Spider vs Spider Showdowns #1-5 | MONSTER BUG WARS

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what happens when a brown house spider and a red back spider live too close for comfort the neighborhood will never be the same this log has become a sort of bug housing estate residents common goal visitors drop by get eaten suburban life goes on sometimes you'll have several animals sitting in very close proximity to each other where it's a bit of a standoff I can kill you you can kill me who's gonna make the first move this red back is tolerating a neighboring Brown House spider they're actually biological cousins but keep to themselves even though it's hard to tell whose web is hoover's the red back has snared a beat ten times her own weight [Music] her web is one of the stickiest and strongest in the spider business if it was scaled up to the thickness of climbing rock it could snare a jumbo jet in flight next door a brown house spider has her hands full she's landed a super-sized meal with a dangerous kick [Music] like the read-back she combines a sticky web with fast breath it sets up trap lines in its lair once detected it'll drop down and attack with a barrage of silk her fangs are small and deliver powerful venom but this time she may have bitten off more than she can chew another neighbor a fellow brown house thinks the grasshopper is in her web it's a neighborhood dispute that's supposed to turn you've got spiders they're eating the same prey and are competing for food in a relatively small space and at some point these animals are gonna come in conflict neither brown house has any intention of backing down the neighbor moves first and starts a reppin frenzy not only has she lost her meal the original brown house is now losing her life as she's bound and gagged at her own dinner party a deadly bite seals the deal one Brown house fighter has just killed another one even though that the same animal but this is not unusual in nature fratricide or cannibalism is quite common just because we're related doesn't mean you're not denim but the neighborhood dispute is about to escalate as the red bag from next door joins the fray given that they're close to one another this faceoff is going to end in the death of one of these spiders but which one that's up to chance warring neighbors peaceful then a serial killer dives into a deadly trap [Music] [Music] inside a crowded log to brown house spiders went to war over dinner now one's a meal herself but hostilities aren't over yet a neighbor from across the street a red back has decided to join in a neighborhood fight is about to get even nastier on the world's stinkiest tightrope each spider tries to stay clear of the others spinning legs the first to start their wrap of death wins they're so evenly matched the tiniest false move will spell disaster [Music] the red back puts one foot raw stuck seizing her chance the brown house spins furiously wrapping her opponents legs the proud house fighters most deadly weapon is its ilk does his long combed legs that it can use to throw it forward like a deadly crochet with all her strength the red back can't break free she's cocooned alive [Music] the brown house fighters fangs are very small so it'll only bite once the prey is firmly secured with the silk the brown house has already had her appetizer the red back makes a tasty on trade now the neighborhood bruiser sits back and waits for dessert to come by when a wolf spider needs a Sydney funnel-web spider it's a deadly contest between the old and the new although there are almost 40,000 species of spider they come in two main categories modern or primitive like this Sydney funnel-web a dinosaur it's changed little over millions of years in terms of temperament the Sydney funnel webs are just ill-tempered cranky spiders it's the grumpy old man of the bug world it's still around today because it's a successful hunter and the key to its reign are these two of the biggest most powerful jaws in Spider land backed by super venom you don't survive for several hundred million years without being effective predators and being good at what you do so the funnel webs may not have many diverse behaviors but in fact what they do they do very well but there are downsides to being spider version 1.0 it can hardly see from its eight eyes its lumbering frame isn't very fast and its lungs are underdeveloped so it's exhausting quickly it mostly lies in wait in moist shady corners of the forest with a small web fun at the entrance what characterizes these webs is it has a narrow funnel or a narrow retreat that the spider lives in so it may have a hole in a log that's covered in silk and then it runs out from this retreat in order to capture prey but what happens when this prehistoric monster comes face-to-face with a modern-day warrior will the old still outgun the noon next the ultimate showdown where winner takes all [Music] in the world of monster bugs there are two types of spider modern and primitive this is spider version 1.0 the prehistoric Sydney funnel-web the Sydney funnel-web is not only a seriously cranky spider but they really tend not to back off they're really an ill-natured spider their fangs are oriented parallel to one another and so they strike down and the way the funnel web does this is it rears its carapace up and then strikes repeatedly down with enormous force the forces reputed to be sufficient to kill a mouse to crush a mouse skull this cricket came too close and the funnel webs caveman table manners make short work of any prey while it may be showing its age the funnel web is always ready to take on new comers this is spider version 2.0 evolving much later the modern wolf spider is faster stronger and loaded with stamina the wolf spider is so fast at speed it can covered two feet in a single second that would be the equivalent of me doing a hundred meter dash in one second with state-of-the-art eyes nothing escapes its attention the wolf spider has four large eyes on the top of its head but also has four smaller eyes coming across in a row in the front this gives it fantastic night vision and some of the best vision of any spider it lies in wait for a hapless victim like this cricket [Music] he is fast and powerful basically the cheetah of the spider world he hits his prey so fast and so hard they literally get bowled over sharp-eyed fleet-footed packing powerful venom the wolf spider is a major upgrade from its primitive cousin though it can out stalk and outrun any contemporary sometimes it has to face off with its prehistoric past and the test of evolution best defense is his ability to outrun or out-jump pretty much anyone although wolf spiders are faster wolf spiders have vision on their side I don't think we'll spiders are as intrinsically tough an ill-natured as a Sydney funnel-web is it's a full moon and the wolf spider is on the prowl night vision and advanced weaponry ready to go [Music] also on the offense a funnel-web its legs sensing the slightest movement on its trip lines [Music] the funnel webs will rear up and you can see venom dripping out of the tips of their fangs and they will stay in this position for 10-15 minutes ready to strike should the potential predator or prey come any closer [Music] the encounter quickly turns into a standoff as two killers close enough to touch way their next move it's a tricky standoff like two gun fighters waiting for the other one to flinch the funnel-web spider has bigger fangs but the wolf spider has two speed one thing is for certain the next moon will be fatal [Music] strikes first as the funnel webs massive jaws rip open the wolf spider venom floods in today old meets new ancient history wins the day although dinosaurs never made it to our present day it's a different story in the bug world here living history proves that new isn't always better when two bizarre spiders go into battle it'll be a bug fight with a difference one jumps the other spits for all its benign natural beauty the rainforest harbors some truly odd creatures the metallic green jumping spider looks like an eight-legged Disco Dancer but it's an agile spring-loaded killer jumping spiders typically make the largest leaps to get from one location to another when they're getting ready to attack they'll use much smaller leaps so they can aim with absolute precision and get the bite not perfect spot [Music] the jumping spider might be tiny from end to end no more than a thumbnail what it lacks in size it makes up for with sheer athletic ability and it's got something else brains jumping spiders display a level of awareness that is remarkable far beyond most other spiders or bugs they're intelligent and inquisitive but most remarkably they can adapt their hunting as the situation changes it has all the animal cunning of a jungle cat jumping spiders are sometimes referred to as eight-legged cats mostly because of their very large eyes but they're also very feline in their predatory behavior they'll stalk their prey they'll circle it they'll leap onto it and then bring it down with their fangs [Music] in the human world stalking is a crime [Music] in a bugs world it's a skill that puts food on the table but the jumping spider isn't the only clever predator in this jungle there's a serious rival the only creature on planet earth that spits deadly silk from its fangs the spitting spiders are generally pretty small shy spiders they've got six size which is relatively unusual and they've got an absolute unique weapon and that's the ability to spit silk they rear up they start vibrating their fangs and then ejecting silk out of their fangs it's really sticky it contracts and effectively just pins an insect or another spider down to the ground most spiders have silk glands in their abdomens but the spitting spider comes with reinforcements two extra glands and it's oversized head spitting spiders have modified their venom gland the front of the venom gland produces venom the same way in other spiders but the back end is modified so that it's producing a combination of glue and silky [Music] the deadly concoction is about to be unleashed on this unsuspecting cockroach so fast the human eye can barely see it the sticky silk shoots out and pins the cockroach to the bar it'll come in and stink the prey very rapidly and then back off and wait until the venom actually works on the road a cockroach isn't much of a full for a spitting spider it's just food but it's a different matter when the food can fight back [Music] in a bug world jungle to pocket-sized predators are on the prowl one an expert stalker able to launch itself at an enemy like a jungle cat the other armed with an assault weapon straight from science fiction that spit deadly silk with pinpoint accuracy the spitting spider is able to shoot gluey spit out of its fangs at incredible speeds that rapidly pins down its prey it's just a matter of time before the Predators cross paths and cross swords like a leopard the jumping spider has stored its victim silently relentlessly it leaves at the spitting spica the jumping spider has made a mistake here it has lost that advantage of surprise the spitting spider has all of the advantage the spitting spider takes a shot it goes wide but some of the sticky silk clips the jumping spiders leg and the spitting spider fires off another round only in slow motion can the airborne mass of sticky silk be seen as the jumping spider is glued flat in the fork of a branch the spitting spider comes in to administer the kill shot [Music] this just shows how important it is to get it right the first time if you don't there's a really good chance you won't be around to fight another day the jumping spider will never jump again as its insides are sucked out all that remains is the solitary reminder to look before you leave what happens when a white-tailed spider meets the shadow world's seller spider someone will disturb the peace meet the seller spider it's thin pole like limbs make it look somewhat fragile even weak but nothing is further from the truth the seller spiders are actually pretty good at killing other spiders they don't necessarily specialize on killing other spiders but they're really good at it when they get the chance from their hidden vantage points they pick off passing prey small or large it makes no difference and those spindly legs with their multiple sections have the clearance of a monster-truck and are is nimble as high-speed knitting needles their legs are long and lean and effective for keeping everything at arm's length they can immobilize rivals from a safe distance by wrapping them in silk before moving in for the kill their fangs are tiny but packed mean venom [Music] elsewhere on the rocky outcrop another spider prepares for action compared to the cellar spider she's a bruiser the white-tailed spider the whitetail spider is a wandering assassin this deadly stalker lurks in the shadows the whitetail is a master spider killer [Music] she's three times the weight of the seller spider in Spider land she's a super heavyweight fighter even a night stalking commando like the wolf spider can be overpowered in an instant whitetail spiders main weapon is surprise it rushes out of the shadows to deliver a fatal bite the whitetail pumps digestive juices through her victims then sucks them dry few spiders walk away from the whitetail what a delicate seller spider take on a super heavyweight you'd be surprised I don't think the whitetail has a chance next weaving a web of destruction [Music] [Music] these are the Shadowlands of the bug world hidden places where dirty deeds are done under cover of darkness this white-tailed spider is looking for an easy kill she's checking out a rock ledge that happens to me a seller spiders whole and the delicate homeowner will defend its territory to the death no matter how huge the invader the seller spider starts a war dance one of the things that cellar spiders do to avoid being attacked by predators is they swirl on their legs another thing that they might do is pump up and down and they disappear because they're moving so fast they become invisible the whitetail isn't so easily fooled she holds her ground conflict is inevitable for the whitetail spider it's all about getting the first bite in but the seller spider moves first it flicks the whitetail onto its way the whitetail tries to regain its footing but the seller spider goes into silk spinning overdrive from a safe distance it's legs less oh the whitetails six times every second but the white tail is strong she keeps breaking free Celer spiders silk isn't the strongest nor stickiest in the spider world but there's a lot of it and every throw comes hundreds of silk ropes entangle the white tail in a desperate last effort she tries to slash her way to freedom with her huge fangs the white tail spider will use its fangs to cut through the silk if it can get out it'll run for its life but the seller spider counters hoisting her victim higher it's spinning too much silk and the white tails jaws may not be enough thousands of silk ropes finally immobilize the white tail enough for the seller spider to move in for the kill it delivers its deadly payload and leaves the venom to do its work our delicate spinner outguns a big brute and the Shadowlands are quiet once more but they won't be for long [Music] when to predatory jumping spiders come face-to-face which one will have the jump on the other in the Battle of the leaping assassins the long Jorge jumping spider is armed to the teeth the long jaw jumping spider is in many regards a fairly typical jumping spider but what makes these spiders unusual is that they've got these incredibly long thick jalisa with long things that are almost half its body length some spider fangs are barely visible not leaves these have a potential to be really good weapons that's bad news for all kinds of prey not only that but you can't sneak past a killer whose eyes are everywhere jumping spiders have incredible vision they've moved a number of the eyes back on their carapace so that effectively jumping spiders have 360 degree vision those two huge eyes front and center sense contrast colors even ultraviolet light this smaller spider is already a marked bug but the long jaw jumping spider needs all of its visual acuity to make the kill if you're jumping long distances you need to have good depth perception so you actually land on your prey and effectively catch it death comes in an instant as those elongated fangs skewer the prey which brings and bran the long jog jumping spider is more than a match for most bugs its size but how will it fare when its opponent shares exactly the same talents now the issue here is that we've got jumping spider against jumping spider the green jumping spider has all the skills and all the smarts of the long jaw in the eyes of some she's also the super model of the spider world [Music] [Applause] [Music] that green jumping spider is absolutely gorgeous and big in the miniscule world of jumping spiders big is a relative term the body is compact and the legs short the perfect build for a spider that leaps onto its prey when it comes to jumping these guys are in a class of their own they can launch themselves an amazing 20 times their own body length astounding [Music] more often than not the jump is a winner this time the prey is a fly also renowned for its speed and it's wide field of vision the green jumping spider measures the distance the key to the kill is securing the victim as quickly as possible the two front pair of legs are quite well-developed and they have these large spine like hairs on them it's like nature gave them a cute little face but then gave them these mean legs to give a little bit of street cred when you encounter spider beauty like this you can guarantee the outcome won't be pretty both of them have same capabilities they start the long shot spider has much much longer fangs than the other spider on the other hand the green jumping spider has size and power to its advantage so in this case it really is who has the element of surprise next jumping assassins bite the ultimate Google then to Huntsman faceoff in the forest [Music] [Music] when two species of jumping spider target each other it's anyone's guess as to which one will lose and which one will have to leap again it's a close match a long shot might have bigger fangs but you know size isn't everything then again sheer body bulk might win the day both the spiders have fairly similar intellectual and visual capabilities but one has a huge size advantage the larger green jumping spider makes the first move [Music] it's a Mexican standoff who will blink first the long job is safe but the green beauty isn't giving up the key in this entire battle is whoever catches the other spider first is going to win she stalks her opponent [Music] and scores a direct hit her fangs might be smelled but they drip with deadly them these guys have a really fast acting venom the long jaws legs have already started to curl up a sure sign that's about to person to use by date as the long jaw discovered to his dismay the supermodel is more than just a pretty face looks can kill
Channel: Monster Bug Wars - Official Channel
Views: 4,691,511
Rating: 4.634891 out of 5
Keywords: jumping spider, spitting spider, white tail spider, fangs, Green Jumping Spider, sydney funnel web, peterson, cellar spider, legs, wolf spider, coyote, arachnid, brown house spider, Long Jawed Jumping Spider, funnel web, redback spider, whitetail spider, Brave Wilderness, web, Coyote Peterson, venom, monster bug wars, spider fights to the death, bug fights, bug vs bug, tarantula vs tarantula
Id: 1MoKmY-jofw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 32sec (2252 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 22 2017
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