MONSTER BUG WARS | Blood on the Forest Floor | S2E2

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The bug world is not for the feet-hearted. From the shadows, assassins strike without warning. They're fast and they're deadly. You can be impaled, clubbed or torn limb from limb. It's no exaggeration beside that, this is the insect equivalent of sharp jaws. Death can be instant or drawn out. But it's coming. (Music) The bug world is full of spies. With a license to kill. In this deadly game of high sticks espionage, any branch or leaf might be. Bug. When a hooded mantis and the Brazilian wandering spider go for the jug-killer. It's all cloak and dagger. In the jungles of Central America, some of the deadliest predators are masters of the skies. From above or behind, the hooded mantis looks just like a leaf but if you're a prey and it's whirring above you, about ready to strike, it looks more like a king cobra, and its bite is just as deadly. Not only is it invisible, the hooded mantis makes other bugs disappear. Like all good spies, the hooded mantis excelles and surveillance. Two huge compound eyes, if the mantis stirious scopic vision and excellent view to a kill. It also deploys two extra long antennae, each lined with tens of thousands of highly sensitive kilo receptors. Free of debris, they pick up the fatest and the transmission. The antennae are consolated detecting chemical and physical information especially when the mantis is sizing up an opponent or prey. This is particularly important when it reaches that stage for the mantis can't risk taking her eyes off the opponent in case they suddenly launch an attack them their own.
Channel: Monster Bug Wars - Official Channel
Views: 1,773,501
Rating: 4.7449245 out of 5
Keywords: fight, watch, huge, 自然传奇, documentary on bugs, Velvet worm, Bagu, 戦争Sensō, バグの戦い, no, 昆虫, ants, Spider (Animal), free, Army ants, netflix, Red forest scorpion, Brazilian wandering spider, Black-faced katydid, full, white, Brave, AntsCanada, bug, stream, Hooded mantis, monster, Amblypygid, download, Wilderness, Science, fighting, online, クモ, Konchū, attack, scary, Channel, bites, Harvestman, tatakai, tail, Rainforest land crab, spiders, insects, episodes, widow, funnel, fights, wars, web, Kumo, Black jungle stalker
Id: rCxreB7pBj4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 28sec (2608 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 02 2015
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