ETS (English) | 04.09.2020 The Fruits of The Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22-24)

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in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit one god amen our beloveds wherever you are we thank our lord jesus christ for his infinite love mercy and compassion um for he is always um so kind to us in bringing us again to his holy church for another bible preach session sharing his word which is the truth the living and the reviving word of our lord and savior jesus christ we thank you lord for your infinite love we thank you lord for your faithfulness we thank you lord for the ultimate sacrifice which you gave and shed on the cross on calvary for the salvation and the redemption of the world before we go into our lecture or or preach this evening i'd like to ask you all let us all stand for the lord's prayer in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit one god amen our father who art in heaven hallowed be your name your kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven give us today our daily bread and forgive us our debts as we forgave our debtors and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil for yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever and ever amen psalm number 22 my god my god why have you forsaken me why are you so far from helping me and from the words of my crowning oh my god i cry in the daytime but you do not hear and in the night season and i'm not silent but you are holy enthroned in the praises of israel our fathers trusted in you they trusted and you delivered them they cried to you and were delivered they trusted in you and were not ashamed but i am a worm and no man a reproach of men and despised by the people all those who see me ridicule me they shoot out the lip they shake the head saying he trusted in the lord let him rescue him let him deliver him since he delights in him but you are he who took me out of the womb you made me trust while on my mother's breasts i was cast upon you from birth from my mother's womb you have been my god be not far from me for trouble is near for there is none to help many bulls have surrounded me strong bulls of bashan have encircled me they gave at me with their mouths like a raging and roaring lion i am poured out like water and all my bones are out of joint my heart is like wax it has melted within me my strength is dried up like a potsherd and my tongue clings to my jaws you have brought me to dust of death for dogs have surrounded me the congregation of the wicked has enclosed me they pierced my hands and my feet i can count all my bones they look and stare at me they divide my garments among them and for my clothing they cast lots but you o lord do not be far from me all my strength hasten to help me deliver me from the sword my precious life from the power of the dog save me from the lion's mouth and from the horns of the wild oxen you have answered me i will declare your name to my brethren in the midst of the assembly i will praise you you who feed the lord praise him all you descendants of jacob glorify him and fear him all you offspring of israel for he has not despised nor abhorred the affliction of the afflicted nor has he hidden his face from him but when he cried to him he heard my praise shall be of you in the great assembly i will pay my vows before those who fear him the poor shall eat and be satisfied those who seek him will praise the lord let your heart live forever all the ends of the world shall remember and turn to the lord and all the families of the nations shall worship before you for the kingdom is the lord's and he rules over the nations all the prosperous of the earth shall eat and worship all those who go down to the dust shall bow before him even he who cannot keep himself alive a posterity shall serve him it will be recounted of the lord to the next generation they will come and declare his righteousness to a people who will be born that he has done this and all glory be to our lord jesus christ the savior and the redeemer of the world now and forever more and more amen please be seated well my beloved again a very warm welcome and thank you very much for being with us this evening all the way from sydney australia through this live streaming from this holy church of saint germain and the mother of all saints our holy mother the virgin of virgin's mother mary today actually we celebrated the feast of martial on barcelona and this morning sydney local time at 10 am we celebrated the holy mass in remembrance of this great martyr and great apostle of the lord and a great patriarch and leader of the church of the east the church of the east marshman was the head of the church the patriarch of the church of the east in the 4th century where he received martyrdom for the sake of his lord and savior jesus christ this happened in mesopotamia iraq in the 4th century where he and over 100 other clergymen in that ecclesiastical order they all received martyrdom in standing firm in the faith of this wonderful christian faith where it is the only way the truth and the life to eternity and the kingdom of god so we remembered how he received martyrdom in utmost firmness and belief that there is no way but jesus christ so may his intercession and his prayers be heard before the throne of the almighty god for the mercy of jesus our lord be bestowed upon all inclu in it's more specifically the church and the whole world as well my beloveds this evening our topic is going to be from the epistle of saint paul to the galatians chapter 5 verses 22 to 24. we actually did this lecture in assyrian last monday and i thought it is of importance as well we do it in english so those who actually speak the english language and are not aware of the assyrian language at least we give them that opportunity to also receive the blessing of the lord this very evening so it is the epistle of saint paul to the galatians chapter 5 and verses 22 to 24. it says but the fruit of the spirit is love joy peace long-suffering kindness goodness faithfulness gentleness self-control against such there is no law and those who are christ have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires and all glory be to our lord jesus christ forever and ever amen the title of this evening's the lecture is the fruits of the holy spirit the fruits of the holy spirit as saint paul is teaching us here in the epistle to galatians chapter 5 verses 22 to 24 they are nine nine fruits of the holy spirit however we're gonna come into more depth of what saint paul is talk is really saying here we will come to this realization even though he mentions nine fruits but they are in essence and reality only three fruits of the holy spirit no more no less we will mention them once again saint paul says the fruits of the holy spirit are nine number one love number two joy number three peace number four longsuffering number five kindness number six goodness number seven faithfulness number 8 gentleness and number 9 self-control these nine are really three the three fruits of the holy spirit are love joy peace these are the three fruits of the holy spirit each one of these three fruits have two other branches so love has two branches joy has two branches and peace has two branches now love along with it comes long suffering and faithfulness joy along with it comes kindness and gentleness peace along with it comes goodness and self-control so they are three fruits and each one has two branches love long-suffering faithfulness joy kindness gentleness peace goodness self-control now you could see how the holy bible is so beautifully structured by the inspiration of the holy spirit to the holy man of god saint paul received this this manifestation this inspiration by the holy spirit and the way saint paul writes is absolutely magnificent so much it has so much depth and essence and we need to stop every time we read the epistles of saint paul because he is one of the greatest theologians the world had and will ever see saint paul extremely deep in his teachings extremely deep and the way he writes his epistles so now they are three fruits love joy and peace now the first branch is what feeds that fruit and the third branch is what protects the fruit so for example love has long suffering and faithfulness attached to it now long-suffering is what feeds love faithfulness is what protects love so love needs nourishment needs protection in order to flourish in order to expand and in order to be preserved and made wholesome intact now the reason why the reason why the fruits are three because and these three are one so love long-suffering faithfulness they're one because every single tree is made out of three sections there is the roots there is the trunk and the branches and there is the fruits there are three but these three are they're all one tree so the tree is made out of roots one the trunk and the branches two and then the fruits three so the roots is love the trunk and the branches is long-suffering the fruits is faithfulness this is the way we put it in a simple term to understand how saint paul is talking in his epistle to the galatians 5 22-24 so now we're gonna come why are the fruits three love joy and peace why they why are they three because the god we believe in the god we worship is trinitarian three in one and one in three they are three persons in one essence one nature there is god the father god the son and god the holy spirit one god amen hear o israel you're the lord is your god is one hero israel your god is one but this one god cannot be just one he is three in one and one in three and god created us in his image according to his likeness and we are three in one and one in three when we read the epistle of saint paul to the it's first thessalonians 5 23. in first thessalonians 5 23 saint paul says the human being is made out of body soul and spirit three but these three they make one man one person but this one person cannot be just one unit as some claim especially in judaism and islam they say god is just one and cannot be more than one in essence this is impossible why because i'll ask anyone who believes in the true divine god do you believe god exists they'll have to say yes otherwise where did existence come from if god had not pre-existed to this existence so therefore they'll say god exists yes do you believe god is wise is he is intelligent he has a brain they'll say yes otherwise where did this intelligent universe and life came about if there was not an intelligent being behind all of this so god exists god is wise intellectually he's got a brain and god is the living god he lives forever so god has a life otherwise where did this life come from if there was no source to this life so god exists god has a brain god is alive these are the three in one god's existence is the father god the the brain is the son god the life is the holy spirit but that does not make god three he is one in nature in essence but three persons preserved in one nature in one essence that is why the fruits of the holy spirit are three love joy peace father son holy spirit one god amen now one other thing when we talk about god and when we look at the holy bible how god introduces himself we go to genesis chapter one verse one the very beginning of the old testament you see it says the following genesis 1 1 in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth now the old testament it is written mostly in hebrew the the original text or the original language of the old testament is hebrew so when we go back to the original original text you will see it says the following in the beginning not god elohim or we call in aramaic syriac the language we speak elohim so when you go to the original text you will understand more in depth because in translation we lose a percentage of the original text there is no one language that is 100 identical to the next it is absolutely normal to lose a certain percentage of the meaning of the original language if i'm translating from english into arabic or chinese or any other language i cannot translate word for word because there are certain terminologies in english that cannot make sense if i translate them literally into another language so i need to find the closest possible way to reflect what that verse in english truly meant so when you go to the original text in hebrew you will see in the beginning elohim elohim now elohim is the magnification of singularity what do i mean by that when someone like donald trump the president of the united states of america the superpower nation that is so powerful when a president of the united states of america stands and talks he does not talk in a singular format but rather in a pluralistic format he will never say i the president he will say we the president of the united states of america why because the magnification of the singular unit is mightiness when you say i there is weakness but when you say we there is strength and mightiness now since i am holding a position so powerful i need to speak the language that is reflective of that powerful position that is why when the lord god came to creating things he called himself elohim no other name see everything has a meaning now elohim is the magnification of c of the singular unit therefore he is talking with mightiness why mightiness because god says i am mighty when it comes to creation why because i'm the only being that can make out of nothing everything and out of everything nothing there is no being no one that comes into existence that can create something out of nothing as humans we create things out of already existing raw materials when you see glass there is sand when you see brick there is soil and when you see whatever you see there is always a raw material already pre-existent to that thing so we are creative beings god is creator he creates out of absolute nothing everything in this he is mighty that's why he said i am elohim in the beginning elohim the trinitarian now in the arabic language pluralism begins with the number three one singular two is due to three is plural now plural begins with three and above and we see in genesis 1 1 elohim is the pluralistic language of the one nature divine god and we will see that there are three persons in the very same chapter when we go to verse two and three it says god so it was dark god said let there be light and the spirit of god was hovering over the waters they are three elohim three in one one in three and the magnification of the singular unit is mightiness god so god said god hovered over the waters god the father so god the son said since the son is the word the lord goes then the logos talks god the father so god the son said god the holy spirit hovered over the waters he brought life because the holy spirit is the source of life and that's why the fruits of the holy spirit are free love joy peace now love relates to god the father joy relates to god the son peace relates to god the holy spirit and we will come into that very shortly now god the father relates to that love the fruit of the holy spirit number one is love so god the father relates to that love why because in john in the gospel of john chapter 3 verse 16 what does it say and so god loved the whole world that he gave his only begotten son so that whoever believeth in him shall not perish but have everlasting life now john 3 16 does not mention the word god the father but how do we know that he is talking about god the father because he says and so god loved the whole world that he gave who his only son so since he gave his only son so who gives the son the father there's no other one so that's why god the father is talking so god the father loves so that's why the father relates to love now love in its own is like magnet it's gravity magnet draws every metal to it love draws everything to it what holds the entire universe together is gravity until now scientists with all the scientific discoveries and advancement they don't know where this gravity came from and how it functions it's a mystery just like energy they know it exists but we don't know what it is and they still say some of them there is no god gravity holds everything together brings everything together and keeps everything together this is love love is the gravity that brings all into oneness and unity now what is the opposite then to love since love brings everything together then the opposite to bringing things together is disbursement now what is disbursement is enmity enmity is opposite to love now the nature of the father is love the nature of the son is joy i wish i had more time now what is joy we need to understand what joy is and why the sun relates to joy god the father he is love out of his love he came and created the whole world out of love he created the whole world and then he created man in his image and likeness he created everything what made him create is love now after he created everything he came seeking joy in his creation he searched in his entire creation for joy he found not one spot that brought him joy except one place called jesus christ of nazareth and he said it at the river jordan in the gospel of matthew chapter 4 and also luke chapter 4 and he said it this is my beloved son in whom i am well pleased i am well pleased meaning i am joyous this is my beloved son in whom i found my joy to him you shall listen so the son relates to joy why because god the father out of love created everything and then he came back looking for the joy in his creation he did not find it because everyone has fallen has veered off the road and fallen short of the glory of god there is no one good but god jesus came along and in john chapter 10 said i am the good shepherd there is no one good but god and jesus said i am good meaning i am the only son of god who is god in whom my father was well pleased where he found his joy out of the entire creation of god the father jesus of nazareth is the only place where the father found his joy once and for all for no one rejoice the father except the son therefore joy was found in the sun and love was found in the father and this love and this joy is is being transferred into us by the holy spirit god the father is love god the son is joy and the holy spirit brought that love and joy into our hearts into our beings in the first epistle of saint john chapter 1 verse 3 the first epistle of saint john chapter 1 verse 3 he says the following and our fellowship excuse me and our fellowship is with the father and with his son saint john in this particular verse does not bring any mention of the holy spirit yet the fellowship is supposed to be related to the holy spirit as saint paul mentions and the fellowship of the holy spirit but saint john he says and what and our fellowship is with the father and with his son no mention of the holy spirit why because our fellowship with the father is through the holy spirit and our fellowship with the son is through the holy spirit that's why he does not need to mention the holy spirit because it is the holy spirit that makes this fellowship possible now since we have a fellowship with the father and we have a fellowship with the son then the question that naturally arises how do i come into this fellowship with the father and the son how can i share god's how can i share the father in his love how can i share the day that comes that you rejoice in the son jesus christ you are sharing the father his joy the day that comes you rejoice in the son of god you are sharing the father's joy and how do i share or that the sons um how can i be in unity with the son the day that comes that i fulfill the commandments of the father i share the sons um love joy everything so how can i be with the father when jesus christ is my joy i am with the father how can i be with the son when i fulfill the commandments of the father i am in unity with the son why because the father only rejoiced in the son the day you are rejoicing in the son you are one with the father and the son came and said it is not he who says to me lord lord shall enter the kingdom of god but it is he who does the will of my father will enter god's kingdom so the day you fulfill god's will god the father's will you are coming into unity with the sun so when i rejoice in the son i am one with the father when i do the will of the father i am one with the son and we cannot fulfill neither joining the father is in his joy by rejoicing in the son and nor fulfilling god's god the father's will by being united to the son we cannot fulfill neither this nor that unless by the power of the holy spirit it is by the power of the holy spirit i am able to say jesus is lord it is by the power of the holy spirit i am able to say jesus is lord i cannot rejoice in the son without the holy spirit supporting me sustaining me and enlightening me and bringing me into this inside and the depth of the divine son when the holy spirit engulfs me he brings me to the sun makes me joyous in the sun i am sharing god's joy and he is allowing me to fulfill the father's will in order to be one with the son jesus christ by the power of the holy spirit i am able to achieve both therefore the nature of the father is love when the father loved the whole world what did he do he sacrificed his son his only son when the father loved the whole world he sacrificed his only son when he sacrificed christ for our sake our sins were forgiven and the enmity that we had between us and god the father we became enemies when we broke his word in the garden of eden we became enemies so by the sacrificial lamb of god christ who was sacrificed by the father when the son died on the cross our sins were forgiven and and that enmity that was between god and and man [Music] was lifted all together therefore we rejoiced where did joy come from when i heard the voice saying to me you're forgiven and when i heard that i am reunited and reconciled back to god the father i rejoiced that's where joy came from that's why the sun relates to joy when the lord jesus rose from the dead and he revealed himself to his apostles what does the holy bible say in the gospel of john chapter 20 verse 20. john 20 20 it says and the disciples rejoiced when they saw the lord and what and the disciples rejoiced when they saw the lord the bible did not say and the disciples were full of love when they saw the lord no they rejoiced why because the son relates to joy the father relates to love and will go more into depth very shortly every time you see the lord in your life and you fulfill his commandments you will be joyous every time you see the lord vividly in your life and you fulfill his commandments you will rejoice the commandments in its essence in its nature is joy the commandment in its nature it is joy that's why my beloved do not be troubled by the surroundings do not be troubled by the environment you are in do not be troubled by the situation you are in do not be troubled by the currents of the world and by the troubles that are coming your way don't let your heart be troubled that's what the lord said to the disciples rejoice in me he said why for since the sun is joy every time i accept the son i rejoice since he is the joy every time i accept the son in my life i rejoice when and how do i accept the son in my life when i do the will of his dad when i fulfill the commandment of the father the lord said my work is to do i came to do the will of my father i came to complete the work which my father has given me to complete so every time you complete the father's work every time you fulfill the father's commandments you are sharing the sun and since the sun is your joy so every time you accept the sun by fulfilling god's will you are joyous therefore when the son of god is with you it matters not what kind of a life you are in what kind of a situation you are facing what kind of a turmoil and trouble sometimes and dark tunnels that you are walking through since the sun is with you therefore joy is all yours and since the sun gives you his joy no one can take it away from you that is why king david the psalmist says in psalm 23 even though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death i will fear no evil for you which one is the as king david referring to here as you the son for you are with me how do i know that he's talking about the sun following that verse says for your staff and your rod they comfort me the staff and the rod relates to the son not to the father what is the difference between the staff and the road well they are both sticks but there is a difference the road the staff is held is held vertically the staff is held vertically now a shepherd of the sheep he holds a staff not a rod he holds a stuff that piece of stick he holds it this way vertically as staff you hold it so that when you get tired you lean on that stuff to comfort you a rod is another stick but it's held horizontally a rod is used for disciplinary action when you want to discipline someone you strike them with the rod not a staff a staff for comfort rod for discipline when you put thy stuff and thy road they comfort me when you put the stuff vertical and you put the rod horizontal what do you get the holy cross what made king david absolutely at peace while walking through the valley of the shadow of death was the holy cross he said your cross which is made out of stuff and rod comforts me therefore the sun is my joy when the sun is with me even if i go into the depths of hell it matters not it is paradise for me for as long as the sun the sun is mine everything is nothing but joy even if it's hell wow therefore we see the father in love and we see the son in joy now we enter into the holy spirit now since the fruits of the holy spirit are only three that is love joy and peace since the father is love and the son is joy therefore the holy spirit is what peace now what is peace peace another word for it reconciliation reconciliation the opposite of reconciliation is enmity we become enemies there is peace and there is enmity why do we need peace since ever since we broke god's word our father adam the first creation of god in the human race since he broke god's word and all of us are adam since we brought god's word we lost that peace we became enemies god we became detached separated totally from god and the total separation from god is when your and my spirit separate from its creator when we become totally separated we've lost that peace therefore enmity came before between god and mankind we became enemies we need that peace because we need god to be in our life since god the father is love and and it is that love that created the whole world it is that love that sacrificed the son for our redemption and salvation in order to come back to that life which is your in order to come back to that love which is your life you need peace and that peace can only be given by the holy spirit the epistle saint paul to the romans chapter 5 verse 10. for if when we were enemies we were reconciled to god through the death of his son which more having been reconciled we shall be saved romans 5 10 for if we when we were enemies we we were reconciled to god through the death of his son much more having been reconciled we shall be saved and that's why my beloved we became reconciled to the father by the sacrifice that the son offered on the cross and by the deliverance of that peace through the holy spirit in romans chapter five again verse one says therefore having been justified by faith we have peace with god through our lord jesus christ so how did we become reconciled to the father through the death of the son how did we get peace my beloved therefore having been justified by faith we have peace with god through our lord jesus christ um there is a lot of theological depth in this particular verse i don't have the time to dwell on it the blood but i'll say this the blood of the lord jesus christ purifies the holy spirit sanctifies the blood of the lamb of god purifies the holy spirit sanctifies and without sanctification there is no dwelling of god in us there is no peace now in christ there is peace when we receive the holy spirit sorry when the holy spirit takes this peace and delivers it to us inside of us something happens called goodwill when the holy spirit takes this peace and instill that peace in us something inside of us takes place called goodwill good will another word for it joy and that's why in the gospel of luke chapter 2 verse 14 at the birth of our lord and savior jesus christ when that took place in bethlehem in israel what happened the angels of heaven you know they praised and they sang in joy saying glory to god in the highest and on earth peace good will toward men glory to god in the highest and on earth peace and joy toward men good will is joy so there is glory to god the father peace on earth and joy toward men so that peace came to us by the power of the holy spirit now my beloved we need to come now and we want to receive the sun since the sun is to do with joy we want to rejoice i just want to stop for a second what is the difference between happiness and joy happiness is external joy is internal everything that is to do with external is temporal everything that is to do with internal is eternal i'll say it again everything that is to do with external is temporal everything that is to do with internal is eternal everything that comes within yourself only god gives everything that comes outside of yourself people give the world gives and satan gives and everything that comes to you externally is only temporary but everything that comes to you internally which only god can do is eternal forever the son is joy joy comes within not without since the son gives you his joy internally what comes internally comes from god since it comes from god no one can snatch it away from you except you do not be afraid when satan goes against you he cannot steal what's inside of you because the one who dwells in you is much greater than the one who is in the world the lord jesus said a thief cannot steal the house until he ties the owner of the house and then robs the house now when the owner of the house is god who can tie god up no one since god is in you and through the son which is the joy no matter what happens outside of you you will always enjoy that joy which comes inside are you sick and the doctors say you're gonna die tomorrow rejoice in the sun are you having trouble with work you can't find the job and you're struggling financially rejoice in the sun are you trying to get to getting married and you can't find the perfect partner for yourself rejoice in the sun are you having trouble with your family members and your relatives and your cousins and your friends and you're having you know work trouble with your work colleagues rejoice in the sun have you just been kicked out of the church rejoice in the sun are you starving rejoice in the sun are you afflicted rejoice in the sun are you naked rejoice in the sun let the son of god be your joy focus on the sun don't focus on the situation focus on the sun now we want to receive the son in order to enjoy his joy how do i receive the son well i'll put it in a simple tim i came to the lord jesus and i said lord please i want to receive you he said white i said why he said because i came to make everything complete and perfect i came to fulfill my father's will so you need to wait until i fulfill my father's will i said okay i'll wait so time went by another year another two i went to him i said lord i've been waiting i need you he said wait i haven't completed everything and then i went back again he said wait and then i heard he's being captured and he's being dragged in the streets of jerusalem and i saw him being nailed on the cross i went to the cross and i said lord please before you go let me receive you i want to rejoice in you he said wait he died in the flesh on the cross and said wait he was buried in the tomb he said wait he rose from the dead and then he ascended to heaven and sat at the right of at the right hand of the father the moment he said at the right hand of the father he said now you're gonna receive me my beloved remember this god will never do anything ordinary god will always do things outside of ordinary where your mind is blown away where nothing makes sense where nothing is logical god will never do something that your mind can relate to god will always do things beyond your comprehension for it is god the day god works in the natural he's no longer god god will always work in the supernatural and your mind can only fathom what is natural anything that is supernatural your mind stands in shock and all and says what has just happened can someone tell me please i'll give you an example of what i say the lord jesus was walking one day with his disciples you'll find that in the gospel of john chapter nine and then he saw somebody at the side of the road blind from birth and he stopped the disciples asked the lord they said whose mistake whose sin was it was it his parents for this man to be born blind or was it his mistake to be born blind the lord said it is neither his parent nor his mistake but this man was placed here at this moment for the glory of god now what does the lord jesus do he spits on the ground and he makes mud and he takes that mud and sticks it on his face into his eyes which is already blind and then he says to this blind man get up and walk almost um almost a kilometer and go and wash your face in that pond of water now the logic the natural realm will say this excuse me jesus time out for a moment do you know that i am blind the lord will say of course i know now do you open the blind eyes with mud he says absolutely yes um i can't understand this if there was one percent of sight you've just ruined it jesus thanks to you because you filled my eyes with mud even that one percent now is gone and on top of that jesus you're telling me to go to that point hello i'm already blind you've just put mud on me and filled my eyes with mud so now i am one million to a hundred blind you're telling me to walk can you grab my hand he says no you do it because my word is authority my word is commandment my word says and things happen and god said let there be light and light came when god talks things happen things change he is in control there is power in his word there is creativity in his word there is manifestation there is control there is everything you lack in his word he walks to that pond he washes his face he gains the sight he never had from birth he never had now that is abnormal that is unnatural that is illogical but when you adhere to the word of god you will see the glory of god in your life do not use your head when god operates in your life do not use your head and try to understand because god will never make you understand god operates above the stand not understand when we say i understand what am i saying to myself i can only fathom the things that are under the stand of my intellectual level god operates above the stand since he is god he will always operate in the supernatural above the stand not in the natural under the stand so give it to god and leave it in his capable hands for he knows how to make you function so while jesus was on earth i was unable to receive him now he went to the heaven of all heavens and now he says receive me sorry lord on earth i could not receive you now you're in the heaven of all heavens i'm gonna receive you how does that work he says i will send you the holy spirit in my name that comes from my father in my name when the holy spirit dwells in you he will take from me from what is mine and give you the holy spirit will take from what is mine and will give you now if i am a little cup then the holy spirit will take from jesus christ and fill this cup that's all he can fill since i'm a cup that's all can be filled if someone else is a is a barrel much bigger cup then the holy spirit will take accordingly from christ and fill this big barrel the more you open your heart to the lord the more you are being filled from the lord by the holy spirit and to your heart the more you let go of yourself the more christ will be vividly clear in your life the more you enclose yourself to god the lesser the work of god will be apparent in your life the more you face the more christ appease the more you appear the lesser christ appears it is all dependent on how much we let go of ourselves how much we open up to christ how much we let we give our heart to christ it is that according to that the holy spirit takes from christ and fills us up saint paul demonstrates this so beautifully when he says in his epistle to the philippians chapter 3 verse 13. saint paul says philippians 3 13 forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead so that i may be able to reach the perfect stature of christ forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead saint paul says i want to be christ-like i want to reach the perfection the perfect stature of christ i want to be like him how do i be like him i'll i must forget everything behind me and look forward meaning i must deny myself totally erase myself entirely for the whole sum of christ be apparent in me and that's why he said in other place i live not me but christ who lives in me i live not me but christ who lives in me so the more we deny ourself the more we are filled from the sun by the holy spirit and we become christ like on earth we're running out of time therefore there are only three fruits to the holy spirit love joy peace these are the three fruits and the other two one that feeds this fruit the other that protects this food and very briefly my beloved when you believe in the love of god the father and rejoice in the salvation that was given by the son to you and accept the peace that was delivered to you by the holy spirit salvation is made perfectly complete in your life when you believe in god and the love of god the father and when you rejoice in the salvific plan fulfilled by the son for you and when you accept the peace brought to you by the power of the holy spirit salvation is made perfect in your life now i want to talk in the next 5-10 minutes very very briefly about that love now the father through his love has drawn you like magnet love draws the father through his love has drawn you to christ his son because the lord jesus said no one can come to me except the father draws him to me no one can come to the son jesus christ unless the father has drawn that person the lord said that to his disciples so the father through his love draws us to the sun and then the holy spirit enlightens us opens our eyes to the sun when the holy spirit opens our eyes to the sun then and then only i can say that jesus is lord those who do not have the holy spirit cannot say jesus is lord and they and they say this is a blasphemy how dare you say jesus is lord he is only a prophet well because you don't have the holy spirit that's why you cannot claim this the father put you in front of the son the holy spirit opened your eyes to the sun and when your eyes were opened to the sun you rejoiced we come back again and say that verse and the disciples rejoiced when they saw the lord and the disciples rejoiced when they saw the lord there are there will be three fruits clearly apparent in your life when god when god is in you there is love in you when god is in you there is joy in you and when god is in you there is peace in you when you have god the father you have love when you have god the son in your life you have joy and when you have god the holy spirit in your life you have peace since these three are only one god in nature in essence you better have this trinitarian god all in you you need the father you need the son and you need the holy spirit all in at the same time otherwise without the father without the son without the holy spirit there is no love in you there is no joy in you and there is no peace in you there is nothing in you absolutely nothing love is giving joy is contentment peace is known none fear love is giving joy is contentment peace no more being afraid when you have peace you cannot be scared anymore you cannot be afraid anymore peace gets rid of fear people that fear means the peace of god is very shallow in their life the moment you bring that peace back no more fear my dear friend no more for you now what feeds the first fruits of the holy spirit which is love the first fruit is love what feeds love is longsuffering what protects love is faithfulness so long suffering feeds love faith protects love and i'll leave i'll talk about this very very briefly because we really have exceeded our time limit but i hope i'm not bothering you well anyway tough luck with love and respect now i'm going to come to this now the first fruit is love in the holy spirit the supreme ethic is love you see when you go and ask all the religions of the world buddhism hinduism shintoism all the religions of the world and i'll say all the isms that should have been wasn't when you ask them what comes first they will tell you life after life love so life proceed is love the only place where claims that love comes first then life is christianity and so true of a statement that love comes first four if we say that life came before love then what would i have done with a life that had no love in it it would have been an absolute hell therefore what makes life life is love without love there is no life therefore love comes first the holy bible when it talks about god in relation to love and life says the following when it talks about life says god is the life giver when it talks about love does not say god is the love giver it says god is love since love is number one god is number one god is love he is the beginning to every beginning and he is the end to every end since god is love then god then love comes first without love there is no life there is absolutely nothing good now if i and you want to live if we want to live we must love since love is the foundation of life without love there is no life do you want to live everybody will say yes well if you want to live then you must love now when you love there are two other fruits that relate to love and they are one with love one fruit feeds love the other one protects love now what feeds love is long suffering man i need another hour what is long-suffering other word being patient you need to be patient in the book of ecclesiastes chapter 3 king solomon says there is a time for everything under the sun there is a time to be born and there is a time to die there is a time to plant a seed and there is a time to harvest what you have planted i want to dwell on this there's a time to plant and there's a time to harvest what you have planted what king solomon through his wisdom is saying in the book of ecclesiastes which is the book of repentance he says there is a time for everything there is a time to plant now planting a thing is the beginning of the road harvesting what you planted is the end of the road what king solomon is saying just like there was a time for you and i to plant something rest assure there will come a time to harvest what you've planted beginning of the road planting harvesting is the end of the road king solomon is saying in the beginning of the road you are free but in the end of the road you are no longer free you can plant whatever you choose to plant no one can stop you but when the time which will come whether you like or not to harvest you have no choice of harvesting what you choose to harvest you will only harvest what you chose to plant in the beginning if you chose to plant the seed of apple tree you will harvest apple do not be upset do not be angry for not harvesting oranges because you chose to plant apple tree you will get apple 100 but you see between planting and harvesting there is something in between called long suffering you need to be patient my dear friend because that seed you cannot expect it to be a fruitful tree overnight it takes time for the seed to give you fruit without patience you cannot reap that fruit of what you planted if you choose to plant the seed of hatred rest assured my dear friend god is faithful you will harvest the fruit of hatred if you choose to plant the seed of love since our topic is talking about the fruit of love which is the number one fruit in the holy spirit when you choose to plant the seed of love rest assure a time will come you will harvest the fruit of love because god is faithful to his word what happens to us is the following when i show love to people around me and they return it back to me with hatred and with pain i tolerated for the beginning i say it's okay lord for your sake my lord jesus since i love you i'll tolerate my brother i'll tolerate my husband my wife my father my mother my sister my friend my cousin whoever they are i'll tolerate them for your lord for your sake lord jesus now again i show love they bring it back with hatred with with with uh with pain and sorrow to me and then i say it's okay and i show love again and 10 times and 20 times and a hundred times i believe when i reach number one thousand i'll say hang on a second until when am i gonna be mr and mrs nice guy do people think i'm stupid do people think i'm weak do people think i am ignorant what do they think do they think they can use me and abuse me always i show love love is not weak but love is long-suffering when i showed love they thought i'm ignorant because they brought it back with hatred and they got away with it when they got away with it they thought they can use me and abuse me um nothing they did not realize that i know everything and i'm capable of returning back their favor but i chose to plant the seed of love because i want to harvest love for god is love and i want to be his portion at the end i don't want to be the enemy's portion so what happens after a while of being mr nice guy and people returning it totally the opposite i lose my patience long suffering when the moment comes i lose my patience what happens i begin to doubt the number one enemy of to faith is doubtfulness the moment we begin to doubt we lose faith now i'll come back again the fruit is love what feeds what nourishes this fruit is long-suffering what protects love is faith when i lose track of my patients and i say lord why are you doing this to me lord i'm always nice to you i pray to you i fast i go to church i read your bible i do charitable deeds i'm always nice to you and how come out of all the entire world you only have me and all your strikes are upon my head until when lord jesus you treat me in this harsh way i can't be patient anymore you either fix it or forget about me i'm not going to tolerate anyone else comes along and be nasty to me i will shred them to pieces no more mr lavilla and david that's it patience long suffering is long gone when long suffering is gone what happens my faith is on a shaky ground i begin to doubt what i begin to doubt god the father's love for me you see when god is not delivering me from the lion's mouth when god is not protecting me as far as i'm concerned as far as i know when god is not changing the situation and every time i show love i get the opposite every time i've been mr nice guy people are harsh to me i begin to doubt whether god still loves me or not the moment you doubt god's love for you you've lost your faith the moment you've lost your faith you've lost your patience the moments you've lost your patience you missed out on reaping the fruit of love and when you miss out on reaping the fruit of love you missed out on eternal life since love that gives life you lose love you lose life eternally you planted the seed it takes years before it gives you fruit those years is called patience i'll leave you with this and i'll i pray that you live in the love of god the father always if we ask ourselves what kind of a culture we are living in i'll say this there are only three kind of cultures no more no less we're talking about number three so even in cultures there are only three cultures there are three cultures no more no less the names that i'm about to say they're all in greek there is the theonomous culture there is the hedronomist culture and there is the autonomous culture [Music] in greek means god no mos means law there is the theonomas culture there is the god law god's law culture and there is the hedro nomos culture hedros means another nomos means law when you deny god another one's law will rule you it is either god ruling you or someone else ruling you there is nothing in between so when you deny god another one hedros nomos another one's law culture will rule you and there is the autonomous culture ottos means self nomos law self law driven culture if we ask ourselves what kind of a culture is the 21st century i can assure you without blinking of an eye definitely it is not theonomas culture god is not ruling if god was ruling why would there have been all this chaos and turmoil and tribulation in the world and coronavirus got the corona baby another one's culture not in the 21st century because if it was another one's culture ruling me nowadays i cannot say one thing to a little child they will not accept what i say to them a little kid will say no to me so hard to make them appreciate what i'm trying to do for them it is definitely the 21st century is embedded so deeply and profoundly into the autonomous culture otto's self-law culture today everyone walks according to what they know and what they choose to know everybody says it is my way and everyone else hit the highway brother the problem with autonomous culture is one foundational thing tolerance what is tolerance long-suffering patience when you look around you do you see people tolerating one another no do you see people being patient with one another absolutely not the moment one of us makes a mistake i chop their head the moment somebody upsets me hurts me offends me i rip him apart i cannot accept no word from mom no word from that no word from an elderly person no word from a from a clergyman i choose what i want even with christianity everybody has become a professor in theology and biblical teachings everybody is a teacher on the youtube and everybody is saying nonsense they are denying the sacraments of the church they are denying the the the essence of the church and the saying we are the church and you don't need to go to no one run with your bible because this is your only way to jesus christ so don't listen to the bishop don't listen to a priest don't listen to a pottery egg don't listen to no one grab the bible read it the bible will teach you the holy spirit is your friend make him your friend and i wish you all the best what a childish statement to make but people are not listening why because they are living in an autonomous culture who cares what the bishop says wow well who chose the bishop isn't it god who cares uh it's amazing you know well how come you don't say who cares what the doctor says you beg the doctor please doctor heal me why is it when it comes to the lord you become mr know it all humble yourself ah sorry the reason why you cannot humble yourself because you are auto nomo derivan culture you are self-law driven culture my dear friend you do what your head tells you very dangerous this is where satan devours you the problem with our culture is tolerance there is no patience we do not tolerate one another why very simple reason since it is my law culture then i am not anyone else there is no one like me this is the way god created us my beloveds everyone is unique everyone has a thumbprint no one else has your print no one else has your dna is unique to you you have an identity number you know attached to you by god no one is like you and neither you are like someone else therefore when i walk my way when i do things my way guess what my thinking will never be like anyone else's thinking and since it is my way i will not accept and tolerate no one else anybody that says anything that is contradictive to my way of thinking i'll put an x on them i don't want to see them nor talk to them anymore the moment you lose tolerance patience long-suffering what happens you've lost faithfulness what is faithfulness you've lost and you doubted that god still loves you the world has lost the plot they are saying where is god if god is love well how come he's not doing anything excuse me you are becoming a god on earth and you're still saying where is god stop being god let god be god my dear friend you are not god it's only jesus christ so let god do what god is best at doing the moment you lose yourself god will come into your equation you've lost patience because you want to do things your way that led to losing your faith by doubting god's love for you when you doubted god's love for you you are no longer patient tolerant when you lost tolerant you lost the fruit of love you are dead for what gives life is love without love there is no life the 21st century generation is dead spiritually dead spiritually that's why we are lost we cannot tell our right hand from our left and the and the prophet isaiah what he says is absolutely being fulfilled in our time and age he says the lord god speaks through the prophet isaiah and says to this generation the 21st he said you have called the light darkness and the darkness light and you have cold the sweet sour and the bitter and the bittersweet you have changed everything upside down no wonder you are a lost generation until we come back to the fruit of love we will always be lost and that love is your heavenly father or more accurately put your heavenly father is that love love your father in heaven rejoice in his son jesus christ have your peace and the holy spirit we shall continue this topic god willing next week until then i pray that the love of god the father be instilled in your life in your heart and the crevices of your being in the depth of your soul and may that love engulf you may that love surround you within and without and may that love be the nourishment for your life may that love be the light to your life and may that love be the reason for the season every season let the love of god the father be your fruit be patient in faith that god the father still loves me he will always do never doubt have faith in his love for you be patient through that seed that you planted by the grace of god and wait for the harvest for the harvest is coming there is a time for everything under the sun says king solomon be patient for the harvest and the harvest is the end of the road await the fruit of love for when you harvest the fruit of love you will see god face to face your joy will be given to you in his kingdom forever where no thief nor moth no nothing can steal away that joy which was given through love by the power of the holy spirit you love you live with god in his love with his peace through the joy of his son forever amen let us stand for the finale prayer my beloveds in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit one god amen lord make me an instrument of your peace where there is hatred let me sow love where there is injury pardon where there is doubt faith where there is despair hope where there is darkness light where there is sadness joy or divine master grand that i may not so much seek to be consoled as to console to be understood as to understand to be loved as to love for it is in giving that we receive it is in pardoning that we are pardoned it is in dying that we are born again to eternal life amen may the lord jesus bless you guide you and protect you may the holy trinity the love of god the father and the grace of the son and the fellowship of the holy spirit be with you now and at all time and forevermore amen don't forget to send us your questions through that email address that appears on the screen and until next week may the love of god the father and the joy of the of god the son and the peace of god the holy spirit be with you always and forevermore amen god bless thank you
Channel: Christ The Good Shepherd Church
Views: 1,079
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: klgTsZWXouA
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Length: 91min 40sec (5500 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 04 2020
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