Splatoon 2 NA Open September 2020 - Finals - Part 2

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and welcome back to the splatoon 2 north american open september 2020 jordan kent alongside ashley esqueda and charles 9 whitehead we already have one team that has punched their ticket to grand finals and that is ft win let's take a look at the rules here before we take one more glance at the bracket here we've got our top four teams out of nearly 350 teams competing in a single elimination top four it'll be best of five in our semifinals rounds we've got some predetermined maps and stages so you don't have to worry about hitting anything into your gps coordinates here after that we get to our grand finals best of seven yeah who doesn't love more splatoon inking action here we'll give you a couple more matches there at the end of it we'll have a victorious team or all four members will get a sweet prize package that includes a digital download for super smash brothers ultimate mario tennis aces and the arms game let's check out that bracket here ft win as we mentioned before the class of north american competitive splatoon play 3-0 sweep against sao nara who will face off against ft win well that'll be the winner starburst and supernova who have really got some fresh faces and some reshuffling of the deck as our man nine talked about and speaking of nine we left all of our viewers here with a bit of a cliffhanger talking about when we get to splat zones humpback pump track coming up here in our first matchup between starburst supernova the role of a backliner on this map because it's a small map many people might think let me get out one of those more short-range weapons but a backliner can really change the tide of how things happen in this particular map and mode they can and a lot of it comes down to patience we saw earlier that biscuit was able to paint the map very very well with that custom explosion ice here for starburst maybe the only true backline main in this tournament has really every weapon that you can imagine on the back line in his stable so i really want to see if he's going to be the type of backliner who simply sits back and paints the zone or if he opts to move up i think that answer is going to depend on what his team is doing because as a backliner you have to move with the team and respond to what they're doing as we get set for action here ashley we've seen a couple approaches in splat zone some teams rush out there and try to grab the zone like it's a tv that's 50 off on black friday others don't mind letting the other team go ahead and take the zone and recalibrate things here what are you seeing has worked really well so far in our first couple of matches i think generally at the higher levels of play we often see building up specials before taking that splat zone so we see a lot of ink go down um you know if you happen to take this flat zone great countdown timer begins but a lot of times you're gonna see these teams really lay the groundwork and and build a foundation that's going to allow them to keep that splat stone as opposed to just throwing your ink in there taking it and then all of a sudden oh no we're surrounded by enemy ink and now we're going to lose it and we've been wiped so you're going to see a lot of preparation to take this flat zone first and nine how do teams really like to secure the zone and then advance and what i mean is some teams will sometimes really extend beyond that zone but on a smaller map like this is that something you can really do or do you need to always make sure you're near by it on humpback pump track see that's a very tricky question and i think a lot of it determines or is determined by how you took the zone ashley brought up a great point these teams love to build up their specials to go in and it's mostly because you want to take two or three members of the enemy to down or four if you're really good but you can't move up until you are certain that you have solid control of not only the zone but in front of the zone if you do that it is yours for the taking to move up so we have supernova facing off against starburst here supernova and the purple link starburst that lemon flavor in the yellow and both teams advancing to the middle no hesitation whatsoever and that's gonna be an early claim by supernova and nine interesting selections here on the loadout what do you like from what you see well we're already seeing another custom explosion here cara's gonna be playing that you see all the way pushed back but ice is using the backliner with the booyah bomb here the heavy remix and it would not surprise me if he stays right here the entire time stay behind zone paint it because one bomb is enough to take away all of those that were thrown at the zone three specials ready to go for supernova they haven't unleashed them quite yet you see a 4-3 advantage on the map for starburst but ashley you mentioned supernova they're being very patient with these specials at the moment they're being very patient they're taking their time they're making sure again they're making sure that that ground is covered and now they've taken away control so they've got a penalty going which is exactly what you want to do in this situation supernova claiming the zone and now they will move forward all four of them 4-3 advantage on the map just under four minutes plenty of time to get your splatting action on here see jared at the top of your screen though getting a critical splat moving in and avoiding a couple of burst bombs to stay alive so starburst doing a fine job defensively nine to sort of wiggle through the offensive attack of supernova yeah it was fantastically done there finding where the members have been maybe just a little bit too far apart we talked so often about really working together with your team and staying within armed reach that gap gets smaller and smaller when you play at this level we see zero here nine and this is one of those players that has made a couple of switcheroos on the team zero with a double splat to mow down a couple of members of starburst but zero one of those names that could give supernova a chance to take in the crowd yeah a huge huge name in the splatoon scene here the only north american player to reach 3 000 xp in solo queue a fantastic accomplishment but he has been hunting for that title for a really really long time so many second places you know he wants this today booyah bomb able to claim the zone for starburst laying on a 37 second penalty go ahead and see the principle for that one starburst trying to build upon this lead here ashley they've got 4-4 on the map neither team with a special so it seems like they'll come down to technical play you're starvers what do you want to try and do here to keep supernova out of this zone well exactly what they just did which is they now have built up four specials so unfortunately two of them have been splatted so that's so key right there that's a key moment to me i think if you've got your special obviously you want to do everything in your power to keep from being taken out and they just weren't able to capitalize on all of those specials being ready jared retreats back to spawn and that'll go ahead and give supernova plenty of real estate to work with at this point just seven seconds left in the penalty suction bomb launcher coming out from zero really keeping starburst at bay and this seems to be a turning point here nine but double booyah bomb still not enough that is a huge defensive effort by supernova and what a great call there to not only not get the zone taken away it didn't even get stalled there they got every single point they could out of that with the lead what a great response right there and a great adjustment to what the opponent was doing just a terrific match out of the gate here between starbursts and supernova real back and forth battles we mentioned buck 30 left on the clock starburst 10 seconds left in the penalty they're only two points away from reclaiming the lead from supernova supernova though with three specials sitting on them and losing the lead to starburst though so maybe supernova being a little too patient in this situation and now it's starburst is doing a good job ashley of handling the onslaught here comes supernova once again i mean starburst that was so close there for a second i thought maybe they were going to take it but no that supernova went and took it back applied that penalty and uh now they now both teams really have to do a lot of work to be able to clear that penalty out starburst holding strong here nine and that was very impressive to not lose a lot of inklings and players here when all those specials were coming now it's just a matter of playing a little bit of defense you've got 43 seconds left far from over though far from over look at how long ice is sitting on this he's gonna sit on this until the very end because booyah bomb eats other bombs there's not gonna be any bombs we can get on zone one last ditch effort zero running into the zone but another booyah bomb going to be enough to stall and that will be it again just a crazy scramble situation and the way that starburst was able to maneuver around there knowing exactly how much time they needed what a fantastic game one to start this series really was and ashley we saw a moment there when starburst was down two points they were chewing away at their penalty and supernova they were sitting on three specials but chose to delay those specials until they lost the lead to me that really seemed like a turning point in this match yeah i mean the the it seems obvious but you know the the hardest part of coordinating your specials is when you are uh respawning you can't you coordinate anything you lose everything you you have that roll back on your your special gauge and you know it's it makes it tough and it's just they might maybe they were waiting for that fourth special maybe they were you know trying to coordinate positioning but it just didn't they couldn't quite convert it and um that's so unfortunate also i don't think i've ever just as a side not think i've ever seen somebody hold a booyah bomb that long we saw that from ice towards the end and nine i believe it was ice also that was holding down the zone when we saw the double booyah bombs come out from starburst and it was just one of those examples in this match where both teams really did a fine job of backing up and retreating when they needed to and listen cars have the accelerator and the brake pedal you gotta use them both at the right time you do and that's one of the reasons why people enjoy splat zones it is by far the most explored mode in this entire game people play it all over their entire tournaments of just that and it's because there is that dynamism of going forward but then also knowing how to move back how to play patiently how to identify specials and how close you are and it is one of the reasons why once again we see a team come out on top by being able to master those concepts so now we'll get set for another match up here we've got some rainmaker taking place on the reef here and last time we saw ashley it was really you can't make that mistake late in the game even though you have the lead you really can't rest until you see both cats on screen letting everybody know who won the match and when you look at the reef we mentioned the bridge very important but you look at the higher ground you can get near your spawn and how you really have to use that to your best defensive capabilities yeah it gets more and more difficult as your opponent gets closer and closer to that goal uh because you've got the high ground so i think this map in particular might be really good for ice i think he's going to be a key player here uh with all of that range it's going to come in very very handy and let's see if he can uh if he can really kind of convert that into a wall of defense for his team starburst taking the first game they have a 1-0 lead in this semi-final tower control on the reef 430 into this one plenty of specials on the map at this point and now we see the use of ice here with a bit of a different weapon choice here nine yep he is going with a weapon uh the main weapon is stingray here and it also happens to be attached to a special that is the custom jet squelcher here this weapon builds up stingray faster than any other in the game and again it wouldn't surprise me if ice is going to be content to sit back on the defensive side and use the stingray when necessary supernova the first team to grab the rainmaker they take an itsy bitsy teensy-weensy lead just nine points into this one 91 to nothing at this point 1-0 lead as we mentioned for starburst 4-3 on the map for starburst but here they come with their first initial push of this game here starburst being very patient and we see that from high-level play ashley the patience with the rainmaker to make sure that you're surrounded by your other bodyguard if you make your advance yeah i mean you definitely and in in these really high-end rank modes i mean you're going to be very methodical very cautious about when to push when to when to pull back like you said earlier it's about putting your foot on the gas and then applying the brake when needed jared getting splatted but starbursts doing all the work they needed to do potentially 27 to 91. that'll be supernova a lot of homework here to try and catch up we see juan at this point applying a little bit of pressure an escape for starburst back to spawn to get out of harm's way here comes supernova trying to advance but there's that stingray and no matter where you're at it will find it will and you cannot stress enough how even if it doesn't get the rainmaker the slowdown that happens there when you are stuck with that stingray and forced to maneuver and try to dodge it knocks everything out of wax platoon is a game of timing if you can change that it becomes that much more difficult to make any progress yeah stingray will find you like a parent after curfew 4-3 on the map starburst with the advantage you got one special ready to go for supernova they are still trailing by a mighty margin as we get under the 2 30 mark left in this one rainmaker on top of the bridge anthony has no thoughts about playing passive wants to advance here waiting for a little bit of a lead blocker and jared moves aside affords a couple of bombs anthony trying to get up the ramp but gets denied by supernova and here's a chance here 9 4-2 supernova with a two-inking advantage we've got a pretty good chance but something we haven't really talked about they're using two nzap 85s which means they're running double ink armor they are trying to equip their teammates with the support necessary to move in and you see right there it almost worked if zero had gotten to that stingray they might have gotten it in time but what a resilient effort to try to make that push and ice holding the stingray if that had gone off any earlier they might have lost the lead terrific display of defensive proficiency and starburst actually doing all that they need to do rallying everybody up at that last moment not giving up that critical mistake that loses you the lead late in the match indeed but zero's back here look at this he snuck up from behind he snuck up from behind zero putting in work you saw the double splat and the assist so zero trying to keep supernova into this one supernova has a chance to capture the lead but no that uninkable ramp has proved to be too much to overcome for supernova twice again and starburst holding on tight supernova retreating they're gonna recalibrate look at their notes and try and make another push here and nine your mouth is a gate because you look at the fact that supernova almost had a chance there they did zero did so much there going for that huge flank that is not easy to do with this level identify when the time for the flank is but i think that they got just a little bit too over eager to push that up and get those points i think there was a chance to jump somebody else in and to move up but in the split second it's so hard to make that call do you think they were trying to beat the respawn timer it feels like that was always happening there they thought maybe they could beat it and just just get just edge out that 27 remaining they thought maybe they could get to 26. and that's why it's such a difficult call right in the heat of the moment who can save for certain we have the hindsight is 20 20 but man what incredible defense again grand able to get the one-on-one splat trying to make their way around you see the rainmaker upper grabs in the middle starburst with a five-point lead 10 seconds left though bold team's going to try and scramble here supernova had two couple of pushes they've got four players on the map 4-4 but there comes the stingray ending the match and starburst will take a 2-0 lead and nine you mentioned it that was most likely the mvp weapon in this one really being the backbone of the starburst defense against supernova yeah i mean it's we we've called it the gg ray for many years for that exact reason you can take a look right there five stingrays from ice and every single one of them came out in response to the opponent if we look back to the world championship guys it was isis stingrays there too that seemed to come out every time that they were needed he understands the flow of the game he understands when it is most effective to use it and because of that even though there was tremendous pressure that came out of supernova they held true yeah ashley bend don't break we saw supernova try to get up that ramp twice but starburst doing just enough in both of those occasions to hang on to their lead and close out the second game yeah you just saw ice standing up on the goal right on his own goal she's like no no thank you we're just gonna you won't be walking up that ramp today not not while i'm standing here but yeah i think i think gosh i think they just tried really hard to beat that respawn timer after zero made that clear he did that flank he knew he had to take out ice right so he knew he had to take out that backliner he did it and they just it wasn't quite enough the timing wasn't quite there and nine we talk about not making making mistakes defensively but on offense when you have your push you have to be so careful so precise in a situation like that because when you have an obstacle like the ramp that slows you down so much that eats up precious seconds of your advance it does and to make matters worse they don't really have a lot of great specials for mitigating that of course we've seen what stingray can do on defense on offense that can clear from no matter where you are we've seen what inkjets were able to do on that map both bagel and biscuit were able to start huge pushes with it as well they had double ink armor a bomb rush and a baller none of those are going to make great progress at the opponent set past that ramp yeah it'll be curious to see what changes they make because we have tower control and anchovy games coming up next and last time we saw a game on this here ashley it really came down to navigating that third checkpoint rarely does it come down to that but that third checkpoint all the action is just so heated because it's right by the opposition spawn right by spawn i mean it's the the time that you have to capitalize on mistakes is very small the time you have to push the tower is very small i mean basically you have to play perfectly once you start getting to that third checkpoint it becomes a matter of unforced errors versus versus the other teams on four stairs i mean it's just you know someone's gonna slip up and you just hope it's not gonna be your team arashi gets the splat on the booyah bomb but the booyah bomb able to be unleashed just in time to take out arashi 3-2 on the map supernova here nine with three specials ready to roll and i think they were tired of getting pushed away by the range of the other team look at this they have gone with a kenza splattershot pro for extra range and zero has switched over to the nautilus as well i'm gonna be frank i didn't know this was a weapon that he could pilot at this level but we talked about wanting to see an inkjet there you go and inkjet already putting pressure great analysis frank i appreciate it as we get to our second checkpoint here supernova trying to push their way through hey you said i'm gonna be frank charge oh booyah bomb coming out once again from jared starburst trying to hang on here they're facing a huge onslaught but a double splat by jared and that's what you're looking for ashley when you use a special on the defense definitely and you are if you're in a position to where you feel like you can pick off a couple of people obviously take that and you know really they have done a great job of making sure that the opposite team there is not they're they're just not capitalizing they're not allowed that's they put they put their feet they put their what is it tentacles yes yeah they got their tentacles down and they said no way you see juan being careful about approaching the fan a lot of territory control now for starburst that's one thing you always have to keep in mind all these game modes is who's controlling the turf it's still the basic fundamental of this game as jared gets splatted 3-3 on the map we see starbursts trying to advance they've yet to get to one checkpoint and for supernova you really like the changes in their lineup here nine as far as their loadouts giving them a lot more range as you mentioned and then giving them a chance to be a little bit more aggressive they've got that they've got a booyah bomb that they can throw at the tower they've got a lot of i do like the change here but this is where it gets tricky as you see they've been pushed back and one of them went down if they can survive this booyah bomb and manage to slow down this tower they should be in an okay position but for a second there things looked a little dicey 4-3 supernova doing a fine job of hanging on being on the defensive to push starburst back 3-3 just under 2 30 left no specials ready to go for either team jared once again in the middle trying to avoid that suction bomb moves to the right gonna try and beat the heat and hit the fan raises up here throws a little bit of a burst bomb down to the other side and here comes yet another booyah bomb and here comes jared as well too trying to unleash one both teams fighting for control of the tower it's starburst at this point slowly making their way and ashley starbucks another chance for a push here but they have finally got a 3-2 advantage so here's that opportunity this this could be a good opportunity i mean bran's right there he's on this this could be a great opportunity for them to really make a push shara hopping into the baller how about that decision right there nine to hold your positioning yeah i love it right there understanding that if he goes down there with his baller even if he explodes he's not going to be able to do anything on top of that trying to maintain his positioning jared now getting out dueled by arashi that's huge if arashi had gone down there they wouldn't have had anybody left to hold this spot at least now arashi's going to be around to bring up his armor and that might be the turning point here on the defensive side such a good point arashi dancing in between the ink droplets there to get the splat huge one-on-one victory of supernova able to turn back the advance of starbursts towers getting set to move back to the middle one minute left starburst continues to hop on and actually a lot of aggression from starburst yeah they don't have the lead but that tower is living on the side of supernova they yeah they are putting the pressure on this is this is the time too there's less than a minute left they have got to start making pushes and they are converting these these battles these fights they are converting it's now 4-2 advantage they're they're doing exactly what they need to do oh here comes a booyah bomb to go ahead and clear the elevators the tower continues to move supernova trying to hang on to that lead starburst trying to recapture it but no they're unable to so supernova hangs onto a one-point lead but starburst claims it with 20 seconds left starburst they now are trying to get past this final checkpoint is it gonna be a knockout and yes chew on that starburst getting the victory at the end and nine you've always pointed out you just want to consistently push yes that big push is huge but in tower control just constantly applying that pressure eventually that window is going to open for you it is going to open and especially when i think if we look back to when arashi got that pick and zero was there as well i think that was the moment when they really could have pushed them out maybe they were trying to build up a special they weren't entirely sure how they wanted to attack but it seemed like in that moment they allowed super or starburst rather to retool and get back up an attack and you saw there at the end there were three booyah bombs fired off in sequential action and booyah bomb is dominant on tower you know that the opponent's gonna come to it when you're able to fire three off like that it's gonna control so much space and the opponent's not gonna have a chance to push you back out let's go ahead and take a look at the updated bracket our grand finals are set it is ft win facing off against starburst two squads that swept their way through the semi-finals we'll get set for some best of seven action here to determine our winner of the splatoon 2 north american open september 2020 we're going to take a quick break here first though when we return we'll bring you grand finals action and see if ft win can close out and add another victory to the resume or starburst can have one of the biggest upsets in north american splatoon competitive history here today we'll be right back
Channel: Nintendo
Views: 39,754
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nintendo, play, play nintendo, game, gameplay, fun, video game, kids, action, adventure, rpg
Id: pifnxXZ3eV0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 23sec (1463 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 13 2020
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