2017 Splatoon 2 World Inkling Invitational - Grand Finals: Japan vs USA - Nintendo E3 2017

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👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/General_Resza 📅︎︎ Jun 14 2017 🗫︎ replies
[Applause] I'm excited welcome back to the 2017 Schley toon world inkling invitational attune to we're down to our final two teams deadbeat representing USA and dynam you representing Japan what are they battling for we have got the award right next to us we'd love to introduce the splatoon sterling squid over 30 pounds of bragging rights to the victorious team these two teams will face off and not a best of three not a best of five but a best of seven and they get set so it's going to be the first team to win four matches and let's show you the order of these matches and how we will approach them as these teams get set to square off and we've already seen both teams very impressive and elimination mode Dinah Mew has been flawless so far so as you look at this Ashley and here's how here's how it goes splat zones in game one tower control game two turf war game three Rainmaker game four and if necessary we go back to game tower control turf war and Rainmaker so Ashley both these teams on this stage what do you think is going through the mind of these players I mean I think that really right now they are so locked in that does nothing nothing's different than just playing a game any other time I mean they play at such a high level I think it really is it's almost like a muscle memory you you sit down you're ready to play you're locked in you say okay I know what I did the last few matches I know how I can adjust they've been watching each other play this afternoon so I think there's definitely some some opportunity for some strategies counter stretch right these teams are as you said completely in the zone I mean I know that when I play to a tune you know I'm I'm not thinking about anything else people can be talking to me I'm like what you know because I I don't hear anything I don't see anything except again well what we were discussing with Dyna Mew before we started and we've seen evidence at this point as we get started with our first match in the grand finals in the 2017 splatoon two world inkling Invitational dynam you representing Japan taking on debt beef representing North America dead beef has found their stride recently dynam you dominance since the beginning let's get started on inkblot art academy in orange for dead bees they're going to go with the heavy splatling to slider shot and a flasher meanwhile for Dinah viewing the turquoise you've got a slider shot bro it's lobstering a charger and a roller early access nine of you getting out to the middle of flash go but deadly has a stamp it goes back forth early on Emily I think we're going to beat dynamo and shut up for that hot area it's really kind of establishing itself up hot but gets planted with a smell critical flash language because your thought died of you try to time up the heat storm with dynamite climbed to the top hot spot Oh getting the flat right now trying to push back deadbeat right now you've got nine of you in the middle of that flat filled with an 83 100 advantage three three on the field yeah ah Sbarro's trying really hard to get some ink on the ground they're trying to try to take that flat zone I think that's big giant chunk of orange is the last thing keeping them from taking it over and I mean honestly they lost control but can they hold went if you're going to go ahead and seize control and they get a whole bucket of orange pink in the middle to slide zone 86 61 30 seconds penalty for a dinamica now listen you're dead cooked post back down to you for three on the field vessel ready to go for power and that Heming classic whenever he turns of to do so here comes competitive missiles with try keep dynasty at bay no success there however that bees going to take the early autumn Laura tomogram 40 left for 4 on the field but you see if three specials ready for doctor view as they get victims make that each storm in the middle of the know yeah that was the way for them to sort of push forward because for a while there I mean they were doing over I mean that'd be between a really good job keeping guns out from that point 61 39 and nine of you has control of the splat zone as they start to get that timer to take down that penalty is now down to the 15 seconds or three advantage on the field for dodging as we see Tim trying to go this ink proof ramp is going to slow him down a little bit trying to flank on dynamized item I'm going to make it rain though by flicking that dynamo roller and using that horizontal and vertical flakes I mean that brutal and we really just use event to its maximum effect them however dead be with the lead 39:57 however no penalty for nine of you as that timer starts the six really close to a tie here 46:39 it's going to be died of you that's going to try and take the lead and less said we can do something and that's really all just at the last that being able to get it deadbeat trying to seize control 39:38 that be thrilled item you thirty five second penalty control in the middle right now for dead Jews then three one on the field for deadbeat here goes wait going to the top of the tower thread to keep down if you have AF yeah you can see he's flashing that area next to the proof ramp and he's just trying to keep out dynam you say hey guys like you're going to have to not only get through here but you have now paint you got to get that round and despot goes and takes the lead but they only get it by one point inside of you now facing a 40 second pillar but then deadbeats gonna these controls is flat don't try to keep down if you have a hexagon the drop down meanwhile there comes wit with that flosser and you got pink swamp star happy that's trying to cover the area right there it's flat zone still up for grabs this point points for 38 advantage deadbeat still without me what splash sizes Wow black right there that is huge as it's now for two on the field dinosaur gonna seize control of the flat zone sitting on top of that challenge however they have a fifth 28 seconds hills to overcome here comes with tens of missiles and territory in the middle that's flat still going to be breezy by be frantic back that we have you're absolutely yeah absolutely an octave ro absolutely just going bananas right now inking sledding getting all over the place he's all over the shop is incredible to watch him play and you know what he's not panicking that's exactly how he's flying all the people I borrow normally have 20 flat per match down an individual effort to turn the time 38:22 however just four seconds left in that penalty or dodges slightly for deadbeats however died in keeping that timer going down 22:28 not if you're trying to recently however great deep inside entities are able to retake the middle they're going to cut down into the penalty 47 seconds left forty seconds penalty for dining you meanwhile your deadbeat you're just happy to replace them defense and keep dine abuse out of the zone dr. bono take advantage of that one-on-one but here comes with blacks down I did it by power with the splashdown thirty seconds left twenty to twenty five and we'll be going down for deadbeats and you've got died of you trying to data start with the specials by deadbeat really helping out right now yeah yeah absolutely they have got to take control I done you've got to take control back there thank you they're going to women 25:22 Dino mill though with the forty second penalty can they retake control of the slide zone ten seconds left this might be headed into overtime we'll see it's still up for grabs Mercy Mercy is control and now guys you in control with 34 seconds left we're going to certainly go to overtime here now deadbeat should take control up and flat zone it's going to be over they'll get the victory 20 seconds left Dinah's you ladies are a lot receive attention Sylvain lost control to deficit Detroit damage me going to do a five job overtime work in control of the flat zone and we saw the special well-timed use of those resent me here absolutely so so good so well coordinated I mean they are obviously communicating to for a while making sure that they're launching everything they need to launch right when it needs to go what a match I mean that was back and forth all the way down to the end I'm exhausted from the Prescott more we got more not more absolutely so you saw dynam you get out to the early lead and they really tried to time that Inc storm along with Dinah Mont hopping on top of the tower but dead be doing a fine job of making sure they never really seize control that top of that tower Ashley yeah I mean you saw a lot of birth mom a lot of sprinklers going up there just just keeping anybody from getting up there really establishing any kind of advantage for a particular amount of time let's take a look at a couple replays from that absolutely exhilarating match between deadbeat and Dinah Muir deadbeat gets the advantage of the very first opening match in our grand finals here's our three water trying to get that zone covered getting that flat on power midair lasted a row midair on the splashdown hexton gonna get splattered by auth Roboto Roboto going to get another splat on power and this was when dynami was getting set to make their push however deadbeat didn't give up here's whit using this loss rich is covering territory well-timed usage of detective missiles and then you saw the splat in midair by Tim so deadbeat doing everything you need to do right at the end to win this one absolutely and you notice he threw alter his suction bomb up on the top there to get his opponent off of the high ground you got to clear the club sometimes yeah do you know that's what when he was mid splashdown I mean if that thing lands it paints or it stinks a big portion of that flat zone yeah so you like that was absolutely incredible and very impressive by both teams and as we get set for next matchup it's going to be tower control on more eight hours so we're going to see a lot more action as these teams get set to ride the tower as we mentioned grand finals best-of-seven deadbeat representing USA taking on Dinah Mew from Japan dynam you championed over 900 teams in their regional qualifier splat zones first game that goes to deadbeats a1o advantage for them meanwhile next game will be tower control and what have we learned from how the way these two teams play tower control about how important it is to make sure you have a path for the tower moving forward yeah I think we're definitely going to see a lot of power is going to probably be that support person trying to make clear path get people out of the way over on dynam use side and then dime you obviously dynamo on is going to be riding that power we all know that right and Eric when you've got a player like dynamo on the opposition that you're facing that you know that loves to get on the tower how much do you potentially change your strategy to try to make sure that he can't secure the tower to keep him out of his comfort zone yeah I mean as we said it's all about cutting off those lanes of attack so if they can do and I can't get to the Tower of the person I predict we will be seeing a lot of toxic mist I predict we will be seeing a lot of bomb 9 the bottom off his amorous they're going to go with a blaster a washer a charger a roller meanwhile deadbeat and the purple you've got the heavy splatling flyer shot and a black bird those blasters as we know very popular topics promote early 99 dumping abandoned that's not going to fit very long besides fumes popping on the tower one on one situation here I'm going to get the advantage over talking to you meanwhile how we're going to be reclaimed by dead meat that be trying to get points for their score 88/100 abandon all right a gallon yeah you can see debbie has power on top before being that heavy splatling try to clear path defecate down helping screams get in front of that power however power getting flatted on the tower and that's x1 enough we talk about the checkpoint really change the dynamic you can control because you can no longer just right the tower sort of given behind that barrier and high sadness that's a key thing here in the I am very excited stop because I can't tell you how much time I watch the power right away into the sunset without me and I was like wait please come back today I'm gonna pop off the tower to the plateau awesome auto try to make the broom let the identity can be ready for the onslaught coming from Dinah go up top here comes the splash down and the tower is going to get to the first checkpoint trying to clear that's going to be critical as far as helping Denny make yourself quit pushin then that'll be clear 5088 advantage deadbeat and they can set the room for deeper into tactical territory they are pushing hard right now you can see there are teammates jumping onto the tower is going to help that count get that count down down a little bit faster power doing a fine job of backs off the tower abort even getting flatted you can go ahead and give up control the tower for a little bit it's not going to reset it back to the Rainmaker keeps Elijah's pencil charged also what oh man sounds really nice back out like right there those are really nice that's a really nice gliding happening right there by dynamite yeah don't thank your cars going to be exchanged between wolf in game 2 Zack not going to start flicking some more ink on that wall you notice the vertical click allows those rollers refined wall so much better right now I do not negate 19 advantage then P at this point to check when we still remain for dynasty so they're facing quite up tower battle you're a high-powered and so if you're dead meat all with red to black right there biopsy 102 the fatigue if you're desi how to effectively - compete right now I'm right all they have to do is just hold that power I mean just just keep it out of their zone and they win and so it's pretty good abstinence and anything can happen I'm really really working that roller for getting caught up and that talk is going to close you down take where your equal opportunity to ride that power doc you at the first checkpoint they've got a cavalcade of quiz at that tower trying to get through that checkpoint that's going to help them with some more additional pushes and it is now 53 19th dynasty trying to make their critical push in this match then to try to keep them at bay two minutes left in this one choose you on the field now a threesome would manage for dead yeah you can see ours been trying to sort of keep this power a day by using that has flat lane and you look at the jump it but Wow Tim takes get to get up on that counter it wasn't flat on walking room that's going to allow them eat the game control the tower split that resets the middle at 1:48 now the clock becomes those friends of deadbeat they won 7-6 down it almost good babe there's ink everywhere this is amazing this is this is a level player thing there is literally about to be found everywhere on this map it is Technic in the middle of this map you've got mostly really at different levels right now trying to apply pressure nobody can really get that advantage at this point it's been a bit of a stalemate the last 30 seconds one three five lesson this one 1929 your compass flat down I am going to go ahead and get this flat and that's gonna help pave the way it look what this is doing clearing some each to give a pass for the tower and Tim's teammates to make sure that they can support that Tower and it's push yeah able to push forward also able to get out that's the stuff a key thing once that tower goes beyond a certain point you want to be able to get out of there stuff starts getting a little heated one minute left or one on the field side of you so you're all by your lonesome cellphone that tower right now 56 X plus if you're dead gauges are thinking about being a little defensive keeping down of you at bay meanwhile here goes done because we're going to go deep with the deadbeat territory get some more game there to try to make one more push as we are under a minute left for three on the field but three fences were diamonds yes collapse really has to be a little bit aggressive here is a risk but it's also something that I think they're going to have to do to be able to be to beat the clock and get this overtime win be deadbeat throwing to clock miss Rama bars is going to drain the ink on the tower suppressor apply my power power of a critical splat on the tower that's going to try to reset it diamonds you're going to lose the tower here comes a splash down by ocupado though to get a critical flash mob is why dogs in it an ounce or two on the field is to be a moment of truth in that power now the final check for Doc you can they get through the checkpoint 19 2016 8 sec but hang in there with this book 1920 and said lead is going to go to talk you all enjoy a few typical puts and you see the emotion from their team they realize this is our last chance we don't want to find ourselves as a few whole the grand final and a fine job of getting a critical double Platinum to close out that one yeah I mean they really did exactly what we were talking about I mean they had to get aggressive at the end there they had to ride on that Tower they had moved as quickly as possible get through that last checkpoint even and then they were able to they were able to pull it out as we look at the replays of this one just another incredible match they go to the final second and really dynamos ability to plow through that final checkpoint here they are right now and you see the double splat that's going to be coming up right now it's three two on the field they get through this checkpoint and then the pressure being applied by deadbeat but dynam you able to use that slosher to get some ink to go up top and that's all they needed to do to close out the victory to make it 1-1 in the grand finals the best part is that means we get more splatoon that's right it was a really great choice by auto borrow to go up the ramp and actually kind of do a little forward damage and take out wick weight was standing there with that flasher wasn't so bad for dynamo but he was able to get up there and kind of make something happen get that flat and help this team to victory yeah you saw that be at about the 1-minute mark they kind of switched their attitude and they're like okay so we're in the lead I'm just going to kind of play defensively that may have been a mistake considering you know maybe they backed up a little too much and gave diamond you a little too much room to uh you give them an inch they squid all over well we have we talking about interfer how the final minute the final 30 seconds especially you can't afford to get splattered that carries over to all these other game modes and you look at not being able to stay alive and that critical double splat by einem you late in the game that gives them the advantage so you can ride that tower deep into deadbeats territory yeah we're about to watch some turf war and the thing is is those fundamentals in turf war carry over to every single game mode in a very clean way previous match up between deadbeat and dynam you enter for the item you found themselves with a fifty one point nine to forty two point nine victory so we've seen deadbeat sort of get their footing back again they struggled a little bit their first two matches and turf or can they bounce back and provide some resistance for dynamo he was flawless in the round-robin turf war portion I think you know maybe Debbie's come in with a little momentum after that maybe maybe they say I think they feel really good about tower and I think I hope that would serve for they can say okay we have to reset let's get some good strategies let's counter-attack in ways that are appropriate turf war on humpback pumptrack certainly an exciting map wide-open area in the middle we know we have the mound in the middle of both teams Get Set let's go ahead deadbeat in the purple dine of you in the neon greenish yellow dead bees in the purple they're going to go with the heavy splatling to flatter slots and a flosser meanwhile sign of mutants going to go as flat dually a flosser a charger and a roller and both teams really getting a chance to keep their half of the map you see that be kind of going to the perimeter here asking meanwhile not if you're making a push for the middle now I think I think 15 September strategy is obviously definitely wanting to get that track covered in purple so that they're able to find a flanker like two opponents get in there and make them happen on tomorrow I'm really curious to see what he does with these Julie's puh-pow Rock Casino gonna trade flats right there you've got power do a fine job of just avoiding that on a lot of sloshing behind that wall however it just wasn't enough for four on the field to 14 right now pretty even match to this point deadbeat with a slight advantage of team coverage on the map to me they're trying to get a push in design of your territory and if you're desi solvent sometimes time that lap push a little too late like we don't know whether that was my choice or accident I'm sure they're going to look to be much more aggressive earlier on yeah they're obviously playing a lot more aggressive than they did in their round-robin reports there they are getting into enemy territory they are rushing down air opponents but you know they got a windows 101 technically get slapped by caucus you know wants to get cocky waiting around in the ink and a giant finding spring we're going to back up get the flap on wind right now and that's going to start to turn the tide of momentum until more yellow you covered however power with that blast gonna get the splat on pocket see no one two and a half minutes left forestry advantage deadbeat on the field and really anybody's max field is pointer I mean a power Wow he barely pulled off that heavy splatling before you got plenty of stuff now we're going wonderful oh how we're going to get flat by Wacha Droon and powers so impressive you could give them a raindrop you can probably flat somebody Wow one minute left for three events deadbeat looking at the map dead people to find out which side of you back however still plenty of time left of this one you see a special ready to go for dead need that purple egg covering up more than half of the map right now you see deadly to define dominating the outer be as extracts about that contract absolutely they are doing their best to cut off or sinus you can get behind them to take them by surprise they're not allowing that happen But Here Come Dine if you're starting to make a push to the middle and through the bottom part of the map as you look at the top down first here and dine upon gonna start flicking some ink with that dynamo roller however protection from wind we're trying to get this lost on this license with an uber ability dynam on backing up feeling a little pressure from that purple ink eight names X light or three on the pill for to the chance for dentists to make a push they've got is more to advantage and three specials ready to go pick up can they make that bottle fuzzy common sign of you at bay big second slam for - here comes inspecting smear surf three three a disappointment this is going to be much closer I think because we see a couple splattering of yellow ink at the taillights yeah yeah this is this is gonna be close when I think this what a lot of purple now let's see a lot of purple and Jack that jut agrees 55.2 2:38 and so deadbeat which struggled initially in turf war hand died of you their first turf war loss of the afternoon and really we we see these players in Eric's we talked about how they will adapt to the game as they continue to play it more that's what we're seeing with deadbeat yeah absolutely I mean that it looks like a different team from that but you Mitchell round-robin yeah I mean they were so aggressive to splatting any chance to God and we're able to control the holitzer yeah there is no hesitation happening in this round interpret they went out there and they said we have a job to do and we are going to do it and said they did a really nice job is watching on the overhead map it's a really nice job of throwing bombs and getting ink put down behind their opponents so that they had no means of escape and that's always and excellent strategy when you're having those one-on-one we should also mention in the finals the team that loses a mass will have selection of the next map so there's some strategy that goes into that so that humpback Tom track selection was made by deadbeat after they lost our control so you wonder what these teams are factoring in is they look at not only the game mode and how applies to the map yeah definitely I mean obviously after practicing these teams have preferences of which maps they feel the strongest in of course depending on the game mode maybe you feel better about a certain map in Rainmaker or maybe you feel better about another map in tower control so I kind of left they picked muscle forage fitness for this one muscle forged fitness for our next round of rain maker right now deadbeat with a 2-1 advantage in this best-of-seven Grand Finals matchup of the 2017 splatoon to world inkling Invitational a victory here not a must-win but it would go a very far away for deadbeat as far as giving some distance from them and dynam you and putting some pressure on dynamesh so we look at Rainmaker what are some of the things that you think deadbeat will try to focus in on this matches they had success last time in Rainmaker I think they're going to have to absolutely neutralize Auto baru because he's going to be out there hunting for hunter he's on tour gonna be out there just hunting for anybody who's accidentally been led astray from the flock to pick them off and I think this is going to be really great let's make it rain on muscle force Fitness let's go ahead and get your teams right now deadbeat in the green they're going to go with the heavy splatling to splatter shots and it's lobster meanwhile nine of you in the purple you've got a roller charger slaughtering livestock Pro shields initially going to traverse it by dead piece however that Rainmaker is still up for grabs nobody for two advantage three two advantage die to do on the field as they grab the race Pacers are going to push it to 85 for dick disease and right now we already see both teams being very aggressive wasting no time trying to get to that Rainmaker that's right you're going to see power hanging back with that heavy splatling and just doing everything in his power card is a Rainmaker because that was Otto bara tomorrow because the Rainmaker and you'd like no my friend no no 85 nothing advantage right now looks like that Rainmaker is going to get reset right now no any grab I dine of you as they push it to a 63 doesn't lead at this point or three advantage on the map right now prevent plenty of time left is this one 407 going in right now this is unable to really get a post outside of their half of the map your ass yeah this is interesting because compete got a little bit too far ahead there in enemy territory and ended up getting flatted by of a remake however Tim's going to go to the uncharted territory don't eat over there to take a 4663 advantage for deadbeat before that if you get the flash and now you've got a little bit more pressure applied by Debbie as there's all sorts of flooding going on Dinah bond with that dynamo roller as we said trying to burst the shield no collateral damage there 63-31 advantage and we see dynam on just reset the Rainmaker move into the middle and it's like that they're at it that was a good choice obviously you want to get back the middle as quickly as possible as walking in there or even swimming there is not fast 90s especially since by the time to reset you back to the action that still probably will not have been birthed yet three minutes left in this one on the fields especially for Dinah to 3163 advantage for deadbeat Rainmaker up for grabs as little both teams trying to feel each other out find that way to give each cover so they can find a great route and a net force to get to the other side of this map yeah you'll notice a lot of these teams have this high level play don't just immediately grab scream that's always the thing you always want to do if your instincts you wanted to press play no devil doc yeah and bringing his lunch pail and hard hat and putting it work stop tents missiles from going into another flag there for two criticals laxatives and now the Rainmaker Tim Akaka started to take over this bat 3153 however with gonna get stopped by often bottom 63-31 advantage dead meat at this point crossbar oh just holding back trying to maintain some leverage on deadbeat meanwhile Texas is very aggressive and getting back to court on review I say there is a lot of green on this map and that means doing a really great job of creating lead creating problems for joining you and it's going very well for them how about shooting the Rainmaker box side a wall of coverage and getting the flat at the South 63-31 getting four two-minute marks things are going to start to get a little bit more easy here nine of you they've got early deficit going on right now but still plenty of time and right now we need power trying to fight this trying to hold that back line provides recover in a route for his team meanwhile not if you still kind of stuff in that corner because we're the rainmakers I've asked yeah well went and hexan are doing a really good job of drawing involved out and keeping anybody from sight of you from getting the Rainmaker so we're fortunately that is able to take it off some point there is a lot of three on the ground I'm going to have to make some serious games in the last minute half dynam on with the Rainmaker bell moving across the race at this point trying to get a couple critical questions and this is going to start to move their score much quicker oh we've got three 143rd put a grill left great defense by deadbeat three excellent with the sliders on table to prevent nine of your prevention or flick notes you hold to rest why yes because nine of your graphs again they're trying to push however deadbeat retreated it has broken through a minute left for one advantage on the field for dead team and they secure it Texan doing an absolutely fantastic job of hiding underneath and great over here and taking everybody walk across the kids they camps when they can't hide there's no work let's go under a minute left in with the Rainmaker right now in when you've got the lead we saw them be a little hesitant our control we have to search him to try to give them help and we've even flat my off the bottom for 40 seconds luckily I mean you got a half you gotta have a team a with you and I think that's a key thing I eliminated the auto borrow to win this one online look our he does critical one-on-one things abroad or water vegans others flapping no quit providing some support right there 47:31 27 seconds left three three on the field that he was a victory here through the three and one diamond to trying to tie things up in his grand finals right now with the pressure on walk room put Co lots of give them help right now walk through trying to put this they need one more push side of you here they don't have one spot left on the clock here comes the final foot expect the match to come down to this right here I think it deploys getting flavor behind and slap my tip three seconds left is that going to be and that'll do it that be able to recover and flank and get behind the Rainmaker quick enough in that match before that if you can make one more final push at one of the things that beated really well is again that fundamental performance Holliday up put down Inc they have so much green on that map at one point it was like if we pick up the Rainmaker that's that's a free road to a win so to be able to put down that much ink is it's just so helpful and and also keeping your opponent's alive yeah that mechanic helps like even if you're not near to action you're not near the Rainmaker there's always something you can do to help your team even if you're on the other side of the map is making lanes towards the enemy goal we talk about the teamwork that's required but sometimes individual efforts can turn the tide of any match and Tim in this previous match went on a rampage for a short little while in turn things at this point in 63-31 deadbeet was trying to get a little bit more momentum but Tim with the splat on a through Votto going to avoid the ink coming from dynamite others flat by dead being on Donna Mata and then going to drop down and get this flat on khakha sino that's going to give another advantage and then seven seconds left you see walk of the rune get splatted from behind by Tim and Tim not only playing some great offense but great defense also Ashley yeah and I mean if you're on if you're on defense the best thing for you to do is is to have spatial awareness and I think that is a such a key component especially in these sort of other modes where obviously the main objective is not turf war where you're going around and you're saying okay like I need to know where the Rainmaker is I need to know where my opponents are and you know my teammates are so it will help them there's so much spatial awareness involved and you can see both of these teams doing a really good job but I think I'd be a little bit better last round everyone advantage for debt beat in these grand finals they win one more match they're the winners of the 2017 splatoon two world inkling Invitational however 9mu has a few things to say about that Dinah mu its tower control for our game 5 they select more eight hours they were victorious on it previously however we saw in that previous deadbeat essentially had that game one until late in this one area late what does deadbeat learn from their loss last time as we've said before we've heard from penguin and he loves to learn from watching his own mistakes what do they do differently in this match I mean I think that they have to really make an effort to have I I think power is going to have to really push on making sure that he is using that heavy if he's using I'm heavy splatling I think that he's going to have to really do a great job of coverage Game five of the grand final tower control more eight hours deadbeat in the blue one more victory and they will be your champion meanwhile diamond your engine for their lives not if you're going with the blasters blocker charger bowler meanwhile 50 going with the hex flush buckshot in a black nur has Hakka still early on items you in the yellow agreements Debian solution still going to ride that tower early advantage right now 92/100 bombing off the towel we're going to lose the one-on-one to tip though attention to the impressive slack I'm going to go ahead and reset that's room it's a little bit easier to get up the towers and more mobility in more eight hours yeah this is a huge thing for anybody who's ever been flattered avoid dollars buy a charger that's going to be a really handy change then once again helping out whose be mopping on the tower and debt me take the lead as they approach the very first check when you're comes to slap Calvin frankly out straps but no cocky no going to get that flat with the flosser meanwhile degrade putting compress urban Texas trying to get into nine of New Territories you'll flank pressure behind I'm going to get Zilla laps on tight Amanat that excuse as dead be gonna ride this jersey first checkpoint they've got a 4-3 advantage we've gotta lock it down here at this point get a skills to pressure they just a critical flat around like Barbie a flag dead keep doing a fine job of holding off the from nine of yours a advance to town ask Elena we past this checkpoint they were able to take out a lot of sign of you and now you can see they're coming out one by one ever a good idea one more checkpoint stands between fifty and big three three one in the best-of-seven one more thing we would do it however a double flat by the splat bomb as casino doing in some work right there there's going to be some great defense however deadly with eight cubes ninety degrees they can do it they're just flirting with victory right now but you got a pair of dice view on to caliber nine Monson I'm not ready to end this platoon world inkling Invitational yet I got more things Tuesday here 92624 three advantage on the field for deadbeat right now yeah I mean you can see I know man Tim is working really keep working overtime right now trying to take out everybody cake design on that's a huge news flash let me hop back on the tower again they see how close victory to beat event meanwhile not a few they are still fighting for survival in this tournament we see the toxic myths that will slow down some of the momentum for deadbeat with this jump going to be on the town right now probably going to get in in there Tim able to safely land at this point meanwhile hasta Faro being contained by two members of deadbeat at the top it's going to retrieve right here meanwhile tower being replayed by nine of you and you mean how enforcement critical push by deadbeat has been and they're not going to put off the Cubs right now no way they're being very aggressive they want this they can take those super sea snail casino going with the that's certainly going to help right now however towers going to get paused for a moment you've got 15 left a six to ninety leave for deadbeat remember one more victory as they are your champions of the 2017 platoon to world equaling Invitational two minutes left tower in the middle still up for grabs and is this a point where deadbeat realizes they're falling from the previous match it looks to put even more yeah I mean God you can see power really putting in the work right now jumping up and down getting them getting the great splat right there of dinah Mon he's up there just nibble at the flank on taka skeino going to start riding the tower it is a 3-3 tie on the field couple of vets three two on the field suspense is also more deadbeats can they continue to push that tower there Hopkins off momentarily meanwhile you see dine of you just being patient waiting for the tower renovated first filling up time but you're going to start limiting the amount of course it's past your deadbeat you've got to pay aggression so you're after yeah I mean we saw what happens before this is there they have six there's there's only defense to be played but anything can happen in a last minute of this match dynamo trying to put into density territory meanwhile dynam you going to hop on the tower dialog got that deep gray ready to go looking to drag it a couple critical splash this is weird ina beaut lunch victory away from the grasp of deadbeat last I'm sure that you to get there at the first checkpoint one minute left it's going to most likely have to go into overtime if not if you want to get that victory seconds left which the bat-beam with crab they survive rockin rune is the screen three equal footing on feel free to advantage Bill Walker route trying to get a critical splat on with which by the counter however Howard Laughton and hop on it 44 seconds six to 53 one more checkpoint remaining presiding if they win they continue to keep this Grand Finals going on Victorino run for time n is odd the field Boar's nest and astringents work that you have to make that final championship foot they actually have to push really hard right now all of these responses to be coming into the field ha casino is a force to be reckoned with with a spotter you do not want to be in his face this could be the final 18 seconds of our tournament 6 241 Lee pretending to be dead beat quickly deep enters out of your territory however that Wow and be negated ten seconds left inside of you get on the tower to force overtime width on the tower five more seconds from the platoon sterling quit holding the hop on top being wild-eyed of you they can still claim victory and puts us into another mode and they're looking strong they have one more checkpoint to get this every day carry nine of the power rating on jumping on the tower has been winter until the quest is [Applause] and they didn't inform dramatic fashion unbelievable performance to team laugh the best in the world but you see debt be able to survive the final push that side of you was trying to put on and you looked at dynam use just how impressive they were in I hired a you see the skill from all their players and just an absolutely incredible match here Ashley unbelievable and I mean they man's item you really pushing at the end there and doing their absolute best but you know what when you've got a cluster of you've got a cluster of squid leagues all that tower that is really dangerous to be doing an overtime in it I feel like that was the thing that uh that you know a burst bomb can take care of yeah I mean absolutely that be so vital in those last moments I mean they all had actually double digits and splats and assists which you'll see a huge huge real team effort deadbeat representing North America you're champions of the 2017 splatoon to world inkling Invitational that'll do it for us but before we get going let's go ahead and toss it to the book to the producer of splatoon to mr. negami to hand out the splatoon sterling squid to our champions [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] hi-yah yo stop the sous vide Olaf Anna Antonio a dilemma I want to give a hearty congratulations to our tournament winners dead moon or deadbeat SOC ESO de una Nina Pham especially for nice even know me - just a brooding the octo signal in FM control its velocity topic I will attack also let's hear congratulations for the other team China mu blue ringed octopus and rising moon [Applause] sit cut your thumb to kill well along the phone Georgia confiscate the company other women top thank you everyone here in the booth and as well as all the spittoon fans watching from home around the world for sticking with us for so long [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Hamdani Kanani pollo por que han tenemos una annoy a kundunese vs. can I make my Genoa component a casino Roscoe hondo ohnaka talk poker Ostara console motojima I'm incredibly pleased with how splendid these atmospheres become and I want to say that I think the reason we're blessed with such a good experience with this tournament is thanks to the support from fans around the world and I want to thank you genuinely from the bottom of my heart with me what hey yo you like it we got an uneasy with unity hotline sorry my people to to is finally on arrival next month on July 21st in a car no any occupies a cheerio SOR every occasion kuzumochi a fight more irrigation a snow day you keep Sookie Oh escolares much you can rest assured that in answering all the support from fans around the world we will could continue our squid research with all the power we have not so much thank you everybody [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Nintendo
Views: 1,177,814
Rating: 4.8516932 out of 5
Keywords: nintendo, play, play nintendo, game, gameplay, fun, video game, kids, action, adventure, rpg, splatoon, splatoon 2, world inkling invitational, nintendo e3, e3 2017, Japan, vs, USA, Finals, battle, nintendo switch
Id: zDdF7a8Wa74
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 32sec (2672 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 13 2017
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