FNAF 4 | ft. @The Game Theorists & @NateWantsToBattle - Give Heart Records | The Completionist

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all right Gerard we got to be careful this time around or scotch is gonna add more stuff to the game for you to do I know I know thank God we finally finished completing five nights at Freddy's 3 with nightmare mode done or stars and done okay look at that Nate wants to battle log on to steam oh my god this this can't be happening this can't be happening what happened during October release date well the reckoning is upon us Gerard it's time for faith for completionists style we're gonna need more help this time around yes you warning the video you are about to watch will feature a lot of jump scares from all four or five nights at Freddy's games these scares are used as humorous tools to make you jump and scream you've been warned if you're scared of scary things don't watch this video hey everyone and welcome to another brand new episode of the completionist as the YouTube community has grown we've had a ton of awesome guests come on the show and five nights at Freddy's has become a staple youtuber game so back once again for another episode opponents of Freddy's is matpat from the game theorist sub well it's good to be back as always thank you no need to grovel or or bow workout L hope it's good to be back beardy so with Scott Cawthon the creator of five nights at freddy's releasing the quote-unquote final chapter of this game we need to bring in the big guns to help us out with this one ladies and gentlemen welcome Nate wants to battle hey guys thanks for having me I'm really psyched to be here and really psyched to be singing about five nights at freddy's with you guys alright one two three wait hold on you said singing you're a singer so you don't actually play the games I mean I do but I mean I mainly just sing about we're done we're doomed we're 86th we are finished this is it that we're done we're dead we're next it's owner come game over man wrong guy sit raagh guys sorry wrong guy the big guns the big gun we were gonna get the big guns these are moderately sized gun he said you were just as good as Markham ladies and gentlemen the fourth installment of five nights at Freddy's is here officially called five nights at Freddy's for the final chapter Scott Cawthon is pulling out all the stops for this one let's talk evolution we went from five animatronics to like 11 or 12 to one with bonus phantom scares and that one wasn't even in a pizza place and four just mixes it all up again we've got a brand new setting different mechanics and holy jeez look at these things they're not animatronics anymore they're monsters not only are there monsters but we're gonna call them a naman Tronics its animatronics and monsters together yeah man and say what you will about coffin whether you think nap counts is a good game or not but he's got props from all three of us for continuously keeping these games so exciting all the time absolutely and Scott if this truly is the final chapter if it is thank you from all of us but it's not you have changed all of our lives for the better thank you so much literally but figuratively amat Scott you keep getting everyone just have it Scott there is no storyline time period why's the five nights at Freddy's saga has jumped all over the place people can't even agree on exactly when they're set hey there Gerard let your buddy matpat theorize his way through the timeline buddy we've got a lot of key dates of 1987 1993 and present day it's a potpourri of disjointed goodness that reflect the overall ambience of this game takes place in 1983 four years before the bite of 87 really nope wait I I knew that dude totally knew that snap four takes place in 1983 with us assuming the role of a young boy who we can assume has been hospitalized hospitalized how do we know that the IV drip and bottle of pills next to his bed Gerard come on buddy it's all about those detail fails the game starts out with a minigame cutscene with us controlling the crying boy the boy has a little golden freddie bear that seems to be communicating with him in some way his eyes follow you as you move around according to my notes here it says that golden freddie isn't really known as golden freddie but rather as fred bear seems like this time around scott really wants people to know that they are in fact two separate maybe things the first mini game tells us the tale of a troubled boy who is locked away in his room with this Freddie plushies crying himself to sleep and as we defeat each night more and more about the sad story of this boy is revealed from this brother messing around with him and using a foxy mask to his father leaving him locked away in a secret animatronics closet of a Freddy fazbear location this boy is being traumatized tremendously so yeah this is fanatastic Yura T guard or re-experiencing the life of one we are a young boy who's experienced some form of physical trauma to the point that he needs to be on life support and we're in his room where he needs to try and fight off animatronics well here's the thing take a look at what the animatronics used to look like and here's what we're up against now Scott ah these are literally monsters but think of it this way we know the young boy has some ties with Freddy fazbear's pizza and that he's heavily medicated so most likely he's hallucinating we aren't dealing with animatronics anymore we're dealing with a drug-induced nightmare and you're not so much sitting in your bedroom as you are locked away in a mental prison five nights at Freddy's is no longer a place it's a state of mind and this state is filled with ridiculous monsters what this does for you is seriously raise the stakes each night conquered is another night you get to keep your life there's no paycheck there and here kiddos there's just a little boy's life the sadness attached and still more nightmares that await you five nights at Freddy's more like five nights at yeah I'm gonna need a therapist so taking what we already know from the lore of the franchise I would say this game is the most emotionally driven one so far this boy has a story of his own and complex and powerful feelings you can actually relate to I'd like to share my more in-depth thoughts and theories about the story to and my will but we'll have to wait until the final level section for that first and hey if you want a deeper dive into the flat floor you can check it out right here I mean I guess that's what happens I mean released four games in the span of one year but you know whatever and you can check out my songs and gameplay videos to look wow we sure have a lot of five nights at Freddy's content don't we boys we sure do yep fun as the saga unfolds five nights just gets better and better and when it comes to four I'll admit at first I was a bit worried the main menu sets a new tone right away and when I first started the game the graphics were a tiny bit less detailed when compared to the third one where every camera instead of had a specific purpose and the animatronics almost looked real the room is obviously a child's room and it has two attached hallway doors on either side since you're in the center of the room checking the doors actually requires the player to get off the bed and see if there's anyone there no cameras here friendos and worse for the first time you can also look behind you gameplay innovation ladies and gentlemen more about that in a little bit the biggest new mechanic in fan a for though is the listening the audio and I want to stress this as much as I can the audio is the most important aspect of the game the game is a glorified hide-and-seek adventure in all of the right ways and also all the wrong ones right as in its executed very well and listening to the animatronics move or breathe while sound Haseley using a dinky little flashlight to see if there's something there is awesome wrong because it sucks when you lose can we just stop for a second and break down the jump scares visually first off look at these guys hands down this is the scariest of all for games notice how depending on who scares you you're kind of going on a little bit of a camera ride literally the animatronics pick you up and take you for a ride animatronics were bad before but now I can never look at them the same ever again look at these animatronics completing this game is such a mental physical and emotional commitment that I have actually spoken to my own real-life therapist about it yes I have a therapist and no it's not weird and legitimately I'm suffering from a little PTSD from these games honestly I don't even know if I could go to a Chuckie Cheese ever again nope The Listening component of this game is what makes it so different you need to really understand what the difference is between the animatronics breaths walking and laughing sounds like a weird four version of Muldoon from Jurassic Park you've got to listen and know what's next or else clever girl like we said earlier gameplay is totally different from the other three and ends up playing like a mix of some of the cooler aspects from the other games with a handful of new features sprinkled in our returning lineup features Bonnie chica foxy and Freddy with a golden fredbear kicking around - Balloon Boy isn't around this time and neither is the puppet but hey chicas cupcake for some weird-ass reason is now an awful anti Mon tronic - all the animal trials have taken the title nightmare so we're up against nightmare chica nightmare Bonnie nightmare foxy nightmare Freddy and I guess at this point nightmare cupcake who's ever heard of a nightmare cupcake before checking the left door will stop Bonnie from coming inside checking the right door will stop chica you'll need to check the hallways to see if Bonnie and chica are there but if you turn the light on and they're right in front of you BAM you're dead to avoid death you've got to listen for the breathing which is very faint if there's no breathing you can check with the light and see if they're there and then if you hear the breathing close the door now I know what you're thinking just turn around look at the bed ignore both doors and be safe right nope think again you know that cupcake chica sends it after you if she feels like you've been leaving bonnie in her alone for too long so why look at the bed well that's where your little Freddy teddy bear is and if you don't turn around all the way to check on it as much as possible a bunch of little evil Freddy bear grumbling things appear commonly referred to as fredle 's and they hide when you flash the light on them basically it acts kind of like a warning meter because eventually when you turn around to light big old Freddie will be there waiting to get you now the closet is Foxy's home although technically you can see him peeking in from the hallways on certain nights but details now the closet is Foxy's home the closet is actually always open so you have to check it periodically with your light just to make sure that foxy doesn't escape if you see foxy closed the door and hold it for a few moments then go check again to see a status depending on his position you'll know if he's going away or if he's just messing with you and sticking around I hate when he does that I feel like a broken record saying this but in my opinion I think the newest naff right now for now for is the most difficult in the series it's the most stressful the most scary and the most intense out of them all surviving until 6 a.m. this time around maybe the hardest out of all the games but I will say it's definitely worth it for the creepy mini-games there's too many games that happen every night one minigame is more of a cutscene that further explains the story of the boy and his mistreatment at the hands of whomever the other minigame is catching the spring-trap plushie on the x mark in front of you as a spring-trap plush doll that is going to try and kill you if you check with the light at just the right moment you'll win kind of weird right well here's the thing if you win well not tell them what happens if they win if you win the spring-trap plushie game you win a few free hours starting into the following nights seriously starting the following night with a few hours less is awesome it'll make the journey to night 5 a bit more smooth and trust me in the war against the animatronics we'll need as much help as we can get please fruity jump I'm John Connor my do my tabla back from the future and murder Lola's got call iPod was so clenched as we play each creepy story minigame we learned that this little boys experiencing a lot of abuse from his brother and I think maybe his father to the nightmares of his imaginary friends this young boy sure is suffering a lot and the suffering is only furthered as we get to night five we're at a certain time all of the animatronics get replaced with nightmare fredbear or more accurately nightmare golden freddy and let me tell you it's one of the worst ones if you manage to somehow conquer night five you were then treated to a cutscene of what happened to the young boy while at a Freddy fazbear location on his own birthday his brother and his bully friends take him and put him close to Fred Bears mouth making fun of him and pushing him nearer and nearer then BAM everyone watches in horror as Fred bear chomps on his head oh and then the game resets usually Gerard would move on to the completion bonus at this point but before we do we felt that the extra content in this game should be considered a part of the end game scenario see cuz after this night six unlocks and yes the game gets more difficult but if you beat night six you're treated to another extremely sad ending cutscene that involves the boy talking to his Freddy plushies he's crying but the plushies are there for him comforting him and reminding him that they will always be there for him and you would think it would end there but alas a seventh night is upon us and this is where it gets scary a new animatronic by the name of Nightmare has arrived and yes it is terrifying it doesn't really do insane jump scare animations like the others but it does make you feel incredibly uncomfortable as he is the fastest and the worst of the crew if you somehow manage to beat Knight 7 which may I remind you is really hard you will be treated to a locked briefcase and all you can do is touch the locks with the following words on screen Scott what is going on here Scott is indicated that come October 31st ok sure which was the original intended release date for for that DLC will be a able to play in this briefcase right here may just be the beginning of the end as far as theory goes this is what I think five nights at freddy's 4 is about I think it's about the story of the acceptance of the haunting of the puppet I know it's a lot of weird things I just said but I think this is the story of the puppet the crying sprite of the boy throughout the game looks very similar to that of the puppet it's obviously not the bite of 87 but it's got this unique spin to it there is the sudden loss and feel in the game especially in that last cut scene we see wait animation is going that means one no so uh should we keep going yeah I think so well Scott if you're watching I hope you understand that we love you but sometimes hate you but we love you a whole lot but this poor guy right here this can't be a thing this is work to the bone to become a master at this game here's the thing Gerard suffers quite a bit when it comes to games but when the games bite back it becomes a bit of a rageaholic and in this case well 420 mode is back and you unlock it by typing in 20 20 20 20 in the options menu for what I understand for 20 is the hardest it's ever been granted you still get stars for beating each mode and there's four stars thus far oh no let me guess let me guess Scott 4/20 mode 20-20-20 mode doesn't get you anything does it oh you get a star but there's nothing after that nothing but sadness and anger and a xanax and a blood pressure pills you're okay buddy you're okay you're good yeah how'd you play something fun like Tales of Symphonia I snap four has by far the most compelling story and scary mechanics if this truly is the final chapter if this is then Bravo Scott Bravo I am skeptical this game is really hard and it makes me cry the game is pretty tough and oh hey is it scary but I will add that it has also brought so much solid entertainment to so many people out there it's crazy Scott wrote a great thank-you letter to everyone who's played his game on Steam and even changed the image on his website in tribute but come on Scott it's us who should be thanking you this game is really hard and it makes me cry the flaps saga is a confusing and joyful and difficult and fulfilling sometimes but mostly difficult journey with a tough March to the end this is maybe the best one I don't know are you are you doing okay there Gerard are you okay this game is really hard and it makes me cry you know what fine get let's do it let's do it live do a live right now mom we're almost 5 a.m. right there right there nope nope nope this is wrong I'm done nope you guys don't give up do not stop do not stop now click on right there you got it exams exams a.m. 6:00 a.m. 6:00 a.m. exams p.m. come on so what's there give me the 6 a.m. already back the sword good come on come on come on come on Yolanda don't do this you will five nights at freddys for the final chapter is a great end to a great series and it's one that will keep people engaged for years to come it's the most scary the most intense and the most progressive of the bunch it's an amazing piece of work and apparently is being turned into a movie completionist should go see a doctor go take medication and go seek medical attention after completing the five nights at Freddy's franchise DLC includes taking more medications including hallucinogens and going for daily walks with the park behind the gate listening to Nickelback for forever I'm in shutter island' I have my own shutter island' and I am Leo DiCaprio without an Oscar with that in mind guys William this gave our completionist rating of finishes could have got an Oscar what an incredible journey five nights at freddys has been if you guys like what you saw today do me a favor hit that subscribe button and hey a really big thank you from the bottom of my heart to matpat Nate wants to battle our surprise last minute special guest mandopony and a special thank you to a Adan and Alfie for all their awesome tips and advice for more 500 frames goodness give Matt's video right here a click and check out Nate brand new song in it right here - now back to us that's all time we've got for today guys so please as always let us know we talk about today's episode some world Internet's a big thank you to these two awesome gentlemen Matt Pat and Nate Nate wants to bow you guys are awesome thanks for being here course it's a pleasure it's a long night of disobeying and recording and a very Canon situation there's so many things that they didn't create so many horrible horrible thing so many strange and wonderful Oh strange now is tricky mostly wonder now if you excuse me I'd be a basket yeah oh it's good for me you better love this yeah Andy cover the shot so anyway yeah he's here to thank you hi in the video thank you for being a friend no I thank you all right bye Golden Girls and thank you my bags thank you Scott for the game it's gonna be okay it was Debbie almost right us it was from me that's what everyone on the internet is gonna take out of context and yes thank you for being friend good girl brought to you by CBS oh they're all dead Oh Oh dare you be sorry say fencing boys you're dead yeah that's why is the only one high it's going strong my Betty White I'm so sorry Snickers don't be a diva how Snickers that's Oh your celebrity password hot inhaleand Hot in Cleveland Girard how would you forget Hot in Cleveland seen here in years celeb repast word community Judy I see me okay good good six community is great right it's great although most look good really this is market cousin random
Channel: The Completionist
Views: 1,897,508
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fnaf, fnaf 4, Five Nights At Freddy's 4, five nights at freddy's, game theory, matpat fnaf, matpat five night at freddy's, natewantstobattle, natewantstobattle five night at freddy's, nate wants to battle, nate wants to battle fnaf, the completionist, completionist fnaf, the completionist five nights at frieddy's, natewantstobattle five nights at freddy's, fnaf 4 game theory, fnaf4 matpat, fnaf 4 matpat, fnaf4 game theory, that one video gamer
Id: igIj_MR_2ck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 33sec (1473 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 28 2015
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