basically the same thing as a hedgehog a playable character knuckles makes his debut in Sonic 3 and continues that in Sonic 3 & Knuckles or just Sonic & Knuckles and you guys know if you've been paying attention to Sonic for the past few years who can sleep with that singer artists like living on the Sun on her knuckles plays basically exactly the same as he does in Sonic 3 and while I'll make some of the levels go by much faster because you can literally go places you never meant to go before ultimately he's kind of a bummer because using him doesn't change the ending at all and his super form seems kind of half-assed like come on he just flashes you mean it's Super Saiyan Knuckles yo something I don't know some sparkles bedazzling stuff a rocket I don't know now it's worth noting that there is an option in the options menu to play as just Sonic or tails by themselves this is quite interesting because while you want to play a Sonic by yourself why would you want to play his tails in Sonic 2 he doesn't really offer any kind of extra bonuses like he does in Sonic 3 and here's the weird thing with Sonic & Knuckles you can both become their super forms but getting all the Chaos Emeralds with tails does absolutely nothing and the ending doesn't change if you get all the 7 Chaos Emeralds very bizarre considering what we just did in addition to this Sonic 2 has a few legendary Lost Levels disappeared at various stages of the development process including hidden palace zone an infamous beta level left out of the final version normally this wouldn't really belong in a completionist episode but in 2013 Sega allowed the taxman and stealth to members of the sonic retro tech community to rebuild the iOS version of the game and when they did and since they're such hardcore fans they went the distance and re added a finished and updated version of this loss zone as well as Knuckles integration a boss rush mode a fully updated soundtrack and even a secret version of the original beta hidden palace please check out this new definitive version no matter if you're a new player or even playing Sonic to your whole life it won't let you down this isn't an ad just a hot tip the game is good as I think I've probably made clear by now nothing about this game was really a struggle for me except for the last boss I mean maybe if we really want to split hairs here I could say that I like doing the bonus stages more as knuckles because the Sonic and Tails version seems to be designed for two players to do at once as the ring checkpoint qualifications are a bit different that's really it so when it's place here's a special message from Sonic himself but if someone tries to touch you in a place or in a way that make you feel uncomfortable that no good up actually never mind well I mean he's right but yeah weird so let's take one last look at the facts and see if we can't come up with something that sounds smart here yes Sonic 2 is Sonic 1 with a brand new coat of paint and a few new bells and whistles but that's not necessarily a bad thing is it but they still have its problems sure every game does does the art-direction soundtrack and level design more than make up for it absolutely Sonic 2 isn't just one of the best Genesis games out there it's one of the best platformers period - yeah and I completely agree not every sequel has to read to find the franchise if it's already succeeding it when I set out to do it is it weird for me to say it's refreshing to say nowadays you know I love Sonic 2 I really do if there's a game out there called freedom planning I covered it in my channel a few months ago it's the sonic game that's not a Sonic game but I don't care you want to know why because it's fun and you should go check it out so with that in my guys we give this game our completionist rating of complete it come with it hey guys thanks for watching be sure to click that big old blue subscribe button and if you're looking for more great sonic reviews check out son call me Johnny's channel it's so good it's legitness that's just legitness and if you want some more completionist goodness check out last week's video right here a big thank you to some call me Johnny you guys check him out he makes great stuff now back to us in the future kind of when nananana that's all time we have for today guys so please as always let us know what you thought about today's episode somewhere on the internet a big thank you to some call me Johnny for being our excellent guest go check his stuff out in fact now if you excuse me let's embarrass him a little bit let's sit here and watch what he had to say a few years ago about sonic tube himself alright we've taken care of Sonic the Hedgehog 1 so let's not waste any time we go straight to Sonic the Hedgehog 2 not without me you're not oh hello ok so you're gonna let crazy hair be in this and yet I can't be in this I resent that you want to join um sure um I thought was gonna be hard into that I have laid already and everything Sonic that talk to
Channel: The Completionist
Views: 834,977
Rating: 4.9358153 out of 5
Keywords: Completionist, sonic, Sonic The Hedgehog (TV Program), Sonic The Hedgehog 2 (Video Game), Sonic The Hedgehog (Film Character), Miles Tails Prower (Fictional Character), Thatonevideogamer, Somecallmejohnny, sonic 2, sonic 2 review
Id: giAzm3C21_I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 38sec (1298 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 17 2015
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