Splatoon 2 NA Open September 2020 - Finals - Part 1

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well hello and welcome in to the splatoon 2 north american open september 2020 we're bringing you finals action today featuring four teams including one of them that has been the epitome of north american competitive splatoon greatness and three teams looking to challenge the throne including one squad that is retooled and focused to try and pull off the upset today i'm your spray by spray host jordan kenton joining me two of the finest commentators and all of inkopolis let's start with she is the center of starfish main stage and the head of all things squid sisters please welcome in ashley esqueda and ashley i know you're really looking forward to what we're gonna see on all these different maps today i am i mean who doesn't love a north american open right i love these teams and then also joining us for our third box here when he's not busy scaling the climbing walls of muscle forge fitness he's a literal encyclopedia of splatoon competitive knowledge bursting out of every gorgeous follicle on top of that head please welcome in charles nine white head and nine i know you're thrilled to see how this north american meta continues to evolve right the game continues to change if you are basing it off of what you saw the last time you saw an n a open you are too late my friend these teams continue to grow we have our top four teams that have battled their way out of nearly 350 participants during our qualifying rounds the previous weekend and what's at stake well of course bragging rights for all of inkopolis but on top of that each member of the winning team will get a digital download for super smash brothers ultimate mario tennis aces and arms now we take a look at our bracket here and we see ft wins salonara starburst and supernova and nine you're looking at four of the finest teams here but who really stands out to you here take a look right there at the top going for five consecutive north american event wins in a row ft win is the cream of the crop and they have been since they started if you want to look for splatoon history no team has ever dominated a scene like they've been able to do and ashley we're taking all of our action here in ranked modes and there really isn't much margin for error because there's so much that comes down to every single decision you make as a team when it comes to these type of matches it really does and that is one of my favorite things about casting these tournaments seeing these players at the top of their game uh just you so rarely see unforced errors you it's just pure splatoon at its best and uh and i'm excited to see what these teams bring today now our rules in both of our semifinals brackets it'll be the best of five predetermined stages and modes so you'll see a bit of a schedule that happens there it's single elimination so you don't have much room for error here you really got to make sure you get out to that lead you see how the schedule go for game one two three and if possible a four or five splat zones rain maker tower control followed by some more splat zones and rain maker and communication ashley when we looked at these ranked modes it's really vital for these teams when they get to this type of tournament play because it really is coming down to teamwork you can't just have one superstar carry your team very much so and and anybody who has played even a little bit of splatoon knows the value of making sure that every aspect of any different mode is covered so you've got your front liners your midliners your back liners um and you're kind of all talking to each other and making sure that you know those areas you don't need help or maybe you see somebody who may have gone a little bit too far away from uh from their teammates and you can go ahead and get a quick pick but yeah communication is absolutely key i will say i think ft win maybe has a little bit of an advantage there just by proxy of playing for together for so long uh maybe they actually just communicate telepathically at this point that's who knows and nine we've mentioned before some familiar teams but also familiar faces and consistency really seems to come to mind when you look at these players and teams why are these teams why are these squads so consistent tournament after tourney part of it is that they get really high level practice because they play against each other so much in tournaments like these and in tournaments outside of these but i think so much of it is like ashley said these teams have seen it all they have been the ones that have been writing this script from the very beginning they've stayed ahead of the curb but more than anything they are so good at diagnosing what needs to be done and it all comes down to execution at that point well you mentioned execution let's get ready to execute our very first match here as we mentioned before it's best of five in these semi-finals single elimination as we get set our very first match will take place in humpback pump track it will be splat zones and as we get that ready to roll here ashley one thing that we continue to talk about when it comes to splatoon splatoon 2 has been out for three years and the three of us here have been friends because of splatoon 2. and this community really just continues to shine it's very welcoming it's very warm and that is really the highlight of this game and of this competitive scene is just the way that it brings everybody together it really does and i i have to say my i've been playing since original splatoon and every time you interact with the community it doesn't matter if you're one of the best players in the world or you're just starting out everyone is just so kind and so positive and that's my favorite thing about this community well let's go ahead and get the action started here we have ft win taking on sonora early on here we've got splat zones and humpback pump track in nine why don't you walk us through a bit of the loadouts that we're seeing here well the one that immediately sticks out to me biscuit the mvp of the last event who dominated everybody with the nautilus is playing a custom explosion right here biscuit has a deep roster of weapons but i'll admit this backline painting machine was not one that i thought we'd see we're getting a nice view of shaq here as shaq continues to apply a little bit of pressure you see ft win with the early lead right now they have that splat zone and ashley this is a small map you've got to make sure you get control early in this match yes you have to get control early and also there's a lot of topography so there's a lot of areas where you can hide areas where you can put down a lot of ink without being uh hit too hard i mean i think you can hide a little bit but yeah this is a this is a map where it gets very aggressive very very quickly and nine ft win turning the tide and once you can secure the zone what are you looking to try and do at this point on humpback pump track i think right now they're mostly going to throw bombs at the opponent try to build up some special here to match the specials of the opponent this is a map where if you dive in too deep you can get taken out very very easily you can see bursty right there opting to stay around by the zone they know exactly where the opponent's gonna come from sayonara now in a deficit they're trying to reclaim the zone trying to stack some of those specials four on four on the field so neither team has an advantage oh but there we have it ft win dropping an inkling at this point this is the opportunity for sayonara they can't capitalize quite yet as ft win continues to just lock them out and ashley it's securing the zone and then at that point changing things to more of a defensive mindset yeah and and also one of the things about flat zones that i think is really interesting that that we've all discussed is you know that penalty right you can use that as a strategy so even if you can't quite get it which school are they gonna get it sayonara with a late claim of the zone in nine we talk about this penalty in splat zones and how you really need to use that as your best defensive option if you're down with your back up against the wall yeah thank you for teeing that one up actually you set it up perfect here all the way now 74 points that ft win will have to go through in addition to one extra to get through here but jordan we talk about composure sayonara understanding that they could use every single second on the clock and make their stand there they've given themselves a new lease on life yeah not ready to say sayonara this first game quite yet unbelievable reclaiming this flat zone in the middle ft win was just a tick of the clock away from claiming victory but now sayonara turning things around on ft when we see bagel right here being very careful about their approach making sure they don't expose themselves too much but getting splatted from behind and on a round map like this nine you gotta watch every single hour on the quad you do and you know biscuit going to this weapon i think surprised probably everybody because it's not a weapon that we see commonly anywhere you saw right there i think that bagel was taken by surprised by how much range and how accurate biscuit was with it everything has really fallen off based on that pick 1 30 left in this first game here ft win trying to chew into this penalty sayonara we saw them claim the zone but just one second left and sayonara doing it once again ashley we see that composure here's a look at fable sayonara really trying to push ft win out of the way here and we've seen sayonara doing a great job of being able to flip the script whenever they need to actually they are doing an excellent job and sometimes there is value in as a team just crashing in on that splat zone and at the very minimum just taking away control from the other team maybe you don't get control but there is still value in taking away that timer that that countdown from the other team yo trying to corral all the members of sayonara back in spawn and this is what you're really trying to do when you secure this zone here nine is you gotta keep the other team back at home yeah and i love it the way that they have shifted their attack over they're going to lose the zone here but one of the things we often say about ft win they are so good at adapting and changing mid game this entire time they've been waiting for sayonara to come to them they saw they lost their zone twice as a result this time they moved up and attacked and or got a little bit more off of that penalty dj trying to be a sneaky sneak in the corner that sniffed out though by ft win and dj gonna get splatted that's 3-3 on the map at this point ft win a chance to reclaim the zone you see the 49 second penalty but just five seconds left in the game so as long as ft win can hang on to it they're gonna close out this very first game and that'll do it ft win a bit of a scare there for a moment but doing what they do best and holding their poise to close out this first game against sayonara and nine what we really saw was once again ft win it seemed like once they secured the zone they were just really aggressive about pinning sayonara back in their spawn they were they were very aggressive you saw textbook baiting on that left side where kyo went up and attacked then he retreated and that allowed shaq to move up and get some hits as well but we talked so much about that penalty and how they were going to use it saito may have held the zone for just as long as ft win but because ft win got it down to one and just applied penalty after penalty after penalty they're gonna be sitting pretty with our first win of the day yeah and ashley sayonara you really have to give them credit for not quitting when they had a chance to really drop out of this one early on but it really seemed like for sayonara when they got the zone they weren't quite able to push out ft win and it seemed like they were getting a little spread out there towards the end yeah and i think ft win is so good at backing each other up and it seems like it always feels like we'll be watching one player from ft win and then all of a sudden they're just magically somebody else right there it they are so good at watching each other's backs and having a lot of spatial awareness um for their own teammates like making sure that everybody's got backup if they need it and um and they just did it a little bit better yeah such a good point because that round map and humpback pump track as you mentioned the topography love the geographical terms that we're throwing out here of course why not give it as well yeah give a little education on sunday here you really have to watch your back at all times and ft win doing a fine job of pushing things forward as we get set for our next match here it'll be rainmaker on the reef and rainmaker one of those games here nine where it's a ranked mode that can end very quickly and one of those where you really can't afford to make that one big mistake you've got to be solid throughout the entire match love it or 8 at rainmaker is very dynamic and you know risk mitigation really is the name of the game for a lot of these teams we've seen all of these players absolutely go on tears over the course of the many tournaments they've played so it's going to be a matter of coordinating very carefully and i'm very curious if we're going to see the nautilus come back this game for either bagel or for biscuit and it does look like both of them are bringing it out the premier nautilus everybody oh the nautilus is on the map for both squads here you see the aerial view of both ft win and saito nara and ashley the reef one of the first stages we all got familiar with when we picked up the sticks and played a little splatoon two three years ago it really comes down to navigating the bridges yeah controlling the bridge is controlling this game so uh any i think bagel is he ha so he has a rainmaker for a second there um bagel's really gonna have to open things up for his team i that nautilus is gonna come in very very handy at certain points especially on that bridge but yeah controlling the bridge means controlling this map ft winning the yellow sayonara and the purple so the team sort of flip-flopped some colors here and we're taking a look at kyo right now kyo and the purple for ft win never mind the graphic in the top left here four four on the field at this point two specials ready to go for sayonara had a quick little view of bagel but it's sao nara once again with the early advantage but nine we know ft win will stay nice and composed about this entire match they will and you saw right there using the rainmaker to push another member of their team up to get the attack all the way to 53 though i'm quite impressed there were a lot of very dangerous situations there for sayonara the fact that they were able to push that one aside and consolidate their position shows that they too know something about composure sayonara trying to man the bridge at this point they've got the rainmaker trying to pave away here after you win being cautious about their approach here you see bagel trying to provide a little bit of cover for that rainmaker the rainmaker not just driving the ship but also launching a few attacks of their own and four three here's an opportunity for sauna to push it forward but they lose the rainmaker and ashley now it creates a neutral situation for both teams to try and regain control it definitely does and you can see here it is bagel doing the work with that nautilus absolutely going off he's got the inkjet he he's taken up three members of ft win in a very short amount of time so burning now has a little bit of an opportunity to take the lead in nine i love i know you love that bagel erasing 75 of ft win to really push forward and give them a huge advantage with 245 left he's not done yet they're gonna have to be careful dj jumps in but bagel was able to escape right there and you know we talk about bagel being the player that brought this weapon to the forefront in the north american splatoon scene we talked a lot about biscuit last tournament bagel saying hey who do you think invented this weapon watch what i can do biscuit on your right hand side with that nautilus we have a nice view of kyo just throwing out a couple of those fizzy bombs trying to pave the way here aerial view all four members of ft win sayonara they're back in their spawn once again they lose an inkling now it's 4-3 ft win as they try to make their advances here tenta missiles evaded a huge splat by bursty but thirsty and the rainmaker gonna go ahead and get popped and the chance for sauronara to push ft win out of their crib here ashley like a bad house guest oh man biscuit jumped in i thought he was gonna get taken out but no he actually escaped with the it's that nautilus man they're just biscuit and bagel are just so so good with that one about 45 left in this match up here sayonara with the 33-53 lead and nine you mentioned there's always a sweet spot on each map if you can get the rainmaker there you put a tremendous amount of pressure on the opposition you do and right here bagel coming around but wasn't able to get it dj was able to hold on just a little bit this is that point of no return to we're talking about it's gonna be a short hop shack not able to get there bit of a desperate play and now sayonara i think should have decent control of this area bagel might run it out here just to take some time off the clock you mentioned bagel snatching up the rainmaker able to get it out of a very precarious situation for saundara sayonara with a sliver of a lead 33-35 one minute left 3-3 on the map but saho nara getting splatted and you see biscuit with the inkjet applying the pressure ashley a chance here for ft win to snatch the lead which they do man that's heartbreaking for sayonara i mean they were really holding it so well and just you know it just takes that one inkjet just takes one bomb to change everything and you hear it nine one mistake is all it takes you can have control for the entire game but all it takes is one slip up and now you find yourself with your back up against the ropes and bagel grabbing that rainmaker earlier that really led to all of this it seemed like they weren't entirely sure what they were going to do with the rainmaker once they moved it out and that entire time ft win was building their specials and we saw the inkjet that opened it up and got them that big push and right now it's all ft win look at all this map control yeah you mentioned it nine sayonara had the rainmaker sitting there right in front of them ft went able to close things out and near white of sioux narrow and they'll go ahead and claim their second game over sayonara just one game away from advancing to grand finals and it was a late push by ft win to go ahead and capture the victory in this one but nine pointing out sayonara you're doing a great job defensively sure the rainmaker's in a spot that's a little too close but they burst it and it's looking as tempting as cold pizza in the morning but you know if you grab it it's not the best decision i wonder wonder where that one came from thank you for that jordan but one thing that i really want to point out there for those who were looking at the stat sheet biscuit on the nautilus had seven inkjets bagel had one inkjet they're playing the same weapon maybe the build is a little different but i think that tells you the way that the two teams use their nautilus bagel he's going up and fighting he's trying to open things up for the team biscuit is waiting for the team using his inkjet to open up the pushes and on both the push that got them the lead and that push that shut it down at the end it was his inkjet and it's just so fun to see how two of the same weapon can be played so differently and ashley that's such a great point nine brings up about the specials because when you look for moments to turn the tide in a particular game it really comes down to when you utilize those specials and we saw that firsthand in this last game here yeah i mean ft went for any team to take down ft win you cannot make a mistake right this team has been playing together for so long they're so good at capitalizing on unforced errors that you just i mean you've gotta come with a game plan and i think you know nine really mentioned it there was a moment where they weren't really sure what was going on it seemed like they were unsure or they weren't exactly you know in formation the way that they wanted and um yeah it's just ft wind will just take advantage of that and specials were a big part of it they certainly will so we have tower control and anchovy games and one thing that stands out to you on this map here ashley are those rising platforms and the way that they can really differentiate your team's approach they definitely do again elevation such a big deal on this map uh if you can really kind of utilize those platforms in a way that will uh you know take out the opposite team you're sitting pretty especially at these checkpoints this is like an important thing for the checkpoints and they're already past the first checkpoint ft win clearing that first checkpoint in nine when you look at tower control at this level of play you've mentioned that for the support player it really relies a lot upon what they can do and how dynamic they can be in tower patrol right and you see bursty there he's gonna be the one that's riding the tower as he gets taken out but you saw right there he wasn't just sitting on the tower in inkling form and waiting for somebody to come to him he was throwing bombs he was building special continuing to call out where the opponents are coming from often times in this mode the support players put in a bad spot because somebody has to ride the tower it's all about contributing in situations where it's not so straightforward sayonara just letting that tower reset to neutral and then rethinking their game plan they have a 4-3 advantage two specials ready to go we see bagel with that inkjet once again trying to poke some holes in the defensive approach of ft win and now sayonara approaches the first checkpoint is to see those tenta missiles coming out ashley those tensor missiles we see them more and more again in tower control because of what they can do in every facet of this rank mode yeah it's a great one it's a great way to clear the tower right you don't want a bunch of missiles hitting you while you're on on the tower riding it so you get off the tower you want to stay alive and it's also a great way to clear a little bit of space for people and and get your teammates just a little tiny bit of actually's life tips avoid missiles that is a great fact of life you want to stick with right there all right ft win they've got the tower once again they've got 34 left before the victory they're one game away from moving on to grand finals no surprise for them saunara trying to hold on and have one of those classic comebacks that they've been so well known for but it is all ft win at this point biscuit in the inkjet trying to sniff out a member of sayonara just so much pressure but nine splatted in midair by that nautilus splattered in mid-air and immediately the punishment comes through look at this it's just burning all the way back we talk so much about it you're never just fighting one member of ft win you take out one member there and then immediately someone is there to punish you for daring to touch your teammate look at this bursty trying to get through this checkpoint shaq is still there another jump comes in with a splashdown and they are a hop skip and a jump away it looks like they've defended for now but guys ft win never missing a beat it's insane such a good point the complete wipe by sauronara will send the tower back but ft wins doing what they need to do a huge advantage with just under two minutes left here on anchovy game sayonara not ready to say game over yet but it's ft win that is doing what they're so well known to do and that's just to apply the consistent pressure ashley when you have a lead this big your ft win you now have the option to really focus defensively you you do and i would say now is the time because sayonara has three specials ready to go and one that just went off so now's the time if you want to defend and uh fortunately ft went pretty good at it so although biscuits is not taken out of the skies so well done sayonara burning with two beautiful picks as they get set to push to their first checkpoint but here comes all the pressure from sayonara they're trying to defend against ft when they get to the checkpoint making their way to the second one here bagel trying to pave the way with the nautilus close to one minute left bagel with the inkjet trying to pick off biscuit and biscuit trying to hang in there but biscuit falls off the map in nine here's a chance for sauronara to apply some more pressure it is bursty up at the top of your screen is gonna have the best chance to do something about this he does get one someone after him to chase this checkpoint is going to be where they make their defense and look at ft win they have all stacked themselves up at the top of the screen understanding that they can throw bombs do anything necessary to get them off and look at that no progress made on the checkpoint they almost need an entire other push at this point such a good point ft win getting the higher ground all four of them just aggressive clearing the tower and now with 23 seconds left sayonara has to do everything they possibly can just to remain alive in this tournament ft win trying to close this out and move on to grand finals 13 seconds left ft wins still with the sizeable advantage tower is moving for saunara you have three members and two specials on the field for ft win there come a couple of suction bombs burning trying to get back on it's an avalanche of bombs explosions and ink and here comes the splashdown for the punctuation mark and ft win will close things out and ashley just the onslaught at the end all the purple ink just filling your screen as ft win was not going to give salonara a chance to have a comeback in this one not at all i mean that was just a wall of purple ink there i mean it's just a wall like you just it's it is so difficult one it's just hard enough to make that push in overtime on tower control making any push in over time is so so difficult and um and man ft1 was just like no no thank you we're just gonna stop you right here like nope then it was and they just did it i mean it flawlessly they executed flawlessly and nine it's really that third checkpoint that you pointed out sayonara couldn't really make any progress on and that was the difference for ft when they're able to push through that checkpoint nearly get the knockout and when you get to that point the action's so fast and so furious what do you have to keep in mind to really try and make those pivotal plays that give you the advantage like we saw ft win claim well something we didn't really talk about you hit on it at the end there jordan suction bombs always a suction bomb three of the members of ft win had suction bombs on their weapons and particularly for bursty who played that support role his job was to put a bomb on the tower at all times so if nothing else you know that nobody is on the tower at that point you decipher where they're attacking from you move in you execute and you get yourself into grand finals for the fifth consecutive tournament ft win getting out the brooms 3-0 they move to the grand finals let's take a look at the updated bracket here kudos to sayonara they put up a couple of great matches but you see why ft win has been the class of north american competitive splatoon up next we'll have our best of five semifinals between starburst and supernova and so a couple of squads here nine that you really like and admire and some exciting changes and a bit of freshness to both these squads here freshness is the best word so i'll go ahead and say it starburst for those of you who watched last time this is honron but with the deck shuffled a bit these are very very strong players you've got ice you've got bran you've got ant and i i think that these are players that are these are players that a lot of people at home are familiar with that they followed this scene a lot of star power i'm really looking forward no pun intended with starburst by the way to see how they match up against another star team supernova hey you can always have puns here tonight we love our puns when it comes this it wouldn't be a splatoon 2 cast if we didn't have our puns here all right ashley it looks like we're going to get set here we're going to have splat zones on humpback pump track once again and you use that great word our word of the day topography of humpback pump track but really it seems like when you are securing the zone and you're trying to keep the other team out this is a difficult map because there's so many different points that you can leave your spawn to get into the field of play it's almost like you have too many bases to cover if you're trying to hold the other team out yeah there's just enough space to where you can't cover everywhere with your team right so there's always a lane that's open there's always some point of entry for your opponent to get in and flank you either from the sides or around uh sort of that inner lower level um and it it is a map one of my favorite things about this map is how fast you can move around it and um and it's it's so fun to see how quickly these teams can traverse one side of the map to the other take out somebody get to another side of the map uh and continue to just dominate so we saw that from ft win in that that very first game and i just love that about humpback pump track it is it is a map where you can move very very quickly and get to where you need to be getting set for our second semifinal here between starburst and supernova and nine we mentioned real quickly here before we get to the action the role of a backliner i want to ask you more about that because we're going to take a quick break right now and get set for a semifinal action but when we return 9 is going to give you some great knowledge about a backliner and humpback pump track you
Channel: Nintendo
Views: 48,661
Rating: 4.8824439 out of 5
Keywords: nintendo, play, play nintendo, game, gameplay, fun, video game, kids, action, adventure, rpg
Id: ZlPAVeJya2k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 59sec (1739 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 13 2020
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