Animal Crossing: New Horizons - Ver. 2.0 Free Update - Nintendo Switch
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Channel: Nintendo
Views: 3,845,007
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Keywords: acnh, acnh 2.0 update, acnh direct, acnh new update, animal crossing, animal crossing new horizons, announcement, available, date, fun, launch, launch trailer, new horizons 2.0, new horizons 2.0 Launch Trailer, new horizons 2.0 game trailer, new horizons 2.0 gameplay, new horizons 2.0 nintendo, new horizons 2.0 nintendo switch, new horizons 2.0 switch gameplay, new horizons 2.0 trailer, nintendo, nintendo switch, nintendo switch trailer, release, switch gameplay, video game
Id: aZ3QC8e1_yg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 57sec (717 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 15 2021
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It has been so long since I dropped off AC:NH that I'm considering restarting my entire island for AC:NH 2.0. Is that crazy?
Froggy chair
note that they said last free major update so thats it then?
I would have been content with Harv's plaza, Gyroids and new villager interactions on its own but they basically crammed a whole new game into one update.
This is way more than I expected, how awesome!
I wish we could have gotten the ability to have another save slot for a new island. I want to start over but I dont want to get rid of current island.
Guess I'll come back. Wish the update was now because Halloween is my favorite holiday.
The only thing I'm missing is a way to restart the game without having to lose your bells, diys, catalogue etc.
This update + the DLC are awesome, but I already flattened my island twice since last year and while the update really inspiries me to do it again, I'm also fucking way I'm going to spend days for a third time just removing items, cliffs, water, moving every building to the beach and so on, nor am I willing to lose all my items and diys to a hard reset.
In any case, the update is still great.