Riot Forge Showcase - Nintendo Switch

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hi everyone i'm steve singer senior vice president of publisher and developer relations at nintendo of america and i'm mariko kimoto director of partner management at nintendo of america on behalf of nintendo and our friends at riot games it's our pleasure to introduce this presentation from riot forge as many of you know the league of legends universe is both vast and varied with so many stories to tell today we're delighted to share a closer look at several of those stories which will be coming soon to the nintendo switch system including hexduck mayhem a league of legends story which launches later today and of course there will be world first reveals to enjoy here too we're excited for players to venture into the world of runeterra on their nintendo switch systems and this is just the beginning indie developers from around the world are collaborating with riot forge to bring a wealth of innovative experiences to life we can't wait to share the visions of these talented creators with all of you so let's get to it thanks steve appreciate the kind words and hi everyone welcome to our show my name is leanne i'm the head of riot forge and i'm rowan i'm the creative director of riot forge riot forge is riot games third party publishing division we've been working on riot forge for a few years now and we get to work with some awesome partners from all around the world and these partners are really focused on building completable league of legends games it's all about stories we want to tell really great stories in these games and that's why we're super excited to be partnering with nintendo the switch is the perfect platform for these games we've created this deep universe for 11 or so years there's over 150 epic champions in league of legends riot forge games are going to let you get up close and personal with our champions like never before league of legends has never had storytelling in games like this before until now yeah and our developers are working on some awesome stories with some of our favorite champions so we're extremely excited to share that with you today and i think we should get the show started let's do it let's do it let's go [Music] [Music] we always try to create games that try to answer two questions what is the beautiful and what is the crazy the wall of runatera is populated by hundreds of mighty heroes but as a creator i was always more interested in the wrinkles and the wrinkles are those little tiny details that define all humanity and there is this tiny little child nunu a nunu in this world of war is just looking for his mother and that was the kind of story you want to tell song of nunu it's a single-player narrative adventure then you know you're looking for your mother it's a road trip you are doing with your best friend ulump is like the biggest teddy bear you have ever seen it's like a father or a protector to noon and with willem you move through the freddie this frozen land the freyja is an inhospitable unforgiving wasteland but in this land you look here you have the no time they not i don't believe in war they believe in stories as the note i say you cannot kill a story and you cannot kill a song nunu is and he has a magical flute he can make a different elements in the environment react to its notes and to its sound solving the different challenges we encounter in the game if you play the flute and it's a melody he likes he will dance with you but if you start making bad noises he closes his ear and complaining like stop that and if you don't stop then he throws snowball at you we put so much care into the relationship between nunu and willow they play together they love together they cry together they take care of each other the friendlier is a magical environment and this game is all about adventure players are going to be able to explore new and exciting places they have never seen before you will jump to real climb you will ride yetis and the good thing about kids riding a jetty is that no matter how harsh the environment everything feels like a roller coaster [Music] this is a story about the friendship between two very different beings and how they grow to love each other this is again about friendship pure innocent joy hope and family [Music] thanks willa i couldn't do it without you buddy [Music] do [Music] so this rhythm game induces a flow state a state of heightened mental flexibility that allows the subject to to the master the tempo boring nobody's gonna play our game if you make it sound like homework [Music] [Music] time to give piltover a show they'll never forget [Music] when riot forge approached us they said what champions would you be interested in immediately ziggs stood out as this unhinged wacky little puffball of mayhem and heimerdinger is sort of this archetype of the the old you can't do that kind of character what and you put someone that doesn't care about essentially anything will blow everything up with someone that says you can't do that and i won't let you build this ball and it's just magic it's good to be back in hextech mayhem you play as ziggs and the idea is that you are causing as much mayhem as possible go fast by beautiful bomb go forth and explode to your heart's content hextech mayhem was inspired by basically a mashup of the auto rhythm runners that we've had in the past and like a guitar hero or a rock band gameplay mashed together i wouldn't want to say that hextech mayhem is a rhythm game it is a music game what that means is all of your inputs are explicitly tied to the music that includes the rhythm that includes the melody that includes the bridges the verses and all of that so you are playing along explicitly to the music the music really drives the gameplay so when i'm playing i just get a smile on my face and it's like this music is just so happy and fun and i'm bouncing around to it but there are multiple levels of gameplay in this game that we've never done in the past there's what we call the freestyle mayhem system so there's all the prompts and if you play them you do it right but then there's also hidden prompts that are not visible they're all musical so if you are listening to the music and you're attuned to it you can cause tons of extra mayhem for extra bonus points and ranks and you know and that's the only way that you can achieve a challenger rank now can we stop this buffoonery already but there's so much room for improvement i'm adriena i'm only getting started our flavor comes out through a lot of the frantic nature of the gameplay the animations and the artistic representation of these champions that we hope is going to look fresh to league players but also familiar hextech mayhem really is for both the casual player who just wants to play single player league of legends story but also the mastery player who wants to dominate whatever game they play i am unstoppable this is preposterous six i know isn't it the best [Music] [Music] we've been pretty radio silent for at least a year or two you may remember us from the game awards where we showed a little teaser and let me tell you the game has evolved considerably since that day oh look it's our favorite sniveling blizzard you've been waiting ages to beat you up oh yeah well no time like the present convergence is a story about echo ends on this polluted city in runeterra echo uncovers this plot by a group of kim barons the organized crime of zan it's a time travel story where he needs to save his city a few years back we got a phone call from riot forge my partner called me up and said hey brian wants to make a game with us and my second child was just born he called me i was literally at the hospital and i thought he was just messing with me so i was like i think it's a prank caller dan i don't think this is this is real it turns out it was and uh we were pretty happy about that double selling games typically have a lot of combat and have a beautiful 2d art style and speed brawl is our latest game riot essentially told us we have a bunch of champions which one do you want to work with and we settled on echo we settled on zone speed ball is a lot about focusing on the combat but in convergence you're exploring you're discovering we focus way more on the action platforming part of it we go deep into who ekko is developing his character and his story convergence is set in zone but it's on through echo's eyes echo is a teenage inventor and he has created this incredible device called the zero drive which allows him to rewind time [Music] one major challenge was to make rewind feel more than just an undo button it's about if you have information from the future how can you make that useful so you can actually mess up go back in time change your attack and then go back and outsmart your enemies there's definitely been a few games that have played with time control but what's unique about convergence is that you can control every moment [Music] you essentially have a character that doesn't make mistakes any time he does something that he wants to fix he just has to rewind it convergence was built to allow you to control time to really strategize because that's what being echo is all about my name's echo oh yeah i can rewind time so [Music] all right people listen up we've got a harrowing to stop and remember from here on out it's captain fortune the goddess granted me a vision the black mist in the world if the black mist has returned i will drive it back i'm not losing my city to the delusions of some second great king [Music] with our combined might no challenge is too great i won't abandon my duty not again it's time for the truth to come to light [Music] [Music] [Music] come on we've taken some hits but we're not done yet there is only one queen my queen this is [Music] [Applause] i'm joe matara i'm the ceo and creative director at airship ruin king is an rpg with turn-based combat and you play a group of champions that are from all parts of the world they converge in bilgewater which is this town of like traitors and rogues and thieves some live there some are just transient and visiting for who knows what purposes hear that something just moved out there the player's goal is to stop whatever incoming threat is happening and it's the rebirth of the ruined king it's a story largely about misfortune in malawi and these are characters with kind of a strained history you know they're sometimes friends sometimes foes are having to work together chloe it's been a while i was starting to think you were avoiding me you throw in a guy like braum who's just bringing positivity to like every scene this will be fun yes yasuo and hari who you know they're kind of dealing with like ghosts of their past and they're kind of bonding over that all right but they have a lot of secrets i need to control myself and then you have pike who's just crazy we wanted to make sure each combat was challenging we don't really want you to just like mindlessly hit one attack and then oh now it's a boston use strategy so lots of the creatures have unique mechanics we added a lane system where you can actually modify the speed of your abilities and you'll also modify the powers and that will let you do things like i need to heal before my character dies and i see the enemies doing an attack i can perform an ability in the speed lane and get the heel off in time or i got a bunch of buffs built up on yasuo and i'm gonna do his like big attack in the power lane it's gonna be slower but it's gonna multiply all those buffs even more it just adds a sort of a third dimension to the combat that no other game i've seen has combat is separate from the exploration aspect this division of combat and exploration allows us to really put forward the artistry of the team by highlighting the design of the characters the animation the visual effects we've basically taken what's worked in our previous couple games and refined it i think we've taken bow chasers and cranked it up a notch so i think this game is is uniquely airship because of that marriage between really fun like kind of grounded in tradition role-playing mechanics but brought into the modern era with this great visual rapper because of my background in comics i approach everything as sort of like what is the comic book version of this character or this scene this can't be happening everyone from role-playing fans to people who are adjacent are gonna get something out of this game it's not just for league of legends players it's a story that anyone can jump into and understand you know digesting the beauty of the world to you know really grinding your gears and trying to figure out the strategies and tactics to get through hard and difficult battles to league fans who have always wanted to take a step away from the competitive game and just live in the world uh [Music] welcome everyone and thank you for joining us we are at riot games with ryan and joe from airship and we are going to talk about room king a league of legends story because it is out today so we are super excited and welcome guys it's great to have you thank you thanks for having us yeah it's a pleasure out today it's really awesome yep so guys i mean we love battle chasers uh we love the work you've done before we're gonna get to see a lot of ruin king today the game is out now can you just you know ease us in tell us what are we in store for for ruined king yeah i mean in a nutshell it's a dungeon crawler and turn-based rpg that features the awesome champs from from league of legends very it has some similarities to the first rpg we did battle chasers but really evolves it in some key ways most notably in the presentation of the story battle chasers skewed much more heavily towards the dungeon crawling and while there's still plenty of that in ruin king this is where we were given our first chance to really double down on on story story is the key difference i think rowan king is going to be the single biggest story we've ever told for league of legends in a game like this is easily you know the biggest story beat we've you know ever done yeah like i can't wait for players to get hands on the most champions deep release champions we get to go to some places that we've never been able to take place to before i mean yo yeah and the script ended up being huge i don't even know how many pages it is but for us like it's the most story we've ever done in a game as well over 100 000 lines at this point yeah easily yeah for sure and many vo sessions with uh some amazing actors quite honestly like some really great ones i think hearing the vo and like watching the scenes uh come to life is one of my favorite parts of the process because you never know how the the lines are gonna land or if the humor is gonna work and then hearing it hearing the actors perform it and getting in the game is like amazing i think the the the this real starting point was that we knew we wanted to do bilgewater as the focus and then it was like um who like what champs would make sense obviously you have misfortune allowing and we didn't want everyone to be from bilgewater because it's cool to experience the city through the eyes of of you know someone from foreign lands and then so we had you know uh yasuo and ari from ionia and braum from the frail yard what was it about bilgewater which you know caught your guy's eye or caught your attention i mean i knew like you know the artists in particular would get excited about uh like we love like pirates and that theme uh morally gray characters and like it just was just for that reason like you know storytelling and visuals it would just like got us the most excited and then it happened to have characters that actually have really cool stories happening cool relationships you know with misfortune yeah and allowy and like obviously the shadow aisles being right next door you get the shadow walls as a as a bargain when you get built exactly so it just um it came together really quickly uh for us it was an intimidating choice though because when we decided that that's where we wanted to set the game it was almost immediate but we almost tried to talk ourselves out of it just because of the challenge of of trying to bring a city like bilgewater to life and the team working on the game isn't huge but we felt pretty dedicated to trying and we really couldn't look away from that challenge and it was it was a challenge but now when you run around in bilgewater and and seeing that we really pulled it off it's it's so much fun just to get lost in bilgewater and explore it yeah and the game's just gorgeous so you guys have done an amazing job every time i play i just find something else in bilgewater like another creature or another npc that i'm just like oh this is really cool i get to experience that's one part about finishing a game is when you get to close to the end that's when you can really start focusing on those the fun moments like that the little secrets easter eggs the little additional you know love letters to the ip to people who are familiar with league yeah we've had a lot of fun with it in the last six months and of course like we did with battle chasers really any game we've worked on even pre-airship dungeon crawling is important so having that space to build you know puzzles in the way that we do and the champs each having some unique way of interacting with the environment some involves combat some of it involves solving puzzles we were glad that we got to infuse you know league of legends with the with a bit of dungeon crawling so we've got someone playing live with us here today so it'd be great just to have a you know walk through and talk about what we're seeing yeah so at just from the beginning isometric camera 3d dungeons as soon as you touch a creature or if they come in contact with you go to sort of the classic view of turn-based combat and talk a bit about the combat here because you guys have made some pretty cool changes to how this system works yeah it looks familiar to people who played battle chasers but it really is vastly different and the most significant addition is what you see at the bottom which is the the lane system which gives you well actually there are two components to it one the player can actually change the speed of their attack to move them forward or backward in the timeline with a functional effect the middle lane the balance lane is a nice balance between speed and power if you need to pull off an attack quickly you can move into the the speed lane and you'll potentially move ahead of another actor in the scene but at the cost of some of the abilities power and if you just need to hit hard or heal hard you can go down into the power lane which is going to take more time to cast but has a much more much more dramatic effect you can also see on the initiative bar that blue bomb see the the lanes that blue box there is a hazard or a boon those get applied sometimes randomly sometimes because of something that a creature does in the course of battle and when it gets to the end of the timeline anything that is inside that box will be affected by it whether it's an aoe damage attack or it could be a heal it could be a buff to your crit chance uh so it adds a real element of strategy because now you have to think about not just whether you want to hit harder or move more quickly but where you're going to end up in relation to those into in those hazards so it plays i would say we've called it like a a puzzle combat system in the past to try and describe how strategic it is yeah uh which is really what makes it significantly different than battle stations which is a little more traditional to the old school jrpgs each of the champs has a unique dungeon skill that they can use and if it's used on a creature it'll initiate combat so you also hit them with the with this tornado and throw them straight into combat and those will have different effects that might slow the enemy down it might start you in eloy's case when she hits with her tentacle she'll start combat with the with one tentacle spawn and that's kind of her trick each each of the champs has some some sort of hook to try and make them interesting in combat but also to call back to you know who they are in in league of legends the the core game braum is concussion every time you hit it puts a stack of concussive blow on and after a while enough build up and it'll stun the creature uh but once that's on there other champs can help contribute to that once it's been applied um so you can yeah if you have a lot of allowance tentacles up every time they smack they're adding to that stack and getting building to the stun more quickly it's pretty and there are a lot of examples of synergy like that between the champs for players to play with and this is our art and animation at its finest with the with the alts yeah so how many alts are there for each champion each champ has three and in each champs case we tried to make sure that one of them was a call to to league of legends in in league of legends but one of the things that was it was really an interesting challenge too was it's a jrpg but it's got to have its you got to have your roles right you need you need party members who will skew tank and well you need healing and there wasn't a lot of when we picked these six champs we didn't necessarily have the one that stood out as like oh this this character is uh this champ is a healer in league of legends um so it was fun to actually get to evolve some of these champs in a new way and you know because allow he really reads as a tank braum obviously reads the tank but being able to make uh allow your healer was kind of fun i will admit i love seeing your take on some enemies that we've seen before in the world of runeterra as well i remember one of the first concepts you did for the razorfin the razor and it was the most hulked out razor fin i've ever seen i think we if we go it's the one at the top here on the top on the left yeah yeah yeah yeah the siri makes it fun this razor fin has been hitting the gym and has ripped and i'm like no this is joe madd's take on our razor fins and that's what i love seeing in the enemies like are they kind of like a rat kind of thing what if it has like a shark face yeah i remember the first time we saw that we were like these enemies but seeing like joe you realize our champs and our you know enemies and world like through your style is just exciting yeah for me i think it's gonna be exciting for players too i think so yeah and to be honest you know even before i learned a lot about league like the game i had always been a fan of just the art and league of legends and riot has some of the best artists in the world and i've always just followed them and so i was already like kind of influence personally and i know a lot of our team like ryan mentioned they're just league players so uh it was just a good marriage of styles like we like the same stuff and we you know like the same art uh so it was like a natural fit it was not a stretch by any means to you know work on these characters it was new territory for me and i i was i think unaware of just first i was blown away when i heard there were 140 champs we had to pick from or more than that i think at the time somehow we had to pick six we were relieved when we realized well hey they don't all have to be playable you know you can fight some of them too and those are some of our coolest boss fights when you get to go toe-to-toe with another with another league champ yeah it's i was initially overwhelmed but um it's been nice getting to know a little bit more about this world that has so much untapped storytelling potential i do think too like flipside there was a benefit to us coming in and like having to learn a lot of it because i think that the game is very approachable people have asked you know i don't like really know the story of league of legends i don't know these champs like am i going to be lost and you're not because part of the the beauty there is that we had to learn a lot about it and so i think it's presented in a way that that a new player can can also like familiarize themselves with it like like we had to do and on the easter egg front i'm excited for players who really know it best the little props hiding around the names of some of the npcs they're going to get it and i think it's good they're going to feel a little extra special there's over 100 law drops in the game yeah there's a lot of reading there is a lot of depth and easter eggs there for the players that want to go and lift up you know every carpet and look in every barrel yeah i i really honestly see ruined king as a love letter to you know storytelling and the law from our you know from runeterra in our world and i hope our community and fans see it that way too so room team's out today have you got any tips for players that are going to start digging in there is a pretty robust tutorial system so if you're if you're a skipper if you don't skip it will help don't skate don't don't underestimate the val the value and importance of being in the right spot on in the lanes use the speed lane use the power lane probably the biggest tip uh i would give anyone who's playing on anything but story mode is in the top right corner you'll see in a in a fight often the creatures have some sort of quirk that makes them more difficult to battle you can't just go up and punch them in the face they'll have some trick like the the razor fin up there for example has a high chance to evade because of a buff he's got on him but if you attack him with a speed lane attack it'll knock that buff off and a lot of the creatures have something like that that makes them uniquely challenging and so read those tooltips in the top right corner pay attention to the creature you're fighting and use the use the lane system to its full effect and yeah you'll you'll have a much easier go of it than if you ignore that stuff you're gonna find some of fights to be very difficult i would add too you know try different character and party makeup you know a lot of the characters have synergies with each other that you may discover um everyone has their favorites but it definitely changes the flow of combat depending on who uh you're using in your party so once you unlock the six just mix and match and see who who your favorites are okay we have to talk about the ruined king viego is he's our namesake for the game the game is called ruined king um he's our big bad so early on when we had established bilgewater and the shadow eyes as like the threat to bilgewater and we're uh figuring out who is the main bad guy in this game and you uh actually were like hey well there's this character we never really did anything with it there's an item in the game called blade of the ruined king but we don't have a run king and that's how rowan earned the nickname rowan king yeah he's the right okay my favorite meme from dev but i mean many players you probably don't know that you know the ruined king's an idea that's been kicking around riot for a little while and and i felt like this is a great opportunity to like realize him at his full maximum power level in you know an rpg and watch him do his thing and then you know it fits great with your style and it was vibing on all the things you're looking for so yeah and yeah as soon as we learned more about them it was just like a perfect fit and then there was a lot of cross-collaboration there not just between you guys and forge but also you know for the team over on league of legends for summoner's rift to eventually you know realize what went on to become viego in summer's rift the genesis of that started back with forge and with you know ruined king the rpg so and seeing him uh go live in league of legends was awesome for the team though it really felt obviously special to us seeing him come to life and and yeah i mean the visuals mostly came from you guys obviously it was a collaboration but i think joe was the first one to visualize him in his form yeah and it was funny because we were kind of going in tandem and so we would do some stuff that the the league team was like oh we're gonna do that and then they would do some stuff that we're like oh we're putting that in the game can i get more of those vfx shots or whatever i remember sitting around waiting for you know you guys to give us some info on what you were planning to do with this kit and then yeah you know steve the combat lead translating that into you know his attacks in ruin king but then that was fun back and forth that we could go above and beyond what they were doing on the kit for summoner's rift because you guys aren't bound by summer's rift we can do you know and i feel like that different flavor that you've got as well like ruined king in league is a little more smolder he's a little more romantic uh rouen king for you know us it's old testament he's wrathful and powerful and he's bitter and he's gonna crush you and i really like seeing that different interpretation that you know you guys have versus the league version yeah yeah it was a lot of fun so the game is out today super excited for everyone to play um any final thoughts to share with our players the first time we've done this type of release i think everybody you know just speaking as a game developer we're so accustomed to the typical announce the game sort of traditional marketing run-up to release pre-orders all that stuff the idea that we get to stealth launch or sudden launch like this is it's it's refreshing because it's not something that i think a lot of developers get to do it's typically just surprise players with it surprising players with it is awesome so i'm hoping that players are as surprised by it as we were that we were doing this it's pretty cool joe anything else yeah and i would just uh hope that everyone has fun with the game and and we look forward to all the feedback and player reactions we're super excited yeah to see how people respond and just you know a shout out to our team that worked really hard on it you i think players will feel the the hard work and effort and love that went into making a game um it was definitely a unique challenge and felt like a lot of responsibility working in league of legends and i know the team they were excited to do it and i wish we could name every one of them by name but they've truly put in uh you know they put themselves into the game and and it shows yeah you can see it it's like every you know love and kindness and everything going into the game so i would say thanks from you know our law fans and community for the amount of respect that you guys treated with holding the characters i think it really comes through in the game thank you guys yeah you helped with that a partnership yeah well thank you guys for spending the time with rowan and i to chat about room king we are super excited it is out today so go and play and have a lot of fun i know we will be so thank you so much for joining us [Music] welcome back next up rowan and i are very excited to have choice provisions come and chat to us about hextech mayhem a league of legends story so i'd love to welcome to the stage alex noisy and mike rouse come and chat to us hey hi guys hi what's up how are you guys doing it's so exciting for you to be here we're totally stoked to be here and the game's out today you can play it two days i'm so excited today it's amazing it is out today i will be playing it tonight we've been playing it for so long now everyone else can play it i know yeah and everyone else can get so much better at it than i am until today we were the best players in the world at the game and that is now no longer true as of 20 minutes we believe this to be the case and we actually talk about this quite often in the studio how how how quick will it be before people uh 100 percent of this game better than us better than us way better they are already better than us right now so talking about your guy's dna um bit trip runner obviously that's your guys baby what did you take from from that into hextech mayhem bit trip runner runner 2 and runner 3 of course are we call them rhythm platformers right i would put the emphasis on rhythm for those games but for hextech mayhem we wanted it to be a little bit more than just rhythm and so it's we call it a musical game now so it is much more musical so in hextech mayhem you're not only playing to the beat and in sync with the beat you're also playing along with the melody um the the verses the the chorus the bridge and all of the it's it's much more i guess of a holistic music a holistic musical musical game yeah with hextech mayhem we introduced this thing when you do things off prompt there are all kinds of extra things that you can do between the prompts so we've got the prompts showing up on screen and then in between them if you're if you've got a keen eye and a keen ear you can tune into the music do an extra input for extra points and that's the only way that you're going to get competitive ranks and when you do it correctly the whole screen is just basically a ball of explosion yeah which is very fitting for six yes which is fitting for ziggs this was one of your things from the beginning was like he needs to feel just essentially out of control if we did it right which i think we did here's where the explosions in the chaos are too much and here's where we want you to be it's like right just yeah just just where you're starting to feel like oh my god what am i what is going on can i can i even handle this is this too much is this too much but no it never is quite too much we're working with your ip this is not our own invention so we want to do it right um represent it well um not only just represent it correctly but actually do it and you know really well uh ziggs made that very easy for us you guys have got ziggs unlocked the voiceover in this game is just oh gosh you're just playing it and chuckling because because the one-liners and the dialogue and ziggs's responses are just hilarious i never knew how much i wanted to hear ziggs and heimerdinger yell at each other yeah like that banter is just amazing the banter feels really good especially in the boss battles there are a couple lines that even though i've played them a thousand times i still laugh you know uh during those boss battles you know we know ziggs and hybrid here from uh league of legends and just seeing them outside of that in a different scenario um i'm really excited to see what together in a story they feel like what i would imagine two hot-headed yordles getting all uppity with each other would feel uh would feel like the cut scenes are super fun the code name for the game uh was jfg which stood for joyful fun game and that was really our guiding light that was our goal is to make it you know something that's uh fun explosive keeps a smile on your face the whole time and that's sort of our studio's goal is making games that just uh make the player smile and you know it's the point of a video game in our opinion league of legends takes itself very seriously um but our studio and in particular mike and myself don't we are the opposite don't take things too seriously and we're very silly and wacky and we sort of got to explore ziggs and heimerdinger uh without the seriousness that comes with league of legends in tex-tec mayhem the difficulty is there if you want to opt into it but the base difficulty and sort of maybe what i would call the the primary game experience is all prompted uh like a like a guitar hero or a ddr or something like that where you know exactly what you have to do and when you have to do it and if you want to play the game only doing that you're still going to get the full game experience and it's going to be great you're going to be vibing and nodding your head and tapping your foot and all that but then after you beat the game you unlock these other modes there's the full action mode which shows you every single prompt so that's the normally prompted ones plus the freestyle mayhem ones so um it fills the screen of course if you want the ultimate challenge insane challenge we have impossible mode which is no prompt yeah so you have to play the game uh listen to the music to discern what you need to do look at the visuals because there are plenty of visual cues even without the prompts but you have to be able to recognize them and so when you're playing impossible mode and you're good at it it'll look like bananas cool then i think we should probably like get up some gameplay and take a look at it yeah cool can you just chat us through the level alex yeah sure um so what we're looking at right now is sort of the normal mode the player here is following the prompts and that's all they're doing and you can see ziggs is bounding through the level blowing stuff up he is running past a lot of the wardens not interacting with them just sort of letting them laze around or or try to get them um i do love all the wardens little actions though and they they have their like little personalities and you can see right there that just happened uh with some bottle rockets that's one of the um gimmicks that ziggs uses to wreak havoc um cause mayhem and so as you watch this play through you'll notice like there zig's just missed that white oh yeah gizmo and ziggs is missing these orange gizmos that's because those are off the prompted path now the majority of items are on the prompted path but but if you really want to excel at the game you're going to have to do some stuff you would have to do all of them at the same time yeah some unscripted unscripted inputs and what's the difference between the the blue and the yellow cogs so the uh the blue cogs uh we call them gizmos uh they help ziggs to build his whammer jammer and his whammer jammer is the bomb that ziggs is telling heimerdinger is gonna be the best bomb ever it's a very sophisticated invention yes the biggest bomb it's the biggest bomb he's ever created and he's very proud of the idea it's very complicated sophisticated yep yep it's for jamming whams or whamming jammers yeah um and heimerdinger is not having any of it uh but so the blue cogs you collect to build the whammer jammer which is then what you ride into battle against heimerdinger in the boss battle so that's kind of the goal of the game is to build this big bomb and it's for ziggs to build his biggest bomb ever and uh in retaliation heimerdinger creates an invention of his own nice and then uh the white cogs which you mentioned as well rowan those allow you to buy extra costumes yes costumes yeah let's talk a little bit about the skins yeah uh well we have uh a bunch of skins in the game um that uh reflect league's ip quite nicely i believe um and uh like alex said they're purchasable by the white doodads that are off path each skin has its own suite of effects and special animations when you play with one of the costumes on it it looks different because all of the explosions all the effects are different and everything and so it just has a different flavor okay so this one is a little bit more difficult so what's the what's the difference in this level compared to the more regular one we just looked at right in this one you'll see uh that the player here is doing some of the off prompt actions so you'll notice um a lot of the times when they collect the orange gizmos they're throwing a bomb here right and it's all synced to the music of course um and prompted by the music but it's all optional so the player here is opting in to some of the extra stuff um and i'm i'm noticing that they're not opting into everyone because you see all the hextech um objects there that are glowing blue those indicate freestyle mayhem opportunities okay and so you want to destroy all of those glowing blue hextech uh level elements as you're going this player seems pretty comfortable with inserting extra bomb throws but they're not really doing all of them and they're missing some of the pounds and jumps as well that's right yeah because there are optional moves all the moves which feels good and i started out kind of doing um like warden runs i was trying to get as many wardens as i could that was like sort of my introduction to the um i mean that feels like a noble quest physique i agree and it's funny because you get the the unique animations quite quite often the silly silly warden versus the screen or whatever yeah yeah um and then wow the crescendo at the end we tried to uh respect ziggs as much as possible by making it uh as explosive as we can yeah the end of each level pretty much ends with a big bang yeah this is again why ziggs is amazing because yeah if all else fails just blow something exactly yeah and the way he does it is always funny he's cute he's really cute oh well now here okay yeah the challenger uh run the only way you can get a challenger rank is by doing everything it's it's 100 percent yes like it's not it's not 99.99 like to give challenger you have to perfect a level you have to perfect the levels they're doing extra jumps they're doing extra pounds they're doing extra throws all of it but this is optional as well right with challenger yeah yep totally optional and this player is sight reading all of the their level elements right to so that they know where to like they're listening to the song and they're reading like all of the the gizmos on the screen to be able to get challenged that's right yeah um and this is what a challenger run looks like um and this is a relatively early on level this is maybe on the front half uh yeah this is not quite halfway through the game hey look there's jinx you know we thought about that yeah but um yeah look at that it's so so cute i know and you guys have seen arcane the television series yes absolutely it's incredible yeah there are some things for the player to discover that directly references arcane um and it's going to be interesting to see uh if the players see it and and their uh reaction to that now here is impossible yes now this is the chaos one and this is crazy i think it's just beautiful i mean you don't have the prompts and if you are at this level where you're able to do this yes it is literally like playing a musical instrument in my opinion it is it it really is like playing a musical instrument and i'm glad that you said it that way i would not have said it that way but you're right it's impressive to watch can you talk a bit about you know the art style here because you know the levels are just very gorgeous part of it was easy because uh piltover in the league world's so well defined but we really wanted to throw our spin and our taste on it have it be pulled over and zone from our point of view um and we also ziggs has that cartoony feel uh to him so we wanted to represent that with uh the way we modeled are the way our characters look our animations the way they there's a lot of stretching in the anims a lot of goofiness in our animation like you said it's your interpretation of piltover so there's no you know the lines aren't straight on the buildings and right some of the buildings are kind of bopping up and down in the background in time with the b like it it feels like there's personality in the world which just feels like your guy's stuff so is there anything else you want to share with players about hextech mayhem i think i just say have fun and get into joyful fun have joyful fun and uh that's sort of our studio model motto uh to um i'll let you say it because you say it so often get in the zone and ride the vibe hey i love that yes thank you mike thank you alex thanks so much for having us thanks [Music] thanks so much for tuning in everyone that is everything that we have today but hextech mayhem and room king are out today so please play them and have fun they are awesome games and we'll be sharing more about our other games soon [Music] you
Channel: Nintendo
Views: 207,022
Rating: 4.8263535 out of 5
Keywords: nintendo, game, gameplay, fun, video game, action, adventure, rpg, play, switch, nintendo switch, riot, riot forge, indie world, indie games, indie, league of legends, LoL
Id: KgTqSGImicU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 10sec (3130 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 16 2021
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