SPLATOON 2: Quest for the Best Girl

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huh I'm a boy the boys look like this and the girls they look like this look that's so much better we all know what time it is it's off the hook coming at you live from e-golf 'less square with a V worst character in splatoon and I'm going to say it real slow for you this girl is not as good as Callie so let's just in the great zapfish has disappeared you know as it does and Callie is missing the best role splatoon is missing and if I had to make a quick prediction on it I'm going to say these two events are related and I've arrived Murray I'm here to help you out I know we're all concerned about the zapfish but I'm here to find the best girl Callie isn't that what this game is called the quest for the best girl cuz it sure as hell ain't in front of me and on where we go to get at least three zapfish in this world so we can fight you know the toaster the oven guy into the kettle and here we are the return of the octarians back in the saddle again and we're going to commit genocide you guys like that yeah I'm just going to take the tactical route I'm just going to stay right up here you like these bombs yeah bet you do oh look it's gated off I could go through it or just uh do this yeah yeah see everybody else are we got the key now let's find the lock and a bauble we beat the game I mean not yet but one step closer you know wait can I go through these crates 200 I can confirm pointed I do that why was I that curious what did I gain from that nothing is the answer when we sit here and we do this Bob I'm so stupid what I kind of like that this game just gives you orbs unlike other games that just made me throw money away to get some orbs you know what I mean for various incentives oh god I think I got some of them okay here we go everyone's going to die for sure this time see oh oh no oh no they're all off me Oh No and Bob boom just like that our first zap fish so a lot of people have been wondering if I'm going to continue the squid stuff series because splatoon two's out that answer is sadly no but the reasoning is because I just don't continue the series anymore because I like more editing content so I'm going to make more splatoon to content it's just going to be not in a series you know I'm saying what a player back off Maria not one should I ever say I was interested oh no oh wow ah okay we take those I suppose oh I got a special ready what could this one possibly be uh oh okay oh all right then oh no oh no oh please go fast gotta go fast oh we did it Oh and we got this at fish ba-boom oh I got splashdown I know what that one does you ready see what that one does I'll show you what it does Oh yep everyone's dead don't worry and now to the boss kettle we go I know you've seen the Aki oven but I'm really going to show you the octo oven here because look at that look at this look at this menacing beast and it's just a puddle now but here it comes do you hear that beat in the background yeah sounds like it's sampled from whatever knew of national dragon song is out there it actually does these guys all about giving you the cakes you've got to climb on whatever he gives you you see just like that okay just uh look can't see me now ya see he does not know where to shoot his load am I really scared up here because this guy's toast yeah this guy's dead just so you know look at that well yeah that was a good work agent for I sure know how to pick I just kind of appeared you just kind of told me I was good enough uh whatever calling the big guns who is that my man Sheldon oh that's the next world oh and we can upgrade it with the ammo nights enhance a fire cool okay so you can upgrade all your weapons but uh yeah I don't I need to get more of those orbs maybe maybe it's better if I do buy them world - here we come suction cup we look out oh look at this it's beauty I tell you it's beautiful and we're going to start off with the octo hurler okay okay also Sheldon wants me to try out some new weapons I can do the roller I can hang with this ba boom ba boom you like the new roller I love the new roller ah I can't wait for all the miiverse keys complain about the roller they thought it was okay before well now I got range oh that that's disgusting do you own I don't know like that oh look at this watch it up oh I'm disgusting disgusting and just like that we got her a zap fish and where's the oh wow I just rolled over at once so now we can a king keeping it out Inc me in as requested by Sheldon it's a classic always request by Sheldon who the hero shots the charger no it's just uh I don't know what it is just a splatter shock it looks like a nerf gun I love these little Roly things look at that ah boom kill them bobble oh wait oh now he's dead bah boom kill them oh excuse me don't kill me and now we just got to take this road to victory and I'm - oh my god and now we just got to take this road to victory and then we win right right and now we're going to go to suck it up to back-alley cleanup that's that's a sex tape that is a sex tape title if I've ever heard it big boy over here taking everybody out yeah let's go buddy hasn't been in every level but this loop has been in almost every level like justjust listen to it for a little bit just just a tad bit obnoxious just a tad yeah come suck out my paint well you want that ink onward my noble steed and just like that we got our that fish I've been seeing that a lot I mean what am I really going to say about back-alley cleanup suck it up there's lots to say about that actually but the octo Park stay on your grind I'm ready for this let's go we're going to do some sick kick flips hopefully I don't know what it is about the Dooleys but they are by far my least favorite weapon in splatoon - I don't know what it is about them the dash is cool but everything about it I don't know she's not a fan it's not a fan of them oh okay I was going to run into that wow this is just Sonic actually you know the only game that's ever had railings in it oh no no I didn't mean to - no I don't know how to I just try to move I want to jump so the jump button yeah okay if you're inputting a direction you're - if you don't okay very cool game very cool oh no oh there's a little railing here yeah yeah that makes a bit more sense this time for sure this time or sure can't fellas oh no not that again oh now come on we got it we're in there we're going to ride in the reef okay so we've got to rescue these little zap fish and these octolings on my head but too bad for them I don't want to play with them oh no looks like I don't have a choice all right you're going down oh no oh no no no no no no no no no please die there we go perfect I did not miss a single bomb fun fact I'm just gonna sneak past here maybe she won't see me yeah okay now she sees me run and here we go the last that fish that's all mine oops what weapon is it going to give me this time does it suck yeah I hate the charger oh wait charge is kind of cool now you can hook shop things all right I see you Zelda I mean splatoon I don't like the look of that look of what oh oh you mean all these missiles coming towards me yeah not a huge fan either well they're actually not that intimidating don't don't mind me oh no oh no don't hit me blimp oh god oh no god bless america oh we're here good game wait good game Oh does this mean it's time for the chapter to boss battle the showdown fear the octo Samurai Sheldon requests the hero roller all right uh-oh this poor little zap fish well I hope you guys enjoy imagine dragons [Music] things a battle Oh splats with honor the octo Samurai that's a big boy roller how is my little roll are gonna compare to his well you know size doesn't matter everybody it's not about the size of the wave but the motion of the ocean I'll get them all dirty oh you like that you like that baby Oh carp this sucker is not messing around right you are but don't you worry Marie it's not about the size of the wand but the magic it bestows see a body no and you're out of here I think are you oh now you are okay the final checkpoint easy game guys realized he's only a little unicycle that doesn't seem optimal for combat oh okay I thought he was going to calm down or something no he just he's one headstrong into it we're not we're not ever going to speak about that depth at that one never happened no is that is that is that oh he said he's dead please old okay end it okay I will yeah I'll kill him don't worry I love genocide Marie oh he's trying to go back his soul's trying to go back in but his body is refusing it so he just blew up oh okay very cool I suppose well that was kind of insane I know Murray I'm kind of a natural you get up rough Liat Oh whoo yeah who is this you know what you know how earlier I said the great zapfish and Kelly's disappearance were related my guess is that Kelly has probably been captured by the octarians and she's been brainwashed or something like that or maybe she's a NOC carrying all along who knows I hope she's just brainwashed because I don't want my girl to be evil but she's temporarily evil I can deal with that but she can't just be evil you know can I make that is that how it works Oh oh my god that was a gamble and we found one here we go who here will have not the splatling out I like the splatling gun okay I'm just going to walk this lonely road for it is the only road I have ever known Harris forget these hooks exist I'm never looking for him oh oh please don't hurt me wait wait there we go what I do in this situation oh not that was not oh you see those sick Jukes oh oh we got this we're safe we are living oh my god and somehow we made to see our little fat fish well here's another level of where we're going a midnight straw but that's cool with a hero slaw sure this is the kid-friendly version of a shotgun like I really know where I maybe not know I just kind of press the button and stuff appears in front of me Oh save me I'm dead aren't I Oh No okay I see why we're in a hurry whoa see you buddy that was a close call but Oh gotta make it oh no oh no please don't hurt me please don't hurt me I'm a good boy I'm a good squid I promise I'm just going to go up pumptrack it up you know more octa links really oh no oh please on him you know what come hit me oh okay got him spawn kills you like that oh no photo okay everything's fine yeah rollers broken how could I forget Oh scuse me yeah no that was it that was how was all I had to do this is easy take it from here on out yeah you like that octo resort spring everybody bounce okay oh I'm ready to bounce for these trampolines yeah these are just trampolines I'm into it I am into this oh they try to jump they can't hang like me they can't bounce like me they can't be like me they can't do it like me oh wow we are flying very high okay okay what are we doing up here oh it's my depth perception that bad I just I just missed all of those this time for C oh okay nope I have fallen I am bad well that was fun I suppose I was just kind of like one of those Mario Party minigames where everybody's a winner because there are no losers you know only um the losers oh oh that's that fish we did it Wow all I do is bounce the victory and I was this AM bobble whoo we got this time a floating garden oh you need to do leave none not the Dooly Sheldon not the Dooleys naaku pelleve okay you know what I'm starting to figure out the - roll I'm starting realize how good it is yes Sheldon yes the Dooleys oh wait am i chasing this guy down oh wow this sounds like a lot of fun chasing missions Oh can't wait I'm sure that's not the first time I see that guy in this level I'm probably going to see him a lot aren't I okay there's the final check and another one oh he's dead alright then okay you know what this is a this is a decent strategy I'm just going to sheep herd them all up here and oh no they jump off don't you worry wait this is how we deal with them now I get it and they still live yeah I just kind of throw them over here then send a bomb up there there we go now they're all dead that's the stroke okay now okay we got the key that's all four days keys four days says Marie and there's the best license after sorry just level I had a stroke and bah boom there's the last one we got the drive to the set it's at a car do squid stripe cars in this game now you guess there's one way to find out and the hero charger back again you know my favorite weapon and all right why and more importantly how is there a car up here how how do you get a car up here oh this is like a car wash from the held stuff you know what just just get me through I'm done I don't want anything to do with this damn look at this car welcome to MTV Cribs this is my no that's not that's not the right show just that jokes not going to happen yeah I'm just I'm just getting out I I don't want anything to do with this guy looks like I had to have something to do with this guy and he's out of there wow that was a anticlimactic well hello this was that fish how are you doing today Oh baby I'm ready give me the third boss I can take him easy okay so what weapon do I want to take in to this boss battle you know what let's just go with all reliable we'll just take this gun oh no I'll take the Dooleys don't worry Sheldon I can't wait to hear and master Dragons newest single Wow [Music] that's also stomp he's back baby oh ok that's what he's doing ok ok buddy oh he's still just as helpless I see now yeah I'm not yeah not too scared of this guy you wanna do come Oh kilo baby oh please don't oh no hear that what the hell what I don't have a jacket like that so yeah just shoot the buckle oh jeez okay sure it's a bulk well maybe not that close yeah that's all you do okay cool now what can you do I already know how to get there is a cute little tote oh oh there is a three of them now I can just uh oh how do I - out of the way I can't - out of the way yes I can't do it look at me buddy I just got to get the salt off nope knock knock oh that just killed me straight up oh okay then - oh good dodge backwards oh I see whew I'm stupid I didn't figure that out on my own yeah just a daughter'll any which way I want and that poor little guy I don't want to do this I'm just I'm just gonna put him out of his misery you know like a good deed those little legs are so damn weird it's like the mean kid from Toy Story SID I think his name yeah he just kind of created this little monster and now he's dead so sorry about that bud but thanks for the SAP fish Oh Marie you don't need to thank me I know I'm doing great thank you so much though I do appreciate it you see even more though oh she's wants to find Cali trust me that's what I'm in it for I don't really care about the world or you or definitely not Sheldon I'm just I'm just looking for Callie and Oh Leah no leave now oh yeah that's Callie I actually think Marie is pretty done when she was looking for Callie she didn't even try this see I just put my little Callie amiibo on up Oh okay she's busy she uh all right so what about Marie can we summon her is she a shoe no okay so uh everyone's dead that's the natural assumption then world for here we come Oh gypsy turvy what are we doing over here oh okay save it because uh we're just flying on this little Tetris block here oh I kind of like these levels but who are they scary whoo careful now buddy oh hello I will say this is probably one of the easier ways to die in this game good thing I'm insanely good at platforming and I will never die to something like this see you probably wanted me to die right now that would have been ironic wouldn't it secret bowling alley rolling through the ink with my woes oh this isn't this isn't what I expected but alright so this is just kind of dodgeball oh except I'm not doing too well oh that's a big bowling ball Oh get me out of here do I shoot the polling look oh no that's it hello that fish we Sheldon tell me I don't have to use some stupid weapon now I got to use some stupid weapon what is it the paintbrush no it's a hero blaster what is this this an actual shotgun yeah okay yeah we can deal with this this is all right easy doesn't you got to make this shot so that's shot or just make that last shot that works too what there we go oh oh this is scary I do not like this fall so let's oh I had no faith that I was actually going to be able to complete that come on come on go over there you want to go get that bomb don't you oh you want that bomb don't joke wait now here I go oh no take him back take me back I'm sorry I didn't mean it no no I'm going to die over here ah no please don't hurt me I'm sorry I take it all back take it all back okay there it is oh where am I going I don't even know what the hell I thought this level was over they never in oh my god I'm gonna die over here oh no no no oh oh okay this is the end yeah this is me okay okay somehow we're living oh there we go that has to be the level right yeah they can't possibly drag this out any longer that took ten minutes and seven seconds to beat that's like a whole YouTube video if your video is longer than ten minutes that basically means you can put you get better ads and you can put ads in between the video which means you'll make more money 3 more zapfish in this world and now I got to go climbing slide oh not the hero charger Sheldon I really don't want use the hero charger but you know what Sheldon wants Sheldon gets regardless if I'm trying you know save the world stuff like that no one's really interested in that one whoa what's that secret um guess we'll never know huh okay you can't make that jump that jumps up on oh oh oh my god did you see that save okay it looks like I got to make this jump which I don't know how I'm supposed to make it Oh as a kid not a squid I understand now wow I almost thought I was an idiot for a second but I'm the most smart man in the world that's you know what nevermind I'm stupid and there's another one level 2000 octolings looks like you've got some octolings to deal with yes yes Murray I know oh there's a little cannon right here goodbye No oh there's someone well there was someone and just like that levels be the roller just destroys every octoling in its path there's the last level propeller land rubber Paris old the hero Brella what I've never even seen this weapon before huh what does it do I don't want to hear it Sheldon I want to see it so I shoot it and I hold it her shield oh it just flies off so if I launched this forward and then just win behind it oh you like that one he's pop up out of nowhere protect yourself with the umbrella I rather just shoot him like like I mean what are they kill them all but Braille is a great defense no I can just kill everyone like this isn't that good Oh visible pass yeah oh I gotta love that gimmick oh I just hide in here can't I yeah that's okay no one has a problem with this all right up we go we got to meet in the middle I see now this is hard what oh never mind it's easy got it uh we're approaching the end here this is the world for boss we only got one more left to go Sheldon really now at the time I don't kind of want to use your little toys I just want to shoot the guy uh-oh you know what jokes coming now cleanser of Inklings oh he does he looks like a dirty boy I don't want anything to do with him oh oh people are holding him afloat I see where his weakness is there we go that's why he made me take the charger Oh see a body now what there's the tentacle oh not far off no no okay we're so good we got him easy-peasy now he's got four little guys helping him fly oh he's splurging all over the place someone call a doctor you should not be splurging this much I'm scared to go over there he's probably gonna lose me again or snipe me from cross-match okay this time for sure no this time for sure there we go first try and now he's got to shoot the little tentacle and he's bobble he's dead let me guess what happens now he has five no he saw us four they don't have hardhat so you know they're very tough now they're oh jeez they're so quick but not quick enough oh how you like that any last words Oh too late he's dead Bob alone you're welcome zap fish I'm here to save you every tone oh this is the last world wait what does this say oh let me turn the screen upside down real quick run leave now and never look back are uh are you holding the phone upset mommy okay turn it right-side up now all I want is Callie back that is all I want that is why I got this game this is why I'm playing and this is why I'm going to save the world at the Cephalon HQ wow we are going in and we're just busting down the doors and saying hey where's the girl the best girl this place is terrifying well there's the first level we're going to go to and it is transfer junction intersection of the soul that I'm not going to have fun am i okay Sheldon I know I broke into the enemy HQ but yeah I'll try your little bucket for you don't you worry okay so now these are starting to move on their own yep as I said starting to move on their own okay so we got to make this very quick oh I can't see the screen okay that's great that that's great okay slow and steady wins the race I think yes yes it does Oh don't die don't you die on me squid one more oh no not this guy not this guy please stop stop stop stop leave me alone leave me please please I'm just a squid okay yep that's one way to do it oh I don't trust it I don't trust this there's no way this is this easy uh-huh oh okay octiline work and you know what that means well let's get that roller out yeah there we go I feel like these octal inks are probably going to be pretty tough you know considering I'm in their headquarter stuff like that Oh oh my god there's a few of them off they're all dead nevermind so normally I would probably have to fight some of these people but oh no one's around where's the little secret entrance oh okay I see the entrance is only sometimes here yeah okay sorry don't have time to read it don't have time to read it no no uh see you guys later let's go the hero duels got Dooley's we got this it's like the ultimate brining weapon right oh yeah I'm just going to take the grind see you guys later okay I see what I got to do not die that's my main goal here oh no what is this Temple Run oh oh no no oh we nailed it don't worry I'm a gamer oh I see why we need to do that that's that's pretty cool okay this game is really cool all right so the first few worlds were pretty cool but this game I'm really giving it to it now I really like the story mode thus far but I'll read Nintendo say during this game how can you say you enjoy yourself just cook come on let me let me enjoy this game please please oh my god that's that's a lot of snipers good thing I can actually just ignore them there we go still counts still counts so what are we doing here oh we got a new weapon don't to worry like a paintbrush yeah there we go I love the little mini roller and then you give them some of these or wishful inking I agree oh okay more invisible force gotta love it gotta love it wait okay that's the end of the road never mind we're going this way oh hello everybody don't mind me just a little squirt with the paintbrush thank you Thank You Marie I appreciate that oh no two of them and all I have is my little tiny brush oh and the walls are invisible aren't yep why yes they are we got a thing that he erases the floor and I don't even know what the floor if I'm just taking a shot in the dark okay okay Nintendo what is this game this is the darksouls of third-party shooters you know what I'm saying oh that's is that fish oh just go get it just go get whoa what are you doing kid go get it go over there please oh okay oh these space levels are their stressful way too stressful I just I just want to fight the final boss whew okay what level is this one more oh you know what I'm sure there's levels a lot of fun but I'm just going to try and move on as fast as I can all right then oh I'm stupid I forgot it's invisible and the last level is done with a hero splatling of course it is well here's a key how many baddies checks you took before they just give up probably all of them I don't think they're big on giving up anytime soon because I just turned around and then they multiply yeah KITT KITT you know what you know what I don't even have to fight you see ya buddy all right who's gonna win some I know you like that oh now we're on for cover right in front of them hiding in plain sight you can't beat it let's make it rain I don't know I actually don't know what that does oh just make the rain Wow final checkpoint this is it yep this is where squid become kids you you know it's your die oh I'm not ready for this I'm not ready for this we kind of okay there we go yeah now we can ride this out whoo-hoo okay okay egg bodies the last lap course we're going to need let's go oh boy Callie I'm coming for you Sheldon I swear to God if you need me to need more data I understand don't you worry well here we go all what No what happened to you Callie oh oh no what did they do to you Callie why okay that now the stick pulls oh oh hey DJ who is it who is the DJ oh my god this is unbelievable it's the guy from the first game zapfish and now Khali and the octobot King - he remixed Callie's brain ok ok first off i want to say i 100% called it my guess is that Callie has probably been captured by the octarians and she's been brainwashed or something like that and he's about to drop the beatdown very cute oh no oh no he's trying to Ora Ora me not on my watch Oh double Fist of Fury I don't think so oh why you hitting yourself buddy Oh what the hell bombs no oh my I know about the spin attack it's a bad one you do not want to get hit by it don't get hit by the bomb later learn that one he's going to hit me yeah we got this one oh no oh no not that one not that one not the double oh no come on he's exposed or we got him we got you that three times okay okay we got this we got this all for Cali you know boom she says tell me it's me your cousin Marie try to remember DJ drop that spicy wasabi B I gotta say one thing about Cali as evil as she is she is badass as hell dropping all these sick poses boys are those is that it oh there he is come on Mary I need you right now more than ever I'm here hold on Sheldon you have a flying semi-truck [Music] hmm Murray with the show oh my gosh the hypno shades that was bad off as hell oh my god tally are you okay while she's gone do something make them pay no no oh oh are you serious oh hello didn't see that one there okay can't take another hit yeah let me just walk Bono let me run watch okay so yeah kill um one and then you kill them again oh that's a good fit to have right there yeah yeah okay Charlie this was for you are you appreciative is this what you wanted my-my hand solo tidying gets working is that it is that not it Kelly remember the heavenly melody Oh the one and only I am M ber yeah look at that leave you ain't all over the place just quit this about baby it's the song who could ever forget the song this point sisters old bad Oh [Music] chillin with the power of music girl I know you can we've got a new gun for me what you got for me bud the Rainmaker I'm ready who love that where we go oh my god are you serious he is sick he doesn't even stand a chance against me now oh like this is epic maybe this whole thing I do not know this what your balls going to get this high band is playing my girl my girl is safe now and look at her playing in on the big screen I'm going to play him for her are you going to throw that at me oh look a sick jump you want to throw that one on me no ya don't buddy hahahaha that's it right oh you like that one oh oh oh this is how it has to anybody here we go oh my god I love this game oh not again Oh buddy I'm going to see you soon in splatoon three and it's a brighter day the Zap fish is it just went straight to the title menu that's how it is okay what are the new girls try to say you don't know what time it is it's off the hook coming at you live from inkopolis square check it fear of the current oh wait hold your seahorses marina we have some breaking news the Great's a fish is back the great zapfish is back oh yeah I'm so happy right now I have to get a picture of this that's not the important news I think we're kind of overlooking the big problem we just dissolved wait shut it marina we got another breaking news alert yeah here it is holy carp Cal has been found are you guys seeing this now that news god in cali and the squish sisters come back and they just have their old jobs back come on let's drop a new track to celebrate good idea pearl I've got just the jam no no oh okay let's go squid sisters I'm here to jam okay I see now here's the crest man I had so much fun with this game I gotta say I love this way more than I thought I was so uh one of my thoughts on splatoon too you may ask well I'm going to give this game a 9 point 6 out of 10 because I thought this game was that good okay but now I got to figure it out what does Cali do are you serious [Music]
Channel: Alpharad
Views: 3,383,036
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: splatoon 2, splatoon, squid sisters, marie, callie, nintendo, switch, nintendo switch, off the hook, squid stuff, alpharad, story mode, 100%, walkthrough, splatoon story mode, splatoon 2 story mode, splatoon 2 final boss, fin
Id: BpUZMgvA6Gc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 0sec (2400 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 21 2017
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