Spidey "New Origins For Spider-Man" - Full Story | Comicstorian

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welcome to the full story series right here at comics torreón where we take some of your favorite to lore from video games comic books and movies and break them down into digestible bites to give you an audio drama where we act things out our full story series is us taking a lot of our older videos and putting them into a much longer video today we're going to be bringing you all of the issues that go into the Spidey coming a long time ago Marvel decided to use pseudo retcon a lot of the origins of spider-man by creating a comic book called Spidey it reintroduced to the character of Spidey and how he got introduced to characters like Iron Man and Black Panther and even met the sinister six for the very first time I know it's not a long video as a lot of these issues were much shorter but hey we're right around spider-man far from homes release and I wanted to bring you guys a spider-man complete story so hope you guys enjoy the Spidey story in one full story just for you this is Peter Parker spider bite totally radioactive but it did come with some cool powers and what do you do with cool powers you make some money help some family and do the normal things but the moment that Peters Uncle Ben was shot all of that changed and he decided why not use your powers for good like stopping a bank robbery that happens to be conducted by a hot girl in a bunny outfit and then post on a social media but all of this doing good is making Peter late for classes so much so that he needs a tutor the arrangement is that he'll tutor her for one class and she'll tutor him for another one so Peter walks the halls thinking about gwen stacy his crush as his tutor when Flash Thompson pushes him down Peter thinks to himself that he can take him in fact maybe it's time for him to get his revenge but before Peter can react Gwen Stacy punches flash she tells Peter that he can't have his brains knocked around before she can take advantage of them first and that they need to go now or they're going to be late for their field trip to Oscorp the place where great minds come together to think under one roof everything is going fine on the field trip until Peters spidey sense goes crazy and then dr. Otto Octavius comes crashing in Peter sneaks off to change into his superhero costume while Otto Octavius tries to steal Oscorp technology as Peter begins to crawl through the vents Octavius whips Peter out of them spider-man the one that the Daily Bugle calls a menace that was a typo they misspelled Hiro Peter begins to fight with Octavius his arms until he shocks Octavius with a power line Octavius then begins to knock down a giant pillar using it to escape because Peter has to grab the pillar before it can crush everyone once everyone is clear Peter swings out of the building grabbing Gwen Stacy along for the ride after she's safe Peter asks if she's okay and she tells him yeah you Peter thinks to himself say something cool you've got this man you've got this and he responds with yeah while thinking to himself nailed it after everything is clear Peter's friend Harry introduces him to his father Norman Osborn and Peter tells Norman how his work is an inspiration and Norma tells him to keep his grades up and he'll have a spot here for Peter later when Peter gets home late he explains to onme that it was because of the field trip and she asks if he learned anything from it and he tells her yeah never give up meanwhile back at Oscorp a worker tells Norman Osborn that because of spider-man dr. Otto Octavius couldn't steal there and that's when Norman stops him he's much more interested in how spider-man even got in there in the first place as Norman looks at his computer thinking about this spider-man we see an image of someone Green Goblin looking back at Norman and the Green Goblin reflection tells him not to worry they're almost ready on the next day Peter starts his day with Aunt May asking of today is the big day seeing as he's changed his shirt five times before leaving for school Peter tells her that it is the day the first day where he's going to tutor Gwen Stacy and those shirts were just dirty and stupid on May tells him to relax just be himself so during class Peter begins to think about that which cell should he be his nerdy self his broke self maybe his spidey self and as the bell rings Gwen pulls Peter into the library to help her study Peter thinks to himself that he just needs to be himself and he begins to look over her work and she asks if he thinks that she can really pass and he thinks to himself say something cool say something cool and then in a Gandalf tone he says you shall pass Gwen tells Peter that Gandalf rocks but it's time for her to help him with his studies as Peter begins to swing around the city he thinks about how Gwen likes Gandalf and how he likes Gandalf and how they both like Gandalf but before long his spidey sense begins to go off and he sees a bank being robbed as he looks around he doesn't see anything other than sand but the sand is moving the same thing has to rise up taking the form of a person and it punches Peter this is Sandman aka full and DiMarco aka a real jerk he's the bank robber considering he just punched Peter out of the bank as Peter gets outside he realizes that he needs to get Sandman away from the people before they get hurt so Peter grabs the money and Sandman begins to chase him as Peter is looking for a place where Sandman can't hurt people and just as Peter sees it Sandman blasts him in the back with sand Peter looks around and notices that he fell into a construction site perfect more sand the sand begins to swirl around Peter and he realizes that Sandman may be trying to bury him but don't worry though this is all a part of Peters plan probably maybe but you know what hurts Sandman more than Spidey water so he shoots his web opening up a water valve sprang Sandman and then breaking free of the sand tornado thing Peter then turns on a cement machine and asks Sandman his thoughts on cement and just as Sandman gets covered up in cement he tries to yell out to Peter Peter tells him yeah I love it too Peter tells the police that they're welcome and he's glad that he could have helped and the police ask him if he's kidding what are they supposed to do with him now he's a giant block of cement Peter says that at least he's not going anywhere and the cops tell him that's the problem right um bye and Peter webs away later that night Peter gets home and on May asks how his day when Peter tells her that it was great actually on May asks how he managed to do that and Peter tells her he was himself every single one of them Peter Parker has been having a rough time juggling his life superhero life and school his grades are slipping he isn't popular anywhere and he just wants to beat up these bullies since he is spider-man but he knows if the world finds out that he is spider-man it'll ruin Mays life to make matters worse his aunt is having problems covering their bills making Peter think that he might need to go get a job and so he becomes the amazing pizza delivery boy except on his first day of war he rides into the middle of New York where there are countless lizards running around and here he thought that his spidey sense was going up because he was going to be late delivering this pizza thinking to himself oh well he slips into an alley and he changes into his spider-man outfit before swinging back onto the streets to web up all of the lizards but Spidey finds it a bit odd that this is obviously a plot from the lizard but the lizard isn't around the lizard is an Army medic that lost his arm and they tried to conduct research with lizard DNA to allow him to regrow said arm but it had a side effect of changing him into a giant lizard man bent on changing the entire world into lizards he looks over and he notices that some of those lizards are jumping into the sewers and he realizes that that is promptly where the lab is at so he climbs down and he turns on a Spidey symbol flashlight and he follows the trail until he gets in to the lizard's lab while there is no lizard there he does find a bunch of eggs and that's when they begin to hatch into little lizards and it's almost as if it's perfect timing because this is a comic book or something as they begin to hatch all around Spidey he's not really that concerned but they then begin to quickly overwhelm him and he does get a little concerned as he whips his way to the ceiling to get away from the lizards the lizard himself returns Rabbie's by the throat and throwing him aside asking why would you hatch the egg so soon Spidey slumps to the granite he begins to wonder if spleens can break because he knows he heard something break he then runs back to the surface getting the lizard to follow him and once he's topside to get a little breathing room he begins to slip around gaining momentum so that he can punch the lizard but that's when the lizard gets his tail around Spidey's neck throwing him into the nearby walls but he jumps back launching himself into the air knocking out the lizard with a big hit but that's when he sees a larger problem these lizard monsters are escaping into this city but that also gives them an idea sell them to the zoo the zookeeper explain to him that they don't exactly pay money for these kinds of things but if he wants he could probably sell photos to the National Geographic and that's when it dawns on him why not take more pictures of spider-man and sell those he hugs the zookeeper while wearing his souvenir hat and pennants and then he goes to take pictures of spider-man selling them to make money for Aunt May crisis solved now it's time for issue 4 Spidey was walking through the park thinking about how things just aren't working out still villains are escaping all over the place and the photo that he sent in was used to paint him as a menace and the bullies at school still won't leave him alone but his soul-searching walk brings him to a museum where he witnesses a guy in a green hoodie stealing a painting and trying to sneak away he walks up to him telling the thief to stop and that's when the thief pulls out a gun revealing it to be dr. doom no seriously it's dr. doom in a green hoodie he tells Spidey that he's returning this artwork to Latveria and he isn't gonna play some game was a 15 year old kid and Spidey's reply is ah you're 15 then he thinks to himself smooth Pete smooth he that asks is Doctor Doom going hippie does he prefer to be called the doom stir now and the doom stir shouts back at him my name is dr. doom the two of them begin to battle it out bouncing off the walls of the museum with doctor dooms rocket boots until Spidey gets a chance to flip the gun and punch off dr. Doom's head which informs Spidey that this isn't really Doctor Doom but is actually a Doombot he swings into the city where he sees on TV that the doom bots are fighting all over the place fighting various superheroes and that's what gets Spidey thinking what is Doctor Doom really after but as he continues to watch the television he sees a tag line that there are power outages in worklet and he thinks to himself is Doctor Doom trying to steal power he gets over to the power station where inside he does find dr. doom and dr. doom turns around and tells Spidey and we are actually the same superior intellect incredible power and we are both incredibly alone then he stops and Spidey looks at him did we just have a moment no I was simply waiting waiting for what never mind Spidey says as he sees doombots are now surrounding him it begins beating on the doombots taking off their heads until one of them gets his hands on Spidey blasting him through the ceiling and into the city he goes flying through the roof of an apartment building and then hits a wall floor wall floor wall and he lands in the park outside that's where a little kid walks over in a Spidey mask and ask some what happened he tells them that he got beat by Doctor Doom and the kid tells him you got this you're spider-man he then gets Spidey a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and they swap masks because Spidey's was ripped and Owen had an awesome one that he made himself Spidey does swings back over to the power station where he positions himself outside whips up a spiderweb launcher together and he throws himself into the power station and into dues machine powering the doom bots as he lands destroying it he shuts down all of the bots he looks around and he doesn't see doom and the news gives credit to Captain America for stopping dr. doom leaving the newspapers to blame Spidey for trashing the museum in the end doom went back to let Varia he did win though because he actually just wanted that painting he felt that a painting made by a let Varian painter deserve to be in the latter area Museum one of the doom bots then asks him if he meant what he said is he alone and doom scoffs in debt doom is never alone well it was a good run for Peter Parker but how did it get to the end it all started one day after school when Peter was watching Gwen walk home with Flash Thompson Harry tells Peter not to worry there are plenty of fish in the sea a Peter feel is that he may not even be in this season's the two of them begin to head home Harry's father Norman Osborn comes by to check on Peter to see if you'd like to accept his offer of helping tutor Harry seeing that Peter helped Gwen with math Norman wanted to pay Peter to help Harry with his studies after a little convincing Peter agrees and Norman hands him a check for a rather large sum of money before Peter can tell him it's too much Norma just tells him it's nonsense Peter knows his self-worth later as Peter watches over in New York his spidey sense goes off as a crime goes off nearby and when he gets there though robbers don't seem to be going anywhere Peter jumps down and he knocks the robbers out and he tells them normally after you rob a bank you like run away guys the robbers tell him that they actually were paid to wait and the Peter asks for who and he hears the voice tell him me the Green Goblin the Goblin flies into Peter slamming him against a building Peter tells him no time no see and then he begins to jump away but as he's trying to jump away the Green Goblin grabs him by the ankle and electrocuted Peter manages to swing away but the Goblin throws his bombs at Peter who has to duck behind a billboard after setting up his camera and swinging back into action Peter starts to beat on the Goblin but before long the Goblin begins to escape as Peter chases after him Green Goblin starts to throw his bomb at all of the nearby civilians so Peter is distracted having to save them and then the goblins toss to laugh he knocks Peter away and Peter realizes that he is in fact out of webbing and he's now gotten no other options he crashes through a manhole cover and the Goblin tells him you can't escape who needs to escape Peter tells him as the Goblin gets close to the sewer Peter jumps back out covered in water shocking the Goblin and knocking him off of his hoverboard the Goblin then begins to pick himself back up and he begins to hold his left arm and tells Peter there's something else you are a woody opponent the Green Goblin jumps back in his hoverboard and he begins to fly up telling Peter Parker soon spider soon but Peter suffered his own injuries such as hurting his leg and he yells oh yeah you better run then a random passerby turns to him and tells him get a jab then he continues to walk off the next day of school Peter and Harry begin to leave class and Nora thought with them to pick up Harry but there's something the to notice about each other Peter is limping on his leg and Norman has a broken arm they begin to stare at each other or wonder if maybe they spider-man and the Green Goblin know and now it can't be that easy the Green Goblin would never believe that spider-man is a boy and Peter can't believe a genius like Norman Osborn will be a madman like the Green Goblin for now it doesn't matter it's time for Peter to get back to work as spider-man now we go to issue 6 for Peter life has not always been awesome but he is getting help at least in school ever since his teacher mr. Maxwell's paired him up with Gwen Stacy the two have been helping each other in their work where Peter helps with math and Gwen's been helping him with his history after their history test Gwen tells Peter not to worry he did fine he does have like the greatest history tutor ever but as the two of them leaves school to get some ice cream Gwen says that it looks like they're getting closer to winter break and Peter responds by stating that in the Winter Formal because the trail off as his spider sense starts going off them he starts to walk off away from Gwen Stacy and she asks what he was gonna say about the but Peter just says nothing and he tells her he'll catch her tomorrow he ducks into an alley to change into spider-man he thinks to himself he really needs to work on asking Gwen out as he swings towards the building where his sense was going off he starts saving to himself out loud do you want to go to the winter formal and as he enters into a hole into the building he's still repeating the same question a mess and a voice tells him yeah I'll pass the voice belongs to the vulture and he's stealing from Tony Stark Peter asked to the vulture how he's been and the vulture tells him get out of my way he knocks Peter away with the briefcase that he's taken and then he slashes at Peters back with Peter town the vulture makes his escape back out of the hole that he's made but before Peter can chase after me here's a voice telling him bolts Peter turns around and he sees Iron Man and he asks what's all too formal maybe don't move yeah that's way better he doesn't scans Peter but when he looks at his face as scary as it picking up anything Iron Man tells Peter don't make him a deal before I hand you over to shield you can take that mask off we could talk like grown-ups but Peter isn't a grown-up and he shoots out the window telling him that the vulture is getting away Iron Man follow spider-man and flies after of shooting missiles and Peter tells him look I'm not the thief I wouldn't break into Sark industries besides your boss Tony Stark dude's a genius and I'm a huge fan Peter continues on the guy were actually actors the vulture and if you'd like you can ask him since he's right the Dare Ironman I am it doesn't mine maybe you were right so how about we team up instead team up with you awesome as Peter and Ironman attempt to capture the vulture the vulture flies through nearby gone to the lines and he snaps the Iron Man flies underneath to try and catch the gondola he tells Peter to keep on moving Peter swings over kicking the vulture and taking back the briefcase but as the vulture goes in for another attack his wings get blasted by Iron Man who tells him that they're done here and you're welcome for not making any barbecued wing jokes as Peter and I are missing on a roof iron man asks if he has any idea what he was doing I'm Peter says what no yes what am i a venture now no but not even close I did stop talking Iron Man begins to head out but Peter stops him asking if he hangs out with Tony Stark and Iron Man tells him all the time Medan Peter says that he's pretty good at dating and stuff right did you have any tips for me as he blasts off he says fortune favors the bold ask her out before she has plants and then Iron Man leaves the next day after class Peter walks with Glenn he finally asks her if she would like to go to the winter formal and she tells him yes she would but she's already told flash to go with him Peter says oh he just maybe thought they could study that night if she wasn't going but he'll just see her tomorrow later Peter sits alone on a building until it becomes night because the voice asking the girl already had a date Peter puts his mask back on in a hurry and he says no yes Iron Man tells him I've been there all the time some of the time okay once but I know what will make you feel better I just got an alert that fangs fangs something is trying to eat Brooklyn you want to go punch a dragon Peter Parker has been having a weird week and it wasn't fun the recent bad guys that he's been fighting and even the normal part of his life of being picked on his school by Flash Thompson really wasn't weird what was weird was the Friday that Peter and Gwen Stacy were studying and she asked him a question question was to see if Peter would help tutor Flash Thompson now the possible answers to that would be hey no thank you be are you trying to play peacemaker or get me killed and are you a flashing actual thing or see I'd rather to my hand off or D are you crazy Peter responds with can I think about it Gwen tells him that he's the best tutor and Peter thinks that he's actually the worst tutor but later that night here waits for a crime and he thinks about how he can't really help flash flash is one of his nemesis Nemus I whatever whatever and to top it all off Peters getting a little bored cuz he can't seem to find someone to punch tonight until his spider sense seemingly goes off and that's what he realized maybe there's still hope to punch something he swings out over to a warehouse where he finds it empty and he begins to question where did everyone go maybe down that awesome trapdoor he climbs down the trapdoor that he found and he sees a tunnel with men moving all kinds of something and he figures that they won't punch themselves so but that's what he's told to stop by somebody behind him but he begins to wonder why his spidey sense didn't go off Peter looks behind him and he sees the Black Panther the king and protector of Wakanda which explains why his fighting sense didn't go off like Panthers really not a bad guy Black Panther tells Peter that he should cease his actions those men down there they will answer to me they've stolen wakanda's prize but Peter cuts him off asking is it my brain 'i'm that rare wakandan metal that has all kinds of crazy properties like absorbing sound Black Panther tells him your knowledge is impressive but my spies have already been keeping track of these thieves so you should go but before he can finish stating that Peter already jumped down to begin fighting Americans to chala says Black Panther jumps down following Peter and the two of them begin to knock out all of the thieves and Peter begins to ask how did Black Panther get his awesome abilities did he hear written by a radioactive Panther Black Panther tells him that's absurd and Peter agrees getting powers from a radioactive animal bite that's absurd so the two of them finished cleaning up the rest of the thieves and Black Panther looks over at the supplies and he noticed that most of it there but some of that metal is missing and that's what Peters spidey-sense goes off again the two of them turn around to see the claw Black Panther tells him to stand down unless he's prepared to be beaten again and the claw tells him I'm prepared an e-blast Peter and black panther with a sound blast Peter flies off into the crater vibranium while Claude continues to attack the Black Panther and that's and Peter gets an idea maybe he could use some of the vibranium he jumps back in to fight with two pieces of vibranium a web to his ears and he knocks out Claudie webs him to the ground Peter begins to talk to Black Panther and that's a black man at their points at Peters ears Peter realizes my bad was i yelling Black Panther tells him no you were screaming actually and you shouldn't curse so much for being such a young man once they round up Klaw and the rest of the filles Black Panther tells Peter the secret to his abilities is that he listens when you listen you open your mind to a world where the mundane becomes and Peter begins to swing off telling him listening got it see you the next team up Americans T'Challa says again but as the week begins it goes back to being a weird week when Friday finally comes down and flash is told that Peter will help him study Gwen tells him it's a package deal she'll help with history and he'll help with math or they both won't help flash tells Peter he's not sure why Gwen is friends at him and Peter tells him I'm not sure either but Peter thinks to himself that he's listening and he know what he hears the sound of someone not being beat up so with that it's time for them to study and that is issue 7 now let's move on to issue 8 Peter and Gwen decide to go on to the movies one night and despite what people may think it is not a date or is it as they sit in the theater to want to Raiders of the Lost Ark Peter mentioned that this is his seventh time seeing it and Gwen tells him first to twice with flash so Peter asks how are things of flash as she tells them that they're fine they're just friends which surprises Peter that's when the lights go out but not the kind of going out for the dark of the movie so we can start but the blackout kind and Peter spidey sense goes off he runs outside and he changes into a suit and he looks over the city and yeah it's the total blackout kind of lights going out thing Peter begins to swing past the buildings trying to see what's going on and that's when he sees a light behind him he hears a voice saying it's tough to find a spider he looks back to see electrode with the blackout he thinks that he really should have been able to put that too Peter shoots his webs and he asks if he really wants to tangle again from their last battle Peter had to make some changes because when he grabbed electro last time he shocked Peter through the web but as Peter begins a swing electoral round electro tells him that he made some adjustments himself and he electrocutes Peter launching him into an AC unit electro begins firing off electrical blast and peter manages to dodge them but one of them hits a billboard behind peter down on the streets below Gwen looks for Peter but notices the sine falling towards an older woman she quickly runs over pushing the woman out of the way asking if she's okay and the woman tells them that she was fine until she tackled her Peter swings down telling when that it's nice to see her again and that he appreciates the help keep in mind he's spider-man right now and she doesn't know that Peter is spider-man and that's when spider-man tells her that there's a homicidal slash electrical maniac on the loose so but Gwen tells him that she's looking for her friend Peter he went missing in the blackout spider-man points over to the police on scene telling her not to worry her friend is over there helping the police and then he swings off stating that that Peter guy is an awesome guy firm handshake great hair anyway by Peter swings back up to fight with electro and he gets shot right back into the ground he needs to get a lecture away from these people and then he looks over and he sees some people walking out of the subway and that's it he has a plan he runs down into the subway and it begins swinging through the tunnels having electro chase and shoot at him every so often Peter stops to have a quick battle but ultimately he runs into a dead end he then looks at electro telling him not to say it but he says it anyway gee a dead spider dude I'll actually then begin to close in on Peter telling him that he's trapped if Peter tells him you're right but you're also trapped you used up all of your electrical power chasing me through the subway and there's no electricity down here which means lights at once getting electro to the police the police tell Peter that the bugle is right he is a menace and so Peter changes back into civilian clothes to go back to his not date with Quinn Stacey after he gets back down to the ground he hears Gwen call out to him telling him that she's been looking for him is dating she got to meet spider-man Peter tells her I did too great guy firm handshake he then goes on to state that it seems like there won't be any electricity for a while so maybe they should take a rain check on that movie when walks off telling him it's a date and heads home elsewhere though the police car taking electro suddenly feels a boom underneath it and the car flips over into a street post electro starts to wiggle his way out of the wreck and he asks what is you why would you help me the voice tells him that he has plans to destroy spider-man and to be frank it's rather the dust then begins to settle and there stands Doc Ock finishing his sentence sinister for Peter Parker he has the awesome job of being spider-man except for the part where it doesn't really pay which is why he has to sell his pictures to the bugle for some money which there is very little of however one day while getting some film developed in a lab Peter finds an old roll lying around the lab worker looks at a telling him that even the company who has made this roll is out of business he'll develop it anyway though maybe they'll have something else that they can sell to jonah jameson peter begins to leave for the day wondering what he could possibly get aunt made for her birthday but after leaving a mysterious man appears before jonah asking who took this picture of spider-man jonah asks who are you supposed to be the man tells him sergei kravinoff but others call him that's when jonah stomps I'm telling him Kraven the hunter I've heard so what are you hunting Kraven smiles and he says he's going to be hunting spiders back outside as Peter still looks for a gyfer on May his spider sense because to go off and he's pretty sure that someone's following him he ducks into an alleyway and shortly after that Kraven turns down the same alley after quickly changing into spider-man Peter jumps on Cravens head asking hey buddy you like to hide in this alley too Kraven shouts that I'm telling him I don't hide and he begins to swing around wildly I caught the son of the photographer Peter Parker are you a friend of him or perhaps Peter interrupts him stating cutie Parker that guy never gets my good side he manages to kick Kraven back and then he webs the dumpster behind him flipping it over on to Kraven but Kraven just lunges forward head-butting Peter as Kraven continues to swing Peter notices that it seems that he's got a lot faster than the last time that they met but as the fight continues Kraven starts to use different gadgets trying to capture Peter he throws small explosives and electric whip a glue gun and even just knives Peter dodges everything but there was one thing that hits him and that's his fist Kraven kicks Peter away but before he can grab Adam Peter turns over shining a light into Cravens eyes he jumps back up punching Kraven and he webs him to the wall thinking about how that was just too easy he's not that good or maybe he is maybe he's just lucky but when he turns around to look back Craven's gone and Peter says yeah I was just lucky a little while later Peter heads back to the lab to pick up his photos and when he sees what they are he says that this would make a perfect gift for onme elsewhere Kraven paces in a lab stating he does not like to lose all of his friends little tricks didn't work nothing kills better than a pair of hands the man then turns showing that he's talking to doc ock looks like you're in luck then huh once Peter gets back home Peter wishes Aunt May a happy birthday and as she goes to on a wrapper gift she tells him that he didn't have to get her anything as she continues to unwrap it Peter asks if she remembers the first night that he stayed with her and Uncle Ben she says it was the night that they all camped out and slept in the living room and used Ben's camera for but she stops and looks at the photo of the three of them in Peter's pillow fort and she tells him this is a perfect present moving on to the next story being a hero is glamorous right people love you except where they don't because the newspaper tells everyone that you're not really a hero even after stopping a mugger in the street the victim takes his stuff back from Peter stating that he'll call the cops on him on spider-man maybe spider made you have a PR person or maybe just shout from the rooftop and his name is spider-man and he's here to help but a voice asks is that so because that's what it says in the back of the shield and Captain America grabs Peter by the shoulder cap tells him I've heard of you well this is my neighborhood and I was just down on a patrol you want to join me and Peter Parker tells him I'm sure I mean yes please so Captain America and spider-man go out helping the citizens of New York Peter begins to wonder why does everyone love this guy but as they finish they look out on the city and camp asks him why do you do it respectfully you're a kid shouldn't you be doing kid things Peter tries to come up with a witty remark but he ends up just telling him someone once told me that with great power comes great responsibility now I can help so I do or at least try to anyways good answer but as Peter begins to ask if he can ask a question his spider sense because to go off and he jumps up holding cat shield behind them aim agents start coming at them firing guns at the two of them doesn't take long for the two of them to knock out the game agents but cap begins to ask what's with the attack and the agent says that they're just the opening act Peter begins to say that he thinks the main attraction just arrived any chance that one of your villains is a giant floating head with itty bitty arms cap says I should have known one there's aim there's MODOK MODOK begins to fire a mental blast sending the two of them down into the warehouse below and Peter catches them with the web before hitting the floor he says the giant head is pretty mean cap says mean and brilliant but he's nothing with a little game of catch cap and Peter began to jump into combat kicking and taking out the ages and once they're done cap charges with his shield straight at MODOK and when he looks back he sees that all the agents already tied up detail spider-man not bad one shield comes by to pick up MODOK and the rest of aim cap begins to ask what was it you were gonna ask me Peter tells him I was gonna ask why do people love you so much but after today I can see why reputation comes and goes sometimes you're a good guy sometimes you're a bad guy but all that matters is what you do next Peter heads out thinking he's right he is Captain America he's always right and once he leaves agent coulson asks how did he do cap tells him Iron Man's assessment was spot-on the next day while cap goes out for his run he runs by a newsstand he notices the paper the headline asks his spider-man are really an agent of aim and it shows a picture of Peter with one of the aim agents a little while later cap goes to the bugle and he tells Jonah you would like to talk to him about spider-man he was with them yesterday and they took MODOK down together spider-man's not a menace I know what a menace looks like so later Peter begins to read the newly printed newspaper with the headline Captain America and spider-man saved the city from MODOK Peter looks over Jonah and he gives him the OK and Jonah just shuts his blinds with his newly shaped face Peter Parker's day began like any other go to school take a test help the fine people of the city as spider-man even though they still think he's weird sure he may have missed out on a chance to hang out with Gwen and flash after class but it's fine he has other things to do which sadly has nothing to do with Gwen and then he has to think about how he's just wasting his life that is until he sees the coolest thing ever a giant purple guy and a bunch of superheroes fighting against him who cares who that is it's time for the ultimate team-up just act natural talk less smile more even though the people can't see your smile underneath your mask but just as Peters about to leap into battle to join everyone he finds himself grabbed by the leg and slammed onto the rooftop scorpion then tells him tonight you die and Peter tells him huh no thank you Peter then says that he isn't sure if you noticed but there's a giant monster kind of destroying everything so maybe scorpion could try to murder him on another night after throwing scorpion into the wall Peter then wraps him up and pulls out his phone to call shield except to kind of forgot their number it's not 911 there is no quick shield number before a long scorpion breaks free from the webbing and he goes back to attacking but things are seeming a bit different about him he keeps shouting tonight he dies which isn't normal for mr. score Perino Peter manages did not score being back down again and he webs him up again and scorpion rips out again scorpion then fires a blast from his tail knocking Peter over the edge but before falling scorpion catches him and slams him back into the building soon the two of them fall down to the street and Peter tells him you know what tails are out this year any rip scorpions tail off scorpion shouts no but Peter tells him yes city webs him up with a third time scorpion then tells him please please get these voices out of my head Peter looks and sees a small metal pin on the back of his neck so he pulls him out however before Peter can look at it the pin selfish trucks which there's nothing very evil about not at all not even a little bit now with scorpion finally taken care of it's time to get to that giant crossover battle elsewhere though Doc Ock is watching along with a few other villains planning their next move back in the streets Peter jumps into action telling everyone all right that Calvary is oh come on the rest of the superheroes begin to leave after their victory and Ben Grimm says that if he really wants to help he can help clean up the mess the next day Peter heads back to school just like any other day assuming that things will probably be close to the same that is until Gwen asks Peter if he would like to go to the school dance with her and that concludes Spidey issue 11 now it's time for Spidey issue 12 with the sinister six shockingly enough for Peter he was having an amazing day Aunt May finally got a job working at a shelter and he's going to a dance with Gwen even J jonah Jameson liked to count him two of his pictures of spider-man even though they were still mostly garbage after getting ready Peter and Gwen head back to the dance and there's one thing that Peter wants to ask why him she's amazing smart funny badass and he's well Peter Parker she tells them that she's really not hearing the question and when is he gonna realize just how great he really is after the dance the two of them head to the all-night diner to get something to eat and Peter begins to think that nothing can ruin this amazing day until his spidey sense goes off Peter tells Gwen that it looks like it's getting late plus her dad's a cop so maybe she should head but she tells him that she knows they should call it a night she didn't thanks Peter for the perfect kiss and before Peter can question that she kisses him so yeah perfect day ruined by stupid spidey sense Peter shoots up and he begins to follow the cries for help until he finds a man tied to a chair he reaches out born but his hand passes through the man and that's it he notices that it's a hologram which is very cool but that also means Mysterio Mysterio fires a blast at Peter and then think it's a circle around him telling him that they have all missed him electro that appears shocking Peter and tells him that actually he didn't miss him at all and just as Peter webs his hands together vulture swoops in grabbing him by the shoulders vulture then flies up kicking Peter through a building and out the other side of it as he's falling Peter begins to think that hopefully there's something soft below him because right now he's feeling a bit semi-conscious right about and as he lands he's thankful that there is sand to stop him then he realizes sand in the middle of New York stopping his fall wait a second Sandman begins to rise and he punches Peter back down smashing him into the ground but instead of continuing his attack Sandman begins to fade back into his sand and next Kraven stands up from the sand Kraven hitch Peter with a barrage of punches and with one final kick he knocks him away and a voice then tells Peter that this is what he's wanted for so long him at his feet and the sinister six Boston and over him and Peter begins to wonder if this is it is this the end of his life and then he notices that his life isn't flashing before his eyes all Z ceases today the good and amazing perfect day that he had to dance of Gwen Jonah actually helping him out on may no he can't give up just yet and just as Doc Ock goes in first strike Peter manages to jump away and that he swings back in kicking everyone next see webs ahold of vulture and he slings him back into Sandman and that he finally grabs to doc Ock's arms and swings them back hitting him in the face after tying everyone up with the mechanical arms Peter tells them that this isn't the end for him though it might be the end for his costume the next morning Peter begins to think about how he got to where he is now bitten by a radioactive spider given great powers sometimes he doesn't win in fact more often than not he loses but he'll never give up why you ask because he's the amazing spider-man and there you have it a little bit shorter than our other full stories but hey it's done and you guys get to enjoy a little bit more spider-man action now if you want to get more spider-man stories in general read back to you make sure you subscribe to the channel so you can get yourself some spider-man action such as last stand or among dead men or hunted or spider-man teaming up with Miss Marvel or spider-gwen we do a lot of spider-man stuff here at the channel and we'd love to get to stick around and watch that with us so consider giving this video a subscription and hitting that little bell so you actually know when videos drop and if you want to get early access 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Channel: Comicstorian
Views: 295,283
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: comicstorian, comic books, dc, dc entertainment, marvel, storytelling, full story, dc universe, justice league, comic theories, avengers, superhero, injustice, miles morales, deadpool kills the marvel universe, batman, gwenpool, godspeed, doom patrol, marvel zombies, spider man
Id: e24P0h_Wm0o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 19sec (2119 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 01 2019
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