King Thanos Turned The Hulk Into A Pet

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King Thanos laughs in the face of Avengers and even Celestial Gods he in the Marvel Universe is what happens when Thanos wins fans of the MCU know that the Mad Titan Thanos is one of the most dangerous villains of all time but those big screen Adventures don't even scratch the surface of the power and Madness of the characters comic book Roots Thanos is more than a power hungry conqueror his Madness and drive for control stem from something much more bizarre and twisted than a quest for Universal balance that Obsession drove one alternate version of the purple Tyrant to rule over a Barren Wasteland this King Thanos gathered unfathomable power and wage destruction across the cosmos all to impress he's dearly beloved the living Avatar of death the birth of a Titan to understand what drove the ancient Thanos to total devastation we must first go back to the beginning some people believe that no child is born evil those people never met Thanos from the day he was born Thanos struck Terror into the hearts of anyone who looked upon him even his own mother looked into her child's eyes and was driven to Madness she named the boy Thanos a name she had never even heard before if you were to ask her where the name came from she would tell you that a cold wind whispered it into her ear she would also admit that Madness was the only response to staring into the eyes of a universal constant wouldn't anyone go mad if they gave birth to a god born a mutated deviant Thanos was gifted great power even from birth but no power was ever enough for him and he constantly sought more at age 12 he murdered his own mother and over the years increased his strength through bionic implants and Mystic Powers those Powers led him to incredible Feats like Gathering the infinity gems and wielding The Infinity Gauntlet with that power just like in the movies he destroyed half of all life in the universe and it was all in service to his beloved mistress death the one he devoted his entire life of Slaughter and chaos to Thanos has battled against the heroes of the Marvel Universe countless times in the main Marvel Universe the heroes always eventually came out on top but in one far-off future evil would Triumph Thanos wins in the present day a Restless Thanos arrived on chittori Prime Homeworld of the despotic chittori alien race on this planet the strongest ruled in a gladiator Stadium Thanos stood before a cheering crowd his great Golden Boot upon their fallen Leader's head he thought that conquering vegetari would be a challenge worth his time but he was disappointed as the being beneath his boot quivered in fear Thanos demanded to know this pathetic creature's King I am the king Lord Thanos the alien responded liar Thanos whispered vegetarian King began to beg but Thanos had had enough he squished the chittori skull beneath his foot Kings do not beg Thanos sneered the only thing Thanos respected with strength a king a real king had no power if he was so cowardly as to beg it's worth remembering that little detail as the crowd sheered Thanos by name the Titan felt no joy he had hoped for a challenge and found nothing but an empty Throne as he sat on his conquered seat the king's servant poked his head in with a request could Thanos possibly call off his allies attacking from the sky as blood started to rain down from the sky Thanos Grint could a worthy Challenger finally be approaching well we hope you're approaching the Subscribe button while we get to the good stuff far above the alien Homeworld a flaming figure swept through the chatari defenses including their massive Leviathan warships with a demonic cackling laugh a gun-toning figure with flaming chains and a super powered motorcycle tore through the atmosphere this was the cosmic Ghost Rider Herald and right hand of the final King a mysterious master who had sent him to fetch Thanos the spirit of Vengeance had come from the future to bring Thanos back with him unfortunately he was quite mad and could not stop talking which didn't make Thanos trust him very much believing the Ghost Rider had come as a messenger for the Demonic Mephisto Thanos blasted the rider away as the flame-headed psychopath chattered away but Thanos was not going to be able to defeat the ghost rider as easily as the chittori king in the blink of an eye Thanos was wrapped in the writer's flaming chains as the Titan looked on helplessly Ghostwriter explained in addition to the change forged from the bones of sidorak Ghostwriter had a piece of the time Stone which meant that before Thanos could fire any eye laser or throw a punch Ghost Rider could tie him up again with his prey tied to the back of his Interstellar Harley it was time for the rider to take Thanos on the ride of a lifetime with a fiery explosion the killers were gone leaving the chatari to side with relief oh thank God high in the stars above Ghost Rider's Cosmic cycle crackled with green energy soon time and space rushed by in a blur until they arrived back on Earth millions of years in the future ghost riders Screech to a halt while the chain Thanos flew forward and crashed into the ground now the purple conqueror was truly Furious as Ghost Rider walked away Thanos called after him face me you coward I will kill any who oppose me but Ghost Rider just ignored him and handed the time Stone back to a shadowy figure I am Thanos the Titan roared but the shadowy figure just laughed Thanos was ready for a fight but unfortunately as the mysterious voice explained there was no one left in this future to oppose him you've already won thanos's eyes widened in shock as he looked upon an ancient version of himself sitting on a throne in the jaws of Galactus and he hadn't even been seen the king's pet Hulk yet Thanos ascends despite his love and devotion for the Eternal figure of death she never came for Thanos no matter who we killed and he killed so many people it was his great tragedy to live forever and never be embraced by the only thing he had ever loved to prove himself worthy of death's attention Thanos spent Eon slaughtering all life in the universe most people would appreciate a nice bouquet of flowers or box of chocolates but death was a bit more complicated as Earth's Heroes Grew Older and weaker Thanos only grew in strength and power he America and even murdered the nearly all-powerful King Thor with a single energy blast not even the Avengers or the twisted and evil future version of the Hulk the Maestro could stand before him Thanos fought Thanos killed Thanos won and it wasn't just Heroes Galactus the world leader stood against Thanos leading a centuries-long war against total Annihilation at the world Leader's side was his Herald the cosmic Ghost Rider the last remaining inhabitant of the destroyed Earth this Ghost Rider who had gone as insane as Deadpool was the man formerly known as The Punisher Frank Castle Punisher joined the other Heroes of Earth in a final battle for the fate of the planet but is nothing but a normal human with a lot of guns he stood no chance while Thanos melted the Hulk's face tore Iron Man in two and blasted Spider-Man's a bit The Punisher lay discarded bleeding and dying from Fallen debris as he Lay Dying and staring up the Mad Titan slaughtering his Planet Frank Castle had one final thought I would give anything to punish that purple son of a and those words the devil mephist appeared to Frank Castle to offer a deal his soul for the chance to punish evildoers unfortunately for him when he returned to Earth there was no evil to punish Thanos was long gone and all life on the planet was dead and so the ghost writer spent Millennia alone an undead Specter slowly losing his mind until the day a wounded Galactus crashed into Earth Galactus arrived calling for help if anyone could stop Thanos it would be the heroes of this planet unfortunately the only person left to hear those calls was the Mana Ghost Rider after introducing himself and explaining how everyone was dead Ghostwriter just had one question for Galactus was this real because sometimes he gets confused Galactus are sure the spirit of Vengeance that he was real and that he could not stop Thanos alone so Castle had a brilliant idea he saw a chance to finally punish Thanos and offer Galactus his services and the Earth as a snack in exchange he would become galactus's Herald with the combined powers of hell and the power Cosmic the former Punisher may have enough power to take Thanos down one once and for all Galactus accepted and Frank Castle became the cosmic Ghost Rider the cackling space cycle riding demon years later the two made their final stand Galactus wielding a gun the size of a continent faced Thanos head-on but as he charged the tyrant's hands crackled with Violet energy in a single razor sharp beam of energy Thanos sliced galactus's head off his shoulder that left the cosmic Ghost Rider as the last opponent standing against the Mad Titan the Ghost Rider rushed it Thanos at full speed on his bike but the Titan reached out his fist and knocked the Demonic Punisher to the ground Thanos approached Ghost Rider with a proposition I have heard tell of you Ryder you defy death Thanos is intrigued you think I'm the worst thing out there I haven't even begun I cannot kill you you cannot defeat me but you come with me Ryder and at my side I will show you more evil than you can punish in a thousand lifetimes punish was the magic word for the man who was originally Frank Castle the writer shook hands with a Titan and with that castle had made his third deal with a devil from then until the end of time Ghost Rider fought at thanos's side laying waist to what remained of Cree Nation the mighty Tyrant Thanos was even able to defeat the celestials the omnipotent Cosmic beings atop a mountain of slain Gods like the Living Tribunal The Watcher and Galactus Thanos faced The Towering creators of the universe with a powerful blast that nearly destroyed an entire planet the celestials were vanquished and in all of what remained of creation there was only Thanos his enslaved pet Hulk his servant Ghost Rider and a single mysterious enemy who evaded the Titan's reach from the bones of the celestials and the skull of the world eater Thanos created his kingdom and awaited death but she would not come Thanos knew his mission was incomplete one more Must Die to be reunited with his beloved to do so would require help and there was only one person Thanos would ever turn to for help himself so the king sent Ghost Rider into the past to recruit his younger self against the Fallen one after Breaking Free of the Ghost Rider's chains the present-day Thanos lashed out in Fury first attacking King Thanos and then preparing to crush the Ghost Rider's head the writer claimed to be unkillable but Thanos decided to test that claim for himself as Thanos tightened his grip the king called out no please the word please coming from his own voice sickened the younger Thanos I need your help the king explained what could bring a version of himself so low as to say such a pathetic word it could not truly be his future self Thanos attacked the older type sending him crashing through the castle wall and slamming into the ground unleashing the full might of his cosmic energy the younger Thanos leapt through the air and Unleashed a rain of blows on his Elder who are you you wear that face in that title and yet the word please comes from your mouth you beg you are no king you are no Thanos despite the younger's Unleashed rage King Thanos was unharmed he raised his hand and blasted his younger self through the air and it barely took an effort to prove he truly was Thanos the king spoke their true name the name that only Thanos and his mother had ever heard Dione it was enough to convince him that he was looking at himself King Thanos extended a hand and explained he needed help bringing death back to him in the barren Wasteland the only thing that stood other than the King's Tower was a massive statue of their beloved King Thanos explained that even though he had given her everything death continued to ignore him that there was one being that eluded him a single final foe King Thanos had brought him to this desolated future to help him do that only then would Death be his the Fallen one the last Herald of Galactus was still out there and he was coming for the king it would be only a few hours before he arrived as the two versions of Thanos bickard The Herald announced his presence with a thunderous explosion That Shook thanos's Tower from high above came the man who was once known throughout the universe as the Silver Surfer but now he was as black as night and shimmering with Celestial light he had spent centuries training his strength and will to put an end to Thanos and extract a measure of Justice in addition to the power Cosmic and The Godly strength of Thor the Fallen one had another weapon at his disposal at his back was the full strength of the annihilation wave the horde of insectoid Destruction that had once raced Across the Universe wiping out civilizations and devastating worlds during the events of the annihilation War now they serve the Fallen one and all of their deadly strength was targeted at Thanos the Thanos is fought alongside the Ghost Rider in his Hellfire cutting through the waves of insects as the Fallen one attacked from the skies it even looked like the Titans might be in danger until the younger Thanos called upon Ghost Rider to unleash the full strength of his Hellfire the writer laughed you know I always forget I can do that stuff with a demonic war cry the writer let loose with the fury of an atomic bomb the force of which sent a mushroom cloud into the atmosphere back on the ground it seemed that nothing remained but the rider and his purple allies Can it have been this easy Thanos wondered to himself but Through the flames stepped the dark figure of the Fallen one who announced his survival with a powerful force of energy that brought down the King's throne room he looked down at the two Titans before him and gave a final warning I don't care how many of you there are this ends today Thanos it's long past time you answered for the many lives you have stolen the king spat back if the server had been able to kill him why hadn't he done it already why did he wait for so long but the Fallen one corrected the king he was not waiting he was working working toward the goal of becoming worthy his fingers crackled with electricity and a mysterious power toppled the statue of death with a crash of thunder and a blast of lightning mjolnir Thor's former Hammer flew into the Fallen one's grasp tragedy and heroism had forged the surfer into this new Godly form worthy of possessing the power of Thor in any other situation A Herald of Galactus with mjolnir might just be unstoppable but King Thanos made even this overpowered hero look like a chump King Thanos smirked and warned the surfer that he would kill him with that hammer but the Fallen one was not intimidated he Unleashed a furious barrage of lightning and Hammer blows upon the twin Titans and Ghost Rider the power of His Godly blows even brought down the King's Tower an unthinkable show of strength considering it was made from the bones of celestials he was even able to shatter the Ghost Riders armor and skull the Fallen one soon turned his attention to the younger Thanos mjolnir crackled with power but as his attention was diverted King Thanos pushed his demonic Twilight sword of serger through the Fallen one's back but merely stabbing his enemy was not enough he had a promise to keep King Thanos pummeled the Fallen one until his physical form could no longer contain the cosmic energies inside his body as the Fallen ones staggered to his feet King Thanos tossed his flaming sword to his younger self who swung and sliced off the arm holding yomir off of the Herald's body with a final brutal show of strength Thanos grabbed the Fallen one's head and jammed it down upon mjolner's handle thus did he fulfill his promise to kill the Fallen one with his own Hammer brutal and twisted thanos's favorite kind of punishment with the Fallen one vanquished a lone female figure approached in the distance dressed for a wedding the final enemy had been defeated but there was still something standing in the way of King Thanos in his reunion with death and it was the real reason that Thanos had been plucked out of time King thanos's power for all the strength that 616 Thanos possessed he was no match for King Thanos who had lived for millions of years as a younger man Thanos could match the strength of all the heroes of the Marvel Universe even without the Infinity Gauntlet his knowledge of magic and bionic implants he had given himself provided him with Incredible physical strength and the ability to manipulate energy into Blast from his hands or eyes but after years of battle and growth in knowledge of the Mystic and destructive Arts King Thanos was able to single-handedly murder all of the heroes on Earth and not only did he kill them he was able to do it with ease in the final battle he melted off Iron Man in half although Hulk eventually healed he was then enslaved tortured and kept as a pet in thanos's dungeons where he fed on the discarded meat of thanos's various enemies and even his former Friends King thanos's strength was so great that the green Goliath had long abandoned any hope of fighting his way free and knew that his strength was no match for Thanos Hulk had always prided himself on being the strongest one there is but now he was little more than a dog begging to be killed King thanos's Powers grew so great that he could destroy life on a planet with one attack with his power he was able to disintegrate the entire host of The Godly celestials Galactus one of the most powerful forces in creation was no match for the king and was beheaded in one blow Thanos also had access to the Infinity Stones offering a fragment of the time Stone to his servant Ghost Rider to send the Demonic creature into the past in addition to his strength and energy blast King Thanos wielded the Twilight sword of surter a flaming weapon once wielded by the fire demon serger using the Twilight sword Searcher nearly destroyed Asgard it was a blade that could melt and cut through nearly anything including Heralds of Galactus even the hyper-powered Silver Surfer amped Up by mysterious Cosmic Powers wielding Thor's hammer and backed by the entire Annihilation wave posed no real danger a feat even more impressive if you remember that this Annihilation wave had nearly destroyed the entire universe during the events of the cosmic epic Annihilation it seemed that no one could kill King Thanos which brings us to the real reason he brought his past self to the Future Thanos versus Thanos after battle with the Fallen one death had come draped in black and wearing a wedding veil but she stopped at the doorway of what remained of King thanos's Lair and stood silently watching the younger Thanos was Furious even here at the end of all things she could not embrace the only living being in the universe I grow tired of your games Thanos yelled what more do you want from me death smiled and Shrugged we have given you everything that you wanted there is nothing left to kill but then realization dawned upon the Mad Titan he turned to the king I have to kill you that's why you brought me here it was never to kill the surfer Thanos had given death everything else in creation but to truly be with her Thanos would have to die too yes the king explained but no one else was worthy of killing Thanos other than Thanos himself as he prepared for battle the Old King Thanos began to wax poetic looking back on his long life and how being with his younger self in these final days had renewed in him the spark of anger and hatred he had long let fate he prepared to give his younger self sagely wisdom but was interrupted by a blast of heat vision do you want to talk or do you want to die Thanos interrupted nobody knows better than a villain that bad guys just talked too much with that the Battle of Thanos vs Thanos began and it was a brutal fight laser beams crackled against each other heads were shoved into the ground and eyes were gouged as the battle raged on the younger Thanos Unleashed all of the anger and hatred he had ever felt toward himself on his elderly doppelganger so gruesome was the beating that not even death could bear to watch Thanos stopped to catch his breath and look down upon the king in the ruins of his empty Palace ever since he first laid eyes on his older self the young Thanos had thought of this moment the weak pathetic old man beaten and begging before him he wanted to savor the moment what are you waiting for King Thanos asked finish this kill me the young Thanos prepared to do just that but as he wrapped his hands around the king's throat the older Titan begged do it and this Thanos please that word again please no thought the young Thanos this man was now King Kings do not beg Thanos Took The Shard of the time stone that hung around the king's neck and prepared to abandon his older self he vowed to return to his time and change the future so that he would never become this version of himself but King Thanos warned him this is your fate you are seeing this is your end we cannot die do you know what that means king Thanos believe that this fate of being forever estranged from his one true love was inevitable but Thanos knew that he did not truly have the strength to overpower his future self so instead he would erase him entirely King Thanos watched as his younger self stepped through the emerald portal back to his time and then began to laugh finally he was alone with death but as she walked toward him King Thanos realized his story was ending and that he was undone death was not dressed for a wedding but a funeral with his history Rewritten King Thanos and his empty Kingdom faded into nothing leaving Death alone to mourn the once all-powerful conqueror of Creation in the end King Thanos could not die the only way to defeat him was to ensure he never existed at all he hoped that another version of himself could find a way but ultimately the only way to end his Reign was to make it so he never existed at all thank you so much for watching my name is Jack Stansbury thanks for watching plot armor comics and I hope you have a great day
Channel: Plot Armor Comics
Views: 1,714,305
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: old king thanos, thanos, avengers king thanos, king thanos, thanos wins, marvel comics, mad titan, king thanos vs thanos, thanos vs hulk, thanos vs king thanos, king thanos origin, king thanos powers, hulk vs thanos, old thanos, avengers vs king thanos, strongest thanos version, thanos pet hulk, thanos kills marvel universe, plot armor comics, plot armor comics thanos, king thanos explained, marvel, thanos vs avengers, hulk
Id: 7NDt10xOFOo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 29sec (1229 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 21 2023
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