Best Centipede Showdowns | MONSTER BUG WARS
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Channel: Monster Bug Wars - Official Channel
Views: 9,014,871
Rating: 4.5580182 out of 5
Keywords: centipede, fangs, scorpion, venomous, web, spider, peterson, versus, battle, monster bug wars, poison, coyote, poisonous, attack, venom, Coyote Peterson, Brave Wilderness, bite, fight, beetle, giant, real, shocking, nature, Breaking Trail, animals, snapping turtles, swamp animals, reptiles, amphibians, kids, snakes, bears, creatures, kids education, animal education, zoology, Ohio, alligators, backyard animals, adventure, wild animals, animal, bravewilderness, 🐛🐛🐛🐛, bug wars full episodes, insect wars, bug, bugs
Id: qZasE8oyFfA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 47sec (2807 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 16 2017
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