Splatoon 2 World Championship 2019 Finals

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Seeing Splatoon not being hindered by its own netcode always makes it look like a completely different game.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/neogafinanutshell 📅︎︎ Jun 09 2019 🗫︎ replies
it's not unrealistic to think that ft win coming into this final with all of that enthusiasm all of that momentum I mean Keo is fired up and who would it be after performance like that come into that final and get out there and get something done it's not unreasonable well if I remember in Grand Finals last year the GT boys did drop a game so if they drop a game they could drop two they could drop three they could drop the whole set right now ft win has all the momentum they have this entire crowd at their back as well there is so much going for them right now but the GG boys ever steady well what you said about ft went when they're at their best here 9 they're very difficult to beat and - an unbelievable comeback we saw in splat zones by Alliance Rove really ft win almost won that think 3-1 over a very solid European team and that's what they're playing for right there this platoon sterling squid North America won and in 2017 GG boys last year in 2018 there's room on that trophy for a champion this year but GG boy standing in the way of ft win someone's gonna go up to one in the set of sets the tournament of tournaments right here and you know I have to wonder a little bit GG boys winning with such ease that they did winning 3o and then waiting for you know the better part of an hour for that I wonder how this first game's gonna go they might be a little cold yeah rhythm versus rest it's a best-of-seven now so we get even more splatoon to action in our championship match between the GG boys and ft you win we'll be doing ranked modes but as we saw Ashley depending on which ranked mode comes up twice possibly if this does go beyond four games is huge because you could argue that tower control being the fifth game was a big positive for ft win we're gonna start with tower control also and both these teams it looks like it's one of their strongest votes it definitely is but I'm very curious how GG boys is going is going to handle not really having a back liner especially with you know you've got ice back there with that stingray and he is a menace he's an absolute menace so I'm really curious to see how they respond and what their strategy is and 9 you figure we'll see some Yama Michi with the Stingray as well he's done a fine job with really providing backbite support at times with that special comes for well I'm really interested in seeing it they've been running I agree that they don't have a traditional back liner but they've been saying to heck with that we're running two back liners that's what they've done they've done a custom Explorer as well as young amici stingray producing custom Jets well sure so I think that they're trying to control the pace of the map with that double back line composition it can work and it has worked at the highest level it's a control oriented game up against an aggressive pressure based game well this was something the GG boy said earlier this week they understand that the mechanics of the game have changed since last year and where last year they were more aggressive with shorter range weapons they realized the value of longer range weapons so let's get set tower control our first game in finals here between the GG boys of Japan your defending champions taking on MTU when from North America tower control game 1 here 9 we get so excited for this one obviously because anything can happen but one that's gonna provide interesting strategy for this one if will this is a great long-range map and you actually see kyo switching over to the neo the slot of the sloshing machine neo which is not a weapon that we have seen a lot it's got the point sensor for a stuff and a bomb rush they're gonna be using that to pressure the opponent there's a lot of open ground here they're gonna take it real quick with that 1ft win in the green GG boys of Japan in the org early on nobody else getting a smile there's been early slot right there for three advantage DG boys oftentimes athlete how about a couple of nice sweet flats off the tower tight - you write that thing to the first checkpoint dynabar providing some support up above with these squatchers the near token I see that see tray trying to get a splat I see a log that each Jeff fights an aerial support thank goodness they were able to get somebody out in that situation if that stingray found nobody that was going to be what could have potentially been the game right there you see two of them going down now just a little bit disorganized right now they aren't taking taking ones GG boys back on the tower expression once again that first checkpoint all the big one v1 victory for Yama vg9 upon coming in with that fall or providing a little bit more supportive Oh dine upon how to dance the flank of right there put the to be one two three birds that s you went planks for great exactly those are some really big trades there and I think you completely neutralized anything that was happening in that moment for both feeling here nine that empty what is finally stable I probably could have a big knocked on their heel early oh there's a 12-second stingray of course you're gonna get a little taken down to check is actually gotten too big we just ran the bonds that he has tossed out in the general direction that's what zoning can do for you and now it's hard to see you push back the other way for two on the field grams he'd win at that moment it's now for three GG boys now there's an offensive exit up by positioning right there and how about empty weight taken to leave here actually I mean FC one is doing a really great job right don't know though doing the work getting out there he's little bread look c31 and a nice open mic right there by empty winter past the bridge checkpoint and yes GG boys they can't get hit they get knocked back an empty win Berger really push that leaving at the big checkpoint that I it is this is the best that I have ever seen Shaq play he put it from the very bottom and he is pushing up right here you can see shacking killer there as well this is becoming a steamroll right here they only needed one go to take it way down the 13th and the final checkpoint GG boys tried to fend off the final Sportback with the tenth two missiles however GG boys are like hold up a second we the defendant stands for a reason this thing ain't over for four on the map GG boys though they do not have much room for error they are down 71 to 9 with two and a half left but here comes yet another steep right providing support your finger here after this is going to be another nice push by the a little bit early on the Stingray for a chance to like maybe you should have held it a little bit longer well there were so many people that were still up in the middle of the map that I can understand using it just to try to buy yourself a little time in space right now they've been losing their 1d ones they've been getting out of space after what was a pretty shaky opening from FC win yo as he said he's critical what he wants at points in she's gonna help prevent the GG boys playing any height go seek here comes a super dope defensively types in that ink jet applying more pressure and once again boy they have to go through the first 2 checkpoints but this thing is far from over here they are and this is where they've been unable to get by here 9 let's see if Dinah Vaughn hits the reinforcements to help out he will some reinforcements Usama detsen was pushed up in a great spot in Taiji his to check trying to call out the tide is pressuring them and this stingray is going to be the most important part of the game here like I said before this can't find a pick they're already one down no picked right there Tower resets itself at best the middle Yama BPO in the middle of a 2v1 nicely done by ft win they've done for three minutes tower replay by the GG boys that first checkpoint is clear Taiji try to expose down traffic - snicks flight protection moves around his teammate spotting it 3p1 situation unable to escape that and now it's for three on the map it is the pivotal point here the city boys can get back down the tower here right this has been really scary this is similar to additional sports where one team is holding possession for a long time the GG boys have been winning the last minute of this game and he figured it's just a moment before one of these two teams slips and that pic right there - nothing Yama Michi on the tower using the secret it's for two GG boys another secret get out the cookie on the beach he is I this is a secret but once again the GP boys continue to apply pressure there right by the tower there the patient takes care of a trench less than 20 seconds left remain it's four to those GG boys at night they got to make you count right here they do approaching the second checkpoint this might be seem very usual pink armor should allows you to win this one d1 and he does [Applause] they steal the first game of the championship from the GG boys and take a 1o lead Ashley and now GG boys they're having to feel a little pressure in this situation I bet I mean it's like 9 had mentioned that means they sit backstage waiting watching sure and making a strategy but also waiting and and now st wins got some momentum there they are fired up and they're gonna they're gonna come to this next game ready to go the determination the communication the look on the face of ft win they are confident that this is something that they could take the GG boys let's look at a couple of highlights here 9 as you walk us through some of the action so many pivotal points in this match but right now this is where ft win really got their final big score of the game and this is I think the the telling story of the difference in between these two teams we talked earlier about what a double backline composition can do in terms of control but the composition that ft Wynne is running in the way they play they say to heck with your control we're moving up and you have to play perfectly to stop us that is why they were able to push far as they were but I will say some people that I've talked to before this said the tower control may be the worst mode for the GG boys they might be looking at this and you know we actually played pretty well given that let's go ahead and take the next very interesting point here comes the Stingray from ice because you felt like this is the point the GG boys had the advantage they were up 4-2 with the splat on Yama Michi not only stops the tower but turns the tide of momentum on the field and ft went never shaking in their boots here Ashley yeah I mean getting that pick on Yama Michi was a huge deal because you take one of the best stingrays in the game out you also have he's got a weight to respond he's not gonna get back in time and so again it becomes running down the clock let's take a look at our next ranked mode taking place here best of 7 game 1 going to FG win from North America as you said 9 GG boys might not be sweating this loss of tower control they know that they've got some other modes where they might be favored we have rain maker coming up here next and what's interesting is we have to rain makers tower controls this best-of-seven if we go to seven and so Rainmaker what we saw earlier on empty when the more aggressive team that really helped them out but GG boys you talk about aggressive you're gonna find GG boys of the dictionary you will and the fact that this is on humpback pump track as well means that they're gonna be able to attack it in a number of different ways if they opt to stick with this double backline composition there's enough room that you can pester people from regularly safe positions so I'm interested in seeing if they stick with this and if this doesn't work they might need to find a new answer quickly and nine we haven't talked much about the sub abilities that you can use right now is there anything that you're seeing from these teams that might be turning the tide of the map or speaks volumes to their strategy possibly any time you use a Kenza splattershot Pro which is one of the most popular weapons kyo has been using it we saw killer using it earlier as well you're gonna want to stack that main power up that can turn that thing into a three spear from a three shot splat into a two shot splat such an important aspect to keep in mind right there but Ashley humpback pump track 9 made a good point there's really no place to hide in this map as well - there's so many different ways that you can be attacked and so aggression aggression aggression that they did set let's get ready for game 2 here after you win with a 1o read in our Bibles GG boys try to even this thing up we've gotten Rainmaker GG boys of Japan in the purple and what do we see here such a reaction here 9 double custom Jets whoa it's actually almost never pressure they say ice you know you have a stingray we're gonna throw to Incheon buddy empty win with an early leaders a Rainmaker but not much going on there because this is not back pumptrack anything can happen for the most part to be was a peak storm ready to go try to provide some saturation on this map at this point for for neither team to bandage on the map right now fighting for mid a stingray coming out once again is TD backpedals and Ashley once again the stingrays do you so much pulling the map on this day good and so precise with that stingray that dynamos really didn't stand a chance there you're gonna hear that stingrays creeping your dreams right now Yama he's taking out logo in the middle of the to be one get splattered right there and that's a 4-3 advantage great Baker at 42 and the supply GG boys once again Pat nine MIDI 221 how does that bear on this back I mean I think this makes the job so easy a shot gets round per you might be able to win the game right here each time an 1100 everything what I was about to say multiplied it by a little bit and it's still the same here this a very passive composition that the GG boys are running what they're trying to do is be able to target Isis tigre and then still have another one to play with the long narrow path of every has to travel it's interesting that the GG boys are adapting to the MT win strategy meanwhile at Wayne is just doing what works best for them as well - and you see it's working well but the Beach Boys finally on the map right here Rainmaker stuck at the bottom of that ramps at this point I screwed a nice table with negating that ste gray ready to go there's a look at your map 3-3 on the field three minutes left boys have plenty of time but now it's win athletes we've got the lead to start to think about playing competitive yeah I mean it at this point that's what you want to do you've got two players one to focus on taking out ice and the other one gets focused on taking out three other players at night we saw the potential business partners decoy strategies really disrupt the Stingray and the camping ability of ft with icy get a nice little pick on that impetus ball to you and this is finally win this crab if you might pay off a little bit we saw that they immediately went with the doublespeak ray and that's actually to be able to get a couple here so they're going to get a chance to push if Taiji wins the one he won and he's not able to they might have been able to push up a little more but you look at their composition they just don't have that many aggressive weapons their relies very heavily on steam it's such a good point they need the specials and long-range order to get there splashing 4x you win they love the aggression they will get up in your face and challenging that Rainmaker doodies got an escort in a little bit of room to go down the beach driving the gate things here comes yet another stingray able to survive that Steve Morris stingray war and here comes ft win they've got the rain bankers have got the sizable lead now they just have to be a little bit patient hearing GG boys wants to get on their heels hair night well I can't say enough how nice it is the reason that I seems to always be winning means Rainmaker these state races because he can be reactionary and speaking of reactionary the drought reaching a fever pitch as to the oval yes it there bill back to 11 but again the pressure that they are able to exert and the fact that ice can wait when the Stingray to come out and respond to it thanks to his always steam rang from an advantage yah amici with the Stingray 1:18 Lex the GG boys running out of time they certainly want to avoid it - oh ho here it comes tight deep using that 8 jet for bit of advantage but Jeff mini through the defenses and stopping the rain banks are in is trapped a minute left aw oh nice little one shot as well there greet you on the field you've got to be careful if you're FC win here s enough to think that hits up this link to this wad everything and that was 2 1 how about empty when trying to hold their water at this point here Ashley I mean F - but it's gonna have to work really hard right now to be able to hold this there GG boys are really doing a great job at that it was a great pick excellent kick right there now as we've reset you a little bit they can take a chance they could breathe them 1v1 to the to be once ft win really riding goes to this lead at this point rainmakers still the territory of ft way the GG boys you got less than 30 seconds left you have to make down to Z getting the splat starting the booth warmer here at this point 20 seconds left great Baker up for grabs at this point for two on the bap ft wind they could close this out they'll take once again nine you said when this team is playing it their best it is hard to stop not even the defending champs hand right now both games have started the same waves in a matter of getting an early lead and then continuing to protect it and play defense it's so much easier to play defense and again I think the most important moment there when the GG boys were in come in and looked like they might get a pick I stove down and traded his squid for two of theirs the fact that he was able to get two with one jump I think is what stopped that push in its tracks huge huge pick and honestly like I think you mentioned the double stingray is almost a really conservative approach that you can take during Rainmaker and it felt like if you're gonna take that approach you cannot get splatted because if if you're being conservative with an aggressive team like ft win they get it they get one pick on one Stingray it's off to the races and it's such a good point 9 because you were talking about the composition you saw the GG boys at the beginning and this is a team that's known to be aggressive well going with some rather passive weapons here do you think if you're the GG boys you maybe change your strategy and go back to your old much more hyper aggressive ways I don't know if hyper aggressive is the way I'd go but I do think that I don't think the double backline is going to work for them right now this has become a battle of trying to control that which cannot be controlled and the other thing that we really need to just look at there a control oriented composition that is trying to play from behind and that is not where that type of composition can be seen - oh it Vantage ft win let's take a look at our next ranked mode coming up here we've already seen some tower control some rain maker clam blitz coming up here at 9 is go ahead and gaze into the future of this one what are we gonna see from clam blitz on this next map this is snapper canal which is a very open there's a lot of room you can move on the left end to the right side which means that the weapons that can paint better in the more mobile composition tends to win and that's after you win right now they're the more aggressive composition they're the ones that's gonna be able to build up the clams at a quicker pace what's amazing to me Ashley is that ft win was staring a 2-1 deficit in the face and best-of-five they had just been upset on splat zones at the last second how about their resolve they've won four straight games now I mean this is we it's not like we've seen it's not like we haven't seen comebacks like this during this this has been a crazy world championship and the path to it have been full of crazy upsets I mean we watched Australia New Zealand watch lime soda come back from that Oh for deficit I mean they're unstoppable right now after you win this platoon Stirling squid just two games away from ft win however the GG boys you want to talk about a team that won't quit that's then but nine as you said between the stage and game-mode this might play to the hands of ft win they're gonna be in the blue beam wild GG boys of Japan in the green and it's all about managing that clam economy on the map of what we've seen is a very determined confident resolved empty win team and a little bit of a couple of changes in their lineup here yeah we're seeing a tuna go ahead and switch back over to be umbrella and on the other side this is a ballpoint splatling that is coming out of ice who has had the tournament of his life so far and he's gonna try to rotate back here it is a little bit more mobile of a back Lantern here so the focus on mobility on the other side though the GG boys saying now this is a bigger map now we can control it a little more and finally we don't have an objective that you can push a couple of Squiggy kids coming out as well to allow them to witness navigate this map as well simply to see the tenth Agrella providing a lot of protection right they're already powered play up is to the goal here for the basket GG boys first one on the map here comes the baller let's see if they can add anything else with their score but that's gonna help more than anything else the TT boys finally taking the early lead in the game oh here nine they do but the fact that they just gave ft win what we call the pity clam right there when your baskets were closes after you score after the opponent scores you get the chance to get a free clam and right now see I'm gonna meet you just trying to get rid of ice there and with it that pity clam I don't know what the one school Billy does a lot for them in this situation dynam on also utilizing a squid beacon to advance behind the defenses of empty went he's got a power clam ready to go but you know you can't hide with that everyone knows where you're at more clams being drop down to the field here and you see a coward man for each team ah a husband would with the baller but DynaVox escape that Oh but empty you went getting the critical splat or three on the map for them and they have a power plant they do and Shack getting another pick right here he's going to just try to distract anyone who has that higher ground gonna come get what could have been an easy pick on Netaji that's going to be the lead and it might be a lot more if they don't play this well FC win three point lead over the GG boys to get that one extra clam and that is huge because you look at the penalty yet empty window they've got the lead it's going to take one power plant though the heat boys that come back not bad right there not too much damage on that side and still up for grabs either team and you mentioned the use of the squid it's helping teams move around here but athletes controlling the middle of this basket he's so important right now and neither team has really been confident there it really is in you're right they have neither team has really been dominant controlling the center of the map I think really at this point the Fiji boys are just trying to slow down the pace of the game because he witnessed go so out there for blood GG boys they get a power clamp into the basket they now have a ten-point lead trying to get some more reinforcements there to spill some more clamp they do that timer continues xmm has to keep within reach and yes you boys right here nine applying some nice pressure doing that basket patting that loon well I love the fact that SNL opted to loop back there and say I'm gonna continue to hold on to this spot with my um relevant you can't do much about I will keep this up here we can score and keep the basket open a little longer if we need to otherwise we'll take a point forty three seventy seven and that's huge because ft wins going to need at least three power plans to match the score of Gd boy these two power clamps had been some help and we know how good people to fitness score in this game so far but we see to power clamping on the map here a twin with a chance to make a push your athlete yeah ft when taking out a kona who is probably the closest to a special with the exception of yellow amici but once you do that now he's got a respond his special meter is gone way down and he's really back at square one Shaq gets a critical flat which big baller gets the power plant get you to the bathroom and here's the window of opportunity for MT winch can they get some help and get some more points here here comes n another power slam super jumping in but how about Diana believe that big-time splatted perfect fault his Shack might be able to get a lead here no he was not able to collect a clam Judy's gonna add at the very last second they sneak in a couple forklift and they take the lead with a minute left and that it'll be is huge because nine it's going to take a power klamath Ned something for the GG boys to replay the lead we come up to a minute left young amici's position here is important this is where their composition will shine they're going to be able to at least keep FT win pin back or at least like thought so before she back ran face-first into a 1 B 2 and still got a fake out of it stop amici a huge pick right there for three on the map FC win they've got to hold on to a one-point lead Gigi boys that need a couple of power plants in order to recapture the lead here 30 seconds left that's big boys ready to go just like we saw in the semi-finals okay overtime come from behind victory die the ability they had to power flames there they split them up on both sides of the map there wasn't a way for all of the members of ft wind to contribute to stopping one push we were focused on the push on the right but the push on the left broke through Ashley your thoughts well my thoughts are that this baby and me is freaking out right now freaked out that was crazy I can't believe we just saw that that was so amazing I mean these last second snatched from the jaws of defeat victories aren't always my favorite thing to see I just shook nine probably harder than I've ever shaken human being in my life that was incredible and a true testament to just how good GG boys are and how they will fight until the last possible second let's take a look at a replay from that exhilarating match that we saw there and 9 go ahead and walk us through what we saw to split up our clams here well I think that ETSU nough got the pick there on the splashdown in midair it was either that or Yama Michi but that allowed them to move up you see that everyone else had rotated over to stop this push and they were able to sneak back up there's actually not even much resistance on that side Shaq tries to go in but you're not going to be able to take down a Brella by yourself Yama Michi with the power clam filling in a couple of clams and ashley we can't emphasize how big that victory was GG boys if you don't make that play at the end of the match you're down 300 you now have to sweep ft win to try and reclaim the championship again but because you get that victory it's to one and you're back of the game oh yeah I mean this is a great way for them to reclaim momentum to get a little confidence rolling into the next mode which is gonna be really fun to watch I think this is gonna really this might be a very pivotal game in our tournament and I think that one of the other things that's most important about getting that win is flat zones it's Japan's best mode they invented the game of splat zones that we have tried to emulate as best we can so they might take both of these and flip it right back to three - let's see where the rest of our destinations are in this best-of-seven finals it's 2-1 favor of ft win of North America the GG boys with an unbelievable come-from-behind victory we see that splat zones is next it's also back-to-back here nine so here's a chance for the gg boys if you say that they are as good at TAC the splat zones as we think they are here's a chance for them to go up potentially 3-2 going into our final modes and so you've talked about the competition level Ashley we're experiencing it right here these teams are so well balanced they are so well balanced they are so common core pressure and I that is that is really to me what separates the highest tier players I mean they don't get tilted they don't get salty I mean they're just like know what that's right I just I got this I'm one of the best in the world no problem going back to splat zones the conversation we had with the GT boys earlier in the week where they feel like they're not going to push aggressively out of the zone they want to defend it once they happen what will that look like 9 well especially on goby arena which is where we're headed now this is a map where I almost feel like you have to be willing to push up a little bit you can see here you talk about undulation this has the most of any map I think the long-range composition that they have might tilted in their favor lace up your JS and let's play some hoops that go be arena as we get set here you've got the TG boys in green empty wind from North America in the purple it's to one advantage ft wind but the GG boys are loving the side of white zones and sequel's don't splash don't map and taking a look at the composition as you see it FC wind playing right here they're learning doubles bomb rush which is not something that you see they know that they're going to get sold out by all the range they're saying let's put bombs up there you can't shoot those down early lead for the GG boys they're already up 25 as they control the zone and you don't see a single FT win member in this screen whatsoever so the GG boys not messing around is flat zones right now and I've got to be careful that's a fun technical area point since they're coming out now amici's gonna scurry away as bad tensa missile gets the boy to ice once again using the secret but a couple of specials dive in they're not able to claim his own point yet no they finally do get it but they're only one down here Taiji I thought maybe should have run out a little bit further he saw the young mean she had respawn in that situation and does punish ice for a bit of overextension still a lot of game left to play and Ashley we talked about the lockout payments so of course yeah I mean if they have that penalty face it go ahead and lock them out don't let them apply in a puddle seats of them they're going to be in a very very good position Oh huge reclamation of the flat zone by the boys that applies a five-second penalty to F to twin reach you on the map advantage you're defending champion tonight and that's the big thing right there the fact that they got into advantage means they're gonna be able to push all the way up till wisely running back here just making sure that no one's coming around the flank he has a farm rushing those they're about to have all four specials up they should be able to take this about too much trouble that's a very good point you see the flashing tinkling icons at the top for specials ready to eat the boy 5ft win a feed while in their town they can't afford to advantage em to quit at this point and they take control of the splash zone after the GP boys prove their lead ever so slightly three minutes like ft wind trying to lock out the TV boys they've got a advantage couple of bubbles coming out GG boys they take the zone 2:30 left 20 of time left Bolton the hefty penalty as well - oh it's Shakti tens of missiles and the GG boys they are really stepping up the stage they are this is why the long range composition works on a map like this you notice they're able to continue painting the zone without putting themselves in danger that's why FC one is oxygen so we can double our brush composition because they know that's the case can't do it and the GG boys after staring a 3o different in the face have now won back-to-back game to tie this big up into two we're at least giving a game six here nine we are in thank goodness for that I was a little worried there at the start that I was gonna have to break out the broom that will not be the case but if you are after you win you can say alright that was the worst possible draw we could have gotten that was a map that favored their composition on a mode that they are supposed to be best at I don't think they're losing too much sleep over that one and you're right ft win they put up quite a fight during that match even though the GG boys seem to always control the zone and Ashley mentality wise you were up - oh you lose another close game you feel like you should have won if your ft you win now it's 2-2 and you're going back to splat zones once again what's your approach well the nice thing is 4ft win is that they have just played a game mode they're gonna play again so they really understand what the strategy is for the gg boys so they can say okay let's regroup let's figure out how we can let's figure out how we can shake up the strategy a little bit and also take back a little bit of that momentum as we said splat zones coming up next but also a different map which might favor a different composition here 9 and what are we going to see in our second go-around there splat zones in this finals muscle Forge fitness and this is a very scary map to play it on here there the big side some people call it the volcano that you can come up and it's a big big zone as well I think we're gonna see some bombers perhaps from both teams but double baller keep an eye out for that that can flip the zone in a heartbeat I know you busted out some curls that muscle Forge Fitness earlier this morning so it's looking great right there my friend and Ashley the GG boys they have to be feeling very confident now because you were down - whoa you've taken the last two it's your game mode that you really love to see I mean this is a really this is really in their favor and so it will be very difficult for ft when to come out and win this one especially if especially if GG boys can come out and really take that lead early I think they have an excellent chance of holding that lead at night you look at the composition for the gg boys and we saw for the first couple of modes they were moreso reacting to what ft win was it seems like the last two games they've just decided we're gonna do what works best for us right and I think that the the mode changing into modes that they're more comfortable and allowed them to play that game and I think that the fact that they lost those first two games and now get to go through three potential wins before they have to see either of those again gives them plenty of time to figure out what they want to do this is a huge swing game right here to 2ft win versus the GG boys whoever takes this will be just one win away from the championship and this platoon sterling squid muscle boards Fitness you've got empty wint representing North America the yellow and of course the GG boys of Japan in the blue loadouts 9 what we got here well I was wrong there's not going to be a double bother in fact there's only gonna be one baller on the map again these teams are going with some more indirect ways to capture the zone a lot of respect for each other right now to l3s as well true through the GG boys nobody's got the zone right now the GG boys finally secured it let's see you think of 18 and provide a little bit of a lock out there up 4-2 already actually but empty will having to spawn back yeah I mean watching ice jump away there that was probably a really good idea because it wasn't looking too good for them so they're gonna have to beat have to regroup young amici already out there 8:10 steamed bread ready to go and other specials for the Chiefs boys who dine to do a great job of stacking their special early on they are and they're willing to trade as many people as it takes to built this big league because we have seen how easy it is to flip my zone back and as long as you're in the lead you're ok with flipping it back and forth because we know the penalty continue the stack that's such a good point you can take the biggest tight bite of the pie early on and you don't have that penalty so right now every win trying to lock out key keyboard key boy track a repla back control you see the nice little 1v1 spot right there Jack getting spotted as well - boy yo saying I'm just gonna take down whoever I can here it's not like I was gonna get much done anyway so I like that and I like the fact that they are continuing to fight and that's actually a great way to continue to get your team spawned again I love this overhead view you see that they're trying to build as much special meter as they can with very limited room to do it and they have the time to do it because the penalties going down right now for TV boys are not improving on this floor and she went also with a very small penalty they can afford to be a little bit more patient but the secret for job amici's once again applying that pressure and now that's 18 points about 30 seconds away here ask me for making it 3-2 yeah GG boys right there Yamaguchi pick me on a huge deal because they had fp1 has three different specials going on lunches so to be able to take one of those off the board is a really really big advantage particularly alright empty Witte has got control up the zone their penalties done now you see a sizable one for the Jeep's boys Eddie win and thir go to dig down deep and find something to apply some pressure against the GG boys now's the time to do it for the CG boys 9 so Paul so cool so collected timing the use of their special so well light and I think that going in really deep with this eat jet here might come back to bite side you're gonna try to hide away and actually gets to take on the kill that's a big one fine taking that trade to ice they're the frontline aggressor is gone and now they have a stingray that they can use to pick off ice a little bit slower of a weapon to kill webs you see that heavy splatling trying to cover the zone with the Stingray from Fiamma B she continues to just dominate this matchup GG boys all bones out of the penalty they reclaim it they've got a couple of bubbles supporting things in there as well too and now well in seconds away peeps boy trying to lock it out here comes kill with a well-timed splashdown though an empty win seize control and apply a penalty they do they're still in there actually let's see if they can turn back to come back on the team - dude pics right there that is going to give them a very very nice cushion in which to pick up the points here a couple of specimens beat built up for the TT boys they're gonna be ready to play some defense FC win nine figures this is the time they have to lock out GP boys if they want to come back they haven't watched the staggers if the special appear right now they've already used two of them the third one is going to go they're going to try to make it feel like specials are coming all the time one goes down to one jumped out that's as good as to town let's make it as well as pig head another one they're a little bit of a little bit of a hiding squid there in the corner but I can they're okay making that trade because with just one minute left they know that they only have to do it maybe one more time and that's such a good point they have control of his own and the timer is ticking down down to FC when you're up in the face against the stinking clock here you've got to be able to seize control of this though in here soon but the GG boy couple specimens ready to go there's is five seconds away can empty win claim in the zone they do earlier in this match they did it with no specials they did that without a single special tie cheese right there was not used it all in that push I cannot believe it to see a push a 405 at the end of the game when the opponent knows we just have to hold it for a handful of seconds and to get it without needing a single special might be the best look at this but from Taiji I mean this is amazing he gets in there he all gets taken out at ona right there giving that support that's needed and they are able to take that right back oh my gosh the to be one as you said no specials required - special ability from these players the GG boys almost losing a splat zone which would have been a huge steal of a game by ft win you look at what this team is able to do GG boys now winning three straight games they're one away from repeating as champions but Ashley it's the two game modes coming up here that empty win has already won they hug right they've already won these two game modes I mean they're coming in they can say we can come in confident here and as we've talked about even if they win this you know if they win this tower control might be theirs because as you were saying 9gg boys that might be their worst vote it might be but they could not have asked for a better Rainmaker map this is kelp dome Rainmaker right here a fairly infamous map in the splatoon community but it is also the easiest map to defend they're gonna be able to stack two stingrays three stingrays if you want there's only one way the Rainmaker is gonna push but you have to have the lead in order to defend what we've seen from ft win is their ability to take early leads but in these last three victories it's been the GG boys that have gone out first if you're ft went how important is it for you and this one to take the early lead and take away the defensive advantage for the gg boys I think it's a requirement I think that if they have to play from behind that will play exactly into out the GG boys want to play if the GG boys get an early lead I don't think ft win can break through GG boys just want game away from itching their names onto the splatoon Stirling squid once again however ft win they won Rainmaker earlier in this best-of-seven they want to take game 6 and give all of us a game seven here the crowds been fantastic I know that this is what they've been looking forward to at least a game 6 year between through the top squad in the world here Ashley any pressure on any one of these teams at this point when you look at it game six here between these two I mean this is this almost feels like the real pivotal I mean this is this is it for me like it whoever wins this is gonna come into that game seven if we need a game sevens gonna come into that game so I'm like really raring to go and what's been interesting nine is how much of the time these teams have been using there's so much strategy and counter strategy going back and forth once again Ft win was just moments away from taking a 300 lead but a come-from-behind last-second overtime victory and clam blitz by the GG boys spurred a 301 by them they're now just won games the teams have seen these maps out of time I think they're taking the time to Brett the heck think it is not without merit as we start off game six here we go Game six raid me kelp dome GG boys of Japan in the purple one game away from blaming the championship FC win and the green they're looking to push this thing with Game seven and early on what we see in here Ashley as you see both teams kind of fight for control the middle of that yeah you're gonna let me get a couple of pics before you pick up that Rainmaker tonight's trade right there great support and we talked about Freddie get the early lead and not able to do anything with the Rainmaker there right now dying and what the GT boys may have players the fact that Shaq was only able to get one of those who I think was huge and again saving the punishment there and forcing ice to head back to spawn but he was sitting there ready to punish his big ck off the side hopefully know he's here he might be able to slow this down they spot him off just in time we're gonna get a chance for a push right here GG boys we talked about that early leave how important it is for them they're not on the board quite yet but here they go they finally are able to able to get into the half of empty twin so GG boys that sports early lead now we might store that defense tonight well third is 67 you're gonna see a lot of stops right in that area you see that door right there as you see the fact that there is not much move that is the key moment the fact that Shaq was able to get involved means that any push that was started with the gone and completely gone we're gonna see ice try to do the same thing on the other side big opportunity to take the lead for empty win here you want to take away that defensive off for soudanese towards a geeky boy yo try to get some pressure and chase some S&M head to the front of Boyd on the flats and all the lead is taken by empty winning you message that is the type quarter you're trying to get into and Ashley empty when doing what they wanted to get clearly leave dynamite sitting waiting is lurking he's lurking around the corner idea the e-jet for three on the tube right now each boys that they are down to empty win fifty nine sixty seven they can't rely on plate keep it because rains weapons but a splash down picked off in midair will do huge thing for the beauty boy that's the gamble in this level splat Jenny but it used to be and I love the fact that they immediately opted to move up and try to put pressure on TV they know that somebody's been waiting in this area they're trying to get them preemptively and to be able to get off as special as maybe even a pig the fact that his specialist there though might be big for the defense empty wind looking for one more game the force a game seven down for three on the map right now and we need to seal the lead but once again that degrade by Isis been the safest rate Gwyneth I mean ice is going to be there waiting for that corridor you can swear you hold that Java BT providing the see grant supports are able to bow down empty win like a Saturday morning launch 3-2 off the maps for a moment here but now in 4/4 and if your empty waitress gotta give the reins a crowd and your GP boy threw just 30 points away from planting another championship everybody business room right now nine all when Jill getting stuck there I don't know if it'll come back to fight them because Tendo by himself that will be the end of that push but again to be able to get it to 30 that starts to get into the danger zone over 50 90 seconds left there's not much time to deat ride to go through the back door however gets flatted that's a difficult spot for the Rainmaker the land because now if you're too late you gotta take it out of there if you're the GG boys give a bit and a half of defense left in here knows ice by himself it's gonna need a little bit more support at least you have the rain they drop their back docket survive that onslaught first bump Ashley GG boys all they've got to do is hold down home bases they do it Yamaguchi already has his street cred he's so it looks like he's gonna go ahead one minute left the GG boys of 32:59 they have the Rainmaker each storm coming out ten two missiles to see the globe over you empty wind down for two on the map dude swing right here night it was that steamer I got a pic and then eczema came we got a second one this means they're going to control the middle going in to this final push they might up this CQ and shoot as many shots as they can they just want to milk the clock that's such a good point you talk about the tight corner of an empty win biggest weapon it's too soon and some stingrays support from heist you're gonna have time for about one more push here 9ft win trying to keep their tournament host alive be one GG boys just focus away from yet another championship it is and again they're going to try to probably let this preset a dynamo I'm going to do whatever he can to just no more time use that special Billy early and even got the big tide he's gonna grab there 12 seconds left three one on the field GG boy they can smell victory they want to be repeat champions they just have to protect the Rainmaker empty wind trying to turn things around the GG boys get it done in half a stack derry-o three has a face the defending champion rise from the ashes like a phoenix and go for oh in a row and the GG boys of Japan your split two to four champions for 2019 if you want any example of why maps can change everything in splatoon - that was the best Rainmaker map with the GG boys gonna poke for once they got that first big push that was opened up by a stingray a pink here a pic there all they had to do was get there and that's why I got that Ashley how crazy was this ft win when they renowned who wanted to semifinals they win four straight matches to take a 200 lead in the finals the GG boys as we mentioned that last-second victory they went four straight here they are in the middle they are victorious give it up for the gg boys your splatoon to borrow championship 2019 winner [Applause] it just install from this team they are now back-to-back champion gonna see their name twice on this Mattoon sterling squid this is an unbelievable effort they dug himself back because I feel like that was a true team effort although well it's so difficult in this love of mine and I think you said it better than anybody else this is one of the most balanced Championships that we would ever have you saw a best-of-five go to five games between Team USA team Europe and then finally you go to Game six with the GG boys as they are victorious and they are your splatoon two World Championship 2019 winners here to honor and celebrate our champions here put your hands together to mister [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so as mr. Nogami passes out the medals to our defending champions we do want to give a round of applause to all of our teams here tourist time soda from Australia New Zealand Alliance bro from Europe and how about the fight that empty win put up for North America almost took the 3o lead with the GG boys once again proving why they're champions is proving why they're so hard to splat back-to-back World Championships for the GT boys and now let's talk down to mr. togami for some comments if we show us that he's easy billing the boys let me know I need him in the tolls a bus token group congratulations to the GG boys on their second win in a row yeah baby dick a Memorial Day yes you must Aikido company cut the yoke up about the way was so I was pretty nervous myself watching your play backstage but I'm happy to be standing here giving you these congratulations I know you won't see me he stood up then I just get a couple demos and thank you everybody here in the stadium for getting so loud for this this competition they know that outs they stay for the dirty mess and there's something I would like to share with you domestic a dome or a toast right it's not needed since Danielle Selenia asset a neuroscientist aside I know before Christmas so we previously announced that splatfest would be supported for two years from splatoon two's launch next month on July 21st platoon two marks its second anniversary and to coincide with that we'd like to hold the last the biggest and baddest splatfest of them all look lovely please take a look at this video [Music] [Music] hi a compiler is know that you are don't you like that you know confirm we have to be honest so the theme for this final splatfest is which world would you choose chaos or order kakuni stupid obesity long time ago and to dismiss this final splatfest will not only feature a new shifty station stage but the shifty stations from all previous flat fest will also make an appearance mop white not to piss me off if it talk of it's not yeah well I you see the side of us and will also be distributing some unique new gear for this flat face twice Itokawa and you things you kill nation you got to do how to knit to cut out and you do it since no not an easy calm this event will take place over the course of 72 hours from the 18th of July to the 21st you know follow up cut back to nothing I need aa science to get things super funny see something simplify and so I ask you all what sort of a world would you wish for the Inklings and their friends make sure not to miss out on this final splatfest splat taka lips so stereocilia 100 cigars macaroni cause in the Abidjan go 1005 since they prevent much distill the kidney now very popular pieces of Snickers mas and last but not least once the final splatfest comes to a close in late July will be releasing the version 5.0 update that will add the turf war splatfest to the modes you can choose in private battle [Applause] [Music] to win each you you'll not miss a little bit naughty months in this mode players will be able to battle out to perform matches on all 24 shifty station stages including the new stage released for the final splatfest key focus on stage more follow who hit on animus one that starts not there but I Vietnam before ties I stick the site you'll be also be able to never to play the nighttime version of these 23 currently available regular stages in this mode so get together with your friends and host some private splatfest of your very own they do not look like psycho what they look like oh I guess I know plenty must be classified as we mentioned previously this represents the last of our regular splatfest events and new content updates but this will not spell the end of splatoon 2's online service we hope you'll give it your all in the final splatfest and continue to enjoy splatoon - I what that's that cut out sliced angle by doing no it's not you thoughts emotions tactical aside so let's please cheer on our winners for today GD boys well once again our champions the GG boys the baby champions and how about that bit of news that we get dropped on us as well too splat ah clips coming here the final splatfest guys who thought for the championship once again man what a great championship series I mean that's the type of series you always want to see especially in splatoon these are two great teams it was a joy to watch and I think any time you have a tournament that is this good that ends like this with this level of competition you can't help people the game has so much room to grow and continue to surprise us shout out to all of our teams thank you once again Ashley nine B'Elanna as well as fantastic fans but Jude says we have the super smash brothers ultimate world champion this tells the cheesy bring you that action we'll see here shortly [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Nintendo
Views: 2,060,478
Rating: 4.868681 out of 5
Keywords: nintendo, play, play nintendo, game, gameplay, fun, video game, kids, action, adventure, rpg, Nintendo Switch, Splatoon 2, Splatoon 2 World Championship 2019, Splatoon championship, Splatoon 2 Tournament, FTWin, GGboyz, tower control, Nintendo esports, Splatoon 2 Finals, Shak, [K] yo, 2-D, ice, Japan, US, US vs Japan, Etona, Dynamon, Yamamic, Taiji, FTWin vs GGBoyz, gaming tournament, Splatfest, Splatocalypse, Splatoon 2 Final Fest
Id: d6d2Owu9ixE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 41sec (3461 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 08 2019
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