Splatoon 2 with a side of salt

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in splatoon - you're the kid that's a squid you gotta ink and not stink and it's basically splatoon one but the specials now suck and you're constantly teased about the better mode that is accessible only at select times this games designed for children he up the up the upper there is no way they are marketing to any other kind of person just kids if you didn't know splatoon is a game where everything is the enemy including the floor so shoot wildly anything that isn't the same color as you because late that can't be right there are different modes of play but the main mass of people partake in the normal mode of turf war with the more thought-provoking modes being safe for either custom games or ranked modes you're allowed to dress up your kids quit but the fact remains that the cutest inverted squid will always be cyborg chan she's programmed to be cute and a splat fools this is not biased at all you can shop for shiz in the plaza and playing the modes level up your equipment and unlock abilities which you can swap around later on but while you wander around that you'll be treated to the definitely not me plaza posts from fellow squids where you will find one of four things generally some actually cute and/or talented art more than likely related to the game somebody writing something unfunny or whiny people actively talking about their fetishes and lifestyles or rioting against them or the age-old favorite of hey what's up your dicks it's you YouTube's a boy coming at you live with a splat fade hot damn that guy went down as fast as somebody with tuberculosis let's spin hashtag twerk for tuberculosis in the plaza so people can question it or post it to you when you've decided you've had enough of that garbage you can jump into the actual game there is a single player mode but people really only play it to unlock swag weapons and for most people just play one of the multiplayer modes I haven't played too much of the ranked modes but the little I have has been the most fun I've had outside of salmon run well even if it's a bit frustrating at the starter ranks the new mode clam blitz is just fun on the bun it feels super satisfying to toss your super claim in their basket not a euphemism plus it's nice using weapons designed for dropping peeps instead of just covering turf best trick I've come to see is that when you see a teammate with a large number of clams you can actually toss yours at any time to give them more points to create a super you can use this to be sneaky and create one right near their basket it's nice having some more in-depth techniques in the game outside of spray 'thus with ink always the coolest of course is however salmon run a co-op mode where you and three pals will fight mutant fishies and steal their young it starts out pretty basic but the higher the rank the more intense and gets and hot damn does it get pretty intense this mode randomized is not only the weapons you use but also the times it's available which is just dumb every now and then a splatfest goes on where the idles will demand you join their legion of white knights in Parratt their values as your own be sure you insult the other side for their irredeemable pick but let's be real bro wins most of them because if the subject is pretty even in terms of popularity the marina site will generally be filled with the hyper beds that voted with their dick rather than their personality plus the Perl team is generally filled with the cringy astaire of Reddit and 4chan shut-ins that basically did the same thing wishing to ink their splat all over pearls forehead but have the game skills to back it up since they never leave their house my biggest gripe of the game itself is just the amount that you need to grind even with the experience boost tickets it still takes so long to level up even once later on plus when you playing custom games which is 90% of what I do you can't get any experience so when I do drunk splatoon with fans it's all for nothing well I mean other than showing appreciation to my fanbase that i insulting belittle constantly but hey at least I came with you guys that makes up for it I can't imagine how so many people are above 50 but then again I kind of stopped playing after the first splatfest but no matter what game mode you play you will always find the same things Dulli users think they're hot stuff they're not but they might at least ink your base chargers think they're hot stuff too they're not why are you using this inter force save it for range where it can matter rollers are even gonna be the most skilled ninjas or the most garbage player on your team brushes fall into this spectrum to butter the latter since they are mostly played by artistic types buckets her filthy meemers avoid at all costs blasters will destroy you in ranked turf war here probably fine the umbrella ella ella z-- were for cowards but they got nerve so hot you're screwed now shooters are normally fine unless you use the garbage can why are you calling the arrow speed garbage can I mean look at it it knows your trash so it's got a little trash can on top for you yeah yeah get in [Music]
Channel: ScottFalco
Views: 2,944,341
Rating: 4.8757329 out of 5
Keywords: Splatoon 2 side of salt, nintendo side of salt, scottfalco side of salt, splatoon side of salt, splatoon update scottfalco, splatoon animation, scottfalco nintendo, scottfalco splatoon
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 33sec (273 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 16 2017
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